Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Sbm074 1.20
Schizophrenia Bulletin Advance Access published July 7, 2007
Schizophrenia Bulletindoi:10.1093/schbul/sbm074
Molecular Targets for Treating Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
symptoms have been effectively treated.3 Indeed, a meta-
analysis of cognitive deficits suggested that indices of cog-
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Fran-
cisco, CA; 3Department of Pharmacology, University of North
nitive deficits are much better predictors of functional
Carolina School of Medicine, 8032 Burnett-Womack, CB # 7365,
outcome than indices from any other symptom domain.4
Furthermore, the severity of cognitive deficits is predictiveof poorer medication compliance,5 overall treatment ad-herence,6 and increased tendency for relapse in first-epi-
Cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia as
deficits are present in the majority of patients, frequently
Until recently, antipsychotic drug development in
precede the onset of other positive symptoms, persist
schizophrenia has focused mainly on developing drugs
even with successful treatment of positive symptoms, and
that reduce the positive symptoms of schizophrenia,8
account for a significant portion of functional impairment
and indeed, all the current medications appear to be sim-
in schizophrenia. While the atypical antipsychotics have
ilar in efficacy for reducing positive symptoms in typical
produced incremental improvements in the cognitive func-
patients with schizophrenia.9,10 In a recent meta-analysis,
tion of patients with schizophrenia, overall treatment
patients treated with typical antipsychotics were actually
remains inadequate. In recent years, there has been an in-
shown to have small but detectable improvements in sev-
creased interest in developing novel strategies for treating
eral cognitive domains11; however, due to extrapyramidal
the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, focusing on amelio-
side effects, many patients are also treated with anticho-
rating impairments in working memory, attention, and so-
linergic agents that are well known to impair memory12
cial cognition. Here we review various molecular targets
and global cognitive ability.13 In addition, there is some
that are actively being explored for potential drug discov-
evidence for the superiority of atypical antipsychotics,
ery efforts in schizophrenia and cognition. These molecular
such as olanzapine and risperidone, over typicals in im-
targets include dopamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex,
proving cognitive performance,14–16 though the benefits
nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, the gluta-
are relatively small and have not been consistently repro-
matergic excitatory synapse, various serotonin receptors,
duced.17 Overall, the widespread use of the atypical anti-
and the g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system.
psychotics has likely offered some cognitive benefit forpatients with schizophrenia,18 though significant deficits
Key words: serotonin/dopamine/glutamate/NMDA/
persist, suggesting a need for directive treatments for en-
Due to the continued need for improved treatment of the
cognitive impairments in schizophrenia, Wayne Fentonspearheaded the National Institutes of Mental Health’s
joint academic and industry initiative termed MATRICS
Schizophrenia is characterized by positive symptoms
(Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cog-
such as delusions and hallucinations, negative symptoms
nition in Schizophrenia) to facilitate the development of
such as avolition and flat affect, and cognitive impair-
better treatments targeted at cognition.19 An initial
ments. Although Kraepelin,1 with his term ‘‘dementia
praecox,’’ characterized the relationship between cogni-
identified 7 primary cognitive domains that are crucial
tive deficits and schizophrenia nearly a century ago, effec-
for developing targets for the treatment of cognition in
tive treatments for these deficits have not been developed.
schizophrenia. These domains included working memory,
Cognitive dysfunction is estimated to occur in 75%–
speed of processing, verbal learning and memory, attention
85% of patients with schizophrenia,2 often precedes the
and vigilance, reasoning and problem solving, visual learn-
onset of other symptoms,2 and persists even after other
ing and memory, and social cognition.20–22 An additionalMATRICS
identified pharmacologic strategies that hold promise for
To whom correspondence should be addressed; tel: 919-966-
7535, fax: 919-966-5640, e-mail: [email protected].
the treatment of impaired cognition in schizophrenia. Ó The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected].
The primary molecular targets identified included dopa-
Table 1. Molecular Targets for Cognitive Enhancement in
mine receptors in the prefrontal cortex, nicotinic and
muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, the glutamatergicexcitatory synapse, various serotonin receptors, and the
c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system. Below, we review
many of the molecular targets being studied for potential
drug development strategies aimed at enhancing cognition,
both generally and specifically in schizophrenia (table 1).
Acetylcholine is known to play an important role not
only in motor function but also in various domains of
cognition, particularly attention, learning, and mem-
ory.23 Indeed, cholinergic dysfunction has been shown
to be central to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s dis-
ease and has also been postulated to contribute to the
cognitive deficits of various neuropsychiatric disorders,
including schizophrenia.23 The basal cholinergic complex
sends widely diffuse afferents through 2 projections: the
septohippocampal and the nucleus basalis of Meynart
cortical pathways.24 The septohippocampal pathway is
important in working memory processes through hippo-
whereas the nucleus basalis of Meynart cortical pathway
is involved in reference memory through long-term infor-
mation storage in the neocortex.27,28 Additionally, a role
for acetylcholine in the processes of attention has been
demonstrated in rats and monkeys.29 Pharmacologically,
anticholinergic drugs, like scopolamine, produce learning
impairments in healthy subjects similar to those of per-
sons with dementia,30 while cholinomimetic drugs, like
physostigmine, can significantly enhance the memory
Although the degeneration of cholinergic neurons in the
basal forebrain and the associated loss of cerebral neuro-
transmission that is seen in Alzheimer’s disease are absent
in schizophrenia,32,33 there is evidence of decreased nico-
tinic34 and muscarinic35 acetylcholine receptors in the cor-
tex and hippocampus of individuals with schizophrenia.
Interestingly, in patients with schizophrenia, decreased ac-
tivity of choline acetyltransferase, a biosynthetic enzyme
for acetylcholine production, was correlated with poorer
cognitive functioning as measured by the Clinical Demen-
tia Rating.33 In addition, some of the atypical antipsy-
chotics, but not typical antipsychotics, can increase the
release of acetylcholine in the prefrontal cortex, possiblycontributing to their modest enhancement of cognition in
Note: D, dopamine; n/a, clinical evidence not available to date;
schizophrenia.36 Thus, various targets within the cholin-
COMT, catechol-O-methyltransferase; 5-HT, serotonin; IBS,
ergic system are being investigated as potential enhancers
irritable bowel syndrome; DMXB-A, 3-2,4-dimethoxybenzylidene
anabaseine; M, muscarinic; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; GlyT,glycine transporter; mGluR, metabotropic glutamate receptor;GABA, c-aminobutyric acid.
aThe term ‘‘agonist’’ is used here to refer to agonists, partial
Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil and rivastig-
agonists, and positive allosteric modulators.
mine, are currently the main pharmacologic approach to
withdrawn due to increase in adverse cardiovascular events.
Molecular Targets for Cognition in Schizophrenia
the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and have been
uals may be ‘‘self-medicating’’ with nicotine.50,51 Indeed,
shown to slow the cognitive decline in this neurodegen-
nicotine administration has been shown to improve var-
erative disease.37 As such, it has been proposed that
ious measures of cognition that may ease some of the side
cholinesterase inhibitors may also be useful in the treat-
effects of antipsychotic medications.51 For example, in
ment of the cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia.38
patients with schizophrenia, a nicotine transdermal patch
Acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase are pres-
could dose dependently reverse haloperidol-induced
ent in a wide variety of tissues and are broadly distributed
impairments in working memory, attention, and reaction
in the brain. Inhibition of cholinesterases increases the
time52 and has been shown to reduce haloperidol-induced
synaptic concentration of acetylcholine, thereby enhanc-
bradykinesia and rigidity compared with a placebo
ing and prolonging the action of acetylcholine on both
patch.53 However, other studies have been mixed.54 Inter-
muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. Therefore, cholines-
estingly, in one study,55 some of the modest effects of cig-
terase inhibitors act as indirect cholinergic agonists at
arette smoking on clinical and cognitive outcome
measures could also be improved by smoking denicoti-
Following the administration of atypical antipsychotic
nized cigarettes, suggesting that nonnicotine components
treatment, cholinesterase inhibitors can increase the con-
of cigarette smoke may also contribute.55 Overall, while
centration of acetylcholine in the medial prefrontal cortex
research on nicotinic treatment of individuals with
by 2- to 3-fold36 and have been demonstrated to produce
schizophrenia has shown that, in single administrations,
some functional normalization of brain activity during
nicotine improves some aspects of cognition, additional
verbal fluency task performance of schizophrenic patients
administrations are not effective due to rapid desensitiza-
characterized by a significant increase in frontal lobe and
tion of nicotinic receptors.42 Thus, considerable research
cingulate activity on functional magnetic resonance imag-
is exploring the potential use of nicotinic agents, partic-
ing (fMRI).39 As such, in recent years there have been
ularly partial agonists and allosteric modulators at var-
multiple small randomized controlled trials of cholines-
ious nicotinic receptor subunits that would be less
terase inhibitors in patients with schizophrenia, though
likely to cause rapid receptor desensitization.
results have been disappointing and inconsistent.40 It
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are ionotropic recep-
has been suggested that the lack of consistent effects of
tors with a pentameric structure composed of alpha (a2 to
cholinesterase inhibitors may be due to the high rate of
a9) and beta (b2 to b4) subunits and are expressed at high
cigarette smoking among patients with schizophrenia41
levels in the hippocampus, cortex, striatum, and thala-
and subsequent desensitization of nicotinic receptors,42
mus.34,56 The 2 most prevalent nicotinic receptors are
thus rendering increased acetylcholine levels ineffective.43
the a4b2, which is a high-affinity receptor, and the a7,
Indeed, galantamine, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
which is a low-affinity nicotinic receptor, both of which
that is also an allosteric potentiator of a7 nicotinic recep-
have been shown to have reduced numbers in patients
tors,44,45 does not cause a7 receptor desensitization and
with schizophrenia.34,56 In addition, functional polymor-
has been shown to enhance cognitive functioning of
phisms exist in the promoter region of the a7 receptor that
schizophrenic patients in a 4-week double-blind placebo
have shown genetic linkage in schizophrenia.57,58
controlled trial.46 Interestingly, galantamine produced
The a7 nicotinic receptor subtype is a highly studied tar-
cognitive enhancement in schizophrenic patients despite
get for the development of drugs for cognitive enhance-
the fact that all the patients smoked at least 10 cigarettes
ment. Studies in rodents have shown that antagonists
per day.46 Unfortunately, despite these initial positive
at the a7 nicotinic receptor induce sensory gating deficits
findings, subsequent results with galantamine have
similar to those seen in schizophrenia,59 a hippocampal
been mixed.47–49 Thus, while pure cholinesterase inhibi-
phenomenon manifested as an inability to attend appro-
tors may be of minimal benefit for enhancing cognition
priately to sensory stimuli.60 Sensory gating deficits may
in patients with schizophrenia, possibly due to desensiti-
strongly impact cognitive performance, and it has been
zation of their a7 nicotinic receptors from cigarette smok-
shown that smoking transiently normalizes these sensory
ing, further study may be warranted with combined
gating deficits.60 In addition, agonists at a7 receptors such
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and allosteric potentiators
as 3-2,4-dimethoxybenzylidene anabaseine (DMXB-A)
of the nicotinic receptor in schizophrenia. However, it is
can normalize the auditory gating deficits in rodents.61
likely that selective agents at various nicotinic and mus-
Moreover, DMXB-A had a positive effect on a cognitive
carinic receptors may be a more effective approach to de-
battery in a small proof-of-concept trial in humans,62 and
veloping drugs for treatment of the cognitive impairment
additional clinical trials of a7 receptor agonists are under-
way. However, there is concern that long-term use of a7agonists may induce the desensitization of nicotinic recep-
tors, leading to a limited duration of efficacy.63 Thus,
It is well known that the smoking rates in individuals with
further development of a7 receptor partial agonists (eg,
schizophrenia are significantly higher than in the general
GTS-21) and allosteric potentiators (eg, galantamine)
population, and some have suggested that these individ-
that induce minimal receptor desensitization is warranted.
In addition to a7 receptors, it has been suggested that
NDMC is the major active metabolic of clozapine and
a4b2 nicotinic receptors are involved in cognition.64 In-
has been reported to be a potent M1 agonist that prefer-
deed, a4b2 receptors are considered to represent more
entially binds to M1 receptors vs clozapine,83 although
than 90% of the high-affinity nicotine-binding sites in
more comprehensive studies fail to demonstrate selectiv-
the rat brain,65 and decreased levels of a4b2 receptor
ity of NDMC for M1 receptors.84 In addition, NDMC
binding have been found in the hippocampus of patients
has high affinities for 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors
with schizophrenia.56 Furthermore, agonists of a4b2
and is a partial agonist at D2, D3 receptors85,86 and d-opi-
receptors, such as RJR2403 and SIB-1553A, can produce
oid receptors,87 suggesting that this metabolite of cloza-
a significant and long-lasting improvement of memory in
pine may have antipsychotic and cognition-enhancing
rats and monkeys.66–68 Additionally, a4b2 agonists have
properties via a number of mechanisms. Furthermore,
been shown to stimulate the release of dopamine, norepi-
NDMC, but not clozapine, increases release of dopamine
nephrine, and acetylcholine in the hippocampus and
and acetylcholine in the prefrontal cortex and the hippo-
frontal cortex in rats.66 Thus, nicotinic a4b2 receptor ago-
campus88 and potentiates NMDA receptor activity in the
nists may be of therapeutic benefit for the treatment of
hippocampus.83 Thus, the cognitive enhancement ob-
the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia by several mecha-
served with clozapine could actually be due to its metab-
nisms. In addition to a7 and a4b2 receptors, other nico-
olite NDMC via an uncertain mechanism.
tinic receptors, such as a3- and a6-containing receptors,
Indeed, NDMC (ACP-104) and other M1 receptor ago-
may be involved in cognitive performance; however,
nists are in clinical trials as potential treatments of the
studies are limited due to the lack of selective agonists
cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Xanomeline, a
and antagonists for these receptors.
nonselective M1 and M4 muscarinic agonist with potentactions at a variety of additional nonmuscarinic receptorsincluding 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors,89 improved cog-
nition and psychotic-like symptoms in Alzheimer’s dis-
In addition to the ionotropic nicotinic receptors, numerous
ease.90 In addition, monotherapy with xanomeline
studies have implicated metabotropic muscarinic acetyl-
resulted in an improvement of positive symptoms and
choline receptors in schizophrenia. Muscarinic receptors
cognitive function in 20 subjects with schizophrenia91
are G protein–coupled receptors69 found widely through-
but was discontinued due to poor tolerability.92 The rel-
out the central nervous system on both cholinergic and non-
atively nonselective actions of xanomeline and NMDC
cholinergic cells where they function as both autoreceptors
at a number of receptors (
and heteroreceptors.70–72 Of the 5 genetically distinct sub-
pdsp.php) should engender caution among schizophrenia
types of muscarinic receptors (M1–M5), the M1 receptor has
researchers for embracing positive data from xanomeline
been most closely linked to cognition and schizophrenia.73
and NMDC studies as being specifically indicative of
Indeed, the M1 receptor subtype is the most abundant of the
a role for M1 receptors in schizophrenia.
muscarinic receptors in forebrain and hippocampus,74,75
Overall, evidence suggests that M1 receptor agonists
brain regions crucial to normal cognitive functions. In ad-
could be useful in treating various symptom domains
dition, decreased M1 receptor binding has been reported in
in schizophrenia, though the roles of the other muscarinic
postmortem studies of the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus,
receptor subtypes are less clear. M5 receptors, for exam-
and striatum from patients with schizophrenia,76–78 that is,
ple, may be relevant to schizophrenia as they are located
importantly, not due to chronic antipsychotic treat-
in the brainstem and midbrain, where they have an effect
ment.35,77,79 Interestingly, M1 receptor–deficient mice dem-
on dopamine release.93 Indeed, xanomeline is also an an-
onstrate deficits in working memory and remote reference
tagonist at M5 receptors, suggesting that blockade of M5
memory indicative of impaired hippocampal-cortical inter-
may be involved in the benefits seen with xanomeline.94
actions.80 Together, these results suggest that alterations in
In addition, M4 receptor knockout mice have impair-
central M1receptorsmayhavearoleinthepathophysiology
ments of cognitive performance and elevated levels of do-
of schizophrenia and that M1 receptor agonists may be ben-
pamine in the nucleus accumbens, suggesting a potential
eficial in treating schizophrenia, particularly the cognitive
role for M4 receptor agonists in treating both the positive
and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.95,96 As selec-
Action at M1 receptors has been proposed to be a
tive agonists at muscarinic receptor subtypes have been
major contributor to the cognition-enhancing effects of
difficult to develop, positive allosteric modulators are
clozapine,81 despite the fact that clozapine is an exceed-
also being explored as potential therapeutic agents.
ingly weak partial agonist at M1 and other muscarinicreceptors.73,82 Thus, attention has focused on various
clozapine metabolites including clozapine-N-oxide andN-desmethylclozapine (NDMC). Clozapine-N-oxide is
Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter for
inactive while NDMC has actions at many receptors
approximately 60% of the neurons in the mammalian
brain, including all cortical pyramidal neurons,97 and
Molecular Targets for Cognition in Schizophrenia
plays a principal role in modulating long-term potentia-
and glycine binding, with glycine binding affecting chan-
tion, a likely key cellular mechanism for learning and
nel open time and desensitization rate but not inducing
memory.98,99 Glutamate mediates fast excitatory postsyn-
channel opening itself.100 In addition, NMDA receptor ac-
aptic potentials by acting on 3 ionotropic receptors, which
tivity can be allosterically modulated by multiple other
are differentiated based upon sensitivity to the synthetic
substances, including Mg2þ, polyamines, and protons.112
glutamate derivatives N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA),
Thus, while direct agonists of the glutamate-binding site of
the NMDA receptor may not be clinically feasible due to
acid (AMPA), and kainate.100 In addition, glutamate
the risk of excess excitation and neurotoxicity, the alloste-
exerts slower modulatory effects by acting on various
ric sites on the NMDA receptor complex, particularly the
G protein–coupled metabotropic glutamate receptors
glycine-binding site, are promising targets for drug devel-
(mGluRs).101 For example, mGluR2 and mGluR3 recep-
opment. Indeed, chronic treatment of rodents with glycine
tors modulate the release of glutamate, whereas the
has not been found to induce excitotoxicity.113,114
mGluR5 receptor potentiates the duration of NMDA re-
Compounds that target the glycine site of the NMDA
ceptor–dependent excitatory postsynaptic potentials.102
receptor complex have been studied in multiple small
It has been hypothesized for decades that some defi-
clinical trials. These include glycine115 and D-serine,116
ciency in NMDA function might play a role in the patho-
which are endogenous agonists at the glycine site of
physiology of schizophrenia.103 Since the 1950s, the
the NMDA receptor complex; D-alanine; and D-cycloser-
NMDA receptor antagonists phencyclidine (PCP) and
ine, an antituberculosis drug that also binds to the glycine
ketamine were known to produce a large range of schizo-
modulatory site where it functions as a partial agonist.117
phrenia-like symptoms including psychotic symptoms,
In most of these studies, the test compound was admin-
negative symptoms, and cognitive dysfunction,103–105
istered along with either a typical or atypical antipsy-
and it has been suggested that augmenting NMDA recep-
chotic, and there appears to be significant effects at
tor activity may have therapeutic potential in schizophre-
reducing negative symptoms and cognitive impairment
nia.100 Indeed, some of the atypical antipsychotics, but
in patients with schizophrenia.118 Of the 4 agents, D-cy-
not typical antipsychotics, have been shown in preclinical
closerine has been the least efficacious, likely due to it be-
models to reverse the effects of ketamine and PCP,106–109
ing a partial agonist that acts as an antagonist at high
presumably through indirect activation of NMDA recep-
doses. Interestingly, when used concurrently with cloza-
tors mediated by other neurotransmitter systems.83 It is
pine, glycine119 and D-serine120 have been reported to be
also important to note that a competing hypothesis sug-
ineffective while D-cycloserine seemed to worsen symp-
gests that a hyperactivity of glutamatergic neurotransmis-
toms,121 possibly because clozapine may already enhance
sion is involved in the psychopathology of schizophrenia,
glycine and glutamate neurotransmission. Overall, ago-
nists at the glycine allosteric site of the NMDA glutamate
approaches being explored.100 Indeed, glutamatergic exci-
receptor hold promise in the treatment of the negative
totoxicity is thought to be a factor in the neurodegenera-
and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia, possibly as
tion of Alzheimer’s disease110 and a weak NMDA receptor
an augmentation of currently existing antipsychotics.
antagonist, memantine, has shown efficacy in slowing cog-
A potential limitation of targeting the glycine modula-
nitive decline in moderate to advanced Alzheimer’s dis-
tory site is that the glycine site is probably half-saturated
ease.111 Thus, the glutamate system, especially its
during physiologic conditions, suggesting that treatments
NMDA-dependent components, is complex, and while
targeting the glycine site would theoretically only be able
small increases in NMDA-dependent glutamate neuro-
to effectively double NMDA neurotransmission.118 In
transmission might be cognitively enhancing, too much ac-
addition, both glycine and D-serine must be given at
tivation may result in neurodegeneration. Fortunately, the
gram-level doses to significantly elevate central nervous
glutamatergic excitatory synapse offers multiple targets
system levels, and attempts to modify glycine or D-serine
for drug development to provide the precise level of en-
to produce synthetic glycine-site agonists, have, thus far,
hancement to improve cognition without excitotoxicity.
been unsuccessful. Thus, indirect approaches to activate
Thus, we briefly review below various approaches being
NMDA receptors are being explored, such as increasing
explored for modulating NMDA receptor neurotransmis-
extracellular glycine and glutamate and by modulating
sion and discuss approaches aimed at other glutamatergic
An indirect approach being explored to boost NMDA
NMDA glutamate receptors are ligand-gated ion chan-
activity via the glycine allosteric site is to increase synap-
nels with a primary glutamate-binding site and an allo-
tic glycine by inhibiting the glycine transporter. The gly-
steric glycine-binding site.100 Interestingly, the opening
cine transporters, GlyT1 and GlyT2, have been identified
of the NMDA channel appears to require both glutamate
on both neuronal and glial cells in the central nervous
system, where they are suggested to control the extracel-
ampakines improve performance in rodents on a variety
lular concentration of glycine.122 Thus, blockade of gly-
of memory tasks including spatial mazes135,136 and
cine transporters is predicted to increase extracellular
learned fear137 and have been shown to be effective in re-
glycine and thus enhance NMDA receptor neurotrans-
ducing age-associated memory deficits in rats.138 In a clin-
mission. Indeed, preclinical data suggest that inhibition
ical trial of schizophrenia patients on clozapine,
of glycine reuptake represents a feasible approach to
coadministration of the ampakine CX-516 yielded signif-
enhance NMDA receptor activity and possibly be thera-
icant improvements in memory and attention;139 how-
peutic in schizophrenia.100 For example, selective, high-
affinity inhibitors of the glycine transporter, including
schizophrenia showed no clear beneficial effects.140 Im-
Org-24598, N-[3-(4#-fluorophenyl)-3-(4#-phenylphenox-
portantly, higher potency ampakines are currently under
y)propyl] sarcosine, and SSR-504734, have been found
clinical development as both monotherapy for schizo-
to reverse PCP-induced hyperactivity and dopaminergic
phrenia and adjunctive treatment for cognitive dysfunc-
hyperreactivity in rodents.123,124 Furthermore, the gly-
tion, though results of trials are not yet available. A
cine transport inhibitor glycyldodecylamide attenuated
higher potency ampakine, farampator, has been tested
PCP-induced hyperactivity more potently than adminis-
in healthy elderly volunteers and improved short-term
memory but appeared to impair episodic memory,141
Clinical trials to date, however, have only studied the
and thus, it remains unclear if modulation of AMPA
low-potency glycine transport inhibitor sarcosine (N-
receptors has therapeutic value in the treatment of the
methyl glycine). In a clinical trial of sarcosine added to
cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia although this is
the stable antipsychotic regimen of patient with schizo-
a highly active area of current research.
phrenia, there was a highly significant reduction in neg-ative symptoms, along with smaller but significant
reductions in positive and cognitive symptoms.127 Inter-
Agents acting at mGluRs, which serve to regulate gluta-
estingly, a subsequent study with patients on clozapine
matergic neurotransmission both pre- and postsynapti-
found no improvement of symptoms with the addition
cally, are currently in preclinical development for
of sarcosine, a result similar to studies with the
treatment of the cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia.
NMDA glycine site agonists.128 These results strongly
There are 8 subtypes of mGluRs (mGluR1–8) which are
suggest a role of glycine transport inhibitors in the treat-
categorized into 3 groups according to their second mes-
ment of schizophrenia, though results of trials with selec-
senger-coupling and ligand-binding profiles with group I
tive, high-potency inhibitors are anticipated.
receptors (mGluR1 and mGluR5) primarily being stud-ied for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia.102
Group I receptors, particularly mGluR5, function pre-dominantly to potentiate both presynaptic glutamate re-
Another glutamatergic approach to drug development
lease and postsynaptic NMDA neurotransmission,142
for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia has been
and mGluR5 receptors show significant colocalization
the development of compounds that stimulate AMPA
with NMDA receptors in cortical pyramidal neurons.143
and kainate glutamate receptors. AMPA and kainate
Together, these findings suggest that mGluR5 agonism
receptors mediate the majority of the fast glutamatergic
may enhance NMDA activity and improve memory
signaling in the brain, and AMPA receptors work heavily
and cognition.142 Indeed, selective mGluR5 agonists
in concert with NMDA receptors.100 AMPA receptors
were found to inhibit PCP-induced dopamine release
provide the primary depolarization necessary to activate
in the rodent prefrontal cortex.144 Direct mGluR5 ago-
NMDA receptors, while NMDA receptors are required
nists, however, are likely to induce receptor desensitiza-
for proper incorporation of AMPA receptors into the
tion limiting their therapeutic usefulness. Thus, selective
postsynaptic membrane, a process involved in synaptic
allosteric potentiators of mGluRs have recently been
plasticity.129 Thus, activation of AMPA receptors is
developed and hold promise as therapeutic agents.145,146
likely critically important for learning and memory; how-
Indeed, preliminary positive results with an mGluR2/3
ever, direct AMPA agonists are unlikely to be therapeu-
agonist in phase II trials have been reported (http://
tically useful as AMPA receptors rapidly desensitize after
In an attempt to avoid desensitization of AMPA recep-
tors, allosteric potentiators of AMPA receptor function,a class of compounds termed ampakines, are being stud-
ied as potential treatments for enhancing cognition inschizophrenia.131,132 Indeed, ampakines have been shown
Dopamine projections to the prefrontal cortex compris-
to enhance glutamatergic transmission and facilitate
ing the mesocortical dopamine system are essential for
long-term potentiation in rodents.133,134 Furthermore,
normal cognition.147,148 Thus, it has been hypothesized
Molecular Targets for Cognition in Schizophrenia
that decreased dopaminergic neurotransmission in the
working memory.158 In addition, chronic treatment with
prefrontal cortex contributes to the cognitive deficits ob-
a D1 agonist may actually lead to the downregulation of
served in schizophrenia, especially those related to exec-
D1 receptors which could, potentially, worsen cognition
utive functions and working memory.149–151 Indeed,
in the long term. Thus, an optimized level of D1 receptor
postmortem and in vivo imaging studies have linked
activation at the apex of the ‘‘inverted-U’’ may be re-
prefrontal dopamine dysfunction to cognitive impair-
quired to obtain maximal cognitive benefits,157 which
ment,151,152 and various studies have demonstrated
may be accomplished by partial agonists or an intermit-
that direct and indirect dopamine agonists can improve
tent pattern of administration.161,165 An additional ob-
prefrontal cortex cognitive functions in humans.153,154
stacle is the powerful hypotensive effects of direct-
However, it seems that precise regulation of prefrontal
acting D1 agonists on peripheral D1 receptors,166 which
dopaminergic tone is essential as, in addition to insuffi-
may necessitate the use of indirect D1-activating agents
cient dopamine, excessive prefrontal dopamine (eg,
such as catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors
resulting from acute stress) may be deleterious to cogni-
tion.155–157 Thus, dopamine function in the prefrontalcortex seems to follow an ‘‘inverted-U’’ dose-responsecurve whereby increases or decreases from an optimal
level result in cognitive impairment.158 Additionally, in-
The high affinity of clozapine for dopamine D4 receptors
direct dopamine agonists could potentially exacerbate
led to speculation that D4 receptors may be clozapine’s
psychosis by increasing neurotransmission at mesolimbic
‘‘magic receptor.’’167 Clinical trials of selective D4 antag-
onists, however, have not demonstrated any appreciableefficacy in the treatment of acute schizophrenia,168–170though it is possible that D4 receptor blockade in collab-
oration with action at other neurotransmitter receptors
Dopamine D1 receptors are expressed at high levels on
may be clinically beneficial. Indeed, studies of the phys-
the distal dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the prefron-
iological roles for the D4 receptor are finding that D4
tal cortex that are thought to be involved in working
receptors may play an important role in impulsivity
memory processes.158,159 Indeed, evidence suggests an
important role of dopamine D1 receptors in the cognitive
The mechanism by which D4 blockade could improve
dysfunction of schizophrenia.138 For example, there is
cognition is not fully known,172 though D4 receptors are
a decreased level of D1 receptor–like binding in the pre-
present on both pyramidal neurons and GABA-produc-
frontal cortex of drug-naive patients with schizophrenia
ing interneurons in the prefrontal cortex and hippocam-
as measured with positron emission tomography imag-
pus,173 areas important for cognitive function. Studies
ing, and this decrease was found to be correlated with
have demonstrated that activation of D4 receptors
the severity of negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunc-
decreases NMDA receptor activity in the hippocam-
tion but not with the severity of positive symptoms.160 In
pus174 and inhibits glutamatergic signaling in the prefron-
addition, in nonhuman primates, chronic blockade of D2
tal cortex.175 Additionally, D4 receptor knockout mice
receptors results in a downregulation of D1 receptors in
show enhanced activity of cortical pyramidal neurons,
the prefrontal cortex and consequently produces severe
an effect mimicked in wild-type mice by administration
impairments in working memory.161 This downregula-
of the D4 antagonist PNU-101387G.175 Together, these
tion of D1 receptors may explain why long-term treat-
results suggest that D4 antagonism may be a valuable ap-
ment with typical antipsychotics can contribute to the
proach to improve cognition in schizophrenia. Indeed,
cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Thus, significant
the D4 antagonist NDG96-1 was reported to reverse
efforts are underway to examine the possible role of D1
PCP-induced deficits in object retrieval tasks in mon-
receptor agonists in treating cognitive dysfunction in
keys,172 and another D4 antagonist, PNU-101387G, re-
schizophrenia. Indeed, low doses of selective D1 agonists,
versed deficits in the delayed response task induced by
such as dihydrexidine, A77636, and SKF81297, have
the pharmacologic stressor FG7142 (a benzodiazepine
cognition-enhancing actions in nonhuman primates,162–164
inverse agonist).176 Interestingly, PCP-induced cognitive
and short-term administration of the D1 selective agonist,
deficits are exacerbated by haloperidol, suggesting that
ABT-431, reversed the cognitive deficits in monkeys trea-
strong blockade of other dopamine receptors may
ted chronically with a D2 receptor antagonist.161
counter the beneficial effects of D4 blockade on cognitive
Although novel compounds that, directly or indirectly,
stimulate D1 receptors may be of immense value in treat-
Seemingly contradictory evidence also suggests that D4
ing cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, several potential
receptor agonists may improve cognitive function. For
pitfalls may need to be overcome. First, D1 receptor ac-
example, the selective D4 agonist A-412997 showed
tivity follows the ‘‘inverted-U’’ dose-response curve,
dose-dependent improvement in social recognition in
where either too little or too much D1 stimulation impairs
rats, a model of short-term memory,177 and the D4
agonist PD168077 was shown to facilitate memory con-
may have improved cognitive response to clozapine.195 In-
solidation of an inhibitory avoidance learned response in
terestingly, a recent proof-of-concept experiment in
mice.178 These effects have been hypothesized to be due
normal human subjects treated with tolcapone demon-
to D4 receptor modulation of inhibitory GABAergic sig-
strated significant improvements on measures of executive
naling in the prefrontal cortex.179 Indeed, the D4 agonist
function and verbal episodic memory in individuals with
PD168077 reduces GABAA inhibitory currents in pyra-
a Val/Val genotype but a diminished performance of indi-
midal neurons, which could be blocked by the D4 antag-
viduals with the Met/Met genotype.196 Thus, overall, the
onist L-745870 as well as clozapine.179 Thus, in contrast
potential of pharmacologic inhibition of COMT in the
to D4 antagonist–induced enhancement of NMDA cur-
long-term treatment of the cognitive dysfunction in schizo-
rents in the hippocampus, D4 agonists may suppress
GABAA inhibitory currents in the prefrontal cortexand thereby indirectly enhance cortical excitability. Taken together, D4 receptor–selective agents may be
valuable in the treatment of the cognitive deficits inschizophrenia, though a balance between D
modulation of prefrontal GABAA and hippocampal
5-HT2A receptors are particularly abundant in the pyra-
midal neurons from cortical layer V,197 where they havebeen described to colocalize with NMDA glutamatereceptors,198,199 suggesting a role in modulating cognitive
functions. Indeed, studies have demonstrated that 5-
COMT is a postsynaptic enzyme that methylates and
HT2A receptors interact with postsynaptic density pro-
thereby deactivates synaptically released catecholamines,
tein 95, a protein involved in anchoring NMDA receptors
particularly dopamine.180 Historically, monoamine oxi-
to postsynaptic densities,200 and it has been suggested
dase was considered the primary enzyme for the initial
that activation of 5-HT2A receptors increases the release
deactivation of synaptic dopamine,181 though mounting
of glutamate onto pyramidal cells.201 Interestingly, the
evidence suggests that COMT may be especially impor-
selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonist M100907 blocked
tant for the breakdown of dopamine, particularly in the
the cognition-impairing effects of MK-801, an NMDA
prefrontal cortex.182 For example, COMT knockout
receptor antagonist.202,203 Similar findings have been
mice show increased baseline levels of dopamine, but
reported for another 5-HT2A antagonist AC-90179.204
not other catecholamines such as norepinephrine, specif-
Taken together, these studies suggest an intimate associ-
ically in the frontal cortex.183 In addition, the COMT
ation between NMDA and 5-HT2A receptors and imply
knockout mice also showed enhanced memory perfor-
that drugs with potent 5-HT2A antagonistic actions may
mance,183 suggesting a potential role of COMT inhibition
prove beneficial at improving cognition in schizophrenia,
in improving cognition. Indeed, a selective, reversible in-
perhaps by normalizing NMDA receptor functioning.203
hibitor of COMT, tolcapone, has been reported to im-
In addition, 5-HT2A receptors are located on dopami-
prove working memory in rodents184 and has been
nergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area,205 where
shown to improve cognitive dysfunction in patients
they may modulate dopamine neuronal activity.206 In-
with advanced Parkinson’s disease,185 though use is lim-
deed, it is likely that a predominant role of 5-HT2A recep-
ited due to a risk of liver failure.186 Other COMT inhib-
tors in antipsychotic action is to modulate dopaminergic
itors are currently being investigated for treatment of the
tone, particularly along the mesocortical pathway.206–208
cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia.
For example, clozapine, olanzapine, and ziprasidone, but
Interestingly, a common single nucleotide polymor-
not haloperidol or risperidone, can preferentially augment
phism in the gene encoding COMT, Val158Met, results
dopamine and norepinephrine release in the prefrontal cor-
in the transcription of a variant of the COMT enzyme
tex relative to the subcortical areas.209 In rats, however, re-
with approximately 40% less enzymatic activity in
peated administration of the selective 5-HT2A antagonist
humans.187 The reduced COMT enzymatic activity asso-
M100907 can alter the activity of midbrain dopamine
ciated with the Met variant presumably results in greater
neurons in rats, though there is disagreement as to whether
availability of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and, thus,
cortical dopamine levels are potentiated210 or inhibited.211
may improve cognition, hypotheses supported by findings
Thus, it has been hypothesized that the ultimate effect of
from the COMT knockout mice,183 and an fMRI study in
5-HT2A antagonists on dopaminergic neurotransmission
humans.188 Furthermore, the COMT locus at chromo-
some 22q11 has been identified as a susceptibility locus
Clinical studies with selective 5-HT2A receptor com-
for schizophrenia in several linkage studies189,190 and 2
pounds have also demonstrated a role of 5-HT2A receptors
meta-analyzes,189,191 though this remains controver-
in cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. For example, in
sial.192–194 However, accumulating evidence predicts
a study of 30 hospitalized patients with schizophrenia, ad-
that patients with schizophrenia who have the Met allele
ministration of mianserin, a 5-HT2A/2C and a2-adrenergic
Molecular Targets for Cognition in Schizophrenia
antagonist, improved scores on the Automated Neuropsy-
in patients with schizophrenia.229,230 Interestingly, the 5-
chological Assessment Metrics at 4 weeks, though no sig-
HT1A agonist NAE-086 actually induced hallucinations
nificant improvement was found on the Wisconsin Card
and nightmares in normal individuals after repeated
Sorting Test.213 These results suggest that 5-HT2A receptor
doses,231 suggesting that 5-HT1A agonists may not be tol-
antagonism may improve cognitive function in schizo-
erated well in schizophrenic individuals. Taken together,
phrenia,214,215 though additional clinical studies are
these results demonstrate that additional clinical studies
needed. However, because nearly all approved atypical an-
are needed but suggest that 5-HT1A receptors may need
tipsychotic drugs have potent 5-HT2A antagonist actions,
to be differently modulated to optimally enhance cognition
it is unlikely that adding on a drug with potent 5-HT2A an-
in various pathologic conditions (ie, dementia vs schizo-
tagonism will provide any significant boosting of cognition
phrenia) and that 5-HT1A partial agonists with a high level
in treated patients.212 The potential cognition-enhancing
of efficacy may present a significant risk of exacerbating
effects resulting from 5-HT2A receptor antagonism with
the currently available atypical antipsychotics may bemasked by other drug actions, such as anticholinergic
effects, known to cause cognitive impairment.216
Serotonin 5-HT4 receptors are found at high densities in
the hippocampus, frontal cortex, and amygdala, suggest-
ing a role of these receptors in cognitive functions.232,233
5-HT1A receptors are densely concentrated in the hippo-
campus, lateral septum, amygdala, and cortical limbic
4 receptors have been shown to be markedly
decreased in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.234 In addi-
areas, as well as both the dorsal and median raphe nu-
4 receptor agonists have shown promise in the
treatment of cognitive impairment by enhancing choliner-
as somatic autoreceptors providing inhibitory feedback
gic transmission in the hippocampus.212,235 For example,
control of 5-HT release.219 However, the highest concen-
4 receptor partial agonist, SL65.0155, improved
learning and memory performance in chemically induced
campal pyramidal neurons220 suggesting a role of 5-HT1A
rat model of amnesia,236 and this improvement may be
receptors in mediating cognitive functions. 5-HT1A recep-
due in part to lengthening of the excitatory postsynaptic
tors on cortical pyramidal neurons are colocalized with
potential in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.237
5-HT2A receptors,221 though while 5-HT2A receptor acti-
Interestingly, a recent study also showed that the activation
vation is excitatory, 5-HT1A receptor activation inhibits
receptors in a neuronal culture inhibited
the secretion of b-amyloid peptide and enhanced neu-
Because they act on different locations of the receptors,
1A partial agonists and full antagonists have
agonists are mostly being studied for their role in the
shown a positive effect on cognitive activity in animals.223
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, they may also be of
Thus, 5-HT1A partial agonists, presumably acting on py-
benefit in the treatment of the cognitive dysfunction
ramidal neurons, improve cognition in animals, while 5-
HT1A antagonists also improve cognition, probably byacting at the raphe autoreceptors.208,223 Indeed, atypicalantipsychotic drugs modestly enhance cognition, and sev-
eral atypical antipsychotic drugs have 5-HT1A partial ag-
Several atypical antipsychotics, including clozapine and
onist actions (eg, aripiprazole, clozapine, olanzapine,
olanzapine, and some tricyclic antidepressants, such as
ziprasidone, quetiapine),224,225 while others are 5-HT1A
amoxapine, amitriptyline, and clomipramine, were found
antagonists (eg, risperidone and sertindole).224 Preclinical
to have high affinity for 5-HT6 receptors239–241 prompting
experiments also show that both 5-HT1A partial agonists
significant efforts to understand its possible role in schizo-
and antagonists can improve cognition. For example,
phrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. When anti-
intraprefrontal infusion of 8-OH-DPAT, a nonselective
sense oligonucleotides were used to decrease the level of 5-
5-HT1A agonist, improved visual-spatial attention and
HT6 receptor expression in rats, the rats exhibited an in-
decreased impulsivity in rats,226 while WAY100635,
creased number of yawns and stretches that could be
a 5-HT1A antagonist, blocked the deleterious effects of
blocked by atropine, suggesting a role of the 5-HT6 recep-
MK-801 and NMDA antagonist in rats.227 Thus, the pre-
tor in the control of cholinergic neurotransmission.242,243
clinical literature is mixed regarding whether 5-HT1A ago-
In addition, the selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonist SB-
nists or antagonists enhance cognition.
271046 has been shown to improve memory retention in
Clinical data in humans are equally mixed. For example,
the water maze test of spatial learning and memory.244,245
activating 5-HT1A receptors with a single dose of tando-
Thus, it appears likely that 5-HT6 receptors may have an
spirone, a 5-HT1A partial agonist, diminished explicit
important future role in the treatment of cognitive deficits
memory function228 in demented patients, though chronic
in neuropsychiatric illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease
administration of tandospirone enhanced verbal memory
The 5-HT7 receptor exhibits a distinct distribution in the
Appropriately synchronized GABA neurotransmission
central nervous system with relatively high levels in the
in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is required for ade-
thalamus, hypothalamus, and hippocampus and lower
quate working memory,262 suggesting that impairments
levels in the cortex and amygdala.246–248 In addition to
in GABA-mediated inhibition could contribute to the
possible roles in regulating circadian rhythms and
cognitive impairments in schizophrenia. Indeed, post-
sleep,249–251 5-HT7 receptors may also have an important
mortem studies have shown reduced GABAergic trans-
role in hippocampus-dependent functions such as learn-
mission in schizophrenia.263–265 In addition, recent
ing and memory.252 For example, 5-HT7 receptor knock-
observations266,267 have noted decreases in messenger
out mice have been found to exhibit a specific impairment
RNA levels for glutamic acid decarboxylase 67, the syn-
in contextual fear conditioning in which the animal learns
thetic enzyme for GABA, selectively in the prefrontal
to associate the environment with an aversive stimulus,
cortex of patients with schizophrenia. Interestingly, a re-
a process generally believed to require the hippocam-
cent study revealed that GABA alterations in the dorso-
pus.253 Electrophysiological studies have also shown
lateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic patients may be
that 5-HT7 receptor activation modulates the excitability
restricted to certain cell classes, such as the chandelier
and intracellular signaling of pyramidal neurons in the
cells, which synchronize the activation of pyramidal neu-
CA1 region of the hippocampus.254,255 Additionally, in
rons via GABAA receptor subtypes.268 Thus, the use of
5-HT7 receptor knockout mice, there is a reduced ability
new benzodiazepine-like agents—selective for the a2 sub-
to induce long-term potentiation in the CA1 region of the
unit of the GABAA receptor—in cognitive disorders
hippocampus.253 Together, these findings suggest an im-
could be both interesting and revealing. Indeed, there is
portant role for the 5-HT7 receptor in hippocampus-de-
evidence that reduced GABA neurotransmission in chan-
pendent functions, including learning and memory.252
delier cells may be secondary to altered NMDA receptor
Thus, selective 5-HT7 receptor activators might prove
function and could represent a ‘‘final common pathway’’
therapeutically useful for the treatment of the cognitive
of prefrontal dysfunction in schizophrenia.269 Thus, drugs
targeted to mitigate the disturbances in inhibition might beparticularly effective in improving cognitive performancein schizophrenia. For example, positive allosteric modula-
tors selective for GABAA receptors containing a2 subunits
(eg, a GABAA a2-selective benzodiazepine) may improve
The central noradrenergic system projects from the
working memory function in schizophrenia.270 However,
locus ceruleus to the prefrontal cortex where a
drugs that directly activate a2-containing GABAA recep-
ergic receptors appear to play an important role in
tors independent of the presence of GABA may disrupt the
cognitive functioning.256 Indeed, treatment with the
critical synchronization of this circuit and impair working
memory.269 In addition, activation of GABA
2-adrenergic receptor agonists, clonidine and guanfa-
cine, has been shown to improve cognitive performance
containing other subunits (eg, a1 or a5), such as by cur-
without exacerbating positive symptoms in small
rently available benzodiazepines, may impair cognitive
trials of patients with schizophrenia.257,258 In addition,
function. Indeed, a recent study in healthy volunteers
patients randomized to risperidone plus guanfacine
showed that, contrary to lorazepam, a GABAA a2/a3
showed significant improvement on tasks of working
subtype–selective partial agonist, TPA023, caused no
memory and attention compared with patients receiving
typical antipsychotics plus guanfacine.258 However, clo-
As activation of GABAA receptors containing a5 sub-
zapine and other atypicals have potent antagonist prop-
units, such as by currently available benzodiazepines,
may impair cognitive function and cause sedation, inhib-
contribute to the atypicality of atypicals by preferen-
itors of these receptors have been hypothesized to en-
tially enhancing dopaminergic transmission in the fron-
hance cognition. Indeed, functionally selective inverse
tal cortex over subcortical dopaminergic pathways.260
agonists at a5-containing GABAA receptors have been
Indeed, combined treatment of a typical antipsychotic
demonstrated to enhance performance in animal models
of cognition,272–274 apparently without lowering the sei-
nist, idazoxan, has been reported to produce a profile of
zure threshold as seen with nonselective GABAA inverse
antipsychotic activity similar to clozapine.261 Thus, as
agonists.274,275 In addition, a5 subunit knockout mice
demonstrate increased hippocampal activity due to the
2-adrenergic receptor activity may be important in de-
veloping new drugs for schizophrenia that can improve
release of tonic GABAergic inhibition.276 Thus, antago-
cognition, balancing a2-adrenergic receptor activity to
nists or inverse agonists at a5-containing GABAA recep-
achieve both antipsychotic and procognitive efficacy
tors may hold promise in the treatment of the cognitive
Molecular Targets for Cognition in Schizophrenia
schizophrenia and the theory that schizophrenia may in-
The sigma (r) receptor was initially designated as a sub-
volve a neurodegenerative process.298 Neurotrophic fac-
type of opioid receptors277 but was later found to be a
tors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, may play
distinct pharmacological entity due to lack of binding
a role in neuronal and glial differentiation, proliferation,
of the classical opiate receptor antagonists naloxone
and regeneration and influence synaptic organization,
and naltrexone.278 Indeed, when the r1 receptor was iso-
neurotransmitter synthesis, and the maintenance of syn-
lated and cloned, it was found to have no structural sim-
aptic plasticity.299,300 Thus, strategies to enhance neuro-
ilarity to the opioid receptors.279 The functions of these
trophic factor action may be able to prevent progression
receptors are poorly understood and endogenous ligands
have yet to be identified, though it has been proposed that
Altering neurotransmitter signaling by targeting intra-
steroid hormones (eg, progesterone and testosterone),
cellular signaling cascades has long been suggested to be
drugs of abuse (eg, cocaine, heroin, PCP), and psychiatric
a future approach to novel therapeutic agents.301 Though
drugs (haloperidol, imipramine, and sertraline) may in-
there has been concern about the feasibility of this ap-
teract with r receptors.280,281 In addition, it is well docu-
proach, lithium is a signal transduction modifier that
mented that r1 receptor ligands increase the NMDA
has been used safely for decades. Some targets being in-
receptor response in the hippocampus,282–284 suggesting
vestigated include protein kinase C isoforms and glyco-
a role in enhancing cognition. Indeed, r1 receptor ago-
gen synthase kinase 3.302 In addition, subtype-selective
nists can reverse the memory impairments induced by the
phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, particularly at
PDE10A, are actively being explored for the treatment
of various symptom domains in schizophrenia.303 An-
(DHEA) and allopregnanolone, have been implicated
other interesting approach at the receptor level would
in neuroprotection286–288 and enhancement of NMDA
be developing ligands that differentially activate the var-
receptor neurotransmission,287,289,290 possibly through
ious signaling pathways mediated by a single receptor,
interaction with r1 receptors,290 suggesting therapeutic
a process termed ‘‘functional selectivity’’.304 Indeed,
potential for enhancing cognition in schizophrenia. Con-
functional selectivity has been described in serotonin,
sistent with the enhancement of NMDA neurotransmis-
opioid, dopamine, vasopressin, and adrenergic receptor
sion, DHEA can enhance memory in rodents.291–294 In
systems304 and may be initiated by different ligand-in-
humans, a double-blind study of DHEA as an adjunct
duced conformational states, as shown for the b2-adren-
to antipsychotic treatment in chronic schizophrenic
ergic receptor.305 Thus, the possibility of selecting or
patients with prominent negative symptoms suggests
designing novel ligands that differentially activate only
some efficacy at improving negative symptoms, especially
a subset of receptor functions is intriguing as an approach
in women,295 though further studies are needed. Thus,
to drug discovery that may optimize therapeutic action.
neurosteroids may have therapeutic potential for improv-ing the cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenia,
though long-term treatment with steroids is problematic. In addition, while the contribution of r receptor agonism
Cognitive dysfunction is a major feature of schizophrenia
to the actions of neurosteroids is not entirely known,
that contributes significantly to the long-term functional
highly selective r receptor agonists are needed and
impairment that patients experience. While the past half-
century of antipsychotic development has had a profoundeffect on the treatment of schizophrenia, the cognitivedeficits
addressed. Therefore, it is critical to continue the pursuit
of diverse molecular targets for discovering new pharma-
There are a number of additional largely theoretical phar-
cotherapeutic agents for the treatment of schizophrenia.
macotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of cogni-
For the past 20 years, psychopharmacologic research in
tion and schizophrenia. For example, significant progress
schizophrenia has aimed for the development of new an-
has been made in recent years on elucidating various sus-
tipsychotic drugs with a more rapid onset of action,
ceptibility genes in schizophrenia, including dysbindin,
lower risk of side effects, and improved efficacy in the
neuregulin 1, COMT, DISC1, and others.296 Interest-
domains of negative and cognitive symptoms from a sin-
ingly, many of these genes appear to be related to the con-
gle compound. Currently, however, it seems unlikely that
trol of synaptic plasticity and glutamate transmission
a single drug will have the desired effect across all these
(particularly NMDA receptor function) and thus may al-
domains, and thus, optimal treatment of schizophrenia
low for hypothesis-driven approaches for developing of
will likely rely on individualized polypharmacy and aug-
actual disease-modifying drugs for schizophrenia and
mentation strategies. The ultimate goal, of course, will be
cognitive disorders.297 Another strategy involves the
the development of ‘‘cure therapeutics’’297 which will re-
role of neurotrophic factors in the pathophysiology of
quire significant advances in our understanding of the
underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia, highlight-
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