Mais la polymyxine n'est pas du tout absorbée dans le sang du système gastro-intestinal et n'a d'effet que dans l'intestin et est utile pour le traitement des infections intestinales amoxicilline prix Internet en y faisant des achats permettant d’économiser jusqu'à soixante-dix pour cent, tout en étant sûr de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques.


The League of Women Voters of Pullman is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Chair of the Board:
Sue Armitage, 332-4279; Vice President: Alice Schroeder, 334-2470;
Secretary: June Crawford, 332-7186; Treasurer: Joan Folwell, 332-3946; Voter Service: Karen
Kiessling, 332-4755; Voter Editor: Susan Daniels, 332-6699; Finance Drive Chair: Lenna
Harding, 332-7749; Membership/Hospitality: Judy Krueger, 332-8208; Observer Corps
Lucy Linden, 332-2755; TRY Editor: Lucy Linden, 332-2755.
State and Local Planning
Date: Monday February 2, 7:00 p.m.
Program: Set goals for League for 2009, 2010Place: Home of Judy Krueger, 824 SE Edge Knoll Dr. Chair: Alice Schroeder Voter Issues in Whitman County
Date: Monday March 2, 7:00 p.m.
Program: Whitman County Auditor, Eunice Coker will present her report on the recent election. Debbie Hooper, the staff member in charge of elections, will also be present to answer questions.
Place: Neill Public Library, Hecht RoomChair: Karen Kiessling Board Meetings
Monday February 23
Monday March 30

Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. Place: Home of Natalie Clark, 220 SW Mountain View Dr.
Don’t miss out on the benefits of LWV! The deadline to update our membership roster is January 31, 2009. If you have not paid your dues this past fall and want to continue your membership, please pay them as soon as possible. The dues are $60.00 for an individual, $85.00 for a household (=2 persons), and $25.00 for a student. Send them to Joan Folwell, 1301 Kitzmiller Road, Pullman, WA, 99163. Thanks! State and Local Planning, Monday February 2
Discussion Leader, Alice Schroeder
Do you want a say in what the state and local Leagues work on for the next two years? The Monday, Feb. 2 meeting at Judy Krueger’s house is your chance. (Judy suggests we car pool, as snow can make parking scarce.) The program will be state and local planning. It is at this meeting that we set goals for what we would like League to accomplish in the next two years at the state and local levels. On May 29 – 31, 2009, representatives of all WA state Leagues will meet in Tacoma to decide how to put our suggestions into action. (Put this date on your calendar. It is both satisfying and fun to represent Pullman and we can pay for 3 people to attend.) In July at our annual planning potluck we will meet to decide the details of our local program. In both cases we need to review our League positions beforehand, as Leagues must have a position based on study and consensus before taking action. That review is the task for the Feb. 2 meeting. We need to do three things. First look at the current positions themselves—are they fine, do they need updating, should they be dropped? Second, which issues should be our priorities for action? Finally, are there important issues not mentioned in the current positions which we need to study and come to positions on? As you consider the positions below and consider possible new studies, test your ideas against the criteria the League uses in selecting issues for League work.
Is the issue of such concern to members and others that it demands attention now? Will the issue benefit from the League’s special expertise or perspective? Is there a real possibility that citizens working on this issue can bring positive change? Will League work on this issue have a measurable impact on the community or state? Will work on this issue give the League opportunities to collaborate with others? If at all possible take time to read through the positions and think about them a bit before coming to the meeting. Discussion will go faster and be much more lively. If you would like more explanation and a history of action on the state positions go to , click on Positions & Action. Then click on Printable version of Program in Action 2007-2009.
League of Women Voters of Pullman Positions
2007-2009 Biennium

1. Whitman County Health Services: Support for a public health program for Whitman County
which promotes the physical and mental health of all residents of the county.
2. Environmental Quality: Support of policies and procedures which promote coordinated
planning and method of enforcement for the conservation and development of land. Support of
policies to promote coordinated planning and implementation of solid waste management
procedures which conserve natural resources, are ecologically sound, and aesthetically pleasing.
Support of policies to establish city-wide curbside recycling and composting, to maintain a
Recycling Center, to hire a recycling coordinator, to encourage procurement of recyclable
materials, and to develop markets for recyclable materials.
3. Whitman County Transportation: Support of a system of transportation for the Pullman area
which will adequately serve all segments of the population.
4. City and Regional Planning: Support of principles of planning, subdivisions and zoning.
Support of more restrictions on developments for both contractors and private land owners.
Support the principle of making land use decisions through a process that requires both a
Planning Commission and City Council or County Commissioners. Support of growth within
carefully defined areas for commerce and light industry. Support of annual review by the City
Council of a Capital Improvement Program for the City. Additional consensus on development in
2002-2003 study.
5. Local Government Budget and Finance: Support (1) tax measures necessary to maintain an
adequate level of financial support for Pullman City Government, (2) long-range Capital
Improvement Plan for the City of Pullman, (3) finance implementation of long-range capital
6. Schools: Support of measures for a school program adequately financed by the State Basic
Education Act. Support of special levies for specific purposes unhampered by a levy lid. Support
of the following criteria for schools: (1) Given the present economic constraints of the levy lid
law, basic education funding and fluctuating enrollment, it is important to have quality
instructional programming and low student teacher ratio. (2) Energy efficiency (fuel &
transportation) is an important criteria in considering use or lack of use of a building. (3) In any
major redistribution of students, the maintaining of small neighborhood clusters of children
should be considered. (4) Complete financial estimates of each option should be made available
when considering changes in the use of facilities.
7. City Government: Support of the principle of separation of administrative and policy-making
8. Library Services: Support of (1) a more equitable relationship of library employees compared
to other city employees. (2) Additional sources of funding and any expansion to maintain at least
the present level of services, (3) cooperative relationships with other area libraries while maintaining local autonomy.

2007 – 2009 State Program: Positions in Brief
Action to support in principle the Basic Education Act (1977) and the Levy Lid Act.
Action to obtain a balanced tax structure and to maintain uniform assessment practices to ensure
equitable and sufficient financing. Action to support adequate and stable state funding of
common schools in Washington including the costs of in-service training. Action to increase
visibility, accessibility and accountability of the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
and the State Board of Education. Action to support closer links between schools and social
services, so that every child is ready to learn. Action to support greater involvement of parents,
an increased role in decision making for teachers, and more flexible state education
requirements. Action to provide greater access to public higher education to all, at whatever
point in life it can be beneficial.
Port Districts Action to encourage cooperation among port districts, but with local options for
voter control over major policy and expenditure decisions.
Representative Government Action to facilitate changes in the state constitution to achieve a
representative and effective state legislature. Action to promote an informed electorate. Action
to limit methods of financing political campaigns in order to ensure the public's right to know,
combat undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office and
promote citizen participation in the election process. Action to support the initiative
and referendum process, adopt improvements to the process and require additional information
for voters. Action to protect the interests of all affected parties in considering the formation of
new counties. Action to clarify in legislation the processes in county formation and to require
that the entire county have the ability to vote on separation. Action to support election methods
that promote "representativeness," citizen participation and accountability and that produce
proportional representation. Action to support a majority vote requirement if achieved through a
mechanism such as Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). Action to support a primary that is "open" and
encourages minor party participation if a primary continues to be used.
State Tax Policy Action to obtain a balanced tax structure that is fair, adequate, flexible and has
a sound economic effect.
Washington State and Indian Treaty Rights Action to enhance salmon resources, establish a
procedure for retrocession of jurisdiction and support tribal land use planning of trust lands.
The League supports a balanced state transportation policy that defines the role of the state and
supports increases in funding to provide adequate revenue and flexibility for a multi-modal
system of transportation.
Natural Resources
Action to support an energy policy within Washington State. Action to educate the
public on energy conservation. Action to establish incentives for efficient use of current energy
sources and the greater use of alternative energy sources.
Global Climate Change See LWVUS Impact on Issues.
Resource Management Action to obtain coordinated planning and ensure environmental
quality in the use of water, air and land resources. Action to insure that forest management is
carried out in a manner that will sustain healthy forests, streams and habitats.
Waste Management Action for coordinated control and reduction of solid waste. Action to
reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated in Washington and action to promote safe
management of that waste which is produced, including toxics in the home.
Social Policy
Administration of Justice
Action to ensure that our courts are fair, efficient, accessible and
staffed with qualified personnel. Action to maintain a separate court system and facilities for
youths that will balance the procedural rights of the adversary system with the protection of
youth's basic rights. Action to realize equity in sentencing standards. Action to obtain
alternatives to incarceration is of prime importance.
Children's Programs
Child Support and Custody: The League of Women Voters supports vigorous, efficient and
innovative child support enforcement methods and broad education regarding the responsibilities
and consequences of parenthood. The best interest of the child should be the overriding
consideration in determining custody, visitation and an appropriate level of child support.
The physical and emotional security of the child should be paramount. Children are entitled to
support adequate to meet basic needs commensurate with the parents' income, resources, and
standard of living. Courts should have the discretion to order post secondary educational support
in appropriate circumstances.
Children’s Services: Action to support stable and adequate funding for children at risk, with
priority given to prevention, early identification and intervention services, community based
treatment programs, day treatment programs and residential care.
Day Care for Children: Action to provide for the general welfare of children in day care centers.
Action to ensure that the state enforce minimum standards that include provision for a safe,
healthy, clean environment. Action to support sufficient staff with emphasis on competence and
ability to provide a creative, challenging and caring environment.
Economic Diversification Action to ensure a balanced state economy with a strong mixture of
large and small businesses. Measures to contribute to long-range planning and cooperation
between all levels of government with local initiatives wherever possible.
Gun Control Action to provide governmental regulation of ownership and possession of
firearms, and measures to limit their accessibility.
Health Care Action to provide universal access to affordable health services for all residents of
the state of Washington and to control total system expenditures with seamless coverage
regardless of one’s health status.
Human Resources Action to achieve equal rights for all. Action to achieve equality of
opportunity for education, employment and housing regardless of race, color, gender, national
origin, age, sexual orientation or disability. Action to obtain measures that provide basic
human needs for those unable to provide for themselves. Action to ensure that there are emergency support services for those involved in physical and/or mental violence. March Meeting: Voter Issues in Whitman County
Karen Kiessling
The March meeting of the League will look at the presidential election in Whitman County and
what problems emerged in the holding of that election here. Whitman County Auditor, Eunice
Coker, will present her report on that election and on related issues to the holding of elections in
2009. One issue that we have asked her to address is the process of handling provisional ballots
as well as any other specific categories of election information that are needed by the voting
The League has always been concerned with the public receiving adequate information about election issues. We have repeatedly offered assistance to the auditor's office in getting out the word about how citizens in the County can vote. We hope to have many questions for Eunice and Debbie Hooper, the staff member in the Auditor's office in charge of elections, to discuss.
There are pieces of legislation proposed in Olympia to ease the burden on auditors in the state. Eunice will speak to those issues and request the league's support for those bills. We hope to address issues of access to information and support for persons with disabilities. Simple things can help a lot. Just the requirement for large type on all ballots seems simple but would help all voters and is not yet in place. Come to this meeting with your questions and your suggestions. This will be a good meeting for us all to learn and to find ways to help. Voting and voter education are at the heart of our non-partisan organization. Bring a friend who should belong to League. And be sure you introduce yourself to everyone there. Just say hello and welcome. It makes a difference. 2009 KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT BROCHURE
Lucy and Karen are working on the final draft of the new brochure that we send to all potential
donors in the finance drive in March and give away to the public through distribution points in
local government and civic offices all year long. These list the names and terms and contact
information of government officials at the national, state, county and local levels. In addition to
elected officials the names and contact information of appointed staff members, boards and
commissions are listed with terms of office on elected and appointed boards. We distribute these
brochures at city hall in Pullman and Colfax, at libraries in Whitman County and at the Chamber
of Commerce in Pullman and Colfax, at the Auditor’s office and the Whitman County Port office
in Colfax. Many people take one to put beside every phone and computer in their homes because
it is a handy source of email addresses as well as telephone numbers.
Last year the Bank of Whitman paid for the printing of the brochure and they will underwrite the cost this year as well. Please remember to thank the tellers or any staff for this support when you do business in one of their branches. Mr. Bill Knox, CFO of the Bank of Whitman, has been glad to provide this information to the citizens of Whitman County. We want him to know we recognize this public service.
Now that all the corrections have been made we begin the work with the printers. And that part of the job requires several proof readings as each iteration is completed. We are looking for a proofreading team to take on that task. If you are willing to proof, please call or email Karen Kiessling. We would love to have this help. The task will begin within a couple of weeks and will take several hours of time, separated over the space of three weeks in February.
The 2009 Know Your Government brochure will be distributed in March. Join in the fun of this task by offering to proof.
Thanks to League Members for TRY Update Assistance
Lucy Linden, TRY editor
From a snowy Seattle (yesterday was sunny) I send my thanks to the members who volunteered
to update our Know Your Government, They Represent You citizen’s directory. My gratitude for
your prompt response goes to: Karen Barron, June Crawford, Susan Daniels, Joan Folwell,
Diane Gillespie, Bob Grunewald, Janet Kendall, Judy Krueger, Fran Law, Elinor McCloskey,
Lorena O’English, Muriel Oaks, Alice Schroeder, Mary Shirazai, Diane Smerdon, Paul Spencer,
Helen Stiller, and Dorothy Swanson. Special appreciation goes to Karen Kiessling who took my
12 x 18 corrected copies and will superintend the printing and proofing process.
Meet Deborah Olson — New Member of League
Deborah Olson arrived in Pullman from upstate New York in the fall of 1977 to earn a Master's
Degree in Anthropology. She had earned an undergraduate degree at Eisenhower College in
Saratoga Springs, NY and had come to the Palouse because of the strength of the anthro program
here. She worked at WSU in anthropology from 1978 to 1991 when she left the university to
become an independent contractor. She works as a consultant or as a member of staff for the
various independent agencies or companies as a faunal analyst/archeologist. A faunal analyst
identifies animal bones from archeological sites. And Deb has had some interesting finds over
the years. Her largest bones were those of a Columbian mammoth, found near Lewiston while
working for Avista. She said they were approximately 30,000 years old. The smallest finds she
identified were those of bats in a rock shelter in California. Her job is varied and she has worked
with bones from a Butte, MT Chinatown historic site, an Hispanic settlement north of San
Francisco, and a CCC camp in Idaho. In addition to identifying the animals, she examines the
bones to see what was being eaten by the inhabitants, what bones were used as tools, etc.
Deb lives on Harrison Street in a home she bought and has renovated and now shares with 4 cats,
three she inherited and one stray that just wants in out of the cold. She says she had wanted to
join the League for some time and did not know how to do so and then saw the booth at the
Lentil Festival, talked to June Crawford and when June followed up with a phone call, Deb
was on her way
. She attended the Action Workshop in Kennewick and loved the visiting on the
drive over and back, took part in the recycling discussion in December and will see us all at the February meeting at Judy Krueger's home.
We are delighted to have Deb as a member.
Observer Report Briefs
Neill Public Library Board meeting, January 21, 2009
Observer: Diane Gillespie
Items of interest to LWV: 1) The new Library Director, Geraldine de Rooy, has moved to
Pullman from Kelso, WA. This was her first NPL Board meeting. 2) The City approved the
NPL budget for 2009, with the requested capital improvements only if money becomes available.
3) As part of the NPL’s efforts to “go green,” blue cloth book bags are available for $2.00 and
recycled plastic bags will no longer be available. 4) Circulation in 2008 increased 11.67% over
2007. 5) The “food for fines” option raised $5,324 for Pullman Child Welfare. 6) NPL does
not have sufficient parking spaces for patrons and is continuing discussions with Chief Weatherly
and the City about a dedicated loading zone, time-limited parking in the library lot, and parking
options for staff. 7) Nonfiction (as opposed to entertainment) DVDs now may be checked out
for three weeks. 8) NPL is now willing to be an Interlibrary Loan Lender as well as a requester,
although time, postage, and potential loss need to be tracked. NPL often purchases what local
people request through ILL. 9) Discussion of library goals and the 2010 budget is underway.
Previous goals that the City did not accept probably will be included again: a) increase the
library’s budget with eventual goal of 15%; b) use Shirrod money to bring in a person for
collection digitalization work; c) increase technical system support to include more onsite help.
Additional goals might include a) the addition of a 20-hour circulation support person for
constant training of new people (high turnover); b) the addition of a 20-hour teen librarian for an
under served population. All goals will have to be prioritized.
Pullman Regional Hospital meeting, December 21, 2008
Observer: Helen Stiller

The Dec. 3, 2008 meeting of the hospital board was very interesting. Dr. James Duffy is now working with/for the hospital on the issues of recruitment and retention of physicians in Pullman. A video about the hospital and the area has been made. It includes comments from various physicians in various specialties about the Palouse area as well as the hospital and the advantages of working in a small town with a university. The Mayor also speaks, with his wonderful dulcet tone, about the hospital and the town . The intention is to send this video along with a cover letter from Dr. Duffy to as many resident physicians as possible. They are requested to contact Dr. Duffy for further information. This is the current plan for recruitment. This recruitment effort will not compete with the current Medical Offices but be of assistance to them.
Dr. Duffy has also contacted physicians who have left Pullman inquiring as to their reasons for leaving their practices here.
He presented the following facts:Pullman has a physician shortage. By 2020, the national physician shortage will be 200,000.
Only less than 1% of resident physicians prefer a city of 10-25,000; and less than 5% a city of less than 50,000. The hospital will be working in conjunction with the various physicians offices on this recruitment process.
More Recycling Information
Dorothy Swanson
MIXED WASTE PAPER (MWP) While Pullman Disposal Service (PDS) no longer takes MWP,
it is possible to take it to Moscow Recycling (MR) as I did on 1/24. There was at least one other
WA licensed car in the lot and no one questioned me. MR takes several kinds of MWP, some
with paper board mixed in and some just junk mail; inside they take bond paper in a separate
container. Over the past 10 years I've recycled ¼ - ½ ton MWP per year.
The story on PDS is that its recycling center is not controlled by the State Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) as is their curbside recycling and trash pickup. In 2007 PDS did recycle 100 tons of MWP which it took free to MR; now MR wants to charge $10/ton which PDS feels their recycling center cannot afford. We could lobby the city to help PDS to continue to recycle MWP since when it is added to the general municipal waste, it is costing PDS $99/ton to dispose of it. As that is controlled by UTC, a significant amount could increase trash rates.
COMPOSTING WORKSHOP, FEB. 25, 2009 –Anyone interested in participating in a Composting Workshop run by Whitman County should contact Judi Gray at WHITMAN COUNTY RECYCLING – The County will continue to take the following recyclables: corrugated cardboard, newspapers, tin, aluminum, HDPE and PET plastics even though the prices have plummeted; e.g., cardboard which was bringing in $120/ton in Jan. '08, now pays $32.50/ton. The paper products that the County recycles are picked up at the landfill; however, the tin, aluminum, and plastics are taken to Spokane and the County currently receives anywhere from 31¢ to 2¢/lb. All of these recyclables are baled by the County.
PDS is taking electronic recycled items free as an agent for the State program which started on 1/1/09. The free items designated by the State include computers, monitors, and TV's. PDS will take printers, scanners, cell phones etc., but there is a charge.
Medications have been harming the environment and so there is a program called SMARxT The program suggests that to dispose of medications put them in a sealable plastic. If the medication is a solid pill or liquid capsule, crush it or add water to dissolve it. Add kitty litter, sawdust, coffee grounds or any material that mixes with the medication and makes it less appealing for pets and children to eat. Seal the plastic bag and put it in the trash. FDA also advises that the following drugs may be flushed down the toilet instead of thrown in the trash: Actiq, Daytrana Transdermal Patch, Duragesic Transdermal system, Oxycontin tablets, Avinza capsules, Baraclude tablets, Reyataz capsules, Tequin tablets, Zerit of oral solution, Meperidine HCI tablets, Percocet, Xyrem, and Fentora. Check for Approved Collection Programs. There is also a proposed State Law to require all pharmacies to tell customers how to dispose of the medicines they dispense. Don’t miss this exhibit: Chris Jordan: Running the Numbers is the WSU Art Museum exhibit,
Jan. 14 to Apr. 4. It is a fabulous exhibit by this internationally known Seattle artist to
demonstrate the incomprehensible statistics regarding American consumer excess. Each digital
photographic image protrays a specific quantity of consumption or cultural value, e.g., 2 million
plastic beverage bottles, the number used every five minutes in the U.S! For anyone interested in
the environment it is a must see exhibit.
Useful Pullman League Numbers
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