Aurum Health Research, Welkom, South Africa
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has been associated with obstructive airways disease.
The incidence of TB is high among gold miners, due to the high prevalence of
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and silicosis in the workforce.
A study was undertaken among Black South African gold miners to determine
whether an episode of pulmonary TB, even though treated, i) causes an accelerated
loss of lung function in comparison to miners of the same age who had not had TB
during the study period and ii) cause chronic respiratory symptoms.
The study was conducted in a single gold mining company in the Free State
Province of South Africa. There were 185 miners in each group. There was no
significant difference between the 2 groups with respect to age, duration of
employment and baseline lung functions. Miners who had had TB had significantly
more silicosis (18.4% versus 10.8%) and were more likely to be current or ex-
smokers (82.7% versus 61.6%) than miners who had not had TB.
Miners who had had an episode of TB compared to miners who had not had TB had
a 40 ml per year greater loss of both the forced vital capacity (FVC) and the volume
exhaled in the first second of a forced vital capacity manoeuvre (FEV1). Among
miners who had had TB during the study period the following characteristics at
baseline were associated with a greater annual loss of FEV1; sputum smear positive
status, self presentation compared to detection by the radiological screening
programme, extensive radiological disease and bronchiectasis. The radiological
presence of extensive post TB scarring and bronchiectasis at the end of TB
treatment was also associated with a greater annual loss of FEV1. At the time of
follow-up lung function testing miners who had had TB, compared to those who had
not had TB, had more than a two fold greater risk of having respiratory symptoms of
cough, breathlessness and wheezing and a ten fold greater risk of having restrictive
lung disease, but were not at greater risk of having obstructive lung disease.
TB is an important cause of loss of lung function in this workforce. Strategies to
detect TB earlier or reduce susceptibility to TB by intensifying HIV and dust control
programmes are required. TB preventive therapy would reduce the incidence of TB
among susceptible miners and may lead to improved lung health in these miners by
preventing deterioration in lung function associated with having an episode of
We would like to thank Sr. B Magadla and Mr I Mantsoe for doing the respiratory
questionnaires, spirometry, preparation for the radiographic reading and data entry.
Dr J Smit (Anglogold Health Services, Free State) was the co-reader for the TB films.
Mr P Heselman assisted with the ILO grading of the mini chest radiographs. Funding
from SIMRAC to undertake this project is gratefully acknowledged. The authors wish
to extend a special word of thanks to Professor M H Ross, Occupational Health
Programme Manager, for her support and encouragement in bringing this project to
completion. The management of Anglogold and Anglogold Health Services are
thanked for allowing the study to be undertaken at the study site. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .4 TABLE OF CONTENTS .5 LIST OF FIGURES .8 GLOSSARY .9 INTRODUCTION . 12 METHODS . 14
4.5.3 Pattern and severity of radiological TB disease. 29
Radiological abnormalities at diagnosis and completion of treatment. 41
Adjusted mean difference in lung function per year among
controls according to personal and exposure characteristics . 42
Mean loss in lung function per year according to TB clinical variables. . 43
Mean loss of lung function per year according to mycobacterial status. 44
Mean loss in lung function per year according to radiological pattern
Mean loss in lung function per year according to radiological pattern
and extent of disease at completion of treatment . 46
Proportion of TB cases and controls that had obstructive and
restrictive lung functions at baseline and follow up. 47
Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios for associations between TB
Table 10. Odds ratios for the association between respiratory symptoms
and TB, according to clinical variables. 48
Table 11. Odds ratios for the association between extent of radiological disease and
respiratory symptoms at diagnosis and completion of TB treatment. 49
Table 12. Odds ratios for the association between respiratory symptoms and
Figure 2. Differences in mean longitudinal loss of FEV1 / year stratified according to
presence of silicosis at baseline and an episode of pulmonary TB during
Figure 3. Association between TB, silicosis, HIV and chronic airflow limitation. 38
GLOSSARY Lung function testing
The term lung function testing covers a range of tests designed to assess the
function and integrity of different parts of the respiratory system. In this report all
testing is confined to the use of spirometry, which measures the mechanical
The total volume the subject can exhale in a forced expiratory
The volume the subject can exhale in the first second of a forced
The mean forced expiratory flow over the middle half of the FVC
BTPS is body conditions: normal body temperature, ambient
pressure, saturated with water vapour.
Pulmonary function tests are continuous, normally distributed
variables. It is well recognised that lung function tests are prone
to measurement errors. These errors can be broadly categorised
as systematic errors of measurement and random errors of
measurement. Systematic error may be due to procedural
changes, e.g., a technician effect or seasonal variability. A
systematic error changes mainly the mean, i.e. it shifts the
distribution. Random error of measurement is due to the random
error in measurement procedure itself and more importantly,
random fluctuation in the measured quantity that reflects the
variability in pulmonary function within an individual subject. This
fluctuation can be due to factors such as subjects fatigue,
bronchoconstriction, diurnal or seasonal variation, acute
response to allergens, etc. By definition, the random error of
measurement does not change the mean, but can change the
size of the variance. When testing the reliability of a pulmonary
function measurement, we estimate the size of the random error
of measurement, relative to the total variation in the
measurement across subjects, i.e., we compare the amount of
the within-person variability relative to the between-person
variability. The statistic that measures the relative size of the
random error of measurement is the reliability coefficient G. Microbiology
Disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosisOccupational Study design
Miners who had an episode of pulmonary TB during the study
Miners who did not have an episode of TB during the study
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has been associated with airflow obstruction at
diagnosis (1, 2, 3), during (4) and at the completion of treatment (5) . Studies with
longer follow-up periods have shown that a large proportion of cases with treated
pulmonary TB had evidence of permanent airflow obstruction or restrictive
impairment (6, 7). There are no published studies in which the effect of TB on lung
function impairment was evaluated longitudinally comparing pre and post treatment
lung functions while controlling for the presence and extent of silicosis.
The South African gold mining industry employs over 300 000 miners. The risk
factors for TB among gold miners include silica dust exposure (8, 9), silicosis (10,
11) and HIV infection (10, 12). Prior to 1992, the incidence of TB among working
gold miners was stable but high (in the order of 500 smear and/culture-positive
cases per 100,000 person years) (12). With the advent of HIV, TB rates have risen
and currently exceed 2,000 per 100,000 per year (12). The TB control programme
includes standard treatment regimens, combination tablets administered under direct
observation and active case detection through the radiological screening
In a cross-sectional study (13), (i.e. one in which each subject was studied only on
one occasion), we established that the loss of lung function was related to the
number of TB episodes and the time period between TB diagnosis and lung function
testing. The lung function loss was greatest after 6 months and had stabilized after
13-18 months of follow up. Thus, the residual effect was measured from 18 months
onwards. The study established that the percentage of subjects with residual airflow
impairment (FEV1<80% of predicted) was 18.4% after one episode of TB, 27.1%
after two episodes of TB, and 35.2% after three or more episodes of TB. HIV status
was not related to lung function loss due to TB.
For prevention of chronic obstructive lung disease in occupational settings, it is
important to determine the factors that are associated with significant airflow
limitation and their possible combined effects. The effects of silicosis on airflow
limitation among Black gold miners has previously been studied (14). The effect of
TB on airflow limitation among Black gold miners has not previously been studied in
The aims of this study were to determine among Black South African gold miners:
1. The longitudinal loss of lung function following an episode of pulmonary TB after
controlling for confounding variables, in comparison to age matched controls
2. The association between pulmonary TB and respiratory symptoms in TB cases
after completion of TB treatment, in comparison with age matched controls
This is a longitudinal study in which the change in lung function preceding and
following an episode of pulmonary TB was assessed and compared to age matched
control subjects who did not have TB during the study period.
The study was conducted at a single gold mining company in the Free State
Province of South Africa. The workforce consists of officials in supervisory positions
(largely White men) and manual labourers (largely migrant Black men) comprising
approximately 10% and 90% of the workforce respectively. The Black migrant
workforce is recruited from rural South Africa and neighbouring states and
The gold mining industry has undergone major downsizing over the past decade as
a result of declining ore reserves and profitability. The workforce of the mining
company decreased from approximately 86,000 in 1990 to 20,000 in 2000. Changes
in labour recruitment policies have resulted in a more stable and therefore older
workforce than was the case a few decades ago. The mean age of the workforce
increased from 34 years in 1990 to 42 years in 1999.
Ninety percent of miners work underground. The majority of the migrant miners live
in single sex hostels at the mines and return home once a year for leave. Typically,
hostels accommodate 2 - 3000 men with 2 to 6 men per room.
The mine hospital (760 beds) provides the sole source of tertiary care for mine
employees and manages the TB control programme. Clinics situated at most of the
surrounding mine shafts provide primary health care to miners. The occupational
health centre provides surveillance for occupational diseases.
A comprehensive TB control programme was introduced in 1977. The TB control
programme includes standardisation of diagnostic criteria, rifampicin-based short-
course chemotherapy regimens and the use of combination tablets. Directly
observed therapy was introduced in 1993. The TB control programme also
incorporated both active case-detection through a miniature radiography screening
programme and passive detection of those men who self present with symptoms. In
1995, treatment regimens were changed in line with World Health Organisation
(WHO) and national recommendations to include ethambutol in the intensive phase
of TB treatment and routine smear evaluation of treatment outcomes of smear
Lung function screening was introduced in 1994. Lung function testing is performed
on entry into employment, every three years thereafter, and on exit from
employment. In a reliability study we established that lung function tests were most
reliable between January 1995 and August 1996. The reliability coefficient G during
this period was 0.94. Miners who had had a lung function test during this period who
were still currently employed on the 12th December 1999 were eligible for inclusion in
Comparison of the cohort of eligible men with the computerised TB database
identified those miners who had had an episode of pulmonary TB at least 2 months
after the date of their baseline lung function test. Miners who had had TB diagnosed
within two months of the date of their baseline lung function test were excluded as
the presence of TB at the time of the lung function test could not be confidently
excluded. Miners who had successfully completed TB treatment were included in the
Age-matched controls were selected from the cohort of eligible miners who had no
history of TB recorded on the TB database, prior to the baseline lung function tests
or during the study period. All study subjects were evaluated between April and July
2000. After written informed consent had been obtained from all study subjects, each
had a repeat lung function test and a respiratory, smoking and occupational
Miners with suspected mycobacterial disease are investigated using a standard
protocol with 3 sputum specimens taken over 2 days. Smears are made from
concentrated sputum and stained with auramine for fluorescent microscopy. Positive
smears are confirmed with Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining. Following decontamination
with 4% sodium hydroxide, sputum is inoculated onto Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) slopes
and incubated for up to 8 weeks. An initial identification step for M. tuberculosis is
carried out on LJ slopes with more than 5 colonies, using a colorimetric ribosomal
RNA hybridisation test (Accuprobe M. tuberculosis complex probe kit, Gen-Probe,
San Diego, CA). Positive cultures are sent directly to the South African Institute of
Medical Research (SAIMR) mycobacteriology laboratory for biochemical species
identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and drug susceptibility testing of M
The following definitions were used for a case of TB, method of detection, treatment
category, site of disease, drug resistance and treatment outcome.
A case of culture-positive TB was diagnosed if there were compatible clinical
features and the sputum culture was positive. Culture-negative TB was diagnosed if
there were compatible radiographic changes plus two of the following: smear
positive; no response to amoxycillin; radiological response to anti-tuberculous drugs;
Method of detection. Self presentation – spontaneous presentation with symptoms;
Active – detection through the radiography screening programme (RSP).
Treatment category. New case - defined as a person who had never previously
been treated for TB; retreatment TB - defined as a patient who had previously been
treated for TB and then presented with active TB requiring re-treatment.
Site of disease. Patients were classified as having either Pulmonary TB alone (PTB)
or in combination with extra-pulmonary TB, (PTB+ETB).
Drug resistance. Drug resistant - resistance to one or more of the primary TB drugs,
i.e., isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), streptomycin (S) or ethambutol (E).
The following case definitions were used to define outcome for initially smear
positive men: Cure:- Completion of treatment with documented smear conversion
from positive to negative and / or negative smears within a month of completing
treatment. treatment completion:- completion of treatment without bacteriological
confirmation of cure, failure:- smear or culture positive at end of treatment.
3.7 Annual occupational health medical examination
Mine employees are required by law to have a medical certificate of fitness to do risk
work, i.e., dust-exposed work. All miners under-go an annual medical examination at
the occupational health centre to determine fitness to do risk work. Lung function
testing and radiological screening for mycobacterial disease and silicosis form part of
the annual medical examination. The results of these annual medical examinations
are captured onto a separate database, maintained by the occupational health
Maximal forced expiratory manoeuvres, performed in the seated position, were
recorded in a computerised database using a Hans Rudolph pneumotachograph
(Flowscan, Electromedical Systems Inc). The system software requires and validates
calibration with a 3,0 L syringe. Barometric pressure and temperature are entered via
the keyboard for correction of volumes to BTPS. During testing, flow versus volume
tracings are displayed. A minimum of three acceptable and reproducible forced
expiratory manoeuvres were obtained according to the standards recommended by
the American Thoracic Society (ATS). All testing was done by nursing personnel
trained in the techniques of performing spirometry to ATS standards. Height, in
stockinged feet, was measured to the nearest centimetre. Data recorded for each
test included date of test, date of birth, height, weight, the largest forced vital
capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced
expiratory flow rate in the middle half (25 to 75%) of the forced vital capacity (FEF25-
75%). The reference equation by Louw for Black South African males was used. Lung
functions were categorised as obstructive if the FEV1 / FVC ratio was <70% of
predicted and restrictive if the FEV1 / FVC ratio was $70% of predicted and the FVC
Lung function tests done at baseline were reviewed by a professional nurse
experienced in lung function testing and a respiratory physician. Only those men
whose lung function tests met ATS criteria for an acceptable lung function test were
Mini chest radiographs taken during the annual medical examination were routinely
reviewed by a single reader for new abnormalities suggestive of mycobacterial
disease and the presence of compensable silicosis (moderate to advanced).
However, no formal silicosis grading was done. Serial mini chest radiographs are
stored at the occupational health centre for all currently employed miners and are
kept for at least 5 years after miners leave employment.
The mini chest radiographs of study participants, taken at the time of the baseline
lung function, were assessed by a single reader for the presence and grade of
silicosis using a modified International Labour Organisation (ILO) scoring system.
The ILO system was designed for use with standard sized films, but use of mini-
radiographs has been validated in a separate study involving the same workforce
(15). For the purposes of this study silicosis was deemed to be present if the ILO
category was 1/1 and above and absent if the ILO category was 0/0, 0/1 or 1/0.
3.10 Radiological pattern and severity of TB
Standard sized chest radiographs were taken on all miners presenting with
suspected pulmonary mycobacterial disease at diagnosis, after 2 months of
treatment and at the end of treatment. All standard sized radiographs were stored in
the radiology department. Standard size chest radiographs of TB patients included in
the study were graded for radiological pattern and extent of TB at the time of
diagnosis and at completion of treatment. The radiological pattern of disease was
classified as cavitary, fibrosis, nodular or infiltrate. The presence and extent of
pleural abnormalities and bronchiectasis were also recorded. The radiological extent
of disease was determined by the reader dividing the lung on each side into 3 equal
zones and allocating a score according to the total number of zones involved. The
chest radiographs were read by two readers and a consensus score was derived for
each variable. The chest radiographs for each TB patient at diagnosis of TB and
completion of treatment were read in chronological order.
HIV-testing, with pre and post test counselling, was offered to all patients presenting
with suspected mycobacterial disease. The uptake of HIV testing among patients
with suspected mycobacterial disease was greater than 90%. HIV test results were
kept confidential to the health service. In accordance with WHO recommendations,
HIV-infection was diagnosed if both the screening (Enzymun-Test® Anti-HIV
1+2+subtype O, Boehringer Mannheim Immunodiagnostics) and confirmatory ELISA
(IM®x system HIV-1/HIV-2 III Plus, Abbott diagnostics) tests were positive.
A modified ATS respiratory questionnaire was administered to all study participants
at the time of follow-up lung function testing.
Date of first employment and dates of contract renewal were obtained from The
Employment Bureau of Africa (TEBA) for each miner. Miners were interviewed at the
time of follow-up lung function testing to validate the TEBA occupational history and
provide job descriptions for each contract period.
Ethics approval was obtained from the Anglogold Health Services Medical Ethics
Committee and the University of the Witwatersrand Committee for Research on
SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA, Version 8) and STATA 6.0 (STATA
Corporation, Texas, USA) software were used for analysis. The outcome variable
investigated was change in height adjusted pulmonary function (PF) per year of
follow-up, ∆PF=PF2000 - PF1995-6. The adjustment for average height was
PF*(1.692/ht2), where ht is the individual’s observed height. The General Linear
Model (GLM), SAS Proc GLM, was used to compare the adjusted longitudinal
differences in pulmonary function by explanatory variables. In all comparisons,
adjustment was made for the presence of silicosis at baseline and age, duration of
gold mining dust exposure, pack-years of smoking, and asthma at the time of follow
up lung function. The adjusted least square means and the 95% Confidence
Intervals are presented in the results and tables.
Conditional logistic regression was used to test for a significant difference between
paired categorical variables. Results were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95%
confidence intervals (95% CI) or a significance value (p value). Multiple logistic
regression was used to investigate confounding between categorical variables.
Likelihood ratio tests were used to test for overall significance for inclusion of each
variable in the logistic regression model. Student’s t-test was used to test for
differences in means of continuous variables between groups. 4 RESULTS
The selection process is shown in Figure 1. During the period of reliable lung
function screening between January 1995 to September 1996, 27660 miners had
lung function tests, of which 5683 miners were still in service on the 12/12/1999. 270
miners had had an episode of pulmonary TB after the date of the baseline lung
function test of whom 185 were eligible for the study. An age matched control, who
had not had TB following the date of the baseline lung function, was selected from
the computerised payroll records, as outlined in the methods section. Of the 27660
miners in service between January 1995 to September 1996, the mean age of the
270 study subjects, on the 1st January 1996, was slightly younger than that of non
study participants (Mean age 39.5 years versus 41.7 respectively, p=<0.0001)
Characteristics of the TB cases and controls at baseline are shown in table 1. There
was no significant difference between TB cases and controls with regard to baseline
age group, duration of employment and forced vital capacity (FVC), forced
expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced expiratory flow (FEF). There were
significantly more TB cases with a history of previous TB than controls due to the
selection criteria that were applied (23.2% versus 3.2%, p=0.001). Figure 1. Trial profile.
Baseline pulmonary function testJanuary 1995 to September 1996N = 27660
Termination of employment (TOE)DeathTransferred
The prevalence of silicosis at baseline was significantly greater among TB cases
compared to controls (p=0.03). A significantly greater proportion of controls had
never smoked compared to TB cases (38.4% versus 17.3% respectively, p=0.0001).
The length of follow up was slightly longer among controls than TB cases. The
majority of the study subjects were working underground at the time of baseline lung
function (90.8% [168/185] versus 90.3% [167/185] for TB cases and controls
respectively). During the study period, 4 cases and 2 controls were transferred from
4.3 Laboratory and radiological characteristics of TB cases
Of the 185 TB patients, 74.6% were new and the remainder were retreatment cases.
Just over half were detected by the radiological screening program (54.6%) and the
remainder self presented with symptoms. Of the 168 men who had had an HIV test,
58.3% were positive. Only a minority of patients had evidence of concurrent extra-
pulmonary involvement (11.4%). The majority of patients were cured (73.0%), and
the remainder completed TB treatment. The majority of TB cases were smear or
culture positive at diagnosis (73% [135/185] and 77.3% [143/185] respectively). Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in 127 patients. The combined resistance
of pre-treatment isolates of M. tuberculosis to any of the primary TB drugs was
Standard sized chest radiographs were available in 184 TB patients at diagnosis and
completion of treatment. Extensive radiological disease ($4 zones) was present in a
quarter of patients at diagnosis but occurred significantly less commonly at the end
of treatment (25.5% and 15.8% respectively, p=0.002). Cavitatory disease was
present in 149 (81%) patients at diagnosis but was considered to be the primary
parenchymal disease in only 35 (19%). Among patients who had evidence of
cavities, infiltrates, pleural blunting, thickening or effusions at diagnosis, significantly
fewer patients had evidence of these abnormalities following completion of treatment
(Table 2). In contrast, significantly more patients had evidence of fibrosis,
bronchiectasis and hilar elevation following completion of treatment than at the the
The odds of having extensive radiological disease ($4 zones) was significantly
greater among TB cases who self presented compared to those detected by the
radiological screening programme (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.4 – 5.4) and among smear
positive compared to smear negative patients (OR 7.1, 95% CI 2.1 – 24.1).
4.4 Factors associated with loss of lung function
Among controls the adjusted average longitudinal loss of lung function was not
associated with age, duration of occupational dust exposure, or pack-years of
smoking as recorded at baseline (Table 3). Among controls with silicosis (ILO grade
$1/1) compared to those without silicosis (ILO grade #1/0) there was a significant
decline in FVC (46 versus 6 mls/year, p=0.01) and FEV1 (106 versus 69 mls/year,
p=0.02) but not in the FEV1/FVC ratio or FEF (Table 3).
TB cases, compared to controls, had a significantly greater loss of FVC (53 versus
13 mls/year, p<.0001), FEV1 (116 versus 76 mls/year, p<.0001) and FEF (296
mls/year versus 234 mls/year, p=0.001) (Table 4). There was no significant change
in the FEV1 / FVC ratio compared to controls. TB cases had a similar mean loss of
FEV1 / year to that of controls with silicosis (FEV1; 116 mls / year versus 106 mls /
year) (Table 3 and 4, Figure 2). Among TB cases with silicosis compared to those
without silicosis the mean loss of FEV1 / year was not significantly different (FEV1
119 versus 115 mls / year) (Figure 2). Figure 2. Differences in mean longitudinal loss of FEV1 / year stratified according to presence of silicosis at baseline and an episode of pulmonary TB during the study period. FEV1 adjusted for age, height, duration of employment, smoking history, previous TB history and history of chronic lung disease. * p<0.05, ** p<0.001. Sil = silicosis.
4.5 Factors associated with loss of lung function among TB cases
The adjusted mean loss of lung function among TB cases according to clinical
characteristics (treatment category, site of disease, method of detection, treatment
outcome, HIV status and duration of follow up from date of TB diagnosis) are shown
in table 4. The adjusted mean loss of lung function according to bacteriological
status and radiological characteristics at diagnosis and end of treatment are shown
TB cases who self presented with symptoms had a significantly greater loss of FVC
and FEV1 compared to those detected by the radiological screening programme
(FVC: 69 mls versus 39 mls, p=0.009 and FEV1: 131 mls versus 102 mls, p=0.008,
respectively) (Table 4). None of the other clinical variables i.e., treatment category,
site of disease, treatment outcome, HIV status at diagnosis of TB and duration of
follow up after TB diagnosis were associated with loss of lung function ( Table 4).
Sputum smear positive TB cases, compared to smear negative cases, had a
significantly greater mean loss of FVC, FEV1 and FEF (Table 5) (FVC: 64 mls/yr
versus 26 mls/yr, p=0.003; FEV1: 129 mls/yr 95% versus 89 mls/yr, p=0.001; FEF:
317 mls/year versus 244 mls/year, p=0.009). Smear negative cases did not have a
significantly greater loss of FEV1 than did controls (89 mls/year versus 76 mls/year,
p=0.2) (Tables 4 and 5). Culture positive cases did not have a significantly greater
loss of lung function than did culture negative cases (Table 5). Drug resistant cases
were not associated with a greater loss lung function than fully susceptible cases
4.5.3 Pattern and severity of radiological TB disease
Extensive radiological TB disease (zone score $4) compared to less extensive TB
disease (zone score #3) at diagnosis was associated with significantly greater loss of
FEV1 (153 mls/year versus 103 mls/year, p<0.0001) and FEF (389 mls/year versus
265, p<0.0001) (Table 6). There was a significantly greater decline in the FEV1 /
FVC ratio among cases with extensive disease compared to cases with less
extensive disease (2.6%/yr versus 1.6%/yr, p<0.0001) (Table 6). Extensive scarring
at the end of treatment was also associated with significantly greater loss of FEV1
(p=0.03) and FEF (p=0.02) than was less extensive scarring (Table 7).
TB cases who had radiological evidence of bronchiectasis at diagnosis or at the
completion of treatment, compared to those TB cases who did not, had a significant
reduction in FEV1 (at diagnosis; 142mls/year versus 108 mls/year, p=0.01 and
completion of treatment; 143mls/year versus 104 mls/year, p=0.0009) (Table 6 and
7). Similarly, among cases with bronchiectasis at diagnosis and at end of treatment
there was a significant decline in the FEV1 / FVC ratio compared to those cases
without bronchiectasis (At diagnosis; 2.4%/yr versus 1.7%/yr, p=0.005; at end of
treatment: : 2.2%/yr versus 1.7%/yr, p=0.03, respectively (Table 6 and 7).
Among TB cases, none of the radiological patterns of disease was associated with a
significantly greater loss of lung function at diagnosis or at completion of treatment
(Table 6 and 7). The presence of pleural abnormalities at the end of treatment,
compared to their absence, was associated with a significant decline in FEV1 (127
mls/year versus 99 mls/year, p=0.01) and FEV1/FVC ratio (21% versus 16%,
p=0.02). The presence or absence of pleural abnormalities at diagnosis was not
associated with loss of lung function (Table 6).
4.6 Pattern of lung function abnormality and compensation
The proportion of TB cases and controls that had obstructive and restrictive lung
functions at baseline and follow up are shown in Table 8. There was no significant
difference in the proportion of cases and controls that had obstructive or restrictive
lung functions at baseline. At follow up, the proportion of TB cases and controls that
had obstructive lung functions had increased significantly from baseline (p<0.0001
for both). There was, however, no significant difference at follow up in the proportion
of TB cases and controls that had obstructive lung functions (p=0.5).
Among controls, at follow up, current smokers had significantly greater odds of
obstruction than non-smokers (adjusted OR 4.3, 95% CI 1.3 – 9.3, p=0.007). None
of the other factors adjusted for, i.e., age group, employment category and silicosis
status, were significantly associated with obstruction among controls.
TB cases older than 40 years had a significantly greater odds of obstruction
compared to those younger than 40 years of age (adjusted OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.4 –
10.6, p=0.02). Extent of radiological disease at diagnosis, but not at follow up, was
significantly associated with obstruction at follow up (Adjusted OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.1 –
8.2, p=0.04). None of the other factors adjusted for, i.e., silicosis status, employment
category, smear status, method of detection and smoking category was significantly
associated with obstruction among TB cases.
TB Cases had a significantly greater odds of restriction at follow up than controls
(Adjusted OR 10.3, 95% CI 1.3 – 88.7, p=0.03). There were no exposure or clinical
factors among TB cases that were associated with greater odds of restriction.
At follow up, TB cases were significantly more likely to be eligible for compensation
for occupational lung disease under the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works
Act than controls based on a criterion of having an FEV1 percentage predicted #65% or an
FEV1/FVC ratio <65%, (20.5% versus 8.7% respectively; adjusted OR 2.4, 95% CI
4.7 Association between TB and respiratory symptoms
TB cases compared to controls, at the time of follow up lung function testing, had
significantly greater odds of having symptoms of cough (p=0.007), breathlessness
(p=0.07) and wheezing (p=0.006), but not production of phlegm (0.07) (Table 9).
Among TB cases none of the clinical variables, bacteriological status or extent of
radiological disease were associated with a significantly greater odds of respiratory
The association between TB and loss of lung function has been studied in cross
sectional (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 16) and cohort studies (5, 17, 18). TB has been
associated with a reduced FEV1 and FVC at diagnosis (1, 2, 3, 5, 16, 17), during
treatment (4), end of treatment (5, 16, 17) and with long term follow up (6, 7, 18). A
positive relationship between extent of radiological disease and rate of decline in
FEV1 has been shown in numerous studies (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 17). This is the first study
to report changes in lung function comparing spirometric values preceding and
following an episode of pulmonary TB in contrast to age matched controls without TB
Pulmonary TB was an important cause of loss of lung function, after controlling for
other exposure variables associated with loss of lung function, and with respiratory
symptoms post treatment. The rate of loss of lung function was directly related to
the extent of radiological disease at diagnosis and end of treatment. Loss of lung
function was also independently associated with self-presentation and sputum smear
positive status, both of which were associated with extensive radiological disease at
diagnosis. Significantly more cases had restrictive lung functions, but not obstructive
lung functions compared to controls at follow up.
A large proportion of miners who were screened in 1995 / 1996 were no longer in
employment at the time of follow up. This may have resulted in a healthy survivor
effect particularly among the older miners. As a result the loss of lung function due to
TB may have been underestimated. The baseline lung functions were done as part
of the routine annual medical examination whereas the follow up lung functions were
done under research conditions. It is suspected that the FVC at baseline was not
measured at full expiration, which would have resulted in a smaller FVC than would
have been anticipated, and subsequently the loss of FVC would have been
overestimated. This would also have resulted in a larger FEV1 / FVC ratio than
expected and as a consequence the proportion of patients with obstructive lung
function impairment at baseline may have been underestimated.
The relationship between radiological extent of TB disease and loss of FEV1 and
FVC has been reported in cross sectional studies at the time of diagnosis (1, 2),
during treatment (4) and with long term follow up (6, 7). Cohort studies have shown
that the FEV1 and FVC are significantly reduced at the time of TB diagnosis but
show significant improvement by the end of short course chemotherapy (5, 17).
However, patients, particularly those with more extensive disease at diagnosis, may
be left with chronic residual radiological changes and airflow limitation at the end of
treatment (5), which may continue to progress despite bacteriological cure (18). The
extent of radiological TB disease is thought to reflect the extent of endobronchial TB
disease, which results in airflow limitation (7, 17). Our results confirm and expand the
finding of previous studies by quantifying the decline in FEV1 and FVC from baseline
lung functions among TB patients in comparison to age matched controls. After
controlling for other exposure variables, TB patients in contrast to controls, have an
additional loss of FEV1 and FVC of 40mls/year each.
Furthermore, new insights into the interrelationship of extent of disease, method of
detection and smear status are presented. Patients who self presented, compared to
those who were detected by the radiological screening programme, and those who
were sputum smear positive had significantly greater loss of FEV1 and FVC. Self
presentation and sputum smear positive status were in turn independently
associated with extent of disease at diagnosis.
5.4 Obstructive and restrictive airways disease
TB associated with obstructive airways disease has previously been described at
diagnosis (1, 2, 3, 5), during treatment (4), end of treatment (5) and with long term
follow up (6, 7, 18). The prevalence of obstruction has varied from 28% to 68%
according to study design, timing of assessment and medical or surgical treatment. A
surprising but common finding has been that a positive smoking history among TB
patients has not been associated with obstruction (4, 5, 7). , Age greater than 40
years has been associated with obstruction (3). Extensive radiological disease has
not consistently been associated with obstruction (5).
The prevalence of obstruction among TB patents in our study at follow up was
similar to that reported in another cohort study at the end of treatment (5). Among TB
patients in the present study, age greater than 40 years and extensive radiological
disease at diagnosis, but not smoking history, were associated with obstruction.
Among controls, current smokers had significantly greater odds of obstruction than
non-smokers. The contribution of smoking to obstructive airways disease among
controls and the dominant effect of TB among cases to the development of
obstructive airways disease, may explain why there was no significant difference in
the prevalence of obstruction between cases and controls.
The prevalence of restriction among TB cases at follow up in this study was lower
(8.7%) than that reported by two other South African studies at the end of treatment
(24%) (5) and with long term follow up (15%) (7). In our study, there was a significant
difference in the prevalence of restrictive airways disease between cases and
controls. TB as a risk factor for restrictive lung disease has largely been ignored.
Whereas endobronchial TB is thought to be the dominant causative mechanism of
obstruction, restrictive lung functions probably occur when post inflammatory fibrosis
(lung and pleural) dominate over endobronchial and emphysematous changes.
Controls are unlikely to have had an exposure, other than dust, predisposing them to
interstitial fibrosis and consequently had less restrictive lung disease.
As the odds of being eligible for compensation, based on lung function criteria,
among TB cases was 2.4 fold greater than that of controls, as a matter of policy all
TB cases should have a lung function assessment following completion of treatment.
A cohort study of TB patients who had completed TB treatment and been followed
up for 15 years showed that the proportion of patients who developed obstruction
progressed significantly over time (18). This has important implications for
compensation assessment of former miners with a history of occupational TB.
5.5 Silicosis and airflow limitation
Silicosis, in this study, was associated with a similar loss of FEV1 and FVC as that of
a an episode of pulmonary TB. In contrast to a previous cross-sectional study done
in this mining population which found an additive effect of silicosis and TB on loss of
FEV1 (13), there was no significant difference between TB patients with or without
silicosis and loss of FEV1 per year. This may be attributable to the small sample size
and the fact that the current study was not designed to detect a significant difference
The specific influence of silicosis on loss of lung function in this population of gold
miners has previously been evaluated in a cross sectional (19) and cohort study
(14). The cohort was followed up for 5 years after recruitment. Men with silicosis on
entry lost 87 mls / year (unadjusted for age) of FEV1 compared to 37 mls / year
among miners without silicosis on entry. Among a cohort of granite workers from
Hong Kong with simple or complicated silicosis followed up for 10 years, the annual
loss of FEV1 was 79 mls / year (20). Granite workers with radiological progression of
silicosis compared to those with static silicosis had significantly greater annual loss
of FEV1. The annual loss of FEV1 / year among silicotic patients without TB (106
mls / year, 95% CI 77-135) in the present study, adjusted for age and exposure
variables, was similar to that reported for the previous two studies. A limitation of the
current study was that progression of silicosis was not controlled for.
The difference between the annual loss of FEV1 (adjusted for age) among miners
without silicosis in this study and that found in similar group in a related cohort study
(14) is significantly different (69 mls / year, 95% CI 60-79 versus 13 mls/year
respectively). Although undetected silicosis due to the use miniature radiographs
may be a possible explanation this is unlikely to be a major reason. In a previous
study, among former Black miners from the same study site, the correlation between
radiological and autopsy diagnosis of silicosis using mini chest radiographs (15) was
better than that achieved comparing standard sized chest radiographs with autopsy
diagnosis among former White miners (21). The difference between the findings of
this study and that of the cohort study remains unexplained.
Among South African gold miners the incidence of TB is greater than 2000 per
100,000 employees per year. The cumulative incidence of TB among currently
employed miners is estimated to be 20% (unpublished data). The high prevalence of
two powerful risk factors in the workforce, namely silicosis and HIV and their
combined effects, which are multiplicative, are responsible for the high incidence of
TB (10). Silicosis is also associated with a significant loss of lung function that is
similar to that associated with an episode of TB (14, 19, 20, 22).
TB is therefore a common cause of airflow limitation among South African gold
miners. Strategies to improve lung health among miners should focus on
interventions that will lead to improved TB control. Intensifying dust control and HIV
prevention programmes would lead to a decrease in the prevalence of silicosis and
HIV-infection and reduced susceptibility to TB. Improved dust control would have the
added benefit of reducing the occurrence of chronic airflow limitation associated with
chronic dust exposure and silicosis (Figure 3). Introduction of tobacco control
programmes are required to reduce the prevalence of tobacco associated chronic
Silica dust exposure Chronic airflow limitation Silicosis
Figure 3. Association between TB, silicosis, HIV and chronic airflow limitation.
Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) targeted to miners with silicosis or HIV infection
would reduce the risk of developing TB by more than half (23, 24). Miners who
receive IPT are therefore less likely to develop chronic airflow limitation that is
The extent of radiological TB disease has consistently been shown to be an
important predicator of loss of lung function. In this study miners who were detected
by the radiological screening programme or who had sputum smear negative TB had
significantly less extensive disease and airflow limitation. Interventions to detect TB
earlier, with less extensive disease, would reduce the risk of developing significant
airflow limitation among miners who develop TB. The current radiological screening
programme should be maintained. Educational campaigns to improve awareness of
TB symptoms among miners and health care staff, to promote earlier presentation
TB occurs with a high incidence among South African gold miners and is associated
with a significantly greater lung function loss compared to age matched controls.
Early detection and treatment of TB are important measures to reduce the likelihood
of developing chronic airflow limitation among TB patients. Intensification of dust
control and HIV prevention programmes are required to reduce the prevalence of
silicosis and HIV infection in the workforce. Miners with silicosis and HIV infection
should be offered TB preventive therapy.
Table 1. Cohort characteristics at baseline: cases and controls
Controls Table 2. Radiological abnormalities at diagnosis and completion of treatment among TB cases. Radiologcal abnormality At diagnosis End of treatment Extent of disease Parenchymal Primary Bronchiectasis Pleural abnormalities Central structures
=<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001, p<0.0001 Blunting of costophrenic angle
Table 3. Adjusted mean difference in lung function per year among controls according to personal and exposure characteristics FVC (mls/yr) FEV1(mls/yr) FEV1/FVC FEF (mls/yr) Ratio (% / yr) Age group (Yrs) <30 Exp Dur (Yrs) <10 Smoking (Pack yrs) 0 Silicosis No
M = mean difference in lung function, Yrs = years, Exp Dur = exposure duration
Indicates a negative value unless prefaced by a + sign. Table 4. Mean loss in lung function per year according to TB clinical variables adjusted for age, height, duration of employment, smoking history, grade of silicosis, previous TB history and history of chronic lung disease. FEV1/FVC (mls/yr) (mls/yr) Ratio (%/yr) (mls/yr) Treatment category New Site of disease PTB How detected RSP Treatment outcome Cured HIV status Negative Duration of follow up <2 years
N = number, M = mean loss in lung function / year
PTB = pulmonary TB alone, PTB+ETB = Pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB
Self = self presentation, RSP = radiological screening programme
= Duration of follow up from date of TB diagnosis.
Episode of TB during study period, No = controls, Yes = TB cases
Table 5. Mean loss of lung function per year according to mycobacterial status adjusted for age, height, duration of employment, smoking history, grade of silicosis, previous TB history and history of chronic lung disease. FEV1/FVC (mls/yr) (mls/yr) Ratio (%/yr) (mls/yr) Culture Negative Smear Negative Drug resistance F/S
N = number, M = mean loss in lung function / year
F/S = fully susceptible, DR = drug resistant
Table 6. Mean loss in lung function per year according to radiological pattern and extent of disease at diagnosis adjusted for age, height, duration of employment, smoking history, grade of silicosis, previous TB history and history of chronic lung disease. FEV1/FVC (mls/yr) (mls/yr) Ratio (%/yr) (mls/yr) Zone score #3 Radiological pattern None Bronchieactasis No Pleural abnormalities No
N = number, M = mean loss in lung function / year
Extent of radiological abnormalities regardless of cause
Table 7. Mean loss in lung function per year according to radiological pattern and extent of disease at completion of treatment adjusted for age, height, duration of employment, smoking history, grade of silicosis, previous TB history and history of chronic lung disease. FEV1/FVC (mls/yr) (mls/yr) Ratio (%) (mls/yr) Zone score #3 Radiological pattern None Bronchieactasis No Pleural abnormalities No
N = number, M = mean loss in lung function / year
Extent of radiological abnormalities regardless of cause
Table 8. Proportion of TB cases and controls that had obstructive and restrictive lung functions at baseline and follow up. Baseline Follow up Obstruction Restriction Table 9. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios for associations between TB and respiratory symptoms. Unadjusted Adjusted Breathlessness Wheezing
Adjusted for age group, presence of silicosis and duration of employment at
baseline and smoking status at follow up. Table 10. Odds ratios for the association between respiratory symptoms and TB, according to clinical variables. Breathlessness Wheezing Treatment group No TB Site of disease No TB How detected No TB Treatment outcome No TB HIV status No TB Duration of follow up No TB
PTB = pulmonary TB alone, PTB+ETB = Pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB
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Below you find a summary of my findings on calculations with dimensional decibels. Although this should be quite straightforward and commonly known, I was not ableto find a concise calculation rule anywhere on the web. As such, I decided to try andwrite one myself. At the end, in ‘Examples’, you find my consequent opinion on a measure for phasenoise, the carrier-to-noise-density-ratio. If y
Masters A-Plus Page 1 of 4 Preparation Date: March 30, 2011 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ====================================================================================== SECTION I – PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ====================================================================================== Product name: MASTERS A-PLUS Product use: Anaerobic adhesive