Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps doxycycline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

"S" - Medical Science:

D I A G N O S I S O F F E L I N E L O W E R U R I N A R Y T R A C T D I S E A S E ( F L U T D ) DIAGNOSTICS: ■ Obtain history■ Perform physical exam, complete urinalysis1 and serum chemistry panel■ If UTI, obtain urine culture and sensitivity (MIC if possible)■ Perform radiography2 and contrast studies Urolith(s)/crystalluria detected? Unknown or mixed composition Calciu


HUMAN ERROR: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSING BLAME Kenneth R. Laughery Rice University Houston, Texas, USA HUMAN ERROR: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSING BLAME Kenneth R. Laughery INTRODUCTION During the last 23 years of my career as a university professor, I have had an opportunity to spend some of my time as a consultant

Minutes of the

MINUTES OF THE FOURTH FIRE TECHNICAL COUNCIL MEETING OF 2010 LOCATION: PRESENT: Ken Knox, Vice Chair South Randy Brown Sarah Curl Ron Foxcroft Bob Galloway Dale Miller Ron Schaller Gerry Baron, Safety Codes Council Kevan Jess, Chief Fire Administrator REGRETS: Ron Robinson, Chair Michael Cham Keven Lefebvre, Vice Chair North Jodi Nypuik Ian Sterling Michael

Microsoft word - smokeless tobacco statement.doc

1. Evidence exists now for its harm. A research team, led by Dr Paolo Boffetta at International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, analysed the results of 11 studies carried out in Sweden and North America on the use of smokeless tobacco products and the risk of developing or dying from a heart attack or stroke [BMJ]. They found a small increased risk of death from a heart attack or strok

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Stichwort-Liste: Nerven und Sehsinn Zeichnung: Nervenzelle Zellkörper (Soma), Dendriten, Axon, SchwannscheZelle, Myelin, Ranviersche Schnürringe, Axonhügel, Synapse, synaptische Bläschen, Mitochondrien, Kern, prä- und postsynaptische Membran, synaptischer Spalt, Größenverhältnisse Aufbau eines Ruhepotenzials: Ionenverhältnisse innen/außen; Membran-Durchlässigkeit Kali


<< Return to Quick and dirty polls need vetting, big research firms say Quick and dirty polls need vetting, big research firms say Marc Iskowitz August 17 2007 Online polls are increasingly playing foil to traditional marketing research. Just ask Daniel Palestrant, MD. One recent morning the FDA issued warnings on a popular class of medicines. The CEO and founder of an online co

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Estate 2005: Siberia centro-orientale I numeri del viaggio: Milano-Mosca (aereo) km 2700 Mosca-Khabarovsk (aereo) km 8520 Khabarovsk-Seryshevo (treno) km 680 Seryshevo-Sivaki (treno) km 150 Sivaki-Neryungri (treno) km 550 Neryungri-Yakutsk (pulmino) km 770 Yakutsk-Neryungri (pulmino) km 770 Neryungri-Khabarovsk (treno) km 1300 Khabarovsk-Mosca (aereo) km 8520 Mosca-Milano (aereo) km 2700 Totale: 2

Sbm074 1.20

Schizophrenia Bulletin Advance Access published July 7, 2007 Schizophrenia Bulletindoi:10.1093/schbul/sbm074Molecular Targets for Treating Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophreniasymptoms have been effectively treated.3 Indeed, a meta-analysis of cognitive deficits suggested that indices of cog-Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Fran-cisco, CA; 3Department of Pharmacolog

Ponencia obstétrica: pérdidas embriofetales de repetición Evacuación uterina en la muerte fetal del 2º y 3er trimestre A. González González, E. Cabrillo Rodriruez, F. Magdaleno Dans Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil La Paz. Madrid. Universidad Autónoma INTRODUCCIÓN las tres está libre de efectos colaterales. Las complicaciones habi-das con la administración de PGF han sido


Revista Iberoamericana 21.2 (2010): 207-225. Coordenadas para una ubicación de laobra de Emilio Carballido: de la escrituraa la promoción, de la novela al drama,de breves a extensos formatos. , Hugo Salcedo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Salcedo, Hugo (2010), Coordenadas para una ubicación de la obra deEmilio Carballido: de la escritura a la promoción, de la novela al drama, de

Material Safety Data Sheet SPA WORLD LITHIUM SANITIZER 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Name Company Name POOL & SPA POPPITS PTY. LTD. (ABN 53 569 007 940) Emergency Tel. Telephone/Fax Recommended Use Used as a sanitising agent in swimming pools. 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification DANGEROUS GOODS. Hazard classification according to


13. Identification of various electrochemical processes in the Ruthenium complexes with a redox-active ligand by in situ spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory Tomohiko Hamaguchi, Yoshiki Kurashige, Isao Ando* Inorg. Chim. Acta , 2013 , xx , xxx-xxx ( 12. Effect of ligand basicity on electrochemically induced linkage isomer

South Oxfordshire Riding Club Open Show Sunday 26/6/2011 Class 1 Mini Jumping: 1st Alice Beauchamp (Rayio Heartbreaker), 2nd Judith Millward (Chicnoir Roerie), 3rd Sarah Robertson - SORC (First Vintage), 4th J Smeeton (Harley), 5th Katie Kennett - SORC (As Sweet As Honey), 6th G Sinclair (Bethany), 7th Josh Simons (Nanna Moon), 8th Katy Jones (Jasper), 9th Linda Shortt - SORC (Samars's

The effect of insulin detemir in combination with liraglutide and metformincompared to liraglutide and metformin in subjects with type 2 diabetesThis trial is conducted in Europe and North America. The aim of this clinical trial is to assess and compare the effect of insulindetemir in combination with liraglutide and metformin versus liraglutide andmetformin in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Microsoft word - traditional_and_postmodern_spritualities.doc

Traditional and Postmodern Spiritualities: Strangers, Rivals or Partners? Within a rather short time period a huge change has taken place: spirituality has garnered much attention not only on the practical level but has also become interesting to scholars from very different fields: theology, philosophy, sociology, educational sciences, and even para-sciences. As a result, we encounter today

Gebruiksaanwijzing poultry scan tqm testen

POULTRY, MEAT, FISH AND EGG SCAN Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry for the treatment and prevention of diseases. To avoid undesired residues of these substances in edible tissues, maximum residue limits (MRL’s) have been established in the EU. Products produced in the EU have to fulfill these residue requirements. Self- monitoring by the meat-industry, farmers and retailers is an

Microsoft word - 1999hb-05950-r000159-fc.doc

House of Representatives File No. 159 January Session, 1999 House of Representatives, April 7, 1999 The Committee on Insurance and Real Estate reported throughREP. AMANN of the 118th Dist., Chairperson of theCommittee on the part of the House, that the substitute billought to pass. An Act Requiring Health Insurers to Cover Prescription Birth Control. Be it enacted by the Senate an

Ii jornades de soller.pdf

ELS TOPÒNIMS DEL CADASTRE DE RÚSTICA DE 1964 Plàcid Pérez Pastor / Lluc Coll Bernat*Es coneix amb el nom de Cadastre un seguit de documents que tenen per objectiuel control de la riquesa agrícola per part de l’Estat, amb finalitats fiscals. Consisteix en unconjunt de plànols on es localitzen totes les propietats agrícoles d’un municipi, que escomplementen amb una relació indi



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Sophiahemmet Högskola Kumlin, Maria Higashi, A., Kumlin, M., Higashi, N., Daham, K., Gaber, F., Lindeberg, A., … Dahlén, B. (in press). Challenge of isolated sputum cells supports in vivo origin of intolerance reaction to aspirin/non- steroidal antiinflammatory drugs in asthma. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 158 (3), 299-306. Gaber, F., Daham, K., Higashi, A., Hi

Ucsd medical center

FILE: Trauma Handbook/ stress ulcer prophylaxis UCSD MEDICAL CENTER ADULT AND PEDIATRIC GUIDELINES FOR USE OF STRESS ULCER PROPHYLAXIS* *Developed by the Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Process Action Team Based on clinical studies, the indications for stress ulcer prophylaxis will be graded according to the following scale: Convincing evidence, indicated Some evidence, probably ind


THE VALHEIL WORLD SEBASTIAN HAYES SchoolPlay Productions Ltd 15 Inglis Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 3HU This play is fully protected by copyright. It is an infringement of the copyright to give any public performance or reading of this play in its entirety or in the form of excerpts without the prior consent in writing No part of this publication m

Confidential internal document pursuant to ors 4

CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO ORS 41.675 This document, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by e-mail or telephone and destroy all copies of the d

Le tableau 1 résume les anomalies que l’on Le syndrome de Moebius – peut rencontrer en cas de syndrome de Moebius. Une vie sans sourire Giorgio C. La Scala, Genève Le syndrome de Moebius ne s’aggrave pas avec la croissance, mais puisqu’il est impos-Le visage peut être considéré comme notre Le syndrome de Moebius peut être causé sible de le traiter étiologiquement,


Publicação Bimestral • JULHO - AGOSTO 2004 • Nº 12Momento requer uma análise transparente do sistema suplementarOsistema suplementar gera uma eco- postura de confronto em relação às operado- pulação. Artigos analisando a questão fo-ras de planos de saúde, exacerbada nos mesesram encaminhados aos jornais Gazeta Mer- de julho e agosto por conta das questões en- cantil ,

Microsoft word - trabajos de cada tesis

Tesis Dra. Aranzazu González Canga: 1. Intravenous pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in sheep and goats. González A, García JJ, Sierra M, Fernández N, Castro LJ, Sahagún A. Meth Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2004:26;127. 2. Subcutaneous bioavailability of a new commercial formulation of ivermectin in goats. González A, García JJ, Diez MJ, Castro LJ, Sierra M, Sahagún A. Meth Find Exp Clin Ph


SINF@RMA - LA NEWSLETTER DELLA VOSTRA COOPERATIVA SINF@RMA è lo strumento di Sinfarma nato per informarti e tenerti Editoriale a cura di M. Bisozzi Rottamazione del SSN, una beffa per il cittadino, forse un'opportunità per il farmacista Su molto si può – direi si deve - criticare il premier Monti, ma certo non sulla mancanza di chiarezza tombale. E’ stato messo lì

Pliva au pied du mur

Historique Stratégique Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington, Frédéric Fréry La capacité stratégique Etude de cas : Pliva au pied du mur Pliva, un laboratoire pharmaceutique croate fondé en 1921 et traditionnellement cantonné au rôle de distributeur régional, manifesta des ambitions globales à partir de la fin des années 1990. Principalement implanté en E

Addendum 1 08-30.doc

The School District of St. Lucie County SUPERINTENDENT 329 N.W. Commerce Park Drive Port St. Lucie FL 34986 Voice – (772)336-6980 Fax – (772)336-6985 Date: 4/8/08 ADDENDUM NO. 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO . 08-30 TITLE: Administrative Services Only (ASO) for Self Funded Medical and Fully Insured Medical and Dental SCHEDULED OPENING DATE: ISSUED BY : Allen Lee, Pur

Nikotinersatz und Verhaltenstraining helfen beim Tabak-Entzug VON ANDREA EPPNER Es ist ganz leicht, sich das Rauchen abzugewöhnen. Ich habe es schon hundert Mal geschafft." In dem bekannten Witz steckt viel Wahrheit. Wer das Rauchen aufgeben will, hat Mühe, sich gegen festgefahrenes Verhalten zu wehren: Wird es im Job stressig, greift man nervös zu einer beruhigenden Zigarette.


NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA In addition to the typical motor symptoms (resting tremor, cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia, postural instability)of Parkinson’s disease (PD), non-motor symptoms are sources of considerable burden in peop

IBEW NECA Sound and Communications Trust Fund Health Reimbursement Account (HRA): What’s Eligible? The IRS defines eligible health care expenses as amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of a disease, and for treatments affecting any part or function of the body. The expenses must be primarily to alleviate a physical or mental condition or illness. This list is not

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_____________________________R E V I S T A U N I N G Á ______________________________ Perfil das gestantes adolescentes na assistência ao pré-natal na clinica materno infantil em Sarandi - PR Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer o perfil das gestantes adolescentes em consulta de enfermagem, ao primeiro atendimento da assistência ao Pré-natal na Clínica Materno Infantil

See corresponding editorial on page 733. The effect of soy protein and soy isoflavones on calciummetabolism in postmenopausal women: a randomized crossoverstudy1–3 Lisa A Spence, Elaine R Lipscomb, Jo Cadogan, Berdine Martin, Meryl E Wastney, Munro Peacock, andConnie M Weaver ABSTRACT established osteopenia. Moreover, soy protein had no effect on Background: Evidence suggests that so

san angeles saluki club, inc. President: Jane Taylor Vice President: Cathy Chapman Secretary: Terry Saunders Treasurer: Jackie Wassenaar Board of Directors: Patrick Garcia, Jane Hepburn, Arnett Taylor, Ron Wassenaar, Verial Whitten General Membership Meeting The members present voted to keep the April June 1, 2013 Specialty the day before the Western Hound s

Feeste in die Ou Testament, en hul invloed in die Nuwe-Testamentiese tyd§ God vorm die sentrum (allerheiligste in § Feeste verbind die groot dade van God in die verlede met die ervaring van die hede, en die hoop vir die toekoms§ Feeste weerspieël iets van die tydloosheid Feesgeleentheid Die uittog as simbool van die verhouding tussen God en Israel uitgedruk in beelde van liefde en die

Substance misuse in patients with schizophrenia: a primary care guide THE VAST MAJORITY of people with schizophrenia misuse substances, but this comorbidity is frequently under-recog- nised and poorly addressed. Between 60% and 90% of■ Smoking presents a substantial health and economic burden people with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes,1 which has a■ Comorbid use of other substances is co

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The case of the painful hands It was part of his employment conditions. He could have as much free fizzy drinks as he wanted for himself and his family. At the factory where he worked, massive quantities of this popular brew left the premises in huge delivery trucks. Destinations? As many outlets as possible. The workers at this plant were encouraged to be the greatest fans and consu

Microsoft word - high cost framework - final.doc

ETHICAL AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS INFORMING BEST PRACTICE ON HIGH COST TREATMENTS On 18th November 2008, the Specialised Healthcare Al iance1 held a conference on high cost treatments. This looked at the pressures on the NHS in its provision of such treatments and the consequences for patients. Presentations and discussion covered the ethical and clinical concerns around patient care, the

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Persoonlijk Naam : Speksnijder, Jan Hendrik Roepnaam Geboortedatum : 11 oktober 1968 : Lingedijk 137 4191 VD, Geldermalsen Telefoon : 0345 – 511613 (privé) : [email protected] : Burgerlijke staat : gehuwd, 1 dochter Nationaliteit : Nederlandse Militaire dienst : buitengewoon dienstplichtig

Microsoft word - life sciences paper 1 memorandum _web_.doc

LIFE SCIENCES PAPER MEMORANDUM 1 Tissues, cells & molecular studies and Life Systems SECTION A: QUESTION 1 1.1.1 C 1.1.2 D √√ 1.1.3 A √√ 1.1.4 A √√ 1.1.5 C √√ 1.2.4 bivalent or homologous chromosomes √ 1.2.5 amniocentesis 1.3.3 B √ 1.3.4 A √ 1.3.5 D √ 1.4.1 C,E, D, B, F, A √ mark each 1.4.2 crossing over increases variation √

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Plasmocin™ For treatment and prevention of Mycoplasma contamination of cel culture PRODUCT INFORMATION In contrast to most anti-Mycoplasma compounds that act solely in Content: vitro , Plasmocin™ is active on Mycoplasma present in cel culture Plasmocin™ is supplied as 1 ml tubes containing a sterile, yel ow medium, and on intracel ular Mycoplasma found in some specialized


Deutscher Schachbund engagiert sich gegen Doping vergewissern, dass jedes Medikament, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder sonstige Präparate, die Sieeinnehmen, keine verbotenen Substanzen enthält. Im Serviceteil dieser Broschüre finden Sie auf denSeiten 18 und 19 einige Beispiele für verbotene und erlaubte Medikamente. Auf der Hauptausschusssitzung des Deutschen Schachbundes in Dresden am 22.


General Terms and Conditions of the Online Shop Please read these General Terms & Conditions careful y before agreeing to be bound by them. If you do not agree to be bound by the General Terms & Conditions, do not access or use this website. This website is provided by Swiss Wineyeast GmbH. Al products and services provided to our customers via this online shop a

Pe342 itb pump implant

Pump Implant How long will the surgery take? The surgery takes about 2 hours. Adding time for anesthesia and recovery, you may be waiting for about 3 to 3-½ hours. How long will my child be in the hospital? Your child will be in the hospital anywhere from 3 to 10 days after surgery. Recovery from surgery is expected quickly (within a few days) but we will be watching for any adverse

Stiff-Person Syndrome Following West Nile Fever Sharon Hassin-Baer, MD; Eilon D. Kirson, MD, PhD; Lester Shulman, PhD; Aron S. Buchman, MD; Hanna Bin, PhD;Musa Hindiyeh, PhD; Lea Markevich; Ella Mendelson, PhD Background: Stiff-person syndrome is a rare autoim- Result: The search revealed a stretch of 12 amino acids mune disorder associated with antibodies against glu-in the NS1 protei

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Press Release Chur/Altenrhein, 14/10/2009 "ALLEGRA": The first new RhB multiple unit train rolls out of the factory – A huge leap forwards for RhB customers October 14 2009 will go down as a milestone date in the history of Rhätische Bahn (RhB), as this was the day when the first of 15 new "ALLEGRA" series dual-voltage multiple unit trains left the Stadl

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Onderzoeksgroep Ontwikkelingsstoornissen In de loop van 2005-2006 ondersteunde Sig een onderzoek in het UZ Gent. Het doel was na te gaan wat het effect is van Atomoxetine (Strattera ®) op het gedrag en een aantal cognitieve functies van kinderen met ADHD, kinderen met dyslexie, en kinderen met ADHD+dyslexie. Hierbij willen we u graag op de hoogte stellen van de belangrijkste resultaten. Opzet va

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Spring Lake Park City Council was held on September 16, 2013 at the Spring Lake Park Community Center, 1301 81st Avenue N. E., at 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order Mayor Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call Members Present: Councilmembers Mason, Nash, Nelson, Raymond and Mayor Hansen Building Offici

Office of the Minister of State Services Chair Cabinet Committee on State Sector Reform and Expenditure Control Future monitoring of the Accident Compensation Corporation and Housing New Zealand Corporation Proposal This paper outlines a recent decision by relevant Ministers to transfer monitoring of the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC)

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Patient Information Department of Urology Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Lifestyle Advice, Bladder Training and Pelvic Floor Exercises Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) include the need to pass water very frequently (frequency) and without much warning (urgency), associated with leakage of urine (urge incontinence); not being able to start to pass urine immediately (hesitancy), and

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Projects & Ideas for Elementary School Projects Experiments Magnetic and nonmagnetic materialsWhich magnet is strongest?Which materials conduct electricity best?Which materials conduct heat best?Sounds from different rubber bands (or glasses of water)Which toy car rolls furthest?Which materials dissolve in water?Which paper towel absorbs the most water?Will an ice cube melt faster when c

Ejn_6201 2466.2472

European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 27, pp. 2466–2472, 2008Augmented brain 5-HT crosses the blood–brain barrierthrough the 5-HT transporter in ratYasushi Nakatani, Ikuko Sato-Suzuki, Naohisa Tsujino, Akane Nakasato, Yoshinari Seki, Masaki Fumotoand Hideho AritaDepartment of Physiology, Toho University School of Medicine, 5-21-16, Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143–8540, JapanKeywords: bloo

All about fresh garlic

All about Fresh Garlic Garlic Chemistry Garlic contains many compounds that individually possess a wide range of beneficial effects. One of the most biologically active is allicin, which also provides garlic's distinct odor. However, allicin itself is not present in an intact garlic clove. It is formed when a clove is crushed, releasing the precursor alliin and the enzyme allinase, which

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Urgent: Medical Device Correction Important Clinical Information about Pocket Fills SynchroMed® II and SynchroMed EL Implantable Drug Pumps Dear Healthcare Professional: This letter provides important reminders concerning the potential for a pocket fill during a SynchroMed® II or SynchroMed EL implantable drug pump refill procedure, and important patient management recommendations th

(1) (2.5 marks) The weight (pounds) of n = 8 female wolves captured in theYukon-Charley National Reserve are {57, 84, 90, 71, 77, 68, 73, 72}. As-suming that the weight distribuiton of female wolves is normally distributedconstruct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. (2) (3 marks) The weekly demand for the common antibiotic Amoxicillin (in1000’s of pills) at a pharmacy is a ran

2004 APICS Programming Contest The 2004 Atlantic Canada programming Contest was held at University New Brunswick St John Friday Oct 15 2004. There were 22 teams of three students from 10 universities in the four Atlantic provinces of Canada. Each team of 3 students was given 6 problems to try to solve in 5 hours using one computer following the rules for the ACM programming contests. c. Mini

Sffa höstmeddelande 2003

SVENSKA FÖRENINGEN FÖR ALLERGOLOGI Svenska Läkaresällskapets sektion för allergiforskning Swedish Association for Allergology Vintermeddelande mars 2005 Kära vänner och föreningsmedlemmar! Vintermeddelandet innehåller information om följande: - Från ordförande - Aktuell information om specifik immunterapi - Förslag om sammanslagning av SFFA och SSA - Adressändringar -

Patient packet-swoms

Southwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Kurt F. Martin, DDS, MD Ronald L. Roholt, DDS, MD Craig E. Miller, DDS 311 Campus Drive, Ste 101 Dear Patient, We welcome you to our practice and are happy to have the opportunity to serve you. We take pride in our efforts to make your visit to our office a pleasant experience. Your oral health and comfort are our primary concerns. If you are

Annals of Internal Medicine Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet A Randomized Trial Gary D. Foster, PhD; Holly R. Wyatt, MD; James O. Hill, PhD; Angela P. Makris, PhD, RD; Diane L. Rosenbaum, BA; Carrie Brill, BS; Richard I. Stein, PhD; B. Selma Mohammed, MD, PhD; Bernard Miller, MD; Daniel J. Rader, MD; Babette Zemel, PhD; Thomas A. Wadden,

SOUTHERN UTE COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS, INC. JOB DESCRIPTION Intensive Residential Treatment/ Transitional Living Component Counselor (IRT/TLC) Generally not a supervisory position, but may provide clinical supervision to Counselor Trainees as directed by ADAD regulations when assigned by Supervisor. RESPOSIBILITY: This is a professional level counseling position of Tribal and non-triba

Estado de Santa Catarina PREFEITURA DO MUNICÍPIO DE LAGES Secretaria da Educação PROCESSO SELETIVO PARA CONTRATAÇÃO DE DOCENTES – EDITAL 001/2013 PRIMEIRO TERMO ADITIVO DE RETIFICAÇÃO A COMISSÃO ORGANIZADORA do Processo Seletivo da Prefeitura do Município de Lages, no uso de suas atribuições legais, torna pública a retificação do Edital nº ONDE SE LÊ: A

Sagene june 15

Sagene Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of US Patent for Erectile Dysfunction Oldsmar, FL, June 15, 2010 – Sagene Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing combinations of FDA- approved drugs to treat diseases associated with aging, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued US Patent 7,737,147 covering methods an

Confidentiality and security agreement

StoneCrest Medical Center Nursing Student Orientation Test 1. Patients have a right to delete incorrect portions of their medical records: a. True 2. Use Standard Universal Precautions when you reasonably expect to come into contact with blood, mucous membranes, bloody fluids, secretions and/or excretions: 3. The proper response for a FIRE is: a. Code 0 a. StoneCrest is a smoke-free env


A PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS OF AN AGING POPULATION Effects of ‘authorized generics’ on Canadian drug prices Paul Grootendorst SEDAP Research Paper No. 201 For further information about SEDAP and other papers in this series, see our web site: Requests for further information may be addressed to: Effects of ‘authorized generics’ on Canadian

Dechra Veterinary Products Limited (A business unit of Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC) Sansaw Business Park Hadnall, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4AS Tel: 01939 211200 CARDISURE ® FLAVOURED 1.25 MG, 2.5 MG, 5 glucose levels should be carefully monitored. As MG AND 10 MG TABLETS FOR DOGS pimobendan is metabolised in the liver, particularcare should be taken when administering the product Qua

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ECE 750 - T11: Component Based Software Systems Developing an Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Component Based Approach Introduction: Robotics is an emerging, multidisciplinary field lending itself readily to component based design including component based software systems (CBSS). By using CBSS, rapid robot development at a low cost is possible. However, in order to do so, a software fra

Fellesbrev febr 2006

Kjære venner! Først av alt vil vi få ønske dere alle et Godt og velsignet år 2006!! Vi kan se tilbake på året som gikk, takke for Guds trofasthet og hjelp, men også se framover med håp og forventning. Guds Ord står fast og Herren har lovt at Hans miskunnhet ikke er forbi. Nei, den er ny for hver morgen, for hvert år. Klages. 3,22-23. Er ikke det fantastisk!! Det gir i alle fall meg oppm

Sore hocks: to inject or not to inject

Sore Hocks: To inject or not to inject? by Michael Scott, DVM; MVSc; Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons Dr. Michael Scott is an equine surgical specialist practicing at Moore and Company Veterinary Services in Calgary, Alberta. He has been a lifelong rider, competitor, and horse enthusiast. His practice interests include equine sports medicine, lameness diagnosis

Stewards pooi kei college

Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary 3 Chemistry Teaching Schedule (2012-2013) Subject Teachers: Ms Dora Ng (Panel Head), Mr Daniel Lau(S3 Coordinator) No. of Periods/10-day Cycle: 4 Classifying elements into metals, non-metals and metalloids Naming ions and ionic compounds Colour of ions f. Limiting reagents and reactant in excess Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary 4 C

Microsoft word - arthritis

Arthritis in Older Dogs Arthritis is a degenerative condition of the joints, which involves the production of new bone under the tendons and ligaments, as well as under the edges of the joint capsule. Pressure on these little spicules of new bone produces pain. Another feature of arthritis in older animals is degradation of the cartilage (the slippery soft coating of the ends of bones) and

Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance

Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance Sander Nieuwenhuis1,2, Birte U Forstmann3 & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers3 In theory, a comparison of two experimental effects requires a That is, as famously noted by Rosnow and Rosenthal “surely, God statistical test on their difference. In practice, this comparison loves the 0.06 nearly as much as th


forum Vogelgrippe : Vorbereitung der Schweiz und Unterstützung des Kampfes in Asien von Jean Louis Zurcher und Marcel Falk Der Bundesrat hat sich am Freitag mit derjetzigen Zeitpunkt klein. Zwei Einschleppungs-Vogelgrippe beschäftigt. Er hat entschieden,routen müssen dabei bedacht werden: übergesamte Bevölkerung abgegeben wird. DieserSchmuggel aus den Ländern und über Zugvö komplett (page 1)

Atemschutz - gewusst wie! 3M - Auswahlhilfe für Atemschutzfilter Zur persönlichen Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz gehört oft auch einDie vorliegende Liste beinhaltet eine Auswahl der gebräuchlichstengeeigneter Atemschutz. Wo und vor allem wann muss dieser Arbeitsstoffe und der zugehörigen Grenzwerte auf der Grundlageeingesetzt werden? Welcher ist der Geeignete? Und wann mußDie Atemschu

Instituto são josé

INGLÊS – 1ª SÉRIE TAREFA DA SEMANA DE 09 DE SETEMBRO – 15ª SEMANA TEXT Aspirin Danger Wonder-drug it may be, but aspirin is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Doctors have warned for years that if children take aspirin they risk developing a serious, sometimes fatal condition called Reye’s syndrome. But despite their warnings, a recent research project showed that

Microsoft word - instructions for eng.docx

University of North Texas Speech and Hearing Center   Patient Instructions for ENG Evaluation You have been referred to the University of North Texas Speech and Hearing Center for an ENG (electronystagmography) appointment. This test will help the physician evaluate your dizziness. During the test you will be asked to sit up, lie down, and move your head in several positions. Your ears

Sildenafil protocol: cardiac catheterization lab

Sildenafil Protocol: The Efficacy of Oral Sildenafil (Viagra) in Childhood and Neonatal Pulmonary Hypertension Principal Investigators: Dr. Ian Adatia and Dr. Tilman Humpl Co-Investigators: Janette Reyes (CNS/NP), Dr. Desmond Bohn Dr. Helen Holtby, Winnie Seto (Pharm.D), Derek Stephens CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION LAB PROTOCOL Pre-Cardiac Catheterization Preparation: In addition to t

Projectnr Hoofdaanvrager Projecttitel Universiteit Topsector Financier A technical and commercial feasibility study of a new technology for controllable catalyst Light concentrator systems in solar energyMucoSIS, mucosale vaccins om infectieziekten te RE-phrase, chat-by-click conversation technologyLaserkristallisatie van calcium fosfaat coatings Commercial opportunities fo

Deben analizar constantemente las consecuencias de sus actos y dejar de enseñar donde su enseñanza, sin dilación, será mezclada Amado Kuthumi, 26 de diciembre del 2006 YO SOY Kuthumi, quien ha l egado a ustedes hoy a través de nuestra mensajera. He venido a darles otra porción de nuestra Enseñanza que deben dominar, ya que ha l egado el momento. En el presente, cualquier manifestaci�


CANINE BLASTOMYCOSIS What is blastomycosis, and how does an animal get this disease? Blastomycosis is a fungal disease caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis . This fungus most commonly infects humans and animals through the respiratory tract. After spores are inhaled, they settle in the small airways and begin to reproduce. Subsequent to this, the organism spreads throughout the body to i

Fai sporting code

FAI Sporting Code Section 3 – Gliding This document is valid from 1 October 2007 The FAI Sporting Code for gliders (SC3) sets out the rules and procedures to be used FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNATIONALE Avenue Mon-Repos 24 – CH-1005 Lausanne - Switzerland All rights reserved. Copyright in this document is owned by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FA

Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (1996) 38: 81 — 87Andrew G. Ellis · Nicholas A. CrinisLorraine K. WebsterInhibition of etoposide elimination in the isolated perfused rat liverby Cremophor EL and Tween 80Received: 5 January 1995/Accepted: 25 August 1995Abstract Cremophor EL, a surfactant used in the clini-tion was 0.8 mg/ml, which previous studies have showncal formulation of cyclosporine and p

CAR001|2.1|0601 algoritmo Tachicardie ADULTI Informazioni su questo documento Cronistoria Avvertenza - Limitazioni d’impiego Il presente algoritmo può essere applicato solo dal personale medico L’utilizzo dell’algoritmo da parte del personale infemieristico è approvato per gli infermieri che hanno seguito il corso di formazione ed ottenuto il relativo attestato e l’auto

prefeitura de goiÂnia

PREFEITURA DE GOIÂNIA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE DIRETORIA DE ATENÇÃO À SAÚDE DEPARTAMENTO DE ASSISTÊNCIA FARMACÊUTICA Portaria Nº 163 /2011. Regulamenta o Protocolo para tratamento medicamentoso da DPOC - Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica adotando a Relação Municipal de Medicamentos Essenciais – REMUME como eixo das prescrições no âmbito da Secretaria Mun

CONCRETE RETEST 2014 APPLICATION FORM Registration can be done using this form, OR on-line at Please read and follow these directions. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR REGISTRATION. 1. Fill in or attach information as indicated and obtain required signatures when noted. 2. Submit by mail a separate copy of this form for each applicant for each retest to

Saft – key questions

Saft Interview - Article Aircraft Technology Engineering & Maintenance 1) Saft’s expertise ranges across a number of different industries. What are the key characteristics of aviation batteries and what special requirements must they fulfil? Aviation batteries are a crucial link in aircraft safety. With 80+ years of experience in aviation, one Saft battery takes off every two seconds, S

Can i have whiter teeth

CAN I HAVE WHITER TEETH? The least damaging and most conservative way of making your teeth whiter is by bleaching. Contrary to what most of us believe, brushing your teeth harder with a more abrasive toothpaste will not make them whiter. It will make them turn darker faster. The intrinsic colour of your teeth or your normal tooth colour is related to the colour and thickness of the

C:datasysinternet-sivujen ai

Suom en Ym päristö oik eustieteen Seura ry:n julkaisusarjassa ilm estyneet: Vesioik eudellisia tutk ielm ia. 19 81. 61 s. 6:- Soravarojen k äytö stä päättäm inen vesioik eudellisena k ysym yk senäVesilain 2 luvun 4 § :stä uittosäännö nvaraisen rak entam isen sääntelijänäKustannus-h yö tyanalyysin sisältö ja m erk itys vesiensuojelussaYleisestä tarpeesta vesioik eudellis


Genes and Immunity (1999) 1 , 3–19  1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 1466-4879/99 $15.00 REVIEW Cytokine gene polymorphism in human disease: on-line databases J Bidwell1, L Keen1, G Gallagher2, R Kimberly3, T Huizinga4, MF McDermott5, J Oksenberg6,J McNicholl7, F Pociot8, C Hardt9 and S D’Alfonso101 Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Univer


IDIS — I stituto per la D ottrina e l’ I nformazione S ociale DROGHE SINTETICHE APPROFONDIMENTI IDIS - ROMA IDIS — I stituto per la D ottrina e l’ I nformazione S ociale Il futuro : sostanze stupefacenti di ridotti effetti collaterali Droghe di sintesi: natura, caratteristche e ciclo di vita Le droghe sintetiche sono le nuove droghe, le cosiddette

Bone health is a family affair

Department of Biostatistics is conducting a research project on osteoporosis. If you are eligible to participate you would receive at no cost to you a Bone Health Assessment which includes a bone density test. You will receive compensation for the one-time, 2 hour visit. Weekday, evening, and weekend appointment times are available. Eligible subjects must meet the fo

Microsoft word - cuvposadatapressrelease20120125

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE STUDY DATA SHOW CUVPOSA® REDUCED CHRONIC SEVERE DROOLING IN PATIENTS AGES 3-16 YEARS-OLD WITH NEUROLOGIC CONDITIONS FLORHAM PARK, NJ (January 25, 2012) – Shionogi Inc., the U.S.-based group company of Shionogi & Co., Ltd., today announced results from two studies published online today in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management : the fi


Chemical Chemical formula Relative molecular mass (g) Large molecules (such as starch, glycogen and enzymes) have indeterminate molecular masses and are best made up as percentage solutions. A 1% solution of an enzyme seems to work effectively in most cases. Techniques for Making Solutions Making solutions can be time-consuming, especially if the solute is not very soluble (eg star

Report on trip to sudan 2002

Report on the Situation of IDPs and Refugees in Northern Sudan: Findings of an exploratory study 6 September 2002 – 19 September 2002 Gina Bekker Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Programme, Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Promotion of the FMRS Programme and Related Issues 2.1 Diploma in Forced Migration and Refugee Studies 4 Diploma 4


ISSN 0025-7680 CONFERENCIA MEDICINA (Buenos Aires) 2006; 66 (Supl. II): 27-33 ELIZABETH JARES-ERIJMAN Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina El desarrollo de las nanopartículas semiconductorastrol sobre las propiedades ópticas de estas nanopartículas,conocidas como quantum dots ha evolucionado en las doscon un énfasis en las aplicaciones

Capitolato tecnico gara triennale apparecchiature in service e materiale di consumo simt



Post-Stroke Depression: Focused On Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors vs. Tricyclic Antidepressants Department of Physician Assistant, College of Health Professions, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260, U.S.A 1. Introduction Approximately 700,000 Americans suffer a stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) each year, making it the third leading cause of death, and a leading


Microsoft word - dealing with the new flu.doc

Dealing with the new flu Influenza A, H1N1, swine flu If flu strikes your household, there are some practical steps you can take to look after a patient and to keep your household are free as possible from germs. Signs and symptoms of the new flu are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and can • fever (a temperature of, or over, 38 °C) Looking after babies and children Care

Leading article

Fake and counterfeit drugs: An emerging scourge or an established blight? Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2007; 36: 125-6 (Key words: fake drugs, counterfeit drugs) In any part of the world, whatever precautions one of tap water; paracetamol syrup made of industrial takes, it is impossible to avoid many diseases. Some have been there from time immemorial. Many contraceptive pills made of

(regulamento 1554-2003 - faixas hor\341rias-aeroportos comunidade \(hist\363ricos ap\363s guerra iraque e sars\).pdf)

Jor n a l O fic ia l d a U n iã o E u r op e ia(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade)REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 1 5 5 4 /2 0 0 3 D O P ARLAMENTO EUROP EU E D O CONS ELH Oq u e a lt e r a o Re g u la m e n t o (CEE) n .o 9 5 /9 3 d o Con s e lh o r e la t iv o à s n or m a s c om u n s a p lic á v e is à a t r i-b u iç ã o d e f a ix a s h or á r ia s n os a e r op o

Microsoft word - journey_home

THE JOURNEY HOME by Selina I. Glater, M.A., R.M.T. For many of my young adult years I had no hope. In August of 1987, following my 30th birthday, the demons began to crowd in around me. I had just finished my Master's degree in musicology and was headed off to take a job in arts management in Dallas, Texas when the bottom fell out of my life raft. For years tremendous mood swings ravaged m

Microsoft word - urab minutes 8-24-2010-rev 2.doc

City of Sandpoint Urban Renewal Agency BoardCity of Sandpoint Council Chambers 7:30 AMEric Paull, Marilyn Sabella, Chris Schreiber, Steve LockwoodMayor Hellar, Stephen Drinkard, Kim Woodruff, Jeremy Grimm, Kody Van Dyk andCouncilman Carrie LoganKathleen Hyde, manager DSBA, Todd Prescott, CEO of Whitewater Creek, LLC, andRyan Hackett and Neil Rubano and Dari Barillette and John Sayler of the Mi

Ddl nizoral 18.05.201

Bén éfice / risque Information destinée aux médecins prescripteurs et aux pharmaciens Information importante sur le rapport bénéfice /risque de NIZORAL (kétoconazole), comprimé à 200 mg Madame, Monsieur, L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé (Afssaps) souhaite vous informer qu’après évaluation de données cumulées de sécurité d’e Statistic Information Page and Links Primary Care Reimbursement Service Department/Agency Key Information Details of payments made under the schemes General Medical Services (GMS), Drugs Payment (DP), Long Term Illness(LTI), Dental Treatment Services (DTS), European Economic Area (EEA), High Tech Drugs (HTD), Primary ChildhoodImmunisation, Health (Amendment) Act 1996

My story

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about myself. Up until September 2000, Iwas employed by Microsoft as its Technical Director for the AsiaPacific region. I resigned my position due to the effects of an illness Iacquired (as described herein). I have been involved in the computeror technical related industries for over 30 years now. Apart fromMicrosoft, I worked with companies like Informix, Apple

Microsoft word - policy_aug 06.doc

Preventing illness Infections are common in children and often lead to il ness. At home, children are reasonably wel protected from infectious diseases because they don’t come in contact with many people. The adults they meet are general y immune to many childhood il nesses because they had them as children or they have been vaccinated. Because of this immunity, adults cannot transmit th

Swine influenza cases: Questions & Answers What are the symptoms of swine influenza? The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea. If someone who has been to affected areas i

Diabetic neuropathy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (Print Version)URL of this page: neuropathy is damage to nerves in the body that occurs due to high blood sugar levels from . Nerve injuries are caused by decreased blood flow and high They are more likely to develop if bloodsugar levels are not well controlled. About half


«Ob man es glaubt oder nicht: Es gibt eine schweizerische Americana», steht auf dem Zettel, der Shilfsneuer Platte «Out for food» beigelegt ist. Man glaubt es eh, denn man kennt ja Reto Burell, und Shilf istnoch einen Tick besser. Produzent Chris Eckman von den Walkabouts hat alles richtig gemacht und NadiaLeontis Stimme in den Mittelpunkt dieser Indie-Folk- und Alt. Country-Platte gestellt

Nda 021071 rosiglitazone

Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research SUBJECT: Decision on continued marketing of rosiglitazone (Avandia, Avandamet, I. Summary of Decision This memorandum documents my decision on the continued marketing of rosiglitazone (Avandia, Avandamet, Avandaryl). After considering the available data on the cardiovascular risks of the drug, I have determined that rosiglitazone may be pe

prefab modules Auteur: Martijn van den Bouwhuijsen u in de jaren ’60 en ’70 werden in hoog tempo galerij- en portiekflats uit de grond gestampt om de voorzien van nieuwe binnenwanden, badkamers en/of keukens en tenslotte uitgebreid met een prefab unit. woningnood te ledigen. De circa 600.000 verouderde appartementen voldoen niet meer aan de he- Dit alles gebeurt volgen

Läs noga igenom denna bipacksedel innan du börjar ta detta läkemedel. - Spara denna bipacksedel, du kan behöva läsa den igen. - Om du har ytterligare frågor vänd dig till läkare eller apotekspersonal. - Detta läkemedel har ordinerats åt dig. Ge det inte till andra. Det kan skada dem, även om de uppvisar symtom som liknar dina. - Om några biverkningar blir värre eller om du märke

Table showing a selection of food additives banned in sandcastles and their known adverse effects

Table showing a selection of Food Additives banned in Sandcastles and their known adverse effects. Number Name FD&C Yellow No.5; known to provoke asthma attacks (though the US FDA** do not recognise this) and urticaria (nettle rash) in children (the US FDA** estimates 1:10 000); also linked to thyroid tumours, chromosomal damage, urticaria (hives) and hyperactivity; tartrazine sensitivity

Microsoft word - willow springs medical release.doc

MEDICAL RELEASE AND INFORMATION I, _________________________________ (parent) give permission for Please Print: If Volunteer write “volunteer” in camper Willow Springs Water Park staff or camp volunteer to seek medical name space. Separate forms must be completed for each treatment (including hospitalization, injection, emergency dental care, or camper and volunteer. a


DIE SÜDOSTSCHWEIZ AM SONNTAG | 7. AUGUST 2011 6 FRANCIACORTA Italien feiert 150 Jahre Staatsgründung. Angestossen wird mit Franciacorta, einem Schaum- wein, der präzis vor 50 Jahren erfunden wurde. Über die Schlauheit unserer Nachbarn und ihr Genie, diese auch noch gut zu verkaufen. Es war einmal ein reicher Gutsherr, der besass ein schö- auf einer Weinflasche lesen

positive chmp opinion in the eu for once daily lyxumia (lixisenatide)

PRESS RELEASE Sanofi Receives Positive CHMP Opinion in the European Union for Once-Daily Lyxumia® (lixisenatide) - Diabetes portfolio poised to significantly expand in 2013 to meet patient needs - London, UK – 23 November, 2012 – Sanofi announced today that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a posi

Untitled document

25. APRIL 2005 VIDENSKAB OG PRAKSIS | 14. Mirzai H, TekinI, Alincak H. Perioperative use of corticosteroid and bupiva-17. Bisgaard T, Klarskov B, Kehlet H et al. Preoperative dexamethasone improves caine combination in lumbar disc surgery: a randomised controlled trail. surgical outcome after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trail. Ann Surg 2003

Microsoft word - breakfast and brunch catering 2013

We offer a wide range of Menus, from Fresh Baked muffins, Breads and Pastries to manned stations with Waffles, Eggs, Omelet’s and Steaks etc….cooked to order. Let us take the stress out of your event! We have over 20 years experience in the hospitality industry and specialize in catering to intimate breakfasts for TWO or larger events of 200 or more, we can take care of all of the details incl


PANORÁMA-VÁLSÁG Neil Simon: A 88. utca foglyai / Centrál Színház, POSZT 2010 2010.06.21. Komoly kellemetlenség, ha nincsen a lakásban fűtés vagy víz, a szomszédok hangosak, a közös képviselő pedig nem segítőkész. Így szinte létezni sem lehet. Akkor is ez a helyzet, ha nagy erkélyes, panorámás lakásban lakunk New Yorkban. És a tetejében még válság is van. KE

20130826 11/10/2013 A & R MULTIMEDIA SRL20130833 11/10/2013 ACTIV CARGO GROUP SRL20130834 11/10/2013 ACTIVE-TRADE IND. SRL20130835 11/10/2013 ACTUAL CONSULTING SRL20130839 11/10/2013 ADI & LUCI TRANS SRL20130840 11/10/2013 ADI & NEL TRANS SRL20130383 11/10/2013 AFTENIE TRANS COM SRL20130389 11/10/2013 AGROMIXTA DEALUL OCNEI SA20130393 11/10/2013 AKA DESING & CONSTRUCT SRL2

Microsoft word - document

From Medscape Education Clinical Briefs HSV2 Viral Shedding Not Removed With Antiviral Suppressive Drugs News Author: Emma Hitt, PhD CME Author: Hien T. Nghiem, MD Authors and Disclosures CME Released: 01/09/2012; Valid for credit through 01/09/2013 Clinical Context Skin and mucosal herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) shedding episodes predominantly occur in short subclinical episodes. HSV sheddi

HONORARIOS POR SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES. PAGO. REQUISITOS. En lo que atañe a la aprobación de actos por los que se contrate la prestación de servicios personales, se señala que la competencia prevista por la Decisión Administrativa Nº 215/99 se encuentra modificada por el Decreto Nº 577/03. La aprobación de actos por los que se contrata se encuentra vinculada a la previa autorizació

Slashdot | social consequences and effects of rfid implants?

Slashdot | Social Consequences and Effects of RFID Implants? Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters Social Consequences and Effects of RFID Implants? Posted by Cliff on Wednesday May 03, @11:45PM from the chips-in-my-head dept. kramdam asks: "Even with all the talk about privacy and security, there seems to be a growi

Microprocessor Systems Unit Value (typically 90 hours for a full-time course) This standard unit is primarily for use by the Technical Institutes when operating the following Course : Diploma in Computer and Communications Engineering (0304) Teaching staff should devise guidance and supervision process to facilitate achievement of the principal objectives. To gain a pass grade, st

Pº cc 55/2008 sjc ct - regime de bens do casamento entre os cônjuges após a reconciliação em processo de separação de pessoas e bens

Proc. º n. º CC 55/2008 SJC CT Assunto : Regime de bens do casamento entre os cônjuges após a reconciliação em processo de separação de pessoas e bens. Descrição e análise do problema : A Senhora Conservadora do Registo Civil de (…), veio efectuar consulta, nos termos do Despacho n.º 7 de 1994, sobre qual o regime de bens entre os cônjuges após reconciliação em

Microsoft word - hmh extract for wensite.docx

Hold My Hand, by Serena Mackesy Chapter Thirty-two The TV has been on the blink for nearly a year. The only way to turn it on and off has been to crawl round the back and switch it off at the wall. But tonight, when she has emerged on her hands and knees from turning it on, nothing has happened at all. She’s tried taking the fuse out of the kettle and using that in its plug, but it’s m

Microsoft word - medication and health.docx

MEDICATIONS If you will be sending any over-the-counter or prescription medications or vitamins, please follow the instructions below. Please note: Camp Colman provides Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl and cough medicine. Please DO NOT send these items with your child to camp. Indicate your approval to dispense these medications in the Health & Safety Packet. 1. Complete the Medication Informatio

Ana Isabel Maia de OliveiraIvonete Batista de Araújoerros de Prescrição em Uma Unidade de tratamento erros de Prescrição em Uma Unidade de tratamento resUmo Objetivos: Avaliar o índice de erros de prescrição nas prescrições médicas dos pacientes admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI), o grupo de medicamentos mais relacionados aos erros de prescrição e o índice de

A u t I s M : F I R s t P e R s o n P e R s P e C t I v e s Fighting for Our Children: Advocacy in the Age of By BernarD rimLanD, pH.D. (Dr. rimLanD wroTe THiS arTiCLe BeFore HiS paSSinG in novemBer 2006) When I first began studying autism, after the cure “incurable” children and to prevent future the DAn! movement now is so popular that 1956 birth of my son Mark, who has autism, c

Lithium iodide solution

SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE SUPPLIER Product Name Lithium Iodide Solution OtherName Manufacturer Scancia IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 955 av. St-Jean-Baptiste Call CANUTEC at 613-996-6666 (24h) Québec, Qc G2E 5J5 SECTION 2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION May be irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. SECTION 3 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGRE


Rodent Control (Non-Chemical) in Lowland Irrigated Rice trap barrier system Which rodents are pests in rice? Many rodents cause problems in rice. The main pests arethe "Rice field rat" ( Rattus argentiventer) , the Black rat( Rattus rattus ) and the lesser bandicoot rat ( Bandicota bengalensis ). Various mice can also cause problems. The presence of rats is usuall

На основу чл

Pursuant to Article 10, paragraphs 4, 27 and 105 of the Law on Scientific Research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No 110/05, 50/06-corr. and 18/10), the Minister of Science and Technological Development hereby establishes the following PROGRAMME OF BASIC RESEARCH, PROGRAMME OF RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, PROGRAMME OF CO-FUNDING OF INTEGRATE

Microsoft word - growthoptimismjun12.doc

RODNEY’S RAVINGS take an open-minded and at times irreverent look at topical economic issues. Unlike our pay-to-view reports that are for the eyes of subscribers only, the RAVINGS are free and you may forward them to other p eople. You can signup to the RAVINGS on our website – The sa me distribution listed is used for the Property Insights repo

Fob dynalife lep tds:fob_dyna lep.qxd

Dynalife® L-EP Dynalife L-EP is a multipurpose, extreme-pressure lithium grease Multipurpose, developed for use in a wide variety of industrial and automotive Extreme-Pressure applications. It is a versatile, general-purpose greaserecommended for use in applications where operating Lithium Grease temperatures and loads are moderate. It is available in sixgrades to cover a wide range


Special Meeting Minutes May 23, 2011 Page Special Meeting Minutes A Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the Scotia-Glenvil e Central School District was held in the Library Media Center of the Middle School, in said district on May 23, 2011. President Carbone cal ed the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. Present: Carbone, Conlon, Crapo, Normington, Smith, Yagielski, Superintendent Swartz,

Mic que pueden concursar en postgrados Áreas prioritarias.xlsx


PRESCRIBING FORMULARY UPDATE The Pharmacy and Therapeutics The route less traveled T he rectal route of administration is when the rectal route is an alterna- lary , 2 drugs were deleted, and 5 tive to an injection, if patients are not route offers a convenient and cost effec-hospitalized. Diazepam is available in a gel formulation that is instilled rectally istration is limited

Microsoft word - lcd cardiac.doc

                                Heart Disease The purpose of this worksheet is to guide initial and recertification assessments. This is a guide only; clinical judgment is required in each case. This worksheet is completed and signed by the RN and attached to a completed Admission/Recertification Evaluation form. After reviewing the completed paperwork, the

Glimpses of the future - happy new year

GLIMPSES OF THE FUTURE A monthly digest of technologies, developments and trends that will shape our lives. Gold Nanoparticles Turn Trees Into Streetlights Nanostructured Materials To Put An End To Icy Surfaces Scientists at The Research Center for Applied Science Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are facing yet another cold winter and that means a return to icy roads, pavemen


Book of Esther Author: The Book of Esther does not specifically name its author. The most popular tradition is Mordecai (a major character in the Book of Esther). Date of Writing: The Book of Esther was likely written between 460 and 350 B.C. Purpose of Writing: The purpose of the Book of Esther is to display the providence of God, esp


Australia    ORDER INFORMATION    Who qualifies for the program? 1. Individual must possess a valid e-mail address at an educational institution AND 2. Individual must be a student enrolled at a qualified educational institution in Australia. To view a How long will “It’s Not Cheating” program last? “The It’s Not Cheating” program will run from October 15th 2007 until 1

Bk 3 ch 28 molecular genetics

Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School Biology (S6) Scheme of work (2011/2012) Laboratory safety and evacuation Level Test Summer Tutorial Class ( 37 periods/~22 hours) Bk E1 Ch 1 Regulation of water content Time allocation Learning target Practical Assignment Exercise Teaching resources (No. of periods) 1.1 Importance of • To identify the m


Expedited Safety Report # 3 for Dasatinib(BMS-354825)Reference document: Investigator Brochure, Version #7 (15-Nov-2007)(Verbatim Term: Protein losing enteropathy) As the sponsor of clinical studies with the investigational medicinal product (IMP)specified above, Bristol-Myers Squibb Research & Development is issuing this safetyreport. The details of this adverse event/safety issue are be

Microsoft word - jan 16.doc

January 16 - 22 Volume 4, Issue 20 Contents: Highlighted Article| Recipe of the Week| Article 2| Humor 9 Reasons Your Body (Mistakenly) Thinks It’s Hungry – Brynn Mannino, Woman’s Day "Getting eight hours of sleep a night 2. You're taking medication that causes hunger as a side effect. If 4. It's "mealtime." As creatures of Stokes, R

Strategic entrepreneurship journal

Call for Papers for a Special Issue ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STRATEGY IN EMERGING ECONOMIES Garry D. Bruton, Texas Christian University Igor Filatotchev, City University of London and Economics University of Vienna Steven Si, Tongji University and Bloomsburg and University of Pennsylvania Mike Wright, University of Nottingham and EMLyon Introduction and Special Issue Background The

Microsoft word - seels_w1c4_ch9_4-6-04finalmf.doc

9. Summary: Differences in Students’ Classroom Experiences by Jose Blackorby and Mary Wagner Language arts is a core academic content area for elementary and middle school students, both with and without disabilities. Because of numerous reports of students having poor language arts skills and the potential of direct intervention to improve those skills, reading and language arts are the f

Randomized-block and randomized complete-block designs (Chapters 21 and 25)Randomized block designs. In a randomized block (RB) design, experimental units are grouped into \blocks" thatare thought to be similar. The random assignment of units to treatments is done separately within each block. Therationale for doing this is that, in the resulting dataset, the proportion of units receiving e

Ergonomics for Everyone International Ergonomics Conference Humanizing Work and Work Environment December 17-19, 2009 EFFECTS OF ACUTE SUPPLEMENTATION OF CAFFEINE ON HYDRATION STATUS DURING ENDURANCE RUNNING EXERCISE IN THE HOT AND HUMID ENVIRONMENT Amit Bandyopadhyay, Fadzel Wong Chee Ping* and Chen Chee Keong**Sports & Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Department of Physiol

How to help a suicidal person

What You Need to Know if Your Child or Teen May Need Antidepressants If your child may need antidepressants, you need to know the following: 1. 2% to 3% of children who take antidepressants will experience an increase in suicidal thoughts and behavior 2. In US, Prozac is the only antidepressant approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for use by children and teens, al

Microsoft word - health and wellness library

For colds, flu, and respiratory system, antiviral, anti- Echinacea inflammatory, antibacterial, infection resistance Elderberry properties, immune support, muscle pain, upper respiratory For breast pain (mastalgia), PMS, menopause ailments, Primrose haemorrhoids, anti-inflammatory Relieves congestion, stomach cramps and headaches Lowers cholesterol; prevents gas; relieves sore t

Valid as from the academic year 2011-2012Medical and therapeutic interventions in children with neurologic disorders Course size (nominal values; actual values may depend on programme) Credits 9.0 Study time 270.0 h Contact hrs Course offerings and teaching methods in academic year 2011-2012 Lecturers in academic year 2011-2012 Offered in the following programmes in 2011-20

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

USE OF VAGINAL ESTROGEN IN WOMEN WITH PELVIC FLOOR DISORDERS Patient Fact Sheet Introduction For a woman who has already had breast cancer, her ownEstrogen is a normal human hormone. Estrogen levels falloncologist (cancer doctor) is probably the best person to advisequickly after menopause. In some younger women, they fall ear-her about whether vaginal estrogen use is safe for her.

Your continuous support and enthusiasm for this weekly update of the latest science from the hiv literature is much appreciated

HIV This Week: what scientific journals said Welcome to the fifteenth issue of HIV This Week! In this issue you can learn more about economics (AIDS-impoverishment and the protective effects of money, the cost- effectiveness of ART and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis in resource- constrained settings), living with HIV (partnership characteristics linked to unprotected sex,

Microsoft word - boletín nº 26.doc

Aprendiendo a cuidar el Cuerpo Mente | Nº 26 | “El Yoga Y La Salud” | Dic. 2002 EL YOGA Y LA SALUD La importancia de una visión integral La vida se torna cada vez más compleja, es difícil establecer vínculos sólidos, el planeta está en crisis, cada vez más sequías e inundaciones, miles de especies desaparecen diariamente, la inseguridad laboral es una constante y las person

Things that may stop hair loss

Reiki (pronounced "ray-kee") is a therapeutic technique in which healing energy is channeled, or conducted, through a practitioner's hands into the person receiving the treatment. It is believed that Reiki brings the body into emotional and spiritual balance, supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Yoga is used for fatigue, insomnia, depression, general quality of life

Gm food Lectures for schools – Kindergarten to Tertiary Snake Safety – Gene pools & Biodiversity Nature can live without us but the reverse is impossible. In my lectures students wil learn about the serious dangers of narrowing our gene pools. They learn about keystone species and how they, plus broadly based gene pools hold our natural world together. They wil learn


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Mechanism of action

Product Detail Mechanism of action Anqi is an oral antibacterial combination consisting of the semisynthetic antibiotic amoxicillin and the β-lactamase inhibitor, clavulanate potassium (the potassium salt of clavulanic acid). Amoxicillin is an analog of ampicillin. Clavulanic acid is a β-lactam structurally related to the penicillins and possesses the ability to inactivate a wide vari

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The Alumni Society of The University of Scranton Charles Albert, Class of 1988 Charles Albert, Inc., Wholesale Sterling Silver Jewelry Importer Business Address: 927 Northwest 31st Ave Business Web Address: David Allegra, Class of 1988 David J. Allegra, C.P.A., Certified Public Accountant Desiree Altemus, Class of 1984 Cisco Systems, Inc., Staff Technic

Microsoft word - medical_form_13-14

Tabb Tiger Band 2013-2014 Consolidated Medical Form Student Name _______________________________________________ Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # ______________________ Primary Doctor with Phone #: ______________________________________ Food/Drug Al ergies: NONE KNOWN OR YES, as noted here _______________

Background on sdq

Elliott, Boin, Irving, Johnson & Galea, 2010 References Adams, D. J. (2009). Current trends in laboratory class teaching in university bioscience Bioscience Education , 13-3. [online] Available: [2009, December 7] Agostinho, S. (2006). The use of a visual learning design representation to document and communicate teach

4-po.04 menace d'accouchement premature

Protocole D’ACCOUCHEMENT obstétrical n°4 PREMATURE Référence : RSN/PR/REA.O/004/C Date de 1ère mise en service : 02/10/2002 Suivi des modifications Date de la Objet de la modification Faite par : modification Rédaction Mise à jour Vérification Approbation A/ DEFINITION : Contractions utérines + ou – douloureuses, régu

Comparación entre Fludarabina y Clorambucil comoTratamiento Primario de la Leucemia Linfocítica CrónicaRai KR, Peterson BL, Appelbaum FR y colaboradores. Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Nueva York, EE.UU. [Fludarabine Compared with Chlorambucil as Primary Therapy for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia]The New England Journal of Medicine 343:1750-1757, Ref.: 1750, Decembrer 14, 2000. Utiliz

Microsoft word - malaria-f sep 2008.doc

Informations concernant la santé Prophylaxie de la malaria La malaria est presque toujours transmise entre le crépuscule et l’aube par les moustiques Anopheles. Une prévention médicamenteuse assidue contre la malaria ainsi qu’une protection contre les piqûres de moustiques sont absolument indispensables pour les voyages à destination de l'Afrique Orientale. Le risque de mal


We would like to thank the following SponsorsIndian Appetite Restaurant – Ferny Hills General rules for the conduct of Samford Show Pavilion exhibitors Adapted from “Guidelines of Qld Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc” Entry forms are available at Samford Newsagent, Slab Hut Samford, Samford Post Office orfrom and at the showground pavilion on the day

Libido • A Dietary Supplement for Men and Women to Support SOME CHANGES YOU MAY NOTICE: Healthy Sexual Drive, Pleasure and Function.* • Some men might notice harder, longer-lasting erections, a stronger libido, enhanced endurance and stamina and more • Libido is designed to address those factors that may pleasure during physical intimacy, and a more powerful

How rna interferecne

The discovery of ribonucleic acid interference has sparked a wave of enthusiasm in the scientific community. Since the discovery of RNA interference scientists have used it to identify the molecular processes of different diseases. RNA interference has the potential to be used in a wide range of applications one of which is cancer therapies. The unique key to RNA interference as it does have an

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S Theoretical Model for the Kramers-Moyal Description of Turbulence Cascades Jahanshah Davoudi1,3 and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar 1,21 Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, P.O. Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Physics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16844, Iran 3 Department of Physics, Sharif Uni

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Our Sandoz Division is a world leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing generic pharmaceutical products, follow-on biopharmaceutical products and drug substances that are not protected by valid and enforceable third-party patents. As of December 31, 2010, affiliates of the Sandoz Division employed 23 536 full-time equivalents associates worldwide in more than 130 countries. In 2010, our

Solutions for Your TOUGHESTMIXING CHEMICAL Introduction The Process The Problem The Solution The Advantages HIGH SHEAR MIXERS/EMULSIFIERS Preparation of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) SolutionsPolyvinyl Alcohol (PVA, sometimes referred to as PVOH) is a water soluble polymerused widely in adhesives, paints, sealants, coatings, textiles, plastics etc. The polymer isnormally supplie


PRODUCT DATA SHEET UZIN RR 183 Stabisoft Loose-laid and stabilising underlay for dimensionally stable textile, PVC and cushioned vinyl flooring Description: Flexible, loose-laid and stabilising underlay made frompolyester fleece / gel-latex foam for directly bonded, dimen-sionally stable textile, PVC and cushioned vinyl floor cover-ings in interior locations. Physically separates the

Microsoft word - j11-025.doc

COENZYME Q10 IN ISOLATED DIASTOLIC HEART Govt Medical College / GND Hospital, Amritsar, India *Correspondence Contact: [email protected] Introduction: - It is well known that by improving mitochondrial bioenergetics and oxidative phosphorylation, Coenzyme Q-10 improves systolic function in heart failure. The patients of HCM on the other hand have heart failure due to Diastolic LV dysfun

Solutions for wellness

MEDICATION MANAGEMENT FOR A BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL PAIN /FATIGUE-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Almost all the patients referred to my program are on a drug-management plan that is appropriate for medical management of pain in the absence of a behavioral program. But behavioral pain-management is so effective that it adds a new dimension to the management of chronic pain. It requires a separate approach to

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National formulary grp1631 e.qxp:travelmedi pass_gb00200-e.qxd

Helping you make the most of your drug coverageYour group benefit plan covers drugs listed on the National Formulary. Although it covers approximately 85% of the mostfrequently prescribed drugs in Canada, you may find yourself with a prescription for a drug that isn’t on the list. This isimportant to understand because non-formulary drugs are either covered at a lower percentage, or not covered


PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2012 THE 2012 PROHIBITED LIST WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE Valid 1 Janua

Public health fact sheet

PUBLIC HEALTH Eastern Equine FACT SHEET Encephalitis Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) is a rare but serious disease caused by a virus. How is the EEE virus spread? The virus that causes EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. In Massac


tional specification of ventricular myosininducible expression in cultured neonatallight chain 2 expression in the primitivemurine heart tube. Proc Natl Acad Sci USAZou Y, Chien KR: 1995. EFIA/YB-1 is a com-Zammit PS, Kelly RG, Franco D, et al.: 2000. and positively regulates transcription ofSuppression of atrial myosin gene expres-the myosin light chain-2 v gene. Mol Cellventricular spec

Programme scientifique seevad english

1st INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF VETERINARIAN ETHOLOGY NATIONAL VETERINARIAN SCHOOL AT ALFORT SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Friday 09 September 2011 19h00-20h30 : Welcome of participants and Registration/ Welcome cocktail 20h30-20h45 : Opening ceremony Isabelle Vieira, President of SEEVAD 20h45-21h30 : PUBLIC CONFERENCE Bertrand L. Deputte : The study of the behavior of the domest

SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product name Poly (Diisopropyl Fumarate) Product from R&D - For R&D use only Product Number SP-9P-0-001 SPECIFIC POLYMERS Avenue de l'Europe - Cap Alpha F-34830 CLAPIERS - France Telephone Emergency Phone # E-mail

South edinburgh public and patient forum

South Edinburgh Health Forum Notes of Meeting of 13 January 2011 Present Muriel Cassie (MC), Ian Clement (IC), Heather Goodare (HG), Gail McCail (GM), Dianna Manson (DM), Norman Tinlin (NT) Apologies: Helen Ogg (HO), Ruth Stroud (RS), Helen Zealley (HZ) In the Chair: NT (Note taken by HG) 1 It was agreed that NT should take the chair for the meeting. Minutes of Pre


“Last” class we talked about: Summary from last class • Price information, quality information. • To “educate” consumers? provide infor- • But how informative is prime–time televi- • Outside economics, people tend to thinkadvertising is about changing tastes. • Persuasive versus informative advertising. • Advertising is a big business. • U.S. advert

Microsoft word - biodata recent3-1-2012.docx

CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. M. Ravishankar 47, 3rd Cross Thiru Nagar. Moolakulam Pondicherry 605 010 INDIA Professor and Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry 607402, INDIA Qualifications: Experience in Faculty Position: 1. Junior Anaesthetist (Specialist), Dept. of Anaesthesiology, JIPMER from 5.2.79 to 2. Assistant Professor,


Programma Lunedì, 26 MAGGIO 2008 14.00 Benvenuto al Workshop Giorgio Scagliotti – Vito Brusasco – Antonio Corrado Antonino Mangiacavallo - Claudio Donner Presidenti: Carlo Grassi e Walter Canonica 14.30-15.15 La BPCO in aumento Introduzione: Riccardo Pistelli Presentazione: Isabella Annesi – Maesano Discussione e conclusioni: Luigi Allegra 15.15-16.00 Asma br

Microsoft word - form 416 rev 05-1

MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications:  Proscar© (finasteride)  usually given for prostate gland enlargement  Avodart© or Jalyn © (dutasteride)  usually given for prostate enlargement  Propecia© (finasteride)  usually given for baldness  Accutane© (Amnesteem, Claravis, Sot

AO AMBIENTAL DA COMUNIDADE DO INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE ENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE PERNAMBUCO - IFPE, CAMPUS RECIFE, PE, BRASIL. ao Latu Sensu , Av. Prof. Lu´ıs Freire, n➸ 500, Cidade Universit´aria, Recife, PE, Brasil. Fone n´ INTRODUC OBJETIVOS O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um di-inserido no ambiente, pode ser definida como percep¸sores e alunos, visando fornece


CAPITULO II-272 ANEXO Tecnicas quirúrgicas en cirugia bariatrica Enciclopedia Cirugía Digestiva F. Galindo y colab. PLICATURA GASTRICA. NUEVA TECNICA QUIRUGICA BARIATRICA DANIEL O. CAIÑA Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Bariátrica Jefe del Servicio de Cirugía. Hospital Hospital de Trauma Federico Abete y del Centro de Obesidad y Enfermedades Metabólicas Dr

Microsoft word - preparing for mission handout.doc

PREPARING FOR MISSION? Issues to consider if you are in mid life. Introduction This information is designed for second wind people who have already worked through some of the initial stages of reflection and prayer and have arrived at the place where they feel God has called them – either to seriously explore further, or maybe to go and check out an opportunity on the ground,

Eur J Clin PharmacolDOI 10.1007/s00228-007-0454-6Predictors of orphan drug approval in the European UnionHarald E. Heemstra & Remco L. de Vrueh &Sonja van Weely & Hans A. Büller &Hubert G.M. LeufkensReceived: 12 September 2007 / Accepted: 19 December 2007Conclusion This study showed that experience of aObjective To encourage the development of drugs for rarecompany in develo


Generic name Brand names Common uses[2] Possible side effects[2] Mechanism of action Aminoglycosides Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, such as subunit (some work by binding to the 50S subunit), inhibiting the translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA from the A-site to the P-site leaving the bacterium unable to synthesize Ansamycins Carbacephem prevents bacterial c

Health history.xlsx

REASON FOR VISIT: List in order of importance to you. ALLERGIES: List any allergies to medications and / or foods MEDICINES you are taking NOW. Include herbs, prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and vitamins. Medication CURRENT SYMPTOMS: Do you have any of the following symptoms? Please complete ALL If yes , how often? (circle one) OTHER SYMPTOMS NOT LISTED: IMMUNIZATI

Microsoft word - moriarty2.doc

Microbial Interactions in Aquaculture Disease Control in Shrimp Aquaculture with Probiotic Bacteria Biomanagement Systems Pty. Ltd., 315 Main Road, Wellington Point. Queensland 4160 Australia,and Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland. Qld. 4072 Australia. ABSTRACT Shrimp aquaculture production in much of the world is depressed by disease, particularlycaused by l


Prof. Dr. Peter Lipfert Publikationsverzeichnis Zeitschriftenbeiträge Somatostatin blockiert die natürliche Spikeaktivität des N. depressor im millimolaren Bereich. Schmerz - Pain - Douleur 7:161-165, 1986 Studies of local anesthetic action on natural spike activity in the aortic nerve of cats. Anesthesiology 66:210-213, 1987 Ultralong-lasting nerve block: triethyldodecyl a


STUDENT-ATHLETE HANDBOOK URBANA UNIVERSITY BLUE KNIGHTS ATHLETICS Learning Service Passion Sportsmanship Resourcefulness Balance NCAA Division II Primary Attributes TABLE OF CONTENTS About Urbana University 3 Staff Directory 3 Academic Calendar 4 Department Mission Statement 4 Department Philosophy Statement 5 Department Objectives 5 NCAA Division II P


23th February, 2011 THE LONDON PMS AND MENOPAUSE February Newsletter I have decided to send my patients (or former patients) a monthly newsletter with up to date views on hormone therapy particularly if clarification of any newspaper reports are required. The following are recent articles on the benefits and risks of Th

Microsoft word - feb_05_2009_moh_sitrep_on_gaza[1].doc

Ministry of Health Emergency Operation Room Sitrep on Gaza 5th February 2009 (Local Time 13:00) Press statement MOH and UNICEF 5 February 2009 The Palestinian Ministry of Health and UNICEF are concerned about the poor state of infant and young child feeding in Gaza communities currently experiencing attacks. Reports from Gaza have revealed that families are receiving donated suppl

Construction of safe vectors for cloning of drug resistance genes in non pathogenic hosts

High Efficiency Cloning of Drug Resistance Genes Via Safe Vector Host Systems High Efficiency Cloning of Drug Resistance Genes Via Safe Vector Host Shahrzad S. Connolly1,2 & Stephen N. Connolly2 1Department of Microbial Diseases, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s, Kings College & St Thomas’s Hospitals, University of London, 2School of Science & Technology, Univ

Anatomy of a Proactive Password Changer Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 1. Introduction The issue of poor user selection of passwords has been discussed in many papers [6][7] and need not berepeated here. Among the techniques used to overcome these problems are random generation of passwords[3], challenge-response techniques [5], key crunching [4], and the examination of us

Dossier espagnol 201

Carta a los Profesores Tenemos el honor y el placer de informarles que la 6ª edición del Concurso Internacional de Acordeón tendrá lugar los días 15 y 16 de octubre de 2011, en el Ayuntamiento de Roubaix. Esta gran manifestación artística, que no está vinculada con ninguna asociación ni referencia, se dirige a todos los acordeonistas a partir del 1er ciclo de aprendizaje, solista


/Translated from Russian to English/ /Stamp: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF MOSCOW CITYSCIENTIFIC & PRACTICAL CENTER OF MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL ABNORMALITY OF CRANIOFACIAL AREA AND INHERENT DISEASES CASE RECORD Nr. 622/10 Full name : Sidorin Georgy Vasilievich Age : 2 years old 7 month Date of birth : 09.07.2007 Settlement : Moscow city He stayed at Psychoneurolog

Safety data sheet

Product Safety Data Sheet 1. Product And Company Identification Product: Sanmex Fly & Wasp Killer, 300ml and 500ml HSE Number 4006 Manufacturer: Phone Number: Fax Number: 2. Hazards Identification F+ Extremely Flammable, N Dangerous for the environment, Pressurised Container 3. Composition/Information on Components Contains: EINECS Number CAS Number Clas

REMTOX M8 WOODWORM KILLER INSECTICIDE JANUARY 2008 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION & OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Remtox M8 Woodworm Killer Insecticide HSE No. 8176 Park Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria. LA14 4EQ 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Concentrate - Irritating to eyes and skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Diluted Product – Not classified


SGRX MANAGED FORMULARY Formulary Alternatives for Common Non-Covered Drugs POSSIBLE THERAPEUTIC ALTERNATIVES The Formulary Alternatives list represents possible options to Not Covered drugs. These alternative medications can generally be prescribedwithout approval from the plan and can be dispensed with normal copayments for members. Therapeutic alternatives may represent a differentdrug

What everyone should know about Accutane   Accutane is a very strong pill that is used to treat acne. It has been used worldwide since the early 1980s. It is really just a huge dose of Vitamin A. If you think Accutane may be right for you, you should know the following information: Who should take Accutane? Accutane is a pill that is normally taken by people who have severe acne or acne t

Temporal Existentials and the Amount Perfect This paper examines new data concerning the Perfect aspect and its modification by since clauses. Past analyses of such adverbials have argued that the complement of since can be a clause expressing an event, but that the event must be unique (Iatridou 2003); and that the complement can be a Universal Perfect, but not an Existential Perfect (von Fin

Microsoft word - edital de pregÃo 002 - aquisição de medicamentos e materias ambulatoriais.doc

EDITAL DE PREGÃO PRESENCIAL PARA REGISTRO DE PREÇOS Nº 002/2010 O Município de SÃO JOSÉ DOS AUSENTES torna público, para conhecimento dos interessados, que fará realizar licitação, na modalidade de Pregão Presencial nº 002/2010, tipo MENOR PREÇO POR ITEM, tendo por finalidade o REGISTRO DE PREÇOS unitários para o fornecimento de medicamentos e materiais ambulatoriais, constante

Patología de Urgencia (2001) 9, 37-38 Sección: Invitados Dr. Saúl Drajer Existen desde hace muchos años en nuestro País, Insti-Marcelo Alvarez - Lic. Sofía Pagliero), Sociedad Argen-tuciones que se dedican a la enseñanza de la resucitacióntina de Patología de Urgencia y Emergentología de lacardiopulmonar (R.C.P.). Pero no había una entidad queAsociación Médica Argenti

Microsoft word - herbs to completely avoid during pregnancy.doc

Herbs to completely avoid during pregnancy: Reason to avoid The leaves are strongly purgative and should not be taken internally. A uterine and menstrual stimulant that could damage the fetus. Autumn crocus (Colichicum Can affect cell division and lead to birth defects. autumnale) Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Contains high levels of berberine, known to stimulate uterine contractions.

Why is mrsa a problem for school healthcare professionals

METHICILLIN-RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA) COMMUNITY ACQUIRED vs. HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATED Recently, there have been a number of reports about methicillin-resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) infections in schools. There are many resources available for schools that have questions about MRSA infections. Below is some general information about MRSA. There is also a fact sheet regarding MRSA o

Eliot J. Walker Phone: 214-978-6614 Fax: 214-978-6601 Education Admissions B.A., International Politics, with honors Western District of Texas Eastern District of Pennsylvania Eliot Walker practices complex civil litigation. Eliot has significant expertise in case strategy, targeted motion practice, and creative problem solving. His experience spans multiple substantive practice


SE_04_01_2009_top.qxd 3/10/09 11:44 AM Page 23 Top Contractors Rank Firm 2008 Revenue Market Sector Breakdown/ Year Established Phone/Fax in Region Largest Project Started in 2008 Top Officer Brasfield & Gorrie 1990 Vaughn Road, Ste 100 Kennesaw, GA 30144 $1,421,513,154 Gen Bldg:86% Indus/Power:2% Sewer/Waste:6% ECUA Central Water Reclamation Facility - Cant

Microsoft word - sanp i v therapy policy - 2013

Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Practitioners For the purpose of this policy, Intravenous (I.V.) Therapy refers to the use of injectable nutrients administered intravenously to supplement and support health. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRACTICE OF I.V. THERAPY IN SASKATCEHEWAN Registrants wishing to practice I.V. Therapy must comply with the following requirements: - Successful completion of

Microsoft word - scabies information sheet for the public - aug 28, 2009

SCABIES FACTS SHEET – FOR THE PUBLIC If you have questions call: HealthLine: 1-877-800-0002 Public Health: (306) 786-0600 Facility Infection Control: (306) 786-0639 What is Scabies? Scabies is an itchy condition of the skin caused by a tiny mite called Sarcoptes scabiei . It is estimated that more than 300 million cases of scabies occur worldwide every year. Scabies is not

Societatea europeana de medicina de urgenta (eusem) sub conducerea d-lui gunnar Öhlén s-a intrunit anul acesta la cel de-al vi congres european de medicina de urgenta in perioada 11-14 octombrie la stockholm

Participare romaneasca la al VI lea Congres European de Medicina de Urgenta Societatea Europeana de Medicina de Urgenta (EUSEM) s-a intrunit anul acesta la cel de-al VI lea Congres European de Medicina de Urgenta, care a avut loc in perioada 11-14 octombrie la Stockholm, Suedia. Congresul s-a desfasurat in City Conference Centre , unul din cele mai mari centre de conferinte din tarile nordice. Se

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Doxifin 200-mg Tablets Veterinary Use Broad spectrum antimicrobial based on doxycycline Formula: Each soluble 600-mg tablet contains: Doxycycline hyclate.223.00 mg (*) Excipient q.s.p.600.00 mg * Equal to 200.00 mg of doxycycline basis. General information Doxycycline is an antibiotic from tetracycline family, with some particularities that differentiate it from other congenero

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Name:_____________________________________________________ Age:_____ years I am right-handed/left-handed (Circle ONE) When is the first time ever in your life you had dizziness? ____________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT were the circumstances?__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Audited grouP resuLts for the year ended 30 september 2013 • Turnover increased 18% to R5,45 billion • EBITDA increased 11% to R1,1 billion • HEPS decreased 17% to 350,5 cents • Acquisition of Cosme brands in India concluded at a cost of R782 million • Shareholder approval pending for scheme of arrangement proposing a cash and shares transaction with CFR• Departure

Compulsory licenses in austria by dr. daniel alge, march 2000

Compulsory Licenses in Austria 1.: Historical development of the regulations in the Patent Act: The instrument of compulsory licenses has been provided with the first Patent Act of1897 as a measure to counter the patent right in the case of (reasonable) publicdemand for a patented invention or misuse of the patent right, e.g. by non working animportant invention in Austria. Another measure

Microsoft word - health history 2010 - edited .doc

PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY 1. Are you currently being treated by your physician for any medical condition? ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Physician’s Name _________________________________ 3 .Please list ALL medications you are currently taking: ______________________________________ ________________________________

Provisional result of the men's teams team competition.

The Cabbage Patch 10 10 Mile Road Race Provisional Result of the Men's Teams team competition. (3 competitors per team. Based on cumulative time.) 1 : Victoria Pk H's & Tower Hamlets AC 2:40:19 Totals 2 : Thames Hare & Hounds 2:45:26 Totals 3 : London Frontrunners 2:47:47 Totals 4 : London Heathside 2:50:44 Totals 5 : Serpentine Running Club 2:51:56 T


The aim of this section is to prepare the neuro- everyday neurological practice and to give him logist-in-training for the FMH examination, toor her updates on recent controversies in clinicalconfront her or him with specific problems ofContributions and correspondence to PD Dr. med. Hans H. Jung, Depar tment of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 26, CH-8091 Zurich, ha

YPC-F ParaFlow Two-Stage General The YORK ParaFlow Direct Fired Absorption Chiller-Heater is Absorption Direct Fired completely factory-packaged, including a first stage (high Liquid Chiller/Heater temperature) generator, burner, burner panel, main shell, hot waterheater, microprocessor controls and all interconnecting unit piping COOLING CAPACITY and wiring. All control and sa

No job name

Patients’ decisions to die: The emerging Australian jurisprudence A series of decisions by McDougall J in Hunter and New England Area Health Service vA (2009) 74 NSWLR 88; Martin CJ in Brightwater Care Group (Inc) v Rossiter (2009) 40WAR 84; Higgins CJ in Australian Capital Territory v JT (2009) 232 FLR 322; andKourakis J in H Ltd v J (2010) 240 FLR 402 has built upon prior decisions

Physicians Health Choice Total (HMO) and Select (HMO SNP) plans FORMULARY ADDITIONS UPDATE – Physicians Health Choice Total (HMO) and Select (HMO SNP) plans: The following summary describes recent changes to the formulary effective March 1, 2013. FORMULARY ADDITIONS, REDUCTIONS IN PREFERRED OR TIERED COST-SHARING STATUS, OR REMOVAL OF UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT TO AN EXISTING FORMULARY D

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RIASSUNTO DELLE CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO DENOMINAZIONE DEL MEDICINALE ENALAPRIL E IDROCLOROTIAZIDE ZENTIVA 20 mg + 12,5 mg compresse 2 COMPOSIZIONE QUALI-QUANTITATIVA Ogni compressa contiene: enalapril maleato mg 20 e idroclorotiazide mg 12,5. Per l’elenco completo degli eccipienti, vedere paragrafo 6.1. 3 FORMA FARMACEUTICA Compresse divisibili. 4 INFORMAZIONI


Expertise We have present all necessary statistical model to treat categorical data problems whit their application fields. Now we can see more models details. Although all treat models belong only one models family, the substantial differences from one to another are diverse. L o g i s t i c r e g r e s s i o n v s . L o g l i n e a r m o d e l s The log-linear model defer from log

Capítulo 12-14 - act. circular 3 417

RECOPILACION ACTUALIZADA DE NORMAS Capítulo 12-14 CAPÍTULO 12-14 APLICACIÓN DEL ARTÍCULO 35 BIS DE LA LEY GENERAL DE Ámbito de aplicación del artículo 35 bis de la Ley General de Bancos. El artículo 35 bis de la Ley General de Bancos exige a los bancos o a las personas o grupos controladores, según corresponda, solicitar una autorización previa especial a esta


Karl-Heinz Sabelleck Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. September 2009 10:55 Betreff: Aspirin Sozialpreis: Kritik an "Social Marketing"-Kampagnen von Bayer / Brief an ex-Gesundheitsministerin FischerPresse Information vom 9. September Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren Kritik an Social Marketing -Kampagnen der Bayer AG Sponsoring soll negative Berichterstattung in den Hintergrund d

Datos básicos sobre el análisis conjunto de l a OCDE y la StAR referido a la identificación y cuantificación de fondos provenientes de actos de soborno La importancia del estudio En el documento Identification and Qu antification of the Proceeds of Bribery – A Joint OECD-StAR Analysis (Identificación y cuantificación de fondos provenientes de actos de soborno: Un anális

Microsoft word - soma_metadata_0.5.doc

Shared Online Media Archive SOMA Metadata Element Set Version Author Based on meeting held at CMA office in Sheffield Based on comments on version 0.2, and the Finalise vocabularies, deal with open issues, Table of Contents Table of Contents . 2 Introduction. 4 Purpose of this document. 4 Brief Glossary. 4 Summary . 4 Comments and Open Issues. 5 Different Formats of

Does this child have asthma

Jefferson County Public Schools Health Services Primary Care Provider Authorization (PCP): Asthma/Allergy (Side One) 2012-2013 School Year Student Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ School: _____________________________ Does this child have ALLERGIC REACTIONS? __ YES __ NO Does this child have ASTHMA? ____ YES ____ NO hat things c

Membership application form


Microsoft word - ordenanzas.doc.docx

ORDENANZAS POR LAS QUE SE HA DE REGIR LA COFRADÍA DE NUESTRO PADRE JESÚS NAZARENO Artículo 1°.- Esta Cofradía, como desde su fundación, continúa denominándose de NUESTRO Artículo 2°.- La Cofradía radica en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Paz, adscrita a la Parroquia de Santa María la Mayor, de la ciudad de Daimiel (Ciudad Real), Iglesia que hasta 1982, pertenecía al Convento d

Your child does or may have lice 2009-09

Your Child Does (Or May) Have Lice You don’t think so? You are positive they don’t? Think again. “But my child doesn’t itch or scratch. Besides, I’ve checked and there isn’t anything!” Well, guess what! Your child does (or may) have lice. On Friday, 18 January (2007), Patricia Aiyenuro spoke to the PTA. She is an entomologist and is doing her PhD on head lice. Our family has

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METHOD ® ’: AN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of an online questionnaire for a novel smoking cessation treatment utilising applied psychological techniques. Participants were 107 paying clients attending Rob Kelly’s Cambridge Clinic. Post treatment 92.5% of participants reported that they had stopped smoking. INTRODUCTION: Cigarette smoking has a high ri

Microsoft word - swk jc-1029

Job Invoices with Comment Block Overview This Extended Solution to the Job Cost module adds the ability to include a comment block on Fixed Price and Time and Material invoices. If SWK Technologies, Inc. Software Extended Solution JC-1001: Enhanced Job Invoice Format is installed and enabled, you may choose to print the comment block in the header/total section of a one-page Time

Chapter 3 excretion

CHAPTER 3 EXCRETION SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 3.1 Human Excretion 1 Complete the table below by stating the method of excretion and excretory materials for the following excretory organ. Excretory organ Method of excretion Excretory materials Fill in the blanks with the words given. (a) The process of removing waste products, produced during chemical processes in the cells, is call

Microsoft word - ee-1 acute asthma copd with wheezing

 Adult Patient Assessment and Initial Medical Care protocol  Focus on history of patient’s current asthma/COPD meds, time, and amount of last dose.  Consider possibility of CHF/Pulmonary Edema. o If wheezing present in patient with history of COPD/Asthma  Treat per appropriate Cardiac/Pulmonary Edema SOP.  Asthma - Oxygen at 4-6L/nasal cannula.  COPD - Oxygen at 2-4L/nasa


The Journal of Neuroscience, July 15, 2000, 20 (14):5476–5482 Increased Excitability of Aged Rabbit CA1 Neurons after Trace Eyeblink Conditioning James R. Moyer Jr, John M. Power, Lucien T. Thompson, and John F. Disterhoft Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and the Institute for Neurosciences, Northwestern University Medical School,Chicago, Illinois 60611-3008 Cellular properties


Gemeindeseite vom 31. Oktober 2008 Gemeinde Sevelen Gemeinderatsverhandlungen vom 27. Oktober 2008 Direkt unter Gemeindewappen platzieren: Null-Stern-Hotel Eine zweite Probenacht findet vom Freitag, 14. November auf den Samstag, 15. November 2008 statt. Dieser Anlass wird vor al em für die Medien lanciert, welche für Berichterstattungen rund um die Welt besorgt sein werden.

Better safe than Sorry Funny one the other day at social bowls, one of the old girls was playing as a two superbly outfitted with scorecard holder with a knitted cover and keno pencil, wel she stopped me and asked whether I had a rubber in the shed, “no” I replied, “I am not that lucky anymore”. It got the better of me and I asked how old she was, 78 was the reply. Well you are luckier

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Pain Physician: March/April 2011; 14:123-143spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) or high performance liquid samples showed that 75% of patients were unlikely chromatography (HPLC). Enzyme-mediated immuno-to be taking their medications in a manner consis-assay (EIA) is frequently used as the initial evaluation tent with their prescribed pain regimen (158). This for UDT, which can test for numerous drugs

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CURRICULUM VITAE DATE OF BIRTH : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE/FAX : 01822 855471 (Home) [email protected] EDUCATION : Secondary Education: The Kings School, Macclesfield, Cheshire. MEDICAL EDUCATION : Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London. Elective period in Radiotherapy at Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, France QUALIFICATIONS : Certificat de conn

Voorwoord Deze MasterClass+ Hepatitiden & hiv, afgekort MC+ is tot stand gekomen in nauwe samenwerking tussen L&W MasterClasses en Soa Aids Nederland (expertisecentrum voor HIV/Aids en andere SOA). Samen zijn zij verantwoordelijk voor de opzet en inhoud van deze module. Ter voorbereiding op de ontwikkeling van de module is afstemming gezocht met het netwerk van Leververpleegkundigen

The open non-randomized food supplement “sugar crash package/nabor”

A biológiailag aktív “Sugar Crush” táplálékkiegészítő nyílt, nem randomizált kísérleti tanulmánya KÍSÉRLETI EREDMÉNYEK Vezető kutató: Ph.D., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Ametov A.S., Head of the Endocrinology and Diabetology Department, State Educational Management /GOU/, Additional Professional Education /DPO/, Russian Medical Academy of Post-Diploma

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Spurlock spine centre

Mid Back Complaints Today’s Date: _____/_____/_____ Name:_________________________________________________ Circle the areas on your body where you feel the described sensations, and mark with the appropriate letter(s). For Office Use Only: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

eBay Listings for "Powernutra". Click on the "Buy Now" link to purchase an item. • 8 BRAS, UNDERWIRE, LACE. 38B, 36B, 34B. 7 UNDERWEAR. 1 PEACH TEDDY. ($13.99• VICTORIA'S SECRET BLACK LINGERIE / TEDDY SZ.34D ~~~ "VERY SEXY" ($15.00• Victoria Secret Lingerie Teddy Babydoll Chemise Pink Black Lace Trim Satin Slip ($34.99• Victoria Secret Lingerie Teddy Babydoll

Microsoft word - brief report on the soma team visit to wonduruba

Brief Report on the SOMA Team visit to Wonduruba, October 2013. Introduction Wonduruba Diocese is located 85 miles West of Juba, but the journey there is currently longer as access is via Lainya. Wonduruba is currently under Bishop Enoch Tombe of Rejaf, but expects to become a Diocese in 2014. The suffragen Bishop responsible is Bishop Matthew Taban Peter. During the war, the LRA were


Publications list She co-authored more than 40 scientific publications including papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. 1. F.Bordi, C.Cametti, T.Gili, D.Gaudino, S.Sennato Time evolution of the formation of different size cationic liposome-polyelectrolyte complexes. Bioelectrochemistry ( 2003), 59 , 99-106. 2. F.Bordi, C.Cametti, F. De Luca, T.Gili, D.Gaudino, S.Sennat

Testimonials NADH Enada From the first day I took Enada I felt better than I had in months. I take other supplements but this has helped my memory better than anything I have taken. My Father’s attitude, verbalization, physical abilities remain very good. --Ms. Albertina Walski – San Bernardino, Calif. I notice short bursts of energy at times. It feels like I am normal again, before I go

Los estados intersexuales

LOS ESTADOS INTERSEXUALES Concepto y clasificación El término hermafroditismo proviene del dios griego Hermafrodito, hijo de Hermes y Afrodita, quien se distinguía por reunir, en una misma persona, rasgos y características de ambos sexos. En la actualidad este término ha sido sustituido por el de estados intersexuales y nos aproxima mejor a una de las problemáticas que siempre hem

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Lehrgang Chinesische Arzneien Materia Medica 12 A Qi stärkende Arzneien ein Ausbildungskurs der Sacam Postfach 2003 • 8021 Zürich • Tel. 0844 200 200 Fax 031 332 41 12 • [email protected] • I. Qi-Schwäche (Qi Xu) Ursachen  unregelmässiges oder falsches Essen  Blutverlust  zu viel oder zu wenig Bewegung Symptome  Milz-Qi-Schwäche

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News Release Press Contact:Holly RiosBiometric Access Company(512) 246-3760 x143Email: [email protected] Biometric Access Company Introduces Electronic Pseudoephedrine Sales Logging System for Pharmacies PharmaTrack™ Improves Pharmacist Productivity when Logging Medication Sales to Comply with Federal and State Regulations and to Combat Methamphetamine Production

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation Medium Cat No. F- GUXMX-9021 Product Description: Mesenchymal Stem Cel Osteogenic Differentiation Medium consists of optimized Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation Basal Medium, pre-selected Fetal Bovine Serum and supplements. This product has been developed for the optimal differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Ce

Mod dr0009

MINISTERIO DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO INTERNA TERMO DE RESPONSABILIDADE TERM OF RESPONSABILITY TERME DE RESPONSABILITÉ PROCESSO: |__|__|__|__|__| - |__|__| / |__|__|__| - |__|__| / |__|__|__| 1 – IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO RESPONSAVEL |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| 2. Nome(s) Próprio(s)

Masters of Science (Infectious Diseases) (Distinction) 2009 – 2012 University of London External System (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), UK Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy) (Honours) 2003 – 2007 National University of Singapore, SG Added Qualifications in Infectious Diseases 2012 Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist 2011 Board of Pharmacy Spe

Poetry midwest - fall 2005 - issue 14

Masthead Spring/Summer 2005, Number 14 (Volume 5, Number 2)ISSN 1536-870XCopyright ©1995–2005, Poetry Midwest. All rights reserved. Poetry Midwest is published electronically three times a year (Spring/Summer, Fall, Winter) by Poetry Midwest. Office at Poetry Midwest, 5915 West 100th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66207, USA. This publication may be freely distributed in it

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CHANT 02 - BOOKLET FÜR CD „CHANT. MUSIC FOR PARADISE“ Die Welt ist heute so laut, so schnell, so verwirrend. Das ist der Sündenfall der technisierten Welt. Im Kontrast zu unserer Hektik-und-Fast-Food-Gesellschaft ist ein Kloster heute mit einem Stück Paradies vergleichbar. Denn Mönche wollen ruhig, erfüllt und zeitlos leben… Einer dieser Orte, wo der Himmel die Erde berührt, is

Emergency contraception key facts and instructions for use

VT Form C: Key Facts and Instructions for Use Note: A copy of this form must be given to the client. This fact sheet may not be altered. Emergency Contraception (EC) is a safe and ECP’s won’t cause an abortion. effective way to prevent pregnancy after sex. • Emergency Contraception pills are not the Consider using Emergency Contraception if you didn’t use a co


The Starjump Comprehensive Developmental Assessment endeavours to understand the whole child via a developmental, biological, physical, social and emotional model. The Assessment Report provides the information needed for parents, teachers and specialists to work together in a deliberate, informed and constructive way. Visual problems are very common in children who struggle to learn at school.

Patient medical history

SINU-CLEAR, INC. , Office of Harvey D. Paley, M.D._________ Welcome to our office! Please take the time to fil out this form as thoroughly as possible. PATIENT NAME: __________________________________DATE:_________________ Referred By:___________________________________________________________________ Primary Complaint:______________________________________________________________ _______

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POSTAL ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Please list receipts for all medical costs and ALL PRESCRIPTION CHARGES INDIVIDUALLY, below. “Consultation” or “check up” is NOT sufficient for the “Reason for Visit” section (this information is for auditand planning purposes and helps ensure that benefits are kept current). CLAIMS FORM All claims cheques are pa

TAKING, STORING AND USING IMAGES OF CHILDREN POLICY At St Olave’s school, we are an open and inclusive community that is very proud of the achievements of all of our pupils in their academic, artistic and sporting endeavours. We celebrate our diversity and give our many visitors a warm welcome. We particularly welcome parents to our concerts, plays and sporting events, as

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45:1 (2004), pp 63–83Management of child and adolescent eating1University of Liverpool, UK; 2School of Medicine, University of Southampton, and Great Ormond Street Hospital NHSAlthough eating disorders in children and adolescents remain a serious cause of morbidity and mor-tality, the evidence base for effective interventions is surprisingly weak. Th

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Akte YDer Wahnsinn Einzelner oder Wie der BerlinerHaushalt saniert wurdeaus SIGNAL 04-05/2000 (Juni/Juli 2000), Seite 11 (Artikel-Nr: 10001900)Wütend knallte Mully einen Packen Faxe auf den Tisch. ,,Was haben Sie sich dennSculder setzte sein unschuldigstes Gesicht auf, und blickte sie an. ,,WOBEI habe ichmir WAS gedacht ?" Das war natürlich nur gespielt, denn ein kurzer Blick auf de

Nscv template

National Standard for Commercial Vessels Thiprovides requirements for the first aid, medical supplies and associated equipment on board vessels and includes requirements relating to inventories; labelling; packaging and expiry date control of medicines and medical equipment; and the construction, location and marking of medical cabinets and first aid kits. It forms a normative (mandatory) part


Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) und Verbraucherhinweise für den Bereich Sportler-Versandapotheke Forum-Apotheke Inhaber: Apotheker Johann Thoma e.K. Paracelsusstr. 2 93051 Regensburg Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Regensburg HRA 4750 Ust-IdNr.: DE 133 668 235 Genehmigte externe Betriebsstätte für den Versandhandel Auerbacher Str. 5 93057 Regensburg Sie erreichen

TRANSCRIPT OF SUMMIT KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY PRIME MINISTER LEE HSIEN LOONG AT SINGAPORE SUMMIT ON 20 SEP 2013, 8PM “Emerging Asia: Prospects and Possibilities” Mr George Yeo Singapore Summit Conference Chairman Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen Welcome back to the 2nd Singapore Summit! We meet at an interesting time for the world, and especially for Emerging Markets and the Asi


Articles Male circumcision for HIV prevention in men in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised trial Ronald H Gray, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Frederick Makumbi, Stephen Watya, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Lawrence H Moulton, Mohammad A Chaudhary, Michael Z Chen, Nelson K Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Melanie C Bacon, Carolyn F M Williams, Pius Opendi, Steven J Reynolds, Oliver Laeyendecke

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MARCADORES CARDÍACOS horas del comienzo del dolor. La CK-MB vuelve aEn la actualidad, se dispone de marcadores quevalores de normalidad entre 3-4 días después delpresentan una elevada sensibilidad y especificidad parael diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). Actualmente la determinación de CK-MB seHan quedado en desuso enzimas como la lactatoconsidera todavía el método d

Faqs template

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Provider-Administered Injectable Drug Program What is the Provider-Administered Injectable Drug Program? The provider-administered injectable drug program is a reimbursement and utilization management program for services administered in the physician office setting. The drugs covered by the program are most often administered by physicians s

FlutiForm® Inhalation Aerosol Confidential and Proprietary Information Synopsis SkyePharma AG Individual Study Table Referring (For National Authority to Part of Dossier: Use Only) Name of Study Drug: Name of Active Ingredient: Fluticasone propionate and formoterol fumarate Title of Study: Long-term Open-label Safety Study with SKP FlutiForm HFA pMDI (100/

Racing Wrap at Scone 24 Feb 2014 By Grahame Timbrell 25 February, 2014 Any doubts about whether Pompidou had matured as a race horse were dispelled when the Greg Bennett trained mare overcame difficulties to win the HTBA Protect Our Industry Benchmark 60 (1300m) at Scone last Monday. Pompidou, ridden by Robert Thompson, dropped out to second last early then was caught up on the fen

Cmr096 145.152

Ó The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]. Translating the SLIM diabetes preventionintervention into SLIMMER: implications for theDutch primary health careGeerke Duijzera,*, Sophia C Jansenb, Annemien Haveman-Niesa,b,Rykel van Bruggenc, Josien ter Beekb, Gerrit J Hiddinkdand Edith J M FeskensaaD

Ratlaps™ elisa

RatLaps™ For quantification of fragments of type I collagen in rat/mouse serum or urine and released from rat/mouse bone into cell culture supernatants during bone resorption in vitro The RatLaps™ ELISA should be used for the in vitro determinations of C-terminal telopeptides in rat/mouse serum, urine or cell culture supernatants. Nordic Bioscience Diagnostics is not respons

CLINICAL PROTOCOL FOR WOMEN WITH A PERIOD RECEIVINGThe aim of treatment is to synchronise your cycle with that of the donor’s cycle by giving you tablets to prepare the lining of the womb to receive embryos. To assist us in achieving this we may perform a dummy cycle prior to the treatment cycle itself. On the 2nd or 21 st day of your cycle preceding the cycle your donor is due to start treatm

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“ Coregs” are prospects that have been collected from a variety of marketing websites. Most of them are buyers, but the products purchased fall into a broad assortment of categories. A lesser number may have registered to receive information about products being offered for sale on the Internet. They represent a very broad cross section of the buying demography. Their past activity on the Int


Protesta Forconi, carabinieri tolgono casco. Genova paralizzata A Torino ferito un militare dell'Arma. Il Garante per gli scioperi: "Tolleranza zero" Genova, 9 dic. (TMNews) - I Forconi protestano in tutta Italia con 100 presidi, tra tensioni e disagi. A Genova, dove alcuni carabinieri hanno tolto il casco applauditi da alcuni manifestanti, il traffico stradale è b

opinión | 52 Escribe: Dr. Matías Sanz Navamuel Los actos de autoprotección ejemplo: no recibir transfusiones de ha sido declarada en numerosos fallos. *La conveniencia de la escritura pública En el año 2005 dos casos de pacientes condición humana. es indiscutible, debiéndose contar entre terminales conmovieron a la sociedad: el Como se ha visto, bioética y derecho sus vent

Referral Criteria – Minor Oral Surgery Accepted Rejected Third Molar Removal Accepted for minor oral surgery for teeth meeting NICE guidelines Rejected – Treatment to be undertaken by GDPs Wisdom teeth meeting NICE criteria that are impacted requiring a flap procedure • Impacted wisdom teeth free from disease and bone removal and/or surgical division i.e. wisdom teeth

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JULIE EVANS (TVN) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Rehab Engineering Unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK. [email protected] Introduction: Patients may succumb to infections from a variety of ÂopportunisticÊ bacteria as a result Table 1 -Sequence of intervention and associated wound response of concurrent co-morbidities. The Centers for Disease Cont

Ibrahim Ethem Bagci1, Mohammad Reza Pourmirza1, Shahid Raza2, Utz Roedig1, Thiemo Voigt2,31School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK{i.bagci, m.pourmirza, u.roedig} Institute of Computer Science, Kista, SwedenAbstract—Many Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used toTo secure data stored on nodes it has been proposed tocollect and pr

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– Pantalon en coton, ample – Pantalon léger ou robe pour sortir – T-shirts – Paires de chaussettes – Slips, maillot de bain – Short ou bermuda – Mouchoirs, chemises, sweat-shirt – Imper léger genre poncho – Chapeau – Paire de chaussures solides – Paire de sandales – Chèche ou foulard contre la poussière – Une polaire (qui servira aussi d'oreiller ou de couverture), q


La leishmaniose est une maladie transmise par les phlébotomes et sévissant principalement sur un large pourtour méditerranéen. Que vous viviez dans une région concernée par la maladie ou que vous soyez susceptibles d'y séjourner avec votre chien, même pour quelques jours, il est indispensable que vous connaissiez cette affection, le mode de contamination et surtout les mesures préventiv

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This plan should be completed by the student’s personal health care team and parents/guardian. It should be reviewed with relevant school staff and copies should be kept in a place that is easily accessed by the school nurse, trained diabetes personnel, and other authorized personnel. Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Grade: ___________ Date of Bi

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General Ultrasound US in Biliary Diseases Seoul National University Hospital The role of imaging in biliary diseases is detection, characterization of a lesion, diagnosis of biliary obstruction including determination of the obstruction level, and differentiation of benign from malignant causes, and preoperative staging of malignancies for resectability. US plays an important role in

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Frequently Used Maintenance Medications This is a list of frequently used maintenance drugs. If you are taking a medication for the listed conditions that is not on the sample list, please check with Prescription Solutions at (800) 797- 9791 to see whether your medication is considered a “maintenance drug.” HYPERTENSION ALTACE – Formulary Brand AMLODIPINE – Generic ATENOLOL

Communiqu de presse

Communiqué de presse 9 Juillet 2010 Swiss Life propose une nouvelle vision de la complémentaire santé : Swiss santé, Ma formule Depuis 2006, Swiss Life, 2ème assureur privé en santé des particuliers, a développé des offres personnalisées et de qualité pour répondre à la diversité des besoins et des comportements. Aujourd’hui, Swiss Life va encore plus loin en pr

Microsoft word - hypertensionportale.doc

PROTOCOLE DE TRAITEMENT DES HEMORRAGIES DIGESTIVES PAR HYPERTENSION PORTALE 1. Prise en charge initiale : évaluer l’importance et le retentissement hémodynamique de l’hématémèse • Extériorisation de sang rouge ou noir par la bouche ou l’anus • Tachycardie • Hypotension artérielle • Autres signes de choc hypovolémique : pâleur, extrémités froides, marbrures

Bowel management

Bowel Management The purpose of the bowel is to absorb food to supply energy to your body and eliminate waste matter. Your stomach prepares food for digestion, the small bowel absorbs the food your body needs, and the remaining waste matter passes into the large bowel, or colon, where extra water is removed. Food and waste matter is propelled along the small and large bowel by a wave lik

$10,000 SAVITAIPALE, FIN 03 Aug 2010 - 08 Aug 2010 Last Updated: 25 Jul 2010 Main Draw Date of Birth Ranking Spec'l Information Priority Main Draw Wild Cards Date of Birth 32 Qualifying Date of Birth Ranking Spec'l Information Priority Rank Date: 12 Jul 2010 All players who compete in ITF Pro Circuit tournaments must have a valid IPIN and sign-up to

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CT Contrast History Form Patient name ______________________________________________________ DOB ________________  Female  Male Weight _______________ Height __________________ 1. Is there any chance of pregnancy?  Y  N Date of last menstrual period _______________________ 2. Are you currently breast feeding?  Y  N 3. Why are you having this examination (med

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(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Starlite Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is committed to enhancing long-term shareholder value through regular communication with its shareholders, both individual and institutional (the “Shareholders”). To this end, the Company strives to ensure that all Shareholders have ready and timely access to all publicly available information o

2. La efectividad del método disminuye a un13.- COUSINS M. An Additional Dimension to theefficacy of Epidural Steroids. Anesthesiology 2000;3. Las HNP del nivel L5-S1 responden mejor14.- CUCKLER J M. The use of epidural steroids in thetreatment of lumbar radicular pain: A prospective4. Las HNP de situación medial respondenrandomized, double blind study. J Bone Joint Surg5. Las HNP de tam

Experiment 5

For those that downloaded the notes – a reward! Paste the flowchart in your notebook. However, please read, study and understand the procedure. Lecture Notes Genetic Engineering • Bacteria contain genes that make digestive enzymes to breakdown arabinose for food. When arabinose is present the genes are turned on and turned off when the arabinose runs out. • The pGLO DNA y

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Journée d’information des professionnels de l’urgenceUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)Aspects cliniques• Épidémiologie clinique• Forme clinique habituelle• Grippe compliquée• Grippe et terrain• Démarche diagnostique• Évolution Aspects thérapeutiques• Traitement • Vaccination • La grippe est une maladie contagieuse +++• Réplication virale dans le

Kreisschule Entfelden Kreisschulrat Protokoll der 36. Sitzung Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013, 19.30 – 21.20 Uhr In der Aula Oberstufenschulhaus Oberentfelden Anwesend: Bircher Markus, Gemeinderat, Oberentfelden * Ursprung Ruth, Gemeinderätin, Unterentfelden Dätwyler Yasmin, Gemeinderätin, Unterentfelden Traktanden 1. Begrüssung 2. Protokolle der 34. und 35. Sitzun

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"Buying The Really, Really Big Star's Car" (702) 966-0444 / [email protected]: “AMERICA’S WEALTHIEST CAR DEALER”CHARLIE (CAR DEALER) IS GIVING A SALES MEETING. let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s Let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s Let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s "BUYING THE REALLY, REALLY BIG STAR'S CAR""BUYING THE REALLY, REALLY

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      Demand for low-cost generic drugs sparks building boom on LI June 21, 2013 By JAMES T. MADORE Consumers' greater use of low-cost generic drugs to combat ever-higher medical bil s has sparked a building boom that is creating more than 2,000 jobs at pharmaceutical manufacturers on Long Island. Since 2010, 12 drug companies have announced expansion plans, totaling $387 mil i

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for late rectal and bladder toxicity after radiation in prostate cancer patients. a symptom control and quality-of-life study

LetterHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Late Rectal and Bladder Toxicity after Radiation inProstate Cancer Patients. A Symptom Control and Quality-of-life StudySir d Radiation therapy achieves a high level of diseaseof them: physical functioning, role physical, social func-control and cure rates for organ-confined prostate cancertioning, role emotional and mental health. but a 5e20% incidenc

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 USA Results of the sBs horses and approved stallions  1e quarter 2013  CANAO DES HAYETTES F - 18/06/2008 - sBs - QUETZACOATL SIMONETRI et/en HERMIONE ROUGE (PAPILLON ROUGE) Naisseur/Fokker : HAYETTES (Haras des -) 08600 - GIVET Tel. +33 (0) 607.44.37.49 - GSM +32 (0) 473.23.16.44 DARK DE LA HART M - 30/05/2003 - BWP - KASHMIR VAN SCHUTTERSHOF et/en UMBRA

Four one-acts

The scene is a gym. Center stage there are two stationary bike machines. They face down-stage toward the audience. The set can be as extravagant or as bare as production values allow; the only requirements are the two bike machines. At rise MAN #1, a forties-something guy in excellent physical condition, enters and begins plugging his settings into the computer of the stage-right bike machine. Sa

Altius Health Plans, Inc. Coventry Health Care plans Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company 2013 Prescription Drug List HealthAmerica Pennsylvania, Inc. HealthAssurance Pennsylvania, Inc. Alphabetical Listing The Prescription Drug List is an alphabetical list of approved medicines covered by your benefit plan. In the Prescription Drug List, generic drugs are listed by the

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CONTINUING EDUCATION TEST: Cardiac CT: Indications and Limitations 1. At this time, why is CCT not recommended as a routine screening test for CAD? A. Too much overlapping of adjacent structures can cause false-positive and B. There are not enough data on the increased risks of cancer from this procedure. C. At this time, it does not provide a 3-dimensional view of the heart, which can D. It

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THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of

THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 10, Supplement 1, 2004, pp. S-103–S-112 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Placebo Research: The Evidence Base for Harnessing HARALD WALACH, Ph.D.,1 and WAYNE B. JONAS, M.D.2 ABSTRACT Placebo effects are often considered irrelevant at best and a nuisance at worst for determining what is valu-able in medicine. In this paper, we arg

Identification of bioactive compounds from flowers of black elder (sambucus nigra l.) that activate the human peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor (ppar)

PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Phytother. Res. 24 : S129–S132 (2010) Published online 11 March 2010 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI : 10.1002/ptr.3005 Identifi cation of Bioactive Compounds from Flowers of Black Elder ( Sambucus nigra L.) that Activate the Human Peroxisome Proliferator- activated Receptor (PPAR) γ Kathrine B. Christensen1,2*, Rasmus K. Petersen3, Kar


The Southern Cross Group Promoting Mobility in the Global Community Australian-born Maltese and their Children - Family Profiles The Schembri Family Mario Schembri, 45, born in Melbourne, is extremely disappointed that his two Maltese-born children Darryl , aged 15, and Yasmin , aged 10, are being denied access to Australian citizenship under the Australian Citizenship Bill

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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CLINICAL TRIALS OF HERBAL MEDICINAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPED BY SWEDISH HERBAL INSTITUTE KAN JANG tablets, fixed combination ( Andrographis paniculata , Eleutherococcus senticosus ) Cáceres, D.D., Hancke, J.L., Burgos, R.A., Sandberg, F., Wikman, G.K., 1998, "Use of visual analogue scale measurements (VAS) to assess the effectiveness of standardized Androgr


Red leaves, insects and coevolution: a red herring?H. Martin Schaefer1 and David M. Wilkinson21Institute for Biology 1, Albert Ludwigs-Universita¨t, Hauptstr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany2School of Biological and Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom St, Liverpool, UK L3 3AFW.D. (Bill) Hamilton proposed that coevolution betweendefensive strength enables well defended individua

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If you have questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to call us at 205-879-5369 or 1-888-560-3436. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you need to reach us after regular business hours, you can leave a message or connect to our answering service to speak Frequently asked questions Q: What is the difference between a “cc” and an “m


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Sammanfatttning av en omreglerad apoteksmarkna (2013:7)

Sammanfattning Statskontoret har på uppdrag av regeringen följt upp och utvärderat apoteks-omregleringen utifrån målen för omregleringen. Statskontoret bedömer att målet om ökad tillgänglighet till läkemedel och målet om låga läkemedelskostnader har uppfyllts i hög grad. Samtidigt be-dömer Statskontoret att målet om bättre service och tjänsteutbud och målet om bibehålle

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LISTE DES ACTES ET PRESTATIONS AFFECTION DE LONGUE DURÉE MALADIE CORONARIENNE Ce guide médecin est téléchargeable sur 2 avenue du Stade de France - F 93218 Saint-Denis La Plaine CEDEX Tél. :+33 (0)1 55 93 70 00 - Fax :+33 (0)1 55 93 74 00 Ce document a été validé par le Collège de la Haute Autorité de Santé en septembre 2010 © Haute Autorité de Santé – 2010 List

Schulungsverein Diabetes e.V. 18. Infobrief Sommer 2009 Liebe Mitglieder des Schulungsvereins,der Infobrief „Sommer 2009“ ist fertig gestellt und enthält für Sie aktuelle Termine und Informationen über die Aktivitäten des Schulungsvereins. Bitte reichen Sie den Brief an das Schulungspersonal weiter. Termine zum Vormerken: Offener Qualitätszirkel Diabetes in Sindelfingen: Mittw

K-1 2E, K-2 2E, K-3 2E The magnetic contacts consist of two elements: magnetic sensor (reed switch) and magnet. The reed switch, which is situated near the magnet, makes the electric circuit. Each of the magnetic contact elements is placed in an identical watertight housing, the part with reed switch having electric lead-outs (Fig. 1,2,3). Inside the housing together with the reed switch

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Fornire Energia rapidamente ed in modo duraturo (ENERGIA RAPIDA) Integratore energetico ipertonico con glucidi sequenziali a rapida assimilazione, alanina, elettroliti e ginseng Confezione da 10 flaconi monodose da 25 ml € 18.00 Prodotto Notificato al Ministero della Salute in data 13/01/03* ai sensi del D.L.vo n° 111 - 27/01/92 e successivi. Assunto al bisogno dur

Titulo: entre a autonomia e a criminalização: a realidade do aborto no brasil

Entre a autonomia e a criminalização: a realidade do aborto no Brasi Nalu Faria Introdução Debater o tema do aborto é extremamente importante frente a sua centralidade para o avanço de posições feministas na sociedade. No Brasil, essa questão está em debate há mais de vinte anos no Legislativo e encontra cada vez mais opositores e ataques, com forte criminalização das mu

Exelon smart grid demonstration project

Exelon Project Overview EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Project Overview The Exelon project is a collaborative effort bringing together Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Smart Grid ComEd and Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) Demonstration Host-Site projects are part of a five-year technologies and applications to further the industry in regards collaborative initiati


Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth?Printed from ACP Online. Document URL: Close this window Effective Clinical Practice Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth? Effective Clinical Practice, July/August 1999. For author affiliations, current addresses, and contributions, see end of text. Context. The use

Sky Journal of Biochemistry Research Vol. 2(6), pp. 37 – 41, November, 2013 Available online ©2013 Sky Journals Full Length Research Paper Antidiarrhoeal activity ( Anacardium occidentale ) leaf extract enriched with zinc in wistar albino rats Udedi S. C1*., David E. E2., Igwilo I. O1., Ekwealor K. E3., Enemali M. O4., Bamidele,

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ESSENTIAL STEPS IN THE MANAGEMENT COMMON CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED MATERNAL MORTALITY NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTH AFRICA CONTRIBUTORS L Bamford E Buchmann G Lamacraft H Lombaard S Monokoane J Moodley R C Pattinson S Velaphi CONTENTS 3. Emergency Management of Post-partum Haemorrhage (PPH) 4. Complications during Obstetric Anaesthesia

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LESSON 1 INTRODUCTIONThis lesson introduces you to electricity and the famous law of Mr Ohm. His law is behind many of the little formula that you will encounter in the RAE. If math’s is not your favourite subject read this lesson three times instead of just twice! It is always worth working through my examples to make sure you get the same answer as me. In this lesson, definitions that do


ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE PERMISSION FORM AND RELEASE Home Phone:____________ Work Phone: ____________ Emergency Contact (name and telephone number): As parent or guardian of my son/daughter, I do hereby agree to allow my son/daughter to participate in the following activity (event/date/time): D.C. Pentecost Pilgrimage/ (5/26/2012)/ 9:30am-7:30pm I acknowledge receipt of the attached info

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HINTA sis alv Smallboat ja Midrange helat 001 3.00 Hexaratchet II + 2 Block - Starboard3.00 Hexaratchet II + 2 Cheek Block (Stbd) w/Fasteners3.00 Hexaratchet II + 2 Cheek Block (Port) w/Fasteners2.25 Hexaratchet Cheek Block (Stbd) w/Fasteners2.25 Hexaratchet Cheek Block (Port) w/Fasteners3.00 Hexaratchet II + 2 Block w/Becket - StbdStanchion Mount Lead Base for 3/8 Swivel Post Blocks

1. LEGEMIDLETS NAVN 2. KVALITATIV OG KVANTITATIV SAMMENSETNING 1 tablett inneholder:Haloperidol 1 mg. Haloperidol 4 mg. For fullstendig liste over hjelpestoffer se pkt. 6.1. 3. LEGEMIDDELFORM Tabletter. 1 mg tabletter: Hvite, runde, bikonvekse med delekors preget med ”JANSSEN” på den ene siden. 4 mg tabletter: Hvite, runde, bikonvekse med delekors preget med ”JANSSEN” på de

27 April 2012 Inaugural Seatrade Offshore Marine Asia (SOMA) Ends on a High The inaugural Seatrade Offshore Marine Asia (SOMA) conference, which came to a close at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre today, ended on a high as delegates participated in the final industry panel discussion. The "Technical and Environmental Challenges" session highligh

EAST SUFFOLK Issue 11 Prostate Cancer Support Group PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND Member of Parliament for Central Suffolk & North Ipswich Dr. Ramachandran Venkitaraman ( Dr. Ram ) Consultant Oncologist and Ipswich CaRes Team Member TEST RESULTS Results from the free PSA test event THE WAITING GAME FOR THOSE ON HORMONAL TREATMENT Diagnosed with 20% cancer



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Intake copy

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C/O Sydney Colorectal Associates 37 Gloucester Rd Hurstville NSW 2220 Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (2010) Current Appointments: Visiting Medical Officer (1977- ) Clinical Associate Professor UNSW Senior Clinical Advisor NSW Health (2010-) CoChair Strenghtening Local Decision Making Implementation Group NSW Health (2009-) Chair, Governing Council Illawarra and Shoalha

Udveksling til Oslo i Norge, 4 uger 2012 Tandplejerstuderende Yasmin Khan fortæller: 1. Hvorfor valgte du at tage på udveksling i udlandet? Jeg ville gerne have en anden erfaring inden for tandplejer uddannelsen og se hvordan opbygningen er i forhold til i DK. Men også at opleve selve læringen og rutinerne fx klinikken i forhold til DK. Efter endt uddannelse vil jeg gerne rejse tilbage o

público Trato diferencial Por el contrario, la misma prefectu- Una cruz gamada pintada en un colegio francés el pasado septiembre. Ahora se han vuelto a denunciar actos antisemitas. Boris HorVAT/AFP La comunidad judía, la mayor de Europa, denuncia un aumento de agresiones violentasridad” y se remitió a la prefectura de das por Público al respecto. tensión en las cales

Appendices Chapter 19 Appendices APPENDIX 1: BASELINE HEALTH DATA TABLE 23: POPULATION, NUMBER OF MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS AND PHARMACIES IN THE TERRITORY OF MUNICIPAL ENTITIES IN THE SAKHALIN REGION Municipal entity Population in thousands *Number of Number of Number of outpatient pharmacies institution clinics and obstetrics *Health institutions as legal en



Isoprenylcysteine (IPC) analogs: a novel class of NSAIDs show activity to different inflammatory endpoints including reduced erythema* E. Perez1, J. B. Stock1, 2, A. V. Gonzalez1, K. Rouzard1, S.Y. Lee1, M.V. Voronkov1, K. Rapole1, J. Barrero-Oro1,J. S. Gordon1, M. B. Stock1 1Signum Biosciences, Monmouth Junction, NJ. 2Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Introductio

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Town of Reading HEALTH DIVISION 16 Lowell Street Phone: (781) 942-9061 Reading, MA 01867-2683 Fax: (781) 942-9071 Website: For Immediate release West Nile Virus Confirmed in Dead Birds and mosquitoes from Reading DATE: August 11, 2008 CONTACT: Larry Ramdin TELEPHONE: 781-942-9061 The Massachusetts Department of Public H

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Report on Availability of essential medicines in PHCs of 5 districts of Maharashtra During the 4th phase of Community based monitoring (CBM) in Maharashtra, availability of essential medicines in PHCs has been assessed quite extensively. Availability of 28 essential medicines was assessed in the 4th phase of CBM (data collected in the period Sept. 2010 to March 2011). All selected medic

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Using Your Benesyst Benny™! Over-The-Counter (OTC) Drugs FSA Guide Over-The-Counter Drugs & Products Reimbursable through a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account IRS Revenue Ruling 2003-102, permits many OTC drugs to be reimbursed medical expenses in an FSA. Under the ruling, (OTC) drugs purchased without a physician’s prescription are reimbursable as long as the it

L'asperge Asparagus officinalis C’est une excellente source de folate (produit dérivé de l'acide folique -sel de l'acide folique- ou vitamine B9, cet élément intervient dans la fabrication de l'ADN, dès qu'une cellule de l'organisme nécessite un renouvellement rapide (cellules du sang, de l'estomac, des intestins, de la bouche), une vitamine particulièrement nécessaire aux fe

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Geschäftsbereich Laborverbund Laborarztpraxis im Medizinischen Pavillon Leiter: Dr. rer. nat. R. Lange Dr. med. L. Briedigkeit Dr. med. M. Seewald Ladeburger Str. 17, 16321 Bernau Facharzt für Laboratoriumsmedizin Fachärztin für Mikrobiologie u. Tel. 03338/69-4265 Bluttransfusionswesen Infektionsepidemiologie/Umweltmedizin Fax: 03338/69-4843

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Status of Introduced Plants in Southern Arizona Parks Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. William L. Halvorson, Principal Investigator U.S. Geological Survey / Southwest Biological Science Center Table of Contents: Dimorphotheca sinuata D.C. . 3 African daisy, cape marigold, sun marigold, Star of the Veldt, glandular cape marigold .3 synonymous names of the species:. 3 species

Sergeants Benevolent Association Official Document Prescription Drug Retiree Plan B Benefit Information Using Your You may present your SBA prescription benefit card at any pharmacy. The Prescription pharmacy will electronically process your claim and collect the applicable co- Pharmacy You have access to an extensive national pharmacy network comprised of more than 64,000 inde

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Chapitre 1 LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON ET SES TRAITEMENTS Ont contribué à l’élaboration, la rédaction et la révision de cette section : Line Beaudet Chantal Beauvais Sylvain Chouinard Manon Desjardins Michel Panisset Emmanuelle Pourcher Valérie Soland Maladie de Parkinson Thalamus Substance noire Tronc cérébral Noyau sous-thalamique Globus pallidus Putamen Noyau ca

ACTIVITY: Swimming CASE: GSAF 1994.03.23.b DATE: Wednesday March 23, 1994 LOCATION: The incident took place in the Pacific Ocean 300 miles east of Easter Island and 30 nautical miles from Sala-y-Gómez Island. Sala-y-Gómez, a small uninhabited island, is the easternmost point in Polynesia. The tiny island belongs to Chile and is part of its Easter Island Province. It lies 3,220

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Chorale Trip to Vancouver, British Columbia RULES AND REGULATIONS – KEEP AT HOME! We are looking forward to a pleasant trip together! We will be doing loads of singing and sightseeing, so getting plenty of rest prior to and during our trip is highly encouraged, pleasant moods are deeply appreciated, and kindness is absolutely mandatory. Here are a few common sense rules that MUST be fol

Oemed-2011-100255 1.7

OEM Online First, published on July 5, 2012 as 10.1136/oemed-2011-100255 Association between exhaled breath condensatenitrate + nitrite levels with ambient coarse particleexposure in subjects with airways diseaseSarah Manney,1 C M Meddings,2 R M Harrison,2,12 A H Mansur,1 A Karakatsani,3A Analitis,4 Klea Katsouyanni,4 D Perifanou,4 I G Kavouras,5 N Kotronarou,5J J de Hartog,6 J Pekkanen,7,8 K


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1. Welche Wirkungsmechanismus ist für die blutzuckersenkende Wirkung der Pharmaka A. Rosiglitazon – Verstärkte Insulinsekretion B. Metformin – Hemmung der Glukoneogenese C. Acarbose – Hemmung der Glukosidasen im Darm D. Glibencamid – Hemmung des ATP-abhängigen K+ -Auswärtsstromes in den E. Nateglinid – Verstärkte Insulinsekretion 2. Welches Insulin hat bei einmaliger s.c. Injekti



Schon wenn ihr Name genannt wird, beginnt es bei vielen zu jucken. In letzter Zeit erscheinen sie immer häufiger: Kopfläuse, mit dem lateinischem Namen pediculi capitis. Sie sind flügellose, blutsaugende Insekten, die als Parasiten auf den Menschen spezialisiert sind. Mehrmals täglich, rund alle drei Stunden, stechen sie mit ihrem Saugrüssel zu und nehmen Blut als Nahrung auf. Dabei geben

Researchers wanted to measure the effect of alcohol on the development of the hipppocampal region inadolescents. The hippocampus is th portion of the brain responsible for long-term memory storage. Theresearchers randomly selected 12 adolescents with alcohol use disorders. They wanted to test the claim thehippocampal volumes in the alcoholic adolescents were less than the normal volume of 9.02 c

Biotin for Hair Introduction Biotin is often the first line of defense in hair loss. Biotin is known for its value to hair, skin and nails, and particularly for growing hair. Hair growth is one of its most important and often used benefits. Biotin vitamin is part of a healthy diet for beautiful, healthy skin and hair. Biotin supplements are an easy way to make sure you get enough biotin to

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CURRICULUM VITAE Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMU 1266) E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION: University of Houston, Houston, Texas Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, College of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station, Texas. Scientific Advisor, U.S. Health Economics, Oxford Outcomes, Ltd., Morristown, New Professor, De


Diel Differences in Abundance and Composition of Ichthyoplankton Influx through Breach Inlet Courtney Brooks*, David Wilson* and Gorka Sancho Department of Biology, College of Charleston, Charleston , SC Question Background Conclusions How does the abundance of larval fish vary in The life cycle of various larval assemb

STEVE S KIM, MD/PHD DIPLOMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF PLASTIC SURGERY CertifiCations and soCiety MeMberships Board Certified , American Board of Plastic Surgery Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons American Medical Association California Medical Association Los Angeles Plastic Surgery Society eduCation and training University


A Review of some meta-analytic comparisons of pharmacological interventions for prevention of cardiovascular disease in Type 2 diabetes A.G. Shannon Warrane College, The University of New South Wales, & KvB Institute of Technology, North Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia This paper was written to mark the retirement of Professor Soonki Kim, friend and colleague Introduction

Psychological problems among immigrants

Psychological Problems Among Immigrants Sajjan Singh Bajwa, Ph.D. * * Formerly Professor, Khalsa College Amritsar and Asst. Professor, University of Southern California : 1461 W. Nancy Lane, Porterville. CA 93257. (USA) Thoughts give rise to desires, desires shape actions, actions become habits, and habits make character. All desires may or may not be fulfilled. The satisfied desires

Deepwater Petroleum Exploration and Production: A Non- tems needed for the development of an oil field. The overview technical Guide , 2nd ed., by W. L. Leffler, R. Pattarozzi, and of the two main types of platforms is given in chapter 7; then G. Sterling, ISBN 978-1-59370-253-3, PennWel , 2011, 350 the details of fixed and floating production systems are covered in chapters 8 and 9. Other

Regulating NeedDeciding on public financial intervention withinthe fields of healthcare and development aidAnna Krohwinkel-Karlsson and Ebba SjögrenRegulating NeedDeciding on public financial intervention withinthe fields of healthcare and development aidAnna Krohwinkel-Karlsson and Ebba SjögrenScore working paper 2006:1ISBN 91-89658-38-8ISSN 1404-5052 Deciding on public financial intervent

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INFORMATIVO GRIPE A – SETOR DE PREVENÇÃO EM SAÚDE O que é o novo vírus da Gripe A(H1N1)v? O novo vírus da Gripe A(H1N1)v, que apareceu recentemente, é um novo subtipo de vírus que afeta os seres humanos. Este novo subtipo contém genes das variantes humana, aviária e suína do vírus da gripe e apresenta uma combinação nunca antes observada em todo o Mundo. Em contrast

Social Role Valorization Versus Drug TherapiesMellaril is not by any means unreasonable.”Happily, he goes on to suggest alternatives, butwelfare organisation, contacted me to tell of athe “reasonableness” of Mellaril, given thenotice he=d just received from Novartis (July 31,above Novartis notice, in any situation seems2000) concerning Mellaril (thioridazine HCI). Its first paragra

Microsoft word - 35408ae50 _2_.doc

INTRODUCTION Operating power is obtained from an internal 3V FW-RMT wireless security system is an advanced, low-Lithium Battery. A red LED lights during transmission as long as the battery voltage The FW-RMT is a miniature 4-button (4-function) exceeds 2.4V. If the LED flashes during transmitter, designed for use in advanced, high-transmission, the battery must be replaced FRE

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In re Montgomery The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (“Federal Circuit”) decision of In re Montgomery provides some illustration on the issue of anticipation by inherency in the therapeutic context. With its decision, the Federal Circuit sheds some light on the difficult doctrine of inherency, specifically on the potential importance of claim language and The U.S. pat

A new transdermal device, transderm ionto, can effectively allow the penetration of 2% lidocaine into the skin to minimize pai

Center for Clinical & Cosmetic Research Abstract February Pilot clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of the Transdermal Ionto device to minimize pain and discomfort associated with dermatological cosmetic procedures Mark Nestor, MD, PhD and Alex Cazzaniga Center for Cosmetic Enhancement, Aventura, Florida The Transderm Ionto (Mattioli Engineering, Italy S.p.A.) is a me

The Doctrine of 'Double Effect' and its Limitations Since the 13th century moral theologians have invoked the doctrine of 'double effect' to justify actions which result in both good and bad outcomes. It derives from the view that human life is a gift from God who alone may determine its span. It is used to support medical decisions designed to relieve suffering, where death becomes an uninte

Resultate bjc 2012 dornbirn

BUNDESJUNIORCUP 2012 Vorstieg: Österreichische Meisterschaft für Kinder und Jugend Klassen: Dornbirn 12./13. Mai 2012 Kinder weiblich Qualifikation 1/2 Finale Rg. Name Vorname Sektion/Land 1.Dg 1.Pk Rg.1 2.Dg 2.Pk Rg.2 Gp. RQ Fin Kl_Zeit 1 Winkler Julia 2 Kruckenhauser Lisa 3 Lettner Sandra ** 4 Lammer Laura 5 Wittauer Christina 6 Scho

Piezoelectric Accelerometer ENDEVCO MODEL 6237M70/ Model 6237M70/M71 • +1200°F (+650°C) Operation • Integral Hardline Cable • Single Bolt Mount • Ground Isolated • Gas Turbine Testing DESCRIPTION The ENDEVCO ® Model 6237M70 and 6237M71 piezoelectric accelerometers are designed specifically for use in extremely high temperature environments such as those experie

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introductiebrochure voor studenten verpleegeenheid F2 Voorwoord Wij willen je graag als student opnemen op onze afdeling. Wij willen ons inzetten zodat je een aangename stageperiode tegemoet gaat. Met deze brochure willen we je wegwijs maken op onze afdeling. Het is een beknopte begeleiding die je steeds kunt raadplegen. Een brochure kan niet allesomvattend zijn, daarom staan zowe

[reprinted from liberty with permission

[Reprinted from Liberty with permission. Liberty , Volume 17, No. 7, July 2003, pp. 11-12. E-mail letters to the editor Most drug prohibitionists oppose making marijuana a legal medicine, as well they should. Similarly, most people who believe drug prohibition should be repealed support making marijuana a legal medicine, as well they should not. Disease and medicine have nothing to do with ww

DEMENTIA GATEWAY DIFFICULT SITUATIONS Difficult situations 9 Antipsychotic medication and dementia Key messages If the behaviours cause the person significant Research indicates that people with dementia have distress, or involve risks to the person or been prescribed antipsychotic medication too readily, and best practice guidelines now recommend a considerable reducti

Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs: educational vs. promotional

DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER ADVERTISING OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: EDUCATIONAL VS. PROMOTIONAL Kuan P. Chiang, University of Rhode Island ABSTRACT DTC advertising of prescription drugs is growing rapidly. The spending for prescription drugs advertising will reach at least $1.3 billion in 1998, an increase over 1997 of more than 50 percent. This record growth follows 42 percent increase reported

Camper health history form-2.2014-final

Camper Health To Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Complete this section and give this form (FORM 2) and a copy of your completed CAMPER HEALTH HISTORY FORM (Form 1) to your child’s health-care provider for review. History Form 2 Dates will attend camp: From ______________________________ to ____________________________ Camper Name ___________________________________________________

The blue island

EXPERIENCES OF A NEW ARRIVAL BEYOND THE VEIL THE BLUE ISLAND Communicated by W. T. STEAD Recorded by PARDOE WOODMAN & ESTELLE STEAD With a Letter from SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE LONDON 1922 A Letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle I found the narrative most interesting and helpful. I have no means of judging the exact conditions under which it was produced, or how far s

Smart Policing Initiative Podcast: Glendale, AZ Phase I Lieutenant Frank Balkcom, Glendale Police Department Dr. Michael White, Research Partner, Arizona State University September 2011 [Beginning of transcript] Lt. Frank Balkcom: Lt. Frank Balkcom, Glendale Police Department. Dr. Michael White: I’m Mike White from Arizona State University. Lt. Frank Balkcom: One of the many suc

Cardiolite StreSS teSt 1.800.345.5016 | www. SaintthomasHeart .com Cardiolite StreSS teSt Your doctor has ordered a Cardiolite stress test to evaluate the blood supply to your heart. Most results are available within 48 hours. The doctor who ordered your test will discuss the results with you. See the page 2 of this sheet for IMPORTANT instructions on food, drink and medications. Please

A new category of rules referred to as Prohibited Practices has been introduced to the USEF RuleBook which will take effect December 1, 2013. The first rule to be adopted in this category iscommonly referred to as the "12 Hour Rule."It was introduced in March of 2013 by the USEF Veterinary Committee and following extensivefeedback from USEF Technical Committees, Working Groups, and from a

Povidone-Iodine Combined With Antibiotic Topical Irrigation to Reduce Capsular Contracture in Cosmetic Breast Augmentation : A Comparative Study Salvatore Giordano, Hilkka Peltoniemi, Peter Lilius and Asko SalmiThe online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Additional services and information for Aesthetic Surgery Journal O

Microsoft word - contemporary clinical trials.docx

Volume 32, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 675–684 The GiSAS study: Rationale and design of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial on aripiprazole, olanzapine and haloperidol in the long-term treatment of schizophrenia ☆  a Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry Unit, ‘Mario Negri’ Institute for Pharmacological Research, Via La Masa 19, 20156 Milan, Italy  b L


Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science M U C H O F W H A T M E D I C A L R ES E A R C H E R S C O N C L U D E I N T H E I R S T U D I E S I S M I S L E A D I N G , E X A G G E R A T E D , O R F L A T - O U T W R O N G . S O W H Y A R E D O C T O R S — T O A S T R I K I N G E X T E N T — S T I L L D R A W I N G U P

SIVA SIVANI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT From Director’s Desk News Brief 22 -07-2010 __________________________________________________________________ MARKETING 1. Toyota launches diesel variant of Corolla Altis Gearing up for December launch of its small car, Etios. Toyota Kirloskar Motors (TKM) on Wednesday launched the diesel version of its premiumsedan, the Corolla Altis. Priced at


3 Fundamentals of Comprehensive Cessation Benefits Cessation treatments are a proven prevention to ol that will reduce disease and save health care costs, yet only 1 in 50 employers in the U.S. and only six states offer all evidence-based treat-♦ 40% of smokers make a quit attempt each year. Most will not use an evidenced-based cessation treatment while trying to quit. 3-5% of smokers

Pandémie déclaration de la fnec fp fo au cchs 31 08 09

Confédération Générale du Travail FORCE OUVRIERE au Comité Central Hygiène et Sécurité Monsieur le Ministre Mesdames, Messieurs La FNEC FP FO vous a saisi à deux reprises sur le sujet qui nous intéresse aujourd’hui. Nous attendons de cette réunion qu’elle réponde à nos interrogations et donc à celles des personnels. Tout d’abord, la FNEC FP FO entend rappeler son a


(This is Part II of a five-part series de- sewer lines in rural areas, to providing tailing the contributions of South Carolina’s Councils of Governments to the State’s economy and quality of life.) A Partnership of the People have forged fruitful local, regional and ated entities. Throughout the state, a to-ing the strategies identified in a strate-main

As required by law, our office adheres to written policies and procedures to protect the privacy of information about you that we create, receive or maintain. Your answers are for our records only and will be kept confidential subject to applicable laws. Please note that you will be asked some questions about your responses to this questionnaire and there may be additional questions concerning y

la;qDr ftyk fpfdRlky; lar dchj uxj esa o"kZ 2012&13 esa 'kklu Lrj ls izkIr ,oa ftyk Lrj ij dz; ,oa forfjr dh x;h vkS"kf/k;ksa dk fooj.k izkIr ek=k forfjr ek=k NAME OF ARTICLE DISTT HQ. Male Sant Female Sant Other BALANCE CMO CMSD TOTAL PURCHASE Kabir Nagar Kabir Nagar Aceitic Acid 500ml Adhesive Tape Anti Septic Lotion 100ml B.B. Lotion 100ml Ca

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Ashkenazim Sephardim Carrots – raw, including baby carrots, peeled carrots without Any – Permissible without any special certification or certification for Pesach Any Kosher – Permissible for Pesach provided it has regular reliable Kosher Certification Cert P – Required Reliable Certification for Pesach specifically. Kitniyot – A list of products classified as Kit


Compiled by Mathilde Tagger of Jerusalem 5761 GREEK BORN SEPHARDIM DEPORTED FROM FRANCE DURING WWII Given name Birth Place Birth Date Convoy No. & Date Compiled by Mathilde Tagger of Jerusalem 5761 GREEK BORN SEPHARDIM DEPORTED FROM FRANCE DURING WWII Given name Birth Place Birth Date Convoy No. & Date Compiled by Mathilde Tagger of Jerusalem 5761 GREEK BOR

| Condiciones Generales Artículo 1: definiciones En las presentes condiciones generales (a denominar en adelante: “condiciones”) se entenderá por: una o más de las siguientes sociedades pertenecientes al Staay Food Group: Staay-Hispa B.V. establecida en Ridderkerk (Países Bajos), Staay - Van Rijn B.V., establecida en Venlo (Países Bajos), Staay Export B.V., establecida en Bar


MONITOREO HEMODINÁMICO  Occasional Essays corresponding arteriovenous difference in oxygen content. Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Alfred P. Fishman, M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Office of Program Development, 1320 Blockley Hall, 423 Guardian Drive

Statistics singapore - services survey series - food & beverage services , 2012

SERVICES SURVEY SERIES Introduction The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analyses. The first survey on the services industries was conducted in 1968 for the reference year 1967 and subsequently at regular intervals. Since 1984, the inquiry was carried out on an annual basis. The lates

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A Brief Survey of the History of Chinese Translations of the Hebrew Bible1 Since the publication of two articles about myself,2 scholars and laymen alike, who now know a little about me, have been asking me about the need for another Chinese translation of the Hebrew Bible. While in my mind the answer to this question has always been a positive one, the time frame in which I would embark on such

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PROJEKTSLUTRAPPORT Infektionsregistrering på särskilda boenden. Ett samverkansprojekt mellan Landstinget Västernorrland, Smittskyddsenheten och Sundsvalls kommun. Projektet drevs med stimulansmedel från socialstyrelsen. Smittskyddsenheten, Västernorrlands läns landsting Hans Boman Smittskyddsläkare Projektwebbplats: ; Infektiosre

General practitioners and occupational health professionals Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 7 articles, 4 of which can be accessed free at: Rapid responses 2 rapid responses have been posted to this article, which you can access forfree at: You can respond to this article at: Email alerting Receive free email alerts when new articles


CLINICAL ▲ CASES Treatment of human papillomavirus in childhood withTratamento do papiloma vírus humano na infância com creme de Abstract: In children, lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) constitute a significant epidemi- ological issue and a therapeutic dilemma, particularly in the case of anogenital warts. The treatment of anogenital warts in children is a challenge, sin

Woodworm Killer Safety Data Sheet Product Identification Trade Name: Description: Aqueous blend of non-ionic surfactants and insecticide. Hazardous Ingredients Component CAS Number Classification Hazard Identification Irritating to eyes. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Environmental: Very toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long-term adve

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COPA IBERICA “MASTER” 6-7 de septiembre de 2008 Clase Snipe Real Club de Regatas de Santiago de la Ribera La Copa Ibérica “Master”, se celebrará en aguas del Mar Menor, para la clase Snipe, durante los días 6-7 de septiembre de 2008, ambos inclusive, organizada por el Real Club de Regatas de Santiago de la Ribera, por delegación de la Real Federación Española de Vel

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Domperidon zur Milchmengensteigerung bei stillenden Frauen Gudrun von der Ohe, Ärztin und IBCLC aus Hamburg Hintergründe Medikamente oder traditionelle „Hausmittelchen“ zur Milchmengensteigerung bei stillenden Frauen gibt es in allen Kulturen. Sie werden als Galaktogogen bezeichnet, sind in den meisten Fällen pharmakologisch wenig hilfreich, stehen aber immer mit einer

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Brain attack



Department of General Surgical Science (Surgery I), Department of General Surgical Science The Department of General Surgical Science of the Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine was established in 1943. This year marks its 62nd anniversary. Six years have passed since I was appointed as replacement to Dr. Yukio Nagamachi at Gunma University in 1995. Throughout the years, I have

Polls a l'escola-general

Departament de Salut Serveis Territorials a Barcelona Unitat de Vigilància Epidemiològica Regió Centre Tel. 93 731 64 84- 93 736 12 60 Perquè són dolents els polls? Els polls xuclen la sang, això fa picor, si bé quan una persona és infestada per primera vegada, els primers dies pot no tenir símptomes. També es poden notar com es mouen els polls pel cap. La picor pot

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING For embedding of materialographic specimens Container size:Responsible for safety data sheet authoring: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified. However, the product contains a small amount of sensitizing substance. See section 15. May cause minor irritation on skin contact.

Uku sjlvskattning

Patient rated versus clinician rated side effects of drug treatment in schizophrenia - clinical validation of a self-rating version of the UKU Side Effect Rating (UKU-SERS-Pat) UKU-SERS-Pat Eva Lindström Tommy Lewander Ulrik Fredrik Malt Henrik Lublin Ulf Göran Ahlfors C:\My Documents\UKU\Manus\SERS-Pat_MS+Appendix_2001-02-09 Abstract Lindström E, Le

Sparcc abstracts, publications and book chapters

SPARCC Abstracts and Publications  1. Gladman DD, Rahman P, Cook RJ, Shen H, Zummer M, Thomson G, Nair B, Rohekar S, Ayearst R, Inman RD, Maksymowych W. The Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada Registry for Spondyloarthritis. J Rheumatol doi: 10.3899/jrheum.101102, First Release April 15/11. 2. Braun J, van den Berg R, Baraliakos X, Boehm H, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez

Concurso Público: Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Jaraguá do Sul Prova para o(s) cargo(s) de: MÉDICO Data: 18 de novembro de 2007. Duração: 3 (três) horas incluído o tempo para o preenchimento do cartão-resposta. Obs: Você poderá entregar o caderno de provas e o gabarito somente após decorrido o tempo de 1h30min de prova. Instruções: Este caderno de prova com

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The Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Scholarship 2009-2010 National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc. Deadline for Submission: The Anne Ford and Allegra Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 award given to two high school seniors with identified learning disabilities (LD) who will be pursuing four-year undergraduate degrees. Eligibility and Selection Criteria The National Cent

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When Should your Child Stay Home from School? General Guidelines for When not to Report to School Good attendance at school is important in order for a child to do well. However, there will be times when your child is really too ill to attend. Either they are contagious to the other students or they feel so poorly that they would gain nothing from being at school. The following symptoms can

Effectiveness of Oseltamivir in Preventing Influenza in Household Contacts A Randomized Controlled Trial Context Influenza virus is easily spread among the household contacts of an in- fected person, and prevention of influenza in household contacts can control spread Objective To investigate the efficacy of oseltamivir in preventing spread of influ- enza to household contacts of influenz


Malaria Guidance MV Explorer/Semester at Sea Spring 2013 Voyage – January 9 – April 25, 2013 Malaria Prophylaxis should be considered for the countries on the itinerary with identified malaria risk. We encourage prophylaxis with specific recommendations as follows: Mexico – No malaria risk along the United States-Mexico border area, including Ensenada. Hawaii – No m

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CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF PARAVAGINAL HEMATOMA SECONDARY TO ANTERIOR PROLIFT SURGERY : A CASE REPORT H. BRAUN 1, C. RONDINI 1, F. JORDAN 1, S. AROS 2, C. DESCOUVIERES 1, F. TRONCOSO 1; 1Departamento de Ginecología, Unidad de gestión clínica de la mujer y el recién nacido, Hosp. Padre Hurtado, Facultad de Med. Clínica Alemana – Univ. del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile, 2Matrona de Urogi


Copyright © 2001 by AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC.®MEDICAL VERSUS SURGICAL ANDROGEN SUPRESSION THERAPY FORPROSTATE CANCER: A 10-YEAR LONGITUDINAL COST STUDYALBERT J. MARIANI, MONTY GLOVER AND SUZETTE ARITA From the Department of Urology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii and Kaiser Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii Purpose: We provide a relative cost comparison of


W ellness A dvocates for H ealthy L iving Brought to you by the Saint Vincent College Wellness Center Healthy Campus Event Pause With Paws.during finals week! Enhance your health, nurture your spirit and lower your blood pressure! Don’t miss the “Pet Therapy” Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and BMI Screenings event that will be offered outside of the Carey Center

The Biogeochemistry of Vanadium Supervisors: Vicky Coker, Kath Morris, Jon Lloyd and Richard Pattrick University of Manchester: Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Background Vanadium(V) is a common environmental contaminant associated with mining activity and fossil fuel combustion, while vanadium metal is an important ferroalloy in the steel industry. The most common and

International Journal of Impotence Research (2005) 17, 484–493& 2005 Nature Publishing Group All rights reservedRecovery of erection after pelvic urologic surgery: our experienceL Gallo1*, S Perdona˜1, R Autorino1, E Celentano1, L Menna1, G Di Lorenzo1 and A Gallo11Division of Urology, National Cancer Institute, ‘Fondazione Pascale’, Naples, ItalyThe incidence of erectile dysfunc

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Edwin Kalvins, P.Eng. Vienības gatve 109 - 3.4., Rīga, Latvija, LV-1058 Phone: +371-29-255-223, E-Mail: [email protected], SKYPE: ed.kalvins Ed Kalvins, P. Eng. – Management professional with extensive of hands-on Manufacturing Management and Engineering Management experience, providing employers, clients and partners with an enthusiastic and systematic approach to operations, a

Information for people with diabetes

INFORMATION FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in your blood. Your blood sugar level can be too high if your body does not make enough of the hormone insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas (a gland behind the stomach) and moves glucose out of the blood and into cells, where it is broken down to produce energy.

Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.) v. 23 1-2 (2005): On the index complex of a maximal subgroup and the group-theoreticabstract: Let G be a finite group, Sp ( G ) , Φ ( G ) and Φ1( G ) be generalizationsof the Frattini subgroup of G . Based on these characteristic subgroups and usingDeskins index complex, this paper gets some necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be a p -solvable, π -

IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 20111. Explain steps in writing client /server application using Caffeine development pro-(a) Discuss about Web client server Versus Traditional Client server. (b) How does JavaSoft plans to make CORBA as a part of the Java core? [8+8](a) How do the new services providers register with the trader?(b) Explain the terms BOA,ORB,POA,OMG in detail. (a)

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Steierl- Pharma GmbH Beispiel Gelenkentzündung naturheilkundliche Behandlungsalternativen Akute Gelenksymptome können auf vielfältige „The absence of evidence is not the evidence of Ursachen zurückgehen. Dazu zählen beispiels-absence“. Dieser Satz des renommierten weise das Rheumatische Fieber, Gicht, para- Statistikers Douglas G. Altmann verdeutlicht das oder postinf

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Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 23(4), Summer 2009 Prenatal Aspects in Alzheimer’s Disease Rien Verdult, Master’s in Psychology, Private Practice (Belgium) ABSTRACT: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder characterized bya global mental deterioration. Although the etiology is not yet clear, more evidenceshows that a prenatal link is possible.

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Optimizing Pharmacologic Treatment of Psychotic DisordersMEDICATION SELECTION, DOSING, AND DOSEEQUIVALENCE Guideline 1: Selecting Initial Pharmacologic Treatment1A. First-Episode Patient For a first-episode patient with predominantly positive symptoms , the experts consider oral risperidone the treatment of choice. Other recommended medications for this clinical situation are aripiprazole,

Patentablauf viagra-wirkstoff: stada-konzern bringt kostengünstige alternative zur behandlung von erektionsstörungen auf den markt

Pressemitteilung Patentablauf Viagra-Wirkstoff: STADA-Konzern bringt kostengünstige Alternative zur Behandlung von Erektionsstörungen auf den Markt Sildenafil-Generika ab Montag in ganz Deutschland in den Apotheken Bad Vilbel, 23. Juni 2013 – Pünktlich mit dem Patentablauf des Viagra-Wirkstoffes Sildenafil bringt STADA am morgigen Montag, den 24. Juni 2013, eine kostengünstige


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Pediatr Nephrol (2003) 18:1143–1146DOI 10.1007/s00467-003-1279-x Hammad O. Alshaya · Jaudah A. Al-Maghrabi Jameela A. Kari Intravenous pulse cyclophosphamide—is it effective in children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome?Received: 3 March 2003 / Revised: 9 July 2003 / Accepted: 10 July 2003 / Published online: 17 September 2003© IPNA 2003 Abstract Treatment of steroid-resistant

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Amt für Gesundheit und Soziales Kollegiumstrasse 28 6431 Schwyz Telefon 041 819 16 65 Telefax 041 819 20 49 Información sobre la ley de asistencia a las víctimas 1. ¿Qué es la ley de asistencia a las víctimas? La ley de asistencia a las víctimas de actos criminales del 23 de marzo de 2007 (ley de asistencia a las víctimas, OHG, SR 312.5) reemplazará, a partir del 1 de enero d

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En föräldramanual om läxläsning Institutionen för didaktik, Uppsala universitet Denna manual riktar sig till föräldrar som vill ha hjälp med att få sina barn att göra läxorna utan ständiga påminnelser och tjat. Barn har goda skäl. En del barn gör läxan med stor glädje. Andra barn vill hellre göra något annat. Grundprincipen för läxläsning är att man som föräl

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Gary Swan, Ph.D. Director, Center for Health Sciences SRI International Curriculum Vitae Education B.S., Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington M.A., Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York Ph.D., Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York Academic Positions / Employment Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Psychia


Basic Requirements Be in generally good health and feel wellBe at least 17 years of age -- no upper age limit Donation Frequency Whole blood donors may donate every 56 daysPlatelet donors may donate every 48 hours (up to 24 times per year)Double red cell apheresis donors may donate every 112 days Immunizations Flu, Pneumonia, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Hepatitis B -- can donate if feeli


Viewpoint Av e r ting a malaria disaster N J White, F Nosten, S Looareesuwan, W M Watkins, K Marsh, R W Snow, G Kokwaro, J Ouma, T T Hien, M E Molyneux, T E Taylor, C I Newbold, T K Ruebush II, M Danis, B M Greenwood, R M Anderson, P Olliaro Estimates for the annual mortality from malaria rangeThis approach has since been adopted for cancerfrom 0·5 to 2·5 million deaths. The burden

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Selling sickness The business, the actors, the procedures There is a confluence of interests among pharmaceutical corporations, supposedly independent scientific institutions that lead the market, individual doctors whose role becomes more and more important as well as their income. Even patients associations are often supported with the funds of the pharma industry . Marco Bobbio Hea

Kanton St.Gallen Gesundheitsdepartement Fachkommission Infektion und Hygiene Empfehlungen Schutzimpfungen beim Medizinalpersonal Einführung Das Medizinalpersonal1 hat ein erhöhtes Risiko bestimmte Infektionskrankheiten zu erwerben. Einer- seits ergibt sich ein Infektionsrisiko durch den direkten Kontakt mit Patientinnen und Patienten, ande- rerseits können Medizinalpersonen

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Laboratory Tests under Naturopathic Medicine NDs are also able to perform a variety of laboratory tests, including: Blood Tests: These range from a standard CBC (complete blood count) to a variety of tests such as glucose levels, lipid panel, thyroid panel, liver function tests, various vitamin and mineral levels, and cancer markers. The blood draw can be taken during your Naturopathic

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ U heeft het in uw oratie ook over het falende “In de jaren ’80 heeft het preventiebeleid “We moeten hiv tot normale proporties terugbrengen”rijke boodschap dat hiv een dodelijke ziekte Tekst: Thijs Timmermans Beeld: Marthein Smitwas

Microsoft word - schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that changes how a person thinks, feels and behaves. It also changes how they perceive the world, themselves and other people. About 1% of the population of most countries has schizophrenia although symptoms may differ from culture to culture. Symptoms vary widely between people who have schizophrenia. They may be mild or severe.

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MEDICATIONS TO AVOID PRIOR TO ALLERGY SKIN TESTING Allergy testing requires the ‘histamine response’ in order to be accurate and reliable. There are many types of antihistamines. Antihistamines are found in many different medicines, either as a single drug or mixed with a combination of chemicals. Please review all medicines you take (including Over-The-Counter) in order to make

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The Case Studies of the Real Cases Project: Andrea R. Case Study Real Cases Project: The Case Studies ANDREA R. CASE STUDY Case Details Borough: Queens Type of Report: Initial Date of Intake: 9/15/07 Source of Report: Hospital psychiatrist Date of Initial Visit: 9/15/07 Date Source Contacted: 9/15/07 Current Allegation: Inadequate Guardianship Household: Allegation

Produktuebersicht lithium ion akkumulatoren

Lithium Ion Akkumulatoren Der Lithium-Eisen-Phosphat (LiFePo4) Akkumulator ist eine Weiterentwicklung des Lithium Ionen Akkumulators. Diese Batterien werden längerfristig die Bleibatterien vom Markt verdrängen weil Sie leichter sind, sehr hohe Ströme liefern, ein besseres Preis/Leistungs Verhältnis aufweisen und eine höhere Lebensdauer haben. Die ersten Elektro Fahrzeuge (Hybrid P

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Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Sierra Nevada College 2013-2014 Sierra Nevada College is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan underwrittenby UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All undergraduate students are required to enroll inthe insurance plan, unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished. Highlights of the Coverage and Services offered by

Nurses allergy letter 2013-14

August, 2013 Hello Everyone! I hope that you are enjoying the summer! It’s hard to believe that soon we will begin a new school year! We have developed quite a successful Food Allergy Program at St. Paul's School, which includes avoidance strategies, emergency planning and food allergy awareness programs for both faculty and students. As always, if you have any concerns or suggestions,


Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date 29-Mar-2011 Revision Number 1 Product Name Remel Prepared Culture Media Containing Nalidixic acid R01064, 01065, 01318, 01320, 01321, 01322, 01323, 01359, 01478, 01590, 01802, 01952, 02060, 02065, 02066, 02077, 02482, 064810, 064812, 08520, 08522, 10102, 10103, 112850, 112870 Synonyms Recommended Use Emergency Telephone N

CHAPTER 12 NUISANCES (a) MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (b) ABATEMENT PROCEDURES (c) SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO JUNK (d) VIOLATIONS Nebraska Statutes For statutory provisions authorizing cities to declare and abate nuisances, see R.R.S. §§ 16-230, 18-1720. (a) GENERAL PROVISIONS 12-1-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the followi


ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Canada Red Cross Used HIV Blood Charcoal is an amazing substance. It adsorbs moreWar I; and it effectively counteracted poison gas. poisons than any other substance known to mankind. Bad odors, caused by skin ulcers, have been elimi-It can adsorb lead acetate, strychnine, DDT, manynated by placing charcoal-filled cloth over plastic casts. drugs (including cocaine, iodi

Malignant hyperthermia

MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA What is Malignant Hyperthermia? MH is a chain reaction of signs (a syndrome) triggered in susceptible individuals by commonly used general anesthetics (halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane) and the muscle relaxant succinylcholine. The signs include a greatly increased body metabolism, muscle rigidity, and high fever. Death or brain damage may

Chapter 8 What would you do if you realized you had become addicted to marijuana?After reading the following statements, respond to each one by writing yes or no. 1. The use of illegal drugs on college campuses in the United States is widespread. 2. I have never experimented with illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD). 3. The use of marijuana should be legalized. 4. Cocaine


Allergy Consultants, P.A. Specialists in Pediatric and Adult Allergy, Asthma, and Sinus Disease Arthur F. Fost, M.D. • David A. Fost, M.D. • Antonio A. de la Cruz, M.D. • Mark E. Weinstein, M.D. IMMUNOTHERAPY (ALLERGY SHOTS) This information is about Allergy Immunotherapy, or Allergy Shots Allergy shots are a means of reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hayfev

Microsoft word - asthma care.doc

Asthma Care What is Asthma? Asthma is an allergic response within the lungs causing difficulty in breathing due to narrowing of the tiny airways. There are many triggers. About one in seven children have Asthma diagnosed at some time, and one in twenty children have Asthma requiring regular medication Recognition / Symptoms Asthma varies enormously. There are those that rarely suffer an


Biofarmacia y Farmacocinética 381 ESTUDIO DE LA PERMEABILIDAD DEL SALBUTAMOL EN CÉLULAS CACO-2: CLON TC7 Belén Valenzuela1,2, Adela Martín-Villodre1, Amparo Nácher1 (1) Dpto. Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica, Universidad de Valencia. Avda. Vicente A. Estellés s/n 46100 Burjassot (Valencia) (2) Dpto. de Ingeniería, división de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica. Unive

Cotag 928911 031804b.indd

Cotag from Indala—a new generation of patented Hands-Free radio frequency identification (RFID) technology offering unparalleled user convenience and security. Indala introduces a new line of active cards and tags for a variety of applications—the 928 Hands-Free access card and the 911 Hands-Free keyring. Both are designed to complement the entire line of Cotag Hands-Free long-rang

Startliste_13. musauer zwergerlrennen_6al255

13. Musauer Zwergerlrennen am 24.2.2013 - Vils Konradshüttle Riesenslalom STARTLISTE Veranstalter Tiroler Schiverband Genehmigungsnr. Durchf. Verein Vereinscode KAMPFGERICHT TECHNISCHE DATEN Chefkampfrichter K.Götzhaber. KR Streckenname Wettkampfleiter Schiedsrichter Startrichter Höhendifferenz Zielrichter Streckenlänge Kurssetzer To

Microsoft word - user brochure-final.doc

Donor History Questionnaire User Brochure Purpose: The User Brochure was designed to aid the donor historian in determining if a prospective donor is eligible to donate. Each blood center must have a standard operating procedure (SOP) related to donor suitability to be used in conjunction with the User Brochure. The User Brochure does not replace an SOP for determining donor suitabi

MEDICATIONS FOR THE PRENATAL PATIENT HEADACHES/PAIN Use only regular or extra-strength Tylenol. MIGRAINE HEADACHES Tylenol #3 (This is a prescription drug and may be obtained through your primary care physician.) COUGHS/COLDS Over-the-counter products are acceptale that contain only acetaminophen, pseudoephedrine, Dextromethorphan, guaifensin, or diphenhydramine. Do not use cough prepa

Microsoft word - january06-draft.doc

Pharmacy Update “The Pharmacist Down the Hall” Scott M. Draeger, Pharm.D. January 2006 Proposal Made to Move Prescription Diet Old Drug, New Technique to Treat Drug Over-the-Counter Alcoholism At the end of the month, a joint meeting of the FoodVivitrol™, a new medication marketed by Cephalonand Drug Administration’s Nonprescription DrugsInc. to treat alcohol

Microsoft word - ct cardiac referrer information sheet 092009.doc

390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia CARDIAC CT T + 61 2 8382 1111 F + 61 2 9332 4142 Information for referring physicians, January 2010 SERVICES OFFERED: CT Coronary Angiogram (includes Calcium Score) Coronary Calcium Score Only (excludes CT Coronary Angiogram) Workup for left atrial ablation procedures PRICE : The final price may be variable , and

Semmelweis society international

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT SEMMELWEIS SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL 80 12th STREET, SUITE #307 WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA 26003 724-678-2648 “Supporting Fair and Proper Due Process in Medical Peer Review without Compromising Medical Ethics or Patient Care” First and foremost, I was astounded that it took you 4 weeks to make an initial decision on my case

(microsoft word - valencia strategy - building capacity for collaboration on\205)

Valencia Strategy: Building Capacity for Collaboration on Beluga Research The First International Workshop on Beluga Whale Research, First International Workshop on Beluga Whale Research, Husbandry and Management L’Oceanogràfic, Valencia, Spain March 9-11, 2007 Valencia Strategy: Building Capacity for Collaboration on Beluga Research Preamble: This workshop was convene

Alzheimers study guide

Alzheimer’s Disease Learning Guide What it is Complications Treatment Prevention and research Caring for the AD client What it is Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. More than 4 million Americans have AD. The disease is characterized by memory loss, language deterioration, poor judgment, and an indifferent attitude. Dementia is a brain

START-1 TRIAL After survey completion, please give to Dr. or Office Staff for submission. Thank you. TO PHYSICIAN OR OFFICE STAFF--- Upon Completion, please Fax or Upload completed survey to: Clarity Research To Submit Via Fax: 1-888-389-9193 To Submit Via Website Portal: Clarity Research and Consulting STUDY ID: START-1 PRACTICE Code: ____


7e Concours Slow Melody Suisse 2013 à Soleure Samedi, 7 septembre 2013 RÈGLEMENT Organisation L’organisation et le déroulement sont sous surveillance du Brass Band Solothurn. Participation Tous les joueurs de cuivres sont autorisés à participer. Catégories Joueurs de trombone années 1992 et plus âgé, jouer dans la catégorie régulière 5 Précision: L

Eufeps 2006 poster cipro in comprimised patients secured

Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic simulations of ciprofloxacin in obese and renally impaired individuals Stefan Willmann 1), Walter Schmitt 1), Heino Stass 2), Gertrud Ahr 2), Andrea N. Edginton 1) 1) Systems Biology, Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany2) Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Bayer HealthCare AG, Wuppertal, Germany INTRODUCTION Ph

The challenge of evaluating annual mammographyscreening for young women with a family history of breastcancerThe FH01Management Committee, Steering Committee and Collaborators. It has been recommended that women aged 40–49 years with a significant family history of breastcancer should be offered annual mammography screening An observa-tional study known as FH01 is evaluatingthis policy in a


Model PG100 High Precision Digital Pressure Gauges Features - pressure ranges from -1~1 bar to 0~600 bar- RS232 communication available on request- zero & full scale calibration via panel buttons- multiple points calibration via panel buttons- 3 x AA alkaline batteries or 1 x lithium battery as power supply Description: PG100 pressure gauges are high-precision single-range dig

Specification of the equipment to be procured under the project "Building Capacity and Main Streaming Sustainable Land Managaement in the Maldives" Art No/Part No Description SmartStation Setup GNSS Receiver GNSS Receiver GS15 Performance, GNSS SmartAntenna, Geodetic 120 channels GNSS receiver with options: GPS L1+L2, 20 HZ position rate, Raw data logging, RTK unlimi

Yasmin Fortune Special Needs; Teen & Adult Education; Culture; Equestrian Teacher/ Tutor - Wicklow, Ireland I am an award winning literacy and numeracy specialist (see links for my 'Liter-a-teen' Projectwhich won NALA ACE Awards and featured on Six One News) and an experiencedCommunications, ESOL, TEFL, Work Experience, Horsemanship/ Equestrian and Equine AssistedLearning (EAL) teacher and

Microsoft word - iracema-material do aluno.doc

Iracema Contexto histórico Romantismo brasileiro/prosa romântica. Meados do século XIX. Este romance se encontra entre os chamados sertanistas. Na obra de Alencar, classifica-se como regionalista. É o tipo de literatura voltada para um meio específico, no caso, os sertões do Ceará, com sua paisagem, sua gente, seus costumes e Estilo do autor José de Alencar se prop�

Treatment in Psychiatry Treatment in Psychiatry begins with a hypothetical case illustrating a problem in current clinical practice. The authorsreview current data on prevalence, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment. The article concludes with the authors'treatment recommendations for cases like the one presented. Treating the Childhood Bipolar Controversy: A Tale of Two Children

Personale e lavoro ottobre 2013

ANDREA CASTIELLO D’ANTONIOPsicologo del Lavoro e Consulente di Management. Psicologo Clinico e Psicoterapeuta. Professore Straordinario t.d. Università Europea di Roma LUCIANA D’AMBROSIO MARRISociologa, è consulente per attività di selezione, formazione manageriale e di sviluppo per aziende, pubbliche amministrazioni e scuole di management. É docente in master universitari sulle pari oppo

Microsoft word - results 2010_06.doc

JUNE 2010 Aberdeen U17w-80H 1 Yasmin Milne ABN 11.7, 2 Lisa Humphreys ABN 12.1. U13w-70H 1 Sophie Linwood 800 (mx) 2h2 Craig Johnston FVH-Vet 2:05.96, 5h2 Amanda Campbell LIV-U20w 2:12.66, 3h4 Myrtle Breckenridge SHT-U15w 2:20.89, 2h5 Ryan Gray ICL-U11 2:28.23, 3h6 Demi Orr NAY-U13w 2:32.45. 1500 (mx) 1h1 Ahmed Hassan SHT-U15 4:04.62, 2h1 Neil Renault EDI 4:05.19 . 7h1 Callum


Programma scientifico XX Congresso Annuale Società Italiana Laser in Oftalmologia Cortina d’Ampezzo (BL) - 29/31 gennaio 2004 Sala Congressi Grand Hotel Savoia Si ricorda che ai congressi della S.I.L.O. saranno accettati solamente i contributi scientifici dei Soci S.I.L.O. in rego- la con la quota associativa prima della scadenza per la presentazione degli Abstract. Chi non è socio S


VORTRAG WISSENSCHAFT WISSENSCHAFT - wirklich? Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunkstrahlung: Wo bleibt die wissenschaftliche Anerkennung? Vortrag von Wolfgang Maes, Sachverständiger für Baubiologie / Journalist DJV auf dem Kongress des Institutes für Baubiologie IBN und Verbandes Baubiologie VB "Baubiologie-Architektur-Umweltmedizin" im Kultursaal von Bad Endorf am 5. Mai 2006

Bruno cv-publ für anträge 1

CURRICULUM VITAE Surgical Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors, Biomedical Sciences Cancer Biology EDUCATION MD: Medical Faculty of Zurich, Switzerland, 1992 MD: United States Medical Licensing Examination USMLE 1997 PhD: Biomedical Sciences, Tumor Biology, Mayo Graduate School, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA, 2004 Residency in General Surgery and Neurosurgery (

Jap december 87/6

Skeletal muscle energy metabolism during prolonged, fatiguing exercise Mark A. Febbraio and Jane Dancey Journal of Applied Physiology 87:2341-2347, 1999. You might find this additional information useful. This article cites 37 articles, 27 of which you can access free at: This article has been cited by 2 other HighWire hosted articles: Evidence for complex system integration and

Aishima S, Nishihara Y, Iguchi T, Tagchi K, Taketomi A, Maehara Y, Tsuneypshi M. Lymphatic spread is related to VEGF-C expression and D2-40-positive myofibroblasts in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Mod Pathol 21(3):256-64,2008 Aishima S, Nishihara Y, Tsujita E, Taguchi K, Soejima Y, Taketomi A, Ikeda Y, Maehara Y, Tsuneyoshi M. Biliary neoplasia with extensive intraductal spread associated with



Die Historiker-Nummer des SAT ist erschienen! SAT: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde Nr. 1/2014, Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG Bern. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen können die Texte nicht verlinkt werden. S. Häsler, J. Dängeli: Eligius, Schutzpatron der Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte Der Heilige Eligius wurde im 13. Jahrhundert Schutzpatron der Hufschmiede und Tierärzte. Eine erste Erwäh

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South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) Journal Volume 33 No. 2 June 2003 SPUMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2002 Abstract (Batchelor T. Post-travel illness. SPUMS J 2003; 33: 91-97)An estimated 50 million people travel from industrialised countries to less developed areas of the world annually. Between20% and 70% of these travellers will experience ill-health whilst abroad. Althoug

MEDICAL PROFILE AND INFORMATION To be completed for all new students. Please print, complete, sign and return to Registrar’s Office. Student’s name: __________________________________Year level in 2012:___________ Section 1 (to be completed by parents) Please tick which immunisations your child (Please tick if appropriate and provide full details) Does your child suffer

Post-splenectomy care check list

Please retain original copy (revised July 2011) PATIENT’S HOSPITAL STICKER or complete by hand REGISTRATION FORM – fax to 03 9076 2431 Hospital record number ….…….…………… Victorian Spleen Registry (VSR) based at The Alfred hospital Full name ……….……………………………….

Bone augmentation a4 aug 2012

Post-Operative Instructions for: Bone Augmentation (Block Augmentation (grafting) involving bone harvesting from another part of your mouth) 1. General information: The site where a bone graft has been placed and harvested from will be sutured so that there is minimal space left for much bleeding to occur. However, a clot will still need to develop under the gum and trouble-free healing

Reasons for uncontrolled seizures in children: the impact of pseudointractability

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / y e b e hReasons for uncontrolled seizures in children: The impact of pseudointractabilityAli A. Asadi-Pooya , Mehrdad Emami a Neurosciences Research Center, Shiraz Medical School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iranb Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Department of Neurology, Thomas Jeffers


Schulcurriculum Biologie Sekundarstufe II Schulcurriculum Biologie Sekundarstufe II Einführungsphase: Cytologie und Physiologie – Zelle, Gewebe, Organismus Fachinhalte 1. Zelle – Gewebe – Organismus • Pflanzliche und tierische Zellen im Lichtmikroskop (Zwiebelhaut, Wasser-z.B. Arbeiten im biologischen Strahlengang, Vergrößerung, Labor • funktionsbezogene Zell- und Gew

Towards wise decision-making Tim LeBon & David Arnaud 1) Decision analysis Many people come to consultant philosophers for help with decision-making. An individual agonising over a career switch may visit a philosophical counsellor, an organisation may call in a dilemma trainer to enhance their staff's ability to make good ethical decisions, and managers may call in an expert in

Ember Wednesday in Advent On the Wednesday of Ember Week in Advent, the Mystery of the Annunciation is commemorated by many Churches. The Mass is sung early in the morning. That Mass is sometimes called the Golden Mass , Rorate Mass or Messiah Mass. On that occasion the Church is illuminated as a token that the world was still in darkness when the Light of the world appeared. The Mass is

Coronary artery bypass grafting with a minimized cardiopulmonary bypass circuit: a prospective, randomized trial

Coronary artery bypass grafting with a minimized cardiopulmonarybypass circuit: A prospective, randomized trialMarc P. Sakwa, MD,Robert W. Emery, Francis L. Shannon, Jeffrey M. Altshuler, MD,Dawn Mitchell, RN,Objective: The study was designed to determine differences in blood loss and transfusion associated with a min-imized cardiopulmonary bypass circuit versus a standard bypass circuit. Metho

B.O.C. y L. - N.º 2 Viernes, 3 de enero 2003 DECRETO 2/2003, de 2 de enero, por el que se regulan los servicios de ta o comunicación y, en particular, la relativa a la localización o formas de información y atención al ciudadano y la función de registro en la acceso a los órganos de gestión,puestos de trabajo y empleados públicos. Administración de la Comunidad de Castilla y

YASMIN DAVALI Alder: 22 Beskæftigelse(udenfor SFU): Sambas på RUC Afdeling: SFU-Amagerbro Indmeldt i SFU i år: 2007 Beskriv de erfaringer du bidrager med til SFU’s landsledelse: Jeg startede som aktiv i Sønderborg og Sønderjyl and, jeg har siddet i ledelsen i to år, ligesom jeg 2009-2010 var ansat som organisationskonsulent i SFU. I løbet af det sidste år har

Mariarita Rossi, MD, PhD CURRICULUM VITAE Dati anagrafici Titoli di Studio e accademici Dottore di ricerca in Dermatologia, anatomia e chirurgia plastica Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza” Specializzazione in Dermatologia e venereologia votazione 70/70 e lode Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza” Laurea in Medicina e chirurgia votazione 110/110 e lode Univ

Oral health care for people with mental health problems guidelines and recommendations

UNLOCKING BARRIERS TO CARE Oral Health Care for People with Mental Health Problems Guidelines and Recommendations Report of BSDH Working Group J. Griffiths I. Leeman K. Wilson R. Blankenstein Revised January, 2000 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH Registered Charity No: 1044867 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH CONTENTS Guidelines:

Repaglinide und nateglinide.doc

REPAGLINIDE UND NATEGLINIDE Newcomer kappen postprandiale Blutglucosespitzen Eine Hauptmahlzeit – eine Tablette, keine Hauptmahlzeit – keine Tablette. Das ist das Dosierungsregime für Repaglinide und Nateglinide, die ersten Vertreter der prandialen Glucoseregulatoren. Bedarfsgerecht und mahlzeitenadaptiert soll sich so die postprandiale Hyperglykämie reduzieren lassen. Sie spie

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Microsoft word - fleets_phosph-sada_bowel_preparation_for_colonoscopy.doc

Obtain two (2) I-In IL oz. Bottles Fled* Phospho-Soda (Ginger Lemon Flavor or Regular) at any pharmacy. Fleet Phospho-Soda is also available ln 2 larger sizes .3 fl. oz. and 8 fl. oz.; if larger size purchased, do not exceed recommended dosage, as serious side effects may occur. PMS06039 FLEET'S PHOSPHO SODA BOWEL PREPARATION FOR COLONOSCOPY The purpose of the following Instr


OPCIONES DE TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO AMIENTOS CAPILARES PARA LA ALOPECIA SAMUEL M. LAM,1 BRIAN R. HEMPSTEAD,2 I y II, y el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular (FCEV). EDWIN F. WILLIAMS, III, M.D.3 También minoxidil y finasteride han sido objeto de nuevaspruebas con preparados de concentraciones más altas (minoxi- 1. Director, Lam Facial Plastic Surgery Center Dallas, Texas;

Medical form rangers 08-2009

SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS ACTIVITY AUTHORIZATION/EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION (PLEASE PRINT. ALL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED. INCLUDE AREA CODE FOR ALL PHONE NUMBERS) Use this form for Royal Rangers under age 18 - Commanders use the Commanders Medical Form Medical Questionnaire Is your child presently being treated for any injury or sickness?. Is he taking

Microsoft word - kfm06.doc

6Days 4Nights ‘ WAH H ’ KOREA FUN Muslim Special DAY 1 SINGAPORE INCHEON Assemble at Changi International Airport for your pleasant flight to Korea. DAY 2 INCHEON ~ NAM-I ISLAND (Lunch, Dinner) Proceed to Nam-I Island its famous for its beautiful tree lined roads and also one of the shooting places for the popular love story firm “Winter Sonata‘. Next shopping

Helicobacter ISSN 1523-5378 Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Helicobacter 12 (Suppl. 1): xx–xx Helicobacter pylori and Non-malignant Diseases Theodore Rokkas,* Ilkay Simsek† and Spiros Ladas‡ *Gastroenterology Department, Henry Dunant Hospital, Athens, Greece, †Gastroenterology Depa

MEDICAMENTS (DCI : Dénomination Commune Internatinale) Addictovigilance Retraits - date d'AMM surveillance - date de commercialisation ACTOS® (pioglitazone) 1 - 03/10/2000 - 27/05/2002 ALLI® (orlistat) 2 - 20/01/2009 - 01/05/2009 ARCOXIA® (étoricoxib) 3 - 26/08/2008 - 12/03/2010 ARIXTRA® (fondaparinux sodique) 4 - 21/03/2002 - 12/12/2002 BLEU P

Microsoft word - pns-bafps 48-veterinary drug mrls.doc

Veterinary drug residues in food: Maximum residue Foreword The formulation of this Philippine National Standards for Veterinary Drug Residues in Food: Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) took into account MRLs set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards pursued the adoption of the Codex MRLs as a national regulation to ensure harmonizatio


JHIGH GIRLS LOCK-IN 2013 WAIVER AND RELEASE I hereby give my child/ward, ______________________________________ (“Student”), permission to participate in the JHIGH GIRLS LOCK-IN on February 9-10, 2013 (“Girls Lock- In”). I understand that my Student will engage in a wide-range of activities at the Girls Lock-In including, but not limited to, basketball, dodge ball, kick ball,

D:\my documents\my papers\joe\mobility aer new v4c.wpd

“Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Britain and the U.S. Since 1850” Abstract The U.S. both tolerates more inequality than Europe and believes its economicmobility is greater than Europe’s. These attitudes and beliefs help account fordifferences in the magnitude of redistribution through taxation and social welfarespending. In fact, the U.S. and Europe had roughly equal rates

Microsoft word - appendix-

These are a few things parents should know who have a child who is chronically ill or are living with a transplanted child. y A sick child in the family creates social, financial and emotional issues for every one. Stress is part of the whole picture. It is how you live with it that makes the difference. There is a sixty percent divorce rate for parents who lose a y Andy and I do not get upset

Microsoft word - nsb curriculum vitae-2007

Gift med Henriette. 2 børn: Milena 12 år, Nicolai 14 år Engelsk og tysk mundtligt og skriftligt på forhandlingsniveau. Skandinavisk på godt forståelses- og samtaleniveau. Superbruger på MS-Office, systemadministrator på Superoffice Roning, cykling, naturoplevelser, familie, IT, læsning af biografier og faglitteratur, frimærker. Personligt vil jeg beskrive mig selv som god til at ska

1. Pollock A, Baer G, Pomeroy V, Langhorne P. Physiotherapy treatment ap- 10. Khadilkar A, Phillips K, Jean N, Lamothe C, Milne S, Sarnecka J. Ottawa Panel proaches for the recovery of postural control and lower limb function followingevidence-based clinical practice guidelines for post-stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev . 2003;(2):CD001920. 2. Pomero


Conforms to EU Directive 91/155/EEC, as amended by 2001/58/EC - United Kingdom (UK) SAFETY DATA SHEET Neisseria Selective Supplements Identification of the substance/preparation and company/undertaking Identification of the substance or preparation Product name : Neisseria Selective Supplements Trade name Use of the : PRO-LAB Neisseria Selective Supplements



Version 7, 07/2005

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER COVERSYL PLUS arg 5mg/1,25mg, filmomhulde tabletten Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het innemen van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonlijk voorgeschreven. Geef

Microsoft word - 115 - preparación de miralax - 6-15-10

Preparación de Miralax para colonoscopía y cirugía: Compras – en farmacia / no necesita receta Una semana antes de su procedimiento: DEJAR DE TOMAR medicinas que causan sangramiento : Plavix, Coumadin, Aspirina. DEJAR de tomar anti-inflamatorios: Empirin, Ecotrin, Exedrin, Bufferin, Ascriptin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Medipren, Nuprin, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Sulindac, Piroxicam, Feld


Aggiornamento normativo del mese di febbraio 2009 Scadenze dichiarazioni redditi: Sono state emanate le scadenze definitive delle prossime dichiarazioni di redditi: ƒ modello 730 consegna documenti allo studio entro il 1 giugno 2009 (trasmissione all’agenzia delle entrate il 15 luglio 2009) influirà sulle ritenute di “competenza” del mese di luglio 2009;ƒ modello unico (socie


Clinical Kidney Journal Advance Access published December 10, 2013 Clin Kidney J (2013) 0: 1–3doi: 10.1093/ckj/sft141Renal phospholipidosis possibly induced by ranolazineChristoph Scheurle1, Maximilian Dämmrich2, Jan U. Becker2 and Martin W. Baumgärtel11Medizinische Abteilung, St. Franziskus-Hospital, Münster, Germany and 2Institute of Pathology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover,German


Apoio matricial e equipe de referência: uma metodologia para gestão do trabalho interdisciplinar em saúdeMatrix support and reference team: a methodology for the interdisciplinary in health work management Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos 1Ana Carla Domitti 1 The authors discuss a theoretical and concep- Os conceitos de apoio matricial e equipe de re- tual management methodology based on re

Pt paion forest laboratories

Frei ab 14.30 Uhr, 6. Juli 2004 Kontakt: Vice President - Investor Relations PAION UND FOREST LABORATORIES KOOPERIEREN IM SCHLAGANFALL DESMOTEPLASE ERLANGT FAST-TRACK-STATUS DER FDA AACHEN, DEUTSCHLAND UND NEW YORK, USA – 06. Juli 2004 – PAION GmbH und Forest Laboratories, Inc. haben eine Lizenzvereinbarung zur weiteren Entwicklung und Vermarktung des Schlaganfal

Normativa tomo ii.pdf

TÍTULO VII. DE LAS LICENCIAS MUNICIPALES. CAPÍTULO I. LICENCIAS. Art. 147.Actos de edificación y uso del suelo. 1.Están sujetos a previa licencia municipal los siguientes actos: 1ºLas obras de construcción de edificaciones e instalaciones de todas las clases de nueva planta. 2ºLas obras de ampliación, reforma o conservación de edificios e instalaciones de todas las clases existentes. 3ºL

Microsoft word - reserve funding and the risk mitigation matrix

Members American Institute of Certified Publi Reserve Funding and the Risk Mitigation Matrix By: David T. Schwindt, CPA RS PRA Reserve studies involve two distinct phases – the physical analysis and the funding analysis . The physical analysis includes, but is not limited to, determining the association’s legal responsibility of repairing, replacin

Microsoft word - pertussis parent letter.doc

Pertussis (whooping cough) What is pertussis? Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes an uncontrollable, violent cough lasting several weeks or even months. It is caused by a bacterium that is found in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Pertussis may begin with cold-like symptoms or a dry cough that progress to episodes of severe

THE MALARIA TRAINING AND RESEARCH CAPACITY BUILDING IN SOUTHERN AFRICA (MTCBSA: 2D43TW001587-06A2) PROGRAM: PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE The Malaria Training and Research Capacity Building in Southern Africa (MTCBSA) program is a renewed five-year (2008-2013) Fogarty International Centre Training Grant (2D43TW001587-06A2) hosted at the University of Zambia school of Medicine. The program

Core backgrounders: recommendations for content

Översikt över pågående kliniska prövningar för rivaroxaban Rivaroxaban är en ny s k direkt faktor Xa-hämmare i tablettform som prövas för en rad olika indikationer med målet att förebygga och behandla blodproppar. Rivaroxaban är den hittills bäst studerade direkta faktor Xa-hämmaren som befinner sig under utveckling. Över 20 000 patienter har redandeltagit i de genomförda

Microsoft word - sminetlabexportv2.8.docx

lagstadgade och frivilliga anmälningar av Avdelningen för epidemiologi Smittskyddsinstitutet (SMI), Solna Versionslogg Version: Logg: Första skarpa versionen. Total omarbetning av specifikationen för exportfilens utformning (XML-Schemat). Utförligare beskrivning av hur exportfilen skall överlämnas. Ny specifikation över kvittensen från webbtjänsten. Omarbetning av dispositi

Agomelatine (pron. Ag-o-mella-teen) What is agomelatine used for? Agomelatine (also known by its trade name Valdoxan®) is used to help treat the symptoms of depression. It is made as tablets. What is the usual dose of agomelatine? The usual dose of agomelatine is 25mg once day at bedtime, although some people need 50mg a day. How should I take agomelatine? Swallow the tablets with

The health of nations

The Health of Nations By DONALD L. BARLETT and JAMES B. STEELE For years the people in Washington have offered one plan after another that they said would provide health care for all Americans and rein in costs. Each plan has failed. Today more people than ever have inadequate coverage or no insurance at all. And still costs continue to spin out of control. Notably absent from the rhetori

Microsoft word - amerighi.doc

“Ascolta la voce del mio grido o mio re e mio Dio perché ti prego, Signore. Al mattino ascolta la mia voce fin dal mattino t’invoco e sto in attesa.” Questa notte non ho chiuso occhio. Il picchiettio fastidioso e gelido e irregolare di un ramo sulla mia finestra mi ha costretto ad uno strano stato di allerta, come quello di una sentinella che se ne sta lì ad aspettare qualcosa che forse


STATE OF THE EVIDENCE What is the Connection Between Chemicals and Breast Cancer? Breast cancer now strikes more women than any other type of cancer, the result of adramatic increase that has taken place in the industrialized world during the past halfcentury. Whereas one in 22 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in the 1940s, nowthe incidence is one in eight. Of all women who die of

RESOLUCION Nº 044 SANTA FE, Cuna de la Constitución Nacional, 02 JUL 2012 Visto el Expediente Nº 02201-0001237-2- S.I.E. -Subs. Promoción Científica y Tecnológica-, mediante el cual se propicia el dictado del decisorio que adjudique un Aporte No Reintegrable correspondiente al Instrumento 2.3 en el marco del Programa 2 de los Programas de Promoción de las Actividades Científi

Catch it! Bin it! Profit from it! Swine Flu and those who did well On 30 September 2009, Professor David Salisbury, the Department of Health's Director of Immunisation, sent a detailed letter to the people who were responsible for our future wellbeing during thoutbreak. The recipients included all "Flu Directors and Co-ordinators" and "Pandemic Influenza Leads" in every health a

Microsoft word - iop sq 02 _b_ anexo vii identif princeton 2010.doc

SERVICIO INTEGRADO DE PREVENCIÓN Y SALUD LABORAL DE LA UPV. SEGURIDAD Y SALUD: INSTRUCCIONES OPERATIVAS. IOP SQ 02(b)- ANEXO VII: LISTADO INDICATIVO, NO EXHAUSTIVO, DE SUSTANCIAS ESPECIALMENTE PELIGROSAS (UNIV. PRINCETON). Fecha de Activación: 03 de Noviembre de 2.011 A continuación se reproduce un listado indicativo, no exhaustivo de sustancias químicas especialme


aDivision of Toxicology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, 5501 Old York Road,bThomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAcChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAdPhiladelphia Poison Control Center, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAThe term salicylate refers to any of a group of chemicals that are derivedfrom salicylic acid. The best known is acet

SHAKER HEIGHTS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION October 13, 2009 AGENDA F. Drexel Feeling , President Norman A. Bliss , Vice President Freda J. Levenson Peter A. Robertson Annette Tucker Sutherland Mark Freeman, Superintendent Bryan C. Christman, Treasurer BOARD OF EDUCATION SHAKER HEIGHTS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Shaker Heights, Ohio


LINGUISTIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUCCESS OF Brand naming is an important domain of language use in modern commercial society and a field of potential pragmatic interest and investigation. Brand naming is a one-way communicative activity in which brand names are created to communicate the right information to the right people in a right manner. This article argues that linguistic characteristics o

curriculum vitae

Curriculum di Nicoletta Fiorentino 1, nata ad Avellino 10/03/1961 E residente ad Ospedaletto d’Alpinolo (AV); in via Cda Curti, 1 1. Studi accademici. 1. Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita presso l’Università di Napoli (1990) e abilitazione all’esercizio della Professione (1990) 2. Training professionali post laurea 2.1 Corsi quadriennali con titolo finale di spec

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR GEBRUIKERS SEROQUEL XR® 50 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg tabletten met verlengde afgifte Lees goed de hele bijsluiter voordat u dit geneesmiddel gaat gebruiken want er staat belangrijke informatie in voor u. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Misschien heeft u hem later weer nodig. - Heeft u nog vragen? Neem dan contact op met uw arts of apotheker. - Geef

Live-Chat zum Thema «Zu viele Medikamente?» 03.06.2013 - 21:08:00 Chat-Moderator Franco Bassani: Herzlich wil kommen beim Chat zum Thema «Zu viele Medikamente?»! Frage von H. B., Buchsiten: Grüezi. Wenn ich meine 85-jährige Grossmutter besuche, sehe ich bei ihr oft ziemlich viele leere Tablettenschachteln im Abfall. Wenn ich sie darauf anspreche, wiegelt sie ab und meint, sie neh


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access published February 14, 2008 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapydoi:10.1093/jac/dkn029Impact of CYP2B6 983T>C polymorphism on non-nucleoside reversetranscriptase inhibitor plasma concentrations in HIV-infected patientsChristoph Wyen1, Heidy Hendra1, Martin Vogel2, Christian Hoffmann3, Heribert Knechten4,Norbert H. Brockmeyer5, Johanne


For the Assumption For one born in the southern hemisphere, such as myself, the Assumption is experienced as a spring festival. My text is from Alfred Lord Tennyson: In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love . Few people today read much poetry. I keep promising myself that I shall get down to John Donne, George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Francis Thompson, and

Salutare17.indd Ginecologia Che cos’è l’endometriosi? È una malattia misteriosa che colpisce milioni di donne, in età riproduttiva (3 - 10%), in tutto il mondo. È rara prima del menarca e tende a decrescere sensibilmente dopo la menopausa. di solito sensibili agli ormoni essere la rottura di tali lesio-ogni mese durante il ciclo superfi cie esterna dell’utero e Ogni m

Microsoft word - 5.3b_oga_list_q_and_a.doc

ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY ANNEX Pt 5.3 19 November 2009, Copenhagen (DEN) Prohibited Substances List This is not an official or current list of FEI prohibited substances. It is a working draft of a Prohibited Substance list that will ultimately be presented to the FEI General Assemby in November 2009 alongside the new Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCM).

Sca protocol for the prevention of tick-borne illness

SCA Protocol for the Prevention of Tick-Borne Illness Because SCA has experienced increased incidence of embedded ticks and Lyme disease, when working in areas with known high populations of ticks and based on a job hazard assessment, the following protocol for the prevention of tick borne illnesses has been developed. 1. Cease or do not engage in service in areas with an unmanageabl

The official bulletin of the SANE conference. . . . Richard Stallman’s halo? After yesterday’s bazaarRichard came back, because apparently his famous SaintIGNUcius halo (a harddisk platter in a previous life) wasgone. Needless to say, our saint was quite upset when hefound out. So, what happened? We don’t know. Wasit a GNU


16. Oligo microarray analysis of transcription in γ -aminobutyric acid-overaccumulating rice calli T. AKIHIRO1, T. FUJIMURA2, H. EZURA1 and K. AKAMA3 1) Gene Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Ts ukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572 Japan 2) Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 3) Department of Biological Science, Shimane Universit y, Matsue, Shimane 690

Av min finger… Fingerskader er noget, der let kan ramme en i klatresporten, belastningen af ens fingre (sener) er ekstrem. Derfor er det vigtig at huske ting som opvarmning, samt at lytte til ens krop, når det først begynder at gøre ondt. Jeg taler af bitter erfaring, da jeg selv har haft et par fingerskade i min klatrekarriere. Ofte kan en mindre skade udvikle sig, hvis der ik

Microsoft word - aqha multiple medication violation system _mvs_.docx

AQHA MULTIPLE MEDICATION VIOLATION SYSTEM (MMVS) 1. The AQHA Multiple Medication Violations System (MMVS) sets forth penalties for trainers, owners and horses subject of positive drug tests, and, in particular, is designed to assess penalties against trainers, owners and horses subject of multiple positive drug tests. This system is for AQHA’s use only and is not intended to be a subst

11-06-10 rules 2012 spanisch

“Alfred Schnittke” Akademie International Concurso de Piano 2012 1. ADMISIÓN . 1.1 El Concurso está abierto a los pianistas de cualquier nacionalidad que no hayan cumplido 36 años el día 21 de Marzo de 2012 . 1.2 Los candidatos deberán enviar lo siguiente vía e-mail: a) boletín de inscripción debidamente rellenado b) programa detallado de las obras a interpretar en las d

Microsoft word - polcm002

South East London Exceptional Treatments Commissioning Issued: March 2009 Issue No: 2 BPCT Document No: POL CM002 This Policy has been produced by the South East London Exceptional Treatments Strategy and Policy Group. Contact [email protected] for updates or copies. South East London Exceptional Treatments Commissioning (ETC) Policy Excepti (mpage)

f : {0, 1}32 × {0, 1}48 → {0, 1}32. These notes are based in part on Susan Landau’sYou can find a pictorial representation of f in Fig-paper: “Standing the test of time: the data en-ure 4.5. Here is how f (A, J) is computed:1. Expand A to a bitstring of length 48, using aDES was adopted in 1977 as a standard for “un-2. Compute E(A) ⊕ J. View E(A) ⊕ J as the con-classified” a

Microsoft word - 18a dictamen federal _periodico_.doc


Sven-ake bood of karlstad university in sweden explained:

Sven-Ake Bood of Karlstad University in Sweden explained: "Relaxing in a weightless state in the silent, warm floating tank activates the body's own system for recuperation and healing. The stress hormone decreases, as does blood pressure. The findings confirm and reinforce our earlier studies on the effects of relaxing in a floating tank. Through relaxing in floating tanks, people with long-t

Microsoft word - sas whole school food policy.doc

WHOLE SCHOOL FOOD POLICY Reviewed: Date of next review: (This document is available to the entire school community. It will also be made available on the school website and will be included in the School`s prospectus). 1 RATIONALE As a school, we have always prided ourselves in providing the best education to your children. We now wish to extend this ethos by promotin

Develop a tenant handbook Memberships Sponsorships Develop a Tenant Handbook Keeping your tenants informed of building rules and regulations will heighten your efficiency and operations. Make sure your tenant handbooks are accessible and regularly updated. If your tenants can’t easily find information about your building guidelines, chances


DEVOIR DE SCIENCES - PHYSIQUES N°6 A. SYNTHÈSE DE LA LIDOCAÏNE ( / 7) 1. Première étape 2. Seconde étape a. Il s'agit d'une réaction de substitution de l'atome de chlore par le groupe N(C2H5)2. b. B : éthanol C : N-éthyléthanamine c. cf. schéma. d. L’atome d’azote porte une charge partielle δ– c’est un site donneur d’électrons. De plus

Microsoft word - process not prozac.rtf

Process, not Prozac Bapak defined the three words that make up the acronym Subud as: ‘ Susila means having the quality of humanity; budhi means the power of the greatness of God that is within the self of a human being; and dharma means the utmost surrender to the greatness of God by a human being….’ 59 SFO 1 As budhi is inherent, I infer that we al have the potential to be a Ga

Clin Rheumatol (2007) 26:1843–1849DOI 10.1007/s10067-007-0587-0Exercise-based motivational interviewing for female patientswith fibromyalgia: a case seriesDennis Ang & Ramesh Kesavalu & Jennifer R. Lydon &Kathleen A. Lane & Silvia BigattiReceived: 6 December 2006 / Revised: 31 January 2007 / Accepted: 1 February 2007 / Published online: 20 February 2007Abstract The objective

Microsoft word - diaphoretic_drugs_2009 2.doc

Drugs/Medications Known to Cause Hyperhidrosis Certain prescriptions and non-prescription medications can cause hyperhidrosis (excess perspiration or sweating) as a side effect. A list of potentially sweat-inducing medications is provided below. Medications are listed alphabetically by generic name. U.S. brand names are given in parentheses, if applicable. This list is provided as a resource

Microsoft word - esk5683.doc

Instruction This kit is only for scientific research, and shall not be used as a clinical diagnosis of use. This kit allows for the determination of resistin concentrations in Human serum, Urine and other biological fluids. Principle The kit assay Human Prednisolone, Ps level in the sample,add Human Prednisolone, Ps antibody to microtiter plate wells, after Incubating,add Biotinylat

Microsoft word - 20130214_sdknewsrelease_1_e.doc

NEWS RELEASE SDK to Merge with Marusho Kogyo Showa Denko K.K. (SDK) decided at its board meeting today to merge with its wholly owned subsidiary Marusho Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Marusho Kogyo). (Since this is a case of “simplified merger” involving SDK and its wholly owned subsidiary, part of the details are omitted from the scope of disclosure.) 1. Purpose of merger Marusho Kogyo, as a


Correspondence The WHO Director- sector and those in the intersectoral Prevention of General election fi nale cardiovascular disease Margaret Chan’s election as the the UN family with the legitimacy with a polypill Director-General of WHO (Nov 18, and mandate, WHO should exercise p 1743)1 raises the question of whether its interorganisational might to Thomas Gaziano and

La fitoterapia método integral de la medicina naturopática empleado por el médico naturista bromatólogo profesor narváez a sus

La Fitoterapia método integral de la medicina naturopática empleado por el Médico Naturista Bromatólogo Profesor Narváez a sus pacientes, les incluía un tratamiento de fitoterapia, método de tratar las enfermedades mediante plantas o sustancias vegetales, empleado por antiguas generaciones y por nuestros antepasados. Te aromático modo de preparar el té. Dentro de una amplia gama de plan

Microsoft word - killgerm anti insekt rtu

Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 (REACH) Druckdatum 1.09.2007 Überarbeitet 17.02.2009 (D) Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Stoff-/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Angaben zum Produkt Handelsname: Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Art des Präparates: A n we n d u n g s f e r t i g e s L a n g z e i t i ns e k t i z i d z u m S p r ü h e n Anschrift des Lief

Microsoft word - k-12sciencecurriculu#86aecb.doc

Grade 5 Health Unit: Reproduction and Nutrition Essential Question(s): • What choices can you make to stay healthy?How do the parts of the system work together?How do we take care of our systems' parts? Focused Unit Concept(s): • Unit Questions: • What is the function of the respiratory system?What effects do illegal drugs have on the human body?What types of foods help ma


Short Poster Presentations Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, 7First Department of Transplantation of neuroprotective choroid plexus Pediatrics, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 8Department epithelium prevents diabetes in the nod mouse of Pediatrics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 9Department ofDiabetes and Endocrinology, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, R. B


REV CHIL OBSTET GINECOL 2004; 69(2): 157-162 EN LA ANTICONCEPCIÓN DE. / HORACIO CROXATTO A. y cols. MECANISMO DE ACCIÓN DEL LEVONORGESTRELEN LA ANTICONCEPCIÓN DE EMERGENCIAHoracio Croxatto A.1, María Elena Ortiz S.1,a1Investigadores asociados, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileEn esta revisión se actualiza el mecanismo de acción del levonorgestrel

Contenu du Supplément 7.3 Les parties des textes qui ont été révisées ou corrigées sont indiquées par un trait vertical dans la marge et celles qui ont été supprimées sont indiquées par un trait horizontal dans la marge. Ces indications sont toutefois publiées à titre d’information et ne sont pas nécessairement exhaustives ; elles ne constituent pas une partie officielle de

Microsoft word - fki abstract.docx

ECOTOXICOLOGICAL METHODS FOR MONITORING THE EFFECTS OF MICROPOLLUTANTS IN WATERS I Fekete-Kertész1, M Molnár1, Zs M Nagy1, E Nikolett1, É Fenyvesi2, K Gruiz1 1 Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Gellért square 4, Hungary 2 CycloLab Cyclodextrin R&D Laboratory Ltd., 1097 Budapest, Illat

Microsoft word - people's trail info 221008 _3_

TABLE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK PEOPLE’S TRAIL Information THE PEOPLE’S TRAIL IS AVAILABLE FOR PROGRAMMES THAT AIM TO: 1. Enhance environmental awareness. 2. Develop leadership and / or skills. 3. Promote spiritual consciousness. 4. Support outcomes based education. 5. Conduct volunteer projects inside the Park. People’s Trail General info The People’s Trail starts at

Umcu_wkz influenzabrief

Geachte mevrouw/meneer, ouders, U of uw kind krijgt regelmatig een infusie met gammaglobuline (antistoffen) wegens een hypogammaglobulinemie, en in verband daarmee graag uw aandacht voor het volgende. Zoals u ongetwijfeld uit de media vernomen heeft wordt in dit najaar in Nederland een uitbraak van de Mexicaanse griep, ook wel Nieuwe Influenza, verwacht. De eerste gegevens duiden er op dat de

Sts benefits brochure

EXTENDED HEALTH CARE Prescribed Health Educational Program contact lenses are required due to surgery after• Up to an annual limit of $100 when recommendedthe above maximum has been reimbursed, an ELIGIBILITY PERIOD: additional lifetime limit of $75 per person will be 1st of the month following the date Medical Equipment, Aids and Appliances • Eye examinations, performed by a

Microsoft word - physiotherapist jd rhs oct10.doc

Rutland House School Job description Physiotherapist To lead on the physical well being of the pupils within an interdisciplinary team. To ensure active participation of each pupil where they can learn, practise and generalise skills across their waking day. To enhance learning within a model of Conductive Education. To monitor pupil’s physical levels, adapt and progress prog

Microsoft word - 051121pressrelease.doc

Version 2 of Low-Cost SystemC Synthesis Tool Available Ipswich and Oxford, UK, 23rd November, 2005 – SystemCrafter and Orange Tree Technologies today announced Version 2.0 of the award-winning SystemCrafter SC SystemC package. This new version of the tool has been developed to make it far easier to manage and develop SystemC projects, and also simpler for new users to get started with SystemC


U N T E R S U C H U N G S B E F U N D Auftraggeber: Prüfsubstanz: Natives Olivenöl extra ex Griechenland Chargen-Bez.: Probeneingang: PRÜFERGEBNISSE: Prüfparameter Ergebnis Grenzwert Prüfparameter Ergebnis Grenzwert Beurteilung: Gemäß den vorliegenden Untersuchungsergebnissen handelt es sich bei der Probe um "natives Olivenöl e

Taquicardia paroxística supraventricular por sobreingesta de salbutamol

Caso clínico Taquicardia paroxística supraventricular por sobreingestade salbutamolL. MARTÍNEZ MENGUAL, M.C. CUADRILLERO QUESADA, C. MENÉNDEZ ARIAS, N. FERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, Servicio de Pediatría. Hospital de Cabueñes. Gijón Introducción: La taquicardia es el hallazgo más frecuente Introduction: Synus tachicardia is the most frecuent cli- tras la ingestión de una dosis de sal

Aasld 2006 10.pmd

Better prediction of SVR in patients with HCV genotype 1 (G1) with peginterferon alfa-2a (PEGASYS ® ) plus ribavirin: Improving differentiation between low (LVL) and high baseline viral load (HVL) E. Zehnter1, S. Mauss2, C. John3, R. Heyne4, B. Möl er4, T. Lutz5, B. Bokemeyer6, R. Kihn7, G. Moog8, U. Alshuth9, D. Hüppe101Center of Gastroenterology, Dortmund; 2Center of Gastroenterology a

Microsoft word - bio_tl_foss_pub.doc

Yau SY, Lau BWM, Ong JB, Wong R, Ching YP, Qiu G, Tang SW, Lee TMC, So KF. Hippocampal neurogenesis and dendritic plasticity support running-improved spatial learning and depression-like behaviour in stressed rats. PLoS ONE. (in press). 2. Chan CCH, Wong AWK, Ting KH, White-Gabrieli S, He JF, Lee TMC. Cross auditory-spatial learning in early blind individuals. Human Brain Mapping. (in press). G

ll libro del Levitico: 30 norme e leggi di santità Il libro del levitico contiene un gran numero di norme e di leggi che i sacerdoti della tribù di Levi devono conoscere, osservare e insegnare. Il nostro mondo è molto diverso da quello descritto nel Levitico: le normee i riti che esso prescrive riflettono una cultura passata. Eppure in esso appare forte il desiderio del popolo d’Israel

Adhd questionaire

ADHD Questionnaire What symptoms has your child shown that make you concerned about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder? What interventions/medications have you tried with your child? What medication(s) is your child taking? (Include nonprescription drugs and herbal supplements) Does your child have a history of any of the following? (Circle yes or no) Physician Notes • Fai

Diseases of the Outdoors Enteric or Typhoid Fever This is a disease which affects the intestines and causes a high fever and high temperature with diarrhoea, coughing, and a rash on the stomach. It is highly contagious and infectious, and the germs live in any dirt, manure, rubbish, etc, and are carried by flies, insects, people or food. Thanks to proper control the disease is becoming le

Microsoft word - medical history.doc

Patient Medical/Dental History Form NAME:__________________________________ DATE:__________________ MEDICAL HISTORY HAVE YOU HAD: NO YES Are you in good general health? Are you now taking any drugs or medications? “yellow Jaundice”, Hepatitis problems Broken bones of the face, neck, jaw or back YES Would you object to our office contacting your family doc

Hefepilze im körper

Hefepilze im Körper Dr. med. Siegfried Dörfler - 3. komplett überarbeitete Auflage 1998 - ISBN 3-9804994-6-4 170 Seiten, 17 Tabellen und Abbildungen - € 13,90 Inhaltsverzeichnis • Vorwort der ersten Auflage • Geleitwort zur 3. Auflage • Vorwort zur 3. Auflage • 1.Entstehung der Pilzerkrankung o 1.1.Pilze - Freund und Feind o 1.2.Viele Beschwerden - ei


The practice of Hand Surgery continues to evolve inthe light of new research and technology. It still is of specialinterest to not only to full time Hand Surgeons but also toOrthopaedic and Plastic surgeons as well. This is especiallyso in areas of the distal radius and carpus. In the interestof continuity, we in the organising committee have decidedto look further distally from last year into th

Data sheet db gb ib il 24 pwr in/2-f-d (-pac)

IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D-PAC Inline Power Terminal With Fuse and Diagnostics Function The IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D and IB IL 24 PWR IN/2-F-D-PAC only The terminal is designed for use within an Inline The terminal supplies 24 V supply voltage to the main circuit (UM) and automatically provides the 24 V supply voltage to the segment circuit (US). The terminal has prot

Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of fecal indicator bacteria isolated from owned dogs in Grenada: a pilot study V A Amadi1, A H Werners2, and H Hariharan1 1Pathobiology Academic Program, School of Veterinary Medicine, St George’s University, Grenada, West Indies. 2 Anatomy and Physiology Academic Program, School of Veterinary Medicine, St George’s University, Grenada, West Indies. Obj


Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - Q3FY08 Results Update February 8, 2008 Price: Rs259.15 52 wk High / Low: 328 / 176 Market Cap: Rs1706Cr ($432Mn) BSE Sensex: 17527 Bloomberg: PENL@IN Rating: Not rated Company Background Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (OCPL) commenced operations in 1994 as a 100% export-orientedundertaking (EOU). It is an integra

Microsoft word - document

2, 3-DICHLORO BENZOYL CHLORIDE CAS No.2905-60-4 MSDS Section 1 - Product and Company Information Substance : 2, 3-DICHLORO BENZOYL CHLORIDE Trade Name : 2,3-Dichloro Benzoyl Chloride Chemical Family : Acid Chloride Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients Product Name 2,3 Dichloro Benzoyl Chloride Section 3 – Hazards Identification SPECIAL I

Microsoft word - document2

Swine Influenza and You Questions & Answers Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. What is swine flu? Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person,

Whatsnewforjuneeiia handout

June 2012 Health Plans Peterson Regional Health Care Network Peterson and Schreiner University have entered into a direct contract for services. The University’s employees and dependents will receive greater discounts when using a Peterson doctor or facility. To determine if your doctor is in the Peterson Physician Network, select Find a Doctor. PHCS Networ

Korj.-ja energia-av. valtuuksien tilanne

ASUNTOHAKEMUS HAKIJAN HENKILÖTIEDOT Sukunimi ja entiset nimet (painokirjaimin) Haluatko ilmoituksen myös sähköpostina AVIO/AVOPUOLISON HENKILÖTIEDOT (täytetään vain jos puoliso muuttaa haettavaan asuntoon) MUUT ASUMAAN TULEVAT HENKILÖT (tarvittaessa käytettävä liitettä) HAETTAVA HUONEISTO Muita toivomuksia (esim. vuokran suuruusluokka) ASUNNON TARVE (k

Optometrisches Management bei psychopharmaka-induzierten Sehstörungen Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen GreinProf. Dr. Christoph HiemkeUndifferenzierte Sehstörungen gehören zu den in den Medikamenteninformationen beschriebenen Nebenwirkungen von Antidepressiva und Antipsychotika, insbesondere den alten Wirkstoffen. Ziel der Arbeit war es zu ermitteln, ob sich die auch Einnahme des neuen Antidep

Microsoft word - term 1 2012 important date list - learners

IMPORTANT DATE LIST FOR TERM 1 : 2012 1ST TERM 2012 : WEDNESDAY 11 JANUARY – TUESDAY 20 MARCH 14:00–17:00 New Boarders and Boarding Prefects return 14:00–17:00 Boarders Return Gr. 8 & new learners meet with Gr. 12’s Meeting for 1st year confirmation candidates 17:00-18:00 F/P Parents Info Evening 08:15-09:15 Confirmation classes start Gr. 8 & New Learners


Responsible Safety and Security Tunisian residing in QATAR, sportsman, 31-year-old, unmarried, experience 11 years in security of persons,companiesand facilities Work experience Head of Planning & Organization Mission: Plan, develop & implement the security services department strategy for the management of the department operations so as to meet agreed company performance plans

Microsoft word - nota20121129_ae_calidad_2012_ca.doc

STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Nota de premsa STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Des del novembre del 2007, STAR Servicios Lingüísticos ostenta la certificació ISO 9001:2008 pel seu sistema de gestió de la qualitat i la certificació segons la UNE-EN 15038, norma europea per a la prestació de serveis de traducció. L’

A fall can be a life changing event

Your Pills, the Heat and Sun of Summer By Lynn Harrelson, R.Ph., FASCP Senior Pharmacy Solutions Medication Therapy Management Services Everyone is eager for the warmer, sunny months of summer. We can’t wait for the warmth of spring and then, in a blink, we have the hotter, sunnier summer months. Our bodies adjusted better to these changes when we were y

Climate change – why it could be worse than the ipcc projects

Climate change – why it could be worse than the IPCC projections Dr Stuart Parkinson, Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)Presentation at the Climate Forum, London, 14/06/08 o Sea-level rise projections from the 2007 reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) do not include all the important feedbacks, especially concerning polar ice-sheet dynamicso New rese

Microsoft word - head lice

ST. STEPHEN’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3669 HIGHLAND AVE., HFX., NS B3K 4J9 TEL: 493-5155 FAX: 493-5158 [email protected] PRINCIPAL VICE PRINCIPAL Makiko Chiasson Rebecca Campbell November 19, 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian : We are noticing with more frequency, cases of head lice in the school. As head lice can be spread from person to person, we r


South African Journal Of Regional Anaesthesia LOCAL ANAESTHETIC AGENT TOXICITY Dr H van Rooyen Pharmacodynamics of local anaesthetic either via the lipid phase or through the open pore. Dissociation via the lipid phase appears to occur 20-50 times as rapidly as via the channel, but requiresthat the molecule be in the unionised base form. Local anaesthetic agents reversibly block the a

Stry-lase 2006-manuscript 051212.pdf

Compact Tunable Diode Laser with Diffraction Limited 1000 mW in Littman/Metcalf configuration for Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Swen Thelenb Peter Heringb, Manfred Mürtzb aSacher LasertechnikGroup, Hannah Arendt Str. 3-7, D-35037 Marburg, Germany Phone: +49-6421-305-0, FAX: +49-6421-305-299, email: [email protected] bUniversitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Institut für Lasermedi

Undergraduate awards ceremony, nov. 2, 2009

Undergraduate awards ceremony, Nov. 2, 2009 SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS ASSEMBLY Pledge of Allegiance and Musical Arrangement THE SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN YEAR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Medal – to members of the Class of 2012 with the highest achievement during the first year in high school: Matthew Ashcroft, Kul en Bailey, Nicholas Conlon, Sarah Dean, Nicole H

Datasheet search site |

BAV102; BAV103 Single general-purpose switching diodes Rev. 03 — 16 August 2007 Product data sheet Product profile 1.1 General description Single general-purpose switching diodes, fabricated in planar technology, andencapsulated in small hermetically sealed glass SOD80C Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) packages. Product overview Type number Configuration 1.2 Features 1.3

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Univar USA Inc. Emergency Response Telephone Numbers I. Material Identification Product Name: MasterLine Kontrol 4 – 4 for Mosquitoes, Flies & Gnats EPA Reg. No: 73748-4 INGREDIENTS: Permethrin (CAS Reg. No. 52645-53-1) (3-phenoxyphenyl) methyl (±) cis, trans-3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl) -2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate 1 Piperony

C13-11494.EME/56-66 9/4/03 11:47 Página 56 emergencias 2003;15:56-66 Segundo documento de consenso sobre uso deantimicrobianos en la exacerbación de la enfermedadpulmonar obstructiva crónica F. Álva r e z1, E. Bouza2, J.A. Garc í a - R o d r í g u e z2, J. Mensa2, E. Monsó1, J. J. Picazo2, V. Sobradillo1, A. To r r e s1, M. Moya Mir3, M. Martínez Ortiz de Zárate3, F. Pérez Escanil

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SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 1: Identification of the Substance and Supplier Description For use in conjunction with progesterone to treat fertility problems such as anoestrus and to control the oestrous cycle in cattle. Can also be used following progesterone treatment to give oestrus and ovulation in anoestrous cows. Prescription Animal Remedy (P.A.R) Class I. For use only under the a

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L’11 gennaio scorso sono stati pubblicati in Gazzetta Ufficiale gli Accordi sanciti in sede di Conferenza Stato Regioni il 21 dicembre 2011 sulla formazione dei Lavoratori e dei Titolari di imprese che intendono svolgere in proprio il ruolo di RSPP, rispettivamente in ottemperanza all’ art 37 (comma 2) e all’ art 34 (commi 2 e 3 ) del D.Lgs.81/08. Tali Accordi definiscono contenuti, moda

Post-Operative Instructions for Patients after Craniotomy Here are some suggestions for care after a craniotomy (head operation). We realize that it is impossible to anticipate all of the questions or problems that may arise during this time. However Dr. Ott, his assistant Glory, or one of his colleagues will be available to help you. To reach us call 619 297-4481 ext. 102 Post-Oper

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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), and Nasal & Sinus Symptoms What is GERD/LPR? When you eat, food passes from your mouth, down your throat into your “food pipe”. This is called the esophagus. The esophagus empties into the stomach. A muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter is prevent at the junction of the esophagus an

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Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA) on the establishment and management of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) Preamble In accordance with the Ceasefire Agreement, the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the GOSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (hereinafter referred to as the LTTE) have requested the Royal Norwegian Governm

Demande de prise en charge pour Myfortic® et CellCept® Ne pas oublier:  remarques et signature du patient en page 2  seules les demandes dûment complétées, bien lisibles et signées pourront être traitées  Ce formulaire pourra également être imprimé sous Date de livraison souhaitée ……………………………. Date de livraison souhait�

When my children were little, we would regularly watch PBS and Those were the questions they were wondering. Have you ever the morning shows. We watched Barney (anyone know the song?). We wondered about similar questions? I know I have. watched Sesame Street. We watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. And occasionally we watched Lamb Chop with Shari Lewis. Isaiah has heard his people. Maybe he has

Epilim® - data sheet

DATA SHEET EPILIM® NAME OF THE MEDICINE Non-proprietary name Chemical name Chemical Structure CAS Registry Number DESCRIPTION Sodium valproate. Sodium valproate is a white, odourless, crystalline powder with a saline taste. It is highly soluble in water and alcohol. Its molecular weight is 166. It is quite dissimilar to other established anticonvulsants such as bar

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Sleep tips for teens Maintain a regular sleep routine As teenage psychical and psychological development involves a great deal of physiological and mental change, teens require a great deal more sleep than they previously did as children. Regular sleep routines are important, allowing the body to get into the pattern of having times that it uses for rest. Don’t stay in bed awa

Negli ultimi anni molti ricercatori hanno documentato un eccesso di mortalità fra i pazienti affetti da patologie coronariche

La Sindrome da Iperincrezione di CRH Negli ultimi anni molti ricercatori hanno documentato un eccesso di mortalità fra i pazienti affetti da patologie coronariche acute che presentavano anche sintomi depressivi. Il rischio di mortalità, indipendente da altri fattori, risulta mediamente aumentato di 3-4 volteone rappresenta un fattore di rischio più rilevante di fumo, o ha portato ad appro

Informativa intervento di ptk o cheratectomia fototerapeutica

SCHEDA INFORMATIVA INTERVENTO DI VITRECTOMIA PER RETINOPATIA DIABETICA Approvata dalla Società Oftalmologica Italiana - Anno 2003 Gentile Signora, Signore, Lei soffre di una patologia responsabile di un calo alla vista e di altre possibili e gravi complicanze. Questa scheda contiene le informazioni sul trattamento che Le è proposto, sui risultati e sui rischi. Tutte le espression

Community Midwives, LLC Preparing for Pregnancy Question: This December I am going off of my birth control Depo-Provera. I have been on it for more than 5 years. What can and should I do to prepare my body for pregnancy? I am already taking Folic Acid, is there anything else I should do or be aware of? Thanks! Great proactive question! I focus on three basic

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___________________________________________________________________________ CLINICAL GUIDELINES for SUBCUTANEOUS INFUSION (HYPODERMOCLYSIS) Clinical Policy Folder Ref No: 16 APPROVED BY: Policy and Guideline Ratification Group (PGRG) Date of Issue: July 2010 Version No: 1.3 Date of review: May 2012 Author: Alison Griffiths. Matron District Nursing NHS South Glouces

Nacho is fast becoming Nacho again, despite chronic kidney disease Find out how your cat’s kidney disease can be managed with Semintra Finding out Understanding your cat has chronic kidney chronic kidney disease in cats WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE suffer from chronic kidney disease but it KIDNEYS? is always a real shock to hear that your As


Opinion Commentary 4 A newspaper with issues LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHER Send comments to [email protected] David Pisarra Send comments to [email protected] No endorsement here EDITOR IN CHIEF Recently representatives from the Santa Monica He’s favoring the MANAGING EDITOR Red Cross chapter had the opportunity to meet withthe proponents of Proposition T, known a

STH releases w/c 20/05/2013 SIGCD009 Spill - Calibre Signature CD Spill - This one took a little longer than expected Every year for a while I've churned out the collected Consequently After such a time I required a step back A quiet pause-----to define. - I suppose it's just about the floor But I've always wanted more I find it hard to articulate What it means to dedicate If anything means


Sports Science Exchange (2013) Vol. 26, No. 113, 1-4 SLEEP AND THE ELITE ATHLETE Shona L. Halson | Recovery Center | Australian Institute of Sport | Canberra | Australia Sleep is essential for athletes, both for preparing for, and recovering from, training and competition. Sleep disturbances in elite athletes can occur both during training and following competition. Sub-maximal, prolonged

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