Mais la polymyxine n'est pas du tout absorbée dans le sang du système gastro-intestinal et n'a d'effet que dans l'intestin et est utile pour le traitement des infections intestinales metronidazole prix Internet en y faisant des achats permettant d’économiser jusqu'à soixante-dix pour cent, tout en étant sûr de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques.
PO Box 2345, Beijing 100023, China World J Gastroenterol 2005;11(10)
World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327 [email protected] 2005 The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Impact of pre-operative transarterial embolization on thetreatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with liver transplantation
Yu-Fan Cheng, Tung-Liang Huang, Tai-Yi Chen, Yaw-Sen Chen, Chih-Chi Wang, Sheng-Lung Hsu, Leo Leung-Chit Tsang,Po-Lin Sun, King-Wah Chiu, Bruno Jawan, Hock-Liew Eng, Chao-Long Chen
Yu-Fan Cheng, Tung-Liang Huang, Tai-Yi Chen, Sheng-Lung
100% at 3 years, which was significantly better than the
Hsu, Leo Leung-Chit Tsang, Po-Lin Sun, Department of Diagnostic
others who showed <85% tumor necrosis (57.1% at
Radiology, Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial
3 years) or who did not have TAE (75% at 3 years).
Hospital, Chang Gung University, Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, ChinaYaw-Sen Chen, Chih-Chi Wang, Chao-Long Chen, Department
CONCLUSION: TAE is an effective treatment for HCC
of Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial
before LT. Excellent long-term survival was achieved in
Hospital, Chang Gung University, Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, China
patients that did not fit Milan criteria. Our results broadened
King-Wah Chiu, Department of Hepatogastroenterology, Kaohsiung
and redefined the selection policy for LT among patients
Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang GungUniversity, Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, China
with HCC. Meticulous pre-LT TAE helps in further reducing
Bruno Jawan, Department of Anesthesiology, Kaohsiung Medical
the rate of dropout from waiting lists and should be
Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University,
considered for patients with advanced HCC.
Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, ChinaHock-Liew Eng, Department of Pathology, Kaohsiung Medical
2005 The WJG Press and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University,Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, China
Key words: Hepatocellular carcinoma; Liver transplantation;
Supported by Project Grant NHRI-EX94-9228SP from the
National Health Research Institutes and NSC 93-2314-B-182A-084from the National Science Council, Taiwan, China
Cheng YF, Huang TL, Chen TY, Chen YS, Wang CC, Hsu
Correspondence to: Chao-Long Chen, M.D., Department of
SL, Tsang LLC, Sun PL, Chiu KW, Jawan B, Eng HL, Chen
Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 123 Taipei Road, Niao-
CL. Impact of pre-operative transarterial embolization on the
Sung, Kaohsiung 83305, Taiwan, China. [email protected]
treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with liver transplantation.
Received: 2004-09-18 Accepted: 2004-10-08
World J Gastroenterol 2005; 11(10): 1433-1438
AIM: To determine the effectiveness of pre-liver transplant
(LT) transarterial embolization ( TAE) in treating
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and the patient categories,
of primary liver cancer worldwide and has been the leading
which are likely to have a good outcome after LT.
cause of cancer death in Taiwan in recent years. HCC causedby the current epidemic of hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis
METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with hepatitis-related
claims the lives of 5 000 people each year in Taiwan. The
cirrhosis and unresectable HCC after LT were studied over
number of new cases is still steadily increasing[1]. For
a 7-year period. The patients were divided into twogroups: group A patients (19/29) received pre-LT TAE,
patients with early disease, primary treatment is surgical
whereas group B (10/29) underwent LT without prior TAE.
resection whenever possible. Unfortunately, in patients with
According to Milan criteria, group A patients were further
large and multiple tumors at the time of initial presentation,
subdivided into: group A1 (12/19) who met the criteria,
surgery is not feasible and their overall survival is usually
and group A2 (7/19) who did not. Patient survivals were
less than 6 mo[2]. With the advance of surgical techniques
in the past few years, LT is now commonly accepted as theoptimal therapeutic measure because not only does it
RESULTS: In the explanted liver, CT images correlated
remove the cancer, but it also treats the underlying disease
well with pathological specimens showing that TAE
with eradication of the cirrhotic tissue that may progress to
induced massive tumor necrosis (>85%) in 63.1% of
dysplastic nodules or HCC in the future[3]. The current United
patients in group A and all 7 patients in group A2 exhibited
Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) policy for organ
tumor downgrading that met Milan criteria. The overall
allocation among patients with HCCs favors those potential
5-year actuarial survival rate was 80.6%. The TAE group
recipients with limited number and diameter of tumor nodule
had a better survival (84% at 5 years) than the non-TAE
defined by Milan criteria: (A) solitary tumor <5 cm, or B)
(75% at 4 years). The 3-year survival of group A2 (83%)
three or less lesions, none of them >3 cm[4]. LT can therefore
was also higher than that of group A1 (79%). Tumor
be offered with a good chance of success to only a relatively
necrosis >85% was associated with excellent survival of
small proportion of patients, and there is a need for
1434 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/ R World J Gastroenterol March 14, 2005 Volume 11 Number 10
associated treatment regimens to improve the operation
liver before embolization. The 4 F catheter was advanced
rate and to diminish the incidence of recurrence after
into the feeding artery as distally as possible. Throughout
this study, coaxial 3F catheter was used in all patients. By
Various non-surgical therapeutic options for advanced
using syringe pump (Razel Scientific Instruments Inc.,
HCC have been introduced, including TAE, percutaneous
Stamford, CT) which can control the injection rate ranging
ethanol injection, systemic chemotherapy, hormone therapy,
from 0.1 to 1.2 mL/min, a mixture of iodized oil/ethanol
immunotherapy, and radiotherapy, among which TAE plays
(99.5%) in the ratio of 2:1 was infused selectively into the
the major role as a widely accepted treatment[5]. Transarterial
supplying artery at a flow rate of 0.5 to 1 mL/min until the
embolization (TAE) is a procedure involving the injection
adjacent portal branches of the segmental or lobar liver
of lipiodol and chemotherapeutic agent into the hepatic
were demonstrated. The process was under remote manual
artery, followed by embolization with absorbable gelatin
fluoroscopic guidance outside the angiographic room.
particles. It produces a selective ischemic and pharmacologic
The results of embolization were evaluated by CT in all
injury to the tumor that relies mainly on the arterial
patients 2 wk after the procedure. We classified the results
circulation. TAE was first introduced as a palliative treatment
as complete if lipiodol occupied the whole tumor (100%),
for patients with inoperable disease and achieved good
above 85% as partial embolization, 85% or below as
results. In the past few years, the concept of blocking
incomplete embolization. All cases with partial or incomplete
collateral blood supply to the tumor through complete
embolization received second embolization 3 to 4 wk later
embolization of liver tissue surrounding the tumor to achieve
after liver function was resumed. Following radiological
curative treatment for hepatic malignancies has been
restaging after TAE, the patients underwent liver
proposed. Moreover, the transarterial administration of a
transplantation when a graft became available either from
mixture of lipiodol and ethanol to create dual hepatic arterial
a cadaveric or a living donor. The discovery of extrahepatic
and portal venous embolization to attain the effect of lobar
tumor either during radiological staging or at laparotomy
ablation has been documented[6]. More importantly, TAE
has also been applied to improve the resectability of primaryunresectable tumors[7] because it effectively decreases tumor
Histopathologic and radiologic studies
size, causes compensatory hepatic hypertrophy, and
The explanted liver specimens were examined for features
improves ICGR15 that allows a wider range of patients to
of tumor disease, including the size, number of nodules,
undergo liver surgery with the achievement of a better
presence of portal vein thrombosis and percentage of tumornecrosis. The tumor size and number were also measured
survival. Pre-transplant adjuvant treatments, therefore, plays
on the pre-TAE/LT sonography and CT. The size and
an important role in reducing the dropout rate of the waiting
number of the tumor on the explanted liver were taken as
list for LT. Hence, not only is TAE the treatment of choice
the basis for staging to be compared with Milan criteria.
for unresectable HCC to induce tumor necrosis and to
Downgrading was defined as the size and number of the
control tumor progression, it may also be beneficial for
tumors in the explanted liver fully fit the criteria: A) solitary
enlisted patients for LT while waiting for the suitable grafts.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of pre-
the initial pretreatment images exceeded these criteria.
transplantation TAE on patients with HCC. Post transplantation management and follow-up
Immunosuppressive therapy after LT consisted of a triple
Patient selection
drug regimen of tacrolimus, corticosteroids, and eitherazathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Corticosteroids were
Patients with histologically proven HCC or a clinical and
gradually tapered and were discontinued in 3 mo. All patients
radiological presentation strongly suggestive of HCC were
were followed up weekly in the outpatient clinic in the first
considered for the protocol. All were deemed unresectable,
few months after discharge. The frequency of the outpatient
either because of anatomic considerations or inadequacy
clinic visits thereafter varied according to the patients’
of hepatic reserve. The absence of metastatic tumor was
conditions and types of complications. Screening for tumor
documented with computed tomography (CT) of the chest,
recurrence was assessed by the measurement of serum
abdomen, and pelvis. Tumor invasion of the portal vein
alpha fetal protein (AFP) and abdominal sonography every
was assessed with ultrasound, CT angiography and magnetic
2-3 mo. CT scans of the abdomen and chest were performed
resonance scans. Invasion to portal vein was an exclusion
criterion. If the patients fully fit the Milan criteria and livergraft was available, then LT proceeded. Otherwise, the
Statistical analysis
patients were included into the TAE group. TAE was
The biomedical statistical program Statistica 4.0 (Statsoft,
performed in the absence of contraindications and poor
Tulsa, OK) was used for statistical analysis where appropriate.
liver function in the Child’s class C. If the TAE was well
The Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate survival
tolerated, it was repeated if necessary until a donor organ
and groups were compared with the log-rank test. P value
less than 0.05 was considered significant. Method of embolization All patients received complete celiac and superior mesenteric
artery injection for the localization of hepatomas in the
In the 8-year period from 1996 to 2003, 29 patients in our
program underwent LT treatment for histologically
invasion to the portal vein was found in 2 cases that were
confirmed HCC associated with cirrhosis. There are 28
underestimated by the pre-operative imaging studies.
male and 1 female with age of 50.03±8.93 years (mean±SD,
Pathological evaluation of the explanted liver shows no
range: 24-67). The nature of underlying liver cirrhosis was
discrepancy between the clinical staging and pathological
hepatitis B in 21 (HBsAg positive), hepatitis C (determined
finding. Downgrading of HCC was achieved in all 7 patients
by HCV RNA testing) in 7, and combined hepatitis B
in group A2 to meet the Milan criteria (Figure 1).
In group A, 19 patients (19 males and 0 female, age:
52.4±7.61 years) with sufficient hepatic function underwentTAE in the treatment of HCC before LT. Of these 19
Patient’s tumor and size and distribution (n = 29)
patients, 12 met the Milan criteria (group A1) and 7exceeded the criteria (group A2). In group B, 10 patients
(9 males and 1 female, age: 45.5±9.89 years) received LT
without prior TAE because of available liver graft. Of these
10 patients who met the criteria for transplant, 4 had
inadequate liver function for TAE. The mean waiting time
from diagnosis to LT was 19.7±18.2 mo in the TAE group
and 12.6±12.7 mo in the non-TAE group (Table 1 and
Figure 1 Staging of hepatocellular carcinoma before and after TAE. Twenty-nine patients received embolization before liver transplantation.
Seven patients exceeding criteria (group A2) (outside the box) were
Demographics of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
downgraded to acceptable limits (inside the box with arrow).
TAE (group A, %) No TAE (group B, %) PPatient survival and disease-free survival
After LT, all 29 patients were followed for 747.83±391.66 d
(mean±SD, range: 204-1920) in the outpatient clinic with
ultrasound, CT, and liver function tests. The overall 5-year
actuarial survival rate was 80.6% (Figure 2). The survival
rates were different between group A (i.e., TAE group) and
group B (i.e., non-TAE group) with the former showing a
better 5-year survival (84%) than the 4-year survival in the
latter (75%) (Figure 3). The 3-year survival of the 7 patients
who exceeded the Milan criteria pre-LT and were
downgraded by TAE (group A2) was 83% which is better than
the patients that met the criteria pre-LT (n = 22) (Figure 4).
In group A1, one patient suffered from lung metastasis 6 mo
after LT and died one year later. Microscopic tumor invasion
to the portal vein was also noted in the explanted liver of
that patient. The other mortality occurred 2.2 years after
LT in the downgraded group (group A2). However, the
mortality was due to primary lung cancer unrelated to
recurrent HCC. In the non-TAE group (group B), one
patient was lost due to the recurrence of hepatitis C.
Above Milan criteria before 71 (group A2)
1All downgraded below Milan criteria after TAE. Histopathologic and radiologic findings
The explanted liver of all 19 patients in group A with pre-
LT TAE showed tumor necrosis. Significant tumor necrosis
from >85% to 100% was observed in 12 of the 19 patients
(63.1%) after TAE. In the other 7 cases, <85% of tumor
necrosis was found. The estimated median percentage oftumor necrosis was well correlated with the post-TAE CT
Figure 2 The 5-year actuarial survival rate of patients with hepato-
finding and pathological specimen. Microscopic tumor
cellular carcinoma after liver transplantation.
1436 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/ R World J Gastroenterol March 14, 2005 Volume 11 Number 10
Although the outcome of LT has proved encouraging in
the treatment of advanced HCC, the shortage of organs
dissuades the policy for organ allocation for malignant disease
in Taiwan. The number and size of tumors are considered
major factors associated with the risk of tumor recurrence
and survival[4]. For patients with liver tumor size and number
exceeding the Milan criteria for LT, TAE was beneficial in
controlling tumor growth, effectively decreasing tumor size,
and allowing a wider range of patients to undergo liver
surgery and achieve better survival. Downgrading or totalnecrosis of the tumor induced by TAE was also associated
Figure 3 Patient and graft survival by Kaplan-Meier analysis shows
with improved disease-free survival after resection. In this
higher 4-year survival in hepatocellular carcinoma that received
study, we investigated the influence of TAE on patients
pre-transplantation TAE (group A) compared to non-TAE (group B).
undergoing LT for HCC associated with liver cirrhosis.
Although the overall 5-year survival in LT for HCC is 80.6%,which is far behind the overall patients’ survival (afterundergoing LT in our program) of 95% at 5 years,
preoperative TAE followed by LT is associated with a better
outcome and may be a sensible therapeutic strategy for
selected patients with HCC. In our study, TAE before LT
appears to be most useful in patients who exceed selection
criteria of a single lesion smaller than 5 cm or three lesions
smaller than 3 cm. Response to TAE in the form of
downgrading or necrosis >85% of the tumor was observed
in 63% (12/19) of patients and associated with increased
disease-free survival. Response to TAE in these patients
has important clinical implications as patients with large
tumors are generally considered poor candidates for LT,especially when presenting with multinodular disease. Our
Figure 4 Patient and graft survival by Kaplan-Meier analysis shows
results showed that downgrading by TAE is associated with
a higher 3-year survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinomapreviously above the Milan criteria and downgraded by TAE (group
low incidence of recurrence after LT comparable to that in
A2) than the patients that originally met the criteria (group A1 +
patients with smaller tumors and should be regarded as a
strong argument for patients with advanced HCC to proceedto LT.
The significance of the role of TAE in pre-LT treatment
was further underscored by the fact that although group A
patients had more advanced HCC and were significantly
older compared to those in group B (P<0.05, Table 1), the
former actually enjoyed a better survival rate than the latter
Cadaveric LT is an excellent treatment for early HCC.
Its use, however, is limited by the shortage of grafts. As a
result of prolonged waiting period before transplantation,
tumor progression may counteract the benefit of LT. An
estimated 30% of patients develop contra-indications to
the procedure while waiting for a suitable donor and up to
10% of patients with HCC on transplant waiting list diebefore undergoing LT[8,9]. Surgical resection of the tumor is
Figure 5 Patient and graft survival by Kaplan-Meier analysis shows
an optimal bridging treatment, which has been anecdotally
a significantly higher 3-year survival in patients with hepatocellularcarcinoma with tumor necrosis >85% compared to those with tumor
proposed in many centers[10]. However, acceptable liver
necrosis <85% after TAE. Log-rank: P = 0.060.
function is the prerequisite for hepatectomy or tumorresection. In fact, less than 30% of patients who haveadvanced liver cirrhosis would tolerate liver resection[1,2].
Among the 12 patients, whose tumors had undergone
So TAE is another treatment of choice in these cirrhotic
necrosis >85%, no recurrent tumor was found and their
patients to halt or delay tumor progression and to reduce
disease-free survival (100% at 3 years) was significantly
the impact of a long waiting list and donor shortage. Presence
better than the others who showed <85% tumor necrosis
of vascular invasion, number of satellite nodules, natural
(57.1% at 3 years) (Figure 5) or who did not have TAE
history of tumor behavior and response to TAE are
powerful predictors of survival in patients with HCC.
Angiography and TAE can demonstrate and offer that
the tumor until dual hepatic artery and portal vein
additional information. Patients with poor prognostic criteria
embolization, early distant metastasis still cannot be prevented.
may be removed from the waiting list.
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of microscopic vascular
From the experience using animal model, the nature of
invasion can only be made under microscope in vitro and
the injected material and the rate of injection had a
cannot be predicted or detected by any laboratory tests,
significant impact on the actual amount of embolizer that
imaging modalities, and even invasive procedures such as
reaches the tumor, the adjacent parenchyma, and the portal
biopsy and angiography. Since advanced HCC (stage 4) may
vein. The pharmacokinetics is especially important for those
still achieve 20% 5-year survival post-LT in comparison
liquid materials that are not soluble in blood, such as lipiodol/
with 100% mortality without operation[13], all HCC patients
ethanol mixture, to pass from the hepatic artery and to the
without extrahepatic spread should be offered LT. The
portal vein through the presinusoidal communication to create
major limiting factors have been organ shortage and cost.
a dual artery and portal vein embolization[11,12]. On the
On the basis of the probability of early recurrence,
kinetics of the flow, slow injection can produce small droplets
candidates with vascular invasion should be excluded from
of the liquid embolizer that are carried along with the high
velocity main stream towards the feeding vessels of the
Pathologic analysis showed that the percentage of tumor
tumor. When the velocity of the main blood flow slows
necrosis correlated with the results of post-TAE CT. Besides,
down during embolization, the embolizer will be evenly
post-TAE CT, with lipiodol stasis in HCC, can show nodules
distributed inside the tumor and also the adjacent liver
previously ignored by CT, ultrasound, and angiography,
parenchyma according to the velocity of the blood vessels.
contributing to a more accurate staging of the disease[14,15].
Our results suggest that preoperative TAE can achieve better
It indicated that post-TAE CT is a good examination
results than those cases with similar tumor sizes but received
modality that can be used in the pre-transplant survey that
LT without prior TAE. It indicates that the therapeutic effect
includes patient selection and outcome prediction after LT.
of the transhepatic artery approach by using lipiodol/ethanol
Precise assessment of the size, number, and percentage of
mixture is an effective modality in the treatment of HCC
tumor necrosis after TAE are among the most powerful
predictors of survival in patients with HCC. In addition to
Significant tumor necrosis is an important factor that
these factors, natural history of tumor behavior can be
contributed to the excellent outcome after TAE in our study.
incorporated into future treatment planning. Uncontrolled
Our data revealed that recurrence was infrequent in those
tumor growth after TAE that does not meet the criteria
patients with TAE-induced extensive tumor necrosis who
and macroscopic vascular invasion may not be good
showed an excellent 100% disease-free survival at 3 years.
candidates for transplantation and could therefore be
It is superior to the incomplete embolization group with
removed from the waiting list. Other patients with
less than 85% tumor necrosis (57.1% at 3 years) or who
insufficient tumor necrosis after TAE but within the criteria
did not have TAE (75% at 3 years) before LT. Almost all
may be selected for early transplantation.
of our patients showed a marked response to pre-transplant
In conclusion, our results show a low risk of recurrent
TAE, 63% (12/19) of the patients had >85% tumor necrosis
HCC in patients treated with preoperative TAE before LT.
or at least greater than 50% tumor size reduction in the
These results also provide evidence to redefine the current
explanted livers. This high response rate can possibly be
rationale behind organ allocation for malignant liver diseases.
explained by the superselective embolization, slow injection
The combination of the improved survival rate noted in
of the embolizer, dual hepatic artery and portal vein
this study and the development of living donor LT may
embolization, and the strategy of repeated TAE sessions
potentially revolutionize the current scoring system and
within a short period of time to achieve maximal necrosis.
scheme of organ allocation that would advocate organ
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allocation for patients with advanced HCC. For those
and caused almost no significant complications.
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REMTOX M8 WOODWORM KILLER INSECTICIDE JANUARY 2008 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION & OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Remtox M8 Woodworm Killer Insecticide HSE No. 8176 Park Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria. LA14 4EQ 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Concentrate - Irritating to eyes and skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. Diluted Product – Not classified