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ROTARY CLUB of ALO ALTO.CALIF. tary Pini n PRESIDENT: Sara Pantin.PRESIDENT-ELECT: Le Levy.PAST-PRESIDENT: John Kidd DIRECTORS: Annette Glanckopf, Iris Korol, Pam Brandin, Hal Mickelson, Nick Nichols, Rick Tipton TREASURER: Dick Carlson.SECRETARIES: Dick Freeman.Bob McCowan. Sandra Wallace . CLUB RECORDS: Joyce Cusick, [email protected]. MAIL: P.O. Box 592, Palo Alto, CA 94302.E-Mail: [email protected] Site: MEETING of 10 June 2002 Reporter: David Negrin FUTURE PROGRAMS
June 17 – Announcement of the annual cash grants recommended
by our Charitable Gifts Committee and approved by the Board. Committee chair BRAD WEEKS will introduce representatives of
the four grant recipients to describe the projects we have agreed to
age of 50 (give me a break), describedthis mournful experience. Her birth-
June 24 – SAM SAVAGE, consulting professor in management sci-
ence & engineering at Stanford (and husband of DARYL), on “The
Flaw of Averages: A Common Error in Investment Planning, and
and an invitation to go to the movies with her kids, all athalf price. Also, she had to read “The Senility Prayer.”
July 1 – No luncheon meeting today, because we’ll be gathering at
DARYL, I hope I look as good when I reach 50.
the Pavilion at Holbrook-Palmer Park in Atherton (libations at 5:30p.m., dinner and program at 6:30 p.m.) to honor president SARA
HEINZ SELIG visited from the Eugene, OPPORTUNITIES
Oregon, Rotary Club. PAVLACALOUPKOVA represented her father
PREZ SARA invited Club members to inspect a
sample of the wheelchairs that we can help pro-
vide for the almost countless adults, teenagers
and children in need. Thanks to a generous
WAYNE THOMAS, was introduced to the Club.
matching gift, a donation of just $75 will pro-vide a wheelchair! A video is available throughBILL BUSSE, Chair of our Wheelchair Commit-
tee, for anyone who needs to see a first hand
account of the benefit of our Club effort to raise funds for this worthy
ART STAUFFER again rerminded us that the next feed-the-homeless
day is at First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, June 19, 3:15 to
reached 77, but BILLY wasn’t around to.
6:30 p.m. This is enjoyable work for a good cause, and it helps us
keep our hands-on hands in! If you missed the sign-up give ART a
A Rotary family from Chile will be visiting our area from Wednes-day, June 19, to Sunday, June 23, and is being hosted by the Los
Altos Rotary Club. The family consists of five, including the kids
and the father who’s a physician. GLORIA HOM asked for volun-
teers to show them around Palo Alto like the Stanford campus,
downtown, etc. especially if you know a little Spanish. Contact
eral of DR. D’ALIMONTE’s distin-guished affiliations including his role
HAL MICKELSON reminded us all to reserve Monday, July 1, for
our annual debunking event which has the theme, “TV in the
School. DR. D’ALIMONTE spoke on the subject “Europe Follow-
‘50’s” and will be held in a sumptuous venue, the Pavilion at
ing the Introduction of the Euro.” He pointed out that of the
Holbrook-Palmer Park at 150 Watkins Avenue, Atherton. Time:
current European Union’s membership of fifteen nations, twelve
have adopted the Euro as their currency, all except Sweden, Den-mark and Great Britain. He described the challenges facing the
PREZ SARA announced the final Board meeting of her year as
Union in the years to come, namely expanding its membership to
our President, 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, at the Cardinal Hotel
include Eastern European countries and going beyond the com-
mon currency issue to resolve member differences in foreign andmilitary policy. ROTARY MEETING PLACES
A most informative presentation, followed by penetrating ques-
Los Altos Sunset: The Echo Restaurant, Los Altos, 7:15 p.m. Mountain View: Adobe House, Moffett & Central, Mountain View,
Some additional helpful examples of the lingua franca or local
Menlo Park: Menlo Park Recreation Center, Menlo Park, noon.
idiom for those planning a trip to New York: Watsitooya - An
Woodside/Portola: Woodside Village Church, Woodside, 7:30 a.m.
inquiry concerning the legitimacy of the conversant’s curiosity
or concern. Watsisname - Reference to an individual whose iden-
Los Altos: Garden House, Shoup Park, Los Altos, 12:15 p.m.
tity can’t be recalled. Zatso - Request to confirm the validity of
Palo Alto Sunrise: Scott’s Seafood Restaurant, Palo Alto, 7:15
Palo Alto University: Sheraton, El Camino, Palo Alto, 7:30 a.m.
“If you can’t make it, don’t fake it. Let someone else take it.” -
San Carlos: Salvatore’s Restaurant, San Carlos, 12:15 p.m. Rotary Club of Palo Alto
Notícias da AENDA Fevereiro 2013 MINISTÉRIO DA AGRICULTURA 01. ATOS SOBRE REGISTROS DE DEFENSIVOS AGRÍCOLAS Em fevereiro a CGAA publicou no Diário Oficial da União: -- em 07fev = o Ato 05 (04fev) referente a alterações diversas (10 itens) -- em 13fev = o Ato 04 (29jan) referente a pedidos de RET (14 itens) -- em 25fev = o Ato 06 (08fev) referente a pedidos de RET (1
The Tablet Coating process Application Note Many solid pharmaceutical dosage mediums are produced with coatings,either on the external surface of tablets, or on materials dispensed withingelatine capsules. Coating serves a number of purposes:Protects the tablet (or the capsule contents) from stomach acidsProtects the stomach lining from aggressive drugs such