Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps amoxicilline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Spring Lake Park City Council was held on September 16, 2013 at the Spring Lake Park Community Center, 1301 81st Avenue N. E., at 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order Mayor Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call Members Present:
Councilmembers Mason, Nash, Nelson, Raymond and Mayor Hansen
Building Official Brainard; Police Chief Ebeltoft; Parks and Recreation Director Rygwall; Public Works Director Randall; Attorney Carson; Liquor Store Manager Swanson; Administrator Nelson; Assistant Administrator Buchholtz
Sue Davis, AFS Students and Host Families
3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Additions or Corrections to Agenda Assistant Administrator Buchholtz asked that item 12A, Resolution Providing for the Issuance and Sale of $685,000 General Obligation Capital Improvement Plan Bonds, Series 2013B, and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof, be removed from the agenda. He asked that Resolution 13-23, Resolution of Commendation for Barbara Nelson, be added as item 7J. 5. Discussion From The Floor Patty Halverson, Lee Carlson Center, informed the City Council about the annual RoofRaiser campaign to support the Lee Carlson Center, a mental health clinic and non-profit serving Anoka County and surrounding areas. She encouraged residents to support the Spring Lake Park team meet its $5,000 challenge. She invited everyone to the RoofRaiser kickoff is Friday, September 20th from 3-7pm at Bob’s Produce Ranch in Fridley. 6. Proclamations Mayor Hansen presented a proclamation proclaiming the week of September 16, 2013 as American Field Service Week and proclaiming that Costanza Alesse and Kaito Arai be named honorary citizens of the City of Spring Lake Park for the duration of their stay.
7. Consent Agenda: Mayor Hansen reviewed the following Consent Agenda items:
Approval of Minutes – September 3, 2013
General Fund Disbursement Claim No. 13-15 -- $344,101.68
Liquor Fund Disbursement Claim No. 13-16 -- $201,872.23
Budget to Date – August 31, 2013/Statement of Fund Balance
Membership Dues Invoice – League of Minnesota Cities
Third Quarter Billing for Pay 2015 Property Tax Assessment – Ken Tolzmann
Approve Change Order #1 – City Hall Roofing Project
Approve 2am Liquor License Renewal – Biff’s
Report for Assistant Administrator Performance Evaluation Conducted on September 10, 2013
Approve Resolution 13-23, A Resolution of Commendation for Barbara L. Nelson
Mayor Hansen read the following statement, concerning Consent Agenda item I, into the record: “The City Council went into closed session to conduct a performance evaluation on the Assistant Administrator’s job performance. An evaluation was given by the Council. The outcome of the evaluation was to promote the Assistant Administrator to the Administrator, Clerk/Treasurer position, effective September 17, 2013. The City Council approved an employment contract with Mr. Buchholtz to that effect at a special Council meeting on September 10, 2013.” MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER NASH APPROVING THE CONSENT AGENDA. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Police Report Police Chief Ebeltoft reviewed the August 2013 department statistics. Chief Ebeltoft reported that he attended two Chief Law Enforcement officer Meetings, attended a meeting of the Executive Training Committee to continue working on executive education training for the 2014 Executive Training Institute to be held in Rochester next year; attended the 2014 budget workshop; attended an employee meeting concerning the annual health insurance renewal; conducted a meeting with Video Surveillance Solutions Representative Rodd Johnson about the City’s current video equipment; attended a meeting of the Twin Cities Security Partnership; and enjoyed a week-long vacation. 9. Parks and Recreation Report Parks and Recreation Director Rygwall reviewed the August 2013 department statistics. She reported that the Department received 2,803 registrants for its August 2013 programs, generating net revenue of $17,468.31. Parks and Recreation Director Rygwall reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission met on August 6 to review the concessions they ran during the softball tournaments on August 2-4 and the new concession requirements set forth by the Anoka County Health Department; staff began preparing for Fall programming; staff completed their program reports and evaluations and discussed ways to improve programs for 2014;
staff completed Intern Vue’s performance evaluation; and the Fall adult co-ed softball league is underway. 10. Liquor Report Liquor Store Manager Swanson reported that she attended three MetroNorth Chamber Wine Club meetings, a Saint Thibault wine tasting, a Liquor Commission meeting, and a trade show at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. She stated that she met with Sara Hammer of the Welcome Wagon for an upcoming advertising campaign that targets residents new to the Blaine/Spring Lake Park/Fridley area, coordinated advertising for the October water bill mailing, and coordinated advertising for the “Girls Night Out” and Riedel Glassware events. Liquor Store Manager noted that, as of the end of July, gross sales were down by 4% from last year, but net profits have increased by 33%. A. Central Park Liquor Point of Sale System Liquor Store Manager Swanson stated that the current point of sale (POS) system is ten years old and is in danger of complete failure. She stated that one cash register is nonfunctional and a second that is failing. She stated that replacement parts for the system are impossible to find. She said that the software provider will no longer cover the aging equipment with an annual maintenance agreement, thereby increasing maintenance costs. She stated that she obtained two quotes for the system – one from Retail Information Technology Enterprises (RITE) in the amount of $36,783.16 and a second from ECR Software Corporation in the amount of $51,906.45. She stated that she is recommending the RITE system due to its lower price and its ease of use. Mayor Hansen inquired if the Liquor Commission supports this decision. Assistant Administrator Buchholtz responded affirmatively. Councilmember Raymond asked where the funds for the point of sale system would come from. Assistant Administrator Buchholtz stated the funds would come from the Liquor Note fund. Councilmember Raymond asked about how long the system would last. Assistant Administrator Buchholtz stated that staff hoped the system would last ten years or as long as technologically feasible. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER NELSON TO AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A POINT OF SALE SYSTEM FROM RETAIL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISES IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,783.16 PLUS SALES TAX WITH FUNDS COMING FROM THE LIQUOR STORE NOTE FUND. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Unfinished Business: A. Authorize Contract with Barbara Nelson for Contract Negotiation Services Assistant Administrator Buchholtz provided an overview of the City Council’s consensus from the September 10 workshop. He stated that staff would lead the negotiation teams and conduct any required research while Ms. Nelson’s role would be to provide advice on negotiation strategy and a historical background on past negotiations. He stated that staff is requesting authority to enter into a contract with Ms. Nelson to assist with labor negotiations at a rate of $48.52/hour, plus mileage, with a cap on the contract of $2,500.
Mayor Hansen inquired if Ms. Nelson would be willing to remove the mileage reimbursement from the contract. Ms. Nelson responded affirmatively. MOTION BY MAYOR HANSEN TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH BARBARA NELSON FOR CONTRACT NEGOTIATION SERVICES AT A RATE OF $48.52 PER HOUR, NOT TO EXCEED $2,500. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. B. Update on Due Diligence for Purchase of Cemstone Building City Attorney Carson reported that the City’s purchase agreement with Cemstone Products Company required Cemstone to remove the underground storage tank at their building at 8502 Central Avenue. He said the tank has been removed and contamination has been discovered. He stated that the City has told Cemstone that the City will not complete this transaction unless the contamination is remediated. He said that Cemstone has proposed an extension to the due diligence period to October 11 at 5:00pm in order to give Cemstone time to determine what cleanup work will be required by the MPCA. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER RAYMOND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY AND THE CITY OF SPRING LAKE PARK FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8502 CENTRAL AVENUE NE. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 12. New Business: A. Request for Proposal – Auditor Services Assistant Administrator Buchholtz stated that staff is seeking authority to issue a request for proposals for audit services. He stated that the request for proposals (RFP) does not reflect any disagreement between City staff and the existing auditor; rather, the RFP addresses and current workflow issue for our accounting staff. He stated that the proposed RFP would call for audit fieldwork to be completed in February or March, rather than in May or early June as is current practice. He stated the RFP envisions that the audit would be presented to the City Council at the first City Council meeting in June. He said the RFP envisions establishing a minimum three-year relationship with the audit, after which the City could negotiate audit fees for future years or undertake a new RFP process. He stated that proposals would be due October 8, 2013 at 4:00pm and a finalist will likely be presented to the City Council at its November 18 meeting. MOTION BY MAYOR HANSEN TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR AUDIT SERVICES. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Engineer’s Report City Engineer Gravel reported that the 2013 sanitary sewer slip lining project has been completed. He noted that Public Works Director Randall handled the inspections for the project. Mr. Gravel stated that Stantec has updated the feasibility report for the 2014-15 Street Improvement Project based on feedback from the Council. He asked when the City Council would want to review the feasibility report. Council consensus was to review the feasibility report at a future City Council meeting. Administrator Nelson suggested continuing the City’s past practice of holding a neighborhood meeting for
each project. She stated the past neighborhood meetings were well attended and allowed staff to answer resident questions and discuss potential assessments. City Engineer Gravel stated that he would propose dates for those neighborhood meetings. 13. Attorney’s Report -- None 13. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Report Mayor Hansen noted that the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Committee is looking for someone to serve as the business chair on the committee. She stated that the business chair invites local businesses to work with the Committee to improve employment opportunities for returning veterans. 14. Other: A. Barbara Nelson Retirement Party Assistant Administrator Buchholtz announced that City Administrator Barbara Nelson’s retirement party will be held on September 17 from 3-5pm at Spring Lake Park City Hall. He said that everyone is welcome to attend. 15. Adjourn MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER MASON TO ADJOURN. VOICE VOTE: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 P.M.
Attest: ________________________________________ Barbara L. Nelson, Administrator, Clerk/Treasurer
International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2002, 17:115–119Quetiapine augmentation in patients withtreatment resistant obsessive^compulsivedisorder: a single-blind, placebo-controlled studyM. Atmaca, M. Kuloglu, E. Tez can and O. GeciciFirat University, Medical Faculty Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Elazig, TurkeyCorrespondence to Murad Atmaca, Firat (Euphrates) Universitesi, Firat T|p M
Neurologie Mise au point Octobre 2011 SYNTHÈSE D’AVIS DE LA COMMISSION DE LA TRANSPARENCE ARICEPT (donépézil), EXELON (rivastigmine), REMINYL (galantamine),médicaments du traitement symptomatique de la maladie d’Alzheimer Un intérêt thérapeutique faible L’essentiel Quatre médicaments ont une autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) dans le traitement symptomatiqu