Lfp premium emergents i_report_tmp.xlsm

NAV I share : 10 961.48 €
An alternative to Euro zone debtThe fund’s performance target is to outperform the Euro MTS Global Index by 100 bp over the recommended I Share Size : 31.09M€
Fund size : 31.51M€
Fund size (master fund) : 31.54M€
Past performances do not guarantee future results and are not constant over time Legal form : French Regulated fund - UCITS IV
AMF Classification : International Fixed
Share class : I share
Inception date : 30/07/2010
Evolution of net performance since inception Fund objective : EuroMTS Gbl + 1%
Treatment of income: capitalization
Valuation frequency : Daily
Currency : Euro
Clients: All subscribers
Risks incurred : loss in capital, fixed income,
country, credit, counterparty
Modified duration range : between 0 and 8
ISIN Code : FR0010909150
Bloomberg Ticker : LFPPREM FP Equity
Max. subscription fees : 3.0%
Max. redemption fees : none
Max. management fees : 0.75%
Performance fees : 20% of excess performance
Dealing cut-off : D at 11:00 am
Settlement : D+2
Initial min. subscription : 100 000 €
Custodian : BNP Paribas Securities Services
Administrator : BNP Paribas Fund Services
Fund manager : Georges FARRE;Gaël
Distribution : La Française AM
Management company : La Française des
professional investors - Please read the disclaimer on the lastpage - Non contractual document Before subscribing, please refer to the fund prospectus availableon the internet : www.lafrançaise-group.com Data : La Française des Placements, Bloomberg Data through master fund's transparency (La Française AM Fund - LFP Premium Emergents - Classe F) Fund modified duration : 5.83
Fund spread : 261 bp
Average rating : BBB
* Corresponds to the most recent rating from Moody's and Standard & Poor's La Française des Placements - French Simplified Stock Corporation (SAS) - Share capital €17 696 676 - 314 024 019 RCS PARISA portofolio company approved by the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" under n° GP 97076 on July 1st, 1997Mailing adress : 173, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris - France - Ph. +33(0)1 73 00 73 00 - Fax +33 (0)1 73 00 73 01A company of La Française - www.lafrancaise-group.com This is marketing information. The elements contained in this document have been prepared solely for the purpose of information and do not constitute an offer, or any invitation to treat, buy or sellany financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. While particular attention has been paid to the contents of this document, no guarantee, warranty or representation, express orimplied, is given to the accuracy, correctness or completeness thereof.
Please note that the value of your investment may rise or fall and also that past performance results are no indication of future results. Especially performance results referring to a period of less thantwelve months (Year-to-date performance) are no reliable indicator for future results due to the short comparison period. There is no guarantee that you will get back the full amount invested.
Investments in foreign currencies may generate a currency risk, and the return in your reference currency may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. The fund is exposed toseveral types of risks which are listed on page one of the current document and in the fund’s KIID.
The fund is a UCITS. Please refer to “Legal form” and “Registered countries” on page one for more information.
Source for performance figures: La Française des Placements, Bloomberg. Issuance and redemption commissions and taxation on capital gains, if any, are not included in the performance figures.
Figures are based on gross performance, after deduction of management fees only; therefore you must note that commissions, fees and other charges may have a negative impact on performance.
The issuer of this document is La Française AM Finance Services, a French Simplified Joint Stock Company (Société par Actions Simplifiée – “SAS”), 173, boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris,France, Phone: +33(0)1 44 56 10 00 – Fax: +33(0)1 44 56 11 00. La Française AM Finance Services is regulated by the “Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel” as an investment services provider underthe number 18673 X. This presentation must not be copied, reproduced, distributed or passed on to any person at any time without the prior consent of La Française AM or its member companies. LaFrançaise AM International was approved by the CSSF on December 20, 2002.
The tax treatment of the fund depends on the personal circumstances of each client and can be subject to future changes. You should consult your financial advisor before investing.The fund maynot be offered, sold or delivered within the United States. These products may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain persons or in certain countries under national regulations applicable tosuch persons or countries. NOTABLY, THIS PRESENTATION IS EXCLUSIVELY INTENDED FOR PERSONS WHO ARE NOT U.S. PERSONS, AS SUCH TERM IS DEFINED IN REGULATION SOF THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE SECURITIES ACT) AND WHO ARE NOT PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES.
For more detailed information on the investment fund, please refer to the prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), which should be read before any investment. In relation tothe investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available on www.lafrancaise-group.com or upon request to La Française, 173 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris – France : contact-valeurmobilieres@lafrançaise-group.com have been published containing all the necessaryinformation about the product, the costs and the risks which may occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
The distribution and the offering of funds in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to inform themselves about and tocomply with any relevant restrictions.
For Switzerland
For information regarding “countries of registration”, please refer to the first page of this document, upper left corner.
Funds authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA for distributing their shares publicly in Switzerland: for interested parties, fund regulations or the articles of incorporation,the key investor information document (KIID) and the full prospectus, in their current versions, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports are provided free of charge at the representative inSwitzerland (ACOLIN Fund Services AG, Stadelhoferstrasse 18, CH- 8001 Zurich, www.acolin.ch). Paying agent in Switzerland is NPB Neue Privat Bank AG, Limmatquai 1, 8022 Zurich. This appliesto the following investment funds only: LFP Obligations Emergentes, LFP Euro Inflation (formerly Index Long Terme), LFP Libroblig, JKC Fund – LFP JKC Asia value, JKC Fund – LFP JKC ChinaValue, LFP S&P Capital IQ Fund - LFP R2P Global Credit.
Funds NOT authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA for distributing their shares publicly in Switzerland. This document is for information and marketing purposes onlyand does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy the described products. This document may not be publicly disclosed, directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever and youhave received this document in your capacity as a “qualified investor” only, for your personal use, and you are prohibited from transferring this message or its content to any other person, fromsaving, publishing, copying or replicating it. Should you not be a qualified investor or not consider yourself as one (FINMA circular no. 2008-08 of November 20, 2008), you are kindly requested todisregard this document unread. No person, including ACOLIN Fund Services AG, has been authorized to give any information or to make representations other than those contained in thisdocument and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by La Française.
For Finland
Funds registered in Finland have been authorized for public distribution in Finland by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com or www.morningstar.fi) have been published containing all the necessary information about the product, the costs and the risks which may occur. Do not takeunnecessary risk.
For Germany
Funds registered in Germany have been authorized for public distribution in Germany by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com or upon request to contact-valeurmobilieres@lafrançaise-group.com or from our Information Agent and Paying Agent: BNP PARIBAS Securities Services S.A. – Zweigniederlassung Frankfurt am Main, Europa-Allee 12, 60327 Frankfurt am Main) have been published containing all the necessary information about the product, the costs and the risks whichmay occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
For Luxembourg
Funds registered in Luxembourg have been authorized for public distribution in Luxembourg by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com or upon request to contact-valeurmobilieres@lafrançaise-group.com) have been published containing all the necessary information about the product, the costs and therisks which may occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
For Sweden
Funds registered in Sweden have been authorized for public distribution in Sweden by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Fiansinspektionen).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com or www.morningstar.se or from our Paying Agent SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN AB Sergels Torg 2, SE-106 40 Stockholm, Sweden) have been publishedcontaining all the necessary information about the product, the costs and the risks which may occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
For Italy
Funds registered in Italy have been authorized for public distribution in Italy by the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com, or www.fundinfo.com or from our Paying Agent BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, Via Ansperto no. 5 20123 Milan, Italy) have been published containing all thenecessary information about the product, the costs and the risks which may occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
For Spain
Funds registered in Spain have been authorized for public distribution in Spain by the Comision Nacional del Mercado de valores (CNMV) : LFP Europe Impact Emergent (926), LFP Trésorerie
(1101), LFP Obligations Emergentes (839), LFP Protectaux (851), LFP Allocation 7 (634), LFP Crédit Flexible International (1133), LFP Convertibles 2015 (765), LFP Euro Inlfation (840), LFP
Libroblig (985), LFP Rendement 2017 (1132), LFP Rendement Emergent 2017 (1112), LFP R2P Global Credit (1139), LFP JKC Fund (987), LFP Trend Opportunities (1143).
In relation to the investment fund and share class mentioned in this document, the latest prospectus, the KIID and the annual and semi-annual reports (whose latest versions are available onwww.lafrancaise-group.com or can be obtained from Allfunds Bank SA Calle Estafeta 6- Complejo Plaza de la Fuente, Edificio 3, La Moraleja, Spain) have been published containing all thenecessary information about the product, the costs and the risks which may occur. Do not take unnecessary risk.
La Française des Placements - French Simplified Stock Corporation (SAS) - Share capital €17 696 676 - 314 024 019 RCS PARISA portofolio company approved by the "Autorité des Marchés Financiers" under n° GP 97076 on July 1st, 1997Mailing adress : 173, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris - France - Ph. +33(0)1 73 00 73 00 - Fax +33 (0)1 73 00 73 01A company of La Française - www.lafrancaise-group.com

Source: http://www.lafrancaise-am.es/fileadmin/docs/OPC/FR0010909150/reportings/en/FR0010909150_reporting_en.pdf

Microsoft word - osdi.doc

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