Social Role Valorization Versus Drug Therapies
Mellaril is not by any means unreasonable.”
Happily, he goes on to suggest alternatives, but
welfare organisation, contacted me to tell of a
the “reasonableness” of Mellaril, given the
notice he=d just received from Novartis (July 31,
above Novartis notice, in any situation seems
2000) concerning Mellaril (thioridazine HCI).
Its first paragraph included the following:
This special issue of the SRV Journal brings
“Mellaril. (and similar drugs) have been
together a series of articles and a letter that first
appeared in Mental Retardation as well as Wolf
arrhythmias and sudden death.” Three rigorous
Wolfensberger=s lengthy and so far unpublished
small scale studies found that Mellaril could
critique of drug therapies, which are highly
produce serious cardiac arrhythmias which
relevant to anyone who serves devalued persons
could kill. In the second paragraph, we are told
that Mellaril should only be used when all else
fails. “Mellaril is now indicated only for
schizophrenic patients who fail to show an
acceptable response to adequate courses of
on drug therapies was written in response to a
treatment with other antipsychotic drugs.”
simple challenge that was laid out by Andrew
(underlined in original). We quickly surveyed
all the children we had contact with (over 750)
schizophrenia) and asked the doctors to change
dangerous and that they killed and maimed
countless of their purported beneficiaries.
Wolfensberger (1994) had written in an earlier
article, among the many sites concerning the
above Novartis notice listed on an internet
search engine, I found a question posted by a
100,000 premature deaths a year, considering
distraught parent of a three year old girl, whom
how many people are on such drugs, the doses,
she described as very bright and articulate.
and the duration. Of course, one will rarely see
According to the mother, her daughter Ahas
the drugs listed as the cause of death. More
horrific tantrums when she is not >in control= of
likely, one will see entries such as pneumonia
a situation” (Child Behavioral Health Forum,
or heart failure, which themselves were caused
by the drugs." It is my opinion (and you will be
pediatrician recommended using Mellaril to
able to read for yourself) that Wolfensberger
“ m o d i f y” h e r d a u gh t e r = s d i a gn o s e d
responded to this challenge in spades and gave
“Oppositional Defiant Disorder - ODD.” A
them much more than what they had bargained
physician then responds to her question about
for. O=Brien=s (1994) synopsis points out that
the use of Mellaril in such situations and begins
this controversy is about two issues: On the one
by stating “The recommendation to employ
hand, are Wolfensberger=s assertions true? And
if so, what does the dispute about the credibility
90% of cases, of a drug therapy of one kind or
of Wolfensberger=s evidence disclose about the
another (Siler, 1978). In 1999, Canadians spent
situation of socially devalued people (p. 377)?
$8.3 billion CDN (or about $5.5 billion US),
This article will address the first question;
prescriptions for Canada=s population of close
second in his "Signs of the times" article that
to 30 millions (Picard, 2001). In the USA, retail
also appears in this issue. However, I will
sales of prescription drugs have gone from 78.9
attempt to discuss what it all means for Social
billion dollars in 1997 to 154.5 billions in 2001
(Moynihan, 2003a). Indeed, for 2001, moneyspent for medication represents 12% of all
Pharmacotherapy is ubiquitous
health care costs in Canada, up from 5.8% in1980 (Romanow, 2002). Prescribed drugs are
et al. is not an "SRV" critique of drug
educational and even social problems. Thus
therapies, but it is nonetheless relevant to SRV
drugs get hyped to cure impotence (Carney,
practioners and to others who compete against
competitor to SRV inspired interventions, and
(Branswell, 2002). Indeed, some prescription
ensconced as it is in the medical model, it is a
drug enthusiasts and much media hype suggests
high powered, high status and immensely rich
that some new modern drugs, such as Prozac
competitor. Today, people willingly seek out
and Ritalin, should be taken by most people to
medical practitioners in the hope that they will
enhance their alertness and drive (Hall, 2003).
find some miraculous magic bullet that will
Dr. Peter Breggin (1994), in his bestselling
cure all that ails them. Countless billions of
Talking Back to Prozac, discusses media and
dollars are spent yearly, dispensing drugs to
particularly television coverage of the Prozac
hopeful patients and researching and marketing
new drugs for just discovered or even not yet
discovered maladies. New drugs are hailed in
increased alertness and drive, weren=t Prozac
the popular media as miraculous: One need but
users getting an unfair advantage in the business
remember the multimillion dollar hype around
Prozac; here was certainly nirvana in the
making (Breggin & Breggin, 1994). The ethos
on advertising but have also developed other
of the age is well captured by the following
forms of social influence to convince one and
quote from the National Post (Eversen, 2001)
all of the necessity of drug therapies. Moynihan
article on bed-wetting ABoys who fidget too
(2003a), writing in the British Journal of
much get Ritalin. Kids with earaches or sniffles
Medicine, documents the increasing
get penicillin. Shy or nervous kids get Prozac.
entanglement of drug companies and medical
And now, a drug for bedwetting" (p.A1).
Of course Mellaril is but one of the many
countries, 80 to 95% of doctors have regular
contacts with drug representatives and are
contact with people across the Western World.
educated to a very positive view of medications,
There are literally thousands of different
and their prescribing habits are less appropriate
medications in the medical pharmacopoeia to
as a result. Gosden and Beder (2001) document
choose from. For at least 25 years now, medical
an Aastroturf" strategy of advocacy by drug
treatment usually means the prescription, in
companies. Astroturf is the creation of artificial
grass root organisations to promote drugs and
employment, citizen advocacy, have either been
the theories behind them, in effect, a strategy of
reduced or frozen for the past ten to fifteen
someone else=s mouth, someone who, on theface of it, has no interest in the matter. Thus,
Making problems into diseases: The so-
survivor groups, family groups, and parent
called organic basis of mental, behavioral
groups of so called mentally ill individuals are
and social problems
extensively funded and supported by drugcompanies in order to garner their support andto support the chemical agenda. These front
The citizenry, patients and their families
groups such as the National Alliance for the
day-to-day problems are illnesses and that
Mentally Ill (NAMI), and the American Council
chemicals will do the trick. Doctors are also
indoctrinated into believing that drugs are the
organisations receive extensive support from
indoctrinated about the organic basis of so
called "mental illness." Leo and Joseph (2002)
handsomely by linking their goals to what they
in their review of the most widely used and
hope to have defined as a grass roots popular
cited textbook on neurology show that the
movement. The authors point out that the flip
chapter on schizophrenia written by a Nobel
side of this is rather less innocuous: AThe policy
Prize winner misrepresents the evidence for the
intention . . . is to weaken civil liberties
protections in mental health laws in order to
controversial nature of the findings, the less
increase the number of people eligible for
than robust arguments in support of the thesis,
and the alternative (and more compelling)
hypotheses are not even presented. Doctors in
drug therapies is well illustrated by the amount
training reading this chapter (and many have)
come away with the idea that the theory is fact
newspaper articles in Canada show that the
and that there is only one course of treatment:
expenditure on medication increases 10% every
year when inflation rates are at the 1 or 2 per
The Canadian Press recently introduced a
cent level. Health care and medical services
story with the following: ADrug companies are
take up 9% of the Canadian Gross Domestic
>disease-mongering= in a bid to sell healthy
Product (GDP) and almost 15% of the US GDP.
consumers pills for a range of problems such as
In both countries we are constantly warned
baldness and shyness, doctors say. ‘There is a
about a crisis in health care funding with
lot of money to be made from telling healthy
waiting lines at emergency departments and the
people they are sick,= say the authors of a series
lack of availability of ever costlier and more
of articles in tomorrow=s British Medical
complex high tech equipment and high cost
Journal (BMJ). >What for many people is a mild
functional disorder—requiring little more than
health services more than 15 times what it
reassurance about its benign natural course—is
spends on social services. Not surprisingly,
currently being reframed as a serious disease
when all new available dollars go to health care
attracting a label and a drug, with all the
the result is that social services are effectively
associated harms and costs=" (Branswell, 2002).
The article referred to in the BMJ was titled
community residential services, supported
ASelling sickness: The pharmaceutical industry
and disease mongering" (Moynihan, R., Heath,
the case for the organic basis of schizophrenia,
I., and Henry, D., 2002). They document how
the protypical psychiatric malady, has yet to be
the pharmaceutical industry has medicalised
made and more importantly that it probably
human problems in order to expand markets and
never will. Very simply, the brain is too
increase profits. Some of the tactics include a)
claiming that certain conditions are frequent and
wide-spread (rather than exceptional), thus
relationships between a specific problem and a
readying people for, indeed getting people to
specific brain process. Schwartz & Begley
expect, certain diagnoses; b) turning ordinary
(2002) document the incredible complexity of
ailments into medical problems; c) interpreting
the brain and how its structure is constantly
mild symptoms as serious; d) interpreting
personal problems as medical; e) turning risks
report on the brain’s lifelong plasticity and
into diseases. What all of this amounts to is the
recent surprising findings of neurogenesis (the
production of new brain cells) throughout life.
profitable/costly way of viewing the human
Add to that 50 or more known neurotransmitters
(Valenstein, 1998) and it becomes obvious that
A respected research psychiatrist speaking
the wild claims of pill pushers and some brain
at a recent Ontario child welfare conference
researchers should at the very least strain our
affirmed that over 20% of Canadian youth had
"clinically important" mental disorders that
As for the genetic basis of "mental diseases"
required professional treatment. In sombre tones
he told us that governments had to fund more
(2002) review of the Human Genome project
mental health services to reduce the suffering,
reports that researchers, contrary to the
otherwise the financial and social burden of this
triumphant press reports, did not find what they
class of kids could have a major deleterious
expected. Indeed, it would seem that we share
impact upon Canadian society. Much of what
psychiatry has to offer these kids and their
mouse. It had been proposed as central dogma
that DNA genes control the proteins that control
Drug companies have become very effective
the different amino acids that give rise to our
and they have achieved remarkable returns on
different traits. This linear theory suggests that
their advertising (not to mention research)
"in each living thing there should be a
investments. But like the drugs, these strategies
one-to-one correspondence between the total
have had deleterious secondary effects that we
will explore presently. However, it is worth
proteins" (Commoner, 2002). However, because
mentioning that once people are socialized into
there are too few genes this can no longer be the
believing that any problem is an illness, they
case. Commoner also suggests that genes are
will in turn see doctors more often and turn up
even more interactive and dynamic than had
in hospitals more frequently, thus leading to the
been first believed. The results of the Human
health care funding crisis where more and more
Genome Project should at the very least temper
of the Western World=s gross national product is
the enthusiasm of those in human services who
devoted to unproductive medicine. Prescription
drug costs end up being the tip of the iceberg.
physiological basis of human problems such as
Leifer (2001), Schwartz & Begley (2002),
schizophrenia, ADHD, depression, etc. Joe
Szasz (1988 and 1996), Whitaker (2002), and
Tsien, a leader in brain research is quoted as
Valenstein (1998) all compellingly argue that
saying: "Frankly speaking, we still know so
little, we know no principles, no operating code
for memory. We know a lot of genes, but we
don’t have a coherent picture, and I think that is
instructions long before our brain reached
the problem with the whole area of therapeutic
the sophistication of, oh, a banana slug’s.
research and development" (Hall, 2003 p. 65).
There is a materiality to life, and biology,
physiology and genetics are part and parcel of
simply too paltry to spell out the wiring
diagram for the human brain" (Schwartz &
statement is essentially meaningless. The
human genome, interactive as it is with the
However, even when there is clear evidence
environment, is so complex that it is quite
of brain damage, as with Alzheimer’s disease,
unlikely that we will be able to identify the
there is no necessary link with behavioral or
specific locus of any individual problem or
given trait. Moreover, the individual is not the
static result of his genetic inheritance but rather
community of the Sisters of Notre-Dame. He
a dynamic continuously changing person whose
writes that brain pathologists have to wait till
after a person’s death to diagnose with any kind
chemistry are tempered and prodded by life
of certainty that a person has the brain lesions
experiences and life conditions. Indeed, many
that are associated with dementia. Before a
person dies "there is no definitive test—no
schizophrenia, hyperactivity and the like, are in
blood workup or even brain scan—that can
and of themselves complex and multifaceted
provide absolute certainty in a living person."
and quite untraceable to specific genes in the
(p. 88) that he has or hasn’t Alzheimer’s.
genome or cells and "circuits" in the brain (or,
Indeed, though there is a strong correlation
for that matter, specific past experiences or even
between the organic pathology associated with
sequences of events), thus multiplying even
Alzheimer’s on the one hand, and dementia and
further the ultimate causal complexity. Thus,
bizarre behavior on the other, there is no
the genetic origin of the organic basis of mental
necessary link. "Sometimes Markesbery [a brain
and behavioral problems rests on very flimsy
pathologist involved in the study] finds little
evidence of Alzheimer’s in a sister who had the
"Although it would be perfectly reasonable
to posit that genes determine the brain’s
extensive evidence of Alzheimer’s" (p. 86).
The above also highlights the problematic
aura of certainty that seems to cloud the
Project drew to a close in the early years of
diagnostic enterprise of modern mental health
how notoriously unreliable diagnosis can be for
different genes. About half of them seem to
clearly organic problems such as heart disease
and other physical problems, even using such
responsible for such tasks as synthesizing a
techniques as the electro-cardiograph (ECG) or
neurotransmitter or a receptor. The brain,
remember, has billions of nerve cells that
techniques. Maddux’s (2002b) debunking of
make, altogether, trillions of connections. If
the atheoretical Diagnostic Statistical Manual
(DSM) should confirm that the reliability of a
placebo effects are usually underreported. The
psychiatric diagnosis and its link to any organic
Shapiros add that given current knowledge, "the
distinction between antianxiety, sedative, and
pontificating certainty of a given psychiatrist.
hypnotic effects is unclear and is largelyassociated with the dosage" (p. 95). There is
Pharmacotherapy is at best controversial
very little to distinguish between many differentdrug types. Thus the theories that underlie the
specific usages of such drugs are to say the least
rest on very flimsy evidence, one should not be
Alvaro (2002) points out that new theories
surprised that the chemicals that are used, in
must be met with healthy skepticism, especially
keeping with such theories, are not really
effective. Shapiro and Shapiro (1997) in their
unverifiable knowledge claims. Occam=s razor
massive overview of the placebo argue that
requires that one should always prefer the
explanation that is the most economical; or, in
research generally, the same cannot apply to
other words, the simplest explanation until
mental health or psychiatry. Indeed, the authors
disproven is the best. The very complexity and
document how mental health and psychiatry are
interactivity of the brain and the human genome
mitigate against such theories being useful.
methodology in these fields lacks rigour (see
Alvaro goes on to point out that Occam=s razor
also Leifer, 2001; Shean, 2001; Valenstein,
is not a metaphysical dictum but rather a
1998; and Whitaker, 2002). It is not, of course,
methodological tool that obliges one to not only
that there is no research; quite the contrary.
be aware of what one knows but also to be
However, the authors conclude that not much is
aware of what one doesn’t know. Occam=s
known about mental illness today after all this
research. They describe the drug therapies of
propose in a theory the things that we know and
today as the current logical endpoint in the
those that we can relatively easily ascertain,
rather than suggest causes and effects that are
theoretically dubious somatic methodologies
beyond the scope of our comprehension and,
used over the past century which include insulin
c o m a , e l e c t r o c o n v u l s i v e t r e a t m e n t ,
certainly applies to theories that purport to
psychosurgery, and more recently the use of
(causally) link organic and genetic phenomena
to behaviors, thoughts or other life problems.
tranquilizers and antidepressants (see also
The prescription and use of drugs and other
somatic treatments requires that we believe such
Shapiro & Shapiro (1997) and Kirsch and
theories (Valenstein, 1998). The general public
Sapirstein (1999) report on the many studies
might be able to claim ignorance for their
beliefs, but for experts it requires a remarkable
degree of self-delusion (Whitaker, 2002). All of
effectiveness range of placebos. Moreover,
this recalls Wolfensberger=s (1994) critique of
Shapiro and Shapiro (1997) question the value
modern life. One of the signs of the times he
of methodologies that compare inert placebos to
noted was the "The >Crazification= or
active drugs when in fact active placebos should
>Insaniceration= of the People of Modernism"
be used. Inert placebos tend to take the "blind"
where he asserts that "More and more, I have
out of double blind studies, suggesting that
noted lately that even among educated people,
arguing issues in terms of evidence has become
an irrelevant exercise. They simply assert as
undergirds Prozac where it selectively "blocks
truth what they want, or what they wished the
or inhibits the reuptake process for serotonin.
truth were, or what they have to mouth in order
(which leads to) increased firing of nearby
to be accepted by those groups to which they
postsynaptic nerves. (that then leads) to the
improvement of mental disorders, including
depression" (p.23). The fact that this is
modern culture that despite the outlandish
scientifically unlikely (Breggin & Breggin,
nature of the theoretical schemes that undergird
1994; Valenstein, 1998) does little to diminish
somatic treatments for problems of living, a
the patina of science and the confidence of the
public and professionals. Science is high
psychoactive and other forms of medications in
religion today, and faith and hope are foremost
in the methodology of medical and other human
undoubtedly more effective and valid. However,
s e r v i c e s . I n d e e d , e x p e c t a n c y
this simple observation suggests that the
effectsCplaceboCare always present (Shapiro
medical model and its appurtenances are highly
and Shapiro, 1997) and explain as much as 85%
valued, even desired, and convey powerful
of any given prescription drug effects (Kirsch
and Sapirstein, 1999; Shapiro and Shapiro,1997). Imagery is powerful and feeds back into
Image enhancement and prescribed drugs
the purported competency impact of drugs. Thepotency of a drug lies mostly in the imagery that
surrounds it. This seems to suggest that such
imagery is positive, particularly since it is
difficulty or problem, not surprisingly one of
ensconced in the image of an organic wound
establishment, of social workers, of parents and
so many others is, "There must be a drug out
model, its great public acceptance as the way of
there that can help?" Drug therapies are so
"understanding" suffering and life problems
pervasive that they constitute today a valued
requires a more sophisticated analysis. Indeed,
it could be argued that the "sickness" model
intervention to deal with problems of living.
does not so much devalue as make invisible the
After all, with former US presidential hopeful,
more appropriate causes and thus targets of our
Robert Dole, hyping Viagra in the popular press
solicitude. Wolfensberger and Thomas (1983)
(Carney, 1999), it is not surprising that on the
write that imagery conveys information to
others about social status, social roles, similarity
imagery problems that affect massive public
to others, competence, and other personal
characteristics (p.36-37). Though prescription
From an SRV perspective, we need to spend
drugs are prescribed quite democratically, some
some time examining the imagery "problems"
drugs seem to be given more often, and in more
combinations to some groups than to others.
becomes sickness and disease. Certainly the
Ritalin cuts across most social boundaries but it
imagery concerning drug therapy is confusing:
is mostly used with so-called hyperactive
children and youth, who seem to mostly come
pharmaceutical companies are enveloped by the
out of poor dysfunctional families (Breggin,
high gloss of science. Breggin & Breggin
1998). The use of drugs with vulnerable classes
makes the treatment seem normative. It creates
Drugs and competency enhancement
the illusion of "normalization" and disguises thegreat differences in living circumstances andexperiences that are the more likely causes of
D r u g s a r e p r e s c r i b e d t o r e d u c e
debilitatingCcompetency inhibitingCbehaviors
problem is organic, genetic or medical, then the
extreme case) is also an SRV issue, and the
person (and immediate social environment,
simple fact is that most if not all drugs exact an
including parents) can be held blameless for the
enormous competency cost from their purported
problem. There is no doubt that the claim that
beneficiaries. Indeed, Wolfensberger makes it
alcoholism is an illness and genetically based
very clear, quoting from drug compendiums and
has been a great solace to many individuals and
the establishment literature, that countless drugs
their families. As Vaillant (1995) points out,
are indeed toxic and very dangerous; not only
alcoholism is a very complex phenomenon that
do they diminish faculties and competence but
defies being reduced to an organic explanation.
The same can be said for so called hyperactive,
situations produce death. Wolfensberger=s
ADHD children (Ravenel, 2002). The organic
explanation of their misbehavior and lack of
overwhelming. But his critique is not singular.
internal controls means that the poor parenting
The psychologist, researcher, and well known
skills of their parents, and the poor classroom
management skills of many teachers, are never
Association with recognized establishment bona
It would seem that Western culture has been
fides, devotes a whole chapter to a relatively
effectively socialised into accepting as fact that
devastating critique of drug therapies.
organic, material causes are at the heart of most
if not all life problems. Not surprisingly,
disease-illness mongering is a multibillion
arguing that, on the whole, drug therapies for
dollar industry that preys on our desire to be
social and psychological problems only mask
relieved of blame, the responsibility of effort,
symptoms and do not provide anything that
the exercise of will and self-discipline and
might look like a cure. Seligman=s point is that
especially solidarity with others who are
cognitive or pedagogical modalities, though
more demanding, are often more effective and
universally accepted and this suggests that the
overt imagery is positive, which is why the
Indeed, as Wolfensberger and Seligman and
pharmaceutical industry spends millions of
so many others have pointed out, many drug
therapies came about accidentally. By and
manipulation adds to the very potency of drug
large, much of the medication that is today
treatments. Indeed, studies show that, from
prescribed for problems of living, psychiatric
1981 to 2002, antidepressant placebos seemed
illnesses and the like were first developed for
to increase in potency, as the general population
overcame its early skepticism and reluctance to
antipsychotics were initially developed to
use medication for mental problems (Brean,
combat asthma. Valenstein (1998) writes that
chlorpromazine first came about through the
work of chemists with the Geigy Corporation
controversial, it may help you understand
synthetic dyes. Indeed, chlorpromazine is a
derivative of coal-tar and was first developed as
a synthetic dye. (It would seem that many
diseases. Your body regards the drug as a
chemical companies interested in developing
mobilized to fight it off. A side effect is that
synthetic dyes, but found more profitable
these mobilized defenses happen to kill off
endeavours for their toxic products.) "In the
the disease. The true side effect of a drug is
course of doing research on phenothiazines and
to arrest the disease. The main effect of the
synthetic dyes, it was discovered that some of
these compounds also had biological properties
potentially useful in medicine" (p. 21).
Chlorpromazine which is a phenothiazine was
Indeed, the first and foremost effect of most
drugs is competency diminishment and death
Antihistamines decrease muscle tone, reduce
nausea, increase sedation and in some instances
And make no mistake, these drugs do harm.
induce mild euphoria. Initially, these were
Whitaker (2002) relentlessly documents how
viewed as problematic side effects. However, a
drug therapies are the natural continuation of
number of European scientists saw that such a
previous somatic therapies such as insulin
shock, electro-shock and lobotomies, and that
anaesthesia and then, later, as an antipsychotic
these were built upon other less subtle tortures
as it seemed that this drug reduced the salience
including the tranquilizer chair, the iced water
of hallucinations and delusional thoughts in
"In 1953, when Smith, Kline & French
eventually marketed as Largactil (a drug of
chose Winkelman to be its lead investigator
many actions), Mellaril and Thorazine. The
impact of these drugs was considerable.
surgical lobotomy was still seen as a good
Though not universal on all patients, some
researchers described its impact as a veritable
medicinal lobotomy as it induced hibernation
when Winkelman reported his initial results,
and so on. Early research studies reported that
in the Journal of the American Medical
"some patients appeared heavily drugged and
Association on May 1, 1954, he praised the
seemed indifferent to what was going on around
drugs for being similar in kind. The drug
In many respects, the purported benefits of
many of these drugs are nothing but secondary
patients immobile, waxlike, and emotionally
effects. Seligman posits an interesting theory
about how drugs work, which shows the extent
Moreover, over time, patients using these drugs
to which he, at least, views them as dangerous
develop very disturbing side effects, some of
competitors to other intervention modalities.
them totally irreversible. Patients often showed
"You might entertain the naïve image that
dyskinesia, and a whole host of other physical
foreign disease and kills it, like a falcon
difficulties, some of them life threatening.
attacking a rabbit. I have a different image
(Valenstein [1998] echoes this argument) that
damage, but insulin for instance, extends the
what we today hold as the stereotypic behavior
life of the diabetic, whereas many psychoactive
and demeanor of chronic schizophrenia patients
drugs reduce life expectancy and competence.
is most likely related to the long term effects of
Valued persons who have been misled by their
very toxic chemicals rather than anything
doctors and advertising often direct their
reactions to the courts. Ray Moynihan (2003b)documents how recent research is showing that
The role of medicine taker and the
hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which has
developmental model
been dogmatically used with (post) menopausalwomen for over thirty years does not
The role of medicine taker seems to
statistically improve quality of life, but does
increase the risks for cancer, heart disease and
even be argued that we are coming to view the
dementia, among other things. Not surprisingly,
medicine taker role as one that engages the
one drug manufacturer that has made as much
person in preventing being cast into the sick
as 3 billion dollars (US) a year had over (in May
role. Drug companies are at work shaping the
2003) 16 class action suits filed against it in the
image of drug taking so that it becomes viewed
USA alone. We have yet to witness similar
as performance and competency enhancement,
empowered actions on behalf of people on long
and illness (or at the very least symptom)
prevention. We invest increasing significance,
money and time in the regular rituals of taking
to make the case for powerful, albeit effortful,
all kinds of chemicals including vitamins,
pedagogical SRV-coherent interventions, one
minerals, so-called organic preparations with
must realize that alternative and facile drug
the hope of improving health, performance and
therapies will always be recommended as an
life span. All kinds of preparations, some of
alternative. The modern mind, as it is, with its
which were once simply food and beverage (i.e.,
preference for cutting to the chase and getting
herbal teas, red wine) are now being taken for
quickly to a solutionCits here-and-now-ism as
"medicinal" reasons. However, just as the client
suggested by Wolfensberger (1994)Cseems to
role is different for devalued, in contrast to
always prefer the quick and in this case the
valued, persons (Wolfensberger & Thomas,
nasty solution of drug therapies. "When
1994), the role of medicine taker is transacted in
fundamentally different ways and for different
individualistic pursuit of what is sensually
reasons. One of the most important differences
gratifying, then we get >here-and-now-ism=: A
resides in the control that the person exercises
concern not just with myself and my material
in taking drugs. Valued persons take up the role
and sensual wants, but with me and my wants
of medicine taker with the (often misguided)
this very minute, in disregard of othersCand
belief of health, performance and life enhancing
even of myself in the future" (p. 20). Before
benefits. Devalued persons are often coerced
advocating for alternative SRV sympathetic
into medicine taking and it is viewed as a
intervention strategies, we need to take heed of
condition of their continued citizenship. For the
Wolfensberger=s critique of this well entrenched
devalued medicine taker, taking a drug, or
competitor, and the culture that seems to yearn
following a drug regimen, is often the condition
for being admitted into a classroom, or for
leaving a psychiatric hospital. The chemicals
odds with the medical model. Philip Roos in
his 1971 article, who, by the way, attributes the
developmental model to Wolf Wolfensberger,
neuroplasticity and even neurogenesis.
d e v e l o p m e n t al m o d e l w a s i n f a c t
"Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of neurons
However, more recently, Smith (2002) argues
connections between neurons], to blaze new
that there is a fundamental incompatibility
paths through the cortex, even to assume new
between socio-pedagogical interventions and
roles. In shorthand, neuroplasticity means
the medical model. Indeed, service schemes
It would seem that the brain rewires itself
continuously based on our experiences. The
developmental model are in a great competition
with the medical model for dominance in the
prevailing notion that the brain is fixed and
service structure, for the availability of scarce
immutable at puberty and that from puberty on
resources, particularly funding, and even for the
the brain degenerates, leading us eventually into
hearts and minds of the general population.
senility and death. In fact, neuroplasticity
Surprisingly, for truly organic and medical
occurs throughout life; it occurs quite naturally
problems, the developmental model is of great
because of experience, because of exposure to
importance. Albert Bandura=s (1995; Maddux,
new stimulation, to new environments, and
2002) self-efficacy, which is clearly in the
leads us to produce all sorts of new behaviors.
developmental model, has had a great deal of
Moreover, research shows that the brain is self-
healing in a number of ways. First of all, there
disease is organic and yet the best treatment is
is considerable neurogenesis throughout life.
developmental in nature. Heart patients are
Neurogenesis is the creation of new neurons
supported and trained in making important life
(brain cells). It had long been thought that the
style changes–cigarette cessation, regular
brain produced no new cells after birth (or at
least after puberty). But now researchers agree
relaxation–which are nothing more than the
acquisition of new life competencies. Thus, it
neurogenesis: One of course is in the womb, the
is even more surprising that problem areas that
second during puberty, and the third major
are not clearly organic or medical have become
moment of neurogenesis is at the onset of
totally captured by the medical mind-set. Heart
patients or the victims of strokes or automobile
report that researchers have found evidence for
accidents and the like go through extensive
neurogenesis throughout life (see also Gage,
regimens of training, rehabilitation, and
2003). A recent special issue of Scientific
competency acquisition. Yet, for literally
American (September 2003) is devoted to the
thousands of so-called hyperactive children, the
veritable revolution in brain science which
treatment of choice is a pill, and teachers,
includes numerous reminders that it is still a
parents, social workers, and the children
themselves are thus exempted from making the
effort that promotes skill acquisition and the
reutilization, can overcome considerable brain
Moreover, pedagogy, practice and effort are
damage. For instance, damage to a portion of
known to produce organic changes, even in the
the right side of the brain will lead the left-brain
brain. Schwartz and Begley (2002) document
to take over some of those same functions.
Parts of the brain that are left unused because of
a loss of function, for instance because of
discovering how far these findings will go in
blindness or deafness, will lead the brain to
allowing individuals to reclaim lost functions.
It’s important to note that neuroplasticity is
very consistent with the developmental concept
established that the reading of Braille with the
of resilience (Cicchetti, 2003; see also Lemay &
index finger is processed in the visual cortex
Ghazal, 2001). In fact, they go hand in hand.
that, of course, has been abandoned because of
Resilience starts with the notion that negative
childhood experiences are not necessarily
The neuroplasticity of the brain is very good
devastating throughout life, that positive
development can follow adversity. What we
developmental viewpoint of human functioning
particularly, neuroplasticity supports this. This
intriguing part of the Schwartz & Begley book
notion of mindfulness and attention is also in
is how willfulness, mindfulness, volition, and
keeping with the personal characteristics that
attention can be used quite effectively to rewire
many resilient people have, that they are able to
turn their minds to the future and not dwell on
is habitual and almost autonomous. However,
the past. It’s never too late to learn; it’s never
when we pay attention to things or when we
too late to go on to other things. All of this is
direct our attention to certain activities or to
mentioned findings of the "Nuns' study"
environment, brain functioning is incredibly
enhanced. Tying one’s shoelaces, of course, is
significant brain damage due to Alzheimer’s
mostly automatic, and when we do it a small
were nonetheless able to lead lives with no sign
portion of the brain is firing away allowing us to
of dementia: It would seem that because of their
do it. However, if we pay attention to the task,
engaged intellectual activity, they are able to
the amount of brain circuitry that is devoted to
use other unaffected parts of the brain to get on
the task increases dramatically. Indeed, simply
imagining doing the activity (the mental activity
only) fires up the same parts of the brain,
overcome paralysis and Obsessive Compulsive
suggesting that imagining things (imaging them
Disorder patients overcome obsessive thoughts
tells us very clearly that none of this means that
practicing. Indeed, with stroke patients, it is
there is an easy fix for these problems; quite the
now used as an important part of therapy with
patients being invited to concentrate and
mindfulness requires a lot of effort, a lot of
imagine using limbs that are now paralyzed.
repetition and, eventually, a mastery over one’s
Thus, stroke victims are trained to develop
self. This is remarkably good news that should
mindful effort in an attempt to start reusing
bolster the effectiveness claims of SRV and
limbs that had previously been thought to be
It then would seem that through sustained
treatments are ineffective and that theories that
conscious effort, one is able to relearn to use
limbs that have been lost to paralysis, and not so
problems to organic causes are very simple
surprisingly to change one’s thought patterns as
minded. More importantly, the evidence also
approaches are very effective in treating truly
organic diseases, including damage to the brain.
departure of the medical model and thus of
But drug companies and psychiatry have been
doctors, psychiatrists and nurses from the lives
singing a seductive siren’s song that, despite
of many if not most mentally retarded persons.
very poor science, seems to have convinced a
However, the recent flurry of interests and
large portion of society that there are simple and
research in the so-called dual diagnosis (mental
facile solutions to the problems of daily life.
retardation combined with mental illness) has
Modern psychiatry and drug companies tell us
led to new confusions and of course to the re-
endowment or of faulty wiring and chemicals in
accompanying mental health-medical model.
the brain. This fits in with our culture of
victimology that, as Seligman (1993) points out,
service modality has been one of improved life
has led to a massive reduction in the ethic of
experiences and conditions with more or less
personal responsibility where individuals do not
t r a i n i n g , f o r m a t i o n , s u p p o r t a n d
accompaniment, we are now today confronted
retardation. Given the state of our medicalized
premise that each individual has important
culture, this should come as no surprise.
reserves of potential that can be, with effort and
Wolfensberger’s monograph, that follows
herein (pp. 42-66), will serve as a good tonic for
those who promote SRV-inspired interventions,
development and self-improvement. SRV’s
and help fight off the medicine taker role in
position is certainly a more dignified and
uplifting perspective on the human being but
developmentally powerful and culturally valued
unfortunately not as compelling as a magic
roles that lead to a chemically free good life. References Conclusion
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