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Microsoft word - iii yr psychiatry lesson plan
Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune – 411 018
Mail : [email protected], Website:
BASIC B.Sc. NUSING THIRD YEAR Subject code:3 Subject: Mental HealthNursing Faculty: Mrs. Nisha Naik Lectures lectures serial
Perspectives of Mental Health and Mental Health 1
Nursing : evolution of mental health services,
treatments and nursing practices.Prevalence and
mental health problems and disorders.Mental Health Act
National Mental health policy vis a vis National
Health Policy. National Mental Health programme
Role and functions of mental health nurse in
various settings and factors affecting the level of
Concepts of normal and abnormal behaviour.
terminology used Classification of mental
Principles and disorders: Concepts of Mental Health Nursi
Maladaptive behaviour of individuals and 1
groups :stress, crises and disaster(s).Etiology : bio-pycho-social
Psychopathology of mental disorders: review of 1
structure and function of brain, limbic system and abnormal neuro transmission
Principles of Mental health Nursing. Standards 1
Conceptual models and the role of nurse :
Assessment of mental health status.
Investigations : Related Blood chemistry, EEG,
Psychological tests Role and responsibilities of
Therapeutic communication: types, techniques,
Therapeutic communication and
Types of relationship, Ethics and responsibilities
nurse-patient relationship
Ethics and responsibilities, Elements of nurse
Review of technique ofIPR- Johari Window
Goals, phases, tasks,therapeutic techniques
Therapeutic impasse and its intervention
Psycho Pharmacology: Psychological therapies
:Therapeutic community, psycho therapy –
Treatment modalities
Individual psycho-analytical, cognitive &
and therapies used in
supportive, family, Group, Behavioral, Play
mental disorders.
Psycho-drama, Music, Dance, Recreational and Light therapy, Relaxation therapies : Yoga, Meditation, bio feedback
Physical Therapy: electro convulsive therapy
Geriatric considerations Role of nurse in above
pathology,types, clinical manifestations,
Nursing management of patient with Schizophrenia, and
Nursing Assessment-History, Physical and
other psychotic disorders
Treatment modalities and nursing management
of patients with Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Follow – up and home care and rehabilitation
Mood disorders : Bipolar affective disorder,
Mania depression and dysthamia etc. Etiology,
Nursing management
psycho-pathology, clinical manifestations,
of patient with mood Disorders
Treatment modalities and nursing management
Follow-up and home care and rehabilitation
Anxiety disorder, Phobias, Dissociation and
Conversion disorder, Obsessive compulsive
Nursing management
disorder, somatoform disorders, Post traumatic
of patient with neurotic, stress related and somatization disorders
Nursing Assessment-History, Physical and
Treatment modalities and nursing management
of patients with neurotic, stress related and somatization disorders.
Geriatric considerations:Follow-up and home
Classification, forms, routes, action, intoxication
Nursing management of patient with substance use
Etiology of dependence: tolerance, psychological 1 disorders
and physical dependence, withdrawal syndrome, diagnosis
Nursing Assessment-History, Physical, mental
Treatment (detoxification, antabuse and narcotic
antagonist therapy and harm reduction) and
nursing management of patients with substance
Geriatric considerations: Follow-up and home
Classification of disorders:Etiology, psycho-
Nursing management of patient with
Nursing Assessment – History, Physical and
Personality, Sexual and mental assessment Eating disorders
Treatment modalities and nursing management
of patients with Personality, Sexual and Eating disorders
Geriatric considerations Follow-up and home
Classification Etiology, psycho-pathology,
characteristics, diagnosis Nursing Assessment-
Nursing management
History, Physical, mental and IQ assessment
of childhood and adolescent disorders
Treatment modalities and nursing management
including mental deficiency
Follow-up and home care and rehabilitation
Nursing management
Etiology, psycho-pathology, clinical features,
of organic brain
diagnosis and Differential diagnosis (parkinsons
Nursing Assessment-History, Physical, mental
Treatment modalities and nursing management
Follow-up and home care and rehabilitation
Types of psychiatric emergencies and their
Psychiatric emergencies crisis
Stress adaptation Model: stress and stressor,
Types of crisis,Crisis Intervention:Principles,
The Mental Health Act 1987: Act, Sections,
Legal issues in Mental Health Nursing
Indian lunacy Act. 1912 Rights of mentally, ill
Forensic psychiatry Acts related to narcotic &
psychotropic substances and illegal drug trafficking
Admission and discharge Procedures, Role and
Services: National Mental Health Programmed
Community Mental
Institutionalization Versus Deinstitutionalization
Health Nursing
Model of Preventive psychiatry :Levels of
Mental Health Services available at the primary,
secondary, tertiary levels including rehabilitation and Role of nurse Mental Health Agencies: Government and voluntary, National and International Mental health nursing issues for special populations: Children, Adolescence, Women, Elderly, Victims of violence and abuse, Handicapped, HIV/AIDS etc.
PRACTICUM: - 270 Hrs. EVALUATION: Paper -3, Subject –Mental Health Nursing , Duration -3HRS EXAMINATION REFRENCES:
• M.S. Bhatia, A concised text Book of Psychiatric Nursing, CBS publishers and
• M.S. Bhatia, Essentials of Psychiatry, CBS publishers and distributors, Delhi • Mary C Townsend. “Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing”. Concept of care, 4th
edition. F.A.Davis Co. Philadelphia 2003.
• Bimla Kapoor, Psychiatric nursing , Vol. I & II Kumar publishing house Delhi,
• Niraj Ahuja, A short textbook of pstchiatry , ,Jaypee brothers,new delhi, 2002. • The ICD10, Classification of mental and behavioural disorders, WHO, A.I.T.B.S.
• R. Sreevani, A guide to mental health & psychiatric nursing, Jaypee brothers,
Medical Publishers p(ltd)_,New Delhi 1st edition.
• R. Baby, Psychiatric Nursing N.R. Brothers, Indore, 1st edition 2001
Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Baclofen for Cocaine Dependence: Preliminary Effects for Individuals With Chronic Patterns of Cocaine Use Steven Shoptaw, Ph.D.; Xiaowei Yang, Ph.D.; Erin J. Rotheram-Fuller, M.A.; Ya-Ching M. Hsieh, M.S.; Prudencia C. Kintaudi, M.D.; V. C. Charuvastra, M.D.; and Walter Ling, M.D. Received Jan. 2, 2003; accepted May 7, 2003. From the UCLA
Are Mouth Sores Getting You Down? You may have cold sores only occasionally or perhaps frequently. But did you know that they are contagious? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus and are spread from person to person in saliva. Canker sores, which are inside the mouth, are not contagious, and often run in families. The good news is that a person doesn’t have to suffer with e