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Anlage 1 der Rabattvereinbarung gemä ß § 130a Abs. 8 SGB V Schwellenwert- Darreichungs- Stoffmenge je Einzeldosis (ED) Packungs- Schwellen- unterschreitung absolutem formengruppe Referenzmolekül (U vgl. § 2 Abs. 2) Rabatt*) Arzneimittelbezeichnung (3) Alendronsä ure (3) Alfuzosin (3) Allopurinol (3) Amiodaron (3) Amisulprid Anlage 1 der Rabattver

Pharmakogenetik - info für heilberufe

Pharmakogenetik - patientenindividuell therapieren Information für Heilberufe Die Pharmakogenetik befasst sich mit dem Einfluss genetischer Variabilität auf die Arzneimittelwirkung. Als innovativer Teil der Pharmakologie gewinnt die noch am Anfang stehende Wissenschaft zunehmende Bedeutung am Arzneimittelmarkt, während bereits heute schon viele Forschungsarbeiten mit brauchbaren Erge

Microsoft word - embarazo.doc

1) Pharmacokinetics of topical application of gynaecological formulations: In a study conducted in 12 healthy women the tolerance and kinetic behaviour after single and repeated dose of sertaconazole 2% vaginal cream and single 500 mg vaginal tablet was studied. In this study, sertaconazole plasma levels were not detected in any of the plasma samples collected, either during the single and repeat


FM 7/2005 Gelukkig zijn, succes hebben, presteren – dat zijn de eisen van deze tijd. Bij tegenslag ofdepressie grijpen we naar Prozac om snel weer verder te kunnen. Maar volgenspsychoanalyticus en filosoof Antoine Mooij ontkennen we hiermee wat wezenlijk is voorde mens: leren omgaan met melancholie en tekort. ting te denken dat alle psychische verschijnselen te reduceren zijntot het fy


ZÓCALO SALTILLO Jueves 5 de marzo de 2009 5A ELECCIONES ‘gallos’ EL UNIVERSAL Zócalo | México, DF la aprobación de un protocolo de seguridad, para tratar de “blindar” sus candidaturas ante recursos provenientes del crimen organizado. LA LÍDER nacional del PRI, Beatriz Paredes, dijo que es fundamental el andamiaje institucional para procurar la justicia y combati

Parsani chemotherapy in pigeons 1644

88.92%, 72.73%, 61.12% and 50%, respectively. In group-II ofpigeons have 2000 EPG before treatment drug efficacy was 90%, CHEMOTHERAPY OF NEMATODIASIS IN 75%, 60% and 55%, after 7, 14, 21 and 30 days post treatment, ZOO PIGEONS respectively. The egg load reduced to 88.89% in albendazole treatedgroup and 90 percent in fenbendazole treated group after seven daysof treatment and egg load r

I. wissenschaftliche publikationen

Publikationen mit Peer Review Lüthy R, Münch R, Blaser J, Bhend HJ, Siegenthaler W. Human pharmacology of cefotaxime (HR 756), a new cephalosporin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 16: 127-133, 1979 Lüthy R, Blaser J, Bonetti A, Simmen H, Wise R, Siegenthaler W. Comparative multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of cefotaxime, moxalactam, and ceftazidime. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 20:567-575,

A SUCCESSFUL NEW APPROACH TO MENIERE’S DISEASE – The John of Ohio Meniere’s Regimen – NOTE: Changes in this version of the regimen, compared to previous ones, include a reordering of thecomponents, with lysine first; updated product pricings and vendors; and an increase of maximum lysinedosage. Course of the Disease. A diagnosis of Meniere’s disease is not promising. Meniere’s

Imitation to innovation in china: the role of patents in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries by yahong li

Vol. 3 No. 1 (November 2012) pp. 24-29 IMITATION TO INNOVATION IN CHINA: THE ROLE OF PATENTS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, by Yahong Li. Edward Elgar, 2010. 189 pp. Hardback $112 Reviewed by Benjamin P. Liu, John Marshall Law School. [email protected] IMITATION TO INNOVATION IN CHINA heralds a new generation of English monographs that examines the Chinese intellectual p


De seksuele geboorte van Hendrik Ooit wil ik mijn geld verdienen als full time romanschrijver, maar tot het moment daar is dat ik meteen tof getitelde roman (De Tieten Tovenaar) de boeken top tien haal zal ik op andere manieren aanmijn centjes moeten komen. Bijvoorbeeld door me, uitgerust met een bloknootje, door een slechtlopend wansmakelijk weekblad te laten uitzenden richting een of ander ex

Learning Conditional Preference Networks with QueriesUniversité de Caen Basse-Normandie, Francedecision-maker should simply “fill the tables” by asking theWe investigate the problem of eliciting CP-nets inuser how her preference over the values of one node dependsthe well-known model of exact learning with equiv-on the values of its parents. Yet, in practice, eliciting pref-erences is

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Fachbeitrag Dr. Möbius I. Teil Literaturverzeichnis ANDRIAN, E., GRENIER, D., ROUABHIA, M.: In vitro models of tissue penetration and destruction by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infect Immun. 72, 4689-4698 (2004) BACHMANN, A.: Der Biofilm ist nur zu managen – die Entfernung ist nicht möglich und nicht sinnvoll. DZW 9, 28-29 (2005) FILOCHE, SK., ZHU, M., WU, CD.: In situ biofilm formati

Resitve-ts 4/dz

1 was 2 used 3 was 4 was 5 knifed 6 murdered 7 stole 8 became 9 was 10 was 11 became 12 became 13 wanted 14 caught 15 escaped 16 shot Exercise 9 1 lived 2 loved 3 met 4 fell 5 decided 6 found out 7 became 8 didn't want 9 thought 10 called 11 said 12 heard 13 went 14 told 15 met 16 walked 17 picked 18 put 19 swallowed 20 said


Journal of the Neurological Sciences 264 (2008) 163 – 165Endovascular cooling in a patient with neuroleptic malignant syndromeJennifer Diedler a,⁎, Patricio Mellado a,b, Roland Veltkamp aa Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Germanyb Department of Neurology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, ChileReceived 11 April 2007; received in revised form 20 June 2007; accepte

Print friendly template Merck and AstraZeneca Agree to Amend Partnership WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J., June 27, 2012 – Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside theUnited States and Canada, announced today that Merck and AstraZeneca have amended theoption agreement related to their partnership known as AstraZeneca LP (AZLP). The updated agreement provides that AstraZe


ZELTIA NEWS PharmaMar’s Aplidin® Phase 3 ADMYRE Trial in Relapsed Refractory Multiple Myeloma Achieves Initial Target Response Rate and the IDMC recommends continuation of the study until completion • Stage 1 of Phase 3 study completed • Stage 2 of Phase 3 study will enrol additional 190 patients Madrid, 18th December: The Independent Data Monitoring Committee


Vom Kampf des Menschen gegen die Krankheit Resistente Keime konfrontieren die Medizin mit der Notwendigkeit alternativer Wirkstoffe. Organisationsversagen und Kommunikationsprobleme als Ursache der Entstehung multiresistenter Vortragsabend mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion Zeit: 20.10.2009, 18:00-20:30 Uhr Ort: Institut für Ethik und Recht in der Medizin, Altes AKH, Seminarrau


ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. 1 First Avenue Parris Building, #34 BETTER CANCER MEDICINE. Navy Yard PlazaBoston, MA 02129Main 617-259-1970Fax 617-241-2855 Indibulin, a Novel Tubulin Targeting-Agent, in Combination with Capecitabine, is Suitable for Mathematically-Optimized Dose-Scheduling Jonathan J. Lewis1, Matthew D. Galsky2, 6, Luis H. Camacho3, David M. Loesch4, 6, Philip B. Kom

Microsoft word - publikationen_ikp_homepage 2013

Publikationen des Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie im Zentrum für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie von 1991 - 2013 O r i g i n a l a r b e i t e n 1. Koch K, Drewelow B, Liebe S, Reding R, Riethling AK. Die Pankreasgängigkeit von Antibio-tika. Chirurg 1991;62:317-322 Drewelow B, Koch K, Riethling AK, Liebe S. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of antibacterial agents in pancreatic t

Guidelines for the Management of Genital Herpes in New Zealand Produced by the Professional Advisory Board (PAB) of the Sexually Transmitted Infection Education Foundation Sexually Transmitted Infection Education Foundation resources Helpline Tollfree 0508 11 12 13 Tollfree 0508 11 12 13 Resources Patient information pamphlets

Zohar's resume

SUMMARY for ZOHAR PORAT GORMAN Broad and deep healthcare experience. History of turning customer insights, derived from both qualitative and quantitative assessments, into successful marketing and market research initiatives. Experience in market development; sales; strategic and brand planning; and customer segmentation. EXPERIENCE 2005-present Z Consulting • Support marketin


Zeltia’s subsidiary Sylentis begins Phase II clinical trial with SYL040012 for the treatment of ocular hypertension and glaucoma SYL040012 is a new compound developed by Sylentis from its research in ophthalmological disorders. It is indicated for treating ocular hypertension and glaucoma. SYL040012 is a drug which functions via RNA interference (RNAi). Sylentis

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SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT BETAC ® 20 mg film-coated tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each film-coated tablet contains 20 mg betaxolol hydrochloride. Excipients: One tablet contains 100 mg lactose monohydrate. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL Film-coated tablet White, round, co

Thymus extracts:

Thymus Extracts: An International Literature Review of Clinical Studies * The past 20 years have witnessed an explosive investigation of the immune system and the agents governing it. One area of research involves the use of thymus extracts. These extracts have proven surprisingly useful in a wide variety of conditions, sometimes being the only effective treatment (Skotnicki 89, Kouttab 89,

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Versienummer Implementatierichtlijn Eenheden IR V-1-1-2 Deze implementatierichtlijn beschrijft hoe diverse hoeveelheden/eenheden bij één artikel in de G-Standaard in software voor de openbare apotheek, voorschrijver en ziekenhuisapotheek met elkaar verbonden kunnen worden. Zie, G-Standaard voor de laatste versie van deze implementatierichtlijnen en wijzigingen ten

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International School Of Healing Arts Inspiring the Path of Health Join our list MARCH 2008 and receive a Greetings! Body Reading Poster !!! SPRING IS HERE! Wishing you all a fresh start for the new year. I will be teaching many classes and available for private sessions during April. I will be in Europe May through September Here are some of the late



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GUARDIAN Faithful till the End By TibbieB Chapter Seven By the time they reached the house, the pain shot had kicked in, leaving Hutch drowsy and relaxed—so much so, he couldn’t stand on his own two feet and walk from the car to the house. After three failed efforts, Starsky decided he’d just have to carry him. Sam sat patiently in the back seat of the car, watching

Ponta a ponta.indd

PONTA A PONTA Hembra Zaino Negro nacida el 2 de Agosto del Año 2002 (BRZ) MENSAGEIRO ALADO JACOMETTI Familia: 14-c Inbreeding: Neartic 5 x 5 - Sir Gaylord 5 x 5 DP = 8-2-8-0-0 (18) MENSAGEIRO ALADO, Ganador de 12cs. en Gavea (9) y C. Jardim (3), incluso GP Major Suckow ( G1 ), GP Proclamação da República ( G1 ) - dos veces, GP Cordeiro da Graça ( G2 ), GP ACCRJ

Informed consent for medication, f-24277, haldol

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES STATE OF WISCONSIN Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services INFORMED CONSENT FOR MEDICATION Dosage and / or Side Effect information last revised on 12/17/2010 Completion of this form is voluntary. If not completed, the medication cannot be administered without a court order unless in an emergency. This consent is maintained in the clien

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