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«Original Articles » Comparison of therapeutic abortion efficacy by suction curettage and misoprostol vaginally in the first trimester of pregnancy Mahvash Zargar 1, Roshan Nikbakht 1, Vida Naji givi 1, Masoud Hemadi1* Abstract Infertility and Perinatology ResearchBackground: This study compared the health outcomes of abortion Center, Ahvaz Jundishapur University
by vaginal misoprostol tablets and suction curettage in the first
of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: In this study, 220 pregnant women (under 14 week’s gestational age) who candidate for termination of pregnancy (due to fetal or maternal reasons) were divided into the treatment and surgery groups. In the medical abortion group, 600 µg vaginal misoprostol was given, then 36 hours later if needed this dose was repeated. However, if the remains of the pregnancy were observed by ultrasound 1 week after the initial dose, the curettage was done. Suction curettage was used in the surgical abortion group. Results: In general, 79% of treatment group had a complete abortion without the need for surgical abortion. In all subjects of surgical groups, all products of pregnancy with surgical curettage were fully discharged. The mean satisfaction from amount of bleeding in the drug and medical abortion groups was 80% and 84%, respectively with no statistical difference. Conclusion:The obtained results showed that misoprostol as an effective alternative to surgical termination of pregnancy can be used at the first trimester abortions. ٭Corresponding author:Masoud Hemadi; Assistant Professor,Keywords: therapeutic abortion, surgical abortion, misoprostol Fertility,Infertility and PerinatologyResearch Center, Ahvaz JundishapurUniversity of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz,
Zargar M, Nikbakht R, Naji givi V , Hemadi M . Comparison of therapeuticabortion efficacy by suction curettage and misoprostol vaginally in the firsttrimester of pregnancy. Jentashapir J Health Res 2013; 4(5):355-362Received: 10.03.2013 Accepted: 31.08.2013 Results abortion by vaginal tablet Introduction The decision to perform an abortion is
prostaglandin1) are most famous drug which
seems that the misoprostol due to no need to
freeze and easy application into the vagina,
hypertension, mitral valve sparseness, severe
syndrome are face with high probability to
In addition,, if the pregnancy is associated
epithelial tumors as well as prescribed as a
with fetal anencephaly, thalassemia, mole
safe and effective agent in the treatment of
non-ruptured ectopic pregnancy (10).
Given that , there are also some studies that
million abortions per year are performed in
compared to the surgery and this study aimed
methods exist for termination of pregnancyin the first trimester of pregnancy that the
Materials and Methods
A randomized controlled clinical trial study
medicine methods (7). Indeed, nearly half of
was designed Through the period from July
all legal abortions are carried out by induced
2007 to July 2009, healthy subjects between
abortion therapy and pregnancy termination
carried out only by surgery so that, in 97% of
methods were randomly divided equally into
procedures is cervical dilatation method and
abortion procedure: Group surgical method
The patients were selected based on:1- Patient
suctioned that is easier and safer method
awareness of both surgical and medical of
comparison with the previous one. In recent
pregnancy termination methods and related
years, medical termination of pregnancy is
introduced as suitable alternative to surgical
termination of pregnancy in the entire world.
measurements, with intrauterine pregnancy
metabolite (9-10). In fact, medical abortion
Patients with kidney disease, anemia, pelvic
Jentashapir J Health Res, 2013; 4(5) Zargar et al
coagulation disorders 5- Lack of access to
72 hours after administration of misoprostol
the patient for follow-up were also excluded.
Subsequent to selecting the patients, initially
In the second Patient's visit, the patients were
asked about pain and the bleeding. In the
surgical groups so that the medical group
third Patient's visit (day eight) outcomes
was received vaginally misoprostol and the
misoprostol and also disposing of the uterine
Questionnaire that contains: Gestational age,
the dose of misoprostol used for medicinal
patients and the time needed for spontaneous
expulsion and evacuation was completed for
If the remains were equal to or greater than
suction curettage, cause of termination of
out, and in case, the uterine content remains
uterine cramps, duration of the spotting or
bleeding after abortion, postoperative pain
Suction curettage group:
In surgery group the patients were undergone
The data was collected directly from patient
answers and observations at several stages
performed with appropriate bushey and the
Initially, each patient was noticed with pros
patients were all discharged after 6 hours of
method and with full knowledge and notice
The performing suction curettage was also
prophylactic antibiotics with doxycycline
100 mg, 2 times a day for 5 days and have
been advised to report any vaginal bleeding
to the investigator. Un this study the patients
contributors were obtained .The safety of
Statistical analysis:
material have been approved previously by
The data was analyzed by Chi-square using
the software SPSS version 16. Significant
level of P <0.05 was applied for statistical
Misoprostol group
On the first visit of the patient ,if there is noban
misoprostol tablets 800 mg was placed into
her posterior vaginal fornix and then the
methods.The mean age of patients was 28.4
Jentashapir J Health Res, 2013; 4(5) Results abortion by vaginal tablet
±6.6 years. Age difference between the two
However, for the bleeding rate of the two
groups was statistically significant. The
The treatment satisfaction rate:
mean gestational age was 9.8 ± 2.8 weeks
from the outcome of abortion so that in the
of 13), respectively. Differences between the
medicine group 74 and in the surgical group
76 patients were offered their satisfaction for
gestational age of the two groups were not
the final treatment outcome. Satisfaction rate
fetus that the forensics agreed to terminate
The success rate:
the pregnancy to save the mother's life or
successfully followed the administration of
anomalies. The most reason of the abortion
in the two groups was dead fetus that was
confirmed by the ultrasound (control group=
group= 87). Therefore, the success rate in
50 cases and medical group= 64 cases). The
the surgical group was significantly higher
medical reason of the abortion was in the
than the medicine group. The success rate
second step with 70 cases (control group=
was also correlated with satisfaction rate.
35 and medical group= 35). Null pregnancy
The onset of pain after the first dose and
in 14 cases was observed (control group= 4
number of doses of misoprostol: The bleeding rate
misoprostol was 5.1 ± 1.5 hours. At least 3
Categories: less than a period, the least
menstruation, and the most of the period.
commencement of the pain. the number of 60
received the second dose of medication for
Significant link was not observed between
the onset of pain after the first dose and the
It is worth to note that in the medical group,
detected a relationship between the number
the bleeding of most cases were higher than
of doses of misoprostol and the abortion. Table 1. Baseline characteristics women who admitted to the department were comparable in the two groups Jentashapir J Health Res, 2013; 4(5) Zargar et al Table 2. Compare number (percent) Reasons for abortion among medical and surgical abortion Table3.Compare the bleeding rate after abortion between medical and surgical abortion treatment Table 4. Compare the satisfaction rate after abortion between medical and surgical abortion treatment Table 5. Compare the success and failure rates after abortion between medical and surgical abortion treatment Discussion Medicine abortion procedure is a new
abortion) was the most applied device in the
opportunity for women to avoid surgery.
Therefore,the present study investigated the
comparison of the two abortion methods , In
statistically significant differences between
a clinical trial that is currently being carried
out around the world. the most pregnant cases
in both groups were at 10 weeks gestation.
surgery group. However, in other cases i.g.
The results showed that the age, gestational
null pregnancy and inevitable abortion, the
age, gravity and parity numbers were similar
in both groups. Therefore, in terms of the
differed significantly and in the medicine
abortion there was a consistent in the two
group this rates was higher than other group
so that the bleeding rate of more than four-
fifths cases of this group were higher than
different reasons to perpetrate a abortion and
ultrasound exam of the dead fetus (missed
Jentashapir J Health Res, 2013; 4(5) Results abortion by vaginal tablet
postoperative bleeding was low so that the
curettage. In this study, the rate of complete
bleeding more than a normal period in less
In one study by Davis et al.,(11) between
2002 and 2004 as a clinical trial 652 women
indicated the fewer side effects and accepting
was studied to assess the bleeding patterns
In another study that conducted in Greece
misoprostol ,in overall, cause to being more
and was published in 2008 was reported that
severe and last longer bleeding than suction
curettage. This study also suggested that
hemoglobin levels after taking drug rarely is
causing any interference with curettage or
blood transfusion. It’s outstanding to note
that the results of the present study in terms
In another study, for inducing abortion in
women with a gestational age of less than 70
mention study and other completed studies.
Patient’s satisfaction in the present study
vaginally every 48 hours (up to three doses)
was similar in both treatment groups and the
was used. The results showed that the rate
majority of them expressed satisfaction for
completed studies on misoprostol, majority
While, in another study that conducted by
of patients were satisfied with the medicine
Carbonel et al., (16) in women with
amenorrhea for a period of 36-63 days, the
who they are in a similar situation . In this
hours and the rate of pregnancy termination
of 89.4 percent was reported that this amount
was comparable with results of Bugalho et
In the current study, the success rate of
al., (91.1%) (17) and Jian et al., (88%) (19).
monotherapy regimens using misoprostol in
Bugalho et al., (18) in other studies
pregnancy termination at gestational age less
treatment nearly was about 80 percent .The
than 6 weeks with vaginal misoprostol was
success rate of about 84 percent in abortion
done by 800 microgram and the success rate
of abortion was achieved at 87 percent.
conducted by Zhang et al., (13). In this study,
In the present study, the success rate of
misoprostol in termination of pregnancy was
nearly 79 percent, which was less than the
The lower success rate in the current study
could indisputably be due to lack of proper
Jentashapir J Health Res, 2013; 4(5) Zargar et al
medicine abortion protocol so that ,in this
group, there were cases that after one dose
suction curettage provided the both surgical
and without take the next dose (in the case
and medicine procedure to be accessible for
medication instructions should be given to
However, the current study also had a high
physician and the appropriated methods are
also being taught to the related patients.
Nevertheless, the results showed that the oneof the main advantages of medicine abortion
is that it can get rid of women from the risk
The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts
of Fertility, Infertility and Perinatology
In Conclusion The results of this clinical
trial study showed that the drug abortiontechnique for pregnancy termination was
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Brain,Behavior,and Immunity 17 (2003) 251–259Acute stress evokes selective mobilization of T cells thatdiffer in chemokine receptor expression: a potentialpathway linking immunologic reactivity toJos A. Bosch,a Gary G. Berntson,b John T. Cacioppo,c Firdaus S. Dhabhar,d,ea Periodontology Section, The Ohio State University, College of Dentistry, 305 West 12th Avenue, P.O. Box 182357,b Depar