Mental Retardation in Children Ages 6 to 16
Mental retardation (MR) is a life long condition that affects 6 million American and 560,000Canadian children under the age of 14. This review discusses the definition of MR, anapproach to investigation, common comorbidities, and a general approach to management. Semin Pediatr Neurol 13:262-270 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS mental retardation, management
Mentalretardation(MR)isageneraltermforarelatively standard deviation (SD) on measures such as the Wechsler
common, life-long condition in which differences in
Scales. In mild MR, IQ is 2 to 3 SD below the mean; in
cognitive and adaptive development occur because of abnor-
moderate MR, 3 to 4 SD below the mean; in severe MR, 4 to
malities of brain structure or function. Medically, MR should
5 SD below the mean; and in profound MR, IQ is more than
not be thought of as a diagnosis but rather as a symptom of
5 SD below the mean. In contrast, the AAMR does not sub-
neurologic dysfunction, like weakness or spasticity. The
classify MR based on IQ ranges but focuses on whether sup-
presence of MR has impact on many aspects of the lives of
port needs in the various adaptive skill areas are intermittent,
children, their families, and their communities and is an im-
limited, extensive, or pervasive, the ILEP classification sys-
Definitions Terminology
There are currently 2 commonly used formal definitions of
Debate about the terminology of developmental disability in
MR. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
general and mental retardation in particular and
Fourth Edition (DSM-IVdefines MR by 3 coexisting features
practitioners can feel at times that they are in a linguistic
(1) significantly subaverage intellectual functioning accom-
minefield. In some countries, mental retardation has been
panied by (2) deficits or impairments in adaptive functioning
largely discarded in favor of learning disability or intellectual
that are (3) evident before age 18. The definition of the Amer-
because the term mental retardation is regarded by
ican Association on Mental Retardation contains
some as pejorative. Others argue that mental retardation has a
essentially the same 3 core components but also lists key
definition, unlike alternative terms, and should therefore en-
assumptions that are essential to application of the definition.
sure clarity of communication. A study by Panek and
These address the importance of appropriate assessment with
in the Midwestern United States, found that there was some
respect to elements such as age, culture, language, and envi-
evidence favoring mentally challenged as a term, although
ronment; the need to delineate strengths as well as limitations
the difference in how positively it was seen in comparison to
and to identify support needs; and the potential for persons
the other terms was not large.This author’s experience has
with MR to improve with respect to life functioning if pro-
been that poorly timed use of the term mental retardation can
vided with the appropriate supports for a sustained period.
harm therapeutic relationships and that the use of alterna-
Degrees of MR are additionally described within the DSM-
tives is generally preferable when speaking with affected in-
IV, based on numerical IQ scores and assuming associated
dividuals and their families. These include mentally chal-
adaptive deficits. These ranges reflect the degree of deviation
lenged and development delay. Developmental delay is defined
of the IQ from a mean of 100, with 15 points representing 1
by some as applying only to children under 5 years of age andmental retardation to older but the reality is thateach is often applied outside those age ranges. If a practitio-
Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, Division of Developmental
ner uses mental retardation, it is best to clarify with families
Pediatrics, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
their interpretation of the term and their feelings about it,
Address reprint requests to Sarah E. Shea, MD, FRCPC, C/0 IWK Health
Centre, P.O. Box 9700, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 6R8 Canada. E-mail:
rather than assuming a shared understanding. Regardless of
which term is used, good communication requires that any
1071-9091/06/$-see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.spen.2006.09.010
Mental retardation
term be accompanied by appropriate explanation, including
ences, and cardiac or genitourinary anomalies are examples
how it applies to the child’s developmental profile, and by
of findings that may suggest syndromes associated with MR.
information about prognosis, to the degree that it is known
The physical examination should include testing of vision
and hearing, both as part of the search for etiology and be-cause of the higher prevalence of comorbid sensory deficits in
Epidemiology of MR
Findings may immediately suggest to the clinician an as-
The prevalence of MR is generally quoted as roughly
sociated syndrome or disorder. If not, pattern recognition
although cohorts defined only by IQ will range from 2% to
may be enhanced by the use of resources such as the Online
3%. A recent review of the epidemiology of MR in children
Mendelian Inheritance in Man which provides a
indicated that actual measured prevalence varies consider-
search engine into which one can list clinical findings, in-
ably, with ranges as high as 9.7% in 1 series of 10- to 14-year
cluding the presence of MR, and receive a list of possible
olds.This variance reflects differences in the populations
diagnoses. The neurodevelopmental profile itself can some-
studied, case definition, and study design. The same review
times provide a clue to etiology. For example, some children
noted that based on a normal distribution of intelligence, MR
with MR have a coexisting nonverbal learning disorder pat-
would be expected to be in the mild range 75% to 80% of the
tern, which should lead the clinician to consider causes such
time but that the reported prevalence of children with IQs in
as velocardiofacial or Williams among others.
the moderate to profound range may be somewhat
Studies vary with respect to the reported likelihood that an
MR is found more commonly in boys than girls in a 1.4:1
etiology can be established for developmental delay and/or
MR with yields from 10% to There is consensus that
Based on available population figures and a 1% preva-
the history and the physical examination are the most critical
lence, there are currently approximately 6 million American
elements of the investigation. Next most helpful is genetic
and 560, 000 Canadian children under the age of 14 years
testing. Fragile X syndrome has a reported frequency of 1% in
children with milder delays and 4.1% of those with moresignificant Chromosomal abnormalities on routine cy-
togenetic studies are reported to be present in 2.93% to11.6% of children with delayed For children
Efforts to identify the cause of a child’s MR are important
with MR and other findings or a suggestive family history,
because this may improve the recognition of associated
there may be additional yield from assessment for subtelo-
health issues (eg, progressive supravalvular aortic stenosis in
meric abnormalities via fluorescent in situ hybridization or
the child with Williams syndrome) or have genetic implica-
the use of comparative genomic Genetic test-
tions for the affected individual and his family (eg, tuberous
ing should be considered even in the absence of dysmorphic
sclerosis or Fragile X). In some cases, a treatable condition
features because these are absent in 4 of 10 children with MR
may be identified and the neurodevelopmental outcome im-
proved (eg, lead poisoning). Families typically seek to know
The diagnostic yield for metabolic studies, electroenceph-
the cause of their child’s developmental differences and this
alogram, thyroid function testing, and lead screening in chil-
knowledge may assist them in understanding their child and
dren with isolated mild mental retardation (ie, those without
in accessing support systems. Children with severe to pro-
abnormalities on examination or diagnostic red flags in the
found MR will most commonly be identified as having devel-
history) is The yield for abnormalities on neuroimag-
opmental differences before the age of 6 years and will typi-
ing, especially with magnetic resonance imaging, in children
cally have had some investigation with respect to causation in
with MR is relatively high. One study with children under 5
early childhood. However, milder degrees of MR may not be
years reported abnormal findings in 13.9% when imaging
recognized until a child encounters difficulties in the aca-
was done for “screening” and 3 times higher when there were
demic setting, and a search for the etiology will therefore be
focal neurologic findings or head growth
initiated later. In addition, in cases of MR in which no etiol-
However, it is not clear that finding cerebral dysgenesis or
ogy has been determined, the hunt for causation becomes an
localized minor brain structure differences is actually truly
answering the underlying question, “Why does this child
A review of the history and a thorough physical examina-
have MR?” One is often left asking either “Is this relevant?” or
tion can aid in identifying the possible etiology. The inter-
“Why, then, did this brain develop differently?” Such find-
view should cover family history; prenatal, perinatal, and
ings also rarely affect management or outcome. Neuroimag-
neonatal events; past medical history of both neurologic and
ing, moreover, is not without cost or risk. In this population,
other conditions; a review of systems; and a detailed history
computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance
of development and behavior. Information about the child’s
imaging often require sedation and general anesthesia, re-
physical, social, and family environments as well as interven-
spectively. For cranial CT scans in children, the lifetime risk
tions accessed to date is also important. The physical
of cancer related mortality, cited as 0.07% for a cranial CT
examination should be comprehensive because clues to the
scan of a 1-year should be factored into decision making.
etiology may be found in virtually any system. Growth ab-
In the absence of additional indications for metabolic as-
normalities, skin markings, unusual facies, skeletal differ-
sessment or neuroimaging, therefore, it is this author’s prac-
S.E. Shea
tice to limit offered investigations to chromosome assessment
risk of overestimating the presence of MR with early intelli-
and molecular analysis for Fragile X for children in this age
gence tests. The prognostic strength of measures of intelli-
range newly diagnosed with MR. These genetic tests should
gence in the autistic population is lower than in delayed but
be undertaken only after full discussion with the family (and
otherwise typical children. Improvement in IQ is more com-
the child, where appropriate) of the medical, emotional, and
monly observed in the autistic group. Many individuals with
social implications of abnormal results. Consultation with a
autism, however, show adaptive behavior that is impaired
geneticist may be helpful in more complex cases and if more
more than would be expected for a given level of intelligence.
detailed chromosomal testing is being considered.
When children do not have an identified etiology for their
mental retardation, it is important that they be followed be-cause some may later develop features that reveal an under-
Prevalence rates for ADHD in school-aged children vary con-
lying diagnosis. Periodic physical examination is indicated to
siderably. Brownell and reported prevalence in
monitor for changes such as new cutaneous findings; differ-
Manitoba of 1.52% overall, whereas Blanchard and cowork-
ences in pubertal development; or changes in hearing, vision,
reported a figure of 6.9% based on the 2003 National
or growth that could lead to relevant diagnoses.
Survey of Children’s Health in the United States. The preva-lence of ADHD in children with MR is reported in the 9% to15% ADHD can compromise the progress of chil-
dren with MR, interfere with integration within schools, and
Children with MR are at a significantly increased risk for a
add stress at home. The diagnostic criteria for ADHD do not
wide variety of comorbid conditions and should be actively
change in the context of MR, but behavior needs to be inter-
screened for these on a periodic basis.
preted with respect to the child’s developmental profile andnot just his/her age. The child with MR and ADHD can ben-
efit from both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic inter-ventions. Children with MR are somewhat less likely to re-
Subsets of children with MR have recognized syndromes or
spond to stimulant medications than other children or may
medical conditions that are associated with certain comor-
require higher doses, but these remain first-line options in
bidities. Children with Down syndrome, for example, need
view of their low rate of significant side There is
to be monitored for hearing impairment, visual difficulties,
some evidence that treatment with methylphenidate may im-
atlantoaxial instability, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and
prove some aspects of cognitive functioning in children with
so on. Children with Williams syndrome may have progres-
MR and When children with MR and comorbid
sive supravalvular aortic stenosis or other cardiac conditions,
ADHD have disruptive behaviors that are seriously interfer-
abnormalities related to calcium metabolism, and differences
ing with their function, consideration can be given to other
in growth. Associations that have developed around specific
medications, such as alpha-agonists or atypical antipsychot-
conditions often maintain up-to-date resources for profes-
ics. It should be noted, however, that these remain “off-label”
sionals (eg, National Down syndrome Society) on their Inter-
uses for these medications. Risperidone, in particular, has
net websites. Physicians can access condition-specific growth
been shown to compare favorably with methylphenidate for
charts and health maintenance check lists to assist them.
the management of ADHD in children and adolescents withAt this time, there is no information available regarding
the use of atomoxetine specifically in individuals with MR.
The relationship between autism and mental retardation is
This author has had success using atomoxetine with some
complex. It is estimated that 20% to 30% of children with MR
children with MR and ADHD, including some with comorbid
also have autism spectrum It can be harder to
autism. A limiting issue with the use of this preparation and
determine whether autism is present or not in children with
some other formulations used to treat ADHD can be the
MR. Stereotypies such as rocking or atypical hand move-
inability of some children with MR to swallow an intact cap-
ments are common in children with more severe degrees of
sule or refrain from chewing sprinkled medications. In such
MR, as is the lack of pretend In and of themselves,
cases, consultation with a behavioral psychologist to teach
these do not make a diagnosis of autism, which should be
the child to swallow pills can be effective.
reserved for situations in which there is a clear difference inthe quality of social and communicative behaviors. A markedreduction in the frequency of attempts to communicate can
be a particularly helpful finding because those are normally
Sensory deficits are present in 2% of children with milder
present even in situations of severe and profound MR.
degrees of MR and 11% of children with severe Diag-
Reversing the equation, a significant number of children
nostic caution is advisable where there is severe sensory im-
with diagnosed autism also meet criteria for MR. Children
pairment because there is a risk of underestimating intelli-
with classical autism have a reported prevalence of MR of
gence if it is assessed without consideration of the sensory
70% to Within the broader modern conceptualiza-
difficulty. Such assessment is best performed by those expe-
tion of “autism spectrum disorder,” the percentage of affected
rienced in assessing intelligence and adaptive behavior in the
children with comorbid MR is significantly lower. There is a
context of visual or hearing impairment. Mental retardation
are relatively unstudied for this purpose. There is more in-
Cerebral Palsy is reported in 6% to 8% of children with mild
formation about risperidone than the others, including evi-
MR and up to 30% of children with severe As with
dence for effectiveness in improving disruptive and conduct
sensory impairment, the presence of cerebral palsy may affect
disorders in children with The more common side
the assessment of intelligence, particularly when there is im-
effects include weight gain and somnolence. Weight gain can
pairment of upper-limb function. Verbal intelligence is more
be dramatic. Extrapyramidal dysfunction and tardive dyski-
straightforward to assess if children are reliably verbal. As-
nesia are much less frequent with the atypical antipsychotics
sessment of nonverbal/performance intelligence is more chal-
but can occur. There is some evidence that valproic acid may
lenging, but there are tools designed to assess visual/spatial
be helpful for aggression, self-injury, and other affective
learning without the motor component (eg, test of Visual
symptoms in individuals with MR, but studies have been
Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression can occur
in children and youth with MR and may be more Social isolation and emerging insight into differences can
The rates of psychiatric and behavioral disturbances among
contribute to this enhanced susceptibility. Assessment for
children with MR have been estimated as high as
mood disorders may need to rely more on observed behav-
Parents may need additional support in developing optimal
ioral change than on self-report in individuals with severe
behavior-management strategies. Other caregivers and teach-
MR. Children and youth with MR can also have comorbid
ers may also need to have clear behavior strategies in place.
obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette syndrome, and
The principles of behavior management for children with MR
other tic disorders, as well as posttraumatic stress disorder,
are the same as for others. The key differences are that be-
eating disorders, and personality The pharmaco-
havior needs to be interpreted with respect to the develop-
logic treatment of these will be similar to that for children
mental level and that it may be harder to determine the func-
who do not have MR. There is significant debate with respect
tion of behaviors. Where there is challenging behavior, it canbe very helpful to apply the basic ABC approach of analysis,
to the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in assisting
which looks at (A) antecedents of the behavior (ie, what was
individuals with MR and mental health concerns.Individ-
going on at the time the behavior occurred?) (B) behavior (ie,
ual children or youth with MR can be assessed to see whether
exactly what happened?) and (C) consequences to the behav-
they have the component cognitive skills for cognitive behav-
ior (ie, what was accomplished through the behavior and
ioral therapy, which include awareness of emotion, the abil-
ity to link events and emotions, and the ability to engage in
Sometimes assessing behaviors using the ABC format will
show that there are antecedent conditions that predict unde-sired behaviors. Some children, for example, may be upset
with unexpected transitions and therefore act out. It may be
Sleep problems, including circadian rhythm disturbances,
noted with respect to consequences that noncompliance gen-
are common in children with MR. Sleep problems may be
erated disruptions are inadvertently being reinforced when
organic in origin (eg, sleep apnea associated with Down syn-
children do not have to stick with low-interest activities.
drome), behaviorally driven, or related to lifestyle. Underly-
Challenging behavior in children with more severe degrees of
ing physical contributors, such as obesity, tonsillar enlarge-
MR may be seen to occur when there is a communication gap.
ment, and gastroesophageal reflux, should be addressed. In
Careful analysis of behavior can identify potential modifiable
general, behavioral and lifestyle approaches are preferred as
environmental factors, clarify skills that need to be taught toallow a child another way to express himself or solve a prob-
first-line interventions for nonorganic sleep problems. Chil-
lem, and help caregivers determine whether their responses
dren with MR often lack sufficient exercise or may be permit-
ted to nap beyond the typical age. Cosleeping (ie, allowing
The use of psychopharmacologic agents to modify the be-
the child to sleep for all or part of the night in the parental
havioral profile of children with MR is a growing and some-
bed) is also somewhat more common in this group and may
what controversial area. As alluded to previously, most
compromise sleep hygiene. If a sleep problem is severe and
agents are being used “off label” either with respect to the age
behavioral interventions unsuccessful, medication support
of the recipient or the indication, and many of them are
may be required. Where possible, it should be used only
relatively unstudied. Individuals with MR are less likely to be
short term. There are very few quality studies of the short-
consulted with respect to their medication preferences, and
term or long-term safety or effectiveness of medications for
decision making is almost always done by proxy. Therefore,
children’s sleep That being said, this author has
greater caution is needed in prescribing. Nonetheless, judi-
found that melatonin can be helpful, typically in doses of 2 to
cious and targeted use of medications can improve the func-
6 mg. The impact appears to be primarily on sleep
tion and lives of children and youth with MR and mental
Other options to induce sleep include clonidine or traz-
odone. A more challenging problem is when a child wakes
A number of the atypical antipsychotics are in use to man-
repeatedly or for long periods during the night. Controlled-
age difficult behavior in children and youth with MR. Most
release melatonin and trazodone may help with this. S.E. Shea Educational Needs of
routes of communication for those whose expressive skills
Children and Youth With MR
are limited. Communication skills have a huge impact on thequality of life of individuals with MR and must remain a
The last few decades have seen a move away from the previ-
ous paradigm of separate education for individuals with MRin favor of a more inclusive approach. The rationale given for
Inadequate Opportunity to Build Functional/
this is both philosophical and educational. It is easier to make
the philosophical arguments about the need to value and
Long-term outcome for individuals with MR can be signifi-
include all members of a community than it is to pin down
cantly improved through the development of leisure skills.
the impact on outcome. Attempts at meta-analyses of differ-
Active skills are of particular importance and are less likely to
ent educational studies have been Nonethe-
develop without planning. This leaves children dependent
less, most American and Canadian school systems actively
on passive, typically electronic, experiences such as watching
pursue an inclusive approach to special education at this
Leisure activities provide an opportunity to develop
time, and this has been generally welcomed by people with
social skills and physical fitness and improve function and
MR and those who advocate with and for them.
should be part of students’ individualized plans. Educational
One of the desired goals of inclusive education is to im-
programs for children with MR should include introduction
prove the social experience of the child with MR. Unfortu-
to a variety of leisure activities, such as card games, board
nately, inclusion alone does not appear to achieve adequate
games, walking/hiking with others, bowling, swimming,
social integration, especially as children move into the mid-
painting, making crafts, and so on. Many household skills are
dle and later elementary school years. Children with MR are
both functional and recreational, such as cooking, baking,
more likely to be rejected by Therefore, structured
and sewing. Students can be supported in pursuing areas of
approaches to help students with and without MR to relate
interest and developing them into hobbies, which in the long
more positively to one another may be needed. As students
run may help them connect with others. Teaching these skills
get older, they appear to be more likely to find their deepest
along with the key components of social skills are very ap-
friendships among others with identified special needs and
propriate components of individualized program plans for
should have opportunities to socialize together.
students with MR. Grooming, manners, and knowing how tomaintain relationships are all skills that individuals need to
Common Problem Areas at
thrive within communities. It may take longer for some indi-
School for Children With MR
viduals with MR to learn these skills, and their early intro-duction into the individual’s curriculum and reinforcement
It is the author’s experience that the following are potential
concerns for the child with MR at school, regardless ofwhether inclusive or segregated approaches are used. Sexuality/Puberty Issues in Youth With MR
Mainstream schools are naturally built around a traditional
Most individuals with MR go through puberty on a typical
academic model and have finite resources. It can be challeng-
schedule. Those with underlying central nervous system
ing for them to provide a sufficiently varied and interesting
problems such as hydrocephalus may have precocious pu-
program for children with MR. This is especially true for
berty. Intervention in such cases to prevent an early onset of
those children with more severe degrees of learning diffi-
menses may be helpful because it can allow further time to
culty. There is a risk of boredom if a child’s program remains
develop self-help skills that will assist with menstrual hy-
inappropriately locked into a confined academic model.
giene. Although parents are often quite anxious about pu-
Some children spend time tracing letters or doing repetitive
berty issues, most individuals negotiate this stage without
worksheets year after year in well-intentioned attempts to
major difficulty. In general, girls who are able to handle their
include them in “academic” activities. Boredom may present
toileting hygiene will manage their menstrual hygiene. Some
as withdrawal behaviors, such as increased stereotypies, self-
will need reminders and prompts, which can be easily incor-
talk, or disruptive behavior. An escalation in these activities
should prompt a review of school programming to ensure
Physicians can help families monitor for complications
of menstruation such as premenstrual mood or behaviorchanges. If the timing of periods is unpredictable, flow is
excessive, or there are significant premenstrual behavioral
Most children with MR have significant differences in their
issues, consideration can be given to the use of an oral con-
communication skills and need to be actively working on
traceptive. This will often reduce the amount of flow and
these throughout their education. Periodic assessment of the
mood variability and also offers the security of predictable
child‘s communication intervention needs is critical, includ-
menses. Menstrual suppression through the use of depot me-
ing supports for articulation, comprehension, verbal expres-
droxyprogesterone or of an oral contraceptive regimen with
sion, pragmatic use of language, and the need for alternative
fewer scheduled periods per year is also an option. However,
Mental retardation
any decision related to menstrual manipulation must care-
taught skills but failed to exhibit them in follow-up
fully weigh the risks and benefits. Long-term use of depot
This suggests that appropriate supervision remains the key
medroxyprogesterone, for example, has been associated with
The use of hormonal agents is also associatedwith increased risk of stroke. The quality of life of the indi-vidual with MR must be carefully considered, and substitute
Healthy Active Living for
decision making must always have the well being of the in-dividual for whom the decisions are being made as the high-
Children and Youth With MR
Children, youth, and adults with MR are at increased risk of
Parents still inquire about sterilization for their adolescent
obesity and poor In some cases, there is a direct
daughters with MR. This is a complex issue. Paransky and
relationship with underlying medical disorders, such as
have published an excellent review on this subject.
Prader-Willi and Bardet-Biedl syndromes. In most cases,
If the concern behind such a request relates to menstrual
however, it is because of a lack of opportunity for exercise,
management, strategies such as those discussed earlier can be
too much passive recreation, and poor eating habits.
introduced. If the concern is risk of pregnancy, balanced
Children with MR may have difficulty accessing many recre-
discussion about the likelihood of a young woman’s being
ational sports programs. Although the earliest levels of sport-
sexuality active should occur. Individuals with MR have thesame rights to be sexually active as others but are at a higher
related programs, such as T ball, can be successfully inclusive,
risk for being coerced. Sterilization is not a substitute for
many community programs quickly become competitive and
adequate protection of a vulnerable population, but refusing
are less welcoming. There are, however, in many areas recre-
to ever consider sterilization as a possible contraceptive op-
ational opportunities that can accommodate individuals with
tion for someone on the basis of their intellectual ability is
developmental differences. In some communities, recre-
also not reasonable. Consultation with a gynecologist expe-
ational therapists can help find ways to include children.
rienced in assisting young women with MR can be invaluable
Some community recreation programs have financial assis-
when issues pertaining to menstruation and contraception
tance available to provide an aide to assist with integration
arise. In challenging situations, an ethics consultation may
within the program. Some areas will have special programs
also help the involved parties reach consensus.
for children and youth with developmental disabilities, such
Only a minority of young men and women with MR will be
as therapeutic horseback riding or the Special Olympics Pro-
infertile, typically because of chromosomal abnormalities
gram. It is important is to encourage all families to take a
(eg, males with Down syndrome,) and most will show evi-
shared family approach to healthy active living.
dence of typical sexual feelings. Sexuality education can be
Growth charts that have been assembled specifically to
more challenging in this population but is important. Re-
assess the growth of children with conditions, such as Down
sources for sexuality education need to be individualized to
syndrome, should be regarded with caution. They may be
match the level of understanding of the young person. For
based on populations that are, in fact, prone to obesity be-
example, to help individuals with limited ability to under-
cause of the previous factors and may not reflect healthy body
stand the more abstract issues, the “bathing suit rule” can be
proportions. It may help to use a body mass index chart to
helpful for teaching about appropriate touch. Very simply,
young people can be taught that they should not touch otherpeople in the areas typically covered by their bathing suit norshould they allow others to touch them in the areas that
Planning for the Future
would typically be covered by a bathing suit. A good direc-tory for relevant resources can be found at the website for the
Just as it is important to start teaching leisure and adaptive
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabili-
skills early, it is also important to plan for job-related
skills, particularly for those individuals in the mild to
Parents and teachers commonly express concerns about
moderate MR categories. The communication, grooming,
masturbation, particularly when it occurs in public settings.
and etiquette skills previously described are important. So
The concern is so common that physicians should ask about
too is learning about the fundamentals of employability
it as part of their review at visits. In most cases, education
such as punctuality, appropriate attire, and work place
about privacy and redirection are sufficient to deal with the
behavior, along with exposure to different community set-
issue. Teaching strategies such as social stories may also be of
tings that might offer work opportunities. This is more
Parents may be concerned about the risk for sexual abuse
straightforward for individuals who are best matched
or coercion of their children with MR. There is some evidence
within a sheltered or supportive work environment. Many
that programs for persons with MR can improve knowledge
individuals with mild MR, however, can match to a more
regarding sexual abuse, but to date there is little information
independent work setting if they have an opportunity to
about whether they change outcome. One study of a sexual
develop the necessary skills. The list of possible opportu-
abuse–prevention program for adults with MR found that the
nities is long, and having experts in vocational placement
participating women improved in their knowledge of the
working with high schools is particularly helpful. S.E. Shea Funding/Resources
Keeping It Together tool to assist families with organizing the
and Supports for Families
information they receive and support them when interactingwith different service providers. This is important because
Families with children with MR often encounter extra ex-
families typically find that they do a lot of case management
penses. Some of these will relate to extra health care needs.
themselves, and instruction and support in how to best do
Others are because of delays in the development of self-help
this, including how to maintain documentation, communi-
skills such as toilet training and the ongoing need for baby-
cate effectively with others, actively participate in case con-
sitting/supervision, supports for recreation, and therapies
ferencing, and so on, can be very helpful.
that may not be provided through the public system. Physi-
The vast majority of children and youth with MR live with
cians should ensure that families have access to current in-
their families of origin. It is important to recognize the critical
formation about funding opportunities available to them as
importance of the family in the immediate, short term, and
well as the relevant information for federal taxes. Families
long term outcome of children. Service providers should as-
benefit from having ongoing contact with an informed social
sist families in choosing their own priorities and should avoid
worker because funding situations and rules often change.
contributing to overload and confusion. Working together to
Families may also benefit from being connected with na-
formulate individualized family service plans can be ex-
tional or local support groups such as the Canadian Associ-
tremely helpful. This is a much broader concept than the
ation for Community Living, the AAMR, the Canadian Down
Individualized Educational Plan a child might have at school
Syndrome Society, and so on. The list of such organizations is
because it takes into account the many dimensions of the
huge, contact routes often change, and it may be hard for
individual child’s life and that of his/her family.
practitioners to keep up. The Internet is generally the easiestroute for families and professionals to access up-to-date in-
formation regarding such organizations.
Parents of children with developmental disabilities typicallyseek predictions from very early on about adult outcomes. The Role of Support Teams
Concerns about the future may increase as children enter theschool system and are seen to differ from their peers. At all
Children with MR are individuals with varying needs. The
levels of severity of MR, there will be a seeming widening over
skills of a variety of professional and community caregivers
time of the developmental gap. Parents may worry that this
may be needed to assist both child and family. Children with
represents deterioration, particularly if they have understood
MR may benefit from assessment and intervention support
a child to be running “1 year behind” and are then told that he
from a speech/language pathologist. Fine-motor, self-help,
is “2 years behind” because of the slower rate of development.
and other adaptive skills are in the domain of the occupa-
Parents need to understand that predictions early in life
tional therapist (OT), and OT assessment can be of consid-
generally have to be somewhat nonspecific and that the prog-
erable Speech/language pathologists and OTs often
nosis for an individual child becomes clearer over time.
work together to provide technical access/augmentative com-
Adaptive skill development, which can have significant influ-
munication support for children with difficulty in motor
ence on independence and employability, varies and does
and/or verbal output. Physical therapist assessment is indi-
not always match with IQ. Outcomes depend on other vari-
cated for children with significant motor deficits and can
ables as well and, in particular, on the presence of comorbid
support modification of activities to allow fitness to develop.
conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, sensory impair-
A recreational therapist’s role has been described already and
ments, and disruptive behavior disorders.
can be helpful when available. Caregivers and teachers of
The severity of a child’s MR can give a general indication of
children with challenging behaviors may benefit from a con-
expectations. This is related to the differences in learning and
sultation with a behavioral psychologist to assist with opti-
adaptive function but also to the fact that comorbidities in-
mizing strategies for home, school, and community settings.
crease in frequency with the severity of MR.
Families experiencing stress related to raising a child with a
Individuals with mild MR can generally be expected to de-
developmental difference may benefit from counseling ser-
velop good self-help skills, and most will develop some aca-
vices. Social Services/social work supports can help families
demic skills. Some adults with mild MR achieve independent
negotiate the many systems with which they will find them-
living and employability. Children who would be described in
the DSM-IV system as having moderate MR commonly have
The list of potentially involved persons is extensive. Teach-
more limited academic development but may achieve early
ers, other school personnel, administrators, physicians,
reading and mathematic skills. As adults, most individuals with
nurses, and members of a child’s family and community also
moderate MR need supported living and employment. Children
play a role on the support team. Given the complexity of the
with severe MR typically do not develop academic skills, and
situation, it is important to think about what makes services
their self-help and daily living skills may require ongoing super-
work best for families. The work of the CanChild Centre for
vision and/or support. Adults with severe MR do not live inde-
Childhood Disability Research is instructive and worth re-
pendently. Some can work successfully in sheltered work set-
view by anyone working in the field of developmental dis-
tings. Children with profound MR typically have limited verbal
communication skills and need support for self-help and daily
Mental retardation
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What to Bring to a Protest October 14, 2011 Angie IT Group – Category: Documents, Safety Don’t forget to sleep, eat, and drink lots of water. Bring important medications, cash/change, and ID with you. No matter how peaceful we may be, we can never predict what will happen in an action. Be prepared! What to Wear Import
The field of autoimmune hepatitis has been quite active since the last update on the topic at the Day of Hepatology of Beaujon Hospital in 2002. A simplified diagnostic score, better knowledge of some unusual forms, more solid criteria for remission and relapse, better understanding of prognostic factors, and especially improved therapeutic options are now available. The purpose of this chapte