
September 2004
Wellness, Productivity, & You!
Wheeler EAP 1-800-275-3327
Your Personal
T wo things must be in balance
for an effective team: content and process. Content is the I f you are motivated to pursue a
goal, put together your per-sonal action plan. Its purpose: to put the goal into action and make its success more likely. Successful plans are writ- team. Process is how team members interact, treat each ten, and include breaking the goal down into distinct action- other, and behave. Many teams focus on content, but let able parts. Each part or step must answer how, what, and problems with process sabotage productivity. Diagnostic when action will occur. If any one of these measurements is question: Does each team member feel valued, respected, missing, you will be more vulnerable to procrastination and included, energized, and happy to be a member of the distraction, the two villains of every worthy pursuit. Here’s a team? If not, try this fix: Create a tradition that team mem- step from a larger list of steps toward establishing a fitness bers actively observe team process and point out team be- routine. Not specific: I will exercise this week after work. haviors that impede work. All agree to be evaluated on how Better: This Friday, at 5:00 P.M., I will go to the ABC Gym well each member helps manage process issues. At every meeting ask: “How do we feel about our productivity and how well are we working with each other?” Then decide how to make improvements for the next meeting. Cymbalta®
A new hire can take years to learn
everything about an organization necessary to maximize his or her productivity. Shorten the learning curve by T he Food and Drug Administration has approved
Cymbalta® for treatment of major depression. Cym-balta has been studied in more than 6,000 patients. Unlike other antidepressants, Cymbalta has the effect of sharing information with a coworker about work culture, potentially relieving the physical aches and pains that traditions, and important communication expectations sometimes accompany depression, not just symptoms such within the organization. Don’t forget sensitive political is- as crying and sadness. Like most medications, Cymbalta sues crucial to successful networking. Provide a list of key may have side effects for some patients. If you suffer with relationships to develop, and build in opportunities to inter- stubborn depression, consider talking to your doctor or act and obtain feedback to avoid workplace mistakes and learn more at http://www.newsroom.lilly.com. Important Notice: Information in FrontLine Employee is for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace the counsel or advice of a qualified health professional. For further help, questions, or referral to community resources for specific problems or personal concerns, contact your employee assistance professional. Support for
M illions of parents have at least one
adult child living at home, and the number of empty nesters welcom- ing an adult child home for a temporary stay is growing. These adult children have been called the “boomerang generation.” Divorce, un- A significant percent of
troops returning from war reportedly face employment, financial troubles, mental illness and chemical depend- ency, and other problems help explain this phenomenon. For most to combat (posttraumatic stress disorder, de- parents, the goal is helping the adult child gain independence as pression, and anxiety) according to a New Eng- quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many parents worry about the land Journal of Medicine study (July 2004). One out of two Americans knows someone serving If you have an adult child at home, or one on the way, consider overseas, so it makes sense to know a few tips to the following tips early on to keep your relationship healthy and help help a veteran readjust to civilian life. 1) Listen facilitate a transition back to independent living: 1) Discuss mutual ex- carefully if your vet wants to talk. 2) Be patient. pectations, house rules, chores, and shared financial responsibilities. Don’t take anger or other strong feelings per- 2) Consider a written agreement on these issues and the length of sonally. 3) Don’t make statements such as, stay. 3) Avoid the trap of parental guilt that can fuel a lengthier stay, “You’re lucky you made it back.” This is not re- financial dependency, and the avoidance of responsibilities. 4) If rela- assuring because it can invoke guilt over friends tionship conflicts emerge, talk to the EAP. Don’t wait. 5) The same or acquaintances wounded or killed. 4) Spend goes for a substance abuse issue. The EAP can lead you to interven- time with your vet, but also give him or her pri- tion help. Good communication, clear expectations, and a willingness vate time. 5) Encourage the troubled vet to take to keep boundaries will help both you and your adult child look for- advantage of mental health resources in the community or from the military. Two-thirds of vets with PTSD refuse help because of concerns EAPs, Health Issues, and about stigma, but may change their minds later. QQ The EAP knows about my stress prob-
lems. If I sign a release, can the EA profes- and Teens
sional tell my supervisor that I need to cut back on certain duties, overtime, or other essential functions of my job that may interfere with my mental health? T eens are injured on the job at a
higher rate than adults. Studies show that most teenagers don’t recognize workplace dangers as easily as older workers who have more experience in recognizing haz- A EAPs cannot initiate requests to change an employee’s job de-
scription or direct the organization to modify the employee’s du- ards and understanding necessary protective ties or essential functions. However, EAPs can report written recom- measures. Teenagers are also more reluctant to mendations of physicians and other health care providers to supervi- ask important safety questions that can prevent sors (or appropriate management) to have changes considered to an injury or death. Encourage younger coworkers employee’s duties or essential functions. A signed release is neces- to follow safety precautions, ask questions, wear sary. The EAP can discuss the management of stress with you and proper protective clothing and shoes, and resist what intervention strategies might be helpful. taking chances that may endanger them. Source: National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Source: http://www.wheelereap.org/products/program/SAMPLE_FRONTLINE_EMPLOYEE.pdf

Peru 2004 – trek the inca trail

Ultimate Challenges | The Ultimate Travel Company Humanitas Charity Borneo Tri-X challenge 20-28 June 2014 Contents 1. General introduction to the Borneo Tri X Challenge 2. Typical day 3. Support 4. Health and vaccinations 5. Altitude effects 6. Training 7. Kit list and baggage 8. Travel Insurance 9. Food and drink 10. Accommodation 11. Washing and toilet facilities 12. Cli

Microsoft word - cv.prof.omer.doc

Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Omer Ahmed Mirghani Osman Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira, QUALIFICATIONS: MB, BS ( Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery), University of Khartoum, MRCOG (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists), AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: 1. Awarded 12 months scholarship from Ministry of Health, Sudan to prepare for higher de

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