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Data sheet the tube
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET THE TUBE 1/S Internal Standard Specific Characteristic Tolerance 2σ Reference Direction Substance Thickness Absolute Humidity L&W Stiffness (15°/10mm) L&W Stiffness (15°/10mm) The technical data sheet shall be deemed accepted if not challenged within one month of receipt.Emission Date Period of Validity R&S Manager Our internal methods are based upon the indicated official methods, but could differ in some details. The above data have beenagreed in good faith and tested to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee the results of further reprocessing thatare beyond our control. We recommend that the Clients, in all cases, evaluate if the characteristics of our paper fit their actual needs and therequirements of the final products.TECHNICAL DATA SHEET THE TUBE 2/S Internal Standard Specific Characteristic Tolerance 2σ Reference Direction Substance Thickness Absolute Humidity L&W Stiffness (15°/10mm) L&W Stiffness (15°/10mm) The technical data sheet shall be deemed accepted if not challenged within one month of receipt.Emission Date Period of Validity R&S Manager Our internal methods are based upon the indicated official methods, but could differ in some details. The above data have beenagreed in good faith and tested to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee the results of further reprocessing thatare beyond our control. We recommend that the Clients, in all cases, evaluate if the characteristics of our paper fit their actual needs and therequirements of the final products.TECHNICAL DATA SHEET THE TUBE 2/S Internal Standard Specific Characteristic Tolerance 2σ Reference Direction Substance Thickness Absolute Humidity L&W Stiffness (15°/50mm) L&W Stiffness (15°/50mm) The technical data sheet shall be deemed accepted if not challenged within one month of receipt.Emission Date Period of Validity R&S Manager Our internal methods are based upon the indicated official methods, but could differ in some details. The above data have beenagreed in good faith and tested to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee the results of further reprocessing thatare beyond our control. We recommend that the Clients, in all cases, evaluate if the characteristics of our paper fit their actual needs and therequirements of the final products.TECHNICAL DATA SHEET THE TUBE 2/S Internal Standard Specific Characteristic Tolerance 2σ Reference Direction Substance Thickness Absolute Humidity L&W Stiffness (15°/50mm) L&W Stiffness (15°/50mm) The technical data sheet shall be deemed accepted if not challenged within one month of receipt.Emission Date Period of Validity R&S Manager Our internal methods are based upon the indicated official methods, but could differ in some details. The above data have beenagreed in good faith and tested to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee the results of further reprocessing thatare beyond our control. We recommend that the Clients, in all cases, evaluate if the characteristics of our paper fit their actual needs and therequirements of the final products.
Psychiatric Disorders and Psychotropic Medications Used for Treatment Psychiatric disorders may involve serious impairments in mental or emotional functioning which affect a person’s ability to perform normal activities and to relate effectively to others. Many individuals with developmental disabilities who also have a psychiatric disorder, and individuals who have been diagnosed wit