Plant Medicinal Chemistry (Biol 424),
8:00- 8:50 AM, MWF
11 Life Science
Fall 2010
The course will focus on how the modern pharmacopeia has been influenced by the vast array of chemicals produced by plants. Digoxin, for example, has been used for the treatment ofconditions and was first reported in western medicine in 1785. The plant from which this compound is extracted, the common foxglove (Digitalis sp) has evolved a complex pathway that results in the synthesis of this compound. The course will provide an overview of how plant secondary metabolites are produced and why plants make them and will also explore the use of plant chemicals in both medicine and other fields of human endeavors expanding the students appreciation and understanding of plants. We will also discuss the potential of biotechnology in providing products for various industries. Meetings: 011 LSB; MWF 8:00-8:50 a.m.
Instructor: Dr. Marcia Maria de Oliveira Buanafina Office: 319 Mueller Lab
Office Hours: WF 9:10-10:00 a.m.
Grading: Will be based on the participation on class discussions, results of exams and
presentation project. Two50-minute tests are scheduled for these class periods :
Exam 1 (200 points): Will cover material through Class 2 up to Class 13Exam 2 (200 points): Will cover material through Class 14 up to Class 31Project (250 points): The project will require that student research on a specific topic (topic will be assigned ), prepare a 4-5 page paper and a 7 min Power Point Presentation providing information that would be suitable for the general public and present it to the class (dates will be assigned). After each presentation there will be time for questions and an assessment questionnaire to be filled in by each student in class. This is an individual assignment. These will be taking place on specific dates throughout the semester. Class Participation (100 points): we will have Friday discussion sessions of papers that relate to the topics covered in class. For each paper a team of students (3-4) will lead the discussion. The class members are however expected to participate. Grades will be based on preparation and participation in all discussions. Final Exam (250 points): will be given during the final week. This exam will have 1-2 comprehensive questions, some short answer – definitions, compare/contrast or agree/disagree questions, a few multiple choice, and will include material through the whole course including the students presentations. Assignment of Final Grades
Exam grades, project grade and class participation will be posted in ANGEL. Lecture exams and project points (total of 900 pts) count for 00% of your grade; the remaining 10% will come from class discussions (100 pts). Final course grades will be assigned as follows (total of 1000 points*). The grading scale is: Grade cutoffs may be adjusted to reflect the score distribution of the class. Individual exams are
NOT curved. There are no extra credit points available in this course. A final grade will be
changed only if a mathematical or grade-entry error has been made in determining that
final grade.

* In extraordinary circumstances, a final grade may be based upon fewer than the total possible points. Disability - Qualified students with disabilities are encouraged by Penn State to participate in the
University's programs and activities. Should you need any type of accommodation in any course
because of a disability or have questions or concerns about the physical access, please contact the
Office for Disability Services in 116 Boucke Building (863-1807). If you have an ODS
accommodation letter, please see the course coordinator, Dr. Hass.
Copyright Issues and Classroom Note-Taking Services - Students who are enrolled in the
course and who sell notes to either commercial note-taking services or to other students are
advised to consult official University policies (for example, see Administrative Policy AD40 at: to learn about classroom notes, handouts, and other
materials that are protected under the federal Copyright Act and under University policy in order to avoid violating copyright laws and University policy. The syllabus is subject to change. The Instructors reserve the right to make changes to items on
this syllabus, including changes to the lecture schedules, and lecture topics and assignments.
You are responsible for reading and understanding all course policies as outlined in this
lecture syllabus,

For exams 1, 2 and the Final, attendance is mandatory. If student is to be absent should contact instructor within 48 h of missing the exam. The following are the legitimate excuses for missing the exams: 1. Illness 2. Religious holiday recognized by PSU 3. Death in the family ( official documentation must be provided) 4. A university sponsored event (with note from sponsor) No textbook. Specific readings will be indicated in the syllabus. Students will be required to follow the guidelines concerning academic integrity as described in the Biology Department’s Policy and the Senate Policy 49-20: ( Academic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty: Professional behavior includes academic integrity.
Academic dishonesty is not limited to simply cheating on an exam or assignment. The following
is quoted directly from the "PSU Faculty Senate Policies for Students" regarding academic
integrity and academic dishonesty
“Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible
manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at The
Pennsylvania State University, and all members of the University community are expected to act
in accordance with this principle. Consistent with this expectation, the University's Code of
Conduct states that all students should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity,
rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed
through the fruits of their efforts. Academic integrity includes a commitment by all members of
the University community not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or
deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University
community and compromise the worth of work completed by others.”
All University and Departmental policies regarding academic integrity/academic dishonesty apply to this course and the students enrolled in this course. Refer to the following URL for further details on the academic integrity policies of the Eberly College of Science: Each student in this course is
expected to work entirely on her/his own while taking any exam, to complete assignments on
her/his own effort without the assistance of others unless directed otherwise by the instructor or
teaching assistant, and to abide by University and College policies on academic integrity and
academic dishonesty. If you have any questions about an assignment, please ask.


V O L U M E 2 7 ⅐ N U M B E R 2 6 ⅐ S E P T E M B E R 1 0 2 0 0 9Phase III Randomized Study of Bendamustine ComparedWith Chlorambucil in Previously Untreated Patients WithUniversity Hospital, Jena; DSH Statistical Wolfgang U. Knauf, Toshko Lissichkov, Ali Aldaoud, Anna Liberati, Javier Loscertales, Raoul Herbrecht, Gunnar Juliusson, Gerhard Postner, Liana Gercheva, Stefan Goranov, Martin

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