Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps doxycycline prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.

Cv, curtis cummings md


Captain, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy (retired)

Home Address: 7716 West Avenue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19027

Current Positions:
Associate Teaching Professor, School of Public Health, Drexel University
Associate Professor of Medicine, Drexel University College of Medicine Office Address: Mail Stop 1034, 1505 Race Street (Rm. 1331), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102-1192
Work Phone:
(215) 762-3938
Fax: (215) 762-4088
e-mail: [email protected]

M.P.H., 1991, Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, 1989-1991 M.D., 1977, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1972-1977 B.S., 1974, Pennsylvania State University, with high distinction, 1971-1972 (joint program with Jefferson Medical College). Major – science
Post Graduate Medical Training:

1977 – 1980: Intern and Resident, Internal Medicine, U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Staten 1980 - 1982: Resident in Preventive Medicine (Occupational and Environmental Medicine), Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York; chief resident, 1981-1982
Employment/ Appointments:

2003 – present: Associate Teaching Professor, School of Public Health, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; faculty, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health 2007 – present: Associate Professor, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; faculty, Department of Internal Medicine United States Navy, Medical Corps, multiple assignments, inclusive: 2000 - 2003: Safety and Health Manager, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland; teaching faculty, Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Course 1994 - 2000: Officer-in-Charge, Branch Clinics Philadelphia and Head, Occupational and Preventive Medicine Department (of National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland) 1992 - 1994: Head, Applied & Field Science Division, Naval Medical Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.
Employment/ Appointments (cont’d):

1989 - 1992: Head, Branch Medical Clinics White Oak and Carderock, Maryland (of National Naval Medical Center Bethesda). Head, Occupational Medicine Division, 1990-91; assistant professor of preventive medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 1986 -1989: Head, Branch Medical Clinic Keyport, Washington; Head, Occupational & Preventive Medicine Department, Branch Medical Clinic Bangor, Washington (of Naval Hospital Bremerton) Hospital appointments – Naval Hospital Bremerton, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda Civilian employment/ appointments: 1985 - 1986: Physician, Care-Plus Medical Centers, Seattle, WA; AT&T Corporation, Kent, WA 1982 - 1985: Senior Public Health Physician and Chief, Occupational and Environmental Health Clinic, State of New Jersey Department of Health. Head, Environmental Health Program, 1984-85; 1980 - 82: Physician & Consultant in Occupational Medicine and founder, occupational health program, Boriken Health Center, New York, New York
Certification and Licensure:

Certified, American Board of Preventive Medicine (Occupational Medicine), 1985 Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1980 Certified, B-reader, NIOSH (Radiology of the Pneumoconioses, “B-reader”), 1984 Hyperbarics Medical Officer, U.S. Navy qualified, 1997 Professional Supervisor of Audiometric Monitoring Programs, CAOHC, 2004 License to practice Medicine – Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Washington State Uniformed Service:

U.S. Public Health Service Corps, Active Duty 1977-80; inactive reserve 1980 -86 U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Active Duty, 1986 -2003. Retired October 2003; rank: Navy Captain
Honors and Awards

Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, 1968 U.S. Navy, 1986-2003 Military decorations – Defense Superior Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, Joint Service Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation (3 awards), National Defense Medal (2 awards), Humanitarian Service Medal Numerous letters of commendation and letters of appreciation, including: Letter of Commendation, Rear Admiral D Lichtman, for outstanding service, 1992 Letter of Commendation, Rear Admiral A Rondeau, for training performed in radiation emergencies and medical preparedness, 2002 Letters of Appreciation for training in radiation emergencies and medical preparedness – FDA, NASA, Finch University of the Health Sciences (IL) – all 2002 Letter of Appreciation, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), for training performed in radiation emergencies and medical preparedness, 2003 Other professional awards, during Navy service Navy Occupational Safety and Health Officer of the Year, honorable mention, 1998 Federal Executive Board of Philadelphia awards: Outstanding Technical Performer, Group, Gold Medal, 1998 Outstanding Professional Performer, Group, Silver Medal, 1999 (Several additional bronze medals and nominations) National Partnership for Reinventing Government, Honorable Mention, 1999 Exemplary inspection letters, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2002, 2003 Boy Scouts of America – Unit Honored Scouter Award – 2009
Professional Memberships:

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM: national & local chapter) American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) American Public Health Association (APHA) College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Section on Preventive Medicine and Public Health Health Physics Society (Delaware Valley chapter) American Association of Public Health Physicians Past: American Medical Association, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
Professional Committees – Institutional

1978-1979 – Medial Education Committee, U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Staten Island NY Institutional Review Boards – Mt. Sinai Medical Center (1981-82); Naval Medical Research Unit #3, Cairo, Egypt (1993-94); The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia, PA (1998 - present); Drexel University IRB #3 (2004 - present) 1986 - 2000 – U.S. Navy, numerous medical, administrative and safety and health committees, served during each Navy assignment, including the following: Chair: Credentials committee, 1992-94; Military Awards Board 1992-94; Chemical Hygiene Officer, 1992-94, 2000-03; Occupational Safety and Health Committee, 2001-02 Member: Occupational Safety and Health Policy Committees, 1986-2000; Host-tenant Committees, 1986-2000; Quality Assurance Committees (medical practice), 1986-2000; Hazardous Material Control and Management Committees, 1992-94, 2000-03; Fulbright Commission Review Committee, Cairo, Egypt, 1993; Bureau of Medicine Process Improvement Committee, Occupational Health, 1996-98 CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.
2000 - 2003 – Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute: Occupational Health and Safety Committee (chair, 2001-02), Radionuclide and X-ray Safety Committee, Institute Executive and Supervisory Committee Drexel University, 2003 – present – membership on the following committees: School of Public Health – Student Promotions Committee (through 2005); Center for Academic and Public Health Practice (joint Drexel-City of Philadelphia committee); Department Chair Review Committee (2007 - present); Exemplary CBMP (Master’s paper) Committee (2007 -) University – Environmental Faculty Coordinating Committee (2003 to 2005) Institutional Review Board #3 (2004 - present) Statewide Advisory Committee for Preparedness (PA Dept of Health) – dean’s representative PA Environmental Resource Consortium – Drexel University representative (2009 – 2010)
Community Service

1979 - 1984 – American Red Cross Volunteer Speaker, Health Effects of Smoking 1994 - 1995 – Hope-For-Kids, Philadelphia, PA, community immunization volunteer 1995 - 1996 – Jefferson Medical College, career counseling medical students, letters of appreciation 1996 - 1997 – YMCA of Philadelphia, soccer coach and referee 1996 - present – Consultant, preventive medicine, and member, Medical Review Board, The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia, PA (non-profit institution for treatment and research in brain injury) 1997 - present – Church Choir, singer and soloist 1999 - present – Boy Scouts of America, Assistant Scoutmaster, physician volunteer and instructor in camping, first aid, and the effects of tobacco and drugs Educational Activities

Professional Courses Developed
1. 1987 - 1989 – Occupational Health Seminar Series, created/taught, Naval Hospital Bremerton 2. 1989 - 1990 – Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, M.P.H. program and residency in occupational and environmental medicine – academic courses developed and presented: Introduction to Occupational Health, Field Seminar in Occupational Health 3. 1997 - 2000 – U.S. Navy, Medical Effects of Asbestos Course: revised, expanded, taught annually 4. 1998 -1999 – Hosted, managed regional occupational audiometry course 5. 2000 - 2003 – Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Department of Defense standard medical course in radiation protection and response. Modules created: Acute Radiation Syndrome, Internal Radionuclide Contamination, Case Studies and Scenarios; others edited or expanded. Presented nationwide/worldwide; top-rated instructor 6. 2003 – Distance learning courses for Continuing Education, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD. Topics: Acute Radiation Syndrome, Internal Radionuclide Contamination CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.

Residency Module Created
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD – Residency in occupational and environmental medicine, clinical/practicum rotation, 2001 – 2002 Drexel University
School of Public Health, 2003 – present. Graduate courses taught: 1. Environmental and Occupational Health core module (full-time and executive MPH programs) 2. Concentration Seminar in Environmental and Occupational Health (coordinator, 2004 – 2006) 3. Community-Based Master’s Projects – adviser, and chair of thesis committees, 2003 – present 4. PBHL 640, 643, 645, 660 – core Environmental and Occupational Health courses, 2006 –present Course director, 2006 – present. Lectures and seminars presented in other courses 5. Course developed, taught: PBHL 648 – Public Health Readiness and Disaster Preparedness, Medical college – Pulmonary Division Grand Rounds: Occupational Lung Disease, February 2005 - Proctor in Occupational Medicine, Occupational Health Clinic, 2010 – present Current: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant # 67144 | Evaluating the effectiveness of a Lead Court in Philadelphia – $107,534; role: co-investigator (PI: CC Campbell) – 5% time & effort Past: Center for Public Health Readiness & Communication, Drexel University – 30% time & effort. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania funds, $200,000 in FY 2007; Sep 2004 – Sep 2007; role: PI – Former Pantex Workers Surveillance Program, Amarillo, TX – 10% time & effort; Dept. of Energy funds; through December 2007; $2.4 million; role: co-investigator (PI: AL Frank) Supervision of Graduate Students

Preceptor and adviser of MPH-degree candidates. Names/ titles of maser’s theses/ papers: 1. Catherine A Klinger, 2003-2004 – Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: Learning From Environmental and Toxicological Data (5/2004) 2. Kate L Cushman, 2004-2005 – The Effectiveness of Chelation Therapy in Reducing Elevated 3. Kristen M Rappazzo, 2003- 2005 – Secondary Analysis of Environmental Factors Influencing Changes in Childhood Blood Lead Levels (5/2005) 4. Andrew Tanner, 2004-2006 – Farmworker Health & Stress: Invisible No More (5/2006) 5. Jonathan Chiao, 2005-2006 – Environmental Risk Characterization and Blueprint for Action in Southwest Philadelphia’s Eastwick Community (5/2006) 6. Saiyed Tariq Ali – 2004 – 2006 – Gene Testing and Tay-Sach’s Disease (5/2006) 7. Andrew Tershakovec, 2005 – 2006 – Addressing the Obesity Epidemic and the Potential for Technology-Supported Interventions for Obesity (11/2006) 8. Christopher TH Bui, 2006 –2007 – An Outdoor Perspective on the Indoor Smoking Ban (5/2007) 9. Katie P Kilker, 2006 – 2007 – Animal Allergens Industrial Hygiene Risk Assessment (5/2007) 10. Edwin Williams, 2005 – 08 – Health Consequences of the World Trade Center Disaster (5/2008) 11. Madisa Macon, 2007 – 2008 – Foodborne Illness in Philadelphia (5/2008) 12. David Rozell, 2007 – 2008 – Development of a Comprehensive Preparedness Plan for Health 13. Michele Metzgar, 2006 – 2008 – The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Crisis in the U.S. (8/2008) 14. Charlyn Peart, 2007 – 2009 – Application of Social Marketing to Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (4/2009) 15. Denton Shanks, 2008 – 2009 – Ecological Sustainable Healthcare at the Hospital of the 16. Cherrelle D Martin, 2008 – 2009 – Addressing Home Environmental Health in Philadelphia’s 17. Viren Choksi, 2008 – 2009 – Levels of Endotoxin Concentrations and Waste Handling 18. Sheneka Frasier-Kyer, 2009 - 2010 – Natural disasters & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (4/2010) 19. Julian Mesina, 2010 – Reportable Zoonotic Equine Diseases in Pennsylvania (4/2010) 20. Shannon Widman, 2009 – 2010 – Comparison of PM-2.5 Samplers in Residential Environments Member/ reviewer, thesis committees, other colleges/ schools, Drexel University. 1. Angela J Libby, M.A., 2008 – 2009 – Visual Representations and Reflections of Combat and Other Military Stressors in the Artwork of Homeless Veterans. Art Therapy Program
Professional journal reviews
Reviewer – Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health (2007 – present) American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2008 – present)
Personal Data: Born: April 19, 1953, Norristown, Pennsylvania. Two children.

(* Peer reviewed publication)
*1. Rose DN, Cummings CE, Molinaro J and Fertig A. Screening for lead toxicity among autobody
workers. Am Jour Indus Med 3:405-412, 1982 *2. Thompson CG, Cummings CE, Ruvalcaba RHA. Effects of oxandrolone on genital development in uncomplicated growth retardation. Andrologia 23:163-65, 1991 3. Arthur RR, Rodier GR, Cummings CE et al. Rift Valley Fever, Egypt. MMWR. September 1994 *4. Youssef FG, Hassanein SH and Cummings CE. A modified staining method to detect Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae in thick smear preparations. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2, 1995 5. Abu-ElYazeed R, El-Sharkawy S, Olson J, Botros B, Soliman A, Salib A, Cummings C and Arthur R. Prevalence of anti-Rift-Valley-fever IgM antibody in abattoir workers in the Nile Delta during the 1993 outbreak in Egypt. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 74 (2), 155-158, 1996 *6. Luo NP, Baboo KS, Diab A, Mwenya D, Cummings CE, Dupont HL, Murphy JR and Zumla AL. Isolation of Campylobacter species from Zambian patients with acute diarrhea. East Afr Med Jour, 73 *7. Abu-ElYazeed RR, Youssef FG, Merrell BR, El-Gamal RL, El-Khoby, Hassanein YA, Cummings CE. Praziquantel in the treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg 56 (4), 404-407, 1997 *8. Baboo KS, Luo NP, Murphy JR, Cummings CE, Chintu C, Dupont HL, Kleinoski M, Mathewson J, Zumla A. HIV Type-1 seroprevalence in Zambian Patients with acute diarrhea: a community-based study. Jour AIDS and Retrovirology 20 (2): 160-3, 1999 *9. Gaskins M, Rumm PD, Cummings CE, Hu XH. An update of terrorism preparedness evaluations, two years after the Bioterrorism Preparedness Accountability Indicators Project. Jour Homeland Security December 2005; *10. American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatric Disaster and Terrorism Preparedness: A Resource for Pediatricians. Multiple authors. Chapter 6, sections written: Acute Radiation Syndrome, Internal Radionuclide Contamination, External Radionuclide Contamination. *11. Cummings CE and Rosenman KG. Ulcerative Colitis Occurring After Mercury Vapor Exposure. Am Jour Indus Med 49 (6): 499-502, 2006 *12. Cummings CE and Larach CS. The Need to Strengthen National Public Health Preparedness & Response to CBR Agent Threats. Eurodialogue Journal for European Issues 10: 57-67, 2007 (Invited paper) *13. Cummings CE and Rumm PD. Social Marketing as a Potentially Valuable Tool for Preparedness. Eurodialogue Journal for European Issues 10: 99-104, 2007 (Invited paper) *14. Rappazzo K, Cummings CE, Himmelsbach RM, Tobin R. The Effect of Housing Compliance on Children’s Blood Lead Levels. Arch Envir & Occup Health 62 (2): 81-85, 2007 *15. Ward LS, Tanner AD, Cummings CE. Farmworker Health: Measurement and Comparison. Hispanic Health Care International 6 (2): 89 -96, 2008 CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.

Technical Reports

1. Zagraniski RT, Cummings CE, Marshall F, Parkin WE. Health effects of radiation contamination, Montclair-Glen Ridge NJ. New Jersey State Dept of Health, 20 December 1983 2. Cummings CE, Miller SM, Patel DB. Health Survey of workers and residents in the vicinity of Research Organic/ Inorganic Chemical Company, Belleville, NJ. New Jersey State Dept of Health, 27 Aug 1984 3. Cummings CE, Rosenman KD. Health effects of sludge composting on workers and nearby residents. New Jersey State Department of Health, 22 October 1984 4. Cummings CE, Roseman J. Health Hazard Evaluation, Witco Chemical Corporation, Perth Amboy, NJ. HETA-83-166-1594, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, May 1985 5. Cummings CE, Schirmer J. Health Hazard Evaluation, Public Service Electric & Gas Corporation, Iselin, NJ, HETA-83-246. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, July 1985 6. Cummings CE, Miller SM, Rizzo JE. Health Survey of residents of the Relocated Bayway neighborhood, Elizabeth, NJ. New Jersey State Department of Health, June 17, 1985 7. Cummings CE, Rosenman KD. A State Health Department-based occupational and environmental health clinic. New Jersey State Department of Health, August 12, 1985
8. Cummings CE, Liegey EP, Kombet EM, Akinsete DA. Baseline Industrial Hygiene Survey, Armed
Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 31 July 2001
9. Cummings CE, Liegey EP, Kombet EM, O’Donnell MB. Industrial Hygiene Survey, Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 15 September 2002
10. Cummings CE, Liegey EP, Kombet EM, O’Donnell MB. Industrial Hygiene Survey, Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 15 July 2003
11. Sanderson NA, Rumm PD, Polansky M, Cummings CE. Project C-WEP: Website Review and
Evaluation Instrument. Technical report, City of Philadelphia, 2005
12. Cummings CE, Larach CS, Sinibaldi JL. The Capacity, Capability and Coordination Assessment Tool –
C3AT. Region III, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. August 15, 2006 13. Cummings CE, Kleina LG, Larach CS, Sinibaldi JL. The Capacity, Capability and Coordination Assessment Tool – C3AT. Center for Public Health Readiness and Communication, Drexel University School of Public Health. Published monograph. June, 2007 14. Cummings CE, Varadarajan K, Kleina LG. Emergency Preparedness in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Statewide Readiness Assessment.) Office of Public Health Preparedness, Pennsylvania Department of Public Health. October 2007 CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.

Books and Book Chapters

1. Rumm PD, Sinibaldi J, Cummings C, Dimino J, Gleason K, Westergren H. Terrorism Preparedness and
Evaluation in the United States: Are We Committed to Protecting All Segments of Our Population? In: NATO Security through Science Series, D: Information and Communication Security, Volume 5, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2006 2. Cummings CE and Stikova E., editors. Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 3. Cummings CE, Stikova E, Larach CS, Rumm PD. The Need for Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response to CBR Agents. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 4. Rossodivita A, Stikova EJ, Cummings CE. Fundamentals of Preparedness against Chemical Threats – Introduction. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 5. Rossodivita A, Guitotti M, Ranghieri MC, Stikova EJ, Cummings CE. Chemical Warfare Agents – Medical Aspects and Principles of Treatment, Part I. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 6. Cummings CE. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 7. Rumm PD, Cummings CE. Social Marketing as a Potentially Valuable Tool for Preparedness. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 8. Larach CS, Cummings CE, Polansky M. Including Diverse Populations with Unique Needs in Emergency Planning. In: Strengthening National Public Health Preparedness and Response for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agent Threats. NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, Vol.20. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.

Professional Presentations
1. Cummings CE and Barr AB. Mitral Insufficiency and Glaucoma in a Forme Fruste of
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIB. U.S. Public Health Service, Fourteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, 19 April 1979. 2. Cummings CE and Chun CH. Bacterial Endocarditis Occurring Despite Adequate Prophylaxis. U.S. Public Health Service Fifteenth Annual Scientific Meeting, 29 May 1980. 3. Cummings CE. Health Effects of PCB and Respiratory Irritant Exposure in a Chemical Plant. Northeast States and Big City Epidemiologists Annual Meeting, November 3, 1984. 4. Cummings CE. A State Health Department-Based Occupational and Environmental Health Clinic. Northeast States and Big City Epidemiologists Annual Meeting, November 3, 1984. 5. Cummings CE and Miller SM. Health Effects Associated with Air Contamination in Belleville, NJ. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 17, 1985. 6. Cummings, CE. A State Agency-Based Occupational and Environmental Health Clinic. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 18, 1985. 7. Zagraniski RT, Cummings CE, Gent JF, Rosenman KD and Altman RA. Clinical Olfactory Testing in a Survey of Workers and Residents Near a Sewage Plant. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 19, 1985. 8. Cummings CE and Schulze TL. Health Effects from Chlordane/Heptachlor Exposure in Homes. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 19, 1985. 9. Cummings CE and Rosenman KD. Health Effects of Sludge Composting on Workers and Nearby Residents. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, October 2, 1986. 10. Cummings CE. Liver Abnormalities Associated with Low-Level Solvent Exposure in Civilian Workers at NUWES Keyport. Thirtieth Navy Occupational and Preventive Medicine Workshop, 2 March 1988. 11. Cummings CE. Liver Abnormalities and Chemical Exposure at Naval Station Keyport. Thirty-first Navy Occupational and Preventive Medicine Workshop, 10 February 1989. 12. Cummings CE, Arthur RR, Morrill J. A Study of Partial Immunization with Rift Valley Fever Vaccine During the Investigation of a Fever Outbreak in Upper Egypt. Thirty-fifth Navy Occupational and Preventive Medicine Workshop, 28 February 1992. 13. Cummings CE, Youssef FG, Hassanein SH, Safwat M, Rida M, Fouad R. Long Term Effect of Two Single Doses of Ivermectin on Microfilaremia of Bancroftian Filariasis in Egypt. American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting, 1993. CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.
14. Cummings CE, Youssef FG, Hassanein SH, Safwat M, Rida M, Fouad R. Effect of two single doses of
ivermectin in treatment of bancroftian filariasis in two endemic villages in Egypt. Egyptian Society of Tropical Medicine, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 1994. 15. Cummings CE, Youssef FG. Safety of Two Single Doses of Ivermectin in Treatment of Asymptomatic Bancroftian Filariasis in Egypt. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting, 1994 16. Ricks RR, Blakely WF, Cummings CE. Establishment of Medical Preparedness System for Radiation Accidents. Twenty-second Annual Meeting – Republic of Korea/USA Joint Standing Committee on Nuclear Energy Cooperation (JSCNEC), Washington, DC, 18 May 2001 17. Cummings CE. Medical Management of Nuclear Casualties. Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Warfare…Are We Prepared? St. Luke’s Regional Trauma Center, Bethlehem PA, 14 November 2001 18. Cummings CE. Nuclear Terrorism. The Medical Aspects of Terrorism, Finch University of the Health Sciences/ The Chicago Medical School, 25 March 2002 19. Cummings CE. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. 2002 NASA Occupational Health Conference – Assessment and Management of Health Threats, 10 July 2002 20. Cummings CE. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Naval Reserve Symposium – Counterterrorism, DOD/ Fleet Hospital Perspective, 21 July 2002 21. Cummings, CE. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Maryland Hospital Association Annual Meeting, Maryland Healthcare Education Institute, 17 October 2002 22. Cummings CE. Acute Radiation Syndrome and Internal Radionuclide Contamination. 108th Annual Meeting, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, 10 November 2002 23. Cummings CE. Radiological and Nuclear Issues. 2003 Western Regional Medical Command Medical Preparedness Conference, 30 May 2003 24. Gaskins MM, Rumm PD, Cummings CE, Hu XH. An update of terrorism preparedness evaluations, two years after the bioterrorism preparedness accountability indicators project. College of Physicians of Philadelphia Section on Public Health and Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting, May 5, 2005 25. Klinger CA, Cummings CE, Himmelsbach RM. Childhood lead poisoning prevention: learning from environmental and toxicological data. College of Physicians of Philadelphia Section on Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Annual Meeting, May 5, 2005 26. Rappazzo KM, Cummings CE, Himmelsbach RM, Tobin RE. Secondary analysis of environmental factors influencing changes in childhood blood lead levels. College of Physicians of Philadelphia Section on Public Health and Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting, May 5, 2005 CURTIS E. CUMMINGS, M.D., M.P.H.
27. Cummings CE. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual
28. Rappazzo KM, Cummings CE, Himmelsbach RM, Tobin RE. Secondary analysis of environmental factors influencing changes in childhood blood lead levels. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December 12, 2005 29. Cummings CE, Frank AL. Mercury exposure among public utility workers. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December 13, 2005 30. Klinger CA, Cummings CE, Himmelsbach RM. Childhood lead poisoning prevention: learning from environmental and toxicological data. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December 13, 2005 32. Gaskins MM, Rumm PD, Cummings CE, Hu XH. An update of terrorism preparedness evaluations, two years after the bioterrorism preparedness accountability indicators project. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December 14, 2005 33. Cummings CE. Health Effects of Internal Radionuclide Contamination. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Southeastern PA Regional Counter-terrorism Taskforce Course, King of Prussia, PA, February 16, 2006 34. Cummings CE. Potential Consequences of the Yucca Mountain Site. Preventive Medicine 2006, American College of Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting, February 25, 2006 35. Tanner A, Cummings C, Ward L. Farmworker Health & Stress: Invisible No More. College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Section on Public Health & Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2, 2006 36. Sinibaldi JL, Rumm PD, Cummings CE, Daskalaki I. Evaluation of Pandemic Influenza Plans within the United States. Academy Health 2006 Annual Research Meeting; Jun 25-27, 2006; Seattle WA. Poster 625 37. Cummings CE. The Nuclear Threat. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Skopje, Macedonia, June 27, 38. Cummings CE. Acute Radiation Syndrome and Combined Injuries. NATO Advanced Study Institute, 39. Cummings CE. Management of Internal Radionuclide Contamination. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Skopje, Macedonia, June 27, 2006 40. Cummings CE. Psychological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Skopje, 41. Tanner A, Cummings CE, Ward L. Farmworker Health & Stress: Invisible No More. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 6, 2006 42. Rumm PD, Sinibaldi JS, Paxman D, Cummings CE. Development of a new survey instrument to evaluate regional preparedness for natural and man-made disasters. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 8, 2006 43. Cummings CE, Sataloff RL, Berhane Z, Sataloff J. Noise-exposed workers in a railroad tunnel. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 7, 2006 44. Kilker KP, Peart C, Cummings CE. Industrial Hygiene Assessment – Animal Allergens Risk Assessment. College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Section on Public Health & Preventive Medicine Annual Meeting, May 1, 2007 45. Cummings CE, Sinibaldi JL, Polansky M, Larach CS, Varadarajan K, Kleina LG. Pennsylvania Statewide Readiness Assessment: A New Tool to Identify Readiness Capacity and Capabilities through Regional Counter-Terrorism Task Forces. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 6, 2007 46. Cummings CE, Varadarajan K, Kleina LG. Pennsylvania Statewide Hospital Readiness Assessment: Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness, 2002 – 2007. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, October 27, 2008 47. Cummings CE, Varadarajan K, Kleina LG. Pennsylvania Statewide Hospital Readiness Assessment: Improvement in Public Health Emergency Preparedness, 2002 – 2007. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 17, 2008 (poster) and November 18, 2008 (oral) 48. Cummings CE. Moderator: Session on – Public Health Emergency Preparedness in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 18, 2008 49. Shanks D, Cummings CE, Datner EM, Gaieski DF. Green Healthcare and Sustainable Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Emergency Medicine. College of Physicians of Philadelphia Public Health Poster Session, May 5, 2009 50. Shanks D, Cummings CE. Green Healthcare and Sustainable Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Emergency Medicine. CleanMed 2009 Meeting, May 18, 2009 51. Cummings CE, Duong LM, Polansky M. Public Health Emergency Preparedness Websites: 50 state assessment. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 10, 2009 (poster) 52. Polansky M, Duong LM, Cummings CE. Preparing Vulnerable Populations for Emergencies – Public Health Emergency Preparedness Websites. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 9, 2010 (poster) 53. Campbell CC, Cummings CE, Gracely EJ, Gould G, Palermo P. Analysis of Effectiveness of an Innovative Law Enforcement Strategy: The Philadelphia Lead Court Study. Public Health Law Research Annual Meeting, January 20, 2011 (poster)


Microsoft word - thehallelujahhealthtip531.doc

The Hallelujah Health Tip Issue #531: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? (Shocking Information.) January 22, 2008 ___________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS In this issue of the Hallelujah Health Tip®: 1. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING SEMINARS AND EVENTS 2. Hallelujah Acres® Ministry, update by Rev. Malkmus 3. VITAMIN B-12, THE MISSING NUTRIENT IN MOST DIETS


Evolution and Human Behavior 29 (2008) 19 – 25Women's body morphology and preferences forBoguslaw Pawlowskia,b,c,⁎, Grazyna Jasienskad,eaDepartment of Anthropology, University of Wroclaw, 50-138 Wroclaw, PolandbDepartamento de Ecologia Humana CINVESTAV-IPN, Unidad Mérida, 97310 Mérida, MexicocInstitute of Anthropology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 50-951 Wroclaw, PolanddDepartment o

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