Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Microsoft word - canoe trip permission slip
Black Canyon (Hoover Dam) to Nelson’s Landing – Colorado River
Weather: Times:Depart DEPARTING 9am SHARP
See attached outing schedule (subject to minor adjustments)
Also see Custom Map outlined in Google Maps (email sent with link location, please share as desired)
Project Leader:
Phone: (cell) limited coverage in canyon
$100 + food on the road money Register / Sign-up on Troop website at
Emergency Notification : Committee Chair: Angela Whitecomb Scoutmaster: Jeff Zook Phone: 805-218-5505 Phone: 805-824-3525 Time of Return Notification: We will have scouts call all parents for approximate arrival time: arrival time between 3 - 4 pm Other Instructions /
All scouts must be able to swim and have passed the BSA swimmer’s test.
Comments /
Boaters must be constantly alert for underwater and partially submerged Misc Info: hazards such as sandbars, rocks, glass, or snags on the river.
The current varies from 3 – 5 knots depending on the area and amount of water
Electronic personal devices are incompatible with troop outing and therefore are not
permitted. Only exception is travel to and from the event, although this is discouraged.
In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact those listed as
Kayaking and Canoeing entails known and unanticipated risks which could result in
injury. Every effort will be made to reduce those risks, but some risks simply can’t be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity.
Risk include but not limited to: boat capsize, travel in remote areas, prolonged
exposure to cold water and adverse weather conditions, hypothermia, slips and falls while hiking, and back injuries.
The registered adults on this outing have been trained to BSA requirements on Safe
Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, First Aid, and Hazardous Weather Training. However, they are not infallible, unknown physical conditions of the participants, inadequate warnings or instructions, quickly changing weather and/or equipment malfunctions can always happen.
My son _______________________________ has my permission to attend an off-site activity with BSA Troop 228 as
described on the cover sheet to this permission form.
By completing and returning this form to the project leader, you have made a reservation in your scout's name and have
accepted responsibility to pay the associated fee. See the campout/activity notice for event fee amount!
I have read the list of recommended personal gear ATTACHED. “Other Instructions” (and any attached checklist), and
confirm that my scout will be properly clothed & equipped for this activity.
I understand that the leaders cannot check each boy's pack before departure.
The use of tobacco products by scouts, as well as the use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs by scouts and Scouters is absolutely prohibited at all Scout activities. Scout’s initials ________ & Adult’s initials ________LATE ARRIVAL -- EARLY PICK UP: DESCRIPTION AND NOTIFICATION: EARLY PICK UP RELEASE (SIGNATURE AT TIME OF RELEASE): MEDICAL AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION
In the event of an emergency, when I or a designated contact cannot be reached at the telephone number provided below,
the senior registered adult leader at the campout (activity) is authorized to act in my behalf at his/her discretion. Unless I have noted otherwise in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SECTION of this form, my son does not have any medical history [conditions, diseases, allergic reactions, etc.] about which a physician would need to know in an emergency.
For minor conditions, I authorize the senior registered adult leader to administer the following brand-name drugs or their
generic equivalent: [please circle those for which you give permission and strike-out those for which you do not give permission]: EMERGENCY PHONE: MOBILE PHONE : (OPTIONAL) ALTERNATE EMERGENCY POC (OPTIONAL): RELATIONSHIP: SIGNATURE
PLANO DE URBANIZAÇÃO DA ZONA ENVOLVENTE DA VIA 8 R E G U L A M E N T O (Resolução do Concelho de Ministros n.º 8/97 de 16 de Janeiro c/ alteração registada pela Declaração n.º 298/2002 (2ª série) – D.R. N.º 226 – 30 Setembro de 2002 ) Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 8/97 c/ alteração registada pela Declaração n.º 298/2002 (2ª série) – D.R. N.�