
Allegheny Valley School District
2010 - 2011 District Goals

Goal #1: Develop and adopt a Student Athletic Manual.
Goal #2: Clarify, improve, and communicate the weekly process for monitoring student academic
eligibility for athletics and activities.
Board Policy/Administrative Procedures
Goal #1: Develop Section 300 (employees) of the School Board Policy Manual.
Goal #2: Determine and create regulations needed to complement policies already approved.
Goal #3: Continue to refine and expand the Board Policy Manual.


Goal #1: Improve external communications, focusing on a comprehensive marketing plan for the
Goal #2: Enhance internal communications, focusing on improving communication among staff


Goal #1: Develop and refine a comprehensive program with aligned curriculum, instruction and
assessment for all learners to achieve success in the 21st Century.
Goal #2: Explore on-line learning opportunities for all students with local districts and education
Goal #3: Plan and implement co-teaching/inclusion as appropriate throughout the K-12 system.
Goal #4: Plan and deliver professional learning opportunities associated with program goals and
focused on growth for individuals.


Goal #1: Work toward further implementation and awareness of the Safety Committee.
Goal #2: Continue the implementation and coordination of the Springdale Jr-Sr High School Renova-
tion Project.
Goal #3: Finalize and approve a Five-Year Facilities Plan that will ensure continuous, focused mainte-
nance and fiscal responsibility.
Goal #1: Focus on enhanced communication throughout the District on financial information.
Goal #2: Enhance the efficiency of the Business Office by cross-training and providing continuous
professional development for support staff.
Goal #3: Implement and expand the use of the on-line archiving system for records management.

Food Service

Goal #1: Revise and promote breakfast and lunch programs to meet changes in market trends and
nutrition standards.
Goal #2: Implement a plan for continuation of service during the renovation project.


Goal #1: Finalize the comprehensive District Hiring Procedure Manual.
Goal #2: Complete and approve the employee agreements.
Goal #3: Offer learning opportunities for all employees to meet District and individual needs.
Goal #4: Encourage and support a Professional Leadership Series program for all employee
Goal #5: Develop and adopt a differentiated professional growth model for teacher supervision and evaluation.

Goal #1: Oversee and promote the Laserfiche Archival Program.
Goal #2: Maximize usage of the CSIU software.
Goal #3: Enhance communication and cooperation among the Technology Department Staff.
Goal #4: Promote District technology efforts.


Goal #1: Implement the transportation component of the CSIU system.
Goal #2: Focus on increased student transportation safety.

Source: http://www.avsd.k12.pa.us/site/dmd/2010-11GOALSONLY.pdf

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