Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps doxycycline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Annals of Internal Medicine Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet A Randomized Trial Gary D. Foster, PhD; Holly R. Wyatt, MD; James O. Hill, PhD; Angela P. Makris, PhD, RD; Diane L. Rosenbaum, BA; Carrie Brill, BS; Richard I. Stein, PhD; B. Selma Mohammed, MD, PhD; Bernard Miller, MD; Daniel J. Rader, MD; Babette Zemel, PhD; Thomas A. Wadden, PhD; Thomas Tenhave, PhD; Craig W. Newcomb, MS; and Samuel Klein, MD Background: Previous studies comparing low-carbohydrate and
toms, bone mineral density, and body composition throughout the
low-fat diets have not included a comprehensive behavioral treat-
ment, resulting in suboptimal weight loss. Results: Weight loss was approximately 11 kg (11%) at 1 year and Objective: To evaluate the effects of 2-year treatment with a
7 kg (7%) at 2 years. There were no differences in weight, body
low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet, each of which was combined
composition, or bone mineral density between the groups at any
with a comprehensive lifestyle modification program.
time point. During the first 6 months, the low-carbohydrate dietgroup had greater reductions in diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride
Design: Randomized parallel-group trial. ( registra-
levels, and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, lesser re-
ductions in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and more
Setting: 3 academic medical centers.
adverse symptoms than did the low-fat diet group. The low-carbohydrate diet group had greater increases in high-density
Patients: 307 participants with a mean age of 45.5 years (SD, 9.7
lipoprotein cholesterol levels at all time points, approximating a
years) and mean body mass index of 36.1 kg/m2 (SD, 3.5 kg/m2). Intervention: A low-carbohydrate diet, which consisted of limited Limitation: Intensive behavioral treatment was provided, patients
carbohydrate intake (20 g/d for 3 months) in the form of low–
with dyslipidemia and diabetes were excluded, and attrition at 2
glycemic index vegetables with unrestricted consumption of fat and
protein. After 3 months, participants in the low-carbohydrate dietgroup increased their carbohydrate intake (5 g/d per wk) until a
Conclusion: Successful weight loss can be achieved with either a
stable and desired weight was achieved. A low-fat diet consisted of
low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet when coupled with behavioral
limited energy intake (1200 to 1800 kcal/d; Յ30% calories from
treatment. A low-carbohydrate diet is associated with favorable
fat). Both diets were combined with comprehensive behavioral
changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors at 2 years. Primary Funding Source: National Institutes of Health. Measurements: Weight at 2 years was the primary outcome. Sec- ondary measures included weight at 3, 6, and 12 months and Ann Intern Med. 2010;153:147-157.
serum lipid concentrations, blood pressure, urinary ketones, symp-
For author affiliations, see end of text. Data from several randomized trials over the past 6 either a low-carbohydrate or low-fat, calorie-restricted diet
years have demonstrated that low-carbohydrate diets
on key clinical end points, namely body weight, cardiovas-
produced greater short-term (6 months) weight loss than
cular risk factors, bone mineral density, and general symp-
low-fat, calorie-restricted diets (1–5). The longer-term (1
toms. The primary outcome was weight loss at 2 years. All
to 2 years) results are mixed. Some studies found greater
participants received comprehensive behavioral treatment
weight loss with low-carbohydrate diets than with low-fat
(13, 14) to enhance weight loss associated with both diets.
diets (5, 6), whereas others found no difference (1, 7–9).
We hypothesized that a low-carbohydrate diet would pro-
However, weight loss with either diet was usually minimal
duce greater weight loss at 2 years than a low-calorie, low-
(10 –12), presumably because of the modest dose of behav-
ioral treatment provided in these studies (1, 6). The only2-year randomized, controlled trial of a low-carbohydratediet to date found greater 2-year weight loss with a low-
carbohydrate than a low-fat diet (6). The Israel-based study
used visual prompts in a cafeteria setting to guide the se-
Editors’ Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
lection of the main meal (lunch). Whether the results
Summary for Patients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-35
would be similar in different settings and cultures is un-known. In addition, few previous studies have evaluated
the effect of low-carbohydrate diets on symptoms or bone,
and the assessments have been limited to 6 months (3, 4).
The purpose of our randomized, 3-center trial was to
evaluate the effects of long-term (2-year) treatment with
2010 American College of Physicians 147
Article Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet
sician referral, and self-referral. After a scripted phone
screening, eligible patients attended an in-person screen-
Previous studies comparing low-carbohydrate with low-fat
ing during which the study’s purpose and requirements
diets focused on short-term outcomes and did not uni-
were fully discussed, eligibility was confirmed, and writ-
formly include interventions to change physical activity
ten informed consent was obtained. The institutional
review boards of each of the 3 participating institutions
This randomized trial compared outcomes of a behavioral
Randomization and Interventions
intervention combined with either a low-carbohydrate or
Using a random-number generator, we randomly as-
low-fat diet and found that after 2 years, participants in
signed participants within each site to treatment with ei-
both groups lost about 7% of body weight. Greater im-
ther a low-carbohydrate or low-fat, calorie-restricted diet
provement in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels
for 2 years (Figure 1).
was observed with a low-carbohydrate diet, but othermetabolic measures were similar in both groups. Implication Table 1. Baseline Participant Characteristics*
Overweight persons can achieve substantial weight loss at2 years if they participate in a behavioral intervention
combined with a low-fat or a low-carbohydrate diet. Diet Group Carbohydrate (n ؍ 154) Diet Group (n
Race (non-Hispanic or Latino), n (%)
Our study was a randomized, controlled trial con-
ducted over 2 years with outcome assessments at baseline,
Recruitment and data collection were completed at the
University of Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado; Wash-
ington University, St. Louis, Missouri; and the University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Participants
Mean systolic blood pressure (SD), mm Hg
Mean diastolic blood pressure (SD), mm Hg
The primary inclusion criteria were age 18 to 65 years,
body mass index of 30 to 40 kg/m2, and body weight less
than 136 kg. A total of 307 adults (208 women and 99
men) with a mean age of 45.5 years (SD, 9.7 years) and a
mean body mass index of 36.1 kg/m2 (SD, 3.5 kg/m2)
participated in this study. Most (74.9%) participants were
white; 22.1% were African American, and 3% were of
other race or ethnicity. There were no statistically signifi-
cant differences between the 2 diet groups in any baseline
variables (Table 1).
All participants completed a comprehensive medical
examination and routine blood tests. We excluded study
applicants if they had serious medical illnesses, such as
type 2 diabetes; took lipid-lowering medications; were
pregnant or lactating; or took medications that affect
body weight, including antiobesity agents. Participants
with blood pressures of 140/90 mm Hg or more were
excluded regardless of whether they were treated. We
recruited, enrolled, and followed participants from
March 2003 to June 2007. Recruitment methods wereconsistent across sites and included newspaper advertise-
BMD ϭ bone mineral density; HDL ϭ high-density lipoprotein; LDL ϭ low-
density lipoprotein; VLDL ϭ very-low-density lipoprotein.
ments, flyers in the university or hospital setting, phy-
* There were no significant differences between the 2 groups. 148 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet Article
Figure 1. Study flow diagram. Completed phone screening (n = 3906) Excluded by phone screening (n = 3140) Passed phone screening (n = 766) Missed in-person screening (n = 355) Assessed for eligibility (n = 411) Excluded (n = 104) Did not meet inclusion criteria: 57 Declined to participate: Randomly assigned (n = 307) Other reasons: 15 Low-fat diet (n = 154) Low-carbohydrate diet (n = 153) Not assessed at 3 mo (n = 9) Not assessed at 3 mo (n = 14) In treatment (n = 3) In treatment (n = 10) Discontinued treatment (n = 6) Discontinued treatment (n = 4) Time constraints: 1 Time constraints: 1 Life stressors: 1 Dissatisfied with the program: 1 Relocated: 2 Life stressors: 1 Pregnancy: 1 Relocated: 1 No reason: 1 Not assessed at 6 mo (n = 19) Not assessed at 6 mo (n = 25) In treatment (n = 9) In treatment (n = 18) Discontinued treatment (n = 10) Discontinued treatment (n = 7) Time constraints: 4 Time constraints: 2 Dissatisfied with the program: 1 Dissatisfied with the program: 2 Life stressors: 1 Life stressors: 1 Relocated: 2 Relocated: 1 Pregnancy: 1 Pregnancy: 1 No reason: 1 Not assessed at 12 mo (n = 39) Not assessed at 12 mo (n = 40) In treatment (n = 23) In treatment (n = 27) Discontinued treatment (n = 16) Discontinued treatment (n = 13) Time constraints: 6 Time constraints: 3 Dissatisfied with the program: 2 Dissatisfied with the program: 3 Life stressors: 4 Life stressors: 4 Relocated: 2 Relocated: 1 Pregnancy: 1 Pregnancy: 2 No reason: 1 Not assessed at 24 mo (n = 49) Not assessed at 24 mo (n = 64) In treatment (n = 13) In treatment (n = 23) Discontinued treatment (n = 36) Discontinued treatment (n = 41) Time constraints: 7 Time constraints: 6 Dissatisfied with the program: 4 Dissatisfied with the program: 6 Life stressors: 4 Life stressors: 5 Relocated: 3 Pregnancy: 3 Pregnancy: 1 Relocation: 1 No reason: 1 Lost to follow-up: 20 Lost to follow-up: 16
“In treatment” refers to the participants who were still in treatment but did not complete the assessment. “Discontinued treatment” refers to theparticipants who formally withdrew from the study or could not be contacted (that is, lost to follow-up).
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 149
Article Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Serum Lipoproteins
Approximately half of the participants (n ϭ 153) were
We obtained blood samples after participants fasted
assigned to a low-carbohydrate diet, which limited carbo-
overnight (12 hours). Plasma lipid levels were analyzed
hydrate intake but allowed unrestricted consumption of fat
(16) in a lipid laboratory that participates continuously in
and protein. During the first 12 weeks of treatment, par-
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Lipid
ticipants were instructed to limit carbohydrate intake to 20
Standardization Program. We measured plasma high-
g/d in the form of low– glycemic index vegetables. After
density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride lev-
the first 12 weeks, participants gradually increased carbo-
els enzymatically on a Hitachi autoanalyzer by using Sigma
hydrate intake (5 g/d per week) by consuming more vege-
reagents (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri).
tables, a limited amount of fruits, and eventually small
Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and low-
quantities of whole grains and dairy products, until a stable
density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations were
and desired weight was achieved. They followed guidelines
directly measured by -quantification after ultracentrifuga-
described in Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution (15) but were
tion at a density of 1.006 g/mL to separate VLDL.
not provided with a copy of the book. Participants wereinstructed to focus on limiting carbohydrate intake and to
Blood Pressure
eat foods rich in fat and protein until they were satisfied.
We assessed blood pressure by using automated instru-
The primary behavioral target was to limit carbohydrate
ments (Dinamap, GE Health Care, Milwaukee, Wiscon-
sin) with cuff sizes based on measured arm circumference. After participants were sitting quietly for 5 minutes, 2readings of blood pressure were obtained, separated by a
Low-Fat Diet
1-minute rest period. The average of the 2 readings was
The remaining 154 participants were assigned to con-
sume a low-fat diet, which consisted of limiting energyintake to 1200 to 1500 kcal/d for women and 1500 to1800 kcal/d for men, with approximately 55% of calories
Urine Ketones
from carbohydrate, 30% from fat, and 15% from protein.
Dipsticks (Bayer Ketostix 2880, Elkhart, Indiana)
Participants were instructed to limit calorie intake, with a
were used to measure fasting urinary ketones and were
focus on decreasing fat intake. However, limiting overall
characterized as negative (0 mg/dL) or positive (trace, 5
energy intake (kcal/d) was the primary behavioral target.
mg/dL; small, 15 mg/dL; moderate, 40 mg/dL; or large, 80to 160 mg/dL). Common Instructions
All participants received comprehensive, in-person
group behavioral treatment (13, 14) weekly for 20 weeks,
We assessed general symptoms with a symptom check-
every other week for 20 weeks, and then every other month
list used in previous weight-loss studies (17). The checklist
for the remainder of the 2-year study period. Each treat-
contains 26 symptoms rated as none, mild, moderate, or
ment session lasted 75 to 90 minutes. The Appendix
severe. Symptoms were categorized as either absent (none)
(available at provides details of the treat-
or present (mild, moderate, or severe) because the symp-
ment. Topics included self-monitoring, stimulus control,
tom data were not normally distributed (most symptoms
and relapse management. All participants were prescribed
the same level of physical activity (principally walking),beginning at week 4, with 4 sessions of 20 minutes each
Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition
and progressing by week 19 to 4 sessions of 50 minuteseach. Group sessions reviewed participants’ completion of
We assessed bone mineral density and body composi-
their eating and activity records, as well as other skill build-
tion (percentage of body fat) by using dual-energy x-ray
ers. Participants in both groups were instructed to take a
absorptiometry at baseline and at 6, 12, and 24 months.
daily multivitamin supplement (provided by the study).
All sites used a Hologic (Bedford, Massachusetts) Delphi
The lifestyle intervention is described in greater detail in
or Discovery model bone densitometer. Whole-body, pos-
the Appendix.
teroanterior lumbar spine (L1 to L4), and left proximalfemur scans were acquired according to manufacturer
Outcomes and Measurements
guidelines for participant positioning. We cross-calibrated
scanners by using the same Hologic anthropomorphic
Body weight was measured at each treatment visit on
spine and whole-body phantom set before data collection.
calibrated scales while participants wore light clothing and
Long-term calibration was monitored at each site with a
no shoes. Height was measured by a stadiometer at base-
spine phantom scanned daily and a whole-body phantom
line. The primary outcome was weight at 2 years.
scanned 3 times a week. Based on these phantoms, the
The following measurements were collected at baseline
long-term precision was less than 1% for spine bone min-
eral density and less than 2% for percentage of body fat. A
150 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet Article
single technician analyzed all scans centrally by using Ho-
ways. The generalized estimating equation– based longitu-
logic software, version 11.2, and one investigator indepen-
dinal logistic models assume that missing data are unre-
dently reviewed for scan and analysis quality. We excluded
lated to previously observed outcomes but can be related to
poor-quality scans (movement artifacts and improper posi-
the treatment because it is a covariate in the model. (that
tion) from the analysis (0.7% for spine; 3.9% for hip; and
is, covariate-dependent missing completely at random)
(18). The likelihood-based mixed-effects models further re-lax the covariate-dependent missing-completely-at-random
Follow-up Procedures
assumption by allowing missing data to be dependent on
All randomly assigned participants, regardless of
previously observed outcomes and treatment (that is, miss-
whether they were actively attending treatment, were con-
ing at random). To assess departures from the missing-at-
tacted by phone, mail, and e-mail to schedule a follow-up
random assumption under informative withdrawal—that
is, the missing weights are informative for which patients
Statistical Analysis
chose to withdraw or continue to participate in the
Sample Size
study—we present sensitivity analyses. As such, we assume
To detect a 3% (SD, 5%) difference between the
that all participants who withdraw would follow first the
groups in the primary outcome— body weight at 24
maximum and then minimum patient trajectory of weight
months—with 90% power and an ␣ value of 0.05, we
needed 85 participants per treatment group. To detect a
The ␣ value was set at 5% for weight loss at 24
10% (SD, 20%) difference in LDL cholesterol level and
months and 1% for all other outcomes to account for com-
other secondary outcomes, 119 participants per group were
parisons at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months (or whatever the pair-
required. We aimed to enroll 150 participants per group to
wise comparisons are). Adding site to the above models
account for attrition and to provide power for secondary
revealed no site effects for weight loss or attrition at 3, 6,
12, or 24 months, so the entire sample (n ϭ 307) was
We used a random-effects linear model that was fitted
collapsed and analyzed together. Triglyceride values were
to all observed data for each variable on each of the 307
not normally distributed, so analyses were done on the
participants for the primary analysis. Each random-effects
model consisted of a random intercept and slope to adjustfor individual participant variability due to within-participant correlations among the observed longitudinal
data. These models also contained the following fixed ef-
There were no statistically significant differences be-
fects: main effects for each follow-up visit, group assign-
tween the 2 groups in attrition, defined as not undergoing
ment, interactions between each follow-up visit and group
an assessment at a specific time point, independent of the
indicator variables, and baseline value as a covariate. We
reason. Attrition included participants who withdrew and
estimated with maximum likelihood by using the PROC
intermittent missingness at each time point. In the low-fat
MIXED procedure in SAS, version 9 (SAS Institute, Cary,
group, 6%, 12%, 25%, and 32% of participants did not
North Carolina). A parallel longitudinal model structure
participate in assessments at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months, re-
based on main effects for visit, treatment group, and base-
spectively. Values for the low-carbohydrate participants
line value and visit-treatment interactions was imple-
were 9%, 16%, 26%, and 42%, respectively (Figure 1).
mented with logistic regression for binary outcomes. We
Under the sensitivity analysis based on imputing missing
did estimates by using generalized estimating equations un-
outcomes with the highest (13.795) and lowest (Ϫ18.355)
der the logistic regression model for correlated longitudinal
random-effects slopes (that is, change in weight per
binary outcomes implemented in the GENMOD proce-
month) under the mixed-effects model for weight, our
dure in SAS, version 9. Predicted values for each treatment
qualitative findings were not sensitive to either imputation
and visit combination at the mean level of the baseline
outcome, with corresponding lower and upper confidence
Role of the Funding Source
bounds, were produced under each model for the figures.
The National Institutes of Health funded this study.
The previously mentioned longitudinal models pre-
The funding source had no role in the design, conduct, or
clude the use of less robust approaches, such as fixed-
imputation methods (for example, last observation carriedforward or the analysis of participants with complete data[that is, complete case analyses]). These alternative ap-
proaches assume that missing data are unrelated to previ-
Body Weight
ously observed outcomes or baseline covariates, including
Participants in both groups lost approximately 11%
treatment (that is, missing completely at random). The
of initial weight at 6 and 12 months, with subsequent
longitudinal models implemented for this study relax this
weight regain to a 7% weight loss at 2 years (Table 2
missing-completely-at-random assumption in different
and Figure 2). We found no statistically significant dif-
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 151
Article Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet
Table 2. Predicted Mean Changes in Body Weight, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Bone Mineral Density, and Body Composition Over 2 Years Variable Absolute Change From Baseline (95% CI) Low-Fat Diet Low-Carbohydrate Diet Weight, kg Triglyceride level, mg/dL† VLDL cholesterol level, mg/dL† LDL cholesterol level, mg/dL† HDL cholesterol level, mg/dL† Total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol level, mg/dL† Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg Hip bone mineral density, g/cm2 152 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet Article
Table 2—Continued Variable Absolute Change From Baseline (95% CI) Low-Fat Diet Low-Carbohydrate Diet Spine bone mineral density, g/cm2 Lean mass, kg Fat mass, kg
HDL ϭ high-density lipoprotein; LDL ϭ low-density lipoprotein; VLDL ϭ very-low– density lipoprotein.
* P values are for the differences between the 2 groups at each time point. † To convert values for triglycerides to mmol/L, multiply by 0.01129. To convert values for cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply by 0.02586.
ferences in weight loss at any time point between the
blood pressure did not significantly differ between
low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet groups, although there
groups at any time. However, reductions in diastolic
was a strong trend (P ϭ 0.019) for greater weight loss in
pressure were significantly greater (2 to 3 mm Hg) in
the low-carbohydrate group at 3 months.
the low-carbohydrate than in the low-fat group at 3 and
Urinary Ketones
6 months with a strong trend (P ϭ 0.016) at 24 months
The percentage of participants who had positive test
(Table 2).
results for urinary ketones was greater in the low-carbohydrate than in the low-fat group at 3 months (63%
Plasma Lipid Concentrations
vs. 20%; P Ͻ 0.001) and 6 months (28% vs. 9%; P Ͻ
The macronutrient content of the 2 diets influenced
0.01). We found no statistically significant differences be-
the effect of weight loss on plasma lipid concentrations.
tween groups after 6 months. The decrease from 3 to 24
Most of the differences in plasma lipid concentrations be-
months is consistent with liberalization of carbohydrate
tween groups were observed during the first 6 months of
intake over time, as part of the study protocol.
the diets (Table 2, Figure 3, and Appendix Table, avail- Blood Pressure
able at We found a significantly greater
Systolic blood pressure decreased with weight loss
decrease in LDL cholesterol levels at 3 and 6 months in the
in both diet groups relative to baseline, but systolic
low-fat group than in the low-carbohydrate group, but thisdifference did not persist at 12 or 24 months. Decreases intriglyceride levels were greater in the low-carbohydrate
Figure 2. Predicted absolute mean change in body weight for participants in the low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet
than in the low-fat group at 3 and 6 months but not at 12
groups, based on a random-effects linear model.
or 24 months. Decreases in VLDL cholesterol levels weresignificantly greater in the low-carbohydrate than in thelow-fat group at 3, 6, and 12 months but not at 24
months. Increases in HDL cholesterol levels were signifi-
Low-fat diet group
cantly greater in the low-carbohydrate than in the low-fat
Low-carbohydrate diet group
group at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. The ratio of total-
cholesterol to HDL cholesterol levels decreased signifi-
cantly in both groups through 24 months but did not
significantly differ between groups at any time. There
Change in W
was a trend for greater reductions in the low-
carbohydrate group at 6 months (P ϭ 0.035) and 12
ϭ 0.016) (Table 2). Therefore, the only
effect on plasma lipid concentrations that persisted at 2
years was the significantly greater increases in HDL cho-
lesterol levels among low-carbohydrate participants.
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 153
Article Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet
Figure 3. Predicted absolute mean change in serum triglyceride, VLDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol concentrations in the low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet groups, based on a random-effects linear model. riglyceride Level, –30 Change in T Change in VLDL Cholesterol Level, Low-fat diet group Low-carbohydrate diet group Change in LDL Cholesterol Level, Change in HDL Cholesterol Level,
Error bars represent 95% CIs. To convert triglycerides to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0113. To convert HDL, LDL, and VLDL cholesterol to mmol/L,multiply by 0.0259. HDLϭ high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDLϭ low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL ϭ very-low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol. * P Ͻ 0.001.
† P Ͻ 0.01 for between-group differences. Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition
cardiovascular events (for example, stroke, myocardial in-
We found no differences between groups in changes in
farction) were reported. The Appendix includes all serious
bone mineral density or body composition over 2 years
adverse events (type, time, and attribution to diet).
(Table 2). For both hip and spine bone mineral density, the change from baseline was 1.5% or less at 6, 12, and 24 months, and we found no significant differences between DISCUSSION
groups. For body composition, both groups experienced
Our study has 2 main findings. First, neither dietary
similar reductions in lean mass (approximately 5%) and fat
fat nor carbohydrate intake influenced weight loss when
mass (11% to 20%), and we found no differences between
combined with a comprehensive lifestyle intervention. Sec-
groups at anytime during the study (Table 2). Finally, the
ond, because both diet groups achieved nearly identical
groups did not differ in the percentage of weight lost from
weight loss, we were able to determine that a low-
carbohydrate diet has greater beneficial long-term effects
on HDL cholesterol concentrations than a low-fat diet.
A significantly greater percentage of participants who
Our participants had similar and clinically significant
consumed the low-carbohydrate than the low-fat diet re-
weight losses with either a low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet
ported bad breath, hair loss, constipation, and dry mouth
at 1 year (11%) and 2 years (7%), demonstrating that
(Table 3). Except for constipation, all of these differences
either diet can be used to achieve successful long-term
were limited to the first 6 months of treatment. No serious
weight loss if coupled with behavioral treatment. The
154 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet Article
weight losses are similar to those obtained with the best
Table 3. Significant Differences in Symptom Reporting
available pharmacotherapy for obesity (19, 20). Data fromthe most previous studies found greater weight loss amonglow-carbohydrate than low-fat dieters (1– 4, 6), presum-
Patients (95% CI), %
ably because short-term adherence to a low-carbohydrate
diet was easier than complying with a low-fat diet. We
Diet Group Diet Group
found a strong trend for greater short-term (3 month)
Bad breath
weight loss among the low-carbohydrate participants, but
the difference was small (1.3%) and not clinically signifi-
cant. Our data suggest that the difference in adherence
may be overcome by behavioral treatment, although a 2 ϫ
2 analysis (both diets with and without behavioral treat-
Hair loss
ment) would be required to rigorously test this hypothesis.
The similar weight losses observed with low-carbohydrate
and low-fat diets demonstrate that the comprehensive life-
style intervention produced the same energy deficit in both
groups, despite marked differences in their behavioral tar-
gets (carbohydrates vs. calories and fat). This long-term
finding in an outpatient setting is consistent with data
from short-term metabolic ward studies showing that
macronutrient composition did not influence weight loss
when energy content was fixed (21–23).
The nearly identical weight loss in the 2 diet groups
Dry mouth
during our study provided a unique opportunity to assess
the relative effects of the macronutrient content of the 2
diets on cardiovascular disease risk factors. The results
demonstrate that dietary macronutrient composition haddifferential effects on plasma lipid concentrations. At 3 and
* P values are for the difference between the 2 groups for each time point.
6 months, LDL cholesterol concentrations increased in thelow-carbohydrate group but decreased in the low-fatgroup, such that the differences between groups were sta-
reduction observed with a low-fat diet at 3, 6, and 12
tistically significant. These differences cannot be explained
months. However, at 2 years, plasma triglyceride concen-
by differences in weight loss and are probably due to the
tration returned toward baseline in the low-carbohydrate
increase in total fat intake in participants who consumed
group to values that did not differ from those in the low-
the carbohydrate-restricted diet. Over the long-term, how-
fat group. Similarly, the decline in directly measured
ever, plasma LDL cholesterol concentration in the low-
VLDL cholesterol concentration was also greater in the
carbohydrate diet group was similar to baseline values, and
low-carbohydrate than in the low-fat group at 3, 6, and 12
changes in LDL cholesterol concentrations did not statis-
months. However, as with triglyceride levels, at 2 years we
tically differ between groups. Therefore, the short-term in-
found no significant differences between groups. The close
creases in plasma LDL cholesterol concentration in the
relationship and tracking between fasting plasma triglycer-
low-carbohydrate diet group are unlikely to be of clinical
ide concentrations (which are primarily contained within
importance. Moreover, assessment of LDL cholesterol con-
VLDL) and VLDL cholesterol concentrations supports a
centration without information on LDL particle size has
model in which the low-carbohydrate diet decreased he-
limitations as an indicator of coronary heart disease risk
patic VLDL secretion, enhanced VLDL clearance, or both
because small, dense LDL particles are more atherogenic
compared with the low-fat diet during the first year of the
than large LDL particles (24). Data from carefully con-
trolled studies demonstrated that isocaloric replacement of
The low-carbohydrate diet produced a much greater
dietary carbohydrate with fat increases plasma LDL choles-
increase in plasma HDL cholesterol concentration than did
terol concentration but shifts LDL particle size from
the low-fat diet at all assessments during the 2-year study.
smaller to larger and less atherogenic LDL (25). Nonethe-
Plasma HDL cholesterol concentration increased by ap-
less, weight loss with the low-carbohydrate diet was not
proximately 20% at 6 months in the low-carbohydrate diet
associated with the decrease in LDL cholesterol observed in
group, which persisted throughout the study and was more
the low-fat diet group and usually observed with weight
than twice the increase observed in the low-fat diet group.
The magnitude of the changes observed in the low-
The low-carbohydrate diet caused a decrease in plasma
carbohydrate group approximates that obtained with the
triglyceride concentration that was more than double the
maximal doses of nicotinic acid (niacin), the most effective
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 155
Article Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low-Carbohydrate Versus Low-Fat Diet
HDL-raising pharmacologic intervention currently avail-
weight loss (11% at 6 months and 7% at 24 months), and
able (28). The fact that the HDL cholesterol levels re-
persons who received the low-carbohydrate diet had greater
mained substantially elevated at 24 months, when the
24-month increases in HDL-cholesterol concentrations
plasma triglyceride levels had returned to baseline in the
than persons who received the low-fat diet. We found no
low-carbohydrate group, argues against the conventional
differences between the groups for changes in bone or body
explanation that the increase in plasma HDL cholesterol
composition. These long-term data suggest that a low-
concentration is solely secondary to a reduction in plasma
carbohydrate approach is a viable option for obesity treat-
triglyceride levels. The increased HDL cholesterol during a
low-carbohydrate diet could result, at least in part, fromthe increased intake of dietary fat (29). Although weight
From Temple University, University of Pennsylvania School of Medi-
loss and increased physical activity undoubtedly contrib-
cine, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylva-
uted to the elevation of HDL cholesterol in both groups,
nia; University of Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado; and WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine and University of Missouri, St. Louis,
the marked difference in HDL cholesterol between the 2
groups, despite similar weight loss, demonstrates that ma-cronutrient composition has independent effects on HDL. Note: Dr. Foster had full access to all of the data in the study and takes
The mechanism responsible for the robust and sustained in-
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
crease in HDL cholesterol levels among low-carbohydrate par-
ticipants is unknown and will require additional mechanisticstudies. The clinical implications of this increase in HDL cho-
Acknowledgment: The authors thank Brooke Bailer, Eva Greenberg,
lesterol, which is conventionally believed to be beneficial, are
Eileen Ford, Joan Heins, Jennifer Lundgren, Jennifer McCrea, Donna
uncertain and will probably depend on the mechanism re-
Paulhamus, Gary Skolnick, Emily Smith, Philippe Szapary, Adam Tsai,and Leslie Womble and for their assistance in conducting this study and
the study participants for their participation.
Weight loss caused a decrease in bone mineral density,
which was within the range reported in previous weight-
Grant Support: By Washington University (grant UL1 RR024992);
loss studies (30). The changes in bone mineral density did
Temple University (grant R01 AT1103); University of Pennsylvania
not differ between diet groups, suggesting the hypothetical
(grant UL1RR024134); University of Colorado (grant UL1 RR000051);
concerns that weight loss induced by a low-carbohydrate
and the National Center for Research Resources, a component of the
diet causes greater bone loss than weight loss induced by a
National Institutes of Health (DK 56341), to Washington University
low-fat diet (31) are unfounded. In addition, the decrease
in body fat mass and fat-free mass were within the rangereported in previous weight-loss studies, and no differences
Potential Conflicts of Interest: Disclosures can be viewed at www.acponline .org/authors/icmje/ϭM09-1901.
Our study has several important strengths, including a
Reproducible Research Statement: Study protocol: Available from Dr.
long duration, a large sample that contained both men and
Foster (e-mail, [email protected]). Statistical code: Available from Dr. Ten-
women, and the first long-term assessment of bone and
have (e-mail, [email protected]). Data set: Available from Dr. Foster (e-
adverse symptoms. Our study also has several limitations.
mail, [email protected]), subject to study group approval and National
First, the comprehensive behavioral therapy program used
in this study makes it difficult to extrapolate our results togeneral weight management in the community. However,
Requests for Single Reprints: Gary D. Foster, PhD, Center for Obesity
the clinically significant weight losses achieved at 24
Research and Education, Temple University, 3223 North Broad Street,
months underscore the need for providing patients with
Suite 175, Philadelphia, PA 19140; e-mail, [email protected].
long-term behavioral support, whether by registered dieti-tians or other allied health professionals (32, 33). Our pro-
Current author addresses and author contributions are available at
tocol was based on an Atkins version of a low-carbohydrateplan, which prescribes an increase in carbohydrate intakeover time; thus, the effects of longer than 12 weeks of
severe (20 g/d) carbohydrate restriction could not be as-
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4. Yancy WS Jr, Olsen MK, Guyton JR, Bakst RP, Westman EC. A low-
groups achieved clinically significant and nearly identical
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3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 157 Annals of Internal Medicine Current Author Addresses: Dr. Foster: Center for Obesity Research
There was 1 brief (15 minute) individual session at week 30 that
and Education, Temple University, 3223 North Broad Street, Suite 175,
focused on assessing progress and goal setting for the future.
During weeks 1 to 20, participants were instructed in tradi-
Drs. Wyatt and Hill and Ms. Brill: Center for Human Nutrition, Uni-
tional behavioral methods of weight control, such as self-
versity of Colorado Denver, University North Pavilion Building, 4455
monitoring, stimulus control, slowed eating, shaping, and rea-
East 12th Avenue, 300Z, Denver, CO 80220. Dr. Makris: 45 Morning Glory Way, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006.
sonable goal setting. During weeks 21 to 104, there was a focus
Ms. Rosenbaum: Department of Psychology, Washington University
on skills to maintain weight loss, such as continuing to record
School of Medicine, 212 Stadler Hall, St. Louis, MO 63121.
food intake regularly, measuring and recording body weight reg-
Drs. Stein, Mohammed, and Miller: Division of Geriatrics and Nutri-
ularly, consuming a low-carbohydrate or a high-carbohydrate
tional Science, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South
diet, identifying high-risk situations, differentiating lapse from
relapse, responding effectively to overeating episodes, and learn-
Dr. Rader: Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, Room
ing to reverse small weight gains as they occur. Group sessions
654, Biomedical Research Building II/III, 421 Curie Boulevard, Phila-delphia, PA 19104-6160.
varied between the 2 treatment conditions only in the type of
Dr. Zemel: Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,
diet plan that was prescribed. Sample group leader protocols
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 3535 Market Street, Room
(week 2) for each treatment condition are included under “week
2” of the section “Low Carbohydrate.”
Dr. Wadden: Center for Weight and Eating Disorders, 3535 Market
Groups were conducted by a registered dietitian or psychol-
Street, Suite 3029, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
ogist with experience in weight control. Group leaders attended
Dr. Tenhave and Mr. Newcomb: Center for Clinical Epidemiology and
an initial, 2-day, in-person training in Philadelphia, and all group
Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, 8th Floor,
leaders attended biweekly calls throughout the study. The calls
Blockley Hall, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 423Guardian Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021.
were led by a psychologist with extensive experience in behavioral
Dr. Klein: Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University School
methods of weight control. The calls focused on any clarifications
of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.
of the protocol and the discussion of nonadherent participants. Low Carbohydrate Author Contributions: Conception and design: G.D. Foster, H.R.
Wyatt, J.O. Hill, A.P. Makris, C. Brill, D.J. Rader, T.A. Wadden, S.
A. Begin with reintroduction (names only). If new mem-
Analysis and interpretation of the data: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill, D.J. Rader, B. Zemel, T. Tenhave, C.W. Newcomb, S. Klein.
bers, include reasons for weight loss as in week 1 but
Drafting of the article: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill, B. Zemel, T.
keep abbreviated and limit your comments.
B. Ask for volunteers to recall as many names as possible.
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: G.D.
C. Address any questions left from last week.
Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill, A.P. Makris, D.L. Rosenbaum, R.I. Stein,
D. Briefly review tonight’s agenda. This week we will focus
B.S. Mohammed, B. Miller, D.J. Rader, T.A. Wadden, S. Klein.
Final approval of the article: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill, C. Brill, R.I. Stein, B.S. Mohammed, B. Miller, D.J. Rader, T.A. Wadden,
A. Indicate that we want to provide a way for members to
Provision of study materials or patients: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O.
check in briefly at the beginning of each group. For the
Hill, B.S. Mohammed, B. Miller, T.A. Wadden.
next few weeks, everyone will check in but over time
Statistical expertise: T. Tenhave, C.W. Newcomb. Obtaining of funding: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill, T. Tenhave,
(depending on the number of persons in the group,
guest lecturers, etc), participants may take turns. Remind
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: G.D. Foster, J.O. Hill,
about the need to avoid spending too much time on any
D.L. Rosenbaum, C. Brill, R.I. Stein, B.S. Mohammed, B. Miller, B.
B. SAFE was chosen to remind us that we want this to be a
Collection and assembly of data: G.D. Foster, H.R. Wyatt, J.O. Hill,
safe place to discuss eating and exercise habits. (Remind
A.P. Makris, D.L. Rosenbaum, C. Brill, R.I. Stein, B.S. Mohammed, B.
about confidentiality). It also reminds us about the key
Miller, D.J. Rader, B. Zemel, T.A. Wadden, S. Klein.
things to concentrate on each week. 1. S~self care—Important to view weight loss as self-
care rather than as punitive. It’s something to do for
yourself rather than some punishment that is im-
The group treatment sessions were 75 to 90 minutes and
posed. Also important to develop non-food alterna-
were held weekly from weeks 1 to 20, every other week from
tives to nurture self. Each week participants to report
weeks 21 to 40, and every 8 weeks from weeks 41 to 104. Groups
things they did to take care of themselves that did not
included 8 to 12 participants and only contained persons as-
include food. Should be things focused on the partic-
signed to the same diet condition (low-carbohydrate or low-fat).
ipant rather than her/his family, job, etc. (e.g., mas-
Once the group sessions began, no additional members were
sage, going to movie that they have been wanting to
added, and participants could not attend other group sessions.
see, pedicure, manicure, small “gift”; being inaccessi-
W-48 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
ble to others for brief times; going home on time).
E. Indicate that you will collect food record booklets each
See “Self-Care” handout for more examples. Part of
week and make brief comments about any patterns
long-term success is being nice to yourself. Complete
you observe. This review should be brief (2 minutes)
“Self-Care” handout and pick at least one thing each
and include positive comments. Emphasize that these
records are for the participants’ benefit not yours. You
2. A~adherence—How were you able to achieve your
are trying to provide a structure to make record keep-
goals this week? This includes skill development each
week (slow eating, limiting times, etc) as well as in-
IV. Goal Setting (15 minutes) (Brownell, pp. 61– 62)
dividualized goals (special situations, behaviors from
goal worksheet). Review particular successes or diffi-
1. Ask participants to think about how much weight
culties. This is a way to get individual attention as
they expect to lose over the next 20 weeks. Record
well as help the group sharpen its problem-solving
them on the board. Ask several participants to de-
scribe how they arrived at their numbers. Point out
3. F~food records—Review progress with keeping
that they are probably making assumptions about the
records of food and other activities. This is the pri-
benefits (e.g., losing 40 pounds will make me feel/
look twice as good as losing 20 pounds) as well as the
4. E~exercise—The physical activity that you per-
costs (e.g., losing the second 20 pounds will be sim-
formed this week (type, duration, frequency).
ilar to losing the first 20 pounds). Are these assump-
C. Note that W~(weight) is not included in the weekly
tions about additional weight loss correct? Review
review. Review reasons why weight is a poor short-term
faulty assumptions briefly. Avoid getting into a con-
measure of success (Brownell, pp. 48 – 49).
test of wills about how much weight people can or
should lose. Ultimately, the decision is the
2. water shifts, menstrual cycle, humidity
3. no relation between weight and weekly behavior
2. Compare participants’ goals on the board to what can
D. Focus on SAFE and weight loss will follow.
be reasonably expected (1–2 lb per week) (see
E. Next week, we will use SAFE to check in.
Brownell, p. 38). Use Brownell diagram (pp. 100 –101) to illustrate that when outcomes (what is
achieved) do not match goals (what is expected) there
A. Ask participants to describe rationale for self-monitoring
are typically negative effects on self-evaluation. How
from week 1 (Brownell, pp. 14 –15).
would participants feel if they did not reach their
B. Ask about participants’ experiences with recording.
desired weight goals? Probably tend to blame self
rather than program or unrealistic goals. Use exam-
ples (based on their weight goals) of how same out-
comes can be viewed differently based on what was
What were participants’ experiences with recording in
3. Actual weight loss will vary due to differences in
Was it difficult to record overeating episodes?
weight, metabolism and genetics (we will review
Did friends or family members comment about record
causes of overweight next week). Typical weight loss
is 1–2 pounds per week (see Atkins, p. 177). Rather
C. It is especially important that participants believe in the
than setting a final weight goal now, we recommend
utility of keeping records, so be sure to assess this before
that participants focus on behavior change and ob-
suggesting ways to record better. Focus on any barriers
serve what weight loss is accomplished. Weight loss
(time, size of record booklets, embarrassment, forget-
after week 12 will probably be representative of
ting) with specific suggestions. Use group to come up
monthly weight loss during the program.
with benefits and suggestions. Emphasize that this is a
4. We recommend an initial goal of a 10% reduction
skill that is critical for individualized treatment.
because it is associated with improvements in medical
D. Review the weekly food records and how to complete
conditions and most persons can achieve it with mod-
them (time, amount, type and description of food, add
est changes in eating and exercise. When 10% is
carbohydrates this week). Stress importance of recording
reached, another goal can be set based on costs/ben-
ASAP after eating or it will be difficult to recall. Tally
efits. Remind participants that body composition will
carbohydrate later if necessary. Recommend that they
be measured at week 26 so they can make an in-
subtotal carbohydrate throughout the day. They can cal-
formed decision about further weight loss. It is im-
culate carbohydrate using the carbohydrate counter we
possible and imprudent to set a long-term weight goal
will distribute tonight. Briefly review how the book is
now because of the lack of information about costs/
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 W-49
or off the diet; you’ve had either a good day or a bad
1. Have participants think about one change in their
day. There is no middle ground (Brownell, pp. 220 –
eating that they would like to make (over the next 4
weeks) that would lead to weight loss. Use several
2. Long-term weight control is based on a regular pat-
examples to discuss the following characteristics of
tern of eating that avoids extremes and deprivation. It
effective goal setting (see handout).
is important to note that the Induction stage of the
a. specific— define precisely what is to be accom-
program is only a temporary period designed to ini-
plished. Specific goals such as “walk two times this
tiate the process of consuming a low carbohydrate
week after work on Tuesday and Thursday in the
diet. Subsequent stages of the program incorporate a
park are more likely to be accomplished that gen-
larger variety of foods. Long-term weight control em-
eral ones such as, “walk more this week.” Simi-
phasizes changes that last. It is based on choosing
larly, “eat 20 grams of carbohydrate per day” is
foods that you enjoy while making healthy carbohy-
more likely to be accomplished than “eat less car-
drate choices. The basic theme of any good nutri-
tional approach is adaptability. Adding new carbohy-
b. reasonable—make small changes. If you’re not
drate containing foods slowly and carefully will help
walking at all, do not try to walk every day. The
you learn good eating habits. You will be less prone to
smaller the difference between your current behav-
feeling hungry, irritated, and unhappy. These are feel-
ior and your goal behavior the greater the chances
you will accomplish it. Small successes lead to bigsuccesses.
Some days will be better than others; it is not realistic to
c. active— define your goals in terms of what to do
assume that you should eat the same amount every day. The goal
rather than what not to do. For example, “eat ev-
is to consume a variety of acceptable foods that you enjoy. The
ery four hours” instead of “stop going all day with-
goal is not perfection. Eating is not a moral issue. It is inaccurate
out eating” or “walk after dinner” rather than
an ineffective to make self-evaluations based on eating and exer-
“stop lying on the couch after dinner.”
d. short-term—assess your goals over short intervals VI. Induction (15 minutes) (Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, pp.
(no more than a week). Sometimes, even shorter
intervals are helpful (day by day). Reviewing your
progress after short periods will enable you to re-
1. To switch from a high carbohydrate eating plan to a
view your accomplishments and troubleshoot any
controlled carbohydrate eating plan.
2. To lose weight while eating palatable foods.
e. limited—select no more than two goals per week.
3. To realize that the Induction phase is not going to be
Selecting more will decrease your focus and make
adherence more difficult. Once your goals have
B. In order for Induction to work, it must be followed
been accomplished and maintained, you can select
precisely; therefore, we suggest that participants follow
these guidelines (see Induction Guidelines handout, also
f. record—it is helpful to keep a written record of
on pages 122–124 in Atkins’ New Diet Revolution):
your goals and progress each week. It will increase
1) Eat 3 regular-size meals a day or 4 –5 smaller meals
awareness of your goal and provide an accurate
and do not go for more than 4 waking hours without
record of your progress. The simplest and easiest
records work best. Do what works for you.
2) Eat liberal amounts of fat and protein foods (i.e.,
2. Instruct each participant to select one behavioral goal
poultry, fish, shellfish, red meat). When you consume
for the next week (using the handout as a guide) and
fat, use butter, mayonnaise, olive oil, safflower oil,
have them record it in the front of their weekly
sunflower oil and other vegetable oils rather than
record. There will not be time in group to review
margarine. See pamphlet for rules regarding egg and
each goal. They will discuss this goal under “A” of
3) Eat no more than 20 grams of carbohydrate per day
V. Weight Loss: Short-Term Dieting Versus Long-Term Behav-
(primarily in the form of salad greens or other per-
A. Before establishing a carbohydrate prescription for
4) Do not eat any fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy
weight loss, let’s review how this approach to long-term
vegetables, dairy product (other than cheese, cream,
weight control differs from dieting. (Brownell, pp. 6 –7,
or butter), or protein/carbohydrate foods (legumes).
5) Only eat acceptable foods (group leaders, see Atkins,
1. Diets are all-or-none. For many people a diet implies
pp. 124 –129) listed in the Instruction for Induction
short-term dietary change. You’re either on the diet
W-50 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
6) Adjust quantities of non-carbohydrate containing
are based on serving size, so measuring utensils and
foods to suit your appetite (amount that makes you
scale (distributed during baseline food intake mea-
surement) should be used to accurately determine the
7) Read food labels and check carbohydrate content (see
amount consumed. Need to weigh and measure foods
Be a Carbohydrate Detective handout).
in the short-term (2 weeks) to become accustomed to
8) Be aware for hidden carbohydrates in gravies, sauces,
actual portions. Review guidelines for estimating por-
and dressings when eating out. For example, gravy is
tion sizes when measuring utensils are not available
often made with flour or cornstarch and sugar is
(see weekly record). Over time, can perform occa-
9) Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water per day (for
B. Review two principal benefits of carbohydrate counting.
C. You can lose weight while eating high protein and/or
10) Alcohol is not a source of nutritive carbohydrate
fat foods. Fish, shellfish, fowl, meat, and butter are
and shouldn’t be consumed in place of food (Atkinsfor Life, p. 46). Alcoholic beverages should be
D. Does not involve self-deprivation or hunger. This eating
avoided during Induction for a variety of reasons:
plan consists of a variety of foods that are palatable,
pleasant, and filling (Atkins, pg. 5, 19, 32).
E. Tips for consuming a reduced carbohydrate diet.
1. Eliminate unnecessary, hidden carbohydrates, which
C. Do not try to do a low-fat version of the program as it
you do not need such as sugar in sodas and coffee,
will disrupt weight loss (Atkins, p. 127).
and choose lower carbohydrate alternatives such as
D. In addition to these rules, we ask you to also take a
saccharin or sucralose. Limit sweeteners to 3 packets a
E. This approach counts carbohydrates rather than calories.
2. Plan ahead. Examine your schedule and prime your
Although you will not be counting calories, calories do
environment. Stock up on low carbohydrate snacks
matter. Gaining weight results from eating more calories
and eliminate high carbohydrate temptations. Some
than you burn, so eat until satisfied and do not gorge
examples of low carbohydrate snacks are turkey and
cheese roll, single serving can of tuna, hard boiledeggs, Laughing Cow cheese or string cheese, seeds,
VII. Carbohydrate Counting (10 minutes)
nuts or nut butter on a celery stick, and sugar free
A. Explain the general concept of carbohydrate counting
Jello. Carbohydrate controlled foods are generally
using a household budget or bank account as a model.
found around the periphery of the grocery store.
Review the basic principles of carbohydrate counting.
3. Avoid deprivation. Eat regularly (every 4 hours) to
1. You receive a 20-gram carbohydrate deposit each day,
prevent hunger. Have a small carbohydrate controlled
which you can spend according to your own personal
snack high in fat or protein if you are hungry between
preferences. You decide how to spend your carbohy-
drates. This will require you to consider how much
4. Eat primarily unprocessed foods but when you eat pack-
you enjoy a particular food versus what it costs. You
aged foods (i.e., cheese), read the food labels carefully.
can have 4 cups of salad vegetables per day. However,
Generally, “low fat” means “high carbohydrate.”
if you would like to add vegetables that containslightly higher carbohydrate contents (limited to 1
NOTE: Although ATKINS Ready to Drink Shakes (up to 1
cup per day), you must reduce your intake of salad
per day), ATKINS Shake Mix (up to 2 scoops per day), and
vegetables from 4 to 3 cups per day. Emphasize that
ATKINS ADVANTAGE BARS (up to 1 per day) can be con-
participants cannot simply eat the maximum amount
sumed in place of whole foods during Induction, this option
of servings from each food group listed in the pam-
should only be initiated when it has been determined that the
phlet because they will likely go over the 20-gram
individual cannot incorporate whole foods into his/her eating
limit. The sample menu handout provides some meal
plan (like during crunch times). At this point it would be pre-
mature to offer this as an option. ATKINS Endulge products
2. Using your carbohydrate counter and food labels,
cannot be consumed during Induction.
record the number of carbohydrates that you spend
F. Inform participants that they may experience some un-
desirable symptoms (i.e., headaches, constipation) after
3. Using the handout, briefly review key aspects of
the second day of Induction (see back of Instructions for
the food label and review how to calculate net
Induction sheet). Call participants after the third day of
Induction and ask about their progress and whether they
4. Tally your carbohydrate consumption. The key factor
are experiencing any problems. Do not specifically ask
is to consume no more than 20 grams of carbohy-
about symptoms. Example: “I am calling to see how you
drate per day. Point out that grams of carbohydrate
are doing on your new eating plan and to find out
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 W-51 you have any questions or are experiencing any problems so
see, pedicure, manicure, small “gift”; being inaccessi-
ble to others for brief times; going home on time). See “Self-Care” handout for more examples. Part of
VIII. Skill Building (Handout) (5 minutes)
long-term success is being nice to yourself. Complete
“Self-Care” handout and pick at least one thing each
3. Record all food (time, amount, type and description of
2. A~adherence—How were you able to achieve your
goals this week? This includes skill development each
4. Use the carbohydrate counter and food labels to deter-
week (slow eating, limiting times, etc) as well as in-
mine carbohydrate intake. Key thing is to eat a wide
dividualized goals (special situations, behaviors from
goal worksheet). Review particular successes or diffi-
5. Record one personal goal for this week in the beginning
of the weekly record and assess progress as appropriate.
culties. This is a way to get individual attention aswell as help the group sharpen its problem-solving
3. F~food records—Review progress with keeping
records of food, exercise and other activities. This is
the primary tool of weekly assessment.
4. E~exercise—The physical activity that you per-
formed this week (type, duration, frequency).
C. Note that W~(Weight) is not included in the weekly
review. Review reasons why weight is a poor short-term
measure of success (Brownell, pp. 48 – 49).
2. water shifts, menstrual cycle, humidity
3. no relation between weight and weekly behavior
D. Focus on SAFE and weight loss will follow.
E. Next week, we will use SAFE to check in.
A. Begin with reintroduction (names only). If new mem-
bers, include reasons for weight loss as in week 1, but
A. Ask participants to describe rationale for self-monitoring
keep abbreviated and limit your comments.
from week 1 (Brownell, pp. 14 –15).
B. Ask for volunteers to recall as many names as possible.
B. Ask about participants’ experiences with recording.
C. Address any questions left from last week.
D. Briefly review tonight’s agenda. This week we will focus
4. Did they have difficulty estimating portions?
A. Indicate that we want to provide a way for members to
5. What were participants’ experiences with recording in
check in briefly at the beginning of each group. For the
next few weeks, everyone will check in but over time
6. Was it difficult to record overeating episodes?
(depending on the number of persons in the group,
7. Did friends or family members comment about
guest lecturers, etc), participants may take turns. Remind
about the need to avoid spending too much time on any
C. It is especially important that participants believe in the
utility of keeping records, so be sure to assess this before
B. SAFE was chosen to remind us that we want this to be a
suggesting ways to record better. Focus on any barriers
safe place to discuss eating and exercise habits. (Remind
(time, size of record booklets, embarrassment, forget-
about confidentiality). It also reminds us about the key
ting) with specific suggestions. Use group to come up
with benefits and suggestions. Emphasize that this is a
1. S~self care—Important to view weight loss as self-
skill that is critical for individualized treatment.
care rather than as punitive. It’s something to do for
D. Review the new food record booklets and how to com-
yourself rather than some punishment that is im-
plete them (time, amount, type and description, add
posed. Also important to develop non-food alterna-
calories this week). Stress importance of recording ASAP
tives to nurture self. Each week participants to report
after eating or it will be difficult to recall. Tally calories
things they did to take care of themselves that did not
later if necessary. Recommend that they subtotal calories
include food. Should be things focused on the partic-
throughout the day. They can calculate calories using
ipant rather than her/his family, job, etc. (e.g., mas-
the calorie counter we will distribute tonight. Briefly
sage, going to movie that they have been wanting to
W-52 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
E. Indicate that you will collect food record booklets each
week and make brief comments about any patterns
1. Have participants think about one change in their
you observe. This review should be brief (2 minutes)
eating that they would like to make (over the next 4
and include positive comments. Emphasize that these
weeks) that would lead to weight loss. Use several
records are for the participants’ benefit not yours. You
examples to discuss the following characteristics of
are trying to provide a structure to make record keep-
effective goal setting (see handout).
a. specific— define precisely what is to be accom-
plished. Specific goals such as “walk two times this
IV. Goal Setting (Brownell, pp. 61– 62) (15 minutes)
week after work on Tuesday and Thursday in the
park are more likely to be accomplished that gen-
1. Ask participants to think about how much weight
eral ones such as, “walk more this week.” Simi-
they expect to lose over the next 20 weeks. Record
larly, “eat 1200 –1400 calories per day” is more
them on the board. Ask several participants to de-
likely to be accomplished than “eat less this week.”
scribe how they arrived at their numbers. Point out
b. reasonable—make small changes. If you’re not
that they are probably making assumptions about the
walking at all, do not try to walk every day. If
benefits (e.g., losing 40 pounds will make me feel/
you’re eating 10 candy bars each week, do not
look twice as good as losing 20 pounds) as well as the
attempt to eat only 2. The smaller the difference
costs (e.g., losing the second 20 pounds will be sim-
between your current behavior and your goal be-
ilar to losing the first 20 pounds). Are these assump-
havior the greater the chances you will accomplish
tions about additional weight loss correct? Review
it. Small successes lead to big successes.
faulty assumptions briefly. Avoid getting into a con-
c. active— define your goals in terms of what to do
test of wills about how much weight people can or
rather than what not to do. For example, “eat ev-
should lose. Ultimately, the decision is the
ery four hours” instead of “stop going all day with-
out eating” or “walk after dinner” rather than
2. Compare participants’ goals on the board to what can
“stop lying on the couch after dinner.”
be reasonably expected (1–2 lb per week) (see
d. short-term—assess your goals over short intervals
Brownell p. 38). Use Brownell diagram (pp. 100 –
(no more than a week). Sometimes, even shorter
101) to illustrate that when outcomes (what is
intervals are helpful (day by day). Reviewing your
achieved) do not match goals (what is expected) there
progress after short periods will enable you to re-
are typically negative effects on self-evaluation. How
view your accomplishments and troubleshoot any
would participants feel if they did not reach their
desired weight goals? Probably tend to blame self
e. limited—select no more than two goals per week.
rather than program or unrealistic goals. Use exam-
Selecting more will decrease your focus and make
ples (based on their weight goals) of how same out-
adherence more difficult. Once your goals have
comes can be viewed differently based on what was
been accomplished and maintained, you can select
3. Actual weight loss will vary due to differences in
f. record—it is helpful to keep a written record of
weight, metabolism and genetics (we will review
your goals and progress each week. It will increase
causes of overweight next week). Typical weight loss
awareness of your goal and provide an accurate
is 1–2 pounds per week (see Brownell p. 38). Rather
record of your progress. The simplest and easiest
than setting a final weight goal now, we recommend
records work best. Do what works for you.
that participants focus on behavior change and ob-
2. Instruct each participant to select one behavioral goal
serve what weight loss is accomplished. Weight loss
for the next week (using the handout as a guide) and
after week 12 will probably be representative of
have them record it in the front of their weekly
monthly weight loss during the program.
record. There will not be time in group to review
4. We recommend an initial goal of a 10% reduction
each goal. They will discuss this goal under “A” of
because it is associated with improvements in medical
conditions and most persons can achieve it with mod-est changes in eating and exercise. When 10% is
V. Weight Loss: Short-Term Dieting Versus Long-Term Behav-
reached, another goal can be set based on costs/ben-
efits. Remind participants that body composition will
A. Before establishing a caloric prescription for weight loss,
be measured at week 26 so they can make an in-
let’s review how our approach to long-term weight con-
formed decision about further weight loss. It is im-
trol differs from dieting (Brownell, pp. 6 –7, 12–13).
possible and imprudent to set a long-term weight goal
1. Diets are all-or-none. For many people a diet implies
now because of the lack of information about costs/
short-term dietary change. You’re either on the diet
or off the diet; you’ve had either a good day or a bad
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 W-53
day. There is no middle ground (Brownell, pp. 220 –
record. Point out that calories are based on serving
221). Furthermore, many diets are based on fads, ex-
size, so measuring utensils and scale (distributed dur-
tremes, and severe deprivation. As such, they are only
ing baseline food intake measurement) should be
successful in the short-term. Can only make dramatic
used to accurately determine the amount consumed.
Need to weigh and measure foods in the short-term
2. Long-term weight control is based on a regular pat-
(2 weeks) to become accustomed to actual portions.
tern of eating that avoids extremes and deprivation. It
Review guidelines for estimating portion sizes when
emphasizes small changes that last. It is based on
measuring utensils are not available (see weekly
choosing foods that you enjoy while staying within
record). Over time, can perform occasional checks or
the boundaries of daily caloric allowances. There are
weigh novel foods. Briefly review some basic compo-
no forbidden foods. Allow yourself to have some spe-
nents (e.g. serving size, calories) of the food label us-
cial foods or treats and work them into daily/weekly/
ing the “Be a Calorie Detective” handout.
monthly allowances. You will be less prone to feeling
3. Tally your calorie account as expenditures are made. Al-
deprived, irritated, unhappy. These are feelings that
though you are allotted a certain number or calories each
day, you will not spend this amount every day. You can
B. There are no absolutes (never, always, must) in successful
save calories for special occasions, just as you save
weight control. Some days will be better than others; it is
money. For example, a person could save 100 calories
not realistic to assume that you should eat the same
per day, Monday through Friday, and spend the extra
amount every day. The goal is to consume a variety of
500 calories over the weekend. You may also spend less
foods that you can enjoy and sustain balanced eating
to adjust for an unusually large expenditure.
over the long haul. The goal is not perfection. Eating is
4. The key factor is that the calorie ledger must balance
not a moral issue. It is inaccurate and ineffective to make
(i.e., average 1200 –1500 calories/day or 1500 –1800
self-evaluations based on eating and exercise behavior.
calories/day) in order for your rate of weight loss to
VI. Picking a Calorie Range (10 minutes) (Brownell, pp.
remain constant. It is best to review your ledger for a
weekly balance (8400 –10,500 calories per week).
B. Review two principal benefits of keeping a calorie account.
1. Allows for flexibility and variety.
2. No single overeating episode is paramount, since you
3. Intake ϭ Output ϭ Weight Maintenance
can balance your calorie account with adjustments.
B. 3500 calories ϭ 1 pound. To lose one pound/week,
C. Tips for reducing caloric intake.
you’ll need to eat 3500 calories less than you burn. Eas-
1. Reduce or eliminate unnecessary, hidden calories
ier to decrease intake than to increase output (i.e., easier
which you do not need or really enjoy (e.g., eliminate
to eat 500 calories less per day than it is to exercise 500
butter, sugar in sodas and coffee, reduce use of cream,
calories more per day). Give examples. That’s why exer-
choose lower calorie alternatives if similar taste).
cise alone is not the best method for weight loss. Regular
2. Plan ahead. Examine your schedule and prime your
physical activity, however, is the best predictor of main-
environment. Stock up on low calorie snacks and
eliminate high fat and calorie temptations. Be con-
C. We are recommending a calorie range (1200 –1500 cal-
scious of the caloric cost of food choices. Are the
ories/d for women and 1500 –1800 calories/d for men);
calories worth it? If they are, fine; if not, skip it or
participants will decide how to “spend” those calories
choose an alternative. Examples of low calorie snacks
using the principles below. As above, need to observe
can be found on the handout. Encourage participants
VII. A Calorie Account (10 minutes)NOTE: Although meal replacement shakes and bars (e.g.,
A. Explain the general concept of a calorie account using a
Slim-Fast) can be consumed in place of whole foods, this option
household budget or bank account as a model. Review
should only be initiated when it has been determined that the
the basic principles of using a calorie account. The sam-
individual cannot incorporate whole foods into his/her eating
ple menu handouts provide some meal ideas.
plan (like during crunch times). At this point it would be pre-
1. You receive a 1200 –1500 (women) or 1500 –1800
(men) calorie deposit each day, which you can spend
3. Avoid deprivation. It’s a short-term solution to a
according to your own personal preferences. You de-
long-term problem. Do not totally eliminate foods
cide how to spend your calories. This will require you
that you really enjoy. Find a way to work them in.
to consider how much you enjoy a particular food
Make changes that you can live with.
4. Eat regularly (every 4 hours) to prevent hunger. This
2. Using your fat and calorie counter, record the num-
will be addressed in greater detail next week when we
ber of calories that you spend each day in your weekly
discuss developing an eating schedule. W-54 3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3
D. Remind participants to take a multivitamin each day.
3. Use the calorie counter and food labels to determine
E. Inform participants that they may experience some un-
calorie intake. Key thing is to eat a wide variety of
desirable symptoms. Call participants within the first
three days to ask about their progress and whether they
4. Record one personal goal for this week in beginning of
are experiencing any problems. Do not specifically ask
the food record and assess progress as appropriate.
about symptoms. Example: “I am calling to see how youare doing on your new eating plan and to find out whetheryou have any questions or are experiencing any problems soVIII. Skill Building (Handout) (5 minutes)
4. Tip the Calorie Balance Handout5. Be a Calorie Detective Handout
1. Eat a diet that is consistent with your calorie goal (1200 –
6. Enjoy the Variety-Healthy Food Choices
1500 calories per day for women, 1500 –1800 calories
2. Record all food (time, amount, type and description,
Appendix Table. Serious Adverse Events Among 307 Participants Over 2 Years Study Group
Possibly, but not likely; weight loss was
3 August 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 153 • Number 3 W-55
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