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Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (1996) 38: 81—87
Andrew G. Ellis · Nicholas A. CrinisLorraine K. Webster
Inhibition of etoposide elimination in the isolated perfused rat liverby Cremophor EL and Tween 80
Received: 5 January 1995/Accepted: 25 August 1995
Abstract Cremophor EL, a surfactant used in the clini-
tion was 0.8 mg/ml, which previous studies have shown
cal formulation of cyclosporine and paclitaxel, will re-
to be clinically relevant and close to the optimal level
verse the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype in
for MDR reversal in vitro (1.0 mg/ml). Cremophor may
vitro. As other MDR modulators can alter the phar-
be a clinically useful MDR modulator, but it may alter
macokinetics of cytotoxic drugs, the aim of this study
the pharmacokinetics of the cytotoxic drug.
was to examine the effect of Cremophor and anotherMDR-reversing surfactant, Tween 80, on the hepatic
Key words Etoposide · Multidrug resistance ·
elimination and biliary excretion of etoposide. Using
the isolated perfused rat-liver model with 80 ml recir-culating perfusate containing 20% red blood cells and4% bovine serum albumin, etoposide (1.6 mg) with and
without Cremophor (800 or 80 mg) or Tween 80(80 mg) was given into the perfusate reservoir, and
One of the major reasons for failure of cancer chemo-
perfusate and bile samples were collected for 3 h.
therapy is the presence of intrinsic or acquired drug
Etoposide was measured by high-performance liquid
resistance in malignant cells. Although a number of
chromatography (HPLC) and Cremophor was meas-
different mechanisms of drug resistance have been
ured using a bioassay. Both surfactants changed the
described, one of the most widely studied is multidrug
etoposide elimination profile from biphasic to mono-
resistance (MDR). Cells that display the MDR pheno-
phasic. High-dose Cremophor increased the AUC
type are cross-resistant to a broad spectrum of struc-
(from 334$23 to 1540$490 g min ml\, P(0.05)
turally and functionally unrelated drugs, including
and decreased the total clearance (from 4.8$0.3 to
epipodophyllotoxins, vinca alkaloids, paclitaxel, and
1.1$0.3 ml/min, P(0.05) and biliary clearance
anthracyclines. Classic MDR is characterized by re-
(from 2.6$1.1 to 0.5$0.2 ml/min, P(0.05) but de-
duced intracellular accumulation of the cytotoxic drug
creased the elimination half-life (from 62$17 to
due to overexpression of an energy-dependent plasma
40$5 min, P(0.05) and volume of distribution (from
membrane transport protein, known as P-glycoprotein,
which acts as an efflux pump for certain endogenous
Cremophor and Tween 80 caused intermediate effects
compounds and xenobiotics [4]. P-glycoprotein has
on these parameters that were statistically significant
been demonstrated in the cell membranes of many
for total clearance, half-life, and volume of distribution.
human tumours as well as normal tissues such as the
Cremophor had no adverse effect on liver function,
adrenal, liver and small intestine as well as endothelial
whereas Tween 80 caused haemolysis and cholestasis.
cells and haemopoietic stem cells [30].
The initial high-dose Cremophor perfusate concentra-
Many compounds are capable of reversing the MDR
phenotype in vitro by inhibiting the function of P-glycoprotein. These MDR modulators, or chemosen-sitizers, share some common structural features and
Research Division, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, St. Andrew’s
include certain calcium channel blockers, quinolines,
Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia
steroids, antioestrogens, and cyclosporins. There havebeen many clinical trials in which a chemosensitizer
N.A. CrinisPathology Department, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, East
has been combined with standard cancer chemother-
apy regimens in an attempt to modulate MDR [21].
SYSTEMS OF INNOVATION: A SURVEY OF THE EVOLUTION Julian Christ First Graz Schumpeter Summer School 2007, 15-22 July 2007 First Graz Schumpeter Summer School 2007 SYSTEMS OF INNOVATION: A SURVEY OF THE EVOLUTION 1. Introduction 2. Systems of innovation (SI): first definition, roots and heritage 3. National systems of innovation (NSI) 4. Sectoral and technolo
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Clinical Protocol: Revised January 16, 2007 Post-Transplant Primary Immunosuppression Protocol 1) Induction Agents a) Patients with low sensitization risk (peak PRA < 20%, first transplant). i) These patients will receive Zenapax [dacluzimab], administered as follows: (1) Steroid-Based: Zenapax® dose of 1 mg/kg pre-transplant followed by 1 mg