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Microsoft word - instructions authors pw

Instruction to Authors
The official language of the journal is English. Preferred
numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, . Figure 10, etc) followed by a form of type-setting is MS Word; but papers in Latex are also colon and a short caption at the bottom. Good-quality figures accepted. Authors are advised to keep the number of pages of produced using computer graphics are acceptable. Each a paper to less than 16 in B5 size. Authors should submit the figure caption should be complete, clear and concise. Figures manuscript to the editor of the journal, and it is a fundamental condition that no manuscript submitted has been or will be published elsewhere in any form or language. Display equations should be centralized and numbered
consecutively, with the set flush right and enclosed in The author(s) transfer(s) the copyright to his/her article to the parenthesis. Equations should be referred as Equation (X) in Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka effective if and the text where X is the equation number. In multiple line when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright equations, the number should be given on the last line. transfer includes exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute Equations may be numbered within sections as (1.1), (1.2) or the article in any form of reproduction (printing, electronic for the whole document as (1), (2), etc. media or any other form). Manuscripts must be accompanied by the "Copyright Transfer Statement" (the form is published Only SI units and standard abbreviation should be used. If a
in the web site of this journal) when it is accepted for non standard abbreviation or a non-SI unit is to be used extensively, it should be defined at the beginning of the text. Only standard symbols and notations will be accepted.
Manuscript should be clearly typewritten in font Times New
Roman, 11pt, 1.15 pt-spaced throughout, on B5-sized paper
Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page to
with approximately 1 inch margin on both sides (left and which they refer and should be divided from the text by a horizontal line 2 cm long. They must be inside the typing The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), their affiliations, the For citations use either the [number] only or the author
[number] method. That is, only a number in square bracket or The title should be in 14pt, bold, capitalized the first letter of
the last name of the author, followed by a number in square bracket. This is similar to the Vancouver The format for authors names is 12pt, bold. Affiliations
system. Each source cited in the paper is serially numbered should be in 11pt, and complete addresses with a valid e-mail in the order in which the sources are cited. If a source
addresses of the authors should be mentioned after the cited earlier is cited again, the same number is used. The title of the abstract is written in capital English letters in
At the end of the paper, under the heading “References", full
12 pt, bold. The abstract should be presented as one block details of each cited source are given next to its number. The (without paragraphs). The contents of the abstract should be names of the authors are written as they appear in the Up to six keywords (excluding those contained in the title)
should be given at the end of the abstract. The word Acknowledgement should follow the text just before the references. No section number for acknowledgement. A typical manuscript may contain the following sections:
Manuscripts should be submitted as a soft-copy according to Introduction, Materials and Methods, Analysis and Results, the format described in this document. All submitted Conclusions and Recommendations, Acknowledgements, manuscripts will be peer reviewed by at least two competent References. However, a paper may contain other sections as reviewers (or three reviewers in case a decision cannot be appropriate. Each section and subsection should be numbered taken from two reviews) and the reviewers' comments will be forwarded to the authors. The reviewers will remain anonymous to the authors and vise versa. While submitting Each table should start with a Table number and caption at
the revised manuscript, the authors should explain how the the top. Tables should be sequentially numbered in Arabic reviewers' comments have been addressed. If the authors numerals as Table 1, Table 2, Table 10 etc. The caption disagree with reviewers' comments, the reason(s) should be should follow the Table number, after a colon. The caption explained. Decision of the editorial board will be final. Those should be complete, clear and concise. Tables and captions papers recommended by at least two reviewers are accepted should be centered. Each table should fit in to a B5 sized page in portrait or landscape style. Character size may be smaller than 11pt if necessary, to fit in to the page. Further information can be found at: All diagrams, figures and other illustrations should be
named as figures, and numbered consecutively in Arabic



M E R I D I A N P S Y C H O L O G I C A L A S S O C I A T E S 4401 North Central Avenue Indianapolis IN 46205 (317) 923-2333 FAX (317) 923-2333 [email protected] Dennis Mac Greene, Ph.D., HSPP Indiana License #: 20041237 National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology #44394 Mailing Address: 1992 Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Rutgers University, Brunswick, NJ 1989-

1.- Preámbulo Desde muy joven tenía el deseo de salir de mi País y conocer otros lugares, personas y diferentes culturas. Esa oportunidad surgió después de algunos años dedicados a la docencia. A partir de la experiencia como profesora y caminando en la búsqueda de la investigación obtuve la oportunidad de venir a España para realizar el programa de doctorado. Además de todo

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