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Adjudication Report Lissycasey 09/07/2009 TOTAL MARK Overall Development Approach:
The adjudicator would like to welcome Lissycasey to the 2009 Tidy Towns Competition. Thank you for your very detailed entry form and map. However the scale of the map provided was too small and a slightly larger scale might be considered for next year. The adjudicator noted that a copy of the 3 Year Tidy Towns Plan for Lissycasey was not enclosed. Your committee of 10 people has had an active year with many new projects completed. The support of FAS and Clare County Council has obviously been of critical importance. It was good to read that you have support also from two local businesses and the wider Lissycasey community. Your meetings structure is a good one and the annual School talk is most important.
The Built Environment:
Your comments in regard to the rear of Maxol have been noted and we await developments here. Here it is suggested that the rusty white sign frame be repainted. The Sculptures are an important part of the character of Lissycasey and your problem with the Horse is most unfortunate. The old Dispensary has improved in presentation this year. The new stone bridge opposite Mace is a great development as is the important work on new stone walls and railings. It was encouraging to see that work is in progress on the new School facilities for younger children. Good colour usage was observed at The Boree Log premises and the wall graphics here also caught the eye. The Fergus Credit Union was much admired and again a good colour choice has been made here. The restrained landscaping allows the design of this building to speak for itself. The Catholic Church is another interesting building with the long sloping roof and extensive glass elements. The landscaping both in the grounds and outside is absolutely marvelous and of an unusually high standard. The presentation of Fanny O’Deas is really excellent and the yellow and black colour scheme her works well. Across the road the village Pump is well presented.
New flower beds and tree planting has enhanced Lissycasey again this year. Indeed landscaping is one of your very strong performance areas. The many hanging baskets in the village provide a continuous colourful presentation. The high sloping bank near the Post Office looked a little bare and ground cover might be considered here. On the left hand side of the road on the Ennis approach the high sloping bank with the two wooden figures is yet another superb landscaping presentation in Lissycasey. The Cascades project was visited and really good work has been done here to make the area easily accessible. However interpretation is totally lacking. The naming of one area as ‘Viagra Falls’ is in quite poor taste and in the view of this adjudicator devalues your good work here. Therefore renaming might be considered. The landscaping at the Grotto is simple and in keeping with the nature of this area.
New flower beds and tree planting has enhanced Lissycasey again this year. Indeed landscaping is one of your very strong performance areas. The many hanging baskets in the village provide a continuous colourful presentation. The high sloping bank near the Post Office looked a little bare and ground cover might be considered here. On the left hand side of the road on the Ennis approach the high sloping bank with the two wooden figures is yet another superb landscaping presentation in Lissycasey. The Cascades project was visited and really good work has been done here to make the area easily accessible. However interpretation is totally lacking. The naming of one area as ‘Viagra Falls’ is in quite poor taste and in the view of this adjudicator devalues your good work here. Therefore renaming might be considered. The landscaping at the Grotto is simple and in keeping with the nature of this area. Wildlife and Natural Amenities:
The work at the Cascades comes under this category also and do consider the issue of interpretation here of both wildlife and geographical / geological features. Work in progress at the river at Mace has been noted and the timberwork here has been well executed.
Litter Control:
Your regular litter patrols seem to be most effective. Litter control in Lissycasey on the day of the adjudication visit was impressive. Well done to the Lissycasey community that makes this possible. The relocated Bring Centre was well presented. Waste Minimisation:
No projects that come under this heading were noted on the entry form as the Bring Centre has been mentioned under litter. This category is about the reduction of waste generated in Lissycasey and the issue of associated recycling. Can you look at these issues for next year?
The continuous weeding programme that you have mentioned is also effective and this issue was under control based on the visit. At the upper entrance to the Cascades opposite the timber fencing, the old car tyres dumped in the field here should be removed.
Residential Areas:
The various housing estates were visited. In some the use of different house colours has made a big difference to overall estate presentation. In many cases good private landscaping was evident. Other private houses generally demonstrated pride in their presentation. Roads, Streets and Back Areas:
The two main approach roads are excellently presented and landscaped to an exceptionally high standard. The degree to which you have carried out work on these roads well beyond the village centre is strongly commended. Do remember the importance of other smaller approach roads. No work appeared to have been carried out recently on the Ballycanally road and the Cascades road. Likewise the Killadysert road needed some attention.
General Impression:
It was a genuine pleasure to visit Lissycasey for the first time and enjoy the excellent overall presentation that you have achieved. Good luck with your projects for next year.
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