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You can earn .2 CEUs by passing the exam for this article, which hasbeen approved for publication by NCRA’s Council of the Academy ofProfessional Reporters. The exam is available on the NCRA Web site,or a hard copy is available by calling 800-272-6272. The questions arebased on the material in the article, but some may require additionalresearch.
Hands. Not an expendable tool of our trade, are
they? Just as we should know our trade, medicalterminology, legal terminology, news, and CATsoftware in and out, so should we be as knowl-
edgeable about our hands, the diseases that affect our hands,
You can buy a second laptop if yours
and how to prevent some problems that we could cause to our
crashes, and you can buy new software,but you cannot do your job if your hands
I am not a doctor, so I cannot teach you everything you may
want to know about your hands. If you feel you may be suffer-
ing from some of the symptoms I mention in this article, foryour own sake — and our profession’s sake — please seek med-
fine-hand functions, such as playing a musical instrument or, in
ical advice. You can buy a second laptop if yours crashes, and
our case, writing on a steno machine. The hand and finger
you can buy new software, but you cannot do your job if your
muscles contract or extend, which stops or causes the exagger-
hands are not well. Information is power. You will have more
ated posture to continue. Some people explain their symptoms
as “their hand having a mind of its own.” Maybe we can say this
I will cover the following topics in this article: writer’s
problem is the cause of some of our “bad writing days” — our
cramp and dystonia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fibromyalgia.
hands just “decided” not to write well that day! Often, as soon
This list is not an exhaustive one of diseases involving the hands.
as the writing instrument is removed from the hand, the mus-
Further information is out there by the truckload on the Web.
cles relax. (I have “selective writer’s cramp” every quarter whenI write out my quarterly tax payment checks.)
Writer’s cramp was first reported in the 1830s. Its cause is
The official definition of writer’s cramp that I am using
unknown. It is often believed that the condition goes undiag-
comes from the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation. First I
nosed and unreported. Unfortunately, it is sometimes misdiag-
must define dystonia. Dystonia is a neurological movement dis-
nosed as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, strain, stress, or
order that causes muscles in the body, such as the neck and
shoulders (cervical dystonia or spasmodic torticollis, which
Writer’s cramp is diagnosed simply on clinical observation.
turns the neck to the side or pulls it back or forward), vocal
Sometimes an electromyogram (EMG) detects which muscles
cords (spasmodic dysphonia, which makes it difficult to speak),
are overactive and to what degree. Symptoms usually begin
eyelids (blepharospasm, which causes the eyelids to close), face
between the ages of 30 and 50 and affect both men and women.
(oromandibular dystonia, which causes the lower face muscles
The two types of writer’s cramp are simple and dystonic.
to pull or contract), or limbs (discussed in the paragraphs
Dystonia symptoms appear with other tasks, such as eating with
below) to pull or involuntarily spasm, sometimes painfully. It is
utensils, applying makeup, shaving, or using scissors or screw-
the third most common movement disorder after Parkinson’s
drivers and other tools. In other words, simple activities of dai-
ly living (ADLs). Cramping or aching hands are not common,
Inherited forms of dystonia include early-onset childhood,
although mild discomfort may occasionally be observed. Typists
dopa-responsive dystonia, paroxysmal dystonia, X-linked dys-
tonia-parkinsonism, myoclonic dystonia, and rapid-onset dys-
It is difficult to predict the prognosis of dystonia. Writer’s
cramp can progress further or remain unchanged. Spontaneous
Writer’s cramp, the best known occupational dystonia, is
improvement, although rare, has also occurred.
triggered when a person attempts to write or perform other
There is no cure for dystonia. Treatment helps the symptoms
J O U R N A L F O R T H E R E P O RT I N G A N D C A P T I O N I N G P R O F E SS I O N S / M A Y 2 0 0 6
thicker pens or to write with a different
fist, transferring the pen from the thumb
and first finger to between the first and
ment we don’t like to hear, “It’s all in
mendation if you feel you have writer’s
the pen in a prolonged static position.
Write for short periods and take frequent
toxin injections to treat dystonic spasms.
breaks. This advice is also good for steno
cation, such as typing, dictating, or using
writers. Use it once in a while for those
cause paralysis. It is a nerve blocker thatbinds to nerve endings, which then pre-vent the release of chemical transmittersthat send messages from the brain to
contract muscles. You could call themspies: They block or intercept messagesfrom “headquarters.”
small needle, sometimes with the aid ofan EMG. There is usually only tempo-rary discomfort at the site of injections. Effects usually are not noticed for five to10 days. Not good for the impatientpatient! But benefits last three to fourmonths with minimal side effects, whichgives you enough time to save up for
reduction of pain. Remember, results arenever guaranteed. For those people who
do not see results, surgery is not usually
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writing or improve coordination forADLs. Stress management or relaxation
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worse when they are more stressed. Mypersonal recommendation is yoga.
group is usually beneficial. The Dysto-nia Medical Research Foundation is a
Web site is
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J O U R N A L F O R T H E R E P O RT I N G A N D C A P T I O N I N G P R O F E SS I O N S / M A Y 2 0 0 6
ward joint posture; four, direct pressure;
strained posture. I believe reporters can
those that are “heavy hitters” on the
mentioned earlier are loss of the sense of
hose so there is steady flow. Now step on
heat and cold, feeling as if the hands are
this list intense deadlines, interpersonal
swollen with no visible evidence thereof,
your water hose — just as it can happen
actually be one of the first symptoms in a
nel syndrome, tenosynovitis, trigger fin-
feel are tingling in the wrist, hand, and
ger, de Quervain’s disease, tendonitis,
arthritis, and Raynaud’s phenomenon.
As you can see, a doctor’s diagnosis is
thritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and repeti-
tive and forceful use of the hands. Do we
repetitively use our hands? So let’s dis-
believe lead to the development of CTS.
interesting fact to me was that the fingers
What It Has Meant to Me to Complete
most challenging undertaking of my life, and there have been
many times when I wanted to quit. Yet for some reason, I haven’t.
The belief that this career is exactly what I am meant to be doing
keeps me going, and I strive harder and harder every day. Each
Four essays were chosen to receive the National Court
time I think to myself, “I’ll never be able to do this,” I remember
Reporters Foundation’s new scholarship. Each student received
when I was struggling to squeak out 30 words per minute. I am
$1,400 toward tuition and books. Following is the first of the four
now at 150 words per minute, and I know I’ll reach my goals.
What has it meant to me to finish the first year of the pro-
gram? Well, to be honest, it has meant dealing with some smaller
negative issues. Because of my school and practice schedules, I
cannot even take a part-time job, which means living on one pay-
Some time ago, I felt like a lost cause. At 32 years old, I had no check. It has meant having to get up at 4:30 a.m. every day to
idea what I was going to do for the rest of my life. Tired of the
work out before school. It has meant having to pay for school by
endless politics of the entertainment industry and longing for a
myself (somehow) because I am not eligible for financial aid. Of
“respectable” profession, I decided a change of employment was
course, these are small burdens, because I have gotten much more
in order. I soon found, however, that my hard-earned degree in
theater entitled me to work minimum wage jobs for the rest of my
After finishing the first year of the program, I have a much
life. In addition, I had gained a huge amount of weight over a few
more positive outlook — not just concerning my career — but also
years, which made me want to stay home and hide from the
toward life in general. For once in my life, I can look back over my
world. As more and more doors to employment were slammed in
progress and be proud to have accomplished so much in such a
my face, my sense of self-worth hit rock bottom.
short period of time. For once in my life, I can look ahead to the
Because “Do you want fries with that?” is a question that
future and see how valuable my contributions to society will be.
seems to stick in my throat, I decided to go back to school. After
Because I have finished the first year of the program, I am confi-
quite a bit of research, the field of court reporting and broadcast
dent that I will finish the entire program. I now know that I can be
captioning appealed to me, so I started school.
a strong, healthy, productive, professional woman. That knowl-
In the last year or so, I have noticed many, many positive things
edge makes all the difference in the world.
happening for me. Learning to use the steno machine has been the
J O U R N A L F O R T H E R E P O RT I N G A N D C A P T I O N I N G P R O F E SS I O N S / M A Y 2 0 0 6
it or you will regret it one day. You will
you’re writhing in pain. Exercise is free;
puter keyboard. Let’s overlook that dif-
your doctor lately, see him or her before
“type” 240 words per minute. We would
tive solutions and progresses to surgery.
lem is the first step. Resting the hands as
much as possible is also suggested. Alter-
sues and relieve pressure on the nerve.
wrist splint off the shelf. Take the time
to see a hand specialist. Buy and use the
nutrition, previous injuries, and stress.
irritated tone of voice, too, I might add)
be done to assess risks and benefits ver-
four different types of surgery for carpal
after the diagnosis. I think this absence
There is no test, however, that can deter-
study of our industry to ask, “How many
government entity) lost to CTS”? We, as
experienced set of hands we can get.
office. He said that the angle that it was
consider before jumping into surgery.
tions that could irritate your problem.
Sure, they’re not natural, but compared
your chances of getting it. I can person-
to the alternative, I’ll sleep with them.
high levels of vitamin B6 were associated
ally testify to the helpfulness of stretch-
ing exercises, not just for the wrists and
ments is physical therapy. Frankly, I have
and back. (I’ll reiterate my earlier sug-
gestion of yoga.) I am told that it is best
to do these stretches for four to five min-
excellent books on carpal tunnel exercis-
is currently no cure. Yet those afflicted
apy. A low-energy laser light penetrates,
but does not cut the skin to stimulate cell
activity in the injured areas. I have heard
condition experience constant fatigue.
bic and resistance training. Make time for
J O U R N A L F O R T H E R E P O RT I N G A N D C A P T I O N I N G P R O F E SS I O N S / M A Y 2 0 0 6
throat; diarrhea or constipation; irritable
which is a greater sensitivity to changes
il); or a combination of Elavil at night to
told that “it’s all in their head,” which
often leads to depression. It was official-
in the Department of Labor’s Solicitor’s
than is known. It is estimated to affect
(Zanaflex), and ondansetron (Zofran).
policy initiatives as well as enforcement
other DOL agencies. As a result, I devel-
es such as yoga, as well as aerobics, such
chronic pain is the presence of “tender
points” or “trigger points” located at the
back of the head, base of the neck, upper
with the professional staff and the Secre-
can help alleviate stress. Too little sleep
tary to set priorities for the agency, man-
can intensify pain, too, as any new moth-
er can testify. Keep regular hours. Get up
and go to bed at the same time each day.
illnesses, and deaths on the job in Amer-
descriptions, please do not self-treat.
be a priority for the Secretary. I look for-
ber, depression is not the cause of any of
worthy of an entire article itself. Briefly,
it is similar to yoga. It consists of 10 one-
help relieve the stressors in their lives.
create complete integration and a feeling
of overall balance at the end of each ses-
patient’s body is more focused as differ-
Kathy Cortopassi, RMR, CRR, CCP, is a captioner
ent areas of the body are manipulated.
certified rolfer, “Rolfing is not about
listening tactilely to what is going on in
el for success in the agency’s balanced
ment so that the body can regain its nat-
J O U R N A L F O R T H E R E P O RT I N G A N D C A P T I O N I N G P R O F E SS I O N S / M A Y 2 0 0 6
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