Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps doxycycline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

"B" - Medical Science:


Your Guide to Mental Health and ABI is part of a series of information products about acquired brain injury (ABI) produced by a joint committee of brain injury organisations with the support and assistance of the Department of Human Services, Victoria. To obtain further copies of this booklet or more information on ABI, contact BrainLink (telephone: (03) 9845 2950 or free-call 1800 6

Haben hormonelle Schwankungen bei Frauen Auswirkungen auf das Parodontalgewebe? Fachzahnärztliches Zentrum - Parodontologie des Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus Koblenz Eine Erhöhung des Anteils an Sexualhormone im zirkulierenden Blut hat Auswirkungen auf die mikrobielle Flora in der oralen Plaque, sowohl in Menge, als auch in Zusammensetzung. Ebenso beeinflussen Östrogen und Progesteron das pa

Microsoft word - drugs in hair transplantation

Dr.Venkataram Mysore MBBS.DVD.DNB. MD.DipRCPath (Lond) FRCP (Glasgow) It is very important to understand male pattern hairless is a progressive condition and hence patients need a combination of drugs in addition to HT. Otherwise, fresh areas will become bald in future. Presently, there are a) Minoxidil lotions 2%, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12.5%-it has to be applied daily twice b) Finasteride 1mg tab

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Angelos Lazoudis ________________________________________________________________________ Education Ph.D., Physics Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Dissertation: “Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Diatomic Molecules and Spectroscopic Applications” M.A., Physics Temple University, Philadelphia, PA B.S., Physics Aristotle’s University, Thessaloniki, Greece

Memo albron-zaak

mr. Concetta (S.M.) Allegra (advocaat arbeidsrecht) Belangrijke uitspraak Europees Hof (Albron) I. Inleiding Op 21 oktober 2010 heeft het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie een voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven belangrijke uitspraak gedaan in de zogenaamde Albron-zaak1. Volgens de tot 21 oktober jl. heersende leer in Nederland gaan bij overgang van onderneming werknemers mee over met

Quote of the Day: “I am inspired by the tremendous strength of the families of all these beautiful boys. If our research can shed some light on Barth syndrome, then all the early failures will certainly have been worthwhile.” ~ Miriam Greenberg, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor, Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroi

The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular DiseaseThe online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: The British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease Additional services and information for Thiazolidinedione-induced effects beyondglycaemic control Abstract Effects of pioglitazone on selected target genes affecting The thiazolidinediones exert their in

Prophylaxie paludisme adulte

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims PROPHYLAXIE CONTRE LE PALUDISME CHEZ L’ADULTE N (chloroquine) Présentation : comprimé à 100 mg Posologie : 1 cp par jour, le jour du départ, pendant le séjour et 4 semaines après le retour Contre-indications : Rétinopathies . Sujet atteint de maladie coeliaque Effets indésirables : Troubles digestifs . Atteintes visuelles révers

Microsoft word - document

       Hey gang, I did Talc Pleurodesis on John Doe today. This of course is a form of Chemical Pleurodesis as compared to Mechanical Pleurodesis which we do in the Operating Room. Mechanical Pleurdesis is a rather barbaric procedure whereby you perform abrasion (you can literally use a bovey pad to do this) to the parietal pleura with the goal of creating

Aih-3-2 1.9

3.2 AUSTRALIAN BAT LYSSAVIRUS INFECTION AND RABIES Virology Australian bat lyssavirus (ABL) and rabies virus are members of the familyRhabdoviridae, genus Lyssavirus . There are 7 known genotypes within the genusLyssavirus; ABL (genotype 7) is more closely related to rabies virus (genotype 1)than any of the other 6 genotypes. Clinical features Based on the two recognised human cases of

Pounds and inches

Pounds & Inches A NEW APPROACH TO OBESITY BY: A.T.W. SIMEONS, M.D. Arti Grafiche Scalia - Roma - Via di Vigna Jacobini, 5 - Tel. 555.890 FOREWORD This book discusses a new interpretation of the nature of obesity, and while it does not advocate yet another fancy slimming diet it does describe a method of treatment which has grown out of theoretical considerations based on clini

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Entscheid des Kantonsgerichts Basel-Landschaft, Abteilung Sozialversiche- rungsrecht vom 26. April 2012 (731 09 305/104) ____________________________________________________________________ Zusatzversicherung nach VVG Forderung aus einer Spitalkostenergänzungszusatzversicherung; Unterscheidung von Akutspital und Pflegeeinrichtung Besetzung Präsident Andreas Brunner, Kantonsrich

Registration form

Computer Basics & EDMS Operational CourseCenter:- BKITCE Computer lab,BANBEIS, Ministry of Education. atch:- 1 st to 9 Govt. of People`s Republic of Bangladesh Bangladesh Korea ICT Training Cecter for Education(BKITCE) 1,Sonargoan Road (Palashi-Nilkhet),Dhaka-1205. Duration :- 22/10/2007 to 04/11/2007(2007-08) Name of the Participants Designation Working Place Govt.

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02-2012 rückstellkriterien medikamenteneinnahme v000

Blutspendezentrale Saar-Pfalz gGmbH Rückstellkriterien bei Medikamenteneinnahme Orale Kontrazeptiva gefährdeter Konzeptionsschutz bei Plasmaspenden/THK-Spenden weniger als 3 Stunden nach der Einnahme! Blutdruckmedikamente Antihypertensiva (bei gut eingestelltem Blutdruck) aber: nicht zu Therapiebeginn oder bei Umstellung! Beta-Blocker Antihypotonika (Blut

372 couv janv 2009

L e c a r n e t BIENVENUE À Laurent Alexandre (neveu de Pierre Gisserot, ancien chef de l’Inspection générale des finances, et Hélène Gisserot, secrétaire d’État à la Condition féminine de 1974 à 1978 et première femme procureur NAISSANCES général près la Cour des comptes en 1993, à gauche de la photo) et Jennifer Blum ont été mariés le Yanis Addala, Char

Dr Yinglong Chen (School of Earth and Environment and UWA Institute of Agriculture, UWA) Model ing plasticity and response of lupin roots to heterogeneous environments Root systems are fundamental to crop productivity. Searching for root traits underpinning efficient nutrient acquisition has received increased attention in modern breeding programs aimed at improved crop productivity. In th


Field testing of a fish bioconcentration model proposed for risk assessment of human pharmaceutical residues in aquatic environments Jeffrey N. Brown†, Nicklas Paxéus*, Lars Förlin‡ and D.G. Joakim Larsson† † Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology, the Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Sweden. * Environmental Chemistry, Gryaa

"ALLERGIC SKIN DISEASES" by Lowell Ackerman, DVM AKC Gazette : Sept. 1990, pp. 94-101 Comments in italics are the reviewer's and not turn, aggravates the itching sensation so that an itch-scratch-infection-itch cycle occurs.) (All Dalmatian breeders and owners should (Dals with AID will show symptoms at memorize this article! It is perhaps the most


Low Dose Naltrexone: a very promising drug for treating cancer and 200+ other diseases. Bogus or beneficial? Let's first get a history on what Naltrexone is and then I'll address the amazing claim. How's that?Naltrexone was approved by the FDA in 1984 in a 50mg dose for the purpose of helping heroin or opium addicts, by blocking the effect of such drugs. By blocking opioid receptors, nal

Caractersticas del xido de etileno

Document: ET-09-01 BIOLENE s.r.l. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / PREPARATION AND COMPANY Constitución 2610 C1254AAR - Buenos Aires - Argentina Emergency Telephone number: (+54) 11 4308 4963 / 4308 5652 / 4941 8165 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. CHEMICAL IDENTITY. Ethylene oxide - EO - ETO - OE - Oxirane Formula: C2H4O Intern

Name ________________________________________________ Single ______ Married ______ Divorced ______ Email ___________________________Social Security Number ____________________ Birthdate ____________ Home Phone ______________________ Cell Phone ______________________Residence Address ____________________________________________________ City _____________________ State __________ Zip _____________

Guidelines for the number of embryos to transfer following in vitro fertilization

JOINT SOGC–CFAS GUIDELINE JOINT SOGC–CFAS GUIDELINE Guidelines for the Number of Embryos to Transfer Following In Vitro Fertilization Abstract This guideline was reviewed by the Reproductive Endocrinologyand Infertility Committee and the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Objective: To review the effect of the number of embryos transferred Committee and approved by the Executive and Counci

#3 hidden costs

NEWSLETTER Buying Property – How much does it really cost? Have you ever heard the term ‘Hidden Costs’ and wondered what that meant? When this question is asked in relation to purchasing property it can mean quite a lot, many thousands of dollars in fact. It is important when seeking finance (to purchase a house) that you know just how much money you need to apply for, and also

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PROCEDURE: MISOPROSTOL (CYTOTEC) FOR CERVICAL RIPENING PURPOSE: For ripening an unfavorable cervix in patients for whom there is a medical or obstetrical indication for the induction of labor. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Misoprostol (Cytotec) is contraindicated for vaginal use in: 1. Patients with known hypersensitivity to prostaglandins. 2. Patients with clinical suspicion or definite evidence o

La première consultation de grossesse

Cette première consultation est un moment fort de notre exercice médical. Cette courteprésentation pourra peut-être aider nos jeunes confrères dans cette prise en charge complexenécessitant de longues et explications pour nos patientes dans un temps de consultation toujours 1- La loi 2- L’examen clinique 3- Les ordonnances de biologie 4- Les médicaments 5- Aperçu de la prévention en

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Erythromycin Treatment Erythromycin is an antibiotic taken by mouth for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Allergies • Tell your health care provider if you have an allergy to any macrolide antibiotic such as Azithromycin (Zithromax®) , Clarithromycin (Biaxin®), Telithromycin (Ketek®). Pregnancy/Breastfeeding • Erythromycin base may be taken during pregnancy

ADÚLTERA Obra dramática en tres actos escrita por José Martí entre Madrid y Zaragoza, España, durante su primera deportación, y que culmina en febrero de 1874. PersonajesGROSSERMANN, (hombre alto), el maridoGUTTERMANN, (hombre bueno), el amigoPOSSERMANN, (hombre vil), el amanteFLEISCH, (fleisch: carne), la mujerMarido. 40 años - Amante. 25 años Amigo. 30 años - Mujer. 25 añosActo 1

This document is being provided for the exclusive use of EUGENIE LEJEUNE at BLOOMBERG/ 731LEXINGTON Bloomberg Brief | healthcare Finance 12 Q & A Dr. cy stein sees a role for zytiga, Jevtana and enzalutamide in Prostate cancer Q: have you faced any issues with re- enzalutamide in the first-line setting? cy stein , M.D., Ph.D., an oncologist special- imbursement? how has J

Minutes of the governing board meeting held on 23 june 2004

Minutes of the Governing Board meeting held on 13 October 2010 Present: Maqsoodah Ashraf Helen Gopsill Ian Haworth – Skills Funding Agency Abdus Wadee – Skills Funding Agency In attendance: Presentation on E-fficiency Colin Crowther introduced the E-fficiency group of Ian Bannister, Sue Williams, Phil Glass and Philip Turner. In total 20 E-fficiency processes have been im

Managing innovation strategy

Innovation Strategy as a Top Management Priority R&D has long been perceived as the holy grail of the pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and medical devices industries, and rightly so. While improvements in processes such as distribution and customer service can create incremental value for companies, it is the “quantum leap” innovations in products and technologies that yield the huge g

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UCheck 7 Drug Adulteration Test Strip For in vitro use only. Read all instructions, precautions, and chlorochromate to form a blue color complex. Other colors limitations before performing this test. may indicate the presence of other oxidants. pH : Testing for the presence of acidic or alkaline adulterant. INTENDED USE This test is based on the well-known double pH indicator

Microsoft word - evista profile.doc

eVista Technologies 166, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1205, Phone: 9122771, 01911939408 Email: [email protected], web: eVista Technologies The organization: EVista Technologies is Bangladesh’s largest specialized web development firm with the biggest corporate clientele. It is recognized as BASIS SOFTEXPO’s (Software Exhibition organi


Effect of bemer magnetic field therapy on the level of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind controlled trial

THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINEVolume 15, Number 5, 2009, pp. 507–511 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089=acm.2008.0501Effect of BEMER Magnetic Field Therapy on the Levelof Fatigue in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis:A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled TrialJoachim Piatkowski, M.D.,1 Simone Kern, Ph.D.,2 and Tjalf Ziemssen, M.D.2Objectives: Electromagnetic field

Dr. js barrett, cv_oct2008

CURRICULUM VITAE JEFFREY S. BARRETT, Ph.D., FCP PERSONAL INFORMATION Business Address: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Abramson Research Center, Rm 916H 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19104-4318 EDUCATION 1986 - 1990 1981 - 1986 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS AND AWARDS 10/03 – present Research Associate Professor, Pediatrics, The Universi


EFFECT presets of EUROPOWER PMH660M Description FX Reverb Simulates the dense, long reverberation of a large cathedral, which is appropriate for solo instruments or vocals in slow-tempo music. Please choose Cathedral Simulates the sound of plate reverberators and hence is a classic for drums (snare) and vocals. In comparison with the first variation, the second one Here, you can sele

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration Silver Spring, MD 20993 TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE Francois Fournier, President and CEO Galderma Laboratories 14501 North Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76177 NDA 21-112 Tri-Luma Cream (fluocinolone acetonide 0.01%, hydroquinone 4%, tretinoin 0.05%) MACMIS #17768 WARNING LETTER The Division of Drug Marketing, Adve

Microsoft word - medication deferral list

Medication deferral list (Question 4) Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications: • Proscar© (Finasteride) - usually given for prostate gland • Avodart© (Dutasteride) - usually given for prostate gland • Propecia© (Finasteride) - usually given for baldness. • Accutane© (Isotretinoin) - usually given for sev

Ohsu guide to reversing antithrombotic therapy

OHSU Hospital and Clinics Department of Pharmacy Services Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee October 2011 ANTICOAGULANTS: THE GUIDE TO REVERSAL Definition of Bleeding: Minor bleeding – Any clinically overt sign of hemorrhage (including imaging) that is associated with a <5 g/dl decrease in the hemoglobin concentration or < 15% decrease in the hematocrit felt by the cli

BOB SULLIVAN : EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR : GREY Febreze and all Smucker’s brands continues to do well. Hess account grows and launches new digital, mobile and social campaigns. Created new retail and corporate campaign. Designed a new retail brand line. Headed up and won Darden’s Red Lobster account (200+ million). Wrote and art

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Product Information Antibiotics and Antimycotics for Cell Culture (E437, E485, E477, E474, E480, E490, E487, E482) A complete line of antibiotics and antimycotics is available for all of your cell culture needs. These antibiotics and antimycotic mixtures have been aseptically prepared from the highest quality materials available and are γ-irradiated to ensure sterility. The d

Written order from an authorized prescriber/parent’s permission

Phyllis Bodel Childcare Center at Yale School of Medicine, Inc. Written Order from an Authorized Prescriber/Parent’s Permission If a Child Day Care Center, A Group Day Care Home or a Family Day Care Home chooses to administer medications, the Connecticut State Law and Regulations require a physician's, dentist's or advanced practice registered nurses' written order and parent or guardia

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Newsletter 43 Gerald Mitchell We are very pleased to report that Gerald has made a remarkable recovery. He is at home, driving again and continuing to regain his strength. We send Ana and Gerald best wishes and hope to see him back on the croquet courts next season where he has been sorely missed. Results 2005 Season This has been another very successful season for the club, culminat

Plant Medicinal Chemistry (Biol 424), 8:00- 8:50 AM, MWF 11 Life Science Fall 2010 The course will focus on how the modern pharmacopeia has been influenced by the vast array of chemicals produced by plants. Digoxin, for example, has been used for the treatment ofconditions and was first reported in western medicine in 1785. The plant from which this compound is extracted, the commo

Microsoft word - licence lifepo4.doc

Prayon obtains worldwide sublicense for lithium iron phosphate battery material Engis, 14 May 2012 The Prayon Group, world leader in the production of phosphates, has obtained a worldwide sublicense under a portfolio of key patents for the manufacture, sale and use of lithium metal phosphate (LMP), including lithium iron phosphate (LFP). The patents are owned by Hydro-Québec (Cana


ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media version 6.0 ESUR Guidelines on Contrast Media European Society of Urogenital Radiology version 6.0 It is a great honor for the Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European So-ciety of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) to present version 6.0 of its Contrast Media Guidelines. Since 1996 the intention of the Committee has been to cover all the safety

Four-Week Low-Glycemic Index Breakfast With a Modest Amount of Soluble Fibers in Type 2 Diabetic Men Morvarid Kabir, Jean-Michel Oppert, Hubert Vidal, Francoise Bruzzo, Caroline Fiquet, Pierre Wursch, Low-glycemic index diets are associated with a wide range of benefits when followed on a chronic basis. The chronic effects, however, of the substitution of 1 meal per day are not well known

Microsoft word - diet-peptic ulcer disease

Board Certified in Gastroenterology Nick Sharma, M.D.  Brian D. Feiock, M.D.  Brian E. Longendyke, D.O.  Michael Weiss, M.D. Michael W. Bays, D.O.  Srinivas Raju, M.D.  Ramesh Koka, M.D.  Tal Hazan, M.D.  Julian Perez, M.D. PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE INTRODUCTION — Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a chronic (long lasting) condition that affects th

Powerpoint presentation

Natural Pyrethrum—Application Methods Aerosols This application is one of the best known for natural pyrethrum. It provides all the speed and knockdown required for a domestic use aerosol. In commercial aerosols which may be used in dairies or stables, larger quantities of Pyrethrins may be required especially if they are timed sequential aerosols. The early aerosols which were i

State of florida

STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF FLORIDA LAND SALES, CONDOMINIUMS, AND MOBILE HOMES IN RE: PETITION FOR ARBITRATION Surfside South Condominium Association, Inc., Petitioner, Case No. 98-4158 O.M. Heard, Surfside South Condominium Association, Inc., Petitioner, Case No. 98-4157 Larry Heard, Respondent.

Microsoft word - rgmyco_us_gb_v1.19 _cim5759_.doc

SELECTION OF SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST BROTH Use Sensititre CAMHBT for rapid growing mycobacteria, Nocardia and other aerobic Actinomycetes or Mueller Hinton broth with OADC for slow growing mycobacteria. Sensititre broths are performance tested for use with SENSITITRE® Broth Microdilution (MIC) Method: INOCULATION AND INCUBATION For Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria (RGM), Slowly


chapter: Monopoly 1. Each of the following firms possesses market power. Explain its source. a. Merck, the producer of the patented cholesterol-lowering drug Zetia b. WaterWorks, a provider of piped water c. Chiquita, a supplier of bananas and owner of most banana plantations d. The Walt Disney Company, the creators of Mickey Mouse Solution 1. a. Merck has a patent f

Microsoft word - focus_232 sa.doc

FOCUS update Ontario is moving ahead with changes to the drug system - lowering generic drug prices for all Ontario residents On Monday June 7, 2010, the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Long Term Care (LTC) announced that the regulations proposed April 7th will begin to take effect on July 1, 2010 with only a few changes. Originally, the regulations were expected to go into effect on Ma

Microsoft word - 091210fr_acyclovir

Acyclovir Lauriad®: succès de l’essai de phase III Objectifs principal et secondaires atteints - Résultats finaux Paris, le 10 décembre 2009 – BioAlliance Pharma SA (Euronext Paris - BIO), société dédiée au traitement du cancer et du SIDA et aux soins de support, annonce aujourd’hui les résultats définitifs de son essai clinique pivot de phase III dans l’herpès lab

Patentes Internacionales, cuando la ciencia muerde la mano que le da de comer. Por: Julio César Cázares Una situación mundialmente preocupante es la de las patentes, en específico me refiero al intento de Norteamérica de legislar la creación científica mundial y la consecuente explotación por parte de sus empresas hacia todo el mundo. (Con la salvedad que en México como siempre

Name __________________ address_________________________________________

Skin Care Profile Name ___________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_____________________________ State ______ Zip _________ Date of Birth___________ Email:___________________________ Phone(Day)______________(Night)________________ Profession_____________________ How did you hear about us? _________________________ Your Health 1. Within the last ye

Microsoft word - nonfiction suggestions.doc

Non-Fiction Narrative Reading Assignment Suggested Titles Please note: If you are unfamiliar with a title that sounds interesting, simply check out the description or plot summary on or If the book is not available in the school library, try Great River Regional Library or Hennepin County Library. I may have access to some of the titles or even be willi

The Bedford Park Surgery Patient Leaflet The Doctors The Nursing Team Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery The Administrative Team Senior receptionist and medical secretary OPENING HOURS We run a walk-in clinic every Friday afternoon for acute medical emergencies on a first-come first-served basis, which starts after 4.30pm. GUIDE TO SERVICES make an appointment W

Microsoft word - m1-3-1-full-spc

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PRODUCT SUMMARY NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION 1. Ledermix 30 mg/g + 10 mg/g Dental Paste. Each gram contains: Demeclocycline calcium equivalent to Demeclocycline hydrochloride 30mg. Triamcinolone acetonide 10mg. 2. Ledermix 20 mg/g + 6.7 mg/g Dental Cement Powder. Each gram contains: Demeclocycline hydr

Microsoft word - fact sheet_alzheimer's_sarah.doc

Alzheimer’s Disease Definition: Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes.1 Characteristics of the Alzheimer’s disease: • Confusion about times and places • Difficulty completing daily tasks (brushing teeth, getting dresse

Laser instructions

Bellegrove Obstetrics & Gynecology Inc., P.S. Laser Hair Reduction – Patient Instructions 1. The area to be treated should not have been exposed to the sun or tanning booth for at least 4 to 6 weeks before treatment. If so, treatment can cause blistering and possibly hypo-pigmentation (white 2. If you use tanning cream, do not apply for 7 days before treatment. 3. Do not apply deod

nicht durch Gabe von Schleifendiuretika!). – In Kombination mit Gemcitabin wird Cis-führt werden!Bei ordnungsgemäßer Prä- und Posthydra-Eine Durchstechflasche mit 20 ml Infusions-tation und normaler Nierenfunktion kann beiEine Durchstechflasche mit 50 ml Infusions-Gabe von Mannitol zur Induktion einer Diure-– In Kombination mit Vinorelbin wird Cispla-se durch sorgfältige Flüssigk


© 978-88-08-0 6823 -4 Introduzione alla farmacologia ELIMINAZIONE DEI FARMACI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17A. Eliminazione renale dei farmaci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17■ Capitolo 1 Farmacocinetica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 2 Aspetti quantitativi dell’eliminazione renale GENERALITÀ . . .

BASLER-OPEN KARATE RANGLISTE 10-11. September 2011 KUMITE U10 - U16 Female U 10 -35 1 Asliniu MUTLUAY 2 Sevgi KARS 3 Hale UEMSUER 3 Selin SARUCAN Female U 12 -40 1 Tamara STRATNOVIC 2 Nur KARS 3 Sude SOENMEZ 3 Iva BULIC Female U 14 -40 1 Gülden ALEYNA 2 Manuela VERMUTH 3 Perihan SERTDAG 3 Laura MANGANIELLO Female U 14

Boult.bites Biotech The end of 2013 saw a flurry of activity in the SPC world as the CJEU handed down its judgements (Georgetown University v Octrooicentrum Nederland) ( Actavis Group v Sanofi Eli Lilly v HGS ). These decisions have been eagerly awaited, because > advising the referrals to the court addressed two key issues: (I) can a Patentee obtain more than one SPC that all firs

V O L U M E 2 7 ⅐ N U M B E R 2 6 ⅐ S E P T E M B E R 1 0 2 0 0 9Phase III Randomized Study of Bendamustine ComparedWith Chlorambucil in Previously Untreated Patients WithUniversity Hospital, Jena; DSH Statistical Wolfgang U. Knauf, Toshko Lissichkov, Ali Aldaoud, Anna Liberati, Javier Loscertales, Raoul Herbrecht, Gunnar Juliusson, Gerhard Postner, Liana Gercheva, Stefan Goranov, Martin

Biotech 101: The Road to FDA Approval By Adam Feuerstein Senior Writer 7/5/2004 8:09 AM EDT URL: This is a bonus story from Adam Feuerstein, whose biotech coverage usually runs only on RealMoney . We're offering ittoday to readers. To read Adam's commentary every day, click here for information on a fr

Appeals from the United States District Courtfor the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. No. 06 C 4900— John W. Darrah , Judge . ARGUED SEPTEMBER 13, 2010—DECIDED SEPTEMBER 6, 2011Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge , and POSNER andEASTERBROOK, Chief Judge . Many defined-contributionpension plans offer participants an opportunity toselect investments from a portfolio, which o

Alzheimer’s association internal conference on prevention of dementia, june 18-21, 2005, marriot wardman hotel, washington, d

T. Musha; Brain Functions Lab., Yokohama, Japan T. Takao; Kurashiki Heisei Hospital, Kurashiki, Japan What is DIMENSION (Diagnosis Method of Neuronal Dysfunction) Scalp potentials for the EEG alpha-component in a normal subject are well approximated by a potential distribution generated by an optimal single current dipole generator (mathematical model), and its goodness-of-fit (dipolarity) D i

Gaceta - diario oficial de nicaragua - # 205 de 29 octubre 2003



Prescription Program Drug List — To be used by members who have a tiered drug plan. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield prescription drug benefits include medications available on the Anthem Drug List. Our prescription drug benefits can offer potential savings when your physician prescribes medications on the drug list. ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD DRUG LISTYour prescription drug benefit i

INFORMATION ABOUT COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (CLEP) Colleges and universities differ in the policies on scores accepted and credits awarded on every CLEP exam. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their CLEP score will be accepted by the college or university they wish to attend. If transferring from Butler to a 4 year college or university, it is the student’s responsibili

Microsoft word - lani phase iii clinical trials in asia prove successful.doc

LANI Phase III clinical trials in Asia prove successful Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA) today announced successful results from the Asian Phase III clinical trials of CS-8958, its second generation influenza treatment. CS-8958 now has been assigned the new name of ‘laninamivir’ by the World Health Organization under its International Non-proprietary Names (INN) drug identification s

FI+Z Lens Control System The FI+Z system controls the complete array of both lens and camera functions. It consists of the Hand Unit HU3, one or more Motor Drivers (for 3D), a set of Digital Motors, a Micro Force zoom control, and a variety of optional controls including wireless Focus/Iris, Zoom, and F/X units. The HU3 gives focus pullers not only a robust and reliable

Chapter to be published in: levine, rodrigues & zelezny (eds

Journeys in Social Psychology (Psychology Press, 2008) 1/ 36 The Journey From The Bronx to Stanford to Abu Ghraib 1 Poverty is a relative thing; it is easier if you have relatives around to count on, and if there are others who are poorer than you. Downward social comparison was a fact of life for us generations before it became a published process. I was fortunate to have both conditions in

Microsoft word - erasmusfinal.doc

Bulk Raw Materials Storage Selection INTRODUCTION The processing of mineral ores to useable minerals in their commercial forms are produced in stages which differ in method and duration of processes. In order to perform these various stages economically and within strategic operational safety margins, these stages need to operate independently from one another. This is achieved by st

Relato de caso - ref. 094-05 - transplante autologo.versão 3- corrigida.p65

Silva RL et al Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter. 2006; 28 (2):153-156 Transplante autólogo de células-tronco hematopoiéticas sem uso de hemocomponentes Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without the use of blood transfusions O transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) é terapia consolidada paratratamento de algumas doenças onco-hematológicas, e o suporte transfusional

Microsoft word - yb-07 ch 13 _1_2_

Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 443 Chapter 13 FAMILY PLANNING SOCIAL STATISTICS Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 445 Health Indicators of Bangladesh Neonatal Mortality Rate (per 1000 Live births) Infant Mortality Rate (Per 1000 Live births) Under 5 Mortality Rate (Per 1000 Live births) Materna

Microsoft word - community what's on - september 2012

Restoring wisdom, sacredness, balance & joy Community What’s On – Events and Workshops, September 2012 Event & Contact Date and Time Antizac – how refusing Prozac changed my life, Divine Light $20 prepaid September Pat will share the miracles that happen when 10.30am – depression does not rule and the seven keys to staying positive in the fac


biomed_Heft_0703 16.11.2007 16:11 Uhr Seite 8mellitus. Zusätzlich spielen genetischeVarianten in Genen von blutdruckre-gulierenden Proteinen für die Entste-hung dieser Veränderung eine Rolle. Atherosklerotische Läsionen sind Lipi-dansammlungen in der Gefäßwand. Dieendotheliale Plaque verengt das LumenEine Assoziationsstudie zur Identifizierung genetischerRisikofaktoren cerebrovasc

Microsoft word - examples of eligible expenses.doc

EXAMPLES OF ELIGIBLE EXPENSES Abortions, Insurance companies for eligible Obstetrical OVER-THE COUNTER DRUGS Over-the counter medicines may be reimbursable under your Health Reimbursement Account, depending upon whether the item treats a specific medical condition or is used for a person’s general good health. If the item is obviously used to treat a medical condition (such

001 i-iv

Notizie di particolare importanza relative al a Farmacovigilanza pervenute dal ’AIFA e dal Ministero del a Salute Gennaio 2008 SEBIVO® (telbivudina). Dichiarazione EMEA, Il comitato per i medicinali per uso umano (CHMP),del ’Agenzia europea per i medicinali (EMEA), ha rac- Medicinali contenenti rosiglitazone. Comunicato comandato di includere nuove informazioni di sicurezzasu

Microsoft word - tepra 2009 abstract_white _2_

Evaluating the Performance, Reliability and Safety of Lithium-Ion Cells Since introduction of the first commercial lithium-ion battery by Sony in 1991, lithium-ion battery technology has steadily displaced more mature secondary battery chemistries in portable and autonomous devices. The rise in popularity of lithium-ion batteries is easily attributed to the strengths of the chemistry when comp


Current Drug Targets - CNS & Neurological Disorders , 2003, 2, 357-362 Exploring Genetic Influences on Cognition: Emerging Strategies for Target Validation and Treatment Optimization John A. Fossella*, Sonia Bishop and B.J. Casey The Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology, Weill Medical College Cornell University, 1300 York Ave,New York, NY 10021, USA Abstract: Geno

BRECHNER Volume 25, Number 10 A monthly report of mass media law in Florida Published by The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information College of Journalism and Communications University of Florida October 2001 Panel advises more electronic access FAMU trustees to hire in open case files available electronically. Court Administration and ACCESS PACERNet system. Theaccess and s

THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTIONIf you are in doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult yourlicensed securities dealer, registered institution in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant orother professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in ZMAY Holdings Limited (the �

La crisis de la democracia y la lección de los clásicos 1. Mi razonamiento se basa en una frase que se lee al final de la carta programática con la que se ha convocado la convención sobre “La política entre sujetos e instituciones”: “En el espacio de la política parecen anudarse, en sustancia, todas las cuestiones planteadas (en términos incluso internacionales). Por ello resulta ine

Printable version: St. Joseph's Church in SoMa will become officesSt. Joseph's Church in SoMa willbecome officesStephanie M. Lee, Chronicle Staff WriterWednesday, February 1, 2012Built nearly a century ago, St. Joseph's Church hasdeteriorated from a stately place of worship into avacant and boarded-up eyesore. In its next incarnation, it could be the hotdestination for technology startu

Microsoft word - csu ehv-1 information.docx

Outbreak of neurological disease caused by EHV-1 May 15th, 2011 URGENT RESPONSE INFORMATION AND RESOURCES Currently, there are numerous reports of equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) affecting horses and farms in Colorado and several other Western states. This outbreak appears related to initial cases at a Cutting horse show in Ogden Utah, which was held from April 29th –

Bond Number: 69760 Lori Testing One Inc. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Aviva, a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in all Provinces and Territories in Canada as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Obligee Limited, as Obligee, hereinafter called the Oblig

Mercosur/gmc/res n° 62/97

MERCOSUR/GMC/RES N° 62/97 CONDICIONES GENERALES DEL SEGURO DE RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL DEL OPERADOR DE TRANSPORTE MULTIMODAL (OTM) EN EL AMBITO DE MERCOSUR - DAÑOS A LA CARGA VISTO: El Tratado de Asunción, el Protocolo de Ouro Preto, la Decisión Nº 15/94 del Consejo del Mercado Común y la Recomendación Nº 3/97 del SGT Nº 4"Asuntos Financieros". CONSIDERANDO: Que hu

Patient information leaflet

‘How to…. Apply Dovobet® Ointment’ Dovobet® is used in the management of psoriasis. It is a Vitamin D analogue called Calcipotriol plus a corticosteroid called Betamethasone. Vitamin D analogues may cause a little irritation to the skin around your psoriasis. Should a severe reaction occur i.e. intense itching, burning or dermatitis (eczema) then you should stop using the cream or o


LIBRO SEGUNDO. De la parte general. TÍTULO I. De la persona humana. CAPÍTULO I. Comienzo de la existencia. ARTÍCULO 15. Comienzo de la existencia. La existencia de las personas humanas comienza con la concepción ARTÍCULO 16.- Tiempo de la concepción. Duración del embarazo. Se presume que la concepción ha tenido lugar en el espacio de tiempo entre el máximo y el mínim

Industry updates : Jan 3 2011 BioMarker Strategies Names Dr. Samuel Broder to Board of Directors BioMarker Strategies announced today that it has appointed three new Directors, including Dr. Samuel Broder, who is a former Director of the National Cancer Institute and Chief Medical Officer at Celera; Dr. Mark Velleca, a founder and former Senior VP of CGI Pharmaceuticals; and, Dr. Paul


Product Liability and Mass Tort Alert The New Jersey Supreme Court Dismisses Out-of-State Plaintiff’s Product Liability Action Based on Choice-of-Law Principles In a decision that could have a significant impact on mass tortdissenting opinion, the defendants appealed as of right to thelitigation in New Jersey, last week, the New Jersey SupremeCourt held under a choice-of-law analysis

C:\documents and settings\administrator\my documents\work-all\papers\droperidol.html

A 20 Year Naturalistic Study of the Use of Droperidol for Acute Agitation in Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients James F. Hooper, M.D., Denise Perone, M.D., Marisa Giggie, M.D., Patricia Pilkinton, Disclosures and acknowledgments None of the authors have any financial interest in the drug in this study, nor or any of us employees in any way by any pharmaceutical companies. No grants were us


Glycopeptide MICs are Higher in MSSA compared with MRSA from Blood in the UK and Ireland 2001-2009 [email protected] R. Reynolds1, R. Hope2 and The BSAC Extended Working Party on Resistance Surveillance1 1British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Birmingham, B1 3NJ 2Health Protection Agency, London, NW9 5HT BACKGROUND MSSA infections, best treated with a -lactam, may

Lista de productos para Biología Molecular – Maxim Biotech. Lista de Referencia Por favor comuníquese con nosotros para solicitar más información. Algunos productos pueden estar discontinuados Phage Display cDNA Library Category New CatNo Description Phage Display cDNA Library, Human Adipose Tissue, 10 RxnsPhage Display cDNA Library, Human Brain Tissue, 10 RxnsPhage Display

terza domenica del tempo ordinario

Commento biblico – musicale dell'introito e traduzioni Il libro di Ester è una delle cinque Meghillôt (in ebr. “rotoli”) e viene letto durante la festa dei Purim. Narra l’avventura di una giovane ebrea che assurge al rango di regina e grazie a questa sua posizione riesce a scongiurare una persecuzione contro il suo popolo all’epoca del re persiano Assuero/Serse. Il testo dell�


Disorders of Orgasm and Ejaculation in Men Chris G. McMahon, MB, BS, FACSHP,* Carmita Abdo, MD,† Luca Incrocci, MD,‡Michael Perelman, PhD,§ David Rowland, PhD,¶ Marcel Waldinger, MD,#and Zhong Cheng Xin, MD*** Australian Centre for Sexual Health, Sydney, Australia; † Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, Brazil; ‡ Department of RadiationOncology, Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The Nethe

What are capital markets

What are Capital Markets? Capital markets are like any other markets, but differ in terms of the products traded and their organization. Capital markets deal with the trading of securities. Capital markets provide avenue where companies can raise funds to expand on their businesses or establish new ones by issuing securities owned by the companies. Like businesses in the private secto

Microsoft word - panier.doc

Mesdames les Jurées, Messieurs les Jurons, Lourde et redoutable charge que celle qui m’incombe en ce jour : vous requérir de condamner sévèrement le langage juridico-judiciaire ampoulé, suranné, obsolète, abscons mais toujours en usage, rebus sic stantibus, dans moult prétoires. Car enfin, Mesdames et Messieurs, nous sommes au XXIème siècle, putain, à l’heure de la com’ on li

JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH Volume 14, Number 2, 2005 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy andEFTIHIA SBAROUNI, M.D., ZENON S. KYRIAKIDES, M.D., ABSTRACT Background : Homocysteine may be an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), and the risk is at least as strong for women as for men. Homocysteine levels are lower in women compared wit

Microsoft word - the-placebo-effect-and-its-relevance-tohomeopathy.doc

THE PLACEBO EFFECT AND ITS RELEVANCE TO by Charles Wansbrough Published The Homeopath No 67 Autumn 1997 ‘ The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease ‘ Voltaire In a recent conference on The Placebo Response , it was brought home to me, very forcefully, how misunderstood this term had become, and how it carries so many negative connotations. Original

Pklemp04 1.9999

Economic theory is often abused in practical policy-making. There is frequentlyexcessive focus on sophisticated theory at the expense of elementary theory; toomuch economic knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Too littleattention is paid to the wider economic context, and to the dangers posed bypolitical pressures. Superficially trivial distinctions between policy proposalsmay be economic

Medications associated with the onset of tardive dyskinesia christine b. hunter, rn, christopher kenney, md, anthony davidson, bs, and joseph

Medications Associated with the Onset of Tardive Dyskinesia Christine B. Hunter, RN, Christopher Kenney, MD, Nicte Mejia, MD, Anthony Davidson, BS, and Joseph Jankovic, MD Parkinson’s Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic, Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA FIGURE 3. Drugs Associated with Tardive Dyskinesia ABSTRACT

Microsoft word - beesengpdf.doc

BEE/SENG™ stress. The active ingredients, eleuthrerosides (B & E), are glycosides whish provide the adaptogenic properties. Siberian Ginseng helps the Super Hi Energy body handle stressful conditions while enhancing mental and athletic abilities. The glycosides appear to act on the adrenal glands, helping to Same great formula as BEE CAPS with the added prevent adrenal hypertr


U nited S tates B ankruptcy C ourt Chambers of Christopher S. Sontchi(302) 252-2888Natalie D. Ramsey1105 Market Street, 15th FloorCounsel for The Official CommitteeOf Unsecured Creditors Leslie Controls, Inc., Case No. 10-12199 Before the Court is a discovery dispute between (i) Century Indemnity Companyand Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company (collectively, the “Insurers”); and (ii

Guidelines for the use of quinolones in veterinary medicine

G u i d e l i n e s for the use of q u i n o l o n e s in veterinary medicine Prudent therapeutic use of quinolones in food-producing animals Bayer`s position: Expertise with responsibility As one of the world's leading research-based chemical and pharmaceutical companies, Bayer's first concern is to ensure that its products offer the highest possibl

Microsoft word - public document section x - mmrs final report.doc

X . Greater Bakersfield MMRS Final Report The MMRS Planning process has proven to be a daunting and challenging task but it has also brought together representatives from various response agencies, government entities, and public & private stakeholders to take part in the Mass Casualty planning process. Terrorism is a very real threat that we all must address. When a WMD event occurs i

Microsoft word - 86 bandwurmbefall a12 rinderfinnen strasburg g.rtf

Analyse zum Rinderfinnenbandwurm im Kreis Strasburg Zusammenfassung Die Analyse stellt eine Fortschreibung der Analyse Nr. 3/84 der Kreis – Hygieneinspektion dar. Es wird kein Anhalt dafür gefunden, dass die Interpretation in der o. g. Analyse in irgendeiner Weise geändert werden kann. Damit sind auch keine der vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen wirksam geworden. 1984 kam es zu einer deutlichen Zunah

Nov-dec cover final

FEATURE ARTICLE B A R C N E W S L E T T E R Manish Goswami, Suhas H. Mangoli and Narendra JawaliDifferent types of biochemical and physiological factors (including commonly used cellular anddietary antioxidants) affect the activity of therapeutic antibiotics. The findings from our lab haveshown that the presence of glutathione, N-acetylcysteine or ascorbic acid in the growth mediumdecreases

Position paper

POSITION PAPER ON REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES In British Columbia 275,000 workers are in unions affiliated to the B.C. Federation of Labour. More than one quarter of these members are women. They work in grocery stores, hotels and restaurants, in hospitals, child care centres, post offices, newspapers, laboratories, factories, telecommunications centres and government offices across the pro

Microsoft word - ba foglietto illustrativo.doc

FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO PRIMA DELL’USO LEGGERE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che può essere usato per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all’aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta, ma va usato correttamente per assicurar

Kreatine plus

Detective Nutritionals KreatinePlus Kreatine Plus is a pre-work out energy drink that supports endurance.* Taurine is an amino acid that helps regulate the level of water and mineral salts in the blood. Taurine is also thought to have antioxidant Kreatine Plus combines ingredients that provide a surplus of powerful properties which can help to reduce the oxidative stress

Quantum size effects in cuo nanocrystals

J. Bangladesh Electron. 10 (1-2); 57-63, 2010 One Step Synthesis and Optical Evaluation of Copper Oxide (CuO) Nanoparticles *M. Abdul Momin1, Roksana Pervin1, M. Jalal Uddin1 G.M. Arifuzzaman Khan2 and Momtazul Islam1 1Dept of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh 2Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemic

Industry updates : Jan 3 2011 BioMarker Strategies Names Dr. Samuel Broder to Board of Directors BioMarker Strategies announced today that it has appointed three new Directors, including Dr. Samuel Broder, who is a former Director of the National Cancer Institute and Chief Medical Officer at Celera; Dr. Mark Velleca, a founder and former Senior VP of CGI Pharmaceuticals; and, Dr. Paul

Microsoft word - bio k 331.doc

I – INDICATIONS TOTAL ANTIBIOTIC - kit is designed for the rapid detection of antibiotics in milk and meat samples. Due to its simplicity, short assay time and multiresiduality, the kit is suitable for screening assays both in laboratories and in food industries. Time required for the assay : 3 h at 65°C. II – PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST It is a growth inhibition test of Bacillus Stear

The Bryan Times, Bryan, Ohio Tuesday, April 23, 2013 — A-5 Husband rude to in-laws Fitness Myths 101: should make himself scarce Letting go of what you (think you) know DEAR ABBY: I have been married haves this way. Does he dislike your He was inappropriate with me, sharing for 18 years to a man I have a good rela- folks? Does he have so little in common thin

Part 2 seite 22-34.indd

Parasiten im Winter Der Parasitendruck auf den Weiden ist im Spätsommer meist am grössten, weil viele Parzellen durch die Beweidung schon massiv mit Parasiteneiern und -larven konta-miniert sind. Im feuchtwarmen Klima dieser Jahreszeit finden die Parasiten ideale Entwicklungsbedingungen. Mit abneh-menden Temperaturen nimmt die Geschwin-digkeit der Larvenentwicklung ab. Viele Magendarmwurmar

This booklet has been produced to help users of the Formostar Infrared Body Wrap system understand who can benefit from its use and why and to provide information on the many wonderful benefits of far infrared heat. It has been compiled from either clinical trials, studies, publications or published articles. We believe it is important that you read all of it. Formostar is not intended to diagnose

Asthma Action Plan For Children When Well When Unwell Danger Signs every 3 hours more than or more often for one or more every ½ hour , OR • Blue lips , OR • Difficulty speaking or feeding Frightened OR • Exhausted What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? Preventer/Combined Give .……

2013 Outdoor Fitness Festival ROGAINE Race Registration Form October 19, 2013 **Rogaine teams need to fill out one form per individual. No individual teams will be allowed. Team Na Total Number of Team Members: Two Three Four Five 3 Hour Rogaine 6 Hour Rogaine LAST NAME AGE (ON 10/19/2013) First Race with us? E-MAIL ADDRESS:________________________________________


Dec. 20, 2002 THE FOOD & DRUG LETTER Issue No. 666 Dec. 20, 2002 CLARITIN APPROVAL MARKS SIGNIFICANT SHIFT IN RX-TO-OTC SWITCHES The switch of Schering-Plough’s Claritin to over-the-counter (OTC) status set new precedents whoseimplications will reach far beyond drugstore shelves and affect the pharmaceutical industry for years. FDA’s Nov. 27 approval of OTC Claritin, the

Microsoft word - endotoxin limits.doc

USP Endotoxin Limits for Common Injectables Product name Endotoxin Limit Endotoxin Endotoxin Limit 3 (where applicable) (where applicable) total dose in ml at the expiration time) Suspension Amphotericin B for Injection 5 EU/mg for parenterals (1mg of mix of amp & sulb -0.67 and 0.33 mg, respectively) Phosphate Dextrose Solution Anticoagulant Heparin Solution Anticoagulant

Consent form

CONSENT FORM Tel (Res): ., Mobile : ., Tel of friend /parents: . Email: . have been advised under go hair transplantation I also state that I have understood the following address. I have understood male hormones mediate the baldness that I have. I am aware of that hair transplantation is only a cosmetic procedure and have been involved in decision of making about the choice of treatment.

MEDICATION PARENT LETTER THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO PARENTS TO ASSIST PRINCIPALS TO COMPLY WITH THE POLICY OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION IN THE SCHOOLS. Dear Parent or Guardian: We are asking for your cooperation regarding the· use· of medication in the schools. Because of the responsibility placed upon the staff for giving the correct medic

300 Northfield Road Bedford, OH 44146 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section I - IDENTITY Common/Trade Name: Haloperidol Lactate 5mg/mL (1mL/vial and 10mL/vial) Chemical Names: 4-[4-(p-chlorophenyl)-4-hydroxypiperidino]-4′-fluorobutyrophenone) Synonyms: Haldol®, Aldoperiden, Dozic, Einalon S, Galoperidol, Fortunan, Linton, Pernox, Serenace Manufacturer's Name:

Microsoft word - family mtg minutes - oct 18, 2012.doc

Family Meeting Minutes Recreation Room – Belvedere Care Centre ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of February 15, 2012 adopted as circulated. NEW BUSINESS Guest Speaker – Alan Glasser, Pharmacist “Dementia / Alzheimer’s medication and the use/misuse of anti-psychotics in the elderly Importance of medication – medication is not absorbed in the stom

Rocketfactory 2010 christmas

Rocketfactory 2010 Christmas! We have a house. It’s called the rocketfactory. The house is leaking a bit and Ben can´t keep the water from dripping in Sometimes the wind is howling and sometimes the waves are high. The philosophy is that everyone is creative and everyone gots beautiful talents . We have been searching to bring all our talents out in the open. We have been searching wit

Bridge Medical REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Wassand Close, Three Bridges, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1LL Tel: 01293 526025 Fax: 01293 553490 Website REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS Most of our patients have a computer print-out showing their medi- cation. However, not all patients’ medication can be put onto the computer. Please tick the medi

Overview study sheets

III. Why Was Esther Written? Esther was written to explain the origin of the “Feast The Introduction Chapters 1—2 of Purim,” a feast still celebrated every February/March with Queen Vashti Is Out the book of Esther being read in its entirety, and to ensure that it would be celebrated by all future Jewish generations. Even

October platform news final (read-only)

Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform UN Security Council Resolution 1325—10 Years On This year marks the 10th anniversary of a Observers have also recognised something of tivists; and the final day of events on 29 landmark piece of international law codifying a rift between what has emerged as two dis-October, when the Security Council wil take the link between women, peace and

Antineoplastic drugs - recent developments by John Hammond Cancer is worldwide a healthcare problem affecting one in three people in the developed world, and killing one in four. Worldwide, 12.5 million new cases are diagnosed each year, and this is predicted to reach 15 million by 2020. As a result, the total market for cancer therapies is predicted to reach $55-70 billion by 2010. Comparis


SF receives Technical Award at the 30th Symposium on Media contacts: Particulate Preparations and Designs in Japan Cecil Tung Communications, Nutrition & Health Asia Tokyo, Japan – October 28, 2013 – BASF received the “Technical Award” at the 30th Symposium on Particulate Preparations and Designs on October 17 and 18 in Tokyo, Japan. BASF was rewarded for the te

Microsoft word - lgit-fra-hrg-ssh-xry.doc

Egypte / Hourghada Imperial Shams Abu Soma Resort **** 7 nuits 953 € Code HRGIMP Double / bain ou douche / balcon ou terrasse / vue mer latérale / ALL INCLUSIVE Départ Luxembourg: 10 mars Vol retour: 17 mars Pour de plus amples renseignements veuillez consulter notre brochure LuxairTours hiver 2011/12 page 52. Réduction aux dates ci-dessus valable pour tous les types de cham

A cer campestre Campan trachelium Dipsacu pilosus G alanth nivalis Hyperic pulchrum Galeop tetrahit aquifolium ptarmica Aspleniu adiantum - nig E leocha palustris odoratum Impatien glandulifer * dissectum foetidissim Carex acutiformis saxatile tripolium Elytrigia atherica Isolepis setacea disticha Ge


What next for rheumatoid arthritis therapy?Simon M Blakeà and Barbara A SwiftIntroduction of biological agents for the treatment of the chronicsis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1 in the pathogen-inflammatory joint disease rheumatoid arthritis has reinvigoratedesis of the disease Despite these successes, theseresearch into this debilitating disease. These agents havetherapies do have

Microsoft word - consent form.doc

CONSULTATION / CONSENT FORM Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ Cel Number: __________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________

Section 08306

SECTION 15121 PIPING EXPANSION COMPENSATION PART 1 - GENERAL MIL-E-17814E - Expansion Joints, Pipe, Slip-Type, Packed. Provide piping offsets and equipment required to control expansion and contraction of piping in accordance with the Drawings. Heating Hot Water: 200 degrees F. maximum. Submit under provisions of Section 01330 as applicable. Flexible Pipe Connectors: Indicate maxim

Microsoft word - edith - traduccin articulo - sndrome tourette.doc

INTEGRATIONS FOR A PSYCHOLOGY WITHOUT BODY AND A NEUROLOGY WITHOUT SOUL Edith Liberman Its usual among us to state the theoretical or the conceptual deficiencies of the Bioenergetic Analysis and the necessity to build up sufficient theoretical framework to support our way of working. Do we have to invent a new theory? How can two categories that have developed separately, two

Faculty-In-charge, Instruction DivisionBirla Institute of Technology and Science, PilaniK.K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa 403726+91-832-2580-313/334Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Electrochemical studies of gold(II), chromium(IV),and copper(II) compounds with unusual electronic structures. Conformationand dynamics as well as structure-function relationships of cytochromeP450 and Inorganic biochemistry of

Name:________________________________________________ Date:_____________________Period:__ Nervous Study Guide Know all parts of the brain location and functions Classification of Neurons Synaptic Knob location Vital Centers location Parts of autonomic system Brain Stem Parts of the meninges and location of each The main divisions of the central nervous system Know the different glia and their func

Microsoft word - 2011 abilify application_final_110225.doc

BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB PATIENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION, INC. ABILIFY PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM P.O. Box 8309 Somerville, NJ 08876 Phone: (800) 736-0003 Fax: (866) 598-5561 Thank you for your interest in the Bristol-Myers Squibb Patient Assistance Foundation (BMSPAF) Program. Enclosed you will find the application form you had requested. To participate in our program, it is

Corporate governance and firm strategy in the pharmaceutical industry.

WISSENSCHAFTSZENTRUM BERLINFÜR SOZIALFORSCHUNG discussion papers Corporate Governance and Firm Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry Forschungsschwerpunkt Marktprozeß und Unter- nehmensentwicklung Research Area Market Processes and Corporate Development Steven Casper, Catherine Matraves, Corporate Governance and Firm Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Discussion Paper FS

In re Synthroid Marketing Litigation, 264 F.3d 712 (2001) 2001-2 Trade Cases P 73,407, 51 Fed.R.Serv.3d 736District court may limit intervenors' participationin class action to privilege of appealingNos. 00–3164, 00–3183, 00–3262, 00–3285, 00–3290 to 00–3293, 00–3302, 00–3303, 01–2000. |Argued April 20, 2001. | Decided Aug. 31, 2001. Class of consumers and

Mycotoxins from Molds Many molds produce mycotoxins into their living environment, either into the cereals they infect in, which in turn are consumed by animals or humans, or into our living environment as volatile compounds, or into infected tissues or organs directly. The mycotoxins include: Aflatoxin, Amatoxin, Citrinin, Cytochalasin, Fumonisin, Gliotoxin, Ibotenic acid, Muscimol, Oc

Dr Somasundaram Sathappan (known as Dr Soma) QUALIFICATIONS : MB BS, (Malaya), University of Malaya, June 1989. Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, October 1994. Masters in Surgery, National University of Malaysia, June 1996. Member of the Academy of Medicine Malaysia, Oct 2003 WORK EXPERIENCE: Medical internship, General Medicine and Paediatr

Standing orders on the stroke unit

Guidelines for Medical Care on the Stroke Unit These guidelines have been put together to aid neurologists in the medical care of stroke patients. Many of these guidelines apply to other general care for both neurological and neurosurgical patients. These guidelines are designed for the physicians. They were developed with input from residents, stroke fellows and staff neurologists. For

Project L.E.A.P. Transcript Brain Injury Association of Florida presents Project L.E.A.P. Law Enforcers as Partners with Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury The State of Florida Department of Health Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Program Slide 1 - Brain Injury Association of Florida presents Project L.E.A.P. - Law Enforcers as Partners with Individuals with Traumatic Br

Examples of Eligible and Ineligible Expenses The following expenses are commonly requested for reimbursement from Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). This list is not comprehensive and is subject to change. In order for any expense to be eligible under your FSA, supporting documentation from your healthcare provider is required. Documentation must include: • the date the service was incurr

STREET TERM DEFINITION Amphetamines; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) A capsule containing drugs; MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Use of cocaine to bolster MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDM


Botanischer Verein zu Hamburg e.v. 2000 - Regionalstelle Pflanzenartenschutz Hamburg Frühlingsliste Bestimmungshilfen für einige bestimmungskritische Frühblüher, meist verwildernde Zierpflanzen (nach verschiedenen Quellen, Hyacinthaceae nach CHRISTENSEN, Ber. Bot. Verein Hamburg Heft 19, 2000). Arum alpinum: Knolle aufrecht bis horizontal, rundlich, brotlaibförmig, Spatha meist länge

baltydaniel national school – enrolment form

Baltydaniel National School Newtwopothouse, Mallow Ph.: 022-42646 - e-mail: [email protected] Child Details Child’s Name: _________________________ Date of Birth__________________ (Please attach copy of birth certificate) Address: ____________________ Nationality: ____________ Religion: ________________ (Please attach copy of baptismal certificate) P


Shane Guffogg Artist’s Statement Paintings. I make them so that makes me a painter, which encompasses many things. Painting is a physical activity, which is really the act of smearing paint on a canvas. Simple, direct, tactile. At times I like to trick myself into thinking it really is that simple. But every moment of my existence -- past, present and future -- feeds into the “s

M&a stimulierende impulse

Ein Beitrag von P.A. Wenger, Partner BridgeLink AG Dr. Freek Vermeulen, Associate Professor Fakultät Strategic and International Management Paul-André Wenger ist Partner der internationalen BridgeLink Gruppe mit Hauptsitz in Dr. Freek Vermeulen lehrt seit September 2000 an der London Business School Nebst seinem Lehrauftrag (MBA, PhD, Executive Level) und seiner Forschungstätigkeit, ist

Einführung in den levitischen opferdienst

Einführung in das 1. Buch Samuel Zeitgeschichte • Zeitrahmen ca. 1100 – 1010 v. Chr. • Übergang von der Richterzeit zum Königtum (Apg 13,20-22) • Übergang von der Stiftshütte zum Ersten Tempel • Charakter der Richterzeit: Ein jeder Tat, was recht war in seinen Augen (Ri 17,6; 18,1; 19,1; 21,25): Zeit des Relativismus und des Individualismus; Zeit des moralischen und relig

Microsoft word - domieh_v4n3_brjb_3.doc

Domieh et al.: Endurance training and plasma visfatin EFFECT OF 8 WEEKS ENDURANCE TRAINING ON PLASMA VISFATIN IN MIDDLE-AGED MEN Amin Mohammadi Domieh1 and Ali Khajehlandi2 1 Department of Exercise physiology, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran branch, Iran. 2 Department of Exercise physiology, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran branch, Iran. Corresponding

[drug or class name]

Erectile Dysfunction Agents Prior Authorization Criteria NOTE: This prior authorization (PA) criteria contains a quantity limit of 8 tablets total for any combination of the 3 oral products (sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil) or a quantity limit of 8 units total for any combination of the 3 non-oral alprostadil products (Caverject injection, Edex injection, Dosage Form FDA APP

Alternatief voor methadon wordt in Nederland nauwelijks verstrekt Verslaafde heeft geen keuze Opiaatverslaafden die kiezen voor onderhouds­medicatie, zijn in Nederland aangewezen op methadon. Terwijl drugsverslaafden persoonsgerichte hulp [email protected]; c.c.: [email protected] krijgen, wordt het alternatief voor methadon, buprenorfine, nauwelijks verstrekt. En

Pii: s0891-5849(99)00247-6

Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 351–360, 2000Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0891-5849(99)00247-6 Original Contribution INCREASED LIPOPROTEIN OXIDATION IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASESVEN SCHIPPLING,* ANATOL KONTUSH,* S¨ONKE ARLT,* CARSTEN BUHMANN,† HANS-J¨ORG ST¨URENBURG,†ULRIKE MANN,‡ TOMAS M¨ULLER-THOMSEN,‡ and ULRIKE BEISIEGEL**Medi

Lyric sheets for All That Matters by Bryan Field McFarland Track # 1 ~ Open the Gift John Knox Center, Kingston, TN - 2005 We open our eyes that we may see / We open our ears that we may hearWe open our lips that we may sing your praiseYou give us the choice, the liberty / You give us the voice, the abilityTo open our eyes, open our ears, open our lips. We open our minds that we may lea

Material safety data sheet (revised)

Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution, 0.005% MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Effective Date: 3/15/11 Supersedes: None Page 1 of 9 Section 1: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT: Product Name: Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution, 0.005% Product Code(s): AB46395 NDC No(s): 24208-463-25 (2.5 mL) Intended Use: Pharmaceutical product used for glaucoma Chemical Family

Bodhi over-forty women’s health project evaluation form

BODHI Over-Forty Women’s Health Project Evaluation 2008 Please feel free to use extra paper if you would like more space for any of the following questions. 1. Introduction. Please briefly outline the project, its purpose and overall achievements. In India cancer are third leading cause of death so we are doing awareness as well diagnosis camps for cancer. Cervical cancer is the

Article reprint

REPRINT FROM JULY 28, 2008 BioCentury Roche’s opportunity Most analyses of Roche’s offer to buy the rest of Whether or not Genentech management thinks the initial Genentech Inc. have focused on whether the price is too offer insulting, they’re big boys and girls and can take it. Theylow, or Genentech Chairman and CEO Arthur Levinson wasknow — as does anyone who has done a

CURRICULM VITAE ERSONAL DETAILS Name Mohammad Sanad Abu Darwish Data of Birth 6.Jan,1973 Material Status Married Designation Associate Professor Department Essential & Applied Sciences Collage Shoubak University College University Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) Tel. No. 00962795171140 E-Mail Address [email protected]; [email protected] ID Lin

Npgrj_nbt_1341 1145.1147

directed evolution of aspartate transaminasefor example. As reclon-ing of a library is laborious and prone to loss of diversity, and the effectevolving highly efficient enzymes on selection pressure only qualitatively predictable, inducible systemsthat provide a tightly controlled and graded transcriptional response toan external inducer represent potentially attractive alternatives. Regulable

Proliferative therapy

r. Maxwell has recommended that you undergo regenerative treatment, called Tgen RX SM, for your joint pain. Regenerative Medicine treats damaged tissue Dsuch as ligaments, muscle, tendons and joint capsules. This steroid-free treatment stimulates the body’s natural healing response, relieving pain at the affected areas. And best of all, Regenerative Medicine treatment works quickly and What

RIDASCREEN® 17ß-Östradiol Enzymimmunoassay zur quantitativen Bestimmung vonEnzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis ofIn vitro TestLagerung bei 2 - 8°CStorage at 2 - 8°CR-Biopharm GmbH, Darmstadt, GermanyTel.: +49 (0) 61 51 81 02-0 / Telefax: +49 (0) 61 51 81 02-205. Zusätzlich benötigte Reagenzien - erforderliches Zubehör. 67. Reagenzien und ihre Lagerung. 78. Anzeichen f�


AbstractAlthough information about risks, benefits, alternatives and costs is offered to human research participants in informed consentdocuments, information about how much the tested medical intervention is expected to cost future patients is not routinely madeavailable to research participants. Two arguments are offered in support of including this information. First, justice demands thatpartic

FÜR ANLEGER IN DEUTSCHLAND – IN DUBLIN AUFGELEGTE FONDS iShares FTSE/Macquarie Global Infrastructure 1002) Stand: 30. September 2008 Der iShares FTSE/Macquarie Global Infrastructure 100 investiert breit angelegt in die Aktien der weltweit Informationen über den Fonds führenden Infrastrukturunternehmen, darunter in Transport- und Versorgungsunternehmen. Der Fondskann zur Diversifizier

Does mental illness exist?

Does Mental Illness Exist? By Dr. Edward Watke Jr. I. Mental Illness -- Becomes a New Theory A . Historical aspects 1 . Historically, illness was referred to as a bodily disorder. 2 . Altered bodily structure constituted illness. B. A new criterion for determining illness came on the scene. When man began to label illness on the basis of observing behavior a new criterion was

Chapter two

It is not specifically because they were written by Shakespeare that his plays were a desirable theatrical resource when the theatres re-opened in 1660. Thomas D‟Urfey‟s radical adaptation of Cymbeline , The Injured Princess , was not staged until 1682, however. By that date the choice of a Shakespeare play for adaptation cannot be explained simply by citing shortage of material as in Da

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Manganese Dioxide [MnO2] Lithium Batteries (CR type) Available in 6 different cylindrical configurations and 23 different coin cell sizes, this 3V chemistry is popular because of its slightly lower cost and broad availability on the retail market so it is typically found in applications where replacement of the battery is performed by end users. The CR chemistry is preferred for higher curre

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David B. Keator, M.C.S. CURRICULUM VITAE Technical Director Brain Imaging Center Director of Scientific Computing Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior Chief Information Officer BrainCircuits Lab Department of Neurology University of California, Irvine Brain Imaging Center Irvine Hall Room 163 Irvine, CA 92697-3960 Tel: (949) 824-7870 Fax: (949) 824-2230 E-mail db

Medical history form

CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL HISTORY Today’s Date __________________ NAME ________________________________________AGE_________ DATE OF BIRTH_____________________ Referring doctor_____________________________________________ Date of last physical exam _______________ Medical doctor (primary care physician)________________________ Date of last eye exam ____________________ Where do you have yo

Prevention of human to human transmission

Prevention of human to human transmission Swine flu spreads between humans through coughing or sneezing and people touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth. Swine flu cannot be spread by pork products, since the virus is not transmitted through food. The swine flu in humans is most contagious during the first five days of the illness although some peop

Dear parents, students and guardians:

Berkshire School – Student Health Service Medication Letter Dear Parents, Students and Guardians, Berkshire School’s medication policy has been developed to insure the health and safety of all students. Please read and review this policy thoroughly with your child before beginning school. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that we have a written order for each prescription

Animal behaviour

ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 2002, 63, 000–000 doi:10.1006/anbe.2002.3046, available online at on Family, sex and testosterone effects on garter snake behaviour RICHARD B. KING Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb (Received 7 August 2000; initial acceptance 17 October 2000; final acceptance 7 December 2001; MS. number: A8850R) To b

Form for news memo

Suite 1250Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-4476(215) 861-8200 NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS CORPORATION TO PAY $422.5 MILLION FOR OFF-LABEL DRUG MARKETING Company reaches plea and civil settlement agreements PHILADELPHIA – A criminal information1 was filed today against NovartisPharmaceuticals Corporation (“NPC”) for the off-label marketing of the anti-epileptic drugTrileptal, anno


70 | The Journal of One-Day Surgery | VOL 17 | No 3 Minimally-invasive Surgical Repair of Ruptured Achilles Tendon as a Day Case Procedure with Early Full Weight Bearing MAYUKH BHATTACHARYYA & BRUNO GERBER The authors have received no funding from, nor have any other financial connection with, the manufacturer of the Achillon™ instrument guide. Keywords: New day surgery proce

REGLAMENTO PARA LA EMISION E INSCRIPCION DE VALORES REPRESENTADOS POR MEDIO DE ANOTACIONES EN CUENTA DISPOSICIONES GENERALES Artículo 1. OBJETO. El presente reglamento tiene por objeto normar los aspectos relacionados con la actuación de Central de Valores Nacional, S.A. (CVN) como registro consignatario de valores representados por anotaciones en cuenta (en adelante denom

Microsoft word - 5121583.doc

Biolife Italiana Srl Technical Sheet N °5121583 BE –1(P) 09/2012 page 1/ 2 TSC AGAR BASE D-CYCLOSERINE ANTIMICROBIC SUPPLEMENT D-CYCLOSERINE 4-MUP SUPPLEMENT Basal medium and selective supplements for the enumeration of C.perfringens in foodstuffs according to ISO 7973 and ISO 15213 TYPICAL FORMULAS TSC Agar Base (g/L) D-Cycloserine Antimicrobic S

GROUPS RECOMMENDED TO RECEIVE FLU VACCINE Flu vaccine should be offered to the eligible groups set out in the table below (Annex A, page 9 in the annual flu letter): Eligible groups Further detail All patients aged "Sixty-five and over" is defined as those aged 65 years and over on 31 March 2014 65 years and over (i.e. born on or before 31 March 1949). Asthma

Refractive procedure post-procedure care

BRAVERMAN EYE CENTER REFRACTIVE POST-PROCEDURE CARE PRK and epi-LASIK IT IS OK TO USE ALL DROPS IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADVANCED SURFACE ABLATION (PRK OR epi-LASIK). Use the non-preserved lubricating drops every 2 hrs while awake during the first five (5) days; but continue frequent lubrication for many weeks. 1 ) For PRK and epi-LASIK : (A) NSAID drops 4x/day for three days (pro

Nep114 1.8

eCAM Advance Access published August 17, 2009 Homeopathic Individualized Q-potencies versus Fluoxetine forModerate to Severe Depression: Double-blind, RandomizedNon-inferiority TrialU. C. Adler, N. M. P. Paiva, A. T. Cesar, M. S. Adler, A. Molina, A. E. Padulaand H. M. CalilFaculdade de Medicina de Jundiaı´, Homeopathy Graduation Programme, Department of Psychobiology,Universidade Federal d

Baubeschreibung9.12.2013, layout

Walmdachbungalow - Massivbau - barrierefrei - Garage /Geräteraum Fundamente: Streifenfundamente lt. Statik bei einer angenommenen Bodenpressung von 200 KN/qm. / Frostfreie Gründung. SW - und RW - unterhalb der Sohlplatte einschl. Anschluss an das öffentliche StraßennetzSockelmauerwerk laut Zeichnung und Statik. Außenschale aus bossierten Kalksanstein NF - Format weiß mit weißer Fuge ,

A survey on gastro-intestinal nematodes in dairy cattle in the commewijne district (suriname)

A survey on gastro-intestinal neamtodes in dairy cattle in the Commewijne District (Suriname) A SURVEY ON GASTRO-INTESTINAL NEMATODES IN DAIRY CATTLE IN THE COMMEWIJNE DISTRICT (SURINAME). Dr. P. X. M. Bastiaensen, dvm Ministry of agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries. P/o. box 9262 · Paramaribo · Suriname. Summary In this article, an attempt was made to assess the

Food technology centre april 2008 newsletter

FOOD TECHNOLOGY CENTRE Innovation for the Food & Bioresource Industries Prince Edward Island, CANADA NEWSLETTER Featured in this issue: Natural Sources for Modern Pharmaceuticals By Muhammad Yousaf, PhD, Organic/Purification Chemist – 2008 CIFST/AAFC Conference– Supercritical Fluid ExtractionApproximately 63% of all approved small molecule drugs arederived from n

Bampwg module 4

In the unlikely event of a bioterrorism disaster requiring Bay Area counties and cities to dispense antibiotics to entire populations, it is extremely important that all Bay Area counties and cities are using the same screening practices. Mass prophylaxis means providing preventive medications (pre or post exposure) to the masses – all people in a community, city or county. In the case of s

DAVID BARKLEY [email protected] PROFILE • Ambitious team-leader with successful track record in high-pressure environments such as the Olympic Games • Proven excel ence in pharmaceutical sales by receiving promotion and increased set of responsibilities including mentorship roles within Pfizer’s primary care business • Highly organized and accustomed to achieving sup

11 - praktische verhaltensmedizin

Raucherentwöhnung 11.1 Krankheitsbild Krebs (Lunge, Kehlkopf, Mundhöhle und Ra-chen, Speiseröhre, Pankreas, Harnblase, Uterus Epidemiologie. Das Tabakrauchen ist eine der am meisten verbreiteten Verhaltensstörungen auf derErde. In Deutschland rauchten nach Angaben derBundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung imJahr 2000 ca. 20 Millionen Menschen, hierunter 26%Auch zahlreich

Curriculum vitae – tania kotsos

Curriculum Vitae – Lamprinidis George Personal Data Akropoleos 40, Alimos 174-55, Athens, Greece Education UNIVERSITY DEGREES POSTGRADUATE STUDIES: University of Athens – Greece Faculty of Pharmacy – Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry Panepistimiopolis, Zografou, Athens, 15771, Greece Doctor of Philosophy – Pharmaceutical chemistry (PhD) - 2005 Thesis Title “

BENRAC Inc November 17-18th, 2012 Judge - Cindy Hermon Class # 2 - (Imp) Improver Horse HUS Place Back # Exhibitor 48 Gilboy, Raelene RP Scattered Aces Edwards, Anne 22 Tingay, Allison LynLins deal or No Deal Tingay, Allison 11 Brown, Leigh TM's Hyde n Seek Brown, Leigh 85 Torr, Mel Cayuse Isobel Anne Torr, Mel Entries in this Class: Class # 3 - (

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REF : 95801 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET According to Regulation (EC) N° 1907/2006 Annexe II (18/12/2006) 1- Identification of the preparation and of company undertaking Product Name: Lipase Calibrator. REF : 95801: R1: 1 X 3 mL R2: 1 X 5 mL For the calibration of assays using BIOLABO LIPASE Reagent REF 99881; REF 99891 Company/Undertaking identification and emergency phon

No job name

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 9457-9458 Detection of a New Radical and FeMo-Cofactor EPR Signal during Acetylene Reduction by the r -H195Q Mutant of Nitrogenase Morten Sørlie,† Jason Christiansen,‡ Dennis R. Dean,*,‡ andBrian J. Hales*,† Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State Uni V ersity Department of Biochemistry,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni V ersity,

Pregnancy frequently asked questions.doc

Pregnancy Frequently Asked Questions Which over the counter medications are safe during pregnancy? Tylenol® , Robitussin®, saline nasal spray, regular strength Sudafed® and Benadryl® are safe in pregnancy. Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®) or naproxen (Aleve®). What should I do if I have a sore throat? Try gargling with warm salty water, increasing fluids an

42. Deutscher Diabetes-Kongress Anspruchsvol e Herausforderungen der Kardiodiabetologie Im Jahr 2010 werden ca. 10 Mio. Diabetiker, viele da­ Großbritannien in der Diabetes UK, in den USA in von mit Spätschäden an Herz, Nieren, Augen und Ner­ der American Diabetes Association (ADA). Auf vensystem, einen Großteil der Ausgaben im Gesund­ Deutschland übertragen würde dies bed

LES HORS D`ŒUVRES Jambon cru d`Italy avec melon Italienischer Rohschinken mit Melone Raw ham Italian style with melon * Cocktail de crevettes Calypso avec toast et beurre Crevettencocktail Calypso mit Toast und Butter Shrimp cocktail Calypso with toast and butter * Terrine de foie de canard „Viagra Natura“ Entenleberterrine „Viagra Natura“ Duck liver terrin

Cv_english version 2.0

BARRY H. SCHWAB, PH.D. EDUCATION Ph.D. Biostatistics, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, 1984 B.A. Statistics, State University of New York, College at Oneonta, 1980 Undergraduate Study Abroad, Tel Aviv University, Israel (1978 – 1979) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1984-present Janssen Research & Development, LLC (a J&J company) Vice President, Clinical


Newsletter Case farmaceutiche, tra brevetti in sca- In questo numero denza ed investimenti nelle biotecnologie - I farmaci tradizionali stanno per subire una seria minaccia dai ri- spettivi generici Aprile 2010 – A breve le case farmaceutiche tradizionali dovranno fare i conti con la sca- denza di molti brevetti riguardanti farmaci importanti. Per sopperire

Laser consent form

Martin Braun III, M.D. Alicia Braun, M.D Martin Alan Braun, M.D. Marisa Braun, M.D. 2112 F Street, N.W. Suite 701 Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 293-7618 INFORMED CONSENT FORM FOR LASER THERAPY I understand that the ND-Yag / pulsed dye / Cynergy-Multiplex laser is being used for the treatment of ____________________ under the direction of ___________________. Although

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Pflanze lateinisch Einteilung Standort Hem Chen Ben Eng Por Pflanze englisch Apium graveolens statt Shechuangzi Aristolochia heterophyllum [species] Asparagus officinalis [cochinsinensis] radix costus, (alpina) Berberis vulgaris [amurensis] statt Shanzuyu Biota orientalis  Thuja o. lateinisch Einteilung Standort Hem Chen Ben Eng Por Pflanze

Microsoft word - reddy et al pdf.doc

Research In Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Vol. 2(1), pp. 001-006, February, 2010 Available online at Validation and stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the determination of tadalafil API in pharmaceutical formulations B. Prasanna Reddy1*, K. Amarnadh Reddy2 and M. S. Reddy3 1Department of Quality control, Nosch Labs Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad-50007


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffes/des Gemisches und des Unternehmens • Angaben zum Produkt • Handelsname: Grundreiniger • Artikelnummer: 1333• Verwendung des Stoffes / des Gemisches Reinigungsmittel• Hersteller/Lieferant: Waterman GmbHHeinrich-Otto-Straße 28, D-73240 WendlingenTel. +49 7024 920 30-60, Fax. +49 702

Financial Management of Not-for-Profit OrganizationsFinancial management of not-for-profits is similar to financial management in the commercial sector in many respects; however, certain key differences shift the focus of a not-for-profit financial manager. A for-profit enterprise focuses on profitability and maximizing shareholder value. A not-for-profit organization’s primary goal

An allergic reaction to drugs is no stranger to man or beast, and it has long been recognised that rough collies are particula

An allergic reaction to drugs is no stranger to man or beast, and it has long been recognised that Rough Collies are particularly sensitive to a range of sedatives, tranquillisers and anaesthetics, although many in the veterinary profession have and continue to pour scorn on such claims. Early in the 1980s a new class of anti-parasitic preparations for large animals, based on the active ingr

New p14, rabin, med self, (jules.jen).pmd

The Medicated Self: Implications of Prozac on Selfhood, Embodiment, and Identity Author: Cara Rabin, University of Pennsylvania Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Paul R. Wolpe Abstract a person’s sense of self and identity is understood toAs knowledge about molecular neurobiology andrefer to his or her defining elements of personality andgenetics has grown and as biotechnology ischaracter.

Pii: s0142-9612(01)00003-5

Hydrogels for combination delivery of antineoplastic agentsKamal H. Bouhadir , Eben Alsberg , David J. Mooney * Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan, 3074 H.H. Dow Building, 2300 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136, USA Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 3074 H.H. Dow Building, 2300 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-

Microsoft word - richt-03.doc

RICHTWERTE Ergänzung zum Standard der baubiologischen Messtechnik SBM-2003 BAUBIOLOGISCHE RICHTWERTE FÜR SCHLAFBEREICHE Die baubiologischen Richtwerte sind Vorsorgewerte . Sie beziehen sich auf Schlafbereiche , das damit verbundene Langzeitrisiko und die empfindliche Regenerationszeit des Menschen. Sie sind die Folge tausendfacher, jahrelanger Erfahrung und orientieren s

[Studien - ] Publiziert 2001-02-03 00:00:00 Prionenforscher Roland Heynkes Am Freitag den 24. November 2000 war die Arena-Sendung vom Schweizer- Fernsehen zum Thema BSE. Nachdem alle nur immer vom Fleischmehl sprachen, brachte ich das Thema Nervengifte und BSE in die Runde. Nach der Sendung sagte mir Frau Dagmar Heim vom Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen auf meine Kritik an der offiziell


signiert Hannah JägerLisamarie MüllerNatascha EinspielerJanine BrandstetterJessica SiecikElisabeth FischerAndrea RoseLeoni GilkeMareike HöperFranziska KsiazekSusann HauserStefanie HasseSandra MehmoodSonja MeilerJanine SturmJudith HausschildNadine BittrichOlivia VogelDaniela UehlekeKatrin KaudelkaChristoph StreckNatalie BoultonNicole PawlikClaudia DöringJulia TheilmannLinda NiemannSab

Summary table of consultee and commentator comments on review proposal Respondent Response proposal Technology Appraisal any evidence to suggest that the Technology Appraisal Guidance No 47 itself should be reviewed. for patients with STEMI and this indication has recently been assessed by the Institute as part of the clinical guidelines on MI secondary prevention; and Nation


OSTEOPOROSIS MANAGEMENT AND INVESTIGATION David A. Hanley, MD, FRCPC There is a huge care gap in the management of osteoporosis in this country. As yet unpublished findings fromthe Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMOS) would suggest that approximately 80% of women, andnearly 100% of men who suffer a fragility fracture do not get assessed or treated for osteoporosis. RISK ASSESSMENT

Questions & answers about swine flu

Questions & Answers about Swine Flu Brought to you by Baca County Public Health Agency Some information in this document provided by CDC What is swine flu? Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happe

DC3 Creative Agency | Freelance User Interface Designer Brooklyn, NY • 2011 (Schoolit, BistroMD, TEDxHarlem, Foodang, Lord & Taylor, Wacoal) • Conceptualize and design elaborate wireframes for mobile apps and websites• Collaborate with designers and developers in restructuring the Schoolit website toBrainstorm and contribute on campaign concepts, promotional packages

Dr. Mehdi Ardjmand Position Principal Researcher- Bioethanol Research Group, Biofuel raeserch Team (BRT) Educations Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1999), IAU, Science and Resaerch Branch, Tehran, Iran M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1993), IAU, Tehran South Branch, Tehran Iran B.Sc. in chemical Engineering (19990), AIT, Ahwaz, Iran Full papers in peer reviewed journals -F.


Information Bulletin best@buchi Parallel Synthesis - Reductive Amination of Aldehyde Group Parallel optimisation of reductive amination of substitutedfurane-2-aldehydes to 2-dialkylaminofuranes (4 x 24 sam-ples) by using the BÜCHI Syncore Reactor with its Filtra-tion Unit. The reaction itself, drying and evaporation of or- ganic extracts are accelerated by u

Dear Member of the Public, REQUEST UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Reference No F-2010-00710 I write in connection with your request for information received on 12 July 2010, I note you seek access to the following information: I note you seek access to the following information: Paolo Fiora Italian, born 21 April founder of LAACE= London Alliance against Covert Human Experi

Microsoft word - toxic plant list - dogs.doc

Plants Toxic to Dogs Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Name: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae African Wonder Tree | Scientific Name: Ricinus communis | Family: Alocasia (Elephant's Ear) | Scientific Name: Alocasia spp. | Family: Araceae Aloe | Scientific Name: Aloe vera | Family: Liliaceae Ama

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MEDICARE NUMBER (and number the child is on it) HEALTHCARE OR Age at diagnosis ______ Year diagnosed ______ accompany child to camp? PARENT/CARER DETAILS SURNAME Diabetes Specialist:________________________________________ General Practitioner:_______________________________________ Diabetes Educator:________________________________________ Dietitian:____________________________________________

Lasix engels

The room is small. Grey and in a constant twilight. The curtains are closed. All colour is tinged with a bit of black. Brian tries to keep the light out. Only once did he open the drapes: and there was the world, the sunlight making the room mercifully bright, more he didn’t need to know. The room is enough. Everything he needs is at hand. The bed, the plush carpet, the ashtray, the TV, the b

Microsoft word - substances that facilitate lucid dreaming.doc

Substances that facilitate lucid dreaming – A Case Study Written By: Thomas Yuschak, Contact: Thomas Yuschak [email protected] Substances that Facilitate Lucid Dreaming – A Case Study Abstract A test matrix utilizing six different supplements: galantamine, huperzine A, nicotine, bupropion, propranolol, and an amino acid blend was used to show that lucid dreams a

Dr.V.M.Chandrashekhar Department of Pharmacology Research M.Pharm projects: 15 1. Evaluation of cardiaoprotective activity of Abutilon indicum in albino rats-2. Hepatoprotective activity of Stereospermum suaveolens on Albino rats- 2007. 3. Antiosteoporotic effect of Berberis aristata on ooveriectomized rats-2007. 4. Neuroprotective activity of Matricaria recutita in oxidative stress


S.P.R. Rose1 Professor of Biology and Director, Brain and Behaviour Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, U.K. colleagues in the Science Faculty of the Open Universitywho have over the past 33 years struggled with the toughart of communicating science in public – and to a publicabout whom no preconceptions were permitted except thatof their commitment to learning. In

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BIHAR STATE POWER (HOLDING) COMPANY LTD. (Department of General Administration) (Reg. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna - 800 021) EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. -01/2014 Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Ltd., on behalf of its two subsidiary companies namely North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (NBPDCL) & South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. (SBPDCL) invites appl

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Bewußtseinsveränderungen, Psychopathologie und binokuläre Tiefeninversion unter KetaminwirkungMedizinische Hochschule HannoverAbteilung für Klinische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Glutamat • Pathophysiologie glutamterger Neurotransmission • Ein Drittel aller zentralen Neuronen benutzt • Glutamat-Hypothese der Schizophrenie (Kim 1980): > Reduzierte glutamaterge Neurotr

Microsoft word - 07_fatmah_imunitas_revisi

MAKARA, KESEHATAN, VOL. 10, NO. 1, JUNI 2006: 47-53 RESPONS IMUNITAS YANG RENDAH PADA TUBUH MANUSIA USIA LANJUT Departemen Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia Penuaan ( aging ) dikaitkan dengan sejumlah besar perubahan fungsi imunitas tubuh, terutama penurunan Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI) atau imunitas yang diperan

Tbv 5

Herkennen en hanteren van hersenschade in de werksituatie M a rc o Ve rs te g e n , J a n L a n s e r, H e i lw i n e B a k ke r Medewerkers van tweede- en derdelijnszorgin-van hersenschade tijdig te onderkennen, takenstellingen, zoals Balans & Impuls en de Geheu-en werksituatie aan te kunnen passen aan de ver-genpoli van het Rijnlandziekenhuis, worden dik-minderde mogelijkheden, en


KPMG IFRG Limited Comment letter on Consultative Document – Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector , December 2009 We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (“the Committee”) Consultative Document – Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector , December 2009. This letter expresses the views of the internat

Microsoft word - newsletter no. 5_april 2011_approvals.docx

Approvals Navotek Medical Receives 510(k) Clearance for Radiation Therapy System Israel-based device developer Navotek Medical, Ltd. has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA for its RealEye monitoring device. The RealEye system is designed to help doctors accurately monitor the delivery of radiation therapy, according the company. Valeritas Receives 510(k) Clearance for Insulin Deliver

Parte generale

Annuario delle banche estere in Italia Novembre 2011 L’Annuario è stato realizzato grazie alla collaborazione di ConsiliaBusiness Management SpA, che ha supportato l’Associazione nellasomministrazione di un questionario alle Associate, volto araccogliere le informazioni necessarie alla stesura dell’Annuario ealla stesura delle schede-profilo per le singole Associate. Si ring

Atenolol - a beta-blocker

Atenolol - a beta-blocker Atenolol belongs to the group of medicines known as beta-blockers. You arelikely to have been prescribed it because you have high blood pressure, orangina chest pain, or an uneven heartbeat. Treatment is usual y long-term. Continue to take the tablets regularly. If you buy any cough or cold remedies, check with a pharmacist that theyare suitable to take alongside

Microsoft word - ms800 iodine contrast.doc

IODINE CONTRAST FORM Your Doctor has ordered the following exam which uses Iodine Contrast material: CT IVP HSG T-Tube Cholangiogram Retrograde Pyelogram Cystogram Fistulagram Name: ______________________________________________________________ Account / SS #: _________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Reason for Exam: _________________________________________________________ Have y

STATE AID TO THE ROMANIAN STEEL AND COAL SECTORS: ISSUESRELATED TO ACCESSION*Abstract. This article aims to offer to the non-specialist reader a concise introduction to themain elements of the state aid acquis, and inform on what lies ahead of Romania in theaccession process in relation to state aid control, based on the precedent of the 2004enlargement. It also discusses the current state of af

Microsoft word - prins20082009.doc

Prins Lignarius 48e Prins bij Broakese Karnavalszotten Geldrop - In een gezellig gevuld Partycentrum Hoog & Droog is afgelopen zaterdag Sven Zabel uit Geldrop geïnstalleerd als Prins Lignarius der Broakese Karnavalszotten. De aanwezigen waren er getuigen van hoe Prins Carpettius Curtanius werd opgevolgd door Prins Lignarius Prins Carpettius Curtanius en adjudant Theo mochten aan het b

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY KING PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., Civil Action No. 08-5974 (GEB) Plaintiffs, SANDOZ INC., MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Defendant. ____________________________________: ARPERT, U.S.M.J. INTRODUCTION This matter comes before the Court on a Motion by Defendant Sandoz Inc. (“Sandoz”)for Leave to Amend its Local Pa

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Bioethics@ Whose Property Are They? Written and prepared by Dr. Adah Leshem-Ackerman, Department of Zoology & Genetics, Iowa State University. Michelle and Brian Clifford were married for five years before they decided to try to conceive a child. Five years later they were still childless. They contacted Dr. Morgan, a fertility expert, and underwent a series of tests to determi

Microsoft word - neuroendokriner lebertumor_longatti.doc

CASE REPORT Primär polyzystischer, neuroendokriner Tumor der Leber bei 71-jähriger Patientin DIAGNOSEN Polyzystischer Tumor der Leber (ED 1999) mit unklarem Primärtumor mit/bei: • Multiplen Läsionen bis 14 cm Durchmesser mit randständig soliden Anteilen • Status nach Punktion vor Jahren mit Nachweis von Zellen eines Adenokarzi- • DD: Zystische Metastasen, biliär


TECHNISCH MERKBLAD COMPA RENOVATIEPASTA ALGEMEEN APPLICATIESYSTEEM 2-componenten reparatiecompound op basis van ? ? Goed overschilderbaar, met zowel alkyd als acrylaat polyesterhars. Voor het vullen van grote gaten, naden, scheuren (minimale breedte 3 mm) bij onderhoud en nieuwbouw. Te gebruiken voor hout, steen, cement, ijzer en kunststof. Set bestaat uit component A en component

Birthing Basics, LLC Class Syllabus Lisa-Marie Cook RNC-OB, BSN, ICCE, CD Cook CounterpressureSM This five hour long childbirth class is designed to provide the mother and father a comprehensive, informative session covering all aspects of childbirth beginning with the last trimester, covering labor and delivery and newborn childcare. Topics in labor and delivery include the newest evidence-based

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THOMAS MITCHELL 2000 Saint James Avenue • Orlando, FL 33611 [email protected] • (805) 555-1212 SALES MANAGEMENT Marketing Strategy • Product Management • Pharmaceutical Industry Highly accomplished, results-driven professional with track record successfully igniting sales and boosting market share within the Pharmaceutical Industry. Expertise in marketing, s

Microsoft word - vertaling wada dopinglijst 2012.doc

Conform artikel 4.2.2. van de Wereld Anti-Doping Code zullen alle verboden stoffen worden beschouwd als “specifieke stoffen” behalve stoffen in de groepen S1, S2, S4.4, S4.5, en S6.a en de Verboden Methoden M1, M2 en M3. Stoffen en methoden die te allen tijde zijn verboden (zowel binnen wedstrijdverband als buiten wedstrijdverband) Verboden stoffen S0. Peptide hormonen, groeifactoren en verw

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Media Relations Division, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, MITA Building, 140 Hill Street, 2nd Storey, Singapore 179369 SPEECH BY GEORGE YEO, MINISTER FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY, AT THE OPENING CEREMONY FOR GLAXOSMITHKLINE’S NEW EXPANDED FACILITY AT PIONEER SECTOR ON 23 JUN 2004 AT 11:00 AM Your Excellency, Mr Alan Collins, British High Commissioner to Singapore;

Kristin Beckedahl B. HlthSci (Nat), GradDip CBE, Adv. Cert. NFM, Member ATMS NATUROPATH, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, NATURAL FERTILITY Optimising Sperm Health & Male Fertility Male fertility problems are generally acknowledged as being as prevalent as those affecting the female, and although studies give varying figures, the cause of a couple’s infertility are approximately assesse

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Norethindrone Tablets USP DETAILED INFORMATION FOR THE PATIENT Patients should be counseled that oral contraceptives do not protect against transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. INTRODUCTION This leaflet is about birth control pills that contain one hormone, a

Contract Services and Clinical Trials New Therapeutics Through Fermentation Technology A pplications of microbial fermentation technology in new therapeutics are expanding. SaFC offers unique cGMP fermentation-based manufacturing capabilities through its Jerusalem facility, including highly potent aPis and biologics. SaFC scientific teams provide a complete range of services, includi

SURVEY OF BELGIAN TERVUREN WITH GASTIC CARCINOMA (STOMACH CANCER) Please complete the following questionnaire for any Belgian Tervuren that you have owned that currently has or had stomach cancer. This dog(s) must have lived with you in the years between and including 1990 and present. If you need additional space to record information, please include an additional page. **Please comp

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OBJECTIVES: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME: 25 th September 2009. of Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa. University Autónoma of ˜ Announce the actual state in the investigation of recessive 08,45-09,00 Data collection. Madrid. “Human neuronal cell models and gene therapy and dominant ataxias in Europe and all over the world” ˜ Keep in touch those Scientifics who work with ataxias i

PHYSICIAN’S ORDERS ADDRESSOGRAPH COMPLETE OR REVIEW ALLERGY STATUS PRIOR TO WRITING ORDERS (items with check boxes must be selected to be ordered) (Page 1 of 5) Date: ________________ Time: ____________ Weight: ______ Kg Actual Estimate Admission Diagnosis:_____________________________________ Admitting Physician:______________________________________ Code status:____

Information for the user

Information for the user Boots Indigestion Relief Tablets Fruit (Calcium Carbonate) Read all of this leaflet carefully because it contains important information for you. This medicine is available without prescription to treat minor conditions. However, you still need to take it carefully to get the best results from it. • Keep this leaflet, you may need to read it again • Ask your

Krieg, Inflation und Fortschritt sind beherrschbar Die fünf Prinzipien für dauerhaften Unternehmenserfolg / Von Christian Stadler Erfolgreiche Unternehmen schaffen es, sich an ein ständig veränderndes Umfeld anzupassen, indem sie intelligent konservativ agieren. Das ist das Ergebnis einer sechsjährigen Studie, die herausragende 100 Jahre alte Unternehmen mit weniger erfolgreichen Mit


Stiftung Blutspendezentrum SRK beider Basel, Hebelstrasse 10, 4031 Basel Öffnungszeiten: Spendezentrum Basel Spende Blut. Rette Leben. Liebe Blutspenderin, lieber Blutspender Ab folgendem Datum sind Sie herzlich zur Blutspende eingeladen: Bitte füllen Sie den Fragebogen auf der Rückseite frühestens 24 Stunden vor Ihrer Blut- spende mit blauem oder schwarzem Kugelschreiber aus und bri

Faculty of 1000 biology | d.

Faculty of 1000 Biology | Distinct signal codes generate dendritic cell. Welcome Kazu Arima My F1000 | Browse | Top 10s | Advanced Search | My Details | About | Faculty Members | F1000 Reports | Affiliate Program Must Read Distinct signal codes generate dendritic cell functional plastici

What Will Jesus Do? Duncan MacIvor “What would Jesus do?” This question has become a practically meaningless cliché. It’s not a bad or disrespectful question – in fact, it’s a very good one to ask, provided that it means, “What would Jesus want me to do?” Some people who go for the fad of wearing WWJD wrist beads are genuinely seeking the Lord’s wisdom for moral behavio


RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DIET QUALITY AND FECAL NITROGEN, FECAL DIAMINOPIMELIC ACID AND BEHAVIOR IN A CAPTIVE GROUP OF PRONGHORN. MARY ROBINSON, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3051. MARGARET WILD, Colorado Division of Wildlife, 317 W. Prospect, Fort Collins, CO 80526. JOHN BYERS, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Mosc

Available online at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH RESEARCH ARTICLE International Journal of Current Zoological Research - Vol. 1, Issue, 1, pp.014 - 016, January, 2013 CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT OF RIFAMPICIN AND CLARITHROMYCIN IN BURULI ULCER DISEASE Sakthivel, K 1*., Niraimathi, S1., Govindarajan ,M 2, and Angelina glorita parim


Therapeutic intervention – an option in the case management AETAP Conference (Association of European Threat Assessment Professionals) April 20-23, 2009, Berlin, Germany Werner Tschan, M.D. http.//www.threatmanagement.chAbstractTherapeutic intervention – an option in case managementTherapeutic interventions in violent and/or threatening behavior are based on a comprehensive assessment. Th

Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 249 — 28 de Dezembro de 2009 Aprovação de estabelecimento (n.º 4 do artigo 3.º). . . . € 300 por processo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eventual. Por auditoria efectuada por laboratório designado pela € 150 por avaliação aos laboratórios responsáveis por Anual (ou eventual). Actos inspectivos suplementares (n.�

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Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & St John the Evangelist London Road, Bushey, Watford, Herts, WD23 1BA Tel: 020 8950 2077 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Priest: Fr Jim McNicholas Parish Centre Administrator: Judy Wiley: Parish Centre bookings Tel: 07925979414 Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time – 6th Octobe

Succesvolle borstvoeding na borstverkleining

Succesvolle borstvoeding na borstverkleiningp.m.witte, b.van der lei, j.j.van der biezen en c.a.spronkEr is weinig literatuur over borstvoeding na borstver-kleining. Daarin wordt niet geheel duidelijk wat de kansvan slagen van borstvoeding in die omstandigheden is,Doel. Vaststellen of het geven van borstvoeding na een borst-doordat kleine populaties zijn onderzocht en doordat erverkleining m

Lwwus_ajp_200642 374.380

Opioid Endocrinopathy: A Clinical Problem in Patients WithChronic Pain and Long-term Oral Opioid TreatmentAnnica Rhodin, MD,*w Mats Stridsberg, MD, PhD,z and Torsten Gordh, MD, PhD*term opioid treatment are not fully elucidated, andBackground: The use of strong opioids for treatment of noncancerprospective randomized controlled studies for longerchronic pain has increased. However, strong ev

Rapport annuel 2004 - 2004


Ist natürliches Gebären überholt? Hintergründe und Überlegungen zum sogenannten „Wunschkaiserschnitt“ Von Jutta Ott-Gmelch , Frankfurt/Main, Hebamme und Journalistin Für BfHD e.V. / „Hebammen-INFO“ und Presse Täglich wird in verschiedensten Fernsehprogrammen mit Bildern von Geburten Quote gemacht; dabei wird beim Live-Kaiserschnitt mit Zoomaufnahmen in den geöffn

Executie pandrecht op aandelen

Dit artikel van BJu Tijdschriften is gemaakt voor anonieme bezoekerheid krijgen de verdere behandeling van de zaak met de Executie pandrecht op aandelen rechter te bespreken en vooraf procedureafspraken te makenteneinde het geding te versnellen. Inleiding Voor niets gaat de zon op. Zo zal bij iedere bancaire finan-ciering van een onderneming door een vreemd-vermogen-Ook op basis van het

Cond 1.184

D: SGA: birth weight < 20th percentile for gestational age or < 2.5 kg. LGA: birth weight > 90th percentile for gestational age or > 4 kg. A: SGA: may be familial, constitutional, or due to IUGR. IUGR is defined as either symmetrical or asymmetrical:Asymmetrical IUGR: relative sparing of head circumference in relation toweight and length:. Due to impaired uteroplacental function 28


Finances et innovation : les objectifs de 2011 sont atteints Bayer : chiffre d’affaires et EBIT record • Augmentation de 4,1 % du chiffre d’affaires à 36,528 milliards d’euros • Résultat opérationnel (EBIT) en hausse de 52,0 % à 4,149 milliards d’euros • EBITDA avant effets exceptionnels en progression de 7,2 % à 7,613 milliards d’euros • Croissance pour HealthCare et C

Baltimore County Public Schools Step Therapy - 2013 ***Most step therapy programs have exception criteria for members taking certain medications and/or medical histories. Depending on a member's specific medical history, a back-up medication may be approved without a trial of a front-line medication.*** Step Therapy Your prescription is for one of Your program points you to one of Th


Anne Halbach: Gesammelte fliegende Blätter Band 1: Besinnliche Vorlesetexte Stachelschweine (Schopenhauer) / Solche Wege (A. Merle) Eine kluge Erkenntnis (John Ruskin) / Erlebnis Krankheit (André Gide) Gönne dich dir selbst (Bernhard von Clairvaux) / Das Altwerden (H. Hesse) Sinn erfahren im Weitergeben von Liebe / Die sieben Stäbe (Chr. Von Schmid) Wie man von 100 Dollar im Jahr lebt (US

Dean's executive leadership series - pepperdine university / dels 2008-2009

Dean's Executive Leadership Series - 2009-2010 Transcript of Presentation with John Figueroa, President of U.S. Pharmaceuticals for McKesson Corporation About DELS: The Dean's Executive Leadership Series at the s in-depth audio or video interviews with today's top business practitioners and thought leaders. e podcasts to hear their views and insight on the current challenge

Microsoft word - protocol 4.doc

The Academy Of Breastfeeding Medicine ABM Protocols A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as s


Tag der Bienengesundheit, Auweiler, 24.08.2007 Vortrag 1: Kirsten Traynor: Bienensterben in den USA (CCD – Colony Collapse Disorder) Stipendiatin aus Maryland am Bieneninstitut in Celle In den USA gibt es nur 200.000 Imker mit ca. 1,5 Mio Bienenvölkern (sinkende Tendenz, vor wenigen Jahren noch über 4 Mio. Völker), betreut aber nur von vier wissenschaftlichen Bienenforschungseinr


Journal of Public Health | Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 192–196 | doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdl029 | Advance Access Publication 29 June 2006A survey of staff attitudes to smoking-related policy and intervention in psychiatric and general health care settings Lisa McNally1, Adenekan Oyefeso1, Jan Annan2, Katherine Perryman1, Roger Bloor3, Steve Freeman3, Barbara Wain3, Hilary Andrews4, Martin Grimmer5, Arthur

Drug-Drug Interactions Among Elderly Patients Hospitalized for Drug Toxicity David N. Juurlink, MD, FRCPC Context Drug-drug interactions are a preventable cause of morbidity and mortality, yet their consequences in the community are not well characterized. Objective To determine whether elderly patients admitted to hospital with specific drug toxicities were likely to have been prescribed

Business J&J Revamps McNeil Unit After Recalls By Jonathan D. Rockoff 687 words 31 March 2011 The Wall Street Journal Online WSJO English Copyright 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Johnson & Johnson is revamping the troubled unit that makes Tylenol and giving it new leadership in an effort to fix quality problems that have prompted multiple recalls, accordi


A standardised braille code for Yiddish proposed by Vivian Aldridge (last amended 11th December 2000) Based on the Hebrew braille code as expounded in "ìéàøáä øôñ" by RivkaRosenzweig, published (1995) by the Central Library for the Blind, VisuallyImpaired and Handicapped, Netanya, Israel. Background As Yiddish is written using the Hebrew alphabet, it is logical to use theH


Zwischen Forschungskosten und Shareholder Value – die pharmazeutische Industrie als Wirtschaftsfaktor Dr. med. Michael C. Müller, München Die Pharmaindustrie gehört zu den Industriezweigen mit den höchsten Investi- tionen in Forschung und Entwicklung. Ihre große Innovationskraft macht die Unternehmen hoch profitabel und beschert ihnen zweistellige Wachstumsra- ten. Dr. Michael

Microsoft word - 2006-01-18- nr 04-2 bmg - vogelgrippe u. maßn d bundesreg–

BULLETIN BUNDESREGIERUNG Nr. 04-2 vom 18. Januar 2006 Rede der Bundesministerin für Gesundheit, Ulla Schmidt, zur aktuellen Entwicklung im Hinblick auf die Vogelgrippe und Schutzmaßnahmen der Bundesregierung vor dem Deutschen Bundestag am 18. Januar 2006 in Berlin: Ich glaube, die Tatsache, dass wir heute über die Vogelgrippe diskutieren, hat etwas damit zu tun, da

Microsoft word - antet press.doc

June 14th 2011, Intercontinental Hotel Bucharest Romanian Association for the Study of the Liver (ARSF), "Acad. Marin Voiculescu" Foundation and ROMTRANSPLANT Association announced at a press conference today at the Intercontinental Hotel a number of therapies that are available at Fundeni Clinical Institute to patients with severe liver diseases. The conference was supported by Pr

Int J Fertil, 50(5), 2005 p. 00–00© 2005 Controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Polish Society of Perinatal Medicine, the International Society of Reproductive Medicine, the World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health and the Center for the Study of Cryopreservation of Oocytes and Spermatozoa In Vitro Fertilization and Breast Cancer Risk: W. Al Sarakbi M. Salhab

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (Rajasthan) First Semester (2009-10) PHA C321: Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene Comprehensive Examination Max. Marks: 30 Closed Book Date: 4/12/09 Duration: 90 min Each question carries 3 marks 1. Write down the name, origin and function of III, VII, 1X and XII cranial nerves. 2. Write a note about parasympathetic and


Land Use, Residential Density, and Walking The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Daniel A. Rodríguez, PhD, Kelly R. Evenson, PhD, Ana V. Diez Roux, MD, PhD, Shannon J. Brines, MS Background: The neighborhood environment may play a role in encouraging sedentary patterns,especially for middle-aged and older adults. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between walking an

Microsoft word - nisarshah_jr-38-05_.doc

▼ Journal of Research (Science), Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan. Vol. 17, No. 3, July 2006, pp. 165-171 ISSN 1021-1012 EFFECT OF UREA ON TOPICAL ABSORPTION OF DICLOFENAC DIETHYLAMINE THROUGH HAIRLESS RABBIT SKIN Syed Nisar Hussain Shah*, Mahboob Rabbani and Muhammad Fakhruddin Amir Faculty of Pharmacy, Bahaudin Zakariya University, Multan-Pakistan.

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric CareBarbara L. Frankowski, MD, MPH; Leonard B. Weiner, MD; the Committee on School Health; and the Head Lice ABSTRACT. Head lice infestation is associated with from the scalp every few hours. This saliva may little morbidity but causes a high level of anxiety among create an itchy ir

Legislative council

Legislative Council Wednesday, 8 April 2009, Page 1958 MENTAL HEALTH BILL The Hon. A. BRESSINGTON (21:50): I warn members in advance this is quite lengthy—I have culled it—and if I seek leave to conclude, you all know why. I rise to speak to this most important bill, the Mental Health Bill 2008. This bill states that this is for an act to make provision for the treatment, care


SPECIAL ARTICLES The End of the Disease Era The time has come to abandon disease as the focus of medicalindividual goals and the identification and treatment of allcare. The changed spectrum of health, the complex interplaymodifiable biological and nonbiological factors, rather thanof biological and nonbiological factors, the aging population,solely on the diagnosis, treatment, or preve

Shumon Basar Is Alone Shumon Basar Frequently Asked Annoying Questions about Writing a Novel: No.1 Q: “What is your book about?” A: “Had I known the answer … I would never have needed to write a novel.” (Joan Didion) You’re living the same nightmare. Every day. It stops only when you fall aslumber. You’re at the starting blocks of a race. You’re all geared up; adrenalin


TESTÁPOLÓ SZÉRIA — Isabelle Lancray - Bodylia 01 — BODYLIA EXFOLIATING FOAMING GEL - tusoló peeling gél Kefés masszírozás, vagy egyéb testkezelések befejezôjeként, valamint szoláriumozás után javasolható. Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Solum Diatomeae, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Cocamide DEA, Polyethylene, PPG-1-PEG-9 Lauryl Glycol Ether, Acrylates/C10-


Crystal Methamphetamine Use Predicts Incident STD InfectionAmong Men Who Have Sex With Men Recruited Online: A NestedCase-Control StudySabina Hirshfield1, PhD; Robert H Remien2, PhD; Imelda Walavalkar1, BA; Mary Ann Chiasson1, DrPH1Medical and Health Research Association of New York City, Inc, New York, NY, USA2HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, New York State Psychiatric Institute

Microsoft word - addyzoa vaze.doc

Double-Blind Comparative Trial of Herbomineral Antioxidant Formulation with Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10) in Oligoasthenospermia Consultant Urologist and Andrologist, Lilawati Hospital and Research Centre 104, “Cornelian”, August Kranti Marg, Telephone: 91-22-2386 0126, 91-22-2387 7923 Key words: Oligoasthenospermia, Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10), Herbomineral Antioxidant Formulation, Addyzoa Aim

BUNDESVERWALTUNGSGERICHT IM NAMEN DES VOLKES hat der 5. Senat des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts auf die mündliche Verhandlung vom 8. November 2012 durch den Vorsitzenden Richter am Bundesverwaltungsgericht Vormeier, die Richterin am Bundesverwaltungsgericht Stengelhofen und die Richter am Bundesverwaltungsgericht Dr. Störmer, Dr. Häußler und Dr. Fleuß für Recht erkannt: Die Revision de


Articles Switching of postmenopausal women with endocrine- responsive early breast cancer to anastrozole after 2 years’ adjuvant tamoxifen: combined results of ABCSG trial 8 and ARNO 95 trial Raimund Jakesz, Walter Jonat, Michael Gnant, Martina Mittlboeck, Richard Greil, Christoph Tausch, Joern Hilfrich, Werner Kwasny,Christian Menzel, Hellmut Samonigg, Michael Seifert, Guenther Gademan


Anmeldung Büchergilde Reisen Grenzgänge - Geschichte und Geschichten in der Euregio Maas-Rhein4-tägige sozio-historische Reise mit dem Sozialwissenschaftler Dr. Herbert Rulandvom 04. bis 07. Oktober 2012 Ruth Rick-Walther TERRA ALLEGRA / Büchergildereisen Buheleite 17 D - 97340 Marktbreit Fax: 09332 591330 oder e-mail: [email protected] Zu Ihrer / unserer Sicherheit benötigen

11310 hope nebulizer 1208

HOSPITAL: Respiratory Care Services Policy and Procedure Manual Policy and Procedure Title: HOPE™ Continuous Nebulizer Protocol Area: Respiratory Care Services Performed by: Respiratory Care Practitioners Policy Number: Approved by: Current Effective Date Approved by: Review Date Approved by: Revised Date Approved by: POLICY This p

Microsoft word - allegy injection(s) consent policy form.docx

Butler University Health Services Allergy Injection(s) Consent / Policy Form Allergy Injection(s) Butler University Health Services will administer allergy shots to students who have the Required Information for the Administration of Allergen Immunotherapy Form, from their doctor, a signed consent form and serum. Students are seen for allergy injections only by appointment. Please see

Moving preferred to non-preferred

Non-Preferred DO Preferred Brands ($$$) Alternatives ($ or $$) * Preferred Drug List Dear Member: Please review this Preferred Drug List (PDL) with Formulary Disclaimer: your physician at the time he or she writes your Please be sure your prescription drug benefit is offered prescription. This PDL, which includes both brand through RxEDO before consulting this


UN DIA DE FIESTAS PERSONAJES POR ORDEN DE APARICIÓN l Carmen ( mujer de Paco) l Félix ( comisión de fiestas ) l Pepe ( comisión de fiestas ) l Paco ( albañil ) l Andrés ( Veterinario ) l Mariano ( alguacil ) l Eusebio ( pastor ) l Ana ( mujer de Veterinario ) l Raquel ( mujer de Alguacil) l Jugador de frontón Miguel Ángel l Jugador de frontón Rocky l Pelota de frontenis l Peñ


ISSN 0003-6838, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 625–630. © MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia), 2006. Original Russian Text © A.P. Bonartsev, G.A. Bonartseva, T.K. Makhina, V.L. Myshkina, E.S. Luchinina, V.A. Livshits, A.P. Boskhomdzhiev, V.S. Markin, A.L. Iordanskii, 2006,published in Priklad

Detailed Table of Contents Chapter 1. The E-Health Explosion—An Analysis of Legal and Market Trends . 1 1 III. Growth of the E-Health Industry . 3 21. Government and Venture Capital Investment in 2. Recent E-Health Merger and Acquisition IV. Privacy Concerns and Enforcement . 15 6 Chapter 2. E-Health Industry Overview . 19 9 A. Traditional Health Care Delivery Model . 21


Drug Safety and Availability > FDA Drug Safety Communication: Update to ongoing saf. Home > Drugs > Drug Safety and Availability FDA Drug Safety Communication: Update to ongoing safety review of Actos (pioglitazone) and increased risk of bladder cancer Safety Announcement Additional Information for Patients Additional Information for Healthcare Professionals Data Summary R

Microsoft word - basic diabetic information & how to measure.doc

_______________________________________________________ Basic Insulin Facts: How to Measure Insulin Types of Insulin 1. Humulin R (Regular) U-1002. *Humulin L (Lente) U-1003. *Humulin U (Ultralente) U-1004. NPH U-1005. Lantus (Glargine) U-1006. PZI U-407. Vetsulin U-40* These types of insulin are discontinued. Dr.’s Foster and Smith still has Lenteand Ultralente Types of Syringes f

Microsoft word - project-info-011008

BHRCS’s Research Experience in Impaired Driving Revised 1/01/2008 PAST WORK: The Behavioral Health Research Center of the Southwest (BHRCS), a Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, has considerable experience conducting research on impaired driving, having published over 40 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts focusing on driving while impaired/driving under the in

HEALTH AND SAFETY DATA SHEET BRUSH MATE FLUID (including VAPOUR MATE impregnated pads) General Note: Brush Mate storage systems have proved to be very safe in normal use. Only small quantities of fluid are involved and provided that sensible practices are followed it is not visualised that any problems will occur. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY PRODU

Microsoft word - t bijlage 7 onderzoek luchtkwaliteit

Onderzoek Luchtkwaliteit Deze bijlage bevat het luchtkwaliteitsonderzoek en is de verantwoording voor de toelichting (para- graaf 5.10). In de eerste paragraaf van deze bijlage zijn het geldende beleid en de daarbij horende normering weergeven. De tweede paragraaf is gebruikt om het daadwerkelijke uitgevoerde lucht- kwaliteitsonderzoek weer te geven met daarin onder andere de uitgangspunten e


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - NO. A19 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Copper Beryllium Casting Alloys Beryllium Copper AlloyCopper Beryllium Alloy Transportation Emergency Call Chemtrec at: Other Emergency 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (Percent by Weight) BRUSH WELLMAN PRODUCT NAME OR ALLOY NUMBER(Copper Development Association

Qoelet turello

Ciclo di Conferenze e Riflessioni su Parrocchia Beata Vergine delle Grazie - Udine Fine e inizio della Sapienza. Introduzione a Qoelet. del Prof. Mario Turello L'idea di confrontarci col Libro di Qoelet è scaturita dagli incontri dello scorso anno sul Libro di Rut: piccolo libro apparentemente semplice ma ricchissimo di significati profondi relativi alla storia di Israele. Co

Microsoft word - ibd

Fachtierärzte für Kleintiere Kieferstrasse 2 IBD (inflammatory bowel disease; entzündliche Darmerkrankung) Was ist IBD? Inflammatory bowel disease ist eine Erkrankung des Magendarmtraktes. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Übermässige Ansammlung von Entzündungszellen und Zellen der Immunabwehr in der Wand des Magendarmtraktes. Diese Infiltration führt zu einer Verdickung der Wan


RESOLUCIÓN MINISTERIAL N° 467-2004-MEM/DM – REVOCAN RESOLUCIÓN QUE AUTORIZÓ A EMPRESA LA EVALUACIÓN AMBIENTAL PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DE PROYECTO DE EXPLORACIÓN MINERA. (06.11.04) Lima, 5 de noviembre de 2004 VISTA, la solicitud de revocación de la Resolución Directoral N° 361-2004-MEM/AAM, presentada por la Minera Yanacocha S.R.L. (Minera Yanacocha), con fecha 3 de noviembre de 20


The rolB and rolC genes activate synthesis of anthraquinones in Rubia cordifolia cells by mechanism independentV.P. Bulgakov , G.K. Tchernoded , N.P. Mischenko , Yu.N. Shkryl ,a Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletija Street, Vladivostok 690022, Russia b Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch of Russian Aca

Norovirus and breastfeeding

The Breastfeeding Network PO Box 11126, Paisley PA2 8YB Admin Tel: 0844 412 0995 e-mail: [email protected] Antibiotics and Breastfeeding The information provided is taken from various reference sources. It is provided as a guideline. No responsibility can be taken by the author or the Breastfeeding Network for the way in which the information is used. Clinica


Ba Zhen Tang - Acht Schätze Dekot* * * * *> Ren Shen Ginseng (chin) rx. 6g> Shu Di Huang Rehmannia Praeparata rx. 9g-12g> Bai Zhu Atractylodis Macroceph. rhi. 3g-6g> Fu Ling Poriae Cocos scl. 3g-6g> Bai Shao Paeoniae Albae rx. 3g-6g> Dang Gui Angelica Sinensis rx. 6g-9g> Chuan Xiong Ligustici rhi. 3g-6g> Gan Cao Glycyrrhiza rx. 3g-6g> Sheng Jiang Zingiberis Officinalis

Fda orders strong antidepressant warnings

FDA Orders Strong Antidepressant Warnings By DIEDTRA HENDERSON, AP Science Writer WASHINGTON - All antidepressants must carry a "black box" warning, the government's strongest safety alert, linking the drugs to increased suicidal thoughts and behavior among children and teens taking them, the Food and Drug Administration () said Friday. Because the warnings are primarily seen by do

Italiaans succesverhaal…

Deze populaire drank gaat al anderhalve eeuw met tijd mee In 2010 bestaat het van oorsprong Italiaanse merk Campari 150 jaar. Na de oprichting in 1860 door Gaspare Campari raakte de rode likeur langzaam maar zeker ook buiten Italië bekend. Campari maakte in zijn ontwikkeling steeds gebruik van innovatieve reclamecampagnes en verwierf zo een wereldwijde schare trouwe klanten. Ook het jubil


ANTI-INFLAMMEX The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory - It Puts the Fire Out!Curcumin, the active component of TurmericBoswellia ( Boswellin serrata ) contains( Curcuma longa ), is well known for its anti-inflammatoryanti-inflammatory phytochemicals.7 The anti-properties. Several clinical trials have found Curcumin toinflammatory action of boswellic acid hasbeen demonstrated in clinical stu

we need more Give blood. Be a hero. BLOOD DONATION ON THE FAST TRACK Donors have told us they would like to get through the donation process faster. We are committedto respecting your time while ensuring a safe blood supply for the patients in your community. We’re working on new systems and processes to help speed things up; here’s how you can help: 1. Bring personal identificat

Advance Access Publication 6 October 2004 Original Article Ozone Therapy on Cerebral Blood Flow: A Preliminary Report Bernardino Clavo1,2,7, Luis Catalá3,7, Juan L. Pérez2,4,7, Victor Rodríguez5 and Francisco Robaina2,6,7 Departments of 1Radiation Oncology and 2Research Unit, 3Radiology, 4Medical Physics and 6Chronic Pain Unit,Dr Negrín Hospital, 5La Paterna Medical Center and 7Canary

De strijd tegen spam: challenge-response-systemen

De strijd tegen spam: challenge-response-systemen In de strijd tegen spam kunt u werken met een spamfilter om spam te scheiden van uw ‘echte’ post, maar een relatief nieuw systeem is het zogenaamde challenge-response- systeem. Antispamsoftware die op deze manier werkt, beschouwt elk binnenkomend mailtje bij voorbaat als spam totdat het tegendeel bewezen is. Fabrikanten zeggen dat het

Maca als Pulver: Ein natürliches "Viagra"? Auf Grund der Bodenbeschaffenheit und der Höhenlage zählt Maca zu den sogenannten extrem ophilen Pflanzen, die besondere Eigenschaften entwickeln müssen, um ihr Überleben in dieser unwirtlichen Gegend zu sichern. Daraus erklärt man sich auch ihre besondere Wirkkraft. Die Knolle ist so reich an Vitaminen und Mineralien, dass die nach der E

Some useful advice following extractions Some useful advice following extractions Always remember a clean and healthy mouth heals more rapidly than aAlways remember a clean and healthy mouth heals more rapidly than aneglected one. The following steps will help to prevent bleeding andneglected one. The following steps will help to prevent bleeding andAvoid strenuous exercise or bending an

Travel_questionnaire sept 1

Branksomewood Healthcare Centre TRAVEL VACCINATION QUESTIONNAIRE PATIENT TO COMPLETE THIS SIDE DOB . GP …………………. DAYTIME CONTACT TEL NO . PLEASE LIST ALL COUNTRIES TO BE VISITED - IN ORDER- INCLUDING STOP-OVERS LENGTH OF STAY What type of accommodation are you staying in? Hotel / Self -Catering / Backpacking/Cruise Reason for travel? Holiday / Work


Bayer CropScience BIZTONSÁGI ADATLAP A 1907/2006 számú EK szabályozás szerint 1. AZ ANYAG/ KEVERÉK ÉS A VÁLLALAT/ VÁLLALKOZÁS AZONOSÍTÁSA Terméktájékoztató Bayer CropScience Alkotás u. 50. 1123 Budapest Magyarország Bayer Hungária Kft. Telefax: +36(1) 212 -1575 E-mail: [email protected] +49(0)2133-51-4233 (Sicherheitszentrale Dormagen, Bayer AG) Országos Ké

Állatgyógyszerek és fertõtlenítõk

ÁLLATGYÓGYSZEREK ÉS FERTŐTLENÍTŐ SZEREK KÖRNYEZETI VESZÉLYESSÉGI ÉS TOXIKOLÓGIAI BESOROLÁSA A táblázatban a hatóanyagok és készítményeik találhatók. Az egyes környezeti veszélyességi, toxikológiai szempontok értelmezése Közegészségügyi, környezeti veszélyesség A –élő, attenuált I -inaktív 1. táblázat. VAKCINÁK KUTYÁK RÉSZ

World heart day[2]

Avoid sudden death because of heart attack World Heart Day Dr.C.M.Bhagat Medical Director-Bhagat Hospital Pvt.Ltd. The relevance of Global world heart day is to spread the knowledge and information about the prevention of heart diseases and the importance of early treatment which is of utmost importance to avoid sudden death because of heart attack. The causes of sudden

Bmt eenheid:

PREVENTIE EN BEHANDELING VAN POSTOPERATIEVE Voorkomen en bestrijden van de acute pijn bij volwassenen na een chirurgische ingreep VERANTWOORDELIJKHEIDSGEBIED Deze verstrekking mag uitgevoerd worden door de verpleegkundige op basis van het medisch voorschrift geindividualiseerd door een anesthesist in het verpleegkundig dossier VOORSCHRIFT PARACETAMOL Totale dosis De totale dag dosis

Microsoft word - july councilinfo newsletter.docx

Fit for Life and Benefits have teamed up to provide health and benefits information monthly on a link from CouncilInfo. In this issue, you will find information on Preventive Care, the HealthPartners website, and tools to help control medical costs. Preventive Services Can Help Save Lives One of the best and easiest ways for adults to keep themselves healthy is to make


DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-A Por parte de Portugal, o Acordo foi aprovado pelositado o seu instrumento de adesão em 30 de SetembroDecreto n.o 10/90, publicado no Diário da República, de 2004, conforme o Aviso n.o 205/2004, publicado no1.a série, n.o 82, de 7 de Abril de 1990. Diário da República, 1.a série-A, n.o 297, de 21 de Dezem-Nos termos do artigo X do Acordo, este fi0302-r02

2.2 Envasado y esterilización DRIO - Instrumento de extracción para injertos óseosEl aparato "DRIO" se suministra NO ESTÉRIL en una bolsa médica NO ADECUADA para laesterilización en autoclave. INSTRUCCIONES DE USO La esterilización debe efectuarse con los procesos habituales y específicos para elementos deacero inoxidable previstos por la Farmacopea Europea. 2.3 Contraind

Sanofi-aventis v. russ johnson c/o netweb, inc. - decision

DECISION Sanofi-Aventis v. Russ Johnson c/o NetWeb, Inc. Complainant is Sanofi-Aventis , (“Complainant”) represented by Baila H. Celedonia, of Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. , 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. Respondent is Russ Johnson c/o NetWeb, Inc. (“Respondent”), 206 S. Port Bass, Fair Play, SC 29643. REGISTRAR AND DISPUTED DOMAIN NAME The

Sustainable Forestry Investment under the Clean Development Mechanism The Malaysian Case Michael Dutschke Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)Hamburg Institute of International Economics• Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (WGL)• Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute• Association d’Instituts Européens de Con

THE BLEMISH BATTLE: PRO VS FAUXAre you no longer a teenager, but stil battling annoying breakouts while also fighting the signs of aging. A smal consolation, but the good news is you are not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 40 to 50 million Americans have acne at some point in their life, and it is the most common skin problem in the US. “Acne is always caused by h

GUIDELINES ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION E. Wespes, E. Amar, D. Hatzichristou, F. Montorsi, J. Pryor, Y. Vardi TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BACKGROUND Male erectile dysfunction (ED) (impotence) has been defined as the persistent (lasting for at least 6 months)inability to attain and maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual performance. Although ED is abenign disorder, it i

Tel: 01420 562126

CLUBS within the BENEFICE & REGULAR MEETINGS HAMPSHIRE FEDERATION OF WI - HERRIARD & LASHAM with BENTWORTH W.I. Rosemarie Bradley John Tubman's talk about the design and construction of Portsmouth's Millennium Project, ' The Spinnaker Tower', was really entertaining; particularly the initially, mysterious and oft repeated mention, of nearly demolishing Burger King's Restaurant a

Microsoft word - red list e 2005.doc

Annex to Form D ("Red List") Ninth Edition, January 2005 Prepared by the INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD Vienna International Centre P.O.Box 500 A-1400 Vienna, Austria in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 containing the LIST OF PRECURSORS AND CHEMICALS

[i] colonoscopy - outpatient information

COLONOSCOPY – Outpatient Information What is a colonoscopy? Colonoscopy is an examination which allows the doctor to visualise the inside of your large bowel using a flexible tube/camera called a colonoscope. When is a colonoscopy necessary? It is used to investigate problems with the large bowel. Bleeding, diarrhoea, constipation, altered bowel habit, anaemia or a family hi

FÆrdig hÅndbog enkeltsider

MEDIER Et af de mest effektive kommunikationsredskaber i en kampagne i dag er de sociale medier. Brug af facebook, Twitter og Instagram bør derfor tænkes ind i jeres kampagne. Særligt facebook kan fungere som kommu- nikationskanal både internt og eksternt. Hvordan kan I bruge de sociale medier i jeres kampagne? 9 gode råd til sociale medier: Inden I går i gang: 1. Læg en stra


Regionales Blutspendezentrum Aarau erstel t: 27.11.12/AH Formular FO22_01_08L freigegeben: 03.12.12/MB Questionario medico e consenso informato Konserven- Konserven- (da compilare solo al momento del a donazione) Ha letto il foglio informativo per i donatori di sangue e ritiene di essere idoneo a donare il suo sangue. La ringraziamo se vorrà ora rispondere con la massima since

West nile virus found in mosquitoes

West Nile Virus Confirmed in Mosquitoes from Boxborough DATE: 8/14/13 CONTACT: Jim Garreffi TOWN: Boxborough TELEPHONE: 800 427 9762 X 305 The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) announced today that West Nile virus (WNV) has been detected in mosquitoes collected from Boxborough, Massachusetts WNV is most commonly transmitted to humans by the bite of a mosq

Bekanntheit und Umsetzung von antiemetischen Leitlinien in der gynäko-onkologischen Praxis: eine Analyse von 250 Patientinnen unter (neo) adjuvanter AC-haltiger ChemotherapieDr. Jörg Schilling1, Dr. Hans-Joachim Hindenburg2 für den Berufsverband der Niedergelassenen Gynäkologischen Onkologen in Deutschland (BNGO) e.V. 1BNGO e.V., Schöneiche b. Berlin; 2Gynäkologisch-Onkologische Schwerpun

Microsoft word - bft_a4_factfile_1.doc

T h i s p a g e a n d i t s c o n t e n t s M I R E N A C O I L F O R H E A V Y P E R I O D S t h e B r i t i s h F i b r o i d T r u s tDr Nicki On, PhD, MRPharmS. Pharmacist Dr Rajesh Varma, MA, PhD, MRCOG. Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Website address: 1. An IUS (intrauterine system), commonly know as a coil, is a small T-shaped plastic d

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2003) 52 , 303–305 DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkg318 Advance Access publication 1 July 2003 Susceptibility to rifaximin of Vibrio cholerae strains from different geographical areas Maria Scrascia1, Maria Forcillo1, Francesco Maimone1,2 and Carlo Pazzani1,2* 1Dipartimento di Anatomia Patologica e di Genetica, Sezione di Genetica, Università di Ba

(microsoft word - t\344vlingsbest\344mm 2012_03_30.doc)

SVENSKA BREVDUVEFÖRBUNDET Tävlingsbestämmelser Tävlingsbestämmelser SBF uppdaterade per den 30 mars 2012 Tävlingsbestämmelser för SVENSKA BREVDUVEFÖRBUNDET Kap. 1 Allmänna bestämmelser 1. Alla brevduvor skall vara märkta med en fast fotring från en organisationtillhörande det internationella förbundet FCI (Federation ColombophileInternationale). Om fotring av olyckshä

Tema 7: Guillermo de Ockham. 1. Vida y plan de su filosofía. Guillermo de Ockham (1300-1350) nació en la aldea de Ockham, a 30 kilómetros de Londres. Ingresó en la orden franciscana . Estudió y enseñó en Oxford. Acusado de herejía, se acogió a la protección del emperador Luis de Baviera , enemigo del Papa, y se dice que pactó defenderle con la pluma si era defendido

Microsoft word - uk at bio-europe.doc

UK Group (Booth #70B) Lead: Lin Bateson, Mobile: +44 7734 933 464 Email: [email protected] COMPANY ABsynth Biologics is exploiting genomics Contact: Dr Fiona Marston, Chief Executive therapeutic antibodies for the prevention Alacrita provides the following services: professionalism and real-world relevance. Permanent or ‘Virtual’ Tenan

Los origenes de los actos registrales tienes sus raices en el derecho romano y los códigos franceses; por ello las instituciones registrales son depositarias de una fuerte tradición juridica, y en el transcurso del tiempo han probado su eficiencia para h

INSTITUTO DE INVES TIGACIONES LEGISLATIVAS UNIDAD DE INFORMATICA LEGISLATIVA LEY DEL REGIS TRO PUBLICO DE LA PROPIEDAD DEL ESTADO DE SAN LUIS Fecha de Aprobación: Fecha de Promulgación: Fecha de Publicación: Estimado Usuario: La edición de las disposiciones jurídicas del ámbito Federal o Estatal, en medios electrónicos no representa una versión o

Privacy-respecting Authentication – Ioannis Krontiris Speaker: Ioannis Krontiris, is a senior researcher in the group of Mobile Business and Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt . Ioannis holds a PhD from Mannheim University, Germany and a MSc degree from Carnegie Mel onUniversity, USA. He is currently involved in the coordination of the EU-ProjectABC4Trust (Attribute

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