Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps azithromycine prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Stiff-Person Syndrome Following West Nile Fever Sharon Hassin-Baer, MD; Eilon D. Kirson, MD, PhD; Lester Shulman, PhD; Aron S. Buchman, MD; Hanna Bin, PhD;Musa Hindiyeh, PhD; Lea Markevich; Ella Mendelson, PhDBackground: Stiff-person syndrome is a rare autoim- Result: The search revealed a stretch of 12 amino acids
mune disorder associated with antibodies against glu-
in the NS1 protein of West Nile virus with a high degree
tamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the key enzyme in
of homology to the GAD65 region (an isoform of GAD)
␥-aminobutyric acid synthesis. In most cases, a trigger
Objective: To describe a 41-year-old man who devel- Conclusion: Cross-reactivity between antibodies di-
oped stiff-person syndrome and antibodies to GAD fol-
rected against West Nile virus and GAD may have con-
lowing acute West Nile virus infection.
tributed to the development of stiff-person syndrome inthis patient. Design: A case report and a search in GenBank for com- mon epitopes. STIFF-PERSONSYNDROME(SPS) REPORTOFACASE
is a rare disorder that is char-acterized by progressivemuscle stiffness, rigidity, and
interfering with central ␥-aminobutyric
steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. A few
sion.2-4 In most cases of SPS, no specific
oped blurring of vision, a feeling of neck
and upper back heaviness, and muscle stiff-
ness at the base of the neck and upper ex-
flavivirus maintained in nature through a
tremities. This was followed by motor dys-
function of his left arm and right leg. There
Central Virology Laboratory,Public Health Laboratories,
gitis and encephalitis.5-8 Israel is endemic
several deaths and significant morbidity9
oped anti–GAD-positive SPS following se-
shoulder girdle region and arms. There was
stiffness and limitation in the range of ac-
and left arm. There was also slowing of fin-
(Dr Mendelson); and theDepartment of Neurological
the left than on the right side. Hyperre-
flexia was noted in the arms, more on the
2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Figure 1. IgM and IgG antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) in the patient’s Figure 2. Anti–glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) IgG titers in the patient’s
serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were noted. Plasma exchange (PE) was
serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Plasma exchange (PE) was performed
performed 16 weeks after the acute WNV infection, and intravenous
16 weeks after the acute West Nile virus (WNV) infection, and intravenous
immunoglobulins (IVIGs) were administered for 5 days after 28 weeks and
immunoglobulins (IVIGs) were administered for 5 days after 28 weeks and
then once monthly for 4 months. OD indicates optic density.
then once monthly for 4 months. OD indicates optic density.
left than on the right side, and in the legs, more on the
creased (to 105 U/mL in serum and 84 U/mL in CSF) when
right than on the left side. Tone was increased in the left
he first complained of stiffness (Figure 2).
arm and both legs. Plantar responses were extensor bi-
Given a tentative diagnosis of SPS, the patient was
laterally. The patient seemed stiff when walking, and his
treated with clonazepam. After a couple of weeks, action-
arm swing was decreased with posturing of both arms.
induced muscle spasms developed involving the shoul-
The results of routine blood work, including the de-
der girdle muscles, and clonazepam was replaced by di-
termination of antinuclear antibody levels, were nor-
azepam, 15 mg/d, and baclofen, 75 mg/d, with partial
mal, except for the levels of creatine kinase (242 IU/L;
improvement. The increased intracranial pressure was
upper limit, 190 IU/L) and thyrotropin (6.39 mIU/mL).
treated with acetazolamide, 250 mg, 3 times a day for 3
The patient also displayed mild eosinophilia (14.6%).
weeks, with resolution of the blurring of the optic disc
The results of cervical and cranial magnetic reso-
margins. He received 5 courses of plasma exchange 4
nance imaging were normal. The opening pressure of his
months after the onset of his symptoms, with some im-
first lumbar puncture was normal, as were cerebrospi-
nal fluid (CSF) chemistry, cytology, and culture results.
When examined 3 months after the onset of his
IgM and IgG antibodies to WNV in serum and CSF
symptoms, his pyramidal signs were no longer present
were noted (Figure 1), as were trace oligoclonal IgG
and the stiffness in his right leg was nearly resolved.
antibodies in the CSF. Test results were also positive for
A third lumbar puncture performed 7 months after
the onset of his symptoms showed a normal opening pres-
The results of nerve conduction studies, repetitive
sure and normal cytologic and chemistry results. At this
nerve stimulation, and electromyography were normal,
time, the WNV IgM level was low in the serum, but still
with the exception that it took longer for the patient to
relatively high in the CSF. Serum and CSF IgG titers for
relax and discontinue voluntary recruitment of motor unit
WNV remained high. The anti–GAD antibody level in
the serum and CSF decreased following plasma ex-
A month later, the results of a neurological exami-
nation were unchanged except for blurring of the bor-
Because of insufficient improvement 7 months af-
ders of the optic discs. The results of a computerized vi-
ter the onset of his symptoms, he was treated with in-
sual field examination were normal. The results of a
travenous immunoglobulins (Omr-IgG-am; Omrix Bio-
computed tomographic scan of the head were normal as
pharmaceutical Ltd, Tel Hashomer). He received
well. A second lumbar puncture demonstrated an el-
preparations from donors in Israel, containing high ti-
evated opening pressure of 290 mm H2O, with normal
ters (1:1600) of antibodies against WNV.11 The initial dos-
CSF glucose and protein levels and 6 polymorpho-
age was 0.4 g/kg of body weight once daily for 5 days.
He received additional treatment with intravenous im-
The result of a polymerase chain reaction for WNV
munoglobulins, 0.4 g/kg of body weight, once a month
was negative, but test results were still positive for IgM
for 3 more months.12-15 Following treatment with intra-
and IgG antibodies to WNV in the serum and CSF (Fig-
venous immunoglobulins, there was marked improve-
ure 1). Retrospectively, serum anti–GAD antibody lev-
els (CIS bio international, France [subsidiary of
Three years following WNF, the patient is much im-
SCHERING SA]) were elevated during the initial short-
proved, although still minimally symptomatic. He still
term phase of his infection (level, 71 U/mL) and in-
has mild stiffness of his left upper limb and rare spasms
2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
reported,8 and serves as a model for the development of
postinfectious immune-mediated disorders after infec-
Recent evidence23 suggests that SPS is caused by an
autoimmune process. Genetic and environmental factors
are involved in the cause of autoimmune diseases, and vi-ral infections have been implicated as nongenetic triggers
Figure 3. Amino acid similarity of a motif of the NS1 protein of West Nile
of autoimmune reactions to self antigens. Type 1 diabetes
virus (WNV) with the PEVKEK epitope region of human glutamic acid
mellitus is an immune-mediated disease that results from
decarboxylase (GAD) isoforms 65 and 67 using a computer program
selective loss of the insulin-producing pancreatic
(BESTFIT program of the GCG Software Package using blosum62). The
merous epidemiological and clinical studies24 have linkedenteroviral infections, particularly infections with coxsack-
in his shoulders and neck. He has been able to resume
ievirus B4, with a progression to type 1 diabetes mellitus.
his professional and leisure activities. He still takes ba-
Except for the rare case of SPS as a paraneoplastic syn-
clofen, 75 mg/d. His serum anti-GAD titers remain el-
drome, no specific triggers for the onset of clinical symp-
toms are usually present. Rarely have infectious processes
A search of GenBank for an amino acid homology
been associated with SPS. Two atypical cases of SPS were
between WNV and GAD65 revealed a possible common
reported to occur after Lyme borreliosis.25,26 Two cases of
epitope to GAD65 and the viral NS1 protein, which sur-
fulminant progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity have
rounds and partially overlaps the GAD65-PEVKEK epi-
been reported, one in a patient coinfected with human im-
tope (Figure 3).
munodeficiency virus type 1 and Epstein-Barr virus27 andthe other in a patient after hepatitis C virus infection.28
The natural history of SPS is usually a slowly pro-
gressive course without rapid declines or spontaneous
In this report, we describe a patient with SPS following
remissions. Most patients respond to a combination of
WNF. The diagnosis of WNV infection was based on the
therapy with diazepam and baclofen. There have been
development of a febrile illness during a known local epi-
several reports of improvement with immunomodula-
demic of WNV; the patient had positive serological re-
tory therapies, such as corticosteroids,29,30 plasma ex-
sults. Although the patient’s clinical course of WNF lasted
change,31-34 and intravenous immunoglobulins.13-15,35 In
only a few weeks, the serological data (Figure 1) indi-
this patient, although plasma exchange was followed by
cated a long-lasting immunological response to the virus,
decreased serum levels of anti–GAD antibodies, the clini-
including IgM and IgG in the serum and CSF. Infection
cal response was suboptimal. Only after treatments with
with flaviviruses can induce a long-term virus-specific IgM
intravenous immunoglobulins, enriched with anti–
response in the serum and CSF.16,17 Long-term sequelae
WNV antibodies, was a significant clinical improve-
following acute WNV CNS infection were recently re-
ment noted, lasting a couple of years. There has not been
ported,18 as was increased mortality (M. Green, MD, PhD,
a clinical worsening since then, but serum anti–GAD an-
MPH, unpublished data, 2002). The reason for these phe-
nomena is not known, but virus persistence is a possible
We suggest that following acute WNV infection, this
mechanism.19 Indeed, flavivirus persistence in cell cul-
patient developed a postinfectious immune-mediated pro-
tures, animals, and humans has been described.20-22 Thus,
cess affecting mainly GABAergic neurons in the brain and
we raise the possibility of long-term subclinical infection
spinal cord. In this case, the patient had a propensity for
with WNV in the patient with SPS; although the results
autoimmune diseases based on his history of immune-
of the polymerase chain reaction studies for WNV in the
mediated thyroid disease with the presence of serum an-
serum and CSF in this patient were negative, the sensi-
tithyroglobulin antibodies. The presence of the putative
tivity of polymerase chain reaction testing for WNV has
autoimmune homologous epitope between WNV and
not been defined, so this possibility is not ruled out.
GAD65 is supportive of this hypothesis.
The neurological symptoms of SPS began a few weeks
Human type 1 diabetes mellitus is also associated
following incomplete recovery from acute WNV infec-
with anti–GAD65 antibodies and with infection with en-
tion. While WNV is known to cause meningitis and en-
teroviruses.24 A mechanism of molecular mimicry has been
cephalitis, there was no conclusive evidence that this pa-
suggested because the PEVKEK motif, which was re-
tient had meningitis or encephalitis because a lumbar
cently recognized as a dominant B-cell epitope for type
puncture was not performed during the short-term phase
1 diabetes mellitus, was also found in coxsackievirus B4
The development of neurological abnormalities
Further investigation of the cross-reactivity be-
within weeks after acute WNF is suggestive of a postin-
tween anti-WNV and anti-GAD65, identification of the
fectious process, although we have no evidence that anti–
oligoclonal bands in the patient’s CSF, and functional
GAD65 antibodies were absent before the viral infec-
analysis of the common epitope are required to estab-
tion. The development of mild papilledema, increased CSF
pressure, and 6 cells in the CSF with elevated antibod-ies is suggestive of ongoing central nervous system in-
Accepted for publication December 9, 2003.
fection or an inflammatory process. The development of
Author contributions: Study concept and design (Drs
acute idiopathic polyneuritis following WNF has been
Hassin-Baer, Kirson, Buchman, and Mendelson); acqui-
2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. sition of data (Drs Hassin-Baer, Kirson, Shulman, Bin,
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A Life of Learning: The Dr. George E. Schreiner Story “We’re so glad we hired Michael when we did. Dad could not wait for their weekly get-togethers, and I don’t think Michael could either. They developed a great rapport, and it shows in my Dad’s memoir. Mike moved easily from my father’s idyllic boyhood in Buffalo to his celebrated scientific career at Georgetown, handling the fun,