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Microsoft word - march 201
Aimee Seidman, M.D., FACP & Marcia Goldmark, M.D. Annual Health Assessment NEWSLETTER
How long has it been since you had your annual health assessment? If
We hope you and yours are doing well. Please do not hesitate to call our office at the
it's been 10 months or longer we
onset of any illness so we can examine you and prescribe the appropriate treatment
encourage you to call 301.545.1811
There are several topics we'd like to address with you so please take a few minutes to
If you have recently joined our
read the following newsletter. It will be time well spent.
practice and not yet scheduled your annual health assessment, we encourage you to call today. Influenza Virus - True Influenza virus (not just the influenza-like illnesses we usually see) has been detected in our area. Please be sure to come in and get your flu shot if you have not already done so. We have tons of it, and it's not too late. In fact, this is Avalide - Bristol Myer Squibb has removed Avalide (irbesartan / hydrochlorothiazide) from the market.They state that there is a "manufacturing defect" that causes the tabs to dissolve more slowly, affecting efficacy. We have scanned our medication lists to find those of you who may be on it, but if we missed you and you currently take Avalide, please make an appointment in the office to decide what to switch to. In the interim, there is no need for panic! At least one insurance company is planning to notify their members through their own pharmacy records. Annual Physical - Have you had your annual physical since renewing your membership or joining our practice? If not, please call and schedule your appointment as soon as possible. An annual physical is an excellent barometer of your current health and allows us to approach your future health in a much more proactive manner. Health Tips - We recently posted a series of Health Tips on the Education page of the Rockville Concierge Doctors web site, These common sense tips cover a wide variety of health issues and are provided by the American College of Physicians (ACP),the largest association for internal medicine physicians. Please be sure to tell your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and others about these helpful health tips. Office Closings - Our office building is closed on any U.S. Government observed holiday and occasionally for inclement weather. If you have a medical issue on any day the office is closed, please call your physician through the answering service at 240.638.9749.
Our remaining 2011 scheduled office closings are as follows.
Monday,Feb 21st -- Presidents' Day Speaking Engagements - Dr. Seidman and Dr. Goldmark have recently been invited to speak to several businesses and organizations including NIST, Woodmont Country Club and Congregation B'nai Tzedek. If you are affiliated with a business, civic or professional organization whose membership or employees would benefit from one of our doctors speaking at a meeting,please contact us. Dr. Seidman is scheduled to speak at Asbury Methodist Village on April 5th. New Employee - Please join us in welcoming Andrea Chipana to our team as a medical assistant. Andrea has five years of medical assistant experience and we are delighted she has joined our practice. Gifts / Charity - Throughout the years, Drs. Seidman and Goldmark have received numerous gifts from their patients and the caregivers of patients. Each gift has always carried a special meaning and has been greatly appreciated. However, having you in our medical family is the best gift of all.
In the future, please consider a donation to one of the following non-profit organizations, or an organization of your choosing, in lieu of a gift to your doctor.
Organizations Home Based Medical Kit - Accidents,injuries, and emergencies happen to everyone, eventually. Properly preparing for these instances is all-important. Thus, we recommend you maintain a home medical kit.
Antibiotic Ointment -- For cuts and scrapes of the skin (e.g.,Neosporin or a
Steroid Ointment -- Topical medicine to treat poison ivy and itchy skin
Acetaminophen -- Pain and fever reducer (e.g., Tylenol)
Ibuprofen -- Anti-inflammatory for pain, swelling and fever (e.g.,Advil)
Diphenhydramine - Antihistaminefor allergic reactions and itching (e.g.
Sports Drink -- To prevent or treat dehydration from diarrhea(e.g.,
Hydrogen Peroxide -- For cleansing skin wounds
Referrals -- We are honored to be your primary care physicians and appreciate you as our patient. Please be sure to let your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and others know about our practice when appropriate.
15020 Shady Grove Road l Suite 300 l Rockville, MD 20850
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