
– The John of Ohio Meniere’s Regimen – NOTE: Changes in this version of the regimen, compared to previous ones, include a reordering of thecomponents, with lysine first; updated product pricings and vendors; and an increase of maximum lysinedosage.
Course of the Disease. A diagnosis of Meniere’s disease is not promising. Meniere’s won’t
directly kill you, but it is likely to make your life miserable in ways that few other diseases can.
For some, conventional medical treatments will adequately moderate the symptoms. But for
many, the disease progresses to continuing dizziness, episodes of profound vertigo, brain fog,
tinnitus, and lastly, loss of hearing.
Conventional medical treatments for Meniere’s are often disappointing or altogether ineffective.
The standard initial treatment of dietary salt restriction and diuretics works for some, perhapseven many. But too often, Meniere’s victims must eventually confront their progressingpredicament. The additional medical treatments of the disease aren’t hopeful. They includechemical destruction of inner ear tissues, difficult surgeries, use of sedatives, and a number ofother extreme approaches, most of which are merely palliative. If any of these had high rates ofsuccess, tens of thousands with Meniere’s wouldn’t be chronic sufferers. In summary, conventional medicine in most cases has not been able to effectively treat or cureMeniere’s disease. It is almost universally regarded as idiopathic, meaning that its cause isunknown. Diseases of unknown causes don’t lend themselves to easy treatment. Meniere’s is amedical conundrum for doctors and patients alike. For those who have experienced it, it’s afrustrating, disabling, disheartening condition of complex symptoms and results. Initially, theremay be only mild and infrequent dizzies, along with some ear fullness. But as the disease sooften progresses, things can grow ever worse. It’s something you could wish only upon yourworst enemies.
My Experiences
Meniere’s first struck me in 1995. It progressed to where I could barely function professionally.
Consequently, I researched every treatment I could find, including approaches used in Europeand Russia. I discovered that foreign medicine approached the disease very differently fromAmerican physicians, and that some of these treatments gave more relief. I refused to accept theAmerican dogma that Meniere’s treatments could be only palliative (merely suppressing somesymptoms), or that I’d have to “learn to live with it.” I’m pleased to report that what I came up with, for me, completely extinguished all my Meniere’ssymptoms, allowing me to return to a normal life. The disease took the hearing of my left ear, butI am now, for over a decade since devising and using this regimen, otherwise “normal.” Was thismerely a common period of remission, or did my Meniere’s regimen actually work for others?Several years ago I had earlier versions of the regimen posted on Internet websites where otherscould intelligently try it.
Results of Others
After a decade of symptom-free normal life, there is little chance that my loss of Meniere’ssymptoms was only a “remission.” And I have now recorded 170 individual reports from otherusers of the regimen, and over 80% (86%, in fact) describe personal successes. I am therefore confident that my Meniere’s regimen is something that should be carefully considered by anyonewith this disease. Here are three representative email excerpts from users of the regimen: I have been taking your protocol for Meniere's for about 10 days now and I have magnificentthings to report. Prior to the use of vertigoheel, the lemon bioflavonoids, and vinpocetine I hadcontinuous pressure, about 90% hearing loss, and experienced vertigo attacks 3 times a week.
Nothing provided relief from the dizziness or vertigo. Now the pressure is virtually eliminated,the vertigo attacks have stopped, the dizziness which affected me in between attacks is gone, andmy hearing has improved to about 50%.
I am very happy to report that I am completely vertigo free at this point and that the fullness inmy affected ear is now about 90% reduced. I started on your regimen 4.5 weeks ago, and aside from a mild dizzy spell at the beginning, Ihaven't had a full blown attack! My brain fog has cleared, I am able to think clearly again, inshort you have through your regimen, given me back my life prior to MM. For most, the regimen works. But not every user gains desired relief. That can’t be denied in anyway. There can be no assurance that it will work for any particular person. But because so manyhave reported positive results, I offer the details of the regimen below.
Regimen Not From a Medical Professional
Please understand that I am a biologist, not a medical professional of any kind. The information Ioffer here is for general consideration, not a specific recommendation for the treatment of anydisease. Those who elect to undertake this Meniere’s regimen are advised to first gain theapproval of their personal medical professional. Most importantly, do not substitute any portionof this regimen for anything prescribed or recommended by a physician or other medicalprofessional. Do not stop taking any prescribed drugs or stop any recommended diet without theprior professional advice of your physician.
The Theoretical Background
The several potential causes of Meniere’s disease are not yet generally recognized. But myresearch, particularly of European medical literature, reveals several important theoreticalconsiderations for treatment efficacy. European physicians have a very different understandingof, and approach to, Meniere’s. Their findings bear strongly on the principles of my regimen. Viral Inflammation. The first principle involves the most likely involvement of viruses as a root
cause of Meniere’s Disease (hereafter referred to as MM, Morbus Meniere, the Latin designation
of the disease). European studies, and now American ones, too, have shown an almost universal
presence of various herpes viruses in postmortem examinations of the inner ears of MM victims.
The fact that MM is so often confined (initially at least) to one ear may be a result of locally-
infected inner ear tissues. Several herpes viruses are known to show this pattern of tissue and
organ localization.
MM symptoms typically come and go, in varying severities, at varying periods. Periods ofremission often spontaneously appear, followed by resumption of symptoms. This is exactly howmany herpes virus infections occur, as with cold sores caused by herpes viruses. Consequently, I presume that the cause of most MM cases is a viral infection of inner ear tissuesthat causes inflammation that then reduces circulation. The blood vessels in the inner ear areextremely small under normal conditions, and viral inflammation may reduce their effectiveness.
Inflammation and reduced circulation results in the core hydrops (fluid accumulation) conditionthat leads to all sorts of inner ear abnormalities associated with MM. Suppression of thecausative virus was a goal of the regimen. Ischemia. The second principle is that much of the distress of Meniere’s disease is a result of
restricted circulation through the inner ear. Several somewhat successful European MM
treatments involve vasodilating compounds. Increased circulation through the inner ear can
greatly reduce or eliminate MM symptoms. Increased inner ear blood flow was a goal of the
Allergens. Another related cause of MM symptoms is allergies. A number of MM sufferers have
discovered that the elimination of gluten (a wheat protein) from their diets reduced or eliminated
MM. Other allergens probably also cause some MM cases. MM may commonly result from the
combined factors of both herpes viruses and food or environmental allergens.
Regimen Not Recognized by Standard Medicine
Most general practitioners or otolaryngologists are likely to dismiss this regimen for severallegitimate reasons. First, it was devised by a non-medical (“lay”) person with no specific trainingin any related field. Secondly, the results are purely “anecdotal,” merely the accounts of otherlaymen who might have had a strong desire for something, in desperation, to work; a “placebo”effect, well known in medicine, where a person “gets better” merely on the belief that sometreatment has caused good results—even though the treatment was only sugar pills. The medical community is unlikely to endorse this regimen because it has not originated in oneof the few, recognized sources for “proper” medical information. Physicians, for a number ofreasons, including American tort law, professional competition, and sometimes even professionalarrogance, accept medical information from only limited sources, none of which yet endorse thisMM regimen. “Proper” medical information typically derives from only certain sources. First, if it was taughtby a professor in medical school, or appeared in a medical text book (regardless of its age), it isaccepted as medical fact. Secondly, if information appears in a recognized medical researchjournal, it’s “fact.” Thirdly, if a drug company representative presents medical research dataauthenticating a drug or treatment, it is accepted. Lastly, information presented by medicalprofessionals at conferences and post-graduate seminars are accepted.
My regimen falls in none of these. Many professionals will label it as pure quackery. Others willsay that it is simply unsupported by clinical trials or results, or that MM simply doesn’t have anyknown cures or effective treatments, so this regimen is not likely to be different from the manypreviously unsuccessful approaches. The personally-expressed positive results of people whohave tried the regimen are not considered useful by conventional medicine. MM sufferers who are convinced that successful treatment can come only from current medicalscience should proceed no further here. Concentrate your energies in searching for some newpractitioner who has some treatment better than the the last one. Eventually you will discover, asENTs already know, that there just isn’t much that can be conventionally done for MM otherthan to advise the patient to “learn to live with it.” Low salt and diuretics, of course, offer somerelief that should not be neglected if prescribed. But if what conventional medicine offered hadany real success, there would be no need for either this posting, nor the hundreds of others byMM sufferers. This regimen is for those who wish to take some personal control of theircondition.
Regimen is Multi-faceted
The regimen is based on the precept that any single substance, by itself, is not likely to bringmuch relief. Only a broad, multi-targeted approach works, the concept of synergy, where manysmall elements work together for a greater total result. MM has seldom responded well to single-approach treatments.
Therefore, my regimen advises the daily ingestion of a number of substances, each of which hasby itself limited effectiveness. But when added together, the results can be very good. Eachindividual component causes only a moderate improvement, which by itself brings littlediscernible relief. But taken together, very good results can be had by many. The Regimen’s Components
Lysine. Let’s start. The first and probably most important part of the regimen is the daily taking
of adequate and properly-spaced doses of the common amino acid l-lysine. Lysine is a
component of most dietary proteins and is a common and safe dietary substance. The body
cannot make lysine but it is required to synthesize almost all proteins.
There is now copious evidence, both from medical studies and patient anecdotes, substantiatedby a number of Meniere’s physicians that use them, that specific drugs that suppress herpesviruses can bring substantial, even complete relief from MM symptoms. Acyclovir and otherantiherpetic (herpes-supressing) drugs are now being prescribed by an expanding number ofphysicians in the treatment of Meniere’s disease. I would strongly suggest that you ask yourphysician to prescribe an antiherpetic drug for your MM symptoms. Such drugs can beeffectively taken along with all of the components of the regimen being described in thisdocument. Antiherpetic drug therapy is entirely complementary with the components of thisregimen. (Information on antiherptic Meniere’s therapy is posted here:http://www.menieres.org/forum/index.php/topic,23217.0.html ) Lysine competes for arginine uptake in replicating herpes viruses. By substituting for arginine,lysine disrupts viral replication and activity, suppressing the herpes infection. It can thereforereduce Meniere’s symptoms and reduce or eliminate the chance of the disease moving to thesecond ear (going bilateral). Lemon Bioflavonoid Tablets. The lemon exocarp (the rind) has a high concentration of a
bioflavonoid known to chemists as eriocitrin (formerly called eriodictyol). Eriocitrin is found in
low concentrations in a number of plant foods, but effective amounts only in lemon rinds.
Eriocitrin has been shown to dilate (widen) both capillaries and small arteries, allowing increasedblood flow. It also increases capillary permeability, allowing chemicals to diffuse through thecapillary wall. This property may account for eriocitrin’s reduction of MM hydrops or fluidaccumulation in the inner ear.
Note that only an authentic lemon bioflavonoid works for MM. There are hundreds ofbioflavonoid chemicals, and a number of “citrus” bioflavonoid tablets are sold. None of these arelikely to have the same good effect as real lemon bioflavonoid. Use only an authentic lemonbioflavonoid, not any generic “citrus” bioflavonoid or other bioflavonoid. Vinpocetine. The third most-important substance in my regimen is a plant-derived chemical
from Europe known as vinpocetine (vinn-POH-seh-teen). It is extracted from the Vinca minor
plant and in many parts of Europe it is a drug of choice for MM. It is sold over the counter in the
US. Russian astronauts use it to combat vertigo. It is known to increase circulation through small
blood vessels. After extended usage (several weeks or months) it often reduces or even
eliminates tinnitus.
For many, vinpocetine reduces or eliminates the “brain fog” so common to Meniere’s Disease.
Brain fog relief may require up to 30mgs each day. Ginkgo Extract. Also used in Europe for MM is ginkgo extract, an herbal compound from the
Ginkgo biloba tree. It also is known to increase circulation through capillaries and small blood
vessels. It probably also increases vascular permeability.
Sustained-release Vitamin C. The next substance is a particular sort of vitamin C, a timed
release form of this essential vitamin. In larger amounts, vitamin C is quickly removed from the
body and excreted. A timed release form maintains adequate concentrations of vitamin C in the
blood for extended periods of time.
The vitamin C is included because it is known to support immune system control of herpes andother viruses.
Mixed Tocopherols Vitamin E. Next, I recommend the daily ingestion of a good form of
vitamin E, the “d-alpha” form, along with other, mixed tocopherols. Do not bother with the
commonly available, cheaper, and much less effective dl-alpha tocopherol. Consume only the d-
forms, not the dl- ones.
Vitamin E is naturally found in four forms, d-alpha tocopherol, d-beta tocopherol, d-gammatocopherol, and d-delta tocopherol. The mixed tocopherol vitamin E listed for this regimenincludes all of the natural forms. Like vitamin C, vitamin E supports a strong immune system andpromotes viral suppression. Vitamin E (in the d-, not dl- forms) also has been shown to improve vascular health—along witha number of other good nutritional benefits. Vitamin E is much more effective when used alongwith vitamin C. The two vitamins work synergistically.
MSM. The regimen also uses methylsufonylmethane, “MSM.” MSM has been shown to increase
healing of injured tissues and also to reduce allergic responses. Some MM symptoms involve
allergic reactions and MSM can moderate or eliminate them. MSM may also increase vascular
Vertigoheel or Cocculus Compositum. From Europe has come an interesting homeopathic
preparation known as Vertigoheel. Homeopathy is a curious, even inexplicable approach to
disease where minuscule amounts of various compounds are present in sugar (usually lactose)
pills. Homeopathic preparations are made by serial dilutions to the point of virtual absence of any
detectable active ingredients. There is no understanding of how homeopathic preparations can
But Vertigoheel has been shown in legitimate clinical studies to reduce or eliminate some MMsymptoms, particularly dizziness and vertigo. It worked for me, and has worked for many MMsufferers. There is no scientific basis of its treatment mechanisms, but it does work. Brain scanstudies show that it somehow causes the brain to disregard disruptive signals originating in theMeniere’s ear. Vertigoheel must be consumed by absorption through oral tissues, not by simplyswallowing the pills. Stomach acids apparently disrupt the ingredients, so they must be absorbedby tucking the pills under the tongue or between the teeth and cheek. Vertigoheel stopped or reduced acute MM symptoms very effectively for me. After a few hours,however, I had to take additional courses of the tablets. During times of severe attacks, it wasparticularly helpful. Vertigoheel proper is actually a prescription drug in the US. But exactly thesame product is sold over the counter and is known as Cocculus Compositum, by the samemanufacturer. A druggist can order it. Various Internet vendors sell it. In review, my MM treatment regimen involves these components: 1) l-lysine, 2) lemon (not“citrus”) bioflavonoids, 3) vinpocetine, 4) Ginkgo biloba extract, 5) sustained-release vitamin C,6) mixed d-form tocopherols, “natural” vitamin E, 7) MSM (methylsufonylmethane), and 8)prescription Vertigoheel, or over the counter Cocculus Compositum.
Regimen Component Details
1. L-Lysine.
VitaCost, 1-800-381-0759, Product No. NSI 3002122
Reduce or stop the replication of herpes viruses that may be a cause of many Meniere’s
cases, and to prevent the disease from affecting a second ear.
Active Ingredients: The amino acid l-lysine.
Known Side Effects: In the dosages recommended here, there are none.
Dosage: It is important to consume enough lysine to stop or slow herpes virus replication. It
appears that for herpes zoster (shingles) and herpes simplex (cold sores, et al.) infections, up to
3000 mgs of lysine must be taken each day for control. A similar dosage would be advised for
Meniere’s cases.
Therefore, until Meniere’s symptoms significantly subside, take two 500 mg capsules three timesa day, without food. Take at least 20 minutes before eating. If taken with food, lysine is not effective against herpes viruses. Two 500 mg capsules taken immediately upon arising, at least20 min. before breakfast is a good daily start. Then, in mid-afternoon, at least 2 hr after lunch,take another pair of 500 mg capsules. Finally, just before retiring, at least 2 hr after supper, take afinal pair of capsules. Therapeutic results usually don’t appear quickly. It can take up to four, five, or even six monthsbefore the virus becomes suppressed and symptoms begin to subside. Be diligent and patient.
When Meniere’s symptoms enduringly subside for several months, take 1000 mg maintenancedose each day for several weeks or several months. Finally, take a single 500 mg capsule as anenduring maintenance dose.
At the first sign of returning symptoms, go immediately to 3000 mg again. For some, it has taken 5000 mg of lysine through the day to bring relief.
Approximate Cost: 3.6 cents per capsule, about 22 cents cents per day (at six 500 mg capsules).
300 capsules for $10.99 plus shipping.
2. Lemon Bioflavonoid.
Nutrition Express, “Lindberg Lemon Bioflavonoid Complex” 1-800-338-7979,
Item No: 98-343-250

Another product, “Nature’s Life Lemon Bioflavonoid” can be ordered from Vitacost,Item # NLE 7001558http://www.vitacost.com/natures-life-lemon-bioflavonoids-1000-mg-250-tablets-1 (Other vendors also sell the product.) But a number of users of the regimen have reported better
results with the Nutrition Express product above.
Purpose: To dilate inner ear blood vessels and increase blood flow. To increase membrane and
capillary permeability to reduce fluid accumulation.
Active Ingredients: These products contain lemon bioflavonoid, which is known to dilate
capillaries and increase capillary permeability.
Known Side Effects: None are known. Lemon bioflavonoid is made from lemon rinds, which are
found or used in a number of foods.
Dosage: Generally, one or two tablets each day, one in the morning, one in the evening. Or, two
together in the morning. After relief is gained, or if two tablets cause any sort of discomfort, a
single daily tablet may be sufficient. Effective dosage for each individual is unknown. One tablet
is probably sufficient for most. A half tablet may also bring relief. Be prepared to experiment.
Approximate Cost: 18 cents (max) per day. 250 tablets for $22.99 plus shipping.
3. Vinpocetine.
VitaCost, 1-800-381-0759, Product No. NSI 3005864 http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-BioVinca-
Vinpocetine increases blood flow. Vinpocetine is also known to reduce or eliminate
tinnitus, although this usually occurs only after prolonged periods (four or more months).
Active Ingredients: An extract from the Vinca minor plant.
Known Side Effects: For most, none. But rarely, mild tachycardia (increased heart beat) or other
similar effects are encountered. Consequently, it would be advisable to start with only single,
10mg doses for a week or so, and to simply stop taking the compound if any undesirable side
effects are noted. It is generally well tolerated.
Dosage: At first, for a week or so, a single 10mg tablet each morning. Then after a week or so (if
no side effects are encountered), a second tablet mid-day or evening. Dosages up to 30mgs (3
tablets/day) are commonly suggested by various vendors of vinpocetine. Most people have no
side effects whatsoever. Be sure to consume vinpocetine with a meal. If taken without food, it is
poorly absorbed and offers little help.
Approximate Cost:
less than 30 cents (max) per day. 240 tablets for $18.99 plus shipping
4. Ginkgo biloba Extract.
VitaCost, 1-800-381-0759, Product No. NSI 3004393
Increase circulation through inner ear.
Active Ingredients: An extract of the leaf of the Ginkgo biloba tree.
Known Side Effects: Ginkgo extract is known to reduce blood clotting, so it should not be taken
with any prescribed anticoagulant such as Coumadin (warfarin). One should also stop taking
ginkgo 10 days before elective surgery. If one notices hematuria (blood in urine) discontinue the
ginkgo extract. If hematuria then persists, consult a physician.
Dosage: One capsule in the morning.
Approximate Cost: 5 cents per day. 300 capsules for $14.75 plus shipping.
5. Sustained Release Vitamin C.
VitaCost. 1-800-381-0759, Product No. NSI 3003334
Increases blood vessel permeability, motility of red blood cells; supports immune
system and helps suppress viruses.
Active Ingredients: The vitamin C of this product is sustained release, to even out concentrations
in the blood during the day.
Known Side Effects: Unlike straight vitamin C (ascorbic acid), these sustained release forms
cause no stomach upset.
Dosage: One tablet in the morning, another later in evening, or one with breakfast and a second
one with supper.
Approximate Cost: 13 cents per day. 300 tablets for $18.93 plus shipping.
6. Vitamin E.
VitaCost. 1-800-381-0759, Product No. VCT 7018901
Increases blood vessel health, permeability, supports the immune system, works with
vitamin C.
Active Ingredients: This vitamin E contains the much more beneficial d-alpha form (as opposed
to the dl-form). Perhaps even more importantly, it also contains d-beta, d-gamma, and d-delta
forms of vitamin E. New research indicates that these are very helpful.
Known Side Effects: None. But there is some evidence that vitamin E can moderately reduce
blood clotting, so stop taking it 10 days before any elective surgery.
Dosage: One softgel per day.
Approximate Cost: 11 cents per day, 250 softgels for $24.79 plus shipping.
7. Methylsufonylmethane (MSM).
VitaCost. 1-800-381-0759, Product Number NSI 3001774
Restore tissue health (permeability) in the inner ear, reduce allergic reactions.
Active Ingredients: Methylsufonylmethane, “MSM.”
Known Side Effects: None.
Dosage: One or two per day. Can be taken at once, or spread out over two meals. Take with
Approximate Cost: 19 to 28 cents per day, 240 capsules for $12.49 plus shipping.
8. Vertigoheel or Cocculus Compositum, from a pharmacist, by prescription for Vertigoheel, or
non-prescription for Cocculus Compositum. Vertigoheel is listed in the Physicians Desk
Reference (PDR). Cocculus Compositum is from the same company.
Purpose: Reduces or eliminates the brain’s confusion from aberrant balance signals from the
MM ear. Can dramatically reduce or eliminate dizzy or vertigo episodes of MM.
Active Ingredients: Several homeopathic compounds in extremely dilute concentrations.
Known Side Effects: None.
Dosage: Take as per the label. Not to be swallowed. Must be absorbed under the tongue. At first,
when MM symptoms are frequent or persisting, the product can be taken continuously. Later,
when symptoms become only periodic or infrequent, take only at the first sign of dizziness.
Usually not frequently needed when the other parts of the regimen begin to dramatically reduce
Approximate cost: This can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Various Internet vendors sell
Cocculus Compositum.
Note: Do not confuse Cocculus Compositum with various other homeopathic preparations withthe partial name “Cocculus.” Only the one labeled specifically and completely as “CocculusCompositum” works. Likewise; do not confuse the lemon bioflavonoid of this regimen with a commercial proprietaryproduct known as Lipo-Flavonoid® or Lipo-Flavonoid Plus®, advertised products of NumarkLaboratories, Inc. These products apparently contain lemon bioflavonoid, along with severalother ingredients. My ENT had me try a course of it at the beginning of my disease, but it offeredno relief in my case. I make no other statement of efficacy concerning it. Just be aware that theterm “Lipoflavonoid” refers to this specific commercial product. “Bioflavonoids” are a large,general class of chemicals found in many plants. Don’t confuse the terms or products.
Daily Cost of the Regimen
The complete regimen costs about $1.27 per day (not including the Vertigoheel). But if reallypressed for funds, start with only the first three components. These are the most important ones. Ithink that the entire regimen offers the highest chance of success, but I’ve ranked the componentsin the list above in order of apparent importance (except for Vertigoheel, which, if possible,should be taken immediately upon he onset of symtoms, as it really stops vertigo and dizzinessepisodes for most who take it). Starting the Regimen
I recommend that anyone undertaking this regimen (after the approval of their health careprofessional) begin slowly. Don’t start taking everything at once. For the first week, take only the lysine. Then, the next week, the lemon bioflavonoid. If one’s particular system simply doesn’t“like” lysine or lemon bioflavonoid (unlikely), this can be easily determined and dosages reducedor even stopped.
Then, in the second week, continue by adding the vinpocetine, watching for any disagreeableresults. Continue by adding a new component each week or so. In this manner you can eliminateany particular component for which your system disagrees. Undesirable effects are unlikely, butthey can happen. With one component added at a time, you can know for sure which should bedeleted. Continue to add a new component each week. Continue to take all that cause noproblems. Discard anything that causes upset stomach or other discomfort. Again, this isunlikely, but should be watched for.
To take all nine components at once at the beginning may be too much. I note, however, thatsome have done this with no problems whatsoever and have gone on to great relief from theirMM symptoms. Let caution be your guide. Again, all of these products are over-the-counter(except Vertigoheel) and therefore pose no significant risk. Period Before Relief
Virtually no one who has undertaken this regimen has found relief from Meniere’s quickly. Afew have noticed a reduction in symptoms in just a few days, with complete or substantial reliefafter a few weeks. But don’t expect an instant or overnight result. For many, relief becomes complete after a few weeks or a month or so, with no further MMsymptoms. Dizziness disappears, tinnitus becomes greatly reduced or absent altogether. In caseswhere the disease has not been prolonged, hearing often returns to nearly normal levels (if innerear hair cells have not been permanently damaged by prolonged exposure to the disease—thatoccurred in my left ear, sadly). For others, relief may not be so complete, although any reductionin the frequency and severity of MM is welcome. But for some, this regimen will have nopositive cumulative result, particularly in cases caused by nerve anomalies, or if the disease hasbeen present for decades. If no relief is experienced after six months or so, I doubt this regimenwill be useful. (For those who get no relief, read and consider the other alternative MMtreatments in the “Other MM Approaches” section below.) Several people have reported that they got little or no relief after two or three months and wereready to give up on the whole thing. But they decided to just continue to take things until they ranout. After a lengthy period of no results, relief finally came. So be patient. Relief sometimesdoesn't appear until sometime into the fourth, fifth, or sixth month—or even later.
Even if the regimen were to be effective for only half of those who try it, it is worth a trial. It isless expensive than surgeries (which sometime bring no lasting relief), and it appears to be atleast as effective as other modern treatments. If MM is caused by a herpes virus, the l-lysine maysuppress re-occurrences of the disease and prevent future problems.
Also, understand that tinnitus, the disconcerting noises in the ear so often a part of the Meniere’sexperience, is the last symptom to begin to subside. For many on the regimen, tinnitus can persistfor many months after all other symptoms are mild or extinguished. Tinnitus can be a toughsymptom to overcome.
Length and Course of Treatment
Lastly, it will be important to continue on the regimen forever. The regimen is by no means acure. Whatever causes MM is likely to remain, and as a number of users have discovered, to gooff the regimen after any relief is to invite the disease right back, perhaps in a more severe formthat this regimen can’t address. A number of regimen users have gained wonderful relief after afew months. Symptoms first slowly started to subside, then disappeared altogether. With thisrelief the users went off the regimen, feeling that they had been permanently cured of the disease.
Unfortunately, in every reported case, the disease came right back as soon as the regimen wasdiscarded. And fortunately, in most cases, symptomatic relief returned when the regimen wasresumed.
Initial Distress. A good number of regimen users have reported that instead of getting even,
progressive relief, the regimen actually caused symptoms to become more severe for a period,
usually for several weeks at or near the start. Because of this, a few prematurely decided to stop
taking the regimen, believing that is was actually causing more problems than it was solving. For
a time, for a few weeks or less, this was actually true. But those who persisted through the initial
increased symptoms actually came to welcome relief a bit later.
It appears that when things start to get worse when taking the regimen, it indicates that it isactually starting to suppress the causative virus and restoring proper circulation and reducinginflammation in the inner ear. In every case where this initial distress was reported, and theregimen user continued with it, very thorough or complete relief eventually occurred. Again, bepersistent and patient. Salt and Alcoholic Beverages. When symptoms are under enduring control, after a lengthy
period of relief—say six months or so—one could gently return to the use of salt in the diet and
resume judicious consumption of alcoholic beverages. But do this in a slow, incremental manner,
to see if the regimen has been effective. If not, return to a low-salt diet and avoidance of
alcoholic beverages. For most, the regimen allows an eventual return to a normal diet.
Taking the Regimen Conveniently
The easiest way to take the regimen’s materials each day is to purchase three 7-day pilldispensing containers, available at all drug stores and department stores that sell vitamins andminerals. This way, the pill containers can be filled just once a week. Instead of pulling out somebottles and unscrewing caps, just flip the cap on the day’s pills in the dispenser and take thatday’s pills at the right time (one dispenser for each pill time). Who Benefits
The vendors of the products I have recommended have no arrangements whatsoever with me andI receive no fees, commissions, or any other awards. I merely share with other MM suffererswhat has worked for me, and now, for many others. I receive nothing remunerative in return fromanyone.
Informing Your Doctor
I recommend that before beginning the regimen, let your physician review it, even though theseare over the counter substances. Do not, however, merely dump a copy of this posting in his lap at an appointment and expect his favorable consideration. His time is too valuable. Arrange tohave a copy delivered to his office at least several days before your appointment, with a noteasking him to review the material before your appointment.
And again, don’t be discouraged if he castigates either the regimen itself, or you or me for evensuggesting it. Some very fine physicians are unwilling to see Meniere’s Disease in any new light.
Others are willing to try new approaches. If your physician is negative about the regimen, askhim which components he thinks might be harmful and should be avoided, and for whichreasons. His ignorance of the metabolic or physiologic effects of bioflavonoids or vinpocetinedoesn’t, by itself, mean that the components are inherently dangerous.
Use of the Regimen with Other Therapies
There are no indications, whatsoever, that any of the components of the regimen interfere with orotherwise cause any problems when used along side conventional Meniere’s treatments,including low-salt/diuretic, Valium, antiherpetics (acyclovir, others), Serc (betahistine) or theothers in the section below.
If such treatments are being used, regimen users are advised to consult with their medicalpractitioners regarding concomitant use of the regimen and prescribed medical therapies,although most physicians will be unfamiliar with the component s of the regimen, either as tofunction or safety.
Other MM Approaches
Do not presume that this approach to MM is the only one that can work. I make no such claim.
MM sufferers need to be open to all progressive MM developments. It’s not just low salt anddiuretics anymore. Strongly consider the regimen described here. But other approaches haveshown promise and results, too, especially prescription antiherptic drugs such as acyclovir. Acyclovir. The use of acyclovir, (or other similar antiherpetics)—a prescription drug that fights
herpes infections—has been very successful for many. Dosage must be appropriately strong for
acyclovir to work, and like my regimen and everything else with this disease, acyclovir doesn’t
work for everyone.
The details of effective antiherpetic treatment of Meniere’s are too detailed to go into here. To beeffective, antiherpetic drugs must be taken for sufficient duration, in sufficient dosages. Becauseantiherpetic therapy for Meniere’s is not yet well known or recognized, many otherwisecompetent physicians will be unfamiliar with the usefulness of acyclovir and other similar drugsin fighting Meniere’s. Many will instantly dismiss these agents as useless against this disease.
But in the last several years a number of very significant journal articles and studies haveappeared, showing welcome efficacy against Meniere’s. Note that the lysine of the regimen works in the manner of the prescription antiherpetics, bykeeping herpes viruses from replicating. But it appears that acyclovir and the others can morequickly suppress herpes viruses. Lysine can take months before the viruses are suppressed.
Acyclovir seems to be able to do this often in just a few weeks.
Importantly, few physicians will prescribe antiherpetics long-term. Even though they can stop anexisting herpes infection in the period of prescription (if it’s long enough), the virus is still present and can in the future resume activity. It would therefore be very helpful to continue witha chronic maintenance dose of lysine. A daily dose of 500 mgs (after Meniere’s symptoms aresuppressed for a good period, at least several months) can keep the virus from resuming itsinfectious activity. If you are prescribed acyclovir or other antiherpetic for Meniere’s, confer withthe prescribing physician about a continuing maintenance dose of lysine. That, of course,presumes that the physician is familiar with lysine’s herpes-suppressing function. Manyphysicians have no experience or knowledge of this, unfortunately.
For those interested in including antiherpetic therapy in their fight against Meniere’s, here is atranscribed PDF of an important Japanese study: http://rlovell.tripod.com/Acyclovir.pdf. Here isan abstract of an American medical study showing a 91% control of vertigo in Meniere’s patientsusing antiherpetics: http://content.karger.com/produktedb/produkte.asp?doi=189783. Here is acompilation of many important papers on antiherptics and Meniere’s. This could be given to aphysician unfamiliar with these recent publications:http://www.papadisc.com/Menieres_Etiology_Viral.pdf. One important point about all antiherpetics, including lysine. It appears that when acyclovir isprescribed, or non-prescription lysine is consumed to fight Meniere’s, neither appear to workquickly or completely against Meniere’s symptoms when the virus is still in a dormant state.
These agents seem to work best when a herpes infection in the inner ear is fully active andreplicating. Herpes viruses are famous, however, for spontaneously going into frequent, evenlengthy periods of non-activity, thereby accounting for the great fluctuations in Meniere’ssymptoms. Lysine and acyclovir seem to work best when the virus is fully active. Consequently,these agents may have to be taken for some time before the viruses become suppressed whenthey are relatively inactive. Lengthy dosage periods are sometime required.
Useful antiherpetic information can be found here: Serc. In Canada and Europe, administration of betahistine hydrochloride, known as the product
Serc, is a common MM treatment of choice. Betahistine is a vasodilator (like lemon
bioflavonoid). Dosages must be carefully adjusted to be effective. The drug is not yet recognized
for general sale by the FDA in the US, but compounding pharmacists can make and sell it with a
Gluten Avoidance. A number of people have gained levels of relief from avoiding gluten in their
diets, as mentioned above. General information is here: http://www.celiac.com/
Valium. The use of the sedative Valium is now commonly a part of many conventional MM
therapies. Valium does reduce the severity of the brain’s confused reactions to aberrant signals
received from a diseased ear. But it is only palliative (suppresses symptoms, not root causes). As
a psychoactive drug, it can have a number of side effects.
NUCCA Therapy. An increasing number of Meniere’s sufferers have gained levels of relief from
properly-trained chiropractors familiar with this disease and the involvement of misaligned
cervical vertebrae. A great deal of information on this approach can be found here:
High Dose Vitamin C Therapy. With this, users will consume several grams (1000 mgs = 1 g) of
vitamin C, ascorbic acid, in divided doses throughout the day, increasing the grams of vitamin C
until “bowel tolerance” has been reached, when diarrhea begins. At that point, the dosage is cut
back until the diarrhea stops. This can result in the taking of anywhere from 5 to 15 grams or
more of vitamin C.
This treatment for Meniere’s is still in its infancy, but many who have tried it gained
symptomatic relief after no other previous treatments worked.
Detailed information is here:
Meniett Device. The Meniett Device has rendered degrees of relief for many who have used it.
But it does not address any underlying cause of the disease. And the device is not inexpensive.
Chemical Labyrinthectomies, Surgeries. For advanced, recalcitrant MM cases, physicians may
recommend chemical destruction of portions of the inner ear with certain antibiotics, including
gentamicin. Also, a number of surgical procedures are commonly used in advanced MM cases.
But before these expensive and irreversible procedures are tried, sufficient trials of the regimen
described in this paper, use of antiherpetics, diet changes (gluten allergies and others), and other
approaches should be undertaken. Chemical labyrinthectomies and inner ear surgeries should be
considered measures of last resort.
Similar or Confusing Conditions
Readers should be aware of symptoms and conditions that are very similar to authentic Meniere’sDisease, but do not respond to many, or any, of the Meniere’s therapies listed above. Two ofthese are as follows.
Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV). MAV is often very similar to and often mis-diagnosed as
Meniere’s. The general symptoms of each condition can be very similar—and it’s possible to
have both diseases at the same time. According to an MAV website (http://www.mvertigo.org),
the disease is described as follows:
Sufferers often describe chronic dizziness and dysequilibrium in the form of a"rocking" sensation when still, recurrent episodes of rotational vertigo, chronicdaily headaches, migraine headaches, light sensitivity, poor visual acuity andother changes in vision, visual "snow", nausea and severe motion intolerance.
Many of these symptoms cannot be objectively observed or tested for, so physicaland neurological examinations (including neuroimaging) are often completelynormal. Patients generally do not have all of these symptoms—in fact those withchronic dizziness have quite often not experienced acute rotational vertigo oreven a migraine headache.
A more specific listing of MAV signs and symptoms will not be given here. A check of thewebsite above, and others that an Internet search engine would turn up will be helpful. Theimportant point with MAV is that the Meniere’s regimen described here will not necessarilybring relief from MAV. But certain elements of the regimen, such as Vertigoheel or CocculusCompositum, may be somewhat helpful.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is probably more common than
Meniere’s Disease. It occurs more often in older people, and can be as debilitating as Meniere’s.
A complete description and listing of BPPV symptoms is found here:
Fortunately, BPPV can usually be effectively treated by the Epley Maneuver, a series of headpositions that reposition tiny, loose “ear stones” (otoliths) that have become dislodged andthereby send erroneous balance signals to the brain. The Epley Maneuver is described here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epley_maneuver As with MAV, the regimen described in this document is not of much help with BPPV, exceptthat there is now some evidence that many cases of BPPV have active herpes infections in theinner ear that have allowed the otoliths to become loose. Therefore, the lysine of the regimenmight be a useful supplement to consider, along with the Epley Maneuver. Final Thoughts
In short, conventional medical approaches beyond the usual low salt diet and diuretics may entailsignificant costs. Therefore, it would be reasonable to at least consider a course on this regimenbefore embarking on surgeries or chemical labyrinthectomies. Everything about this disease is aconsidered gamble or risk. A trial of this regimen may be something you might want to considerbefore taking up any of the other, much more expensive approaches. This is a matter to be decided by you and your physician, of course. I have reported here what hascontinued to work so well for me for over 10 years, and now also for dozens of others who havereported their results. Perhaps hundreds of others have also gained relief without posting orreporting their welcome outcomes. I hope this information is useful and offers hope.
So that others might intelligently consider it, users of the regimen are strongly encouraged to posttheir results, positive or negative, on the Meniere’s Talk Forum, at http://www.menieres.org/forum/index.php?board=2.0

Source: http://www.zoominternet.net/~kcshop/JOH.PDF


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