Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Microsoft word - crc 5005 5.56 lubricant 360ml 2231689.doc
CRC 5005, 5027, 5028 5.56 (AEROSOL) (NZ) ChemWatch Material Safety Data Sheet (REVIEW) CHEMWATCH 4552-27 Date of Issue: Mon 18-Oct-1999 _____ IDENTIFICATION _____ STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO WORKSAFE AUSTRALIA CRITERIA SUPPLIER Company: CRC Industries New Zealand Ltd Address: PO Box 58-121 10 Waiouru Road Greenmount East Tamaki Auckland Auckland New Zealand New Zealand Telephone: 64 9 274 5710 Fax: 64 9 274 9696 CHEMWATCH HAZARD RATINGS Flammability: 4 Toxicity: 2 Body Contact: 2 Reactivity: 0 Chronic: 2 SCALE: Min/Nil=0 Low=1 Moderate=2 High=3 Extreme=4 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTS Short Gloves Face Shield Overalls Half Face Respirator Product Name: CRC 5005, 5027, 5028 5.56 (Aerosol) (NZ) CAS RN No(s): None UN Number: 1950 Packaging Group: None Dangerous Goods Class: 2.1
Subsidiary Risk: None Hazchem Code: None Poisons Schedule Number: None USE Lubricant and penetrant. Application is by spray atomisation from a hand held aerosol pack. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PROPERTIES APPEARANCE Amber liquid with a pleasant odour; does not mix with water. Supplied as an aerosol pack. Contents under PRESSURE. Contains carbon dioxide (CO2) propellant. Boiling Point (deg C): 193 initial Melting Point (deg C): Not available Vapour Pressure (kPa): Negligible Specific Gravity: 0.81 Flash Point (deg C): 79 Lower Explosive Limit (%): 1.4 Upper Explosive Limit (%): 12.0 Solubility in Water (g/L): Immiscible INGREDIENTS NAME CAS RN % liquid hydrocarbons Various 30-60 mineral oil Not avail. 10-30 performance additives 10-30 carbon dioxide 124-38-9 1-10 NOTE: Manufacturer has supplied full ingredient information to allow CHEMWATCH assessment. _____ HEALTH HAZARD _____ ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS SWALLOWED The liquid is discomforting to the gastro-intestinal tract and may be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion may result in nausea, pain, vomiting. Vomit entering the lungs by aspiration may cause potentially lethal chemical pneumonitis. Considered an unlikely route of entry in commercial/industrial environments. EYE
The mist is discomforting to the eyes and is capable of causing a mild, temporary redness of the conjunctiva (similar to wind-burn), temporary impairment of vision and/ or other transient eye damage/ ulceration. SKIN The liquid is discomforting to the skin to the skin if exposure is prolonged and is capable of causing skin reactions which may lead to dermatitis from repeated exposures over long periods. INHALED The vapour is discomforting to the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Acute effects from inhalation of high concentrations of vapour are pulmonary irritation, including coughing, with nausea; central nervous system depression - characterised by headache and dizziness, increased reaction time, fatigue and loss of co-ordination. If exposure to highly concentrated solvent atmosphere is prolonged this may lead to narcosis, unconsciousness, even coma and possible death. WARNING:Intentional misuse by concentrating/inhaling contents may be lethal. CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS Principal routes of exposure are usually by inhalation of vapour/spray mist and skin contact. Prolonged or continuous skin contact with the liquid may cause defatting with drying, cracking, irritation and dermatitis following. Warning: Aerosol containers may present pressure related hazards. FIRST AID SWALLOWED If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. EYE If this product comes in contact with the eyes: 1: Immediately hold the eyes open and wash with fresh running water. 2: Ensure complete irrigation of the eye by keeping eyelids apart and away from eye and moving the eyelids by occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. 3: If pain persists or recurs seek medical attention. 4: Removal of contact lenses after an eye injury should only be undertaken by skilled personnel. SKIN
If solids or aerosol mists are deposited upon the skin: 1: Wash affected areas thoroughly with water and soap if available. 2: Remove any adhering solids with industrial skin cleansing cream. 3: DO NOT use solvents. 4: Seek medical attention in the event of irritation. INHALED 1: If fumes or combustion products are inhaled: Remove to fresh air. 2: Lay patient down. Keep warm and rested. 3: If breathing is shallow or has stopped, ensure clear airway and apply resuscitation, preferably with a demand valve resuscitator, bag-valve mask device, or pocket mask as trained. Perform CPR if necessary. 4: Transport to hospital, or doctor. ADVICE TO DOCTOR For acute or short term repeated exposures to petroleum distillates or related hydrocarbons: 1.Primary threat to life, from pure petroleum distillate ingestion and/or inhalation, is respiratory failure. 2.Patients should be quickly evaluated for signs of respiratory distress (e.g. cyanosis, tachypnoea, intercostal retraction, obtundation) and given oxygen. Patients with inadequate tidal volumes or poor arterial blood gases (pO2 <50 mm Hg or pCO2 >50 mm Hg) should be intubated. 3.Arrhythmias complicate some hydrocarbon ingestion and/or inhalation and electrocardiographic evidence of myocardial injury has been reported; intravenous lines and cardiac monitors should be established in obviously symptomatic patients. The lungs excrete inhaled solvents, so that hyperventilation improves clearance 4.A chest x-ray should be taken immediately after stabilisation of breathing and circulation to document aspiration and detect the presence of pneumothorax. 5.Epinephrine (adrenalin) is not recommended for treatment of bronchospasm because of potential myocardial sensitisation to catecholamines. Inhaled cardioselective bronchodilators (e.g. Alupent, Salbutamol) are the preferred agents, with aminophylline a second choice. 6.Lavage is indicated in patients who require decontamination; ensure use of cuffed endotracheal tube in adult patients. [Ellenhorn and Barceloux: Medical Toxicology]. _____ PRECAUTIONS FOR USE _____ EXPOSURE STANDARDS None assigned. Refer to individual constituents.
LIQUID HYDROCARBONS No exposure limits set by NOHSC or ACGIH. MINERAL OIL oil mist, mineral TLV TWA: 5 mg/m3; STEL: 10 mg/m3. NOTICE OF INTENDED CHANGE. TLV TWA 5 mg/m3. ES TWA: 5 mg/m3 (oil mist, refined mineral) Human exposure to oil mist alone has not been demonstrated to cause health effects except at levels above 5 mg/m3 (this applies to particulates sampled by a method that does not collect vapour). It is not advisable to apply this standard to oils containing unknown concentrations and types of additive. CARBON DIOXIDE carbon dioxide gas: ES TWA: 5000 ppm, 9000 mg/m3; STEL: 30000 ppm, 54000 mg/m3 TLV TWA: 5000 ppm, 9000 mg/m3; STEL: 30000 ppm, 54000 mg/m3 OES TWA: 5000 ppm, 9150 mg/m3; STEL: 15000 ppm, 27400 mg/m3 MAK value: 5000 ppm, 9000 mg/m3 MAK Category IV Peak Limitation: For substances with very weak effects (ie.) those with MAK value >500 ml/m3 (ppm): Allows excursions of twice the MAK value for 60 minutes at a time, 3 times per shift. MAK values, and categories and groups are those recommended within the Federal Republic of Germany. NOTE: Detector tubes for carbon dioxide, measuring in excess of 0.01 % vol., are commercially available. Long-term measurements (4 hrs) may be conducted to detect concentrations exceeding 250 ppm. Studies using physically fit males in confined spaces indicate the TLV-TWA and STEL provides a wide margin of safety against asphyxiation and from undue metabolic stress, provided normal amounts of oxygen are present in inhaled air. Lowered oxygen content, increased physical activity and prolonged exposures each impact on systemic and respiratory effects. Stimulation of the respiratory centre is produced at 50,000 ppm (5%). The gas is weakly narcotic at 30,000 ppm giving rise to reduced acuity of hearing and increasing blood pressure and pulse, Persons exposed at 20,000 ppm for several hours developed headaches and dyspnea on mild exertion, Acidosis and adrenal cortical exhaustion occurred as a result of prolonged continuous exposure at 10,000-20,0000 ppm. Intoxication occurs after a 30 minute exposure at 50,000 ppm whilst exposure at 70,000-100,000 ppm produces unconsciousness within a few minutes. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH GUIDELINES Established occupational exposure limits frequently do not take into consideration reproductive end points that are clearly below the thresholds for other toxic effects. Occupational reproductive guidelines (ORGs) have been suggested as an additional standard. These have been
established after a literature search for reproductive no-observed-adverse effect-level (NOAEL) and the lowest-observed-adverse-effect-level (LOAEL). In addition the US EPA's procedures for risk assessment for hazard identification and dose-response assessment as applied by NIOSH were used in the creation of such limits. Uncertainty factors (UFs) have also been incorporated. : : ORG UF Endpoint CR TLV Adequate. carbon dioxide 1800 mg/m3 10 D/R NA - : : These exposure guidelines have been derived from a screening level of risk assessment and should not be construed as unequivocally safe limits. ORGS represent an 8-hour time-weighted average unless specified otherwise. CR = Cancer Risk/10000; UF = Uncertainty factor: TLV believed to be adequate to protect reproductive health: LOD: Limit of detection Toxic endpoints have also been identified as: D = Developmental; R = Reproductive; TC = Transplacental carcinogen Jankovic J., Drake F.: A Screening Method for Occupational Reproductive Health Risk: American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 57: 641-649 (1996). ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use in a well-ventilated area General exhaust is adequate under normal operating conditions. If risk of overexposure exists, wear SAA approved respirator. Correct fit is essential to obtain adequate protection. Provide adequate ventilation in warehouse or closed storage areas. PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE No special equipment for minor exposure i.e. when handling small quantities. OTHERWISE: Safety glasses with side shields. Contact lenses pose a special hazard; soft lenses may absorb irritants and all lenses concentrate them. HANDS/FEET
No special equipment needed when handling small quantities. OTHERWISE: Wear general protective gloves, eg. light weight rubber gloves. Or as required: Wear chemical protective gloves, eg. PVC. Wear safety footwear. OTHER No special equipment needed when handling small quantities. OTHERWISE: 1: Overalls. 2: Barrier cream. 3: Eyewash unit. 4: Do not spray on hot surfaces. RESPIRATOR Respiratory protection may be required when ANY "Worst Case" vapour-phase concentration is exceeded (see Computer Prediction in "Exposure Standards"). Protection Half-Face Full-Face Spray/ Mist Factor (Min) Respirator Respirator Spatter --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 x ES Air-line* A -2 A -P- - A -PAPR-2 A -PAPR-P- 10 x ES - A -3 A -P- 10+ x ES - Air-line** Air-line** ^ * - Continuous Flow; ** - Continuous-flow or positive pressure demand ^ - Full-face. The local concentration of material, quantity and conditions of use determine the type of personal protective equipment required. For further information, consult site specific CHEMWATCH data (if available), or your Occupational Health and Safety Advisor. _____ SAFE HANDLING _____ STORAGE AND TRANSPORT SUITABLE CONTAINER Aerosol dispenser. Check that containers are clearly labelled. STORAGE INCOMPATIBILITY Avoid storage with oxidisers. STORAGE REQUIREMENT Keep dry to avoid corrosion of cans.
Corrosion may result in container perforation and internal pressure may eject contents of can 1: Store in original containers in approved flammable liquid storage area. 2: DO NOT store in pits, depressions, basements or areas where vapours may be trapped. 3: No smoking, naked lights, heat or ignition sources. 4: Keep containers securely sealed. Contents under pressure. 5: Store away from incompatible materials. 6: Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. 7: Avoid storage at temperatures higher than 40 deg C. 8: Store in an upright position. 9: Protect containers against physical damage. 10:Check regularly for spills and leaks. 11:Observe manufacturer's storing and handling recommendations. TRANSPORTATION Class 2.1 - Flammable gases shall not be loaded in the same vehicle or packed in the same freight container with: Class 1 - Explosives; Class 3 - Flammable liquids (where both flammable liquids and flammable gases are in bulk); Class 4.1 - Flammable solids; Class 4.2 - Spontaneously combustible substances; Class 4.3 - Dangerous when wet substances; Class 5.1 - Oxidising agents; Class 5.2 - Organic peroxides; Class 7 - Radioactive substances. SPILLS AND DISPOSAL MINOR SPILLS 1: Clean up all spills immediately. 2: Avoid breathing vapours and contact with skin and eyes. 3: Wear protective clothing, impervious gloves and safety glasses. 4: Shut off all possible sources of ignition and increase ventilation. 5: Wipe up. 6: If safe, damaged cans should be placed in a container outdoors, away from ignition sources, until pressure has dissipated. 7: Undamaged cans should be gathered and stowed safely. MAJOR SPILLS 1: Clear area of personnel and move upwind. 2: Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. 3: May be violently or explosively reactive. 4: Wear breathing apparatus plus protective gloves. 5: Prevent, by any means available, spillage from entering drains or
water course. 6: No smoking, naked lights or ignition sources. 7: Increase ventilation. 8: Stop leak if safe to do so. 9: Water spray or fog may be used to disperse / absorb vapour. 10:Absorb or cover spill with sand, earth, inert materials or vermiculite. 11:If safe, damaged cans should be placed in a container outdoors, away from ignition sources, until pressure has dissipated. 12:Undamaged cans should be gathered and stowed safely. 13:Collect residues and seal in labelled drums for disposal. DISPOSAL 1: Consult State Land Waste Management Authority for disposal. 2: Discharge contents of damaged aerosol cans at an approved site. 3: Allow small quantities to evaporate. 4: DO NOT incinerate or puncture aerosol cans. 5: Bury residues and emptied aerosol cans at an approved site. FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD 1: Liquid and vapour are flammable. 2: Moderate fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. 3: Vapour forms an explosive mixture with air. 4: Moderate explosion hazard when exposed to heat or flame. 5: Vapour may travel a considerable distance to source of ignition. 6: Heating may cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of containers. 7: Aerosol cans may explode on exposure to naked flame. 8: Rupturing containers may rocket and scatter burning materials. 9: Hazards may not be restricted to pressure effects. 10:May emit acrid, poisonous or corrosive fumes. 11:On combustion, may emit toxic fumes of carbon monoxide (CO). Other combustion products include carbon dioxide (CO2). _____ CONTACT POINT _____ CONTACT AUSTRALIAN POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE 24 HOUR SERVICE: 13 11 26 POLICE OR FIRE BRIGADE: 000 (Exchange: 1100)
NEW ZEALAND POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE (03) 4747 000 End of Report (REVIEW) Date of Preparation: Mon 18-Oct-1999 Print Date: Tue 23-May-2000 This document is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, review or criticism, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from CHEMWATCH. TEL (+61 3) 9572 4700
These are just a few of the symptoms of lupus. To Lupus is a chronic disease that can affect the joints, diagnose lupus, a doctor has to see several of these Someone you know or care about may have lupus. skin, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, and other organs symptoms as well as certain results of blood or urine Please share this brochure with your family and and tissues. But usually only a f
HERPES – PATIENT HANDOUT What causes this infection? Herpes is caused by the Herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV: Type 1 is usually found around the lips and is commonly known as a cold sore but can also occur on the genitals. Type 2 is the most common cause of genital or anal herpes. Herpes can also affect other parts of the body such as the anus, buttocks and