PRACTICALITIES If you need any help / clarifications / have concerns etc. - Just Say!
1/ Glyn will baptise the men, Emma will baptise the women. Please choose one
other person to be in the water to help dunk you!
2/ Bring a change of clothes and a towel – you will be very wet! (have someone holding your towel for when you come out of the water – avoid clothes which turn see-through when wet!)
3/ Give yourself plenty of time to write out your testimony – Many people find this
a positive personal exercise! It will probably take longer than you think! If you need help or advise, just ask – lots of people do!
4/ BE BOLD! Make sure you invite friends and family etc. It is a lovely, happy and powerful occasion!
5/ Get stuck in to your bible and pray! This will strengthen your relationship with
Being a Christian is more than just a name or label! According to the Bible, a
Another exciting part of a baptism service is hearing the testimony of those being
Christian (or “disciple”) is someone who has made the decision to give their life to
baptised. A testimony is a short account (or story) of how you came to give your
Jesus. When someone gives their life to Jesus, the Bible says (and we at Old Town
Community Church believe) that God's Holy Spirit fills their whole life and that they
WRITTEN DOWN! You could lay out your story in the following way or be
will begin to think, act, and live differently. When we give our life to God, we enter
“interviewed” on the following sort of questions:
into a relationship with Him and He becomes our constant companion. With His
Tell a little about your life pre becoming a Christian (background information, some
Holy Spirit within us, and through reading the Bible and being with other Christians
key life experiences - (be as honest as you want and/or can as this is a good
we become aware of those things in our lives that need to change (often called
opportunity to help people know you. It is also encouraging for others to hear
'sin'). We find that we want to become more like Jesus and live life as best as we
stories of how people come to faith). We all have different stories and experiences
can like He did. People around us will often notice the changes and be curious.
and these can range from the everyday to the dramatic – everyone is unique and
How you came to church / met Jesus – how would you describe this?
It is a life changing and serious commitment to be a follower of Jesus - amazing but
What have you learned about God and yourself – have you (or anyone else!)
not always easy! As we read the Bible we see that we are required to “walk as Jesus
walked” and as we look at the life of Jesus in the Bible we see that He was willing to
Any bible verses that have particularly spoken to you / anything you feel God has
go 'all the way' in following God's will. If we walk as Jesus walked we need to turn
our back on our “old ways” the best we can. Love our enemies, care for all, forgive those who hurt us, serve and honour others as though they were Jesus, self
Why are you being baptised today? What would you say to those who don't know
sacrifice and denial when necessary (in terms of our desires, wants, and
It means being/aiming to be: generous, helping the poor and needy, fighting injustice,
telling other people unashamedly about Jesus. We are commanded to love God
with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. It means trusting Him in all situations
and not compromising God's way when there is an easier way out.
Enjoy this special event! It is a one off and certainly take the opportunity to invite
Following Jesus is a 24/7 commitment and means living a life that will be like “Salt
family, friends and people to share it with you (baptisms are known to be a time
and light” (full of distinctive flavour and light in a dark world). Deciding to follow
when people are very moved and personally challenged to know Jesus!) So be brave
Jesus and asking Him to be your Lord and saviour will be the most important and
life changing decision you will ever make. No one becomes perfect (only Jesus was and is perfect!) but we make a decision to begin the process and journey of
transformation. Following Jesus is not a decision to be made lightly! (READ MATTHEW 16: 24 - 25) HOW DO WE BECOME A CHRISTIAN ?
Giving your life to Jesus (becoming a Christian) means asking Jesus into your life
(some people say a prayer, others make a decision in their heart). We ask Him to forgive us our past wrongs, clean us up spiritually and direct, guide, and help us from
that point on. It is a new way to live your life where the old way we used to live is
replaced with God's way. We learn about God's way from reading the Bible and
1/ It was to “fulfil all righteousness” – meaning it was right and good for it to happen
being with other Christians who are “journeying” with God.
Mark 16:16 “Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved”
2/ At Jesus' baptism John the Baptist publicly announces that Jesus is the Messiah
(saviour). You can read this in Matthew 3:11.
3/ Even though Jesus didn't 'need' to be baptised (As already said - He wasn't sinful,
As Christians the Bible is our hand book – we believe it comes from God and gives
and is the only person ever to be without sin – as God's son he is totally pure). He
was baptised in order to set an example to his followers.
Matthew 28:18 Jesus said “all authority on heaven and earth has been given to WHEN IS SOMEONE READY FOR BELIEVERS BAPTISM? me. Therefore go and make disciples (followers / believers) of all nations,
The only command in the bible regarding baptism is “believe” there isn't a set
baptising them in the name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching
standard, or certain 'level' of understanding, or time frame that has to be reached.
them to obey everything I have commanded you.” However, it is very important that the person has made this decision for Acts 2:38 “Repent* and be baptised every one of you”
themselves, and has every intention of living their life as best they can as a disciple of
*Repent means to 'turn around' in this case, turning around from your old way of
living and start living in a new way – God's way.
In the same way a person would ideally enter into a marriage commitment with
Baptism is a way of saying (showing) to friends, family, the church, the spiritual
deep sincerity and certainty, it is the same with baptism. Being baptised is an
realm that a person identifies themselves as a follower of Jesus and believes in His
important step in the life of a Christian. It is something that is taken seriously by the
death, burial and resurrection. We symbolically go through the same process.
church and encouraged for every person who has decided to give their life to Jesus.
Making the decision to die to our old life, bury it (in the water) and come out a new
person with a new identity. Literally a visible example of being “born again”.
Baptism is symbolic of the death (on the cross), burial, and resurrection (raising from the dead) of Jesus. In baptism we act this out symbolically:
Infant baptism – an adult will choose on behalf of the child to have the child baptised making it their choice rather than the one being baptised deciding for As we stand before the baptism water it represents our old way of life As we then go into the water, we are completely dunked under for a second. Believers baptism – the one being baptised will have made an intentional decision
This represents a liquid tomb and us dying to our old life.
As we come up from the water it is like leaving the old life behind and coming
Old Town Community Church practices believers baptism. We do not baptise
babies but dedicate them. Dedication is where a baby / child / young person is
We are saying publicly through this act that we believe in Jesus - the son of God.
intentionally blessed and dedicated to God.
That he died for our sins on the cross, was buried in a tomb then after 3 days was
raised back to life. We believe that when we are baptised, it is a sign to God, the people who have come to witness the baptism, and all the spiritual forces that we
are part of God's family and want to live our lives His way. We leave the old ways in
the water and enter into a new life. It is a key, significant event and a great celebration on earth and no doubt in heaven too!
CURRICULUM VITAE CARLO D. SANTOS-OCAMPO, M.D. F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C., F.C.C.P. PERSONAL DATA Specialty: EDUCATION High School: University of the Philippines-College of Medicine POST GRADUATE TRAINING 1984-1985 University of the Philippines-College of Medicine Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine Active Staff Member, Division of Cardiology Training in Inte
Méthodes Séparatives : synthèse et étude de nouvelles phases stationnaires pour la chromatographie liquide et l'électrophorèse capillaire Extrait du L' Institut des Sciences Moléculaires - Université Bordeaux - CNRS Méthodes Séparatives : synthèse et étude de nouvelles phases stationnaires pour la chromatographie liquide et l'électrophorèse capillaire Date de mise