London ambulance service nhs trust

London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Vehicle & Equipment Working Group
06th March 2008, 1300-1700
Conference Room, LAS HQ
Chris Vale (Chair)
Head of Operational Support
Alison McKee
Purchasing Buyer
Pocock Street
Staff Side Representative
David Haylett
Staff Side Representative
Nick Pope
Fleet Project Manager
Gordon Ballard
Logistics Manager
Chris Reeves
Emergency Planning Unit
Pocock Street
Dave Smith
Staff Side Representative
John Winnister
Staff Side Representative
Paul Stewart
Staff Side Representative
Jane Worthington (JaW)
Clinical Adviser
Colin Jolly
Head of Fleet
Staff Side Representative
Whipps Cross
Andy Street
Safety & Risk Adviser
Pocock Street
David Selwood
Corporate Logistics Manager
Pat Osliff
Staff Side Representative
Mark Lione
Staff Side Representative

Scott Velleman (minutes)
Employee Support Services Business Manager
John Selby Dave Whitmore Simon Parker Lynn Sugg Gary Ralph Colin Ashburn Previous Minutes (01/11/2007)
Matters Arising Outside Standing Items
03.01 Vehicle Daily Inspection – Sub Group (133/06) CV stated that VDIs haven’t been looked at yet as the new vehicle specification has been prioritised, however VDIs will be. DS confirmed with staff side that he needs to consider different bags for the FRU/ECP roles rather than a one size fits all approach due to the significantly different equipment that each role/vehicle requires. AM said that she hasn’t arranged these yet but will do so in the next month. CV advised that he had spoken to Laerdal representatives at an external event and they would be happy to engage in contract review meetings. CV reported that a trial based on IL’s idea has been instigated where soiled blankets used by crews in the Barking & Havering areas are being sent to a local laundry rather than the central contractor. It is too early to report specific results as yet however it seems to be working well. DS added that 3000 extra blankets will be put into circulation before the end of CR stated that Dipak Chauhan had arranged some training in how to carry the DS responded that he would revisit this issue in the Bag Group. GB said that staff can call the store for extra stock as the problem with the CV asked AM to arrange for all the carry sheets to be given an identification DS stated that the new 125 Manger Elks cannot be obtained until May 2008 because tender regulations mean the process will not be completed prior to the JW asked that they be put onto vehicles as soon as possible. 03.07 FRU Tyre Replacement & Vehicle Cleaning (87/07) NP confirmed that an agreement had been made with Hi-Q that they should always fit Goodyear tyres to FRUs and if these are not available then only other CJ asserted that HI-Q had never been given permission to deviate from the CV apologised for not forwarding the deep clean specification to IL and said he would send it to him and also attach it to the minutes. 03.08 HX Cylinder (91/07) IL confirmed that the risk assessment had been carried out. Alternative Response Steering Group (Standing Item)
NP reported that there was a major discussion around the draft OP13 policy document which has been circulated for review. The other main discussion points related to FRED & FREDA because of 36,000 call cancellations last month; and the fact that ECPs are now being controlled from the sector desks rather than the FRU desks. Risk (Standing Item)
AS stated that there were no significant changes to the Risk Register to report. CV added that 400 Pedimate child harnesses have been ordered which can secure a child to a trolley bed under specific medical condition-related circumstances. Manual Handling Implementation Group (Standing Item)
CV distributed an update report from John Selby and discussed it with the group. Ambulance Procurement Update (Standing Item)
NP said that the SPPP submitted for the current plan was to procure 80 ambulances – 50 for A&E and 30 for Urgent Care. The Procurement Group saw a demonstrator vehicle from Macneillie last Tuesday, and it was at HQ today to be viewed by anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity yet. Procurement notes will be circulated with VEWG minutes CV stated that he is still receiving feedback on the specification from staff. IL noted that no vehicles have actually been ordered yet and CV responded that Mercedes have been made aware of our requirements. Chairman’s Note : 80 Mercedes are now for A & E use. FRU Procurement Update (Standing Item)
NP reported that 83 FRUs have been ordered. There will be an additional 4 for training that will have video recording equipment for assessments. The new vehicles have started to be delivered but they will be held back from being put into service until the MDT glitch has been resolved. Specialist Vehicle Update (Standing Item)
NP said that an SPPP has been submitted and he is waiting an outcome. Carry Chair Update (Standing Item)
DS stated that the specification is ready and awaiting the SPPP approval. Carry Chair Update (Standing Item) (continued)
IL asked if a trial can be arranged ahead of the SPPP approval. CV replied that there are 3 major trials running already and that he would prefer an indication of financial approval before arranging a trial. He agreed to get a quick investigation done into the various options for a mechanised chair. NP said that there has been correspondence between Bob Clark and Ferno to see what modifications can be made to the older 127kg capacity chairs to upgrade them to 200kg capacity and then relabel. DS suggested it may be easier to replace the chairs if it is only a small number that is affected. He agreed to take this forward with Bob Clark. Trolley Bed Update (Standing Item)
CV stated that the tender has been advertised and trials will commence once suppliers register their interest. Staff side were involved in the tender group. CJ gave an update on current trolley bed updates saying that Pegasus arm fittings have been improved and are now being fitted. Falcon 6 upgrades will start to be addressed shortly at a rate of 20-30 per week. The modified Falcon 6 will also have a red tag to identify them. PTS Issues (Standing Item)
NP told the group there has been no meeting of the PTS VEWG since the last main VEWG meeting. The specification for the replacement stretcher vehicle is currently being reviewed by staff side. Equipment Approval Group (Standing Item)
AM stated that Colin Ashburn carried out an assessment which wasn’t very successful as the glass wasn’t breaking cleanly and therefore AM had not IL replied that this was not the experience of staff side colleagues. He asked if Colin can be invited to the next EAG so the product can be looked at again. AM said that if the current product were to be replaced then a tender would be required due to spending levels. This could be considered in June. CV asked AM to take some alternatives to the EAG. 13.03 Paediatric Finger Probe Tapes (19/07) JaW said that there are paediatric finger probes with the Lifepak 12s at Chase CV asked JaW to send details to AM so she can reinstate the product on the catalogue. 13.04 Entonox Demand Unit (70/07) DS said tat this item can be removed from the agenda. EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion Device
JaW demonstrated the device and stated that it has already been trialled at Streatham, Deptford, Waterloo and St Johns Wood and that the device has IL stated his frustration that these trials have been run without reference to the CV agreed with IL. He has spoken to Dave Whitmore and Mark Whitbread because this is a governance issue. All vehicle and equipment trials must be run through the VEWG. CV has arranged for a member of his team to attend future medical directorate meetings in order to be notified about any future products JaW said that a bid has been submitted to purchase one device per vehicle. IL asked that a more formal pan London trial be carried out. CV agreed. He asked JaW to talk to Dave Whitmore to obtain more devices and Kendrick Splints
JaW demonstrated the splint and asked that a formal trial be carried out. DS replied that the splint had already been agreed by the VEWG. The item was first introduced by Bob Fellows in item 113/06 in the VEWG of 26/10/06 and it was referred to the Equipment Approval Group Tourniquets
JaW demonstrated a sample tourniquet of a type recommended by JRCALC to deal with catastrophic bleeds following reviews of 7/7 incidents. CV obtained the groups approval to bring the item into service. Tourniquets (continued)
DS asked AM to check that an order for the item from Boundtree had gone JaW said that she would arrange for a bulletin to be published either by the Sandell Paediatric Tape
JaW also discussed a new paediatric tape that complies with JRCALC guidelines that the Medical Directorate would like to be used. DS stated that they would be personal issue. CV asked JaW to ensure the tapes are covered in the same bulletin discussed in BD Venflon Pro Safety Cannula
IL wanted to bring to the group’s attention that a trial of this product is being carried out across the Service. Preliminary results look good. CV asked IL to give a report at the next VEWG. iGEL (LMA Type Device)
JaW notified that a trial of this device is running at Islington and Pinner. She will follow up and get more details. IL requested that a formal pan London trial is run. CPAP Feasibility Trial
JaW stated that there was an intention to run a feasibility trial from Whipps Cross because they are familiar with this device. It is designed to replace Furosemide; however there are other products available that use less oxygen. CV obtained the group’s approval for a trial to go ahead at Whipps Cross and asked JaW to get Dave Whitmore to report back at the next VEWG. Zinc Tape
AM produced a sample tape stating that Natalie Makin was asked to source a CV believed the product was seen on HEMS and a suggestion was made that it could be used instead of transpore tape. DS asked if the product could be taken to the EAG. Zinc Tape (Continued)
IL agreed.
EMMA Emergency Capnometer
CV distributed handouts for the products covered in both of these items as no staff from the Cycle Response Unit or the Motorcycle Response Unit had attended the meeting. He asked DS to take the items to the EAG and CV will Vial Openers
IL noticed that there’s currently no vial opener included in the vial pack and Paediatric Dots
IL discussed the use of paediatric dots which he believed were being investigated by Mark Whitbread. He stated that crews do not use these dots and therefore felt that they should not carry out paediatric ECGs. JaW said she would deal with this matter. FRU Ear Pieces
IL said that he had spoken to CV outside of the meeting regarding the difficulties FRU drivers were experiencing in using Bluetooth ear pieces that were not working well. CV replied that he would need to speak to Russell Smith about this. NP added that he believed the problem was caused by the phone cradles in the vehicles. IM&T have identified some non-Bluetooth cradles and have ordered them. IL asked for clarification that 50 LDVs will be replaced by new ambulances. He also asked if that meant that there would be a rolling programme to replace the remaining LDVs. CV replied that it would depend on what final figure for ambulance vehicles is decided upon in the new Front End Model. IL then restated the age and condition of the LDVs and asked when the remaining 90-odd vehicles would be replaced, and for clarification on the future fleet size and replacement programme. CV advised a paper was going to the SMG on 7th May. He would be in a better position to comment then ProPak Charging Lead
IL stated that some vehicles are carrying ProPaks without having a charging point. NP responded that each vehicle is fitted to take specific equipment, either a ProPak or a Lifepak 12 but not both as they are not interchangeable. Cannula Trial
This was covered in item 18/08 above. IL obtained confirmation from AM that alternate gloves are available to order on free format. Televisions
IL asked when the television function will be working on the MDTs. Any Other Business
GB showed the group some examples that he would like to replace the DS warned the group that there are 22 units whose service agreements have expired. The units are currently missing. DS will be contacting AOMs to urgently try to track the units down and withdraw them from service. DS has frozen the A&E consumable catalogue in order to have every item photographed so that it can be more clearly identified on eseries. DS asked SV to put this item onto the next agenda. PS asked if the update button on the FRU MDT screen can be made larger as it CV asked NP to take this up with IM&T. JW said he’d had reports that the radio is hard to hear in FRUs due to its placement between the seats. The problem is that in order to increase the radio volume a driver must take his eyes off the road which can be hazardous. IL raised the issue of how obese patients should be secured and asked if there is CJ replied that there isn’t a simple solution and he has sent a report to Jason Killens. He would report back at the next meeting. Vehicle Faults IL referred to a vehicle that had a recurring electrical fault and asked if a system could be brought in that technicians check back through previous faults when a vehicle is put in for service as he thought recurring faults may be a more generic problem. CJ disagreed that there was a generic problem. He said that the particular vehicle IL mentioned had a recurring fault cured by a rewire of the tail lift. CV added that a tender had just been advertised for an electronic Fleet management system, one element of which would detect and report on recurring faults on vehicles.
Date of Next Meeting:
01st May 2008 - 1300-1700
Conference Room, HQ


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