Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps amoxicilline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.


Opinion Commentary
A newspaper with issues
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David Pisarra
Send comments to [email protected]
No endorsement here
Recently representatives from the Santa Monica He’s favoring the MANAGING EDITOR
Red Cross chapter had the opportunity to meet with the proponents of Proposition T, known as RIFT, regard- ing our concern about the impact the initiative mighthave on our plans to upgrade our facility. We appreciate STAFF WRITER
the effort made by T’s authors (Santa Monican Godless heathens Melody Hanatani
Coalition for a Livable City) to present their views regarding the potential impact of T on our renovationplans. We have also discussed the matter with oppo- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
act, and dress the same, breakdown is near.
Prop. T’s authors believe that the measure will not 2005. I’ve cut a few paragraphs, and tight- impede our ability to make a number of modest renova- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
tions to our facility — based on the 7,500-square-feet likely truer today, in the face of the possible “right” thing. That they are bringing standard “by right” exemption allowed under current election of fundamentalist Sara Palin on the America back to morality. I can only surmise building codes as well as “traffic credits” allowed under national stage, and the possible passage of that they lost no member of their family, the provisions of the measure. Our own initial review of extended or otherwise in the holocaust, or this opinion seems to support this conclusion.
possibly, they don’t believe the holocaust The measures affect on more extensive renovations that might include the acquisition of an adjacent prop- There are still others who believe that it erty and the possible addition of an additional floor to Communists. In fact, it is the God fearing, our present building are less clear cut. That evaluation Bible waving, pontificating pupils of totali- much. It takes but a cursory examination of will require a much more in depth review of a proposed tarianism. Our most dangerous enemy is not, the first section of any large metropolitan design and a better understanding of the details of the in fact, North Korea, (though they scare the newspaper to see that the atrocities contin- heck out of me!), nor is it a man in a cave.
As I indicated in my recent Daily Press “letter to the The most dangerous threat comes from those editor,” our concerns were about the possible impact of If you feel, or believe, that in America we the initiative relating to our ability to proceed with always seem to be carrying a casserole dish.
do not have atrocities, and we never will, I what we consider to be essential facility expansion as would like to point out to you that we used part of our overall catastrophic disaster planning. Until church lady and her biblically run house- PHOTOGRAPHY INTERNS
the clarifications discussed above are resolved, we hold. They are the ones to fear. They who term effects of syphilis, without their know- believe we must put our plans on hold and trust that blindly follow what some self-aggrandizing preacher says, without rational investigation, Some will say that, “it was a different As we indicated previously, the Red Cross appreci- are the scariest of scary creatures at this time time,” and “we’ve learned from then, not to ates the efforts being made to help improve the quali- do that.” They would be wrong. In 2005 the ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER
ty of life for our residents through a wide variety of ini- Associated Press reported that children in tiatives including reducing future traffic congestion in following thing out, and are using it to their foster care have been used by our govern- the city. We do not believe that it was the intention of advantage to reconfigure our republic. With ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES
the authors to impede the work of the Red Cross or the federal government and most of the state However, we also recognize that the possibility of Republicans, they are quickly, and not quiet- abrupt changes in city policies can bring with them ly, turning our country into a theocracy.
value of life, and the importance of two het- unintended consequences for nonprofit agencies with limited budgets, such as disruption of orderly planning Republican party, as such, his faith based ini- processes and timely cultivation of prospective culture of life and their traditional family penalty/abortion debate; his force feeding of values. They are using that canard as a way ADVERTISING TRAFFIC FACILITATOR
If Prop. T passes, we see the need to ensure that a Jesus Christ by way of programs that the fed- to argue for the passage of Proposition 8, but procedure exists for evaluating and quite possibly cre- eral government is supporting; his miserable I fail to see how letting my friends Dave and ating additional exemptions that will allow community AIDS policies and contraception policies; his nonprofits the flexibility to respond to changes in outright intolerance for people whose lives ceremonies, domestic partnership registra- OPERATIONS MANAGER
human services needs. The manner by which these don’t precisely mirror his own amoral, soul- tions, and finally a wedding, harms anyone.
additional exemptions or considerations would be cre- less life; and his pontifications of being ated needs to be explored by the City Council. “needed by his country and chosen by God,” were doing when they instituted a separation PRODUCTION MANAGER
I am aware that in a recent mailer from the “No on are all direct corollaries to the totalitarian- of church and state, they just didn’t go far T,” Save our City organization that my name and our organization was erroneously listed as opposing Germany, and that our forefathers fled from CIRCULATION
Proposition T. I want to clarify that the National hand, and the leaders of our country on the American Red Cross has strict prohibitions on use of Religion does not create a fabric of socie- our name to either endorse or oppose political candi- ty. Religion creates a communal touchstone I believe there should be a religious test of dates or ballot issues. I ask that both sides of the cam- for arrogance, bigotry, intolerance, hatred, faith for anyone who wants to be a leader. It paign respect this position. The concerns and clarifica- and creating “otherness.” Religion creates a tions I articulated in my original “letter to the editor” mechanism for people who are all abdicating church member is barred from a position of are, of course, in the public domain and as such avail- their thought-life to others, to feel common- I’ll take a Godless heathen over a religious 410 Broadway, Suite B
As pointed out above, our concern was directed at Santa Monica, CA 90401
the potential impact for community preparedness and wonders of the true fabric of our society, the is neither an endorsement of nor opposition to the ini- warp and weave of the people who comprise DAVID PISARRA is a family law attorney focus- our America, the differences that make us a ing on father’s rights and men’s Issues in the John Pacheco
Santa Monica firm of Pisarra & Grist. He can be inbreeding is bad for a species. The same reached at [email protected] or (310) 664- rule applies to society. When we all think, WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR is published six days a week,
daily readership. Circulation is auditedand verified by Circulation Verification EMAIL TO: [email protected] OR FAX TO (310) 576-9913 Venice Beach, Brentwood, West LA.
2006 Newlon Rouge, LLC, all rights reserved.
OPINIONS EXPRESSED are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Santa Monica Daily Press staff. Guest editorials from residents are encouraged, as are letters to the editor. Letters will be published on a space-available basis. It is our intention to publish all letters
we receive, except those that are libelous or are unsigned. Preference will be given to those that are e-mailed to [email protected]. All letters must include the author’s name and telephone number for purposes of verification. Letters also may be mailed to our offices located at 410 Broadway,
Suite B, Santa Monica, 90401, or faxed to (310) 576-9913. All letters and guest editorials are subject to editing for space and content.


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ORDENANZAS POR LAS QUE SE HA DE REGIR LA COFRADÍA DE NUESTRO PADRE JESÚS NAZARENO Artículo 1°.- Esta Cofradía, como desde su fundación, continúa denominándose de NUESTRO Artículo 2°.- La Cofradía radica en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Paz, adscrita a la Parroquia de Santa María la Mayor, de la ciudad de Daimiel (Ciudad Real), Iglesia que hasta 1982, pertenecía al Convento d


S.P.R. Rose1 Professor of Biology and Director, Brain and Behaviour Research Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, U.K. colleagues in the Science Faculty of the Open Universitywho have over the past 33 years struggled with the toughart of communicating science in public – and to a publicabout whom no preconceptions were permitted except thatof their commitment to learning. In

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