Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps azithromycine prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
No evidence for association between a functional promoter variantof the Norepinephrine Transporter gene SLC6A2 and ADHDin a family-based sample
T. J. Renner • T. T. Nguyen • M. Romanos •S. Walitza • C. Ro¨ser • A. Reif • H. Scha¨fer •A. Warnke • M. Gerlach • K. P. Lesch
Received: 26 April 2011 / Accepted: 7 June 2011Ó Springer-Verlag 2011
shown to have major influence on the expression levels of
executive functions, attentional performance, and general
SLC6A2 due to sequence alteration at a repressor binding
alertness, involving neuronal networks affected in attention
site, with the T-allele being associated with ADHD. We
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The norepinephrine
tested this potential association of A-3081T in a German
transporter facilitates the reuptake of norepinephrine and
family-based ADHD sample of 235 children from 162
dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and represents the main
families, which has a power [99% based on the previously
target of atomoxetine, an effective drug in the treatment of
reported odds ratios. There was no evidence for an over-
ADHD. Due to its influence on catecholaminergic signal-
transmission of the risk allele T (transmission rate: 48.5%,
ing, variants of the coding gene (SLC6A2) have been widely
P = 0.55). We conclude that A-3081T is not a major risk
investigated in ADHD. Several previous studies report an
variant in our ADHD sample, though SLC6A2 remains an
association between single nucleotide polymorphisms
interesting candidate gene in ADHD, especially for the
located in SLC6A2 and ADHD; however, the findings are
inconsistent. The variant A-3081T (rs28386840) has been
A-3081T Á rs28386840 Á Functional Á NET
T. J. Renner (&) Á M. Romanos Á A. Warnke Á M. GerlachDepartment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomaticsand Psychotherapy, University of Wu¨rzburg, Fu¨chsleinstr. 15,
97080 Wu¨rzburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is esti-
mated to affect about 3–6% of children in school age, and its
Institute of Medical Biometry and Epidemiology,
core symptoms are reported to persist in adulthood in a
University of Marburg, Bunsenstr. 3, 35037 Marburg, Germany
considerable percentage (Polanczyk and Rohde High
heritability of up to 0.8 suggests a genetical predisposition
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
and has been the incentive for comprehensive research on
University Clinic of Munich, Nußbaumstr. 5a,
the molecular genetic basis of this sociologically relevant
disorder (Faraone et al. ). Based on pathophysiologic
considerations, numerous studies investigating candidate
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
genes encoding effectors of monoaminergic neurotrans-
University of Zu¨rich, Neumuensterallee 9,
mission have been conducted (Brookes et al. ;
Schimmelmann et al. Albayrak et al. ).
One promising candidate in ADHD is the norepineph-
Molecular Psychiatry, Laboratory of Translational Neuroscience
rine transporter (NET) gene, also known as solute carrier
Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy,
family 6, member 2 (SLC6A2). Norepinephrine is suggested
University of Wu¨rzburg, Fu¨chsleinstr. 15, 97080 Wu¨rzburg,Germany
to play a crucial role in the neurotransmitter disequilibrium
underlying ADHD pathophysiology. Interference with
ADHD, the association between T-3081A and ADHD, has
noradrenergic signal transduction in prefrontal brain areas
to be confirmed in a larger sample. Though Kim et al.
was correlated with ADHD-like symptoms in rodents as
) further underlined the importance of SLC6A2 in
well as in primates (Arnsten Kostrzewa et al. ;
ADHD by an extended association study, the T-3081A
Sontag et al. ). Dysbalance between dopamine and
variant was not included in the set of investigated variants.
norepinephrine activity with a relative hypernoradrenergic
In a recent combined case–control and family-based study
state is also found in SNAP-25 knock-out mice as well as in
on Korean children affected by ADHD, Cho et al. )
spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), animal models
were not able to confirm the association for the T-3081A
previously characterized to display ADHD-like behavior
SNP, while Joung et al. reported association in a further
(Bruno et al. Russell ). This is in line with
Korean sample with relatively high odds ratios (Cho et al.
knowledge on noradrenaline’s capacity to influence atten-
tion, executive functions, and general alertness.
In this study, we focussed on this functionally relevant
The synaptic neurotransmitter homeostasis of dopamine
SNP in the promoter of SLC6A2 and aimed to replicate the
and norepinephrine in prefrontal areas is modulated by
results of Kim et al. ) and Joung et al. ) in a
reuptake into the presynaptic neuron via NET. While
family-based ADHD sample with 162 families of German
norepinephrine is the main substrate of NET, it is also
descent. To detect the odds ratio reported by Kim and
capable of mediating the reuptake of dopamine in pre-
colleagues, our sample provides a power of more than
frontal areas, underlining the importance of this effector in
prefrontal brain activity. Moreover, atomoxetine, a drugalleviating ADHD symptoms, is suggested to bind pre-dominantly to NET, blocking its transporter function
(Seneca et al. Based on this knowledge, SLC6A2,located on chromosome 16q12.2, is an interesting candi-
date gene for molecular genetic studies in ADHD.
Several studies investigated the association between
Two hundred and thirty-five children (178 boys) with
genetic variants of SLC6A2 and ADHD with divergent
ADHD from 162 families were recruited and phenotypi-
results (Brookes et al. ; Retz et al. ; Xu et al.
cally characterized by a team of experienced child and
adolescent psychiatrists in the outpatient unit of the
Joung et al. while an a priori gene analysis of
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psy-
genome-wide association data pointed to SLC6A2 as one of
chotherapy, University of Wu¨rzburg, according to DSM-IV
the most promising candidates (Lasky-Su et al.
criteria American Psychiatric Association (All
However, most of the studies have been focussing on
patients agreed to participate in the study, and written
polymorphisms whose capacity to influence the function-
informed consent was obtained from all participants. The
ality of SLC6A2 is not clarified yet. Generally, genetic
study was approved by the appropriate local Ethics Com-
variants proven to be functional either by altering amino
mittee of the University of Wu¨rzburg.
acid sequence or due to being located in regions with
Families were included if they had one or more children
potential influence on gene expression are valuable targets
affected with ADHD to perform family-based association
for association studies. Previously, Kim and colleagues
and genome-wide linkage studies. The index patient was
reported a T/A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
required to be older than 8 years and to fulfill DSM-IV
rs28386840, located 3081 base pairs upstream the tran-
criteria for the combined subtype, and further affected
scription start site, and confirmed a markable loss of
siblings had to be at least 6 years of age. The lower limit
expression caused by the T-variant (Kim et al. ). In an
was chosen in order to ensure relative persistence of
elaborated set of assays, they showed that the E2-box motif
ADHD symptoms and to exclude children who may show
formed by the T-allele enables the binding of the repressing
phenocopies of the disorder during preschool age, but do
transcription factors Slug and Scratch, reducing the
not fulfill diagnostic criteria for ADHD during subsequent
expression of SCL6A2 (p \ 0.0005). Moreover, in a small
developmental stages (Shelton et al. The mean age
case–control sample including 90 ADHD patients, they
of the affected children was 11.03 years (SD: 3.12 years).
identified the minor T-allele as a risk allele in ADHD
In 107 families one child, in 40 families two, in 12 families
with an odds ratio of 1.8 and 4.3 for the AT-genotype
three and in 3 families four affected children were
and the TT-genotype, respectively, compared with the
Exclusion criteria were as follows: (a) general IQ B 85,
However, this intriguing finding, linking a functional
(b) potentially confounding psychiatric diagnoses such as
genetic variant causing down regulation of SLC6A2 with
schizophrenia, any pervasive developmental disorder,
Tourette’s disorder, and primary mood or anxiety disorder,
genotypes were identified by subsequent gel electrophore-
(c) neurological disorders such as epilepsy, (d) history of
any acquired brain damage or evidence of the fetal alcoholsyndrome, (e) premature deliveries, and/or (f) maternal
reports of severe prenatal, perinatal, or postnatal compli-cations. Psychiatric classification was based on the Schedule
Genotypes were checked for Mendelian inconsistencies
for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age
using PedCheck (O’Connell and Weeks Here, we
Children Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL).
found an inconsistency in a trio and set the genotypes of all
Mothers received the unstructured Introductory Interview
family members on missing. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
and the Diagnostic Screening Interview including diag-
was checked for on parental genotypes by chi-square tests.
nostic supplements when applicable. The child was inter-
The two-sided pedigree disequilibrium test weighting on
viewed with the screening interview of the K-SADS in case
family size (PDT-sum) was performed to assess the
of positive screening with the respective supplements of
transmission rates and to test for association (Martin et al.
the K-SADS-PL. Additionally, we employed the Child
). A nominal p-value lower than 0.05 was considered
Behavior Checklist and a German Teachers’ Report on
ADHD symptoms according to DSM-IV. We consider our
Given the number and the structure of our ADHD
index patients as representative of ADHD patients of child
families, we used the program TDT Power Calculator
and adolescent psychiatric units in Germany. See Table
(Version 1.2.1) (Chen and Deng ) to calculate power
at the alpha level of 0.05 for an observation of the effectmagnitudes reported by Kim et al. (Therefore,
ADHD prevalence of 5% and, according to Kim and col-leagues, a T-allele frequency of 22.5% and a genotypic
DNA was extracted out of whole-blood samples according
relative risk of 1.8 and 4.3 for the AT-genotype and the
to standard protocols. To genotype the variant A-3081T
TT-genotype, respectively, were assumed. This results in a
(rs28386840), polymerase chain reaction was performed as
described by Kim et al. (PCR products underwentenzymatic digestion by BsrI at 65°C over 3 h, and
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the ADHD sample
To confirm the association between the functional SNP
rs28386840 located in the promoter region of SLC6A2 and
ADHD, a family-based association study including 162
families including 235 affected children was conducted.
The parent genotype distribution (AA: 159, AT: 136, TT:
27) and the offspring genotype distribution (AA: 125, AT:
88, TT: 21) did not show significant difference from
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P = 0.78 and 0.34, respec-
tively). There was no evidence for an overtransmission of
the risk T-allele (transmission rate: 48.5%, P = 0.55;
a Current DSM-IV diagnosis according to K-SADSb Multiple scoring possible
c Diagnoses: major depression and dysthymic disordersd
In this study, we aimed to replicate the reported association
Diagnoses: separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific
of a functional genetic variant rs28386840 located in the
association analysis of SLC6A3marker rs28386840 (numbers of
promoter region of SLC6A2 in a family-based German
sample (Kim et al. ). In our opinion, the promoter SNP
ADHD sample. This SNP was shown to downregulate the
qualifies as a preferable polymorphism in studies especially
expression of SLC6A2 significantly, representing a very
on atomoxetine, since it is considered to interact mainly
interesting candidate for molecular genetic studies in
with SLC6A2. Thus, a change in genetic expression could
ADHD. In contrast to the results reported by Kim et al.
be linked with altered general response to pharmacological
() and Joung et al. (and in line with the findings
therapy. However, the only study on the pharmacoge-
of Cho et al. ), we did not detect significant trans-
nomics of SLC6A2 and atomoxetine response did not
mission disequilibrium for the T-allele in our sample (Kim
include the functional SNP rs2838680 (Ramoz et al.
et al. ; Joung et al. ; Cho et al. ). Our study is
). Further molecular genetic studies with a special
based on family data and provides robust results against
emphasis on ADHD subtypes are recommended to clarify
stratification admixture in contrast to case–control studies.
the pathophysiologic role of SLC6A2 and its regulation in
In addition, since the study size allowed considerable
power ([99%) to detect genotype effects of the magnitude
In conclusion, the present study showed no association
reported by Kim et al. (we assume that the func-
of a functional variant, capable to downregulate the
tional variant rs2838680 plays no major role in our German
expression of SLC6A2, in a German family-based ADHD
sample. Since the study design provided sufficient power to
Since norepinephrine is considered to be regulating
detect the reported odds ratios, we conclude that it has no
attentive and executive functions (Brennan and Arnsten
major impact in this sample, consisting mostly of combined
), SLC6A2 is suggested to impact specific clinical
type ADHD patients. Due to its impact on monoaminergic
ADHD features. In the present study, the investigated
neurotransmission including norepinephrine as well as
sample consists of children predominantly affected by
dopamine, SLC6A2 remains an interesting candidate gene
combined type ADHD, as was the sample investigated by
in ADHD. Further studies on genetic variants of SLC6A2
Cho et al. ). Considering that the sample in the study
will focus on its role in specific subtypes of ADHD with
of Kim et al. (reporting positive association between
deficiencies in attentional networks and their response to
two SNPs of SLC6A2 and ADHD comprised 30% inat-
tentive subtype, the negative finding in this study mayindicate that SLC6A2 could be of higher importance in the
We are grateful to all participants for their
support. We would like to thank Nicole Do¨ring for excellent technical
assistance. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
For most of the investigated variants in candidate gene
gemeinschaft (KFO 125/1-1 & 125/1-2; SCHA 542/10-3; LE 629/11-1)
studies, functional impact is unknown, as it is the case with
and the Bundesministerium fu¨r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF
two SNPs of SLC6A2 for which Kim et al. ) reported
frequently in case of positive association results linkagedisequilibrium with a variant harboring, the actual func-tionality is assumed for the respective SNPs. In this study,we focussed on a genetic variant that to our knowledge is
the only one in SLC6A2 whose capacity to influence geneexpression directly has been shown in biochemical assays,
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