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Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT Oral findings in Rett syndrome
Journal section: Odontostomatology for the disabled or special patientsPublication Types: ReviewOral findings in Rett syndrome: A systematic review of the dental literature María-Cristina Fuertes-González 1, Francisco-Javier Silvestre 2, José-Manuel Almerich-Silla 3
1 Staff dentist of the Red Cross Dental Clinic for Special Patients, Valencia. Professor of the Master in Hospital Odontology and Special Patients2 Assistant Professor of Odontology in Special Patients. Department of Stomatology, University of Valencia. Director of the Master in Hospital Odontology and Special Patients3 Assistant Professor of Preventive and Community Care Odontology. Department of Stomatology, University of Valencia (Spain)
Correspondence:Departament d’EstomatologiaClinica OdontològicaUniversitat de ValènciaGascó Oliag 146010 – Valencia (Spain)[email protected]
Abstract Rett syndrome (RS) is a chromosome X-linked genetic neurological disorder characterized by de-velopmental regression, particularly in relation to expressive language and use of the hands, together with profound mental retardation, that almost exclusively affects females. The present review describes the 7 cases of RS published in the indexed literature (Medline) – the first corresponding to 1985 and the last to the year 2007. Certain oral manifestations of the disease are derived from the drug treatment prescribed to control the disease, while others are common to other clinical conditions characterized by convulsion activity, difficulties for correct oral hygiene, walking problems and/or an excess of oral / digital-manual habits. In any case, bruxism is the oral habit most fre- quently associated with RS – the treatment of which remains the subject of controversy. Key words:Rett syndrome, oral manifestations, bruxism, review. Introducción
describing the clinical features of the syndrome was
Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurological development dis-
published by Hagberg et al. in 1983 (3).
order characterized by the regression of psychomotor
RS almost exclusively affects females, since it involves
development with autistic manifestations, decelerated
a dominant X chromosome-linked mutation (MECP2
growth of the head, seizures, and stereotyped repeti-
gene, region Xq28) (4). Although initially regarded as
tive movements of the hands (1). Although initially de-
a neurodegenerative disease, it is now known that RS
scribed by Rett in 1966 (2), the compilation of 35 cases
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT Oral findings in Rett syndrome
Table 1. Reviewed diagnostic criteria in Rett syndrome (6). Required criteria
An apparently normal pre- and perinatal period.
Mostly normal psychomotor development up to 6 months of age.
Loss of manual functional skills at age 0.5-2.5 years.
Stereotypic movements of the hands, such as clenching, applause, washing movements or taking the hands to the mouth.
Social retraction, communication dysfunction, forgetting of learned words, and cognitive disability.
Gait apraxia or failure to learn to walk.
Supporting criteria
Respiratory dysfunction: apneas, hyperventilation, sharp expulsion of air and saliva, aerophagia.
Abnormal muscle tone associated to dystonia
Small, hypotrophic and cold feet; small and thin hands.
Exclusion criteria
Enlarged internal organs or other signs of storage disease.
Retinopathy, optic atrophy or cataracts.
Evidence of peri- or postnatal brain damage.
Presence of identifiable metabolic disorders or progressive neurological conditions.
Development of neurological disorders as a result of serious infections or head injuries.
The diagnosis of classical RS is based on a series of
clinical criteria (table 1) (6), since MECP2 gene muta-
Oral manifestations of RS have been only briefly de-
tions alone are not equivalent to a diagnosis of RS, and
scribed in the medical literature, and the dental litera-
can also be seen in other conditions such as autism, for
ture offers few articles on the oral pathology of these
patients. The present study offers a systematic review
A study of RS in the Spanish population published in
of the literature on the oral manifestations of this rare
1999 (7) documented a total of 207 cases, though the
true figure must be greater, since the epidemiologi-cal studies made in different countries yield a preva-
Search Method
lence of between 1/12,000 (0.65/10,000) and 1/15,000
A Medline/PubMed search (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/PubMed) of the literature on the subject published
Girls with RS are born apparently healthy and with nor-
up until 2009 november has been made, based on the
mal psychomotor development until the first or second
following keywords: Rett syndrome AND oral manifes-
year of life, when brain functional regression begins,
tation OR dental OR bruxism. The articles were exam-
with a loss of manual motor skills and the appearance of
ined on an independent basis by two reviewers (CFG,
stereotyped movements, gait apraxia, loss of verbal and
FJS). The inclusion criteria were: articles in English
nonverbal communication skills, and the association of
generated by the Medline database, contributing at least
episodes of hyperventilation, aerophagia and epileptic
one clinical case with oral manifestations, and describ-
ing the buccodental characteristics of the disorder and
There is no specific treatment for RS, apart from physi-
the dental treatment provided. Of the 363 articles found,
cal and occupational therapies to develop and maintain
muscle tone and function, together with a range of drugs
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT Oral findings in Rett syndrome
time of the exploration, 6 of the 17 children presented
The first article on RS published in the dental litera-
deciduous dentition, 10 mixed dentition and one perma-
ture (10) described the case of a 12-year-old girl seen for
nent dentition. As regards the oral habits, all patients
endodontic treatment of the upper central incisors fol-
presented digital-manual sucking or nibbling activities,
lowing damage as the result of a fall in the course of an
82% suffered bruxism, 41% showed oral breathing, 29%
epileptic attack. The patient had previously undergone
exhibited tongue thrusting, 29% suffered dribbling, and
dental treatment under general anesthesia. In this case
12% showed lateralization of the mandible. In relation
dental treatment was likewise carried out under general
to the oral manifestations, gingivitis with important
anesthesia with nasotracheal intubation. This was fol-
plaque accumulation was observed in all the patients,
lowed by dental revision every 6 months.
probably as a result of parent difficulties in maintaining
Pagnacco et al. (11) in turn presented the case of a
adequate oral hygiene in the children. Non-physiologi-
5-year-old girl with caries of the deciduous dentition,
cal dental wear was noted in 71% of the cases, and was
dental wear and abundant sialorrhea. General anesthe-
more common in the anterior deciduous teeth, though
sia was used for dental treatment, due to the impossibil-
in contrast only 2.7% of the explored dental surfaces
ity of providing care on an outpatient basis.
showed caries. A high-arched palate was present in 53%
Buccino et al. (9) reported the case of a 4-year-old girl
of the girls, and a high prevalence of open bite was noted
presenting stereotyped movements of the hands, hyper-
(80%) – this possibly being related to the digital-manual
ventilation, autistic behavior and motor development
sucking and oral breathing. However, the authors of the
problems. There were no particular oral features apart
mentioned series concluded that with the exception of
from a high-arched palate and the consequences of
the digital-manual sucking or nibbling activities, there
bruxism, with generalized wear of the deciduous denti-
were no pathognomonic oral manifestations of RS.
tion (particularly of the upper and lower anterior sector
Nevertheless, certain characteristics did prove char-
teeth). In this context, the right and left maxillary inci-
acteristic, such as bruxism (dental wear), open bite, a
sors showed class II mobility apparently related to the
existing bruxism and chronic digital sucking habit. The
The clinical case published by Alpoz et al. (14) in turn
X-ray study in turn showed external root reabsorption
corresponded to a 5-year-old girl with day-time brux-
of both incisors, periodontal widening and signs of cal-
ism as the sole oral manifestation. This habit resulted
cium metamorphosis. A Molt mouth prop was used for
in intense dental wear, with almost complete loss of
dental exploration of the patient, who presented autis-
the dental crown, though without pulp exposure. Ra-
tic-type behavior with episodes of eye contact with the
diographically, enlargement of the temporomandibular
dental surgeon. The prevention of oral disease was the
joint space was noted, probably as a result of the brux-
only recommendation made, establishing the control of
ism. The patient was subjected to nitrous oxide seda-
bruxism and traumatisms, improving oral hygiene with
tion, and alginate impressions were obtained in order to
the help of the parents, the daily application of topical
prepare a soft splint for the upper jaw, to be worn only
fluor gel or rinses, and frequent follow-up visits, in or-
when awake and controlled by the parents, since the
der to avoid the need for sedation or general anesthesia
patient did not suffer nocturnal bruxism. This was the
only treatment of choice, since it proved impossible to
Peak et al. (12) published the case of a 5-year-old girl
apply other options such as management of the occlusal
with RS who presented important wearing of the de-
interferences or the placement of stainless steel crowns
ciduous dentition, as a result of constant bruxism. At
(due to scant retention of the deciduous molars).
extraoral level she presented bilateral masseter muscle
Magalhaes et al. (15) studied 13 patients with a mean
hypertrophy, while at intraoral level the deciduous in-
age of 9 years, and with daytime bruxism as the sole
cisors and canines showed wear. The proposed dental
oral manifestation in all but two cases. This habit result-
management coincides with the techniques used in ap-
ed in intense dental wear, and according to the mothers
plication to the disorders seen in autism: the establish-
was associated with increased stereotypic movements
ment of a routine, minimization of the patient waiting
of the hands. Clenching began by opening of the mouth,
time before entering the dental office, and the avoid-
followed by mandibular thrusting and closing of the
ance of noise that might frighten the patient during the
mouth. During bruxism, the tongue was projected to-
exploration. Likewise, due to the difficulty of providing
wards the anterior teeth, giving rise to anterior open
dental treatment under local anesthesia, the use of an-
bite in the older patients, in addition to excessive den-
algesia, sedation and even general anesthesia is recom-
tal wear and muscle dysfunction. For the treatment of
bruxism, the authors prepared modified splints placed
The largest RS patient series presented in one same
in the upper jaw so that the cuspids of the deciduous
study in the literature comprised 17 cases (13), with a
lower molars showed centric occlusion with the splint.
mean age of 7.33 years (range 2.7-12.7 years). At the
The margin of the splint extended to the hard palate,
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT Oral findings in Rett syndrome
and the use of denture adhesive was recommended to
manifestations derived from the specific conditions of
increase retention. A groove measuring 5 mm in width
and 1.5 mm in depth was made in the occlusal surface
The drug-related (anxiolytic and anticonvulsivant)
of the splint, and was filled with soft and resilient mate-
orofacial manifestations of RS are the following (16):
rial, in order to avoid anterior mandibular movement.
xerostomia, stomatitis, glossitis, erythema multiforme,
This treatment in turn was combined with acupuncture
sialorrhea, dysgeusia, gingivitis, parotid gland swelling,
(reported to be effective in treating temporomandibular
periodontal abscesses, sinusitis, dysphagia and tongue
dysfunction and facial pain) performed on a weekly ba-
paralysis. However, these manifestations are very dif-
sis for an average of three years and four months. The
ficult to evaluate in patients with RS, unless they prove
parents reported that bruxism did not reappear until 7
evident in the course of the clinical exploration. This
days after the acupuncture sessions, and was moreo-
is particularly due to the communication problem, the
ver of lessened intensity. This combination of modified
lack of language in most cases, and a heightened pain
splints and acupuncture for the treatment of bruxism
threshold that can mask the presence of pain-producing
proved effective in three patients with RS. Likewise, for
conditions. On the other hand, consideration is required
dental treatment, the authors suggested brief visits, the
of the possible interactions between the anxiolytic and
avoidance of physical restraints, and the use of mouth
anticonvulsivant medication and analgesic drugs widely
props – since the patients had little or no muscle con-
used in dental practice, such as paracetamol, which at
high doses and over the long term lessens the effect of
Among the RS studies published to date, we identified
lamotrigine. Likewise, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) can
5 articles involving a single clinical case (9-15), two ar-
inhibit the metabolism of valproic acid, which in turn
ticles respectively reporting samples of 17 (13) and 13
increases the bleeding tendency associated with the
patients (15), and another article on the orofacial effects
administration of aspirin and other nonsteroidal antiin-
and possible interactions of the drugs used to treat the
flammatory drugs. The use of antibiotics must also be
taken into considera-tion. In this sense, carbamazepine
The mean age of the patients described in the reviewed
accelerates the metabolism of doxycycline, and its own
clinical cases and series (9-15) was almost 7 years (spe-
metabo-lism can be inhibited by erythromycin and clar-
cifically 6.8 years), with a range of 2.7-21 years. In the
ithromycin. Therefore, a detailed clinical history must
reviewed dental literature, only 35 children with this
be compiled, including all the drugs used by the patient
rare syndrome were subjected to oral exploration – this
for control of the disease, with a view to avoiding pos-
sample being too small to draw firm conclusions regard-
ing the degree of oral pathology and the problems posed
The orofacial manifestations and habits of patients with
RS found in the literature are described in (Table 2). Evaluation of these oral manifestations indicates that the
oral findings in RS are not exclusive of the syndrome,
Two groups of oral manifestations of Rett syndrome
since they can also be seen in other diseases character-
(RS) can be distinguished: those derived from the med-
ized by the presence of excessive oral / digital-manual
ication used to treat the disease on one hand, and the
habits, walking problems, seizures, and difficulties for
Table 2. Oral manifestations of Rett syndrome found in the dental literature. Publication Oral manifestations
High-arched palate, bruxism, digit sucking
Digital-manual sucking / nibbling, bruxism,
oral breathing, tongue thrusting, dribbling,
mandibular lateralization, gingivitis, caries,
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal-AHEAD OF PRINT Oral findings in Rett syndrome
In conclusion, the present review shows that the delete-rious digital-oral habits and orofacial motor functional disorders of these patients must be taken into account, since in the early stages of the disease they can give rise to malocclusions such as anterior open bite and a high-arched palate. However, the most characteristic clinical feature of RS is bruxism, of an uncertain etiopathogen-esis, and difficult to treat (Fig. 1). References 1. Chahrour M, Zoghbi HY. The story of Rett syndrome: from clinic to neurobiology. Neuron. 2007; 56:422-37. 2. Rett A. On a unusual brain atrophy syndrome in hyperammonemia in childhood. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1966;116:723-6. Fig. 1. Clinical characteristics in Rett síndrome: Gingivitis, bruxism
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correct oral hygiene (9,12,13). Nevertheless, there are
some features, such as bruxism, anterior open bite, a
5. Guy J, Gan J, Selfridge J, Cobb S, Bird A. Reversal of neurological de-fects in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Science. 2007;315:1143-7.
high-arched palate and gingivitis, that are more prev-
6. Hagberg B, Hanefeld F, Percy A, Skjeldal O. An update on clini-
alent in RS. Although bruxism is the oral habit most
cally applicable diagnostic criteria in Rett syndrome. Comments to
frequently associated with RS (9,11-16), its treatment
Rett Syndrome Clinical Criteria Consensus Panel Satellite to Euro-
remains the subject of controversy. Some authors con-
pean Paediatric Neurology Society Meeting, Baden Baden, Germany, 11 September 2001. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2002;6:293-7.
traindicate the use of splints in RS due to the important
7. Pineda M, Aracil A, Vernet A, Espada M, Cobo E, Arteaga R et
mental retardation of the affected patients, their defi-
al. Rett´s syndrome in the Spanish population. Rev Neurol. 1999;
cient oral motor control and excessive oral-digital habits
(9). In turn, Peak et al. (12) consider that splints should
8. Budden SS, Dorsey HC, Steiner RD. Clinical profile of a male with Rett syndrome. Brain Dev. 2005; 27 Suppl 1:S69-S71.
not be used due to the young age of the patients, who
9. Buccino MA, Weddell JA. Rett syndrome: a rare and often misdiag-
still present deciduous dentition. On the other hand, Al-
nosed syndrome: case report. Pediatr Dent. 1989;11:151-7.
poz et al. (14) have treated bruxism with soft splints,
10. Di Bona MC. Hospital dentistry for a child with Rett’s syndrome.
and special designs have even been developed in order
Spec Care Dentist. 1985;5:62-3. 11. Pagnacco A, Ferrara M, Vangelisti R, Randon C.Rett syndome: a
to avoid the anterior mandibular movement that accom-
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panies bruxism, combining such splints with acupunc-
12. Peak J, Eveson JW, Scully C. Oral manifestations of Rett’s syn-
ture (15) - though the success obtained is limited.
The literature describes the use of mouth props to se-
13. Ribeiro RA, Romano AR, Birman EG, Mayer MP. Oral manifesta-tions in Rett syndrome: a study of 17 cases. Pediatr Dent. 1997;19:349-
cure a degree of stability and oral opening, in order to
facilitate dental exploration and/or treatment (9,15). As
14.Alpoz AR, Ergul N, Oncag O. Bruxism in Rett syndrome: a case
regards behavioral management, some authors (12) have
report. J Clin Pediatr Dent.1999;23:161-3.
suggested the use of certain techniques used in autism
15. Magalhâes MH, Kawamura JY, Araújo LC. General and oral char-acteristics in Rett syndrome. Spec Care Dentist. 2002;22:147-50.
(routines and the avoidance of noise). In this context,
16. Friedlander AH, Yagiela JA, Paterno VI, Mahler ME. The patho-
consideration is required of the important alteration
physiology, medical management and dental implications of fragile X,
and limitation in patient communication capacity, the
Rett, and Prader- Willi syndromes. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2003;31:693-
profound mental retardation, and lack of attention. As
702. 17. Escribano Hernández A, Hernández Corral T, Ruiz-Martín E, Por-
a result, the dental management techniques must be
teros Sánchez JA. Results of a dental care protocol for mentally handi-
adapted to each individual case. Some authors have
capped patients set in a primary health care area in Spain. Med Oral
used sedation with nitrous oxide (14), while others com-
Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2007;12:E492-5.
bine it with sublingual midazolam (16). In turn, some investigators use general anesthesia (10,11), due to the medical risk of the patient and the lack of cooperation needed for correct dental treatment (17). In any case, all authors agree that prevention, with diet control, the application of fluor and frequent revisions are crucial for the management of these patients, and can limit the use of sedation and general anesthesia to only the most extreme cases.
Curriculum Vitae Homa Hajimehdipoor Personal Information Mailing Address : Department of Traditional Pharmacy, School of Traditional Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Educations 1999-2004 : Ph.D. Student of Pharmacognosy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 1992-1999 :
DOMENICA XIII - C Luce radiosa del Dio santo, che su noi giungi serena, tu dischiudi il nuovo giorno. Notti oscure, ombre di morte, diventano al tuo splendore albe radiose, foriere di vita. Vita ritmata nel lento arare per il seme della Parola, attesa di messe piena. Croce dai profondi solchi per il seme che muore, inizio di una nuova vita. Sequela, che urti la carne, gemito dello Spirito di