Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

"U" - Medical Science:


Use of clomiphene citrate in women The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, AlabamaOvulatory dysfunction is one of the most common causes ofover consecutive cycles of treatment, but there is no evi-reproductive failure in sub-fertile and infertile couples. In thedence of any important clinical conseque

Case 5 cuvelier - drug induced perforation of the small intestine.pages

DRUG INDUCED ULCERATION AND PERFORATION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE Claude Cuvelier, MD, PhD Academic Department of Pathology, Ghent University, This case is the strangest drug induced ulcer with perforation of the small intestinal wall that I have ever seen! The patient had taken his drug (Motilium) just like the nurse had told him to do, but as he was confused he did not remove th


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Final Paper for the National Certification Program in Health Care Ethics Submitted to Fr. Tad Pacholczyk, National Catholic Bioethics Center Why Methotrexate is an Immoral Response to Ectopic Pregnancy Abstract With tubal ectopic pregnancies continuing to be a pregnancy complication that results in the unborn dying and even, at times, their mothers, a solution that respects the dignity


Synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) vaccine foreffective androgen deprivation and its application toConnie L. Finstad , Chang Yi Wang , Jacek Kowalski , Meilun Zhang , Ming Lie Li ,Xuan Mao Li , Wei Guo Xia , Maarten C. Bosland , Krishna K. Murthy ,Alan M. Walfield , Wayne C. Koff , Timothy J. Zamb a United Biomedical Inc., 25 Davids Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA

приложения ИП-2010

List of prospective investment proposals for attraction of direct foreign investment Cost of the Brief description of the project objectives projects and initiators "Uzbekneftegaz" National Holding Company Organization of production of gas filling Organization of production of gas filling stations stations equipment for compressed gas fuel equipment for compressed gas

Religions don’t Dialogue, Believers can 15 6.2 Interreligious and/or Intercultural Dialogue? Abdul Aziz Saïd and Paolo Dall’Oglio Comments on Paolo Dall’Oglio by Abdul Aziz SaïdUnderstanding the many contexts that shape expressions of religious identity and belief – especially cultural, historical, political, and economic contexts – is one of the great challenges of interrel

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UMKC Dental School Commonly Prescribed Prescriptions Comment: Most dental practitioners will prescribe a relative small number of prescription medications. It is the responsibility of the dentist to be familiar with all medications they are using in their practice, including side effects, patient instructions, drug interactions, etc. It is strongly recommended you have immediate a

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Phs 398 (rev. 9/04), biographical sketch format page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include

Calcium sulfate fillers

High-purity additives for high-quality food, beverage and pharmaceutical products Calcium Sulfate Fillers Calcium sulfate products are used by the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries as an economical and FDA-approved source of supplemental calcium. Calcium sulfate is also acceptable as an additive in pigments and colorants used in food containers. Calcium


Mental Retardation in Children Ages 6 to 16Mental retardation (MR) is a life long condition that affects 6 million American and 560,000Canadian children under the age of 14. This review discusses the definition of MR, anapproach to investigation, common comorbidities, and a general approach to management. Semin Pediatr Neurol 13:262-270 © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS men

Micardis® (telmisartan) tablets Program Enrollment Form IMPORTANT: Please complete all 4 sections in their entirety o I will mail my prescription o My doctor will submit my prescription • Write your date of birth on the original copy of your prescription• Mail completed Enrol ment Form with your original • Entire form must still be completed by patient ollment Form Door to

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DE L’HEGEMONIE DES MODELES AU PRE-TOTALITARISME LA PSYCHIATRIE DU XXIe SIECLE, PARADIGME DES « SOMBRES TEMPS » ACTUELS Dr Alain CHABERT Psychiatre de service public Membre du C.E.D.E.P. et de la L.D.H. Aix-Les Bains 2 Mai 2006 Résumé Je souhaite, à travers cette communication, essayer de montrer comment, si nous observons les évolutions actuelles de la psychiatrie du

Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. Hermann Ulex Nachf. Glasmoorstraße 23, 22851 Norderstedt Tel. :+49-40-32 59 56 10 Fax :+49-40-32 59 56 09 Mobil: +49-172-40 51 789 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.ulexlab.deAmpicillin-Na [0578]  (ohne Endotoxine)Äpfelsäure (Malic Acid) [2080] ohne OVI (165,-)Äpfelsäure (Malic Acid) [2080] ohne OVI (165,-)Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. Hermann Ulex Nac

Examples of 2004 usada/wada prohibited substances and

Examples of 2008 PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES and PROHIBITED METHODS OF DOPING THIS CARD IS A SUMMARY AND IS SUBJECT CLASSES & SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED IN- AND OUT-OF-COMPETITION Anabolic Agents: Androstenediol, androstenedione, bolasterone, boldenone, clenbuterol, danazol, desoxy methyltestosterone, drostanolone, DHEA, methasterone, methyl-1-testosterone, methyltestostero

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ABSTRACT: In response to a request by Barr Laboratories to market their “emergency contraceptive” Plan B across the counter, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing. Objections to the proposal included: (1) A considerable increase in tubal pregnancies following ingestion of Plan B was found in U.K., prompting a warning to physicians. Lack of medical supervision when provid

Dysfonction erectile apres prostatectomie radicale : physiopathologie et traitement

PRISE EN CHARGE DES TROUBLES DE L’ERECTION APRES PROSTATECTOMIE RADICALE Docteur René Yiou Assistant Hospitalo-Universitaire Service d'Urologie CHU Henri Mondor 51, av. du Mal de Lattre de Tassigny. 94010 Créteil, France Physiologie de l’érection La pénis est constitué de trois formations érectiles : les deux corps caverneux et le corps spongieux entourés chacun d’une m

Vogelgrippe oder pharma-marketing

Vogelgrippe oder Pharma-Marketing? Wer sind die Gewinner? Liebe Newsletter-Nutzer des Blauen Planeten! Schon zu Beginn des letzten Jahres wunderten wir uns, dass im deutschen Fernsehen zum wiederholten Male über angeblich gefährliche Vogelgrippe-Viren in Asien und auch über einige Todesfäl e aus dem Umfeld der Tierhalter berichtet wurde. Schon damals prophezeiten uns "Wissenschafter" m


Discourses of DenialMediations of Race, Gender,and Violence All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without priorwritten permission of the publisher, or, in Canada, in the case of photocopyingor other reprographic copying, a licence from Access Copyright (CanadianCopyright Licensing Agency), www

Nuclear energy policy

Nuclear Energy Policy Updated March 15, 2006 Resources, Science, and Industry Division Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress Overview of Nuclear Power in the United StatesNuclear Power Plant Safety and RegulationDomestic Reactor SafetyReactor Safety in the Former Soviet BlocLicensing and RegulationReactor SecurityDecommissioningNuclear Accident LiabilityFeder

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10.100 STUDENT-ATHLETE DRUG EDUCATION, TESTING, AND DETERRENCE PROGRAM REVISED AND REFORMATED, AUGUST 10, 2005; UPDATED AUGUST 24, 2010 INTRODUCTION The improper use of drugs is a matter of deep concern within our society and is particularly a focus of attention and importance at The University of North Carolina Wilmington. Many lives are being damaged and in some cases destroyed b

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UNIVERSITÄTSKLINIK FÜR KINDER- UND JUGENDPSYCHIATRIE/PSYCHOTHERAPIE ULM Aufklärungsbogen zum Individuellen Heilversuch – Tiaprid Liebe Eltern, liebe Patientin, lieber Patient, wir haben Ihnen eine Behandlung mit Tiaprid (Tiapridex®) empfohlen, das zwar für Er- wachsene zugelassen ist, welches aber hier außerhalb des zugelassenen Altersbereichs eingesetzt werden soll. Tiapri

The United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada 50 Baldwin Street, Suite 202, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1L4 Telephone (416) 591-1783 Fax (416) 591-7506 CERTIFICATE APPLICATION BRANCH: _____VICTORIA___________________________________________________________________ BRANCH ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________

College of medicine, jacksonville

COLLEGE OF MEDICINE – Jacksonville 580 W 8th St T-2 6th Fl Ste 6005 Department of Psychiatry Jacksonville, FL 32209 Division of Adult Psychiatry Phone 904-383-1038 Adult Patient History Questionnaire Name: Preferred Name: Date of Birth: Referred By: What Are Your Concerns That Brought You In Today? Please Circle All Symptoms That You Are Currently Experiencing: Sad Mood

The Association of Retired UPEI Employees Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, November 30, 2012 Don and Marian MacDougall Hall Room #329 Members Present John Burka, Betty Campbell, Roy Campbell, Father Charlie Cheverie, Bob Curtis, Satadal Dasgupta, Shirley Dillon, Susan Dohoo, Lawson Drake, Eugene Gallant, Lila Garrett, Edward Hanus, Susan Heaney, Ron Irving, Baird Judson, Robert Ma

Resume of

RESUME OF HIDAYATI HAMDAN PERSONAL DETAILS: EDUCATION: 2001- 2010 : PhD, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya 1995- 1999 : Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya 1992- 1994 : Pusat Asasi Sains (Matriculation), Universiti Malaya 1990 : Sekolah Dato’ Penggawa Barat, Pontian 1989 : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Segamat, Segamat 1986- 1988 : Kolej Tunku Ampuan Mariam, Johor Bahr

Comment prévenir le diabète de type 2 ?

Comment prévenir le diabète de type 2 ? Docteur Jacques LOUIS Diabétologue - Hôpitaux Privés de Metz Le diabète de type 2 voit son incidence augmenter dans tous les pays développés. Il touche désormais 4 % de la population générale. C’est un problème de santé publique. Le coût du diabète de type 2 est considérable, en particulier du fait des complications qu’il peut entraîner

Evaluation – auswertungsanforderungen und wünsche (für das budget-modul)

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Bereich Humanmedizin Publikationen und Hochschulschriften 2005 Abteilung "Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie" Journalbeiträge 1. Christiansen H, Hermann RM, Hille A, Schmidberger H, Martin A, Nitsche M, Hess CF, Pradier O (2005) Phase I study of continuous mitomycin-C infusion in concomitant radiochemotherapy of primary inoperable advanced

La normalización de los consejos consultivos

La normalización de los Consejos Consultivos Comentarios acerca del decreto de reglamentación. Por Gustavo Schroeder Orozco** En verdad el Reglamento es el hijo putativo de la ley 18250 promulgada el 6 de enero 2008. Recuérdese que en primera instancia la redacción del artículo 74 del proyecto de ley aprobado en 2007 por la Cámara de Senadores no contemplaba en modo alguno, un reg


Orientation Welcome to Tabir! You're going to have a wonderful time and, potentially, a life-changing (in the best sense of the word) experience. Please read this, though, before you go, so you can prepare properly for your "adventure". Although we have a dispensary at the Tabir, our range of medical supplies is quite limited. We will have some help from a camp physician, and I will be

Relatório farmácia hospitalar - santa rosa

INTRODUÇÃO Os anticoagulantes são medicamentos com ação no atraso da coagulação sangüínea, sendo aplicados no tratamento das patologias do sistema circulatórios e distúrbios da coagulação. Dentre os anticoagulantes de via oral tem-se a varfarina, um clássico, por ser mais confiável e mais conhecido é o mais prescrito, graças a sua excelente biodisponibilidade (REMIÃO, 2004

Microsoft word - 313404062013

3134 04 June, 2013 1. BENEFACTIONS The University acknowledges with thanks, the following benefactions from: (a) Hon. David David, Nigerian Book of Record, Federal Ministry of Information, Radio House, Herbert Macaulay Way, Area 10, P. M. B. 247, Garki, Abuja. Donation of one (1) copy of a book entitled “ Nigerian Book of Record ” as a complimentary copy to the Vice Chance


Roumeguere_EU Urological Review 19/05/2011 15:38 Page 56 Overview of Conservative Erectile Dysfunction Treatment B e n j a m i n H e n r i e t 1 a n d T h i e r r y R o u m e g u è r e 2 1. Fellow; 2. Professor of Urology and Head, Department of Urology, University Clinic of Brussels, Erasme Hospital Abstract Recent societal evolutions have enabled more and more men to talk about erectile

Ttulo i: definicin, funcin y organizacin

Universidad REGLAMENTO DE BIBLIOTECA INDICE Título Primero: Definición, Función y Organización Art. 1 Definición 3 Art. 2 Funciones 3 Art. 3 Organización 3 Art. 4 Relaciones Externas 4 Título Segundo: Deberes del Ejecutivo, Asistente y Becarios Bibliotecarios Art. 5 Deberes del Ejecutivo Bibliotecario 4 Art. 6 Deberes del Asistente y Becarios Bibliotecarios 5 Art. 7 Nombramie

Uwv approaches to employers focussed on hiring older people

UWV approaches to employers focussed on hiring older people In recent years, labour participation of older people rose from 34% in 2000 to 49% in 2010, but it is still lower than the average for the total working population (67%). Once older people end up outside the labour market a combination of factors make it difficult for them to get back to work and they have a big chance of being une

Upper Skagit Library District Board of Trustees December 8, 2011 Present: Laurie Thomas, Keith Alesse, Ingeborg Hightower, Ann Innes. Absent: Heather Haj Others: Carol Fabrick, Karen Smith, Nancy Sparkowich, Aimee Hirschel Keith Alesse called the meeting to order at 5:04pm Minutes of the Public Budget Hearing approved as mailed. IH/AI M/S/P Minutes of the November 10 regular meeting ap


Clinics in Dermatology (2008) 26, 633–635Cosmeceuticals: focus on topical retinoids in photoagingRiccarda Serri, MDa, ⁎ , Matilde Iorizzo, MDbaDepartment of Dermatology, University of Milan, Milan, ItalybDepartment of Dermatology, University of Bologna, Bologna, ItalyAbstract Evidence from a randomized clinical trial showed that, in spite of the many surgical procedureseffective in ame

Stimulants Adderall and Adderall XR (amphetamine mixtures)Concerta (methylphenidate, extended release)Dexedrine and Dexedrine Spansules (dextroamphetamine)Focalin and Focalin XR (dexmethylphenidate, Ritalin, Ritalin-SR, and Ritalin LA (methylphenidate, Nonstimulants The psychostimulants, more simply known as stimulants, are used primarily in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity di

Antihormonelle therapie bei prostatakrebs

Aufklärungsbogen zur Prophylaxe und zu Behandlungsmöglichkeiten typischer und häufiger Nebenwirkungen einer antihormonellen Therapie bei Prostatakrebs             Lieber Patient, Ihr Arzt möchte Ihren Prostatakrebs mit einer antihormonellen Therapie (Entzug und/oder Blockade) behandeln. Die verschiedenen Formen dieser im Volksmund auch als „Hormontherapie

Externer brief

Therapy Fact Sheet Acarbose (Glucobay®) Unique mode of action Acarbose (Glucobay®*, Bayer HealthCare AG) is in a class of oral antidiabetes drugs (OADs) called alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Acarbose is active in the small intestine, where it reversibly inhibits enzymes called alpha-glucosidases, which are responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simpler

2007 1.Niijima, K. ・Enta, K.・Hori, H.・Sashihara, S.・Mizoue, T.・Morimoto, Y.: The usefulness of sleep apnea syndrome screening using a portable pulse oximeter in the workplace J Occupat Health 49(1):1 - 8 2007. 1. 2.Yoshimura, R. ・Shinkai, K.・Ueda, N.・Nakamura, J.: Valproic acid improves psychotic agitation without influencing plasma risperidone levels in schizophrenic p

Mise en page

N° 12 • May 2007 • “SOCIAL MARKETING” EGEA 2007 STATEMENT Overcoming the socioeconomic and gender gap in fruit and vegetable intake European action to increase fruit and vegetable consumption Why is it so difficult for most people to reach the dailyrecommendation for fruit and vegetables? In Sweden, less thanTo address the growing challenge of chronic diseases - cance

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National Alliance on Mental Illness page printed from Major Depression What is major depression? Major depression is a serious medical illness affecting 15 million American adults, or approximately 5 to 8 percent of the adult population in a given year. Unlike normal emotional experiences of sadness, loss, or passing mood states, major depression is persistent

Please read and retain for future reference Tone Set Up Portable Door Chime (54535) No wiring is required for this Door Chime. The tone selector is a small black button located inside the Push Button When the Push Button is pressed, it sends a wire unit, below the battery compartment, marked with the letter “S”. The tone is pre-set at the factory to the “Westminster” chime. fr

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PALUDISME Extraits du BEH n° 26-27/2003 20 décès par an en France, 2/3 origine Afrique subsaharienne INSISTER SUR la protection contre les piqûres de moustiques + Chimioprophylaxie Sans piqûre d’anophèles, pas de paludisme CONSEILS PERSONALISES : aucune protection à 100% n’existe ! Incubation minimum pour falciparum : 7 jours. 5% d’accès plus de 2 mois a

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A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SUPPORT FOR JOURNALIST PROJECT TITLE TRAINING IPDC/55 HAI/02 MEDIA DEVELOPMENT INDICATOR Category 4: Professional training and support CATEGORY for training institutions to promote freedom of expression, pluralism and diversity IPDC PRIORITY AREA TYPE OF ASSISTANCE REQUESTED Financial aid for training and institutional capacity buildi

Microsoft word - p11.doc

INSTRUCTIONS completely. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY. Read carefully and follow all directions. PERSONAL HISTORY Entry into United Nations service might require assignment to any area of the world in which the United Nations might have responsibilities. (a) Are there any limitations on your ability to perform in your prospective field of work? YES (b) Are there any limitations on yo

Effective date:


Microsoft word - good to the last drop.docx

THIS STORY HAS BEEN FORMATTED FOR EASY PRINTING Good to the last drop New research suggests drinking coffee might actually be good for you The heavenly brew, once deemed harmful to health, is turning out to be, if not quite a health food, at least a low-risk drink, and in many ways a beneficial one. It could protect against diabetes, liver cancer, cirrhosis, and Parkinson's disease. What


For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of the editor ([email protected]) How stable are medicines moved fromoriginal packs into compliance aids?In this article, Claire Church and Jane Smith have compiled a table based on information received from manufacturers about the possible stability of their medicines after removal from their packaging and placemen

FLUOXETINE UPC 20 mg/5 ml sol buv FORME solution buvable COMPOSITION fluoxétine chlorhydrate Soit fluoxétine Excipients : macrogol 6000, phosphate disodique dodécahydrate, acide citrique monohydrate, sodium cyclamate, saccharine sodique, acide benzoïque, menthe poivrée essence ( limonème, cinéole, menthone, menthofurane, isomenthone, acétate de menthyl, menthol

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Adoptando la metodología de Ramón Ojeda Mestre el Derecho Ambiental presenta hoy en Colombia los siguientes rostros: 9 La Constitución de 1991 lo convirtió en un derecho nuevo, cuya finalidad es la protección de los recursos naturales y la preservación del ambiente para satisfacer nuestras necesidades presentes y las de las generaciones futuras. 9 Es un derecho que le abre

Microsoft word - trying out the discussion.doc

Critical Review: Does treatment with levodopa improve swallowing function in patients with Parkinson’s Disease? University of Western Ontario: School of Communication Sciences and Disorders This critical review examines the evidence regarding the effects of levodopa on the swallowing function of persons with Parkinson’s disease in seven studies. Study designs include: mixed design, si

7.5.1 normal approximation of binomial

to the Binomial Probability Distribution The goal of this activity is to understand how the normal probability distribution may be used to approximate the binomial probability distribution. State the four criteria for a binomial probability experiment. Clinical trials of the popular allergy medicine Allegra-D found that 13% of the trial subjects reported headache as an adverse reaction to the dr

Exelon Valuing a diverse and inclusive workforce Exelon operates in a world rich in diversity–in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, experience and thought. To achieve our vision to be the best, we value diversity by: • Ensuring that we respect one another and that each of our employees has the opportunity to grow and • Attracting and retaining employees who will best serve

Dealing with adult acne WRINKLES and pimples aren’t meant to go together. But a rise in adult acne means many of us are dealing with what was meant to be a teenage curse. If you thought pimples and the threat of acne disappeared when you bade farewell to teenage angst, then the following news will surprise you: around the world, adult-onset acne is becoming much more prevalent. D

Cross-Index of Products and Chemicals Used by New York’s Natural Gas Industry Dr. Ronald E. Bishop Sustainable Otsego Cooperstown, NY My work-in-progress, “Beyond MSDS: A Review of Hazardous Materials Used by New York’s Natural Gas Industry” began with 48 products disclosed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in response to a Freedom of Information La


Normative Perspectives for Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Journal of Macromarketing Additional services and information for Citations (this article cites 62 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): Normative P


DONALD WOODS WINNICOTT Intentamos resumir algunos aspectos de la teoría del desarrollo temprano emocional postulados por Winnicott. Veremos en primer término la preocupación maternal primaria. La dependencia absoluta y la relativa. Los cuidados maternos: holding, handling y presentación de objeto. La capacidad para estar solo. El falso y el verdadero self. Objetos transicionales. I

Quintessence journals

CASE REPOR t Publication Apexification and coronal restoration after traumatic tooth avulsion: a 10 year follow-up Dr Oliver Pontius, MSD Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics, Höhestr. 15, D-61348, Bad Homburg, Germany Key words adhesive restoration, apexification, avulsion, dental trauma, immature root, MTA This case report looks at a case of traumatic avulsion and subse

4 | januari 2010 | Nieuwsbrief Infectieziekten | Voor huisartsen in de provincie Utrecht Meldingen Infectieziekten (regio) januari-juni 2009 Infectieziekten voor huisartsen provincie Utrecht Nederland Uitbraken van infectieziekten in instellingen 26 Q-koorts in de provincie Babette Rump, arts infectieziektebestrijding, Jane van Ommen, sociaal verpleegkundige, GGD Midde

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Press Release Contact: Emily Esterson MFHA/Covertside 505-553-2671 [email protected] Masters of Foxhounds Association to Offer Thoroughbred Incentive Awards in 2013 Berryville, Va.—The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) is proud to announce that 2013 is The Year of the Foxhunting Thoroughbred. The MFHA is offering $750 in cash and prizes to a hunt member and a hunt club

The work to be done in Haiti will be prioritized in cooperation with the Methodist Church of Haiti (EMH). In general, projects range from construction to medical missions, and can include community development and relationship-building activities (like Vacation Bible School, ESL Classes, Adult Education: Specific Skill training, Vocational Training). Additional projects are reviewed by an oversi

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CF GPS Receiver Introduction Micronet SP3130, CF GPS receiver, simultaneously tracks up to 12 satellites and provides a navigation application for your personal digital assistant (PDA) that operates on the PocketPC platform. Positions are updated in real-time with use of your own street SP3130 features high performance and flexibility. It achieves requirements for high sensitivi



Edex - ct-8709

COMMISSION DE LA TRANSPARENCE Examen du dossier des spécialités inscrites pour une durée de 5 ans à compter du 17 janvier 2006 (JO du 25 octobre 2007) EDEX 10 microgrammes/ 1mL, poudre et solvant pour solution injectable (voie intracaverneuse) 1 mL en cartouche bi-compartiment (verre) avec 1 aiguille, B/2 (CIP: 343 158-0) EDEX 20 microgrammes/ 1mL, poudre et solvant pour solu

DR. RANWEER SILHI M.B.B.S. D.T.D. MEDICAL PRACTITIONER MEDICAL HYPNOTHERAPIST THE SURGERY 511 CANTERBURY STREET GILLINGHAM KENT ME7 5LH Tel: 01634 573020 Fax: 01634 281287 LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH Choosing the right food for good health is very important. Eating a good balanced diet, taking regular exercise, not smoking and reasonable amount of alcohol consumption gives the best chance


Accidents aigus des nouvelles toxicomanies Consensus d'actualisation SFAR - Médecine d'urgence 1999 P. Mols, N. Dedecker, G. Taton, M. Amuli Itegwa Service des urgences adultes, CHU Saint-Pierre, rue Haute 322, B -1000 Bruxelles, Belgique POINTS ESSENTIELS · Les amphétamines autorisées légalement sont soumises à prescription. Elles ont pour indication la narcolepsie, les troub

University of detroit mercy

University of Detroit Mercy McNichols Online Course and Instructor Evaluations Phase One Policy Approved March 22, 2007 I. Membership of ad hoc committee A. One voting faculty member each from McNichols Campus academic units 1. SOA - Allegra Pitera 2. CBA - Larry Bossman 3. CES - Mark Schumack 4. CHP - Deb Knight 5. CLAE - Stephen Manning B. One ex officio member from the Faculty Develop

Microsoft word - newsletter_ md2006_einselgrün

Molecular Diagnostics DOLS Inselspital Bern Molecular Diagnostics Unit of the Divisions of Hematology, Immunology and Clinical Chemistry of Editorial Contents 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)-toxicity – molecular detection of a G>A-splice site mutation in intron 14 of the gene encoding for dihydropyrimidin-Welcome to the first newsletter of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics of the

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Metformin WHAT IS METFORMIN? • Metformin is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes, which is also known as non-insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus. It works by lowering or regulating the amount of sugar in your blood. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT METFORMIN? • In rare cases, metformin can cause a serious side effect called lactic acidosis. Lactic

Science, medicine, and the future New pacing technologies for heart failure Anthony W C Chow, Rebecca E Lane, Martin R Cowie Heart failure is a sizeable problem in elderly populations, and although pharmacological treatmenthas improved, outcome generally remains poor. New pacing technologies have been developed totreat heart failure, with promising resultsThe prevalence of heart failure in t

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FOR BETTER BORDER BUSINESS A primer designed to help Canadian business people understand the legal and practical basics of crossing the USA border to take advantage of the world’s largest and most responsive market. These tips presented courtesy of: Jim Pettinger , President, International Market Access, Inc., a Ferndale, Washington warehousing, freight management a

Buban t cost864 manuscript

Efficacy of Pantoea agglomerans strain HIP32 against Erwinia amylovora Tamás Bubán1 * , Tamás Lakatos1, Tímea Tóth1, László Dorgai 2, Ildikó Hudák3, Mária Hevesi4 1Research and Extension Centre for Fruit Growing, 4244 Újfehértó P.O.Box 38., Hungary 3Biotechn. Laboratory, Res. Centre of the Debrecen University, 4400 Nyíregyháza, Hungary 4Corvinus University, Faculty of

Programa de actividades xv sinaqo.doc

PROGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES XV SINAQO- NOVIEMBRE 2005 DOMINGO 6 de noviembre 09:00 Recepción y alojamiento de Participantes CEREMONIA INAUGURAL Conferencia Plenaria Inaugural (CP-I) “A new paradigm for carbohydrate therapeutics discovery: non-hydrolyzable bioisosters of N,S-thiodisaccharides" Conferencia Plenaria (CP-II) “The fal and rise of natural product research&

OHP MEDICATION GUIDELINE DCIPA, LLC Proton Pump Inhibitors Approved by: Quality Improvement & Utilization Committee Last Date Approved: 6/12 1. Coverage is limited to treatment of above the line diagnoses. 2. Use of generic medications where available will always be preferred to high cost generic or 3. Certain medications are not covered when similar medication


Uitslagen 35ste RTV/NH Vondelparkloop Amsterdam - Zondag 18 januari 2009 J<=12, 2.5 KM KINDER Woonplaats/Vereniging M<=12, 2.5 KM KINDER Woonplaats/Vereniging Uitslagen 35ste RTV/NH Vondelparkloop Amsterdam - Zondag 18 januari 2009 Woonplaats/Vereniging M 2.5, 2.5 KM TRIM Woonplaats/Vereniging V 2.5, 2.5 KM TRIM Woonplaats/Vereniging Uitslagen 35ste RTV/NH V

Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: Editorial CommentsNephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: 463–466Uraemic toxins and cardiovascular diseaseRaymond Vanholder, Griet Glorieux, Norbert Lameire and for the European Uremic Toxin WorkGroup (EUTox)Nephrology Section, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Ghent, BelgiumKeywords: cardiovascular disease; uraemic toxinsCardiovascular dis

Transuretheral resection of the prostate (TURP) This information tells you about an operation on the prostate called a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). It explains how the operation is done, how it can help, what the risks are and what to expect afterwards. The benefits and risks described here are based on research studies and may be different in your hospital. You may

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Normativo Disciplinario Docente y Estudiantil de la Universidad Rural de Guatemala. Artículo 1. Disciplinario. En el presente normativo, el término disciplinario se entiende como el conjunto de normas, actividades y conductas que fomenten el bienestar de la comunidad universitaria. Artículo 2. La Acción Disciplinaria . La acción disciplinaria es el acto de mantener y

Microsoft word - kar_publikationen2004.doc

Kardiologie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich Publikationen 2004 Published Original Reviews Nitric oxide gene transfer inhibits biological features of bypass graft disease in the Tanner F.C., Largiadèr T., Greutert H., Yang Z., Lüscher T.F. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 127, 20-26, 2004. Oxidative stress-associated vascular aging is independent of the protein kinase Bachschmid M., v


Economic Evaluation of Treatment Strategies for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia—Is Medical Therapy More Costly in the Long Run? Christopher S. Saigal,* Mehran Movassaghi, Jennifer Pace, Geoffrey Joyce and the Urologic Diseases in America Project From the Department of Urology, University of California-Los Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Purpose: Although medical therapy fo

Catatan mou

Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement The Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) confirm their commitment to a peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable solution to the conflict in Aceh with dignity for all. The parties commit themselves to creating conditions within which the government of the Acehn

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Principen för laguttagning är alltså att alla A-spelare skall få spela varje match. Med 26 sådana spelare kommer det att vara mycket ovanligt att samtliga kan spela så enstaka reserver kommer ändå att bli aktuella. Reserverna är de B-spelare som listas längst ner. Principen är då att försöka hålla lag IV och V oförändrade och vid vakanser högre upp ta reserver från reservlistan


FACT SHEET ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE NO ACTION TODAY, NO CURE TOMORROW Information for health professionals Antibiotic resistance is an increasing public health threat all over the world. To reduce this problem the use of antibiotics has to be balanced, meaning that antibiotics should be used only when they are needed and justified for therapeutic reasons, and not otherwise.

Publicité directe des médicaments d’ordonnance : protéger les Canadiens avec une information de qualitéPublicité directe des médicaments d’ordonnance : protéger les Canadiens avec une information de qualité Rapport de recherche publié par l’Union des consommateurs 1 000 rue Amherst, bureau 300 Montréal (Québec) H2L 3X5 Téléphone : (514) 521-6820 Télécopieur : (514)

Revista Chilena de Ultrasonografía. Volumen 12 ⁄ Nº 2 ⁄ 2009 Hematocervix y sinequia cervical: Caso clínico Drs. Nelson Rodríguez T(1), Eduardo Carmona I(2), Arturo Espinoza N(3). 1. Médico Ginecólogo Staff, Clínica Indisa (ACOG), Santiago de Chile. 2. Médico Ginecólogo Clínica Alemana, M. SOCHOG, Santiago de Chile. 3. Médico Anatomopatólogo Laboratorio CITOLAB

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Antimicrobials 1, to the tune of “Think of Me” Beta-lactams bind transpeptidases, preventing formation of crosslinks in the peptidoglycan layer Glycopeptides (the only one we have available is peptidoglycan chain, preventing further cell wall Beta-lactams kill where cell walls grow, Don’t combine B-lactams with bacteriostatic They won’t work if static drugs make wall drugs! Th

The no-scalpel vasectomy

The No-Scalpel Vasectomy Over 500are done each year in the United States. Vasectomy is a simple, safe surgical procedure for permanent macontrol. The tube (called a “vas”) which leads from the testicle is cut and sealed in order to stop sperm from leaving. The procedure usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes. Since the procedure simply interrupts the delivery of sperm it does not change horm


Exercise Prescription for Older Adults With Osteoarthritis Pain: Consensus Practice Recommendations A Supplement to the AGS Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Pain in Older Adults American Geriatrics Society Panel on Exercise and Osteoarthritis INTRODUCTION the U.S. are healthy and physically active, others sufferIn response to mounting evidence that a program o

The Use of IVOMEC® (ivermectin) Pour-On and Permethrin Ear Tags for Season-long Ho. Page 1 of 4 The Use of IVOMEC® (ivermectin) Pour-On and Information Permethrin Ear Tags for Season-long Horn Fly Control About This Topic From James A. Hawkins, DVM, PhD Based on: Hawkins JA, Foil L, Strother GR. Season long horn fly control using IVOMEC® The Horn Fly (ivermectin) Pou

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Welcome to Clinical Trials Update from the UC Health Clinical Trials Office. This e-newsletter features information about clinical trials, or research studies, that you or a family member may be able to participate in at UC Health. A research study to understand how weight loss surgery changes glucose metabolism Have You Had Weight Loss Surgery? This NIH funded research stud

Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conferenceof the Design History Society. Design History Society , Falmouth. ISBN 9781599429069 Please refer to usage guidelines at or alter-natively contact License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No DerivativesUnless otherwise stated, copyright owned by the author “Now I can feel myself!” The production of affects in the

Microsoft word - contabilidad administrativa - 2013 - ii ok

SYLLABUS 1. Área disciplinar: CONTADURÍA PÚBLICA 1.1. Espacio Académico: CONTABILIDAD ADMINISTRATIVA Profesionalización x x Horas trabajo independiente 1.8 Equipo docente responsable: 1.9 Docente 3. Pregunta ética Se parte de considerar a la contabilidad como un actor fundamental en las relaciones sociales, en particular en las relaciones económicas, de n

RESUMENES DE TRABAJOS DE FARMACIA ESTUDIANTES 1. Análisis toxicológico y estudio fitoquímico del extracto hidroalcohólico de tocosh (D. Gutiérrez, C. Pisconte. Asesores: Luis Félix, J. Chávez, E. León Resumen En el Perú se encuentran alrededor de 3800 variedades de papa y es uno de los principales aportes de nuestro país al mundo. Fue domesticada hace poco menos de 10,000 a�


Environmental Conservation 31 (1): 4–6 © 2004 Foundation for Environmental Conservation Is Viagra a viable conservation tool? Response to Hoover, 2003 In 1998, we (von Hippel & von Hippel 1998) suggested that the advent of Viagra might take someof the market pressure off a variety of threatened species used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED)in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In


Best practice guidelines for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis to determine fetal sex for known carriers of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Background Fetal DNA is required for prenatal genetic testing. Traditionally invasive testing by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling has been required to obtain fetal DNA. These procedures carry a small but significant (around 1%) risk

Pizza-Restaurant Schwetzingen Statistische Daten und Wirtschaftsdaten Profile Pizza-Restaurant Schwetzingen Christiane Ostermann Mannheim Niederfeldstr. 69 - 68199 Mannheim Bernd Klapproth Neckarau Luisenstr. 38 - 68199 Mannheim Pietro Amormino Hauptstr. 23 - 68526 Ladenburg Umberto Marcias Mannheimer Str. 14B - 68723 Oftersheim Michelina Montana Maxstr. 3358 - 67059 L


SERIE: "LA BIBLIA BAJO EL LENTE DE LA CIENCIA" por Mario Seiglie S. _________________________________________________________________ GÉNESIS 3-5 EL MUNDO ANTEDILUVIANO (CONTINUACIÓN) el espíritu santo guía a la pareja, la mujer no se Génesis, es importante enfocar en los cambios siente explotada ni "enseñoreada". Todo lo que ocurren con la Tierra y la human


The objective of this paper is to discuss how to measure the role ofintergenerational transfers for wealth using cross-national comparabledata sets constructed by the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) project. The most obvious use of the LWS data for studying intergenerationaltransfers is to estimate econometric models that can be used to predict“end of life” wealth. If the original data is of pan

Weiss - our brave new pharmacological

OUR BRAVE NEW PHARMACOLOGICAL WORLD: A VIRTUE ETHICS CRITIQUE Steven D. WeissAugusta State University It’s not difficult to say what’s objectionable about soma in AldousHuxley’s Brave New World : the majority of the blissed-out, mindless deni-zens of this socially and biologically engineered dystopia are obliviousnot only to their own manipulation but also to the fact that their liveshav

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: What Is Neuropathy? Neuropathy Causes And Treatments Neuropathy is a collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord) are damaged. The condition is generally referred to as peripheral neuropathy, and it is most commonly due to damage to nerve axons. Neuropathy usually causes pain and numbnes


La mort en danger de mort La mort est en danger de mort L'évolution des biotechnologies pourrait mettre la mort en danger. Très bientôt l'espérance de vie aura doublé par rapport à ce qu'elle était au début du XX` siècle. La possibilité d'une existence humaine indéfiniment prolongée se dessine à l'horizon. En s'appuyant sur les promesses des cellules souches, sur la régén


Wechseljahre / Wandeljahre Gesetzmäßigkeit der Zeitstrukturen In einer Gesellschaft, die an ewige Jugend, den chirurgischen und medikamentösen Machbarkeitswahn glaubt, haben Wechseljahrbeschwerden eigentlich keinen Platz. Hinzu kommt, dass Medizin noch immer von Männern dominiert wird und die Symptome nur bei Frauen auftreten. Aus Wechseljahren ist eine Krankheit geworden, die man bekä

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O Summe L r 2003 OGY ROBOTIC RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY COMES TO DUKE Even though radical prostatectomy remains the goldprocedure is performed in the same way as the LRP butstandard for the treatment of localized prostate cancer, thewith the assistance of a daVinci robotic surgical systemradical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) and radical per-(Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Mountain View,

Eating one's words: part iii. mentalisation-based psychotherapy for anorexia nervosa-an outline for a treatment and training manual

European Eating Disorders ReviewEur. Eat. Disorders Rev. 15, 323–339 (2007)Eating One’s Words: Part III. Mentalisation-BasedPsychotherapy for AnorexiaNervosa—An Outline for aTreatment and Training Manual1Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Lillehammer University College,Norway2Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Eastern and SouthernNorway, Oslo, NorwayThis paper presents a ne

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UNCA LA CARPA Y LA PREVENCION DEL BLANQUEAMIENTO DE I . Presentación de la Carpa (1): Hasta 1954, el manejo de los fondos ha sido efectuado por los Procuradores judiciales lo que permitía a los abogados descuidarse de las preocupaciones contables y dedicarse totalmente al desempeño de la Pero, los conflictos de la postguerra y las evoluciones que tendían a dispensar ciertas j


Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 42 (2005) 131–135Extracting and analyzing sub-signals in heart rate variabilitya College of Bio-information, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, PR China b Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, Chongqing 400016, PR China Received 29 November 2004; accepted 24 January 2

06/09/2010 - 20/10/2010 37th ICAO General Assembly sees aviation greenhouse emission breakthrough At the end of difficult negotiations during the 37th session of the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the 190 contracting states succeeded in striking a global aviation emissions deal. ICAO has agreed on a global medium-term goal of capping aviation emiss

Fiscal Federalism in Mexico: Distortions and Structural Traps Enrique Cabrero Mendoza*1 The decentralization process in Mexico has shown significant progress by trying to empower local and state governments. However, the Mexican case makes clear that the transfer of greater powers to subnational governments does not necessarily means an increase in their institutional capacities. Th

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Comunicado de prensa Actos públicos y símbolos religiosos Ante el actual debate acerca de la presencia de los símbolos religiosos en los actos oficiales, así como el inminente debate en el Congreso de los diputados de los acuerdos entre el Estado español y el Estado del Vaticano, como Alianza Evangélica Española queremos aportar nuestro punto de vista dentro de la perspecti

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Fluconazol Sandoz® 50, capsules 50 mg, hard Fluconazol Sandoz® 100, capsules 100 mg, hard Fluconazol Sandoz® 150, capsules 150 mg, hard Fluconazol Sandoz® 200, capsules 200 mg, hard BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIKER Lees goed de hele bijsluiter voordat u dit geneesmiddel gaat infecties die veroorzaakt worden door Candida en die aangetroffen gebruiken want er

Fabrisia franzoi.cdr

deste artigo, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica é mostrar como estão as discussões, denúncias, leis e jurispru-estudo, principalmente sobre o mundo neoliberal que se instalou nas Palavras-chave: trabalho, assédio problema nas relações sociais e, consequentemente, nas relações jurídicas: o assédio moral. Desde que itself in several ways. However, it is in paper, as a result o

DOMANDA N. 68946 LAURA CALZA' Dati Personali 16/08/1956 a ARCO (TN) Codice fiscale CLZLRA56M56A372E Indirizzo E-mail [email protected] Telefono Indirizzo di residenza o domicilio per eventuali comunicazioni da parte della Direzione Generaledell'Università: Indirizzo DSMVET, Università di Bologna, Via Tolara di Sopra 50 Ozzano Emilia Prov. BO Dati relativi alla Do

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The National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS Activities in Uganda: 2000/1 – 2005/6 Mid-Term Review Report THEME 2: CARE AND TREATMENT TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP December 2003 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We conducted a review of the progress in care and treatment as part of the ongoing Mid-Term Review of the National Strategic Framework (NSF). The specific objectives fo

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evaluating the evidence for clinical practice and QOF Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th November 2008 BMA House Based on our popular and highly-evaluated previous medical meeting, this exciting, new course has updated objectives specifically covering key areas of the QOF targets. Speakers are national experts involved in the production of speciality guidelines. Learning objectives are directly

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LONG ISLAND CENTER FOR INCONTINENCE AND VOIDING DYSFUNCTION1. The following questionaire should only take about ten minutes to complete. 2. If you cannot answer a question, simply leave it blank. 3. DO NOT complete the gray-shaded areas. NAME: ______________________________________________What is your primary urinary complaint? ____________________________________________________________How

Ueli Eigenheer Blauer Weg 3 2503 Biel/Bienne Nach 13 Jahren eingaben machen beantrage ich nun die Aufklärung der Zerstörung meiner Karriere sowie meinem Leben, neben der Aufdeckung eines großen Offizialdeliktes falls Sie dazu aus Rechtsmittel staatlichen Gründen nicht in der Lage sind, oder weiterhin die Rehabilitierung meines Lebens verweigern und nicht mit einer 100% Wahrheit ans Tageslicht


ANNUAL TREASURER'S REPORT Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Annual Treasurer'sReport of the City of Urbana, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. Following is an itemized list of all disbursements greater than $2,500 and all wages paidby the City of Urbana in the fiscal year July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Ronald C. Eldridge Comptroller/Treasurer

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Retail Market Monitor (Hong Kong) 13 July 2012 From the Regional Morning Notes The United Laboratories (3933 HK/BUY/Target: HK$5.00) Sales Volume Of Bulk Medicine Rebounds; Expect Positive Earnings In 1H12 What’s New The United Laboratories (TUL) saw a rebound in the sales volume of major bulk medicine and is expecting positive earnings in 1H12. Stock Impact 1H12 sal

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I. Listening comprehension: Teenage rebellion (3.21 min)Vocabulary:transgressions - wrong doingsstay over - spend the nightleft to their own devices - they could do what they wantedhaving the time of their lives - having a marvellous timea terrific row - a big argumenta sick note - a note from parents saying that their child is too ill to go to schooloutlandish - strange, exoticno big deal - noth

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