When does my child have fever?
If your child has a temperature being measured • Feeling warmer or colder than others in a rectal y of more than 100.4 Fahrenheit or 38.0 Celsius, then your child is having fever. Beware that temperature measured at other sites such as the ear are usually lower than that taken rectal y. Fever is not • Eating or sleeping problems or changes a life-threatening condition by it-self, unless it is extremely and persistently high for example if greater than 107 Fahrenheit or 41.6 Celsius. It is a sign that What other complaints or conditions accompanying
there is an il ness in the body, usual y common non fever needs direct medical attention?
serious infections. In some cases it may also be a sign of serious conditions not necessarily infections. The • Fever by less than 6 months of age, regardless of outcome of a child with fever without serious underlying causes is significantly excellent. Most conditions that cause fever last 3 to 7 days. What causes fever?
• Developing purple skin lesions or red skin rash • Difficulties with breathing, such us breathing • Continuous headache or neck pain/stiffness • Autoimmune and inflammatory processes • Suspecting dehydration such as dry diapers, tented skin, sunken eyes, due to vomiting or diarrhoea What are the complaints suggesting that my child
has fever?
• Existence of other chronic medical conditions or Complaints suggesting presence of fever may be taking regular medications for more than 2 weeks subtle such as in infants or obvious by older children, • Complaints are deteriorating or new complaints • Feeding or sleeping problems or changes If doctor reassures me that condition is not serious
what can I do at home?
As a parent at home you can mean a lot for your child with fever, as you can control the temperature, prevent dehydration and monitor signs of serious life- threatening conditions if develop. To control the temperature we recommend a rectal thermometer. • Your doctor can advise you on the use of safe • Dress the child with not more than 2 pieces of • You can give sponge lukewarm bathes not • During fever there is a significant loss of water through the skin and lungs. Encourage the child to drink clear fluids in frequent smal quantities, such as chicken soup, clear both, • Avoid caffeine containing drinks that contribute to losing water through urinating more. Monitor if your child is producing light colour urine minimally every 4 hours, this • Monitor complaints and child for developing signs of serious complaints or deterioration. What can I do to protect the rest of the family?
Good personal and household hygiene contributes to the prevention of many conditions that cause fever. To prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria encourage washing the hands regularly especially when handling food and covering the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. Immunizing your child and encouraging a healthy lifestyle such as healthy diet and proper sleep is also important. If you are concerned please call MobileDoctors on
800MD247 (80069247) for an assessment.


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