Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps azithromycine prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
MEDICINA (Buenos Aires) 2006; 66 (Supl. II): 27-33
ELIZABETH JARES-ERIJMAN Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina
El desarrollo de las nanopartículas semiconductoras
trol sobre las propiedades ópticas de estas nanopartículas,
conocidas como quantum dots ha evolucionado en las dos
con un énfasis en las aplicaciones en biología celular y
últimas décadas del área de la ciencia de los materiales a
animal, así como nuevos desarrollos para estudios clíni-
las aplicaciones biológicas y clínicas. Los quantum dots
cos. Ejemplos recientes incluyen la observación de los
están emergiendo como una nueva clase de marcadores
primeros pasos en la cascada de eventos iniciada por el
luminiscentes con especial luminosidad, resistencia a la
EGF por su interacción con la familia de receptores tirosina
fotodestrucción y emisión multicolor. Propiedades ópticas
kinasa y la identificación de nódulos centinela en anima-
especiales de estas nanopartículas son su emisión en for-
les vivos. Las nuevas generaciones de quantum dots tie-
ma de líneas angostas y su muy ancho espectro de exci-
nen un gran potencial para el estudio de procesos
tación, que permite la observación de un elevado número
intracelulares a nivel de moléculas individuales, para las
de marcadores diferentes en forma simultanea. La carac-
observaciones por tiempos prolongados in vivo de even-
terística única y fundamental cuando se realizan observa-
tos de tráfico celular, la detección de tumores tempranos
ciones por tiempos prolongados es su alta fotoestabilidad.
y para el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de diagnóstico.
Esta propiedad ha permitido el rastreo de eventos biológi-
Por otra parte se discutirá un rol adicional de estas
cos a nivel celular imposibles de realizar con marcadores
nanopartículas, la posibilidad de actuar como iniciadores
fluorescentes usuales. Se discutirán nuevos métodos que
de procesos biológicos, ejemplificando con estudios so-
permiten la funcionalización, marcaje específico, y el con-
bre la agregación de proteínas amiloides. CONFERENCIA LEONARDO SATZ
GERARDO R. VASTA Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute,
Las lectinas solubles y asociadas a las membranas
opsónicos, líticos o tóxicos. En los mamíferos, incluyen-
de células fagocíticas constituyen componentes clave
do el hombre, las lectinas no solo participan como pro-
de las respuestas de inmunidad innata en invertebrados
teínas de fase aguda en el reconocimiento de antígenos
y vertebrados. Sus funciones biológicas incluyen no sólo
glicosilados, sino que cumplen un papel fundamental en
el reconocimiento de patógenos y parásitos microbianos,
la regulación de respuestas inmunes adaptativas. Sin
sino también funciones efectoras, tales como aglutina-
embargo, estudios estructurales y funcionales de lectinas
ción, inmobilización, y activación de las cascadas de
en modelos animales pertenecientes a niveles evoluti-
complemento y melanización, cuyos productos son
vos que carecen de inmunidad adaptativa (invertebra-
MEDICINA - Volumen 66 - (Supl. II), 2006
dos tales como Drosophila sp., C. elegans), o poseen
(isolectinas) llevan a un sistema con alta capacidad de
mecanismos inmunes adaptativos menos complejos que
reconocimiento, que incluye a la mayoría de los glicanos
en los mamíferos (por ejemplo, Danio rerio), sugiere que
de superficie comunes a patógenos microbianos y pará-
los repertorios de lectinas en estos taxones también es-
sitos. Así, a través de sus funciones de reconocimiento
tán altamente diversificados, estructural y funcionalmente.
immune que a través de mecanismos efectores llevan a
Estos incluyen no sólo representantes de las familias de
la destrucción del patógeno, las lectinas contribuyen
lectinas y vías efectoras caracterizadas en los mamífe-
significativamente a formar una barrera defensiva tem-
ros, sino familias de lectinas tales como las de tipo F,
prana contra el desafío infeccioso. Sin embargo, algu-
descriptas recientemente en modelos animales no con-
nos microorganismos (por ejemplo, Perkinsus marinus),
vencionales. Si bien la capacidad de reconocimiento in-
no sólo se han adaptado para evadir o bloquear los me-
mune de las lectinas no se incrementa por mecanismos
canismos de defensa immune del hospedador, sino que
de recombinación genética como los observados en las
aparentemente subvierten sus mecanismos de recono-
inmunoglobulinas o los VLRs, la diversidad individual de
cimiento immune para facilitar su entrada en ciertos ti-
los repertorios de lectinas basados en la expresión de
pos celulares. (Estudios financiados a través de subsi-
múltiples miembros de cada familia (lectinas tipo C, F,
dios de National Science Foundation, Maryland Sea
ficolinas, pentraxinas, etc) y de sus respectivas isoformas
Grant, NOAA, and NIGMH, National Institutes of Health)
CONFERENCIA ALBERTO TAQUINI KEVIN J. CATT Endocrinology and Reproduction Research Branch, NICHD,National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Activation of the AT receptor (AT R) by angiotensin
in which agonist activation of either species leads to
II (Ang II) initiates diverse signaling responses that me-
complex formation and transphosphorylation between
diate its physiological regulation of blood pressure and
the two types of receptors. Such interactions are de-
electrolyte balance, as well as its several pathogenic
pendent on co-localization of the receptors in caveolin-
rich domains of the plasma membrane, which have an
PLCb, InsP /Ca2+ signaling and activation of PKC
essential scaffolding role during agonist-induced
isoforms, MAP kinases, cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases
transactivation and reciprocal signaling between the two
(Pyk2, Src, Tyk2, FAK), receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)
such as the EGF-R, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
Most of the deleterious actions of AT R activation are
the NFkB pathway. Ang II also stimulates G protein-in-
caused by locally generated Ang II, and in the heart are
dependent signaling pathways, including β-arrestin-
often associated with the harmful effects of aldosterone.
mediated MAP kinases and the Jak/STAT pathway. The
AT R-mediated overproduction of ROS causes growth-
ability of certain GPCRs to utilize the growth-promoting
promoting, proinflammatory and profibrotic responses in
actions of RTKs is exemplified by the manner in which
vascular cells, leucocytes and monocytes. Activation of
the Ang II-activated AT R increases HB-EGF formation
the AT R also accelerates the development of diabetes
and other pathways to transactivate the EGFR and stimu-
and contributes to tumor progression and metastasis
late ERK phosphorylation. In addition to its regulation of
through its growth-promoting and proangiogenic activi-
cell growth, survival, and proliferation, such AT R acti-
ties. The increasing recognition of Ang II-induced disor-
vation of the EGFR is relevant to its pathogenic actions
ders has led to novel clinical applications of angiotensin
in the cardiovascular system, and in renal disease, dia-
converting enzyme inhibitors and AT R blockers, in addi-
betes and cancer. Recent studies have revealed recip-
tion to their established therapeutic actions in essential
rocal signaling from RTKs to GPCRs such as the AT R,
MARIA L. DUFAU Section on Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrinology and Reproduction Research Branch,National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Prolactin (PRL) exerts diverse functions in target
(PIII/hE1 ). In breast cancer cells, E increases PRLR hE1
tissues through its membrane receptors, and is a potent
transcripts directed by hPIII which lack an ERE. This
mitogen in normal and neoplastic breast cells. PRL acts
promoter contains functional Sp1 and C/EBP sites that
through the long form of the receptor (LF) to cause
bind Sp1/Sp3 and CEBPβ, respectively. Abolition of the
differentiation of mammary epithelium and to initiate and
E effect by mutation of either element indicated the
maintain lactation through activation of the Jak2/Stat5
cooperation of these transfactors in E -induced trans-
pathway and subsequent transcriptional events. We have
cription of the hPRLR. E activated-estrogen receptorα
identified two alternatively spliced short forms (SF) of
(ERα) through interaction with Sp1/Sp3 and C/EBPβ
the human PRL receptor (hPRLR) with abbreviated
bound to DNA caused transcriptional activation of the
cytoplasmic domains that inhibit the activation by PRL
promoter and of hPRLR expression in cancer cells. The
of the LF. A significant decrease in the ratio of SFs/LF is
ligand binding domain of ERα was essential for its physical
observed in the breast tumor tissue and cancer cell lines.
interaction with C/EBPβ and E promoted this association,
The relatively lower expression of SFs in cancer could
and its DNA binding domain was required for transac-
cause unopposed PRL-mediated LF stimulatory function,
tivation of PIII. Other studies revealed tethering of C/EBPβ
and contribute to breast tumor development/progression.
to Sp1 by the E -activated ERα, favouring interaction with
Inhibition by SFs may result from hormone-independent
its cognate element, and recruitment of coactivators to
heterodimer formation. Although SF homodimers and
the complex, with consequent region-specific changes in
their heterodimers with LF bind hormone and mediate
histone acetylation. These hormone/receptor-induced
JAK2 activation, the SF heterodimer partner lacks
associations and chromatin changes favored TFIIB and
sequences essential for activation of the STAT5 pathway
RNA Pol II recruitment and the activation of PIII directed
and prevents the LF from mediating activation of PRL-
hPRLR transcription. Stromal and adipose tissue, which
are major sources of estrogen in post-menopausal
The hPRLR gene has six alternative non-coding
women, could exert paracrine control of PRL and PRLR
exons 1 driven by individual promoters. These include
expression in adjacent mammary epithelial cells and
the preferentially utilized generic promoterIII/ exon1 ,
MICHAEL SCHUMACHER, COSIMA FONTE, AMALIA TROUSSON, JULIEN GRENIER, CHARBEL MASSAAD UMR 788 Inserm - University Paris 11, 80 rue du Général Leclerc, 94276 Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Work over the past 10 years has revealed that the
coactivators and corepressors. Coactivators include mol-
transcriptional efficiency of liganded steroid receptors is
ecules that facilitate the access of the basal transcrip-
determined by nuclear coregulator proteins, comprising
tional machinery to the promoter. Among the histone
MEDICINA - Volumen 66 - (Supl. II), 2006
acetyltransferase (HAT) coactivators, the best character-
tion of the p160s, which was dependent on the duration
ized groups are the p160 (the Steroid Receptor
of the hormonal induction. Overexpression and siRNA
Coactivators SRC-1a, SRC-1e, SRC-2 and SRC-3) and
knock-down experiments allowed us to show that de-
the CREB Binding Protein (CBP)/p300 families. However,
pending on the glial cell type, the GR differentially re-
only few studies have so far examined the functional re-
cruits p160 family members. Moreover, the interaction
lationship between steroid receptors and their
between SRC-1a and GR is unusual in glial cells: the C-
coregulators in the nervous system. Nevertheless, the
terminal nuclear receptor interacting domain of SRC-1a
still fragmentary findings show that coactivators of the
participates in its exclusion from the GR complex in
p160 family are critically involved in the amplification of
astrocytes, while in Schwann cells, SRC-1a interacts with
nuclear receptor actions within the brain.
GR via its two nuclear receptor binding domains. As a
We have studied the interactions between the gluco-
consequence of this atypical interaction between SRC-
corticoid receptor (GR) and coactivators of the p160 and
1a and GR in Schwann cells, the actions of CBP and
CBP/p300 families in two types of glial cells: astrocytes
p300 are modified. CBP is not implicated in the GR com-
and Schwann cells. First, we showed that the recruit-
plex, and p300 unexpectedly repressed GR tran-
ment of the p160s by the GR is dependent on the pro-
sactivation. Functional and pull-down assays showed
moter context. We also demonstrated by immunolocali-
that β-catenin is the coactivator replacing CBP in
zation experiments a cell-specific intracellular distribu-
1Cochin Institute, Paris, France, 2CAECE University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a disease affecting
standing of the genetics and physiopathology of POF.
1 to 3% of women before the age of 40 years, and 0,1 %
We have collected a large panel of familials and sporadic
of women aged of 30 years. Patients may present a pri-
mary or secondary amenorhea, depending on the age of
Mapping approach: Genome-wide scanning in famil-
occurrence. POF may result from (i) a decrease in the
ial cases : We collected 11 families with familial cases of
primordial follicle pool; (ii) an increased or accelerated
follicular atresia; (iii) an alteration of the recruitment of
With the help of the French Genome Center, the ge-
the dominant follicle; and (iv) an interruption of the matu-
nome of the member of the families was scanned by
ration of the follicle. Infertility is usually definitive and can
genotyping 412 microsatellite markers at the Center Na-
be currently treated only by ovum donation.
Several arguments are in favor of a genetic aetiology
Evidence for significant linkage was detected on the
of POF. The first one is the existence of familial cases.
long arm of human chromosome 7q22-1 with a peak lod-
Even if familial cases are uncommon, they have already
score of 3.85. The region of interest is presently 10 Mb
allowed the identification of disease loci such as the FSH-
long and contains interesting candidate genes.
R. Other genetic alterations or mutations have been de-
Candidate genes approach on sporadic POF: FOXL2,
scribed as responsible for POF. The most frequent
anomalies are chromosome X alterations, such as
The candidates genes involved in meiosis and follicular
monosomy associated with Turner syndrome or deletions
maturation were selected based on the fact that they are
responsible of similar phenotypes in “knock out” mice.
Unfortunately, in more 90% of POF patients, the aeti-
Three hundred sporadic POF cases were sequenced
ology of the disease is still unknown. For this reason, we
for these genes, and genetic variants were found for
have set up an international network gathering clinical
DMC1, GDF9 and BMP15 genes. These variants where
and research teams, in order to obtain a better under-
PIERRE L. MASSON Université Catholique de Louvain. Belgium
The feeding of antigens leads typically to a state of
Regarding autoimmune diseases, oral administration of
unresponsiveness, known as oral tolerance. Two types
autoantigens in animal models produced very promising
of cells are playing a key role in oral tolerance, i.e. mu-
results, but the clinical trials were disappointing. A tolerogenic
cosal dendritic cells, which send processes probing the
adjuvant could however enhance oral tolerance. So far the
content of the gut lumen, and regulatory T cells, which
main tolerogenic adjuvants are bacterial heat shock pro-
secrete immunomodulating cytokines such as IL-10 and
teins (HSPs), which are molecular “chaperones”. They are
TGF-β. The oral intake of an antigen can induce a by-
involved in the clearance of proteins that are improperly
stander suppression; when oral tolerance has been in-
folded, for example under conditions of cellular stress. When
duced toward antigen X, the injection of antigen Y to-
bound to ATP, a hydrophobic pocket in HSPs opens and
gether with X in the same body site fails to induce an
binds certain peptides. The hydrolysis of ATP into ADP en-
immune response against both antigens Y and X. Oral
closes the peptide in the pocket, which can be reopened by
administration of allergens significantly improves aller-
ATP. In animal models, either injection or oral administra-
gic rhinitis and induces much less adverse effects than
tion of a microbial HSP leads to the production of T cells
allergen injections. Increased efficacy can still be obtained
that cross-react with self-HSPs. These T cells produce regu-
by using antigen peptides instead of the whole antigen.
latory cytokines, and have disease-suppressive activity. If
Peptides are apparently more tolerogenic and reduce the
peptides from either allergens or autoantigens are combined
risk of adverse effects because they cannot trigger the
to HSP, one can expect that the HSP tolerogenic effect will
CONFERENCIA EDUARDO M. SOTOMAYOR Division of Immunology and Division of Malignant Hematology.H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. Tampa, Florida, USA
The spontaneous interaction between tumor cells and
lineage-specific tissue differentiation antigens also ex-
the immune system results in reciprocal changes lead-
pressed in normal tissues5, 6. These observations raised
ing to a less immunogenic tumor and immune cells less
the concern that the same mechanisms that normally pre-
capable to mount an effective response against a grow-
vent attack against self-antigens may also blunt the abil-
ing malignancy1, 2. Although several mechanisms have
ity of the immune system to recognize and respond to
been proposed to explain how tumors might influence
antigens expressed by tumors7. This different view of tu-
the function of tumor-antigen specific T cells, one mecha-
mor immunity profoundly changed our approach to can-
nism that has gained particular attention relates to the
cer immunotherapy since the greatest obstacle to the
ability of malignant cells to induce antigen-specific T-cell
development of successful immunotherapeutic ap-
tolerance3, 4. The immune tolerance hypothesis was first
proaches is the immune system itself, and more specifi-
evoked following the surprising findings that most of the
cally, its complex mechanisms for tolerance induction.
identified tumor antigens were not necessarily neoanti-
Thus, over the past decade, a significant amount of effort
gens uniquely expressed by cancer cells, but rather were
has been devoted towards answering those questions
MEDICINA - Volumen 66 - (Supl. II), 2006
pertaining to how tolerance towards tumor-antigens is
specific T cell function during tumor progression. J Exp
established and maintained, and what steps can be taken
3. Bogen, B. Peripheral T cell tolerance as a tumor escape
to break this state of unresponsiveness in a controllable
mechanism: deletion of CD4+ T cells specific for a
monoclonal immunoglobulin idiotype secreted by a
During our presentation we will discuss therefore the
plasmacytoma. Eur J Immunol 1996; 26: 2671-9.
experimental and clinical evidence that help identify the
4. Staveley-O’ Carroll K, Sotomayor E, Montgomery J,
Borrello I, Hwang L, Fein S, Pardoll D, and Levitsky H.
remarkable barrier that tolerance to tumor antigens has
Induction of antigen-specific T cell anergy: An early event
imposed to our efforts to effectively harness the immune
in the course of tumor progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci
system against malignancies. In particular, we will dis-
U S A, 1998; 95: 1178-83.
cuss the central role of bone marrow-derived antigen-pre-
5. Rosenberg SA. The Development of New Cancer
Therapies Based on the Molecular Identification of
senting cells (APCs) in the induction of this state of T-cell
Cancer Regression Antigens. Cancer J Sci Am 1995; 1:
unresponsiveness and the role of the tumor microenvi-
ronment in determining the tolerogenic properties of these
6. Boon T. and van der Bruggen, P. Human tumor antigens
APCs8, 9. Finally, we provide information on receptor-
recognized by T lymphocytes. J Exp Med 1996, 183:725-9.
ligands and intracellular pathways (CD40, STAT3, c-kit,
7. Sotomayor EM, Borrello, I., and Levitsky, HI. Tolerance
Histone deacetylases) that given their role in influencing
and cancer: a critical issue in tumor immunology. Crit Rev
the inflammatory properties of APCs are being exploited
Oncog 1996; 7: 433-56.
as targets to revert mechanisms of T-cell unresponsive-
8. Sotomayor EM, Borrello, I, Rattis, FM., Cuenca, AG.,
Abrams, J, Staveley-O’Carroll, K, and Levitsky, H. I.
Cross-presentation of tumor antigens by bone marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells is the dominantmechanism in the induction of T-cell tolerance during B-
cell lymphoma progression. Blood 2001;98: 1070-17.
9. Horna P, Cuenca, A, Cheng F, Brayer J, Wang HW,
1. Pure E, Allison JP, and Schreiber, RD. Breaking down
Borrello I, Levitsky H, and Sotomayor, E M. In vivo
the barriers to cancer immunotherapy. Nat Immunol,
disruption of tolerogenic cross-presentation mechanisms
uncovers an effective T-cell activation by B-cell lym-
2. Zhou G, Lu Z, McCadden JD, Levitsky HI, and Marson,
phomas leading to antitumor immunity. Blood 2006; 107:
AL. Reciprocal changes in tumor antigenicity and antigen-
D. GRAHAME HARDIE Division of Molecular Physiology, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is the down-
catabolic pathways that generate ATP such as the up-
stream component of a kinase cascade that acts as a
take and oxidation of glucose and fatty acids, while at the
sensor of cellular energy charge. Stresses that inhibit
same time conserving ATP by switching off ATP consum-
ATP production (e.g. hypoxia, hypoglycemia, ischemia)
ing processes, including lipid, polysaccharide and pro-
or that accelerate ATP consumption (e.g. muscle con-
tein synthesis. The ability of AMPK to inhibit cell growth
traction) cause an increase in ADP:ATP that is amplified
and proliferation may explain why the upstream kinase
by adenylate kinase into a much larger rise in the
LKB1 was first identified as a tumor suppressor.
AMP:ATP ratio. Binding of AMP to the gamma subunit of
As well as acting as an energy sensor at the level of
AMPK triggers phosphorylation and activation of the cata-
the individual cell, it is now clear that AMPK also regu-
lytic alpha subunit by the upstream kinase LKB1. Once
lates energy balance at the whole body level, making it a
activated, AMPK has numerous rapid effects due to di-
prime target for drugs aimed at treatment of obesity, Type
rect phosphorylation of target proteins, as well as longer-
2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. AMPK is acti-
term effects on gene expression. It switches on alternate
vated by leptin and adiponectin in skeletal muscle,
stimulating glucose and fat oxidation, and hence energy
the respiratory chain, and the thiaziolidinediones also
expenditure. In the hypothalamus it stimulates food in-
act indirectly by stimulating adiponectin release. Re-
take and is regulated by hormones known to affect ap-
cent work from our laboratory suggests that in the ca-
petite, such as leptin, ghrelin and cannabinoids. It is a
rotid body and pulmonary smooth muscle the AMPK
target for two major classes of anti-diabetic drugs, i.e.
system acts as a sensor involved in the physiological
the biguanides (e.g. metformin) and the thiazoli-
responses to hypoxia that control breathing and blood
dinediones. These drugs activate AMPK by inhibiting
MARCELO G. KAZANIETZ Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Email: [email protected]
Diacylglycerol (DAG) is a key lipid second messenger
2004). RNAi depletion of chimaerins led to a prolonged
generated upon activation of phospholipase C (PLC)
Rac activation in response to EGF, suggesting that they
isozymes by tyrosine kinase and G-protein-coupled re-
negatively modulate Rac signaling. There are several
ceptors. Work from many laboratories, particularly com-
important implications for these findings. First, we can
prehensive biochemical studies from Alexandra Newton’s
unambiguously conclude that PKCs are not the only DAG
lab at UCSD, established a crucial role for DAG as a pro-
receptors and that divergence in DAG signaling via re-
tein kinase C (PKC) activator. Our studies revealed that
ceptor activation exists. Second, we established for the
other intracellular receptors for DAG exist in addition to
first time that tyrosine kinase receptors trigger a mecha-
PKC isozymes that play important roles in cancer. We
nism that self-limits Rac activation via the PLC/DAG
found that α- and β-chimaerins, “non-kinase” DAG recep-
branch. Third, our recent demonstration that chimaerins
tors with GAP activity for the small G-protein Rac, are
are down-regulated in some types of cancers and inhibit
effectors of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
cell proliferation and migration in response to growth fac-
(EMBO J. 25: 2062-2074, 2006). Upon stimulation, EGFR
tors suggests a role for chimaerins as tumor suppressors
activates Rac to promote a proliferative and motile re-
(JBC 280:24363-24370, 2005; Mol. Cell. Biol. 26:831-842,
sponse. Experiments using co-IP and Fluorescence Reso-
2006). Lastly, as we have recently established using a
nance Energy Transfer (FRET) revealed that EGF causes
knock-down approach in zebrafish that α-chimaerin regu-
the translocation of chimaerins to the plasma membrane
lates gastrulation (PNAS 103:5373-5378, 2006), DAG sig-
in a DAG-dependent manner, where they associate with
nals must play a crucial role in early development. Our
active Rac (Rac-GTP) to promote its inactivation, as pre-
challenge now is to dissect the functional relevance of these
dicted from our structural studies (Cell 119:407-418,
findings using knockout and knockin mouse models.
aDivision of Toxicology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, 5501 Old York Road,bThomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAcChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAdPhiladelphia Poison Control Center, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAThe term salicylate refers to any of a group of chemicals that are derivedfrom salicylic acid. The best known is acet