Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps doxycycline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

A technical and commercial feasibility study of a new technology for controllable catalyst Light concentrator systems in solar energy MucoSIS, mucosale vaccins om infectieziekten te RE-phrase, chat-by-click conversation technology Laserkristallisatie van calcium fosfaat coatings Commercial opportunities for ALL-PP composites Valorisatie van Nederlandse bioethanol research On demand afgifte geur- of smaakstoffen uit polymerenOntwikkeling dubbel-targetting systeem voor grade bacteriënOn-line vochtgehalte bepalen in voedingsbestanddelen en grondmonstersModular disposable bioreactor system for functional tissue engineering of heart valves Demo's marktonderzoek en IPR-beleid voor Hybrid Catalysis BVNanocort for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritisand multiple sclerosisBenadering en evaluatie van potentiële partners Detectie en depletie van eiwitaggregaten in Metabolic-rerouting in Plant Cells and ExPlants Variants of cephalosporin acylase for improved ß- lactam antibiotics productionCOMPAAN: Programming heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms for streaming data A novel biotech method to control fish reproduction UL Voorspelling van de vraag naar electriciteit met dynamic dataminingHumaan coronavirus NL63 en de ontwikkeling van Drug target validation in knock-down rats Breaking the boundaries of antibody therapy against cancerA high-throughput screen for harmful plant pathogens in agricultural soils and products Reconfigurable Systems-on-ChipVerbeterde detectie van kanker met optische spectroscopieSubstraten voor hoogwaardige optische en Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Commercialisation of ligand - protein interaction studies for characterization of ligand specificity High resolution molecular imaging systems for A versatile solid-state laser-based trace-gas A New Cell-Specific Drug Targeting Company A mesenchymal stem cell based model for drug target identification and validationDevelopment and prototyping of a novel device for optimized mechanical stimulation and training of Nature's new medicine cabinet: transgenic snake venom glands a unique protein secreting factory Voorjaar 2006Ultrasone puls-echo inspectie voor fiber-metaal Sensor for single-breath medical diagnostics Super-glycosulated recombinant surfactant protein DAutomatic crack detection system for natural High-through exploration of antifungal compounds and targets - HiTEXACOATEconomic feasibility of corona-plasma technology Feasibility study of pure bitter acids production Najaar 2006Metrologie voor het Extreem Ultraviolet A Dipstick Method for the Early and Regular Detection of Threats, Plagues and Diseases in Ontwikkeling van diensten voor neurometrische Evaluation of a new type of capsule for drug deliveryMyLife Technologies: Manufacture of cost- geïntegreerdeoptische chip voor het genereren en TUE Validus technologies, novel verification solutions Verticale verplaatsing in leefruimtes: Valorisatievan energiezuinig instelbare, statisch gebalanceerde Een intra-rij wieder met een nieuwe actuator Lanthiopep: Stabiele thioether-ring-bevattende therapeutische peptidenAIR-MARKET: Autocorrelation Impulse Radio to Force sensitive grasper for living tissue manipulation - Prevention of surgery-induced Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
The DC Pile Driver: the cleaner, more silent, cheaper and faster pile-driving methodCommercialization of model-based condition monitoring and fault-tolerant controlPersonalized Guidance and Messages with A cost-effective optical access/in-home network for broadband service delivery with user mobility Efficient drug discovery for G-protein coupled Vivomicx: how to increase the success rate of Sensor integrated tool for robotic laser welding Technical and Commercial Feasibility Study for VisuaLWise; A Tool for Effort Reduction and Fault Prevention during Software Development and Maintenance Microarray-based molecular diagnostic method to determine site of origin of Cancers of Unknown Primary (CUP)Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug DeliveryX-HAS - Extreme environment Humidity & E-Ball. Ontwikkeling van een exercise ball met druksensoren voor de revalidatie en behoud van Veilige robotarmen voor interactie met mensen. Valorisatie van intrinsiek veilige, industrieel Ontwikkeling van het Smart Energy Glass raam Onderzoek naar en marktintroductie van een aerodynamisch hulpmiddel voor wegtransport The FluoRox sensor: a breakthrough concept Commercialisering Advanced Rapid Wound 3D- FormsWEDACS (Waste Energy Driven Air Conditioning KIJK-UIT! Ontwikkeling van een low-budget Ontwikkeling van een elektrofysiologische Najaar 2008Luminescent Photo-bioreactor for cost-effective algae productionLancering I.L.D. productlijn interactieve LED Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Automatische acquisitie van terreinmetingen uit be eldopnames vanuit onbemande luchtvaartuigen Quality Tissue Engineering for Quality of Life Emulsion Technology for Micro Encapsulates Isolator System for Minimally Invasive Surgery Navigator for business processes - Process Analysis and Visualization with Process Mining TechnologyPoly-Heal, a novel self-healing material for coatings and filmsEen duurzame verpakking voor Hightech MobiTrans: Mobiele Transactie Technologie Celmanipulatie door gepulste elektromagnetische veldenImproving the intelligibility of speech in noise using a new speech processing system: Listen-In-Noise VU Technical and Commercial Feasibility Study for UXsuite, A Market Research Software Toolset for Haalbaarheidsstudie naar een elektrische aangedreven super-sport motorDemonstration of technical feasibility of the Najaar 2009Phrase-based Brain-driven Communicator for Process solution for thin piezoelectric film in MEMS applications for high volume manufacturing using large scale Pulsed Laser Deposition technique inMotion - Wireless Motion Sensor Networks in SportsThe MitoMouse, a monitor for mitochondrial 'My Pronunciation Coach' (MPC) - Exploring the potential of speech technology in language Commercial and Technical Feasibility Study for ENTROPY Enterprise Interoperability Services Developing synthetic vernix into a commercially NovaFiltra "Expert in gas CO2 capture" DEVURO (DEtection of VUlnerable ROad users) A Radio Frequency means for detecting objects and TUE loungeworksupporter: de stoel die het nieuwe Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Low-volume production of EUV detectors for Next Feasibility of commercial application of negative Advanced model predictive control based on rigorous modeling technology for large scale Solarbear: Cooling with the sun, without electricity Large scale production 4-thiolysine to enable commercial production of ubiquitin and ubiquitin- Feasibility study of sustainable cooling and heat pump applicationsProof of principle of the Delft Assessment Instrument for Strabismus in Young children MRI MiniMan; an MRI compatible mini-manipulator RU Stem cell based model systems for drug target discovery and cardiac safety pharmacology The Range Trie Forwarding Engine for High Speed Arx: A Single Language for Multiple Embedded- System-Design TasksDevelopment of novel anti-inflammatory drugs based on the principle of mucosal toleranceAtomic Cling Foil: Towards Industrial Production of Chemically Linked Carbon Nano Tube Networks: a technical and commercial feasibility study (CLICK) Technologische en commerciële perspectieven Elektriciteitsproductie met levende planten Hybrid Pixel Detector Arrays for Industrial and Photon Science InstrumentationSelf-Assembling Nanocatalyst Electrode for Proton- Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: a technical and commercial feasibility study.
Bicyclononyne-based products in Life Sciences and Material SciencesTechnological and Commercial Valorisation of the PASSPORT: practicing surgical skills in real-life BlueBee Multi-Core Technologies The Gateway to Multi-Core Heterogeneous Computing Platforms High porosity building ceramics by a new foaming Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Business in Sofie: a robot for minimally invasive A light-activatable liposomal drug delivery system for site-specific pharmaco-laser therapy of vascular AMC Holmium-microspheres for internal radiation MobiSep: Instrument for uterus separation A new therapeutic approach for severe bleeding in ConnectedCare: Beter Zelfstandig Wonen middels Group AwarenessA deformable tensegrity structure: An opportunity to lower cost of solar energyNext Generation Microfluidics for Massive Parallel IRWES (Integrated Roof Wind Energy System) Snelle en gevoelige gasanalysator voor extreem groot drukbereikMulti-Modal Sensing and Reconstruction of Photo- Realistic 3D Models of BuildingsA Commercial Feasibility of a New Process for Reactor Grade ZirconiumA zebrafish embryo biochip for automated drug Fertility chip, 'On-chip semen analysis system' Najaar 2011Disdro: Regen meten voor het beheer van water in de stadExo Ligament a new means of ankle sprain preventionTime-of-Flight 3D Imager Realized as System-on- Chip (SoC)Parkagent, agent-based simulatie software voor WalkMECH Innovative Transfemoral Prosthesis eMALDI: Next generation combinatorial analysis through ElectrowettingCommercializing the Electrostatic Pull-in Instability (EPI) calibration methodCatalyzing drug membrane translocation by SCS technologyOnce-through steam generator for waste-heat utilisationAn Open Fitting for arm prostheses, the fitting that breathesEnrichment methods for a decentralized smart Voorjaar 2012RED PV modules: Reinforced Encapsulated Design of Photovoltaic ModulesApps4Life: A platform for self-management of COPD patients with a growth potential to other Enlightened2Move - Preventing diabetic foot complications by cold plasma technologyAttractive High-Tech Hearing Protection for Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Novel economic, simple, and environmentally friendly alloy soldering nanoparticle pastePreventing biofilm formation on membranes by Multiple Spinning Disc Technology for Industrial Chemicals ProductionDevelopment and commercialization of an Angle- Resolved Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Autonomous cable-driven robot for surface StructWeb - Structuring the Web for Organizations UT Towards a mobile system for objective evaluation of equine locomotor performanceIVVI-rack Advanced Measurement Instrumentation MindPlay: Enabling brain-computer interfaces for gamingNonlinear full waveform inversion for reservoir Technological and commercial valorisation of an innovative renewable energy driven desalination system for decentralized water production Creation and Continuous Improvement of Digital Educational Materials within Course Programmes Feasibility study of the B-stage Joining technique Innovative joint for large glass structures Magneto-Optical Switching ?Data storage with the A new technology platform for the expression of Compliant Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis (CIDP) A Technology Accelerator for High-Performance PolymersDigitally Intensive Millimeter-Wave Frequency A portable electronic document reader for the visually impaired (blind)BuBCLEAN Controlled ultrasonic cleaning technology for challenging applications using microbubbles.
Innprove Solutions: Towards Robust Design and Optimization of Production ProcessesOntwikkeling van een genezende MS therapie: ex- NovioPlast: wound dressings inspired by nature MIP therapy: Effective and patient-friendly HydroSoliX: PhotoCatalytic Water Splitting In Ovo: improving sustainability in worldwide Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr
Daglichtregulering met elektriciteitsproductie door toepassing van hoogrendement concentrator PV technologieCell4Pharma: transporting cells for fast drug In-line steady-state solar simulator - A solution for maintaining quality and throughput in a rapidly An innovative biomimetic cervical intervertebral A New Intramedullary Device for Midshaft Clavicle Total replacement of meniscus with minimally invasive polymer implantEMBARC - Electronic Multi-Beam Antenna and Receiver ConceptReliable Screening for Skin Cancer - The Optical Skin ScannerLow cost Eye readable Hydrogen Detector for Diagnosis of Lactose Intolerance and Fructose MalabsorptionTechnical and Commercial Feasibility Study of Hy2Care: Injectable plasters for cartilage repair Tomb Reader: Automatic Hieroglyph Recognition Improving quality of life of patients with metastatic lesions using an innovative CT-based product Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr Hoofdaanvrager
Betrokken bedrijf
Detectie van geaggregeerd prion in bloed, Ontwikkeling van een prototype van de Rankine Compression Gasturbinen en voorontwikkeling van twee RCG-proefsystemenHigh resolution molecular imaging systems need for energy-efficient, flexible, high Commercialisering van grenslaagafzuiging TUD Najaar 2006BiOrion Technologies BV A New Cell- Medimate The Point of Care Lithium Blood AnalyserHybrid Catalysis: Maatgesneden Nano-tech katalysatoren voor superieure Chemische TUE NewCatch: cell therapy for sustainable fish cultureValorisatie van Nederlands Bioethanol- OnderzoekCommercialisering van de integrale Voorjaar 2007Gallium-Nitride (GaN) substraten voor toepassingenDe BalanceBox valorisatie van gebalanceerde veersystemenEnergy demand and price forecasting by A versatile solid-state laser-based trace- Najaar 2007Commercialisation of microneedle array Voorjaar 2008Lanthiopep: Stabiele thioether-ring- Najaar 2008First-in-man study of custom-made polymeric micelles: improving therapeutic Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr Hoofdaanvrager
Betrokken bedrijf
vrachtauto’s door middel van de Ephicas SideWingHCI Foldable Container, Phase II: Quality Tissue Engineering for Quality of Scoop lamp / Aesthetic Interactions B.V.
Encapsulates (ET4ME)Improving listening in noise, Maturing LINE- Najaar 2010'My Pronunciation Coach' (MPC) - Development of a therapeutic vaccine for Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls Projectnr Hoofdaanvrager
Betrokken bedrijf
radiation detectors for industrial and photon NIKHEF HTSM Cellanyzer BV, Somatic cell count systems A monodisperse microbubble generator for Najaar 2012BlueBee Multi-Core Technologies Your Apps4Air: A platform for self-management of COPD patients with a growth potential to RU Time-of-Flight 3D Imagers for Robotic and BrainCarta - Clinical fMRI made Practical Birds of PreyHigh-Performance Energy Harvester (HiPER)Autonomous cable-driven robot for surface Overzicht STW Valorisation Grant 2004-2013.xls


ANALYSIS OF THE OPTIMAL STRATEGY FOR WLAN LOCATION DETERMINATION SYSTEMS Moustafa A. Youssef ∗ , Ashok Agrawala { moustafa, agrawala } Abstract This paper presents a general analysis for the performance of WLAN location determination systems. WLAN locations determination systems estimates the user location using software-based techniques ina WLAN environment. We present a

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Simulation of Multistage Countercurrent Liquid-Liquid Extraction Annasaheb WARADE1*, Ravindra GAIKWAD1, Rajiv SAPKAL2 and Vilas SAPKAL2 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni, Dist. 2University Department of Chemical Technology, SGB Amravati University, Amravati, India. E-mails: [email protected] (*), [email protected], [email protected],

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