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Press Release
Emily Esterson
[email protected]
Masters of Foxhounds Association to Offer Thoroughbred Incentive Awards in 2013

Berryville, Va.—The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) is proud to announce
that 2013 is The Year of the Foxhunting Thoroughbred. The MFHA is offering $750 in
cash and prizes to a hunt member and a hunt club which use registered Thoroughbreds
and which are excelling in second careers as either a field or a staff horse.
“There are a great number of excellent Thoroughbreds in hunts across America,” says Ed
Kelly, president of the board of MFHA. “We’re pleased to honor these exceptional
athletes, many of whom have found productive second careers through MFHA registered
Executive Director Dennis Foster notes that some of his best hunting horses have been
Thoroughbreds off the track. “They are one of a kind and the only breed that has that
second wind when other breeds give out. The Thoroughbred contribution to foxhunting
goes beyond just ex-race horses. Their influence on other breeds makes them the most
important horse in foxhunting. While ex-race horses are the overwhelming favorite for
many hunts and most staff, the MFHA members give second careers to a variety of
unwanted horses from other breeds and disciplines. Premarin foals, drafts and draft
crosses, Standardbreds, mustangs and even a few mules are used in the hunt field. One
can see representatives of multiple horse breeds on any given hunt.”
The MFHA will be offering four awards (details and applications available at and
1) Staff Horse of the Year: Nominated by a registered and recognized hunt’s MFH, the
Staff Horse of the Year exhibits the best qualities of the TB and the hunt horse: game,
bold, fearless, fast and rideable. The staff hunt horse is truly a special animal that
everyone in the club admires for his qualities. Must be a registered Thoroughbred, with
proof of registration as provided at Award: $250 to the hunt club and
engraved or embroidered prize (cooler, halter, etc) (provided by T.I.P.). Also an engraved
perpetual trophy. Winner announced at the MFHA Annual Meeting, January 2014.
2) Field Member Horse of the Year: Field Master nominated, this horse exhibits the
best qualities of the TB and field horse. A fine jumper, polite in the field, well mannered
at the trailer. Must be a registered Thoroughbred, with proof of registration as provided at $250 to member + cooler. Winner announced at MFHA Annual
Meeting Jan. 2014.
3) Adult Essay Contest Winner (entries open 1/15/13, close on 4/15/13): The best true-
story essay about an TB in the hunt field. Award, $250. Winner announced in Summer
Covertside Literature issue, 2013
4) Best Junior Essay Contest (entries open 1/15/13, close on 4/15/13): Open to entrants
under 18 Award prize. Winner announced in Summer Covertside Literature issue, 2013
Winners of the essay contests will be published in Covertside, The Magazine of Mounted
while the two Hunt Horse of the Year winners will be announced and
awarded at the Masters of Foxhounds Association Annual Meeting in New York City in
Applications will be available online.
About the MFHA: The mission of the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America (MFHA) is to promote, preserve and protect the sport of mounted hunting with hounds and establish and maintain standards of conduct for foxhunting.  For purposes of eligibility for the Foxhunting Thoroughbred of the Year Awards, a  Thoroughbred is defined as any horse registered with The Jockey Club.  Eligibility can be  proven by:    The Jockey Club Certificate of Foal Registration or a copy thereof, or   The horse’s lip tattoo, the horse’s 5‐cross pedigree and the successful tattoo   lookup result from The Jockey Club’s Tattoo Identification Services (located at, or    If neither of the above is available, a letter from The Jockey Club verifying the   horse’s identity.   Nomination Instructions  1. Nomination: Completely fill out the attached application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.   2. Essay: In 500 words or fewer, please explain how the Thoroughbred listed on the nomination form has demonstrated that Thoroughbreds can successfully transition into  and excel at foxhunting.   3. Photograph: Please include a photograph of the Thoroughbred. Photographs can also  be emailed to [email protected].   4. Eligibility: Include proof of Thoroughbred eligibility as set forth above.   5.  Return  all  documents  to  email  [email protected],  (digital  copies  and  digital photos accepted) or by mail to  Covertside 2329 Lakeview Rd. SW  Albuquerque, NM 87105   STAFF HORSE APPLICATION

Staff Horse of the Year: Nominated by a registered and recognized hunt’s MFH, the Staff
Horse of the Year exhibits the best qualities of the TB and the hunt horse: game, bold,
fearless, fast and rideable. The staff hunt horse is truly a special animal that everyone in
the club admires for his qualities. Must be a registered Thoroughbred, with proof of
registration as provided at Award: $250 to the hunt club and engraved
or embroidered prize (cooler, halter, etc) (provided by T.I.P.). Also an engraved perpetual
trophy. Winner announced at the MFHA Annual Meeting, January 2014.
Include a 500 word essay, on a separate sheet attached to this form, as to how and why
the horse meets the criteria above. Please include an example of how the horse exhibits
the best qualities of a Thoroughbred in the hunt field.
Include the ONE of the following:
 The Jockey Club Certificate of Foal Registration; or  The horse’s lip tattoo, the horse’s 5-cross pedigree and the successful tattoo lookup result from The Jockey Club’s Tattoo Identification Services (located at  A letter from The Jockey Club acknowledging eligibility for participation in T.I.P. (please email [email protected] to obtain). Name  Thoroughbred’s  Registration   # or Tattoo number Your  Hunt Name Referring  Masters’  Names    Field Horse Nomination
Field Member Horse of the Year: Field Master nominated, this horse exhibits
the best qualities of the TB and field horse. A fine jumper, polite in the field, well
mannered at the trailer. Must be a registered Thoroughbred, with proof of
registration as provided at $250 to member + cooler. Winner
announced at MFHA Annual Meeting Jan. 2014.
Include a 500 word essay, on a separate sheet attached to this form, as to how
and why the horse meets the criteria above. Please include an example of how the
horse exhibits the best qualities of a Thoroughbred in the hunt field.
Include ONE of the following:
 The Jockey Club Certificate of Foal Registration; or  The horse’s lip tattoo, the horse’s 5-cross pedigree and the successful tattoo lookup result from The Jockey Club’s Tattoo Identification Services (located at; or  A letter from The Jockey Club acknowledging eligibility for participation in T.I.P. (please email [email protected] to obtain). Name  Thoroughbred’s  Registration   # or Tattoo number Your 


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