Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps metronidazole prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
Microsoft word - national year of reading greater sydney committee july 2011.doc
National Year of Reading Greater Sydney Committee
10.30 am- 12 Tuesday 19th July 2011 Lane Cove Library
Jane Shine - Warringah Paula Pfoeffer - Canterbury Diane Webster - Hurstville Jacqueline Elstein - Mosman Wendy Ford - Manly Merilyn Hills - Hornsby Therese Scott - Ashfield Jennifer Bice – Lane Cove Yasmin Greenhalgh - Stanton Rachel Fallowfield - Willoughby Debbie Best - Parramatta
2. Corrections of notes from meeting 24th May 2011
Cameron Morley was not present to provide update. Discussed how each library can create a wall inside the library to promote NYOR. State Library will help co-ordinate an electronic wall (photographs of the library displays) in the shape of the state. In order to keep wall display fresh, Yasmin Greenhalgh suggested the idea of a wall border with NYOR promotional graphics to be on display all year while the content within the border can change to reflect events as the year progresses.
The list has been released and a panel is being formed. Expecting 5 readers from MPLA, 5 from CPLA, 2 from NSW Writer’s Centre, State Librarian and the MPLA and CPLA Managers (total of 15). Representatives from MPLA are being sought through an expression of interest process to be submitted by 29 July 2011. Panel will read a selection from the list of 28 titles, compare and choose a shortlist of 6-10 titles.
ALW beginning 1 September should be the first attempt to obtain media coverage for National Year of Reading. Suggested Marketing Group create a Media Release for all libraries to use with a quote from State Ambassador or MPLA President. Jane Shine will follow up with Carol Yuen.
Susanne Gervay has agreed to be an ambassador. Libby Gore has been approached. Other possibilities include Richard Glover, Deborah Cameron, David Koch. These personalities will need to be approached with a letter from the NYOR State body with a follow up phone call. Jennifer Bice has letter template and will follow up with approach. Ambassadors are being asked to be involved with NSW Launch in Feb (date tbc), to make comments to media/for media releases and to make appearances at large events in libraries. Local Ambassadors/Supporters. There is a letter template on the NYOR Wiki to approach local personalities for support Advisable to have the General Manager or Mayor to sign. Jillian Yau will follow up with Southern Scene regarding creation of posters of local supporters.
At the moment funding is not available at a local level. • Launch day- signwriting Love 2 Read – Yasmin Greenhalgh will
• Breakfast on the Bridge 2011-is it on – No
• BridgeClimb to either display a National Year of Reading sign or be
photographed reading a book – Kathryn Cass will investigate cost
• Simultaneous BookClub / National Simultaneous Storytime for adults in
pubs, cafes and clubs. Discussed also poetry in the pub, using books that mention each local area for the book club/discussion group, utilising sister city link. Also discussed option of using the themes from the NYOR logo and/or following the themes chosen by the Twitter Readers Advisory Group for 2012 – Therese Scott will attend meeting and report back
• Image projections of an open book on buildings in the CBD - Sydney
Opera House, Customs House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge (part of Viv'd festival) The word READ in bright lights projected at the State Library –Cameron Morley to follow up
• Reading around the world - travellers can take pictures of the Are we
there yet?/ or Love 2 Read image or a book in different/unique places and can be uploaded to the visual wall Discussed use of flickr to create a bank of photos Shorelink library group is keen to hold a photo competition. If these or other competition photos are used on the flickr site, they will need to be tagged to indicate for which competition they are entered.
• Promotional dance at a train station or similar venue - dance could be
choreographed, Love 2 Read jackets slipped on over other books and uploaded to YouTube. Discussed whether a world record could be attempted to engage media attention, e.g. most reading single book in single location. Discussed possible locations – Town Hall steps, Opera House, Martin Place, somewhere in front of media – Channel 7. Choreographing a dance would require an organised group such as dance school or local school group. Rachel Fallowfield and Yasmin Greenhalgh will follow up
• University of Western Sydney's TVS Channel 44 have a program
called Shelf Life - contact them for promotional assistance. Merilyn Hills spoke to TVS – some interest, question of budget, potential to run a program or assignment with UWS students. Jennifer Bice will speak with State Committee about approaching TVS and UWS more formally.
• Quarterly newsletter for the Greater Sydney Libraries for NYOR.
Discussed possibility of a joint newsletter or one at local level. Recent user survey suggested customers like to receive information about events via email or in the local paper. Marketing Group to be approached regarding creating the template for newsletter and electronic newsletter. Rachel Fallowfield and Merilyn Hills to follow up at next Marketing Group meeting
pull up banners are available from NYOR website at a cost of around $350. As cost is somewhat prohibitive, suggestion of submitting a Library Development Grant to cover cost of a banner for each library.
Working Groups are yet to meet. Anyone from this group attending working groups (such as Readers Advisory, HLS, Literacy, Marketing, Multicultural, Young People) to discuss NYOR at working group and report back.
Google – an idea to approach google about a NYOR logo on the site for a day in February (perhaps the 13th as 14th is Valentines Day). As this would need to be from higher up, Jennifer Bice will put forward to National Founders meeting. Reminder to think of LP, Audio Books, and eBooks etc, when planning local initiatives. Suggestion to promote NYOR on National Indigenous Literacy Day (Wed 7 Sept in 2011). This could link in with storytelling. Warringah Library has commissioned illustrator Serena Geddes to create a mascot for NYOR – a blue tongue lizard called Tilly. Creating banners
covering levels of resources, library bags, stickers etc. If other libraries are interested, contact Jane Shine at Warringah.
Tuesday 13th September 2011 , 2pm at Hornsby Library.
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Grippe A/H1N1 : « Connaitre son ennemi » Extrait du NAOS-Intelligence, Conseil en sécurité économique et management de crise Grippe A/H1N1 : « Connaitre son ennemi » - Sites officiels de référence - Informations - Date de mise en ligne : dimanche 30 août 2009 NAOS-Intelligence, Conseil en sécurité économique et management de crise Grippe A/H1N1 : « Connaitre son ennem