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Int J Fertil, 50(5), 2005 p. 00–00 2005 Controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Polish Society of Perinatal Medicine, the International Society of Reproductive Medicine, the World Foundation for Medical Studies in Female Health and the Center for the Study of Cryopreservation of Oocytes and Spermatozoa
In Vitro Fertilization and Breast Cancer Risk: W. Al Sarakbi M. Salhab Kefah Mokbel, M.S. ABSTRACT: Introduction—Breast cancer is a classic model of a hormone-dependent malignancy. Since the drugs used for ovulation induction as part of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment increase the levels of endoge-
nous gonadal hormones, concerns have arisen regarding a possible association between IVF and the risk of
developing breast cancer. The aim of this paper was to review the literature and examine the potential effects
of IVF treatment on breast cancer risk. Methods—Medline search was conducted using the key words below
in English-language articles. Further papers were obtained using the bibliographies of relevant articles.
Furthermore, a combined analysis of retrieved data was performed. Results—Fifteen studies were identified;
of these, 11 were cohort studies and 4 were case-control studies. None of the individual studies showed an
overall significant association between IVF and breast cancer and, in fact, one study showed that treatment
with hCG significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer in women whose maximum nonpregnant body mass
index was less than 27.5. A combined analysis of the cohort studies including a total of 60,050 women treat-
ed with ovulation induction/IVF showed no significant association between these treatments and increased
risk of breast cancer (observed vs. expected: 601 vs. 568, pooled relative risk [RR] = 1.06, P = 0.337). The case-
control studies included a total of 11,303 women in the breast cancer groups and 10,930 controls. Women in
the breast cancer groups were slightly less likely to have received IVF (2.2% vs. 2.5%, pooled RR = 0.88, P =
0.231). However, one study showed that infertility treatment was associated with an increased risk of breast
cancer of borderline significance among women with a family history of the disease. Another study showed
that the incidence of breast cancer within the first year of exposure to fertility drugs was higher than expect-
ed, possibly due to the promotion of preexisting cancer lesions caused by superovulation or due to the early
diagnosis made in the course of IVF treatment. Conflicting results were reported regarding the type of fertili-
ty treatment and breast cancer risk. Conclusion—Overall, there is no clear evidence that ovulation induction
or IVF increases the risk of breast cancer. However, there may be a transient increase in the incidence of breast
cancer in the first year due to earlier diagnosis. Furthermore, the risk may be increased in women with a pos-
itive family history. Future research should focus on the type of fertility treatment used and breast cancer risk.
Aromatase inhibitors should be evaluated further as an alternative to standard ovulation-inducing drugs. IntKEY WORDS: breast cancer, IVF, ovulation induction, fertility drugs, epidemiology INTRODUCTION
Breast cancer is a classic model of a hormone-
dependent malignancy, whereby overwhelming
BREAST CANCER REMAINS THE MOST evidence points to an association between breast
common malignancy in the Western world.
cancer and prolonged exposure to female sex hor-
The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer
mones [2]. Early menarche and late menopause, both
of which imply a longer exposure to menstrual
W. Al Sarakbi TABLE I Summary of cohort studies.
RR = relative risk; SIR = standardized incidence ratio; CI = confidence interval; NA = not applicable; NS = not specified; CC = clomiphene citrate; HCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; HMG = human menopausal gonadotropin; GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone
IVF and Breast Cancer Risk
after CC use ≥20 years RR 1.39(95% CI 0.9–2.1)
W. Al Sarakbi TABLE II Summary of case–control studies.
OR = odds ratio; hMG = human menopausal gonadotropin; hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin; RR = relative risk;CC = clomiphene citrate; NS = not specified
cycles, are recognized risk factors for developing the
threefold increase in estradiol levels as well as an
increase in progesterone levels [6–8]. Human
In the United States, the proportion of women
menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), which contains
aged 15 to 44 years reporting some form of fertility
FSH and LH, also is used commonly in IVF and
problems increased from 8% in 1982 to 10% in
increases the serum levels of estradiol and proges-
1995 [4]. Furthermore, the number of women (per
terone as well as the number of ovulations to about
year) treated with fertility drugs nearly doubled
6 to 9 times that of untreated women [9]. Other
between 1973 and 1991 [5]. Such agents are used
drugs used in IVF include human chorionic
routinely in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment to
gonadotropin (hCG), which is given to support the
induce a state of superovulation in order to increase
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle by stimulating
the chances of pregnancy in a given treatment cycle
ovulation and progesterone secretion.
and allow the freezing of excess embryos for subse-
The aim of this paper is to review the literature,
beginning with a case report from 1977 [10], and
Because the drugs used for ovulation induction in
examine the potential effects of IVF treatment on
IVF increase the levels of endogenous gonadal hor-
mones, which are known to play a role in the etiol-
ogy of breast cancer, concerns have arisen regarding
a possible association between IVF and the risk of
developing breast cancer. Given the increasing num-
We conducted a Medline search using the listed key
ber of women undergoing IVF treatment and the ris-
words in English-language articles. Additional
ing incidence of breast cancer among young women,
papers were obtained using the bibliographies of rel-
this issue is of public health importance.
evant articles. These studies are summarized in
Clomiphene citrate (CC) is the most commonly
Table I and Table II. We also performed a pooled
used drug in IVF. It is a selective estrogen receptor
modulator (SERM), which acts as a direct antiestro-
gen on the hypothalamus. CC suppresses the natu-
rally circulating estrogens and stimulates the pitu-
itary gland to produce higher levels of follicle-stim-
ulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
Fifteen studies were identified. Of these, 11 were
(LH), which, in turn, stimulate the ovaries to mature
cohort studies [11–21], and 4 were case–control stud-
a follicle. The use of CC is associated with a two- to
ies [22–25]. None of these studies showed an overall
IVF and Breast Cancer Risk
≥6 months or for ≥6 cycles RR 2.7–3.8
For treatment with HMG: ≥6 cyclesOR 3.8 (CI 1.2–11.8)
association between IVF treatment and breast can-
In a prospective cohort study, Gauthier et al
reported that infertility treatment was associated
In the cohort studies, a total of 60,050 patients
with an increased risk of breast cancer of borderline
were treated with ovulation induction agents and
significance among women with a family history of
IVF. After a follow-up period ranging from 0.5 to 34
years, 601 patients were observed to develop breast
Four studies raised concerns about a possible link
cancer, compared with 567.91 expected. The pooled
between specific drugs and the development of
relative risk (RR) was 1.06 (P = 0.337).
breast malignancy [12,19,22,23]. In one case–control
The four case control studies compared a total of
study, CC was found to cause a nonsignificant
11,303 patients with established breast cancer with
reduction in the risk of breast cancer in infertile
10,930 patients in the control groups. The pooled
women, compared with infertile women who had
analysis showed that 253 patients were exposed to
not used this drug [19]. This finding was attributed
ovulation-inducing drugs in the case groups, com-
to the fact that CC is a SERM similar to tamoxifen.
pared with 273 patients in the control groups. The
Such a reduction in risk did not increase with dura-
pooled RR was 0.88 (P = 0.224).
Overall, 14 studies demonstrated no overall sig-
On the contrary, although Brinton et al observed
nificant association between ovulation induction
no overall association between breast cancer and the
and IVF treatment and increased risk of breast can-
use of ovulation-inducing drugs, they reported a sig-
cer [11–21,23–25] and one study showed a decreased
nificant association between the risk of developing
risk [22]. However, in a large case series of 27,900
invasive breast cancer and the use of CC [12]. There
women who had been referred for IVF treatment,
also was a slight and nonsignificant elevation in risk
Venn et al found no increased risk of breast cancer
seen for CC and gonadotropin after 20 years of
after a long follow-up period. Nevertheless, they
observed that the incidence of breast cancer within
Similar to the majority of the studies, no associa-
the first year of exposure to fertility drugs was high-
tion was observed in a long-term historic prospec-
er than expected, possibly due to the promotion of
tive case–control study by Potashnik et al [17].
preexisting cancer lesions caused by superovulation
However, the SIR for breast cancer was increased
or due to the early diagnosis made in the course of
significantly only in patients with one or two CC
IVF treatment [16]. They observed 17 cases of breast
treatments and a dose of ≤1000 mg [17].
cancer, compared with 8.7 expected (standardized
Additionally, Burkman et al showed that the long-
incidence ratio [SIR] = 1.96: 95% CI: 1.22–3.15).
term use of certain infertility drugs such as hMG for
W. Al Sarakbi
≥6 months or for at least 6 cycles was associated
tion induction and IVF treatment [19]; this was due
with a relative risk of breast cancer ranging between
to its similarity to tamoxifen, which is a recognized
Finally, only one case-control study conducted
One study found that treatment with hCG was
by Bernstein et al showed that treatment with
associated with a reduced risk of developing
hCG significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer
breast cancer [22]. This reduction in breast cancer
risk after hCG treatment was comparable to that of
mass index was less than 27.5; no such reduction in
full-term pregnancy and was supported by animal
risk was observed in more obese women [22].
studies [35]. Despite the fact that neither con-
Although the odds ratios were reduced for both
stituent of hMG such as FSH nor LH (both con-
nulliparous and parous women with a maximum
stituents of hMG) is thought to influence breast tis-
nonpregnant weight mass index of 27.5, only the
sue, Burkman et al reported a relative increase in
results for the nulliparous women were statistically
breast cancer risk with hMG treatment for at least 6
In a large epidemiological Australian study, Venn
and colleagues reviewed and followed up a cohort of
29,700 patients who underwent IVF treatment [16].
Although they found no overall association between
Attention was first drawn to a possible association
the different ovulation-inducing drugs and breast
between breast cancer risk and ovulation-inducing
cancer risk, they observed a twofold increase in
drugs in a case report published in the Lancet in
breast cancer risk within the first year after treat-
1977 [10]. Since then, several additional case reports
ment. This prompted the suggestion that ovulation-
have been published [26–28]. However, case reports
stimulating drugs might promote the rapid develop-
have limited value, in view of the fact that breast
ment of preexisting tumors, similar to the short-
cancer is a common neoplasm. In general, the asso-
term transient increase in breast cancer risk follow-
ciation between female gonadal hormones and the
ing a recent pregnancy [35]. The other possible
development of breast cancer is still not fully under-
explanation is that early diagnosis was made in the
stood, and several possible explanations have been
course of management of infertility or other related
health problems due to extensive screening in these
In this review, we found no significant overall
women. Other studies have not reported such find-
association between IVF treatment and breast can-
ings [12]. Therefore, this hypothesis requires further
cer risk. All individual studies identified by our
evaluation in prospective studies with larger num-
research had limitations; therefore, a definite con-
bers of patients and longer follow-up. Despite the
clusion could not be drawn from a single study.
conflicting results, breast cancer screening in
These limitations include the small numbers of
women undergoing IVF treatment should be consid-
breast cancer cases or incomplete ability to control
ered. Women with a family history of breast cancer
for other correlates of risk, including a variety of
are particularly at risk [11]; therefore, this group of
well-recognized familial and other risk factors.
women should be considered for breast cancer
Hence, we performed a combined analysis of all
screening that includes MRI [36]. Furthermore,
studies identified and found no significant link
tamoxifen stimulation appears to result in a higher
number of embryos and may provide a safe method
Some studies supported the notion that fertility
of IVF and fertility preservation in breast cancer
medication and IVF treatment may affect the breast
patients. Therefore, it should be considered in high-
cancer risk. In those studies that suggested that fer-
risk women, such as those with a strong family his-
tility drugs may increase [12,23] or reduce the risk
tory, BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 mutations, or a recent his-
[19,22] , the findings were conflicting and were based
on a small number of events. For instance, CC was
Further research is required to examine the rela-
observed to increase the risk as well as reduce the
tionship between the different fertility drug types
risk of breast cancer in two different studies [12,19].
and breast cancer risk, so that the safest drugs can be
Brinton et al showed that CC increased breast can-
used. Moreover, the issue of whether breast cancer
cer risk [12]. On the other hand, CC was found by
in patients who had IVF treatment is associated with
Rossing et al to be a chemopreventive agent for
poor prognostic features also requires further evalu-
breast cancer in infertile women undergoing ovula-
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