Mais la polymyxine n'est pas du tout absorbée dans le sang du système gastro-intestinal et n'a d'effet que dans l'intestin et est utile pour le traitement des infections intestinales metronidazole prix Internet en y faisant des achats permettant d’économiser jusqu'à soixante-dix pour cent, tout en étant sûr de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques.
Medco manages your prescription drug benefit at the request of SISC. Your plan gives you the option of getting your covered medications through the Medco Pharmacy™ mail-order service or at a participating retail pharmacy.
Your plan features a list of generic and brand-name drugs called the Preferred Prescriptions® drug list. This list includes a wide selection of medications manufactured by all the major drug companies. These medications have been selected by an independent group of doctors and pharmacists for safety and efficacy. The list includes only medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
These medications are “preferred” because they offer you choice while helping to keep the cost of your prescription drug benefit affordable. “Non-preferred” drugs, which are not on this list, will cost you and your plan more. Your doctor can help you save money by prescribing generic drugs or preferred brand-name drugs. Be sure to bring the Preferred Prescriptions drug list with you each time you visit your doctor. You can also visit us online at to get the most up-to-date formulary information. After registering, click on “Learn about formularies” in the “Prescriptions & benefits” section. You can search for medications by name or by category and print out information to share with your doctor.
The chart below provides a summary of your prescription drug benefit co-payments. Type of medication When you use a participating When you use the retail pharmacy, you pay: Medco Pharmacy, you pay: $5 co-payment $10 co-payment $15 co-payment $30 co-payment $30 co-payment $75 co-payment *A generic drug will always be dispensed if one is available. If you purchase a brand-name drugwhen a generic alternative is available, you will pay the generic co-payment plus the difference incost between the brand and the generic, even if your doctor writes “dispense as written” (DAW) on the prescription.
When you visit a participating retail pharmacy and present your member ID card, you will pay the applicable cost share and receive up to a 30-day supply of the prescribed drug. For medication you take on an ongoing basis, using the Medco Pharmacy offers you convenience and potential cost savings. You can get more information about the Medco Pharmacy mail-order service by calling 1 800 MEDCO-MAIL (1 800 633-2662).
If you have Internet access, you can visit us online at After registering, you can access information about your benefits, as well as health and wellness resources. You may also contact Member Services toll-free at 1 800 987-5241. Medco looks forward to meeting all of your prescription benefit needs. Medications that are not covered by your drug plan
Listed below are medications and medication categories that are not covered under your SISC drug plan. The list may not reflect all non-covered drugs and may be subject to change. To confirm whether a prescription drug you need to take is covered or to check the cost of a medication, visit and click “Price a medication.” (If you’re a first-time visitor to the site, please take a moment to register. You’ll need your member ID number and the number from a recent prescription.) You can also get coverage and pricing information by calling Medco Member Services toll-free at 1 800 987-5241. Please note that this list may not be all-inclusive.
• Anti-wrinkle agents (Renova®, Retin-A®, and Avita® for patients aged 36 and over)• Experimental drugs• Fertility medications (Follistim®, Gonal-f ®, Clomid®, and Repronex®)• Influenza treatments (for example, Relenza® and Tamiflu®)• Medications labeled “Caution—limited by federal law to investigational use”• Over-the-counter medications (except Prilosec OTC®)• Pigmenting/depigmenting agents (hydroquinone, Eldopaque®, and Eldoquin®)• Hair growth and hair removal agents (Propecia® and Vaniqa®)• Smoking-cessation agents (Nicorette®, Zyban®, Chantix™, and all nicotine patches)• Vitamins (except prescription strengths of prenatal vitamins, hematinics, Rocaltrol®,
• Brand non-sedating antihistamines (for example, Clarinex®, Clarinex-D®, and Xyzal®)
(See the reverse side for your plan’s co-payment reference guide.)
Ethical issues arising from the use of assisted reproductive technologies Introduction warrant attention, balance and prioritization. Balanceand prioritization may be achieved in different ways,The purpose of this paper is to address ethical issuesdepending upon the ethical orientations, principlesarising from four aspects of the employment ofand levels of analysis that are brought to be