Heart problem vs dental tratment

Medical Conditions and Dental / Cosmetic Surgery
Sometimes a patient is not advised to have any dental treatment or cosmetic surgery at a certain time until another health issue is addressed. In other cases it is possible but the risks are higher and the healing may take longer than normal.
Heart Problem
Having a peacemaker or taking certain medications for heart disease or other diseases and having a surgical treatment are not contraindicated in every case. However, there are some medications and health conditions we need to be careful with and some may contraindicate treatment. For example if the patient is taking medications such as: Vitamin K antagonist (Warfarin, Marcumar, Coumadin) Thrombocyte aggregation inhibitor (Aspirin, Aspro, Plavix, Clopidogrel) And the patient would like to have any surgical treatment, then the patient may need to stop taking one or
more of his/her medication for the time scale of before, after and the duration of the treatment (2-3 days).
This is to allow the surgeon to help stop bleeding during surgery. If the patient would not stop the
particular medication then it may not be possible to stop bleeding at a surgical intervention. The question
is, is it safe for the patient to stop the medication?
Only a GP or a cardiologist can possibly advise and agree to a patient stopping any of their
medication. If they agree to it we need a written confirmation of this from the patient’s GP or
cardiologist stating the details. Please send this to our contact address on our website.
Once this is clarified, on the day of the surgical treatment in Hungary, we will need to measure the
patient’s INR. INR is the prothrombin time (PT) and its derived measures of prothrombin ratio (PR)
and international normalized ratio (INR) are measures of the extrinsic pathway of Coagulation is the process by which forms and it is an important part of .
is a process which causes bleeding to stop. In Hungary the acceptable INR rate used to be
stricter 1.5 or below, than in the UK 2.5 or below. In Hungary it is 1.5 or below. This may be changing in
future or have already changed. If the INR is not acceptable, the surgeon / dentist will not be able to carry
out the treatment. All the above is necessary to try to preserve the patient’s good health and avoid
Cancer, Chemo Therapy, Pregnancy, Smoking, Alcoholism, Known Allergies, Any Known Health
Problem and Medication Taken Currently or Recently, Any other treatment is received
The patient must discuss everything with the dentist / cosmetic surgeon very clearly and in detail and
follow their instructions. The patients must give detailed information on medication and its amounts taken,
even if it is just a headache tablet, cold medicine and mention any other treatments may be undergoing.
With cancer and chemo / radio therapy no treatment will be carried out in most cases until the complete
healing of this disease. We strongly advise you to check the Tooth to Organ Chart as a dental problem
could be a signal of something more serious.
In case of surgical treatment, healing may take longer and be more difficult than normal but treatment is
possible. Please discuss everything clearly with the surgeon who will be treating you.
Disclaimer: This document is provided for information and educational purposes only. No diagnosis or treatment plan is being described in this document. No guarantees or warranties are made in any of the information contained here.
Further details on Medical Conditions and Oral Health
Will I need to tell my dentist if I have a medical condition?
When you have your first dental check up, you will be asked to fill in a medical history form. In this you can tell
your dentist about any medical conditions, recent operations, allergies, and tablets or medicines you are taking
that may affect your dental treatment. You may think that some conditions are not important enough to
mention. However, quite often these conditions are just as important. The information will help your dentist and
the dental team work together to make sure you are treated in the safest way possible and are not put at any
risk during treatment.
Is this information confidential?
Yes. It will be put in your dental notes and kept confidential by the law. We take necessary precautions to keep
all data safe and apply the data protection act. Furthermore we will handle this with very high confidentiality.
What if I am taking any medicines?
You will need to tell your dentist if you are taking or rely on any medicines. This should include any inhalers, a
recent course of antibiotics or regular medication for an on-going complaint. It is also important to remember to
tell your dentist if you have taken any over-the-counter medicines or tablets recently, have had a recent
prescription from your GP or take recreational drugs.
You should also tell your dentist if you are taking the oral contraceptive pill. This is in case you need a course
of antibiotics. These can cause the pill to become less effective and you will need to take extra contraceptive
precautions. All this information is needed to make sure no dental treatment; drugs or materials will affect your
How often should I visit my dentist?
We recommend you visit your dentist at least once a year. However, if you have certain medical conditions
your dentist may want to see you more often. Patients who suffer dry mouth due to certain medication may find
they are more likely to get tooth decay and would therefore need checking more closely.
The dentist may also refer you to the dental hygienist in the practice for regular scale and polish appointments
to keep up your good dental health.
What may happen if I have a heart complaint?
If you need dental treatment which could involve bleeding, such as a tooth extraction or a scale and polish,
your dentist may give you a dose of antibiotics one hour before your appointment. This is to make sure there is
no risk of infection of the heart valves. The dentist may also choose to use a different kind of local anaesthetic
(without adrenalin).
What if I have a heart murmur or rheumatic fever?
If you suffer from either of these you may need to take a dose of antibiotics one hour before certain dental
treatments to prevent infection.
Is there a link between gum problems and heart disease?
Recent scientific research has shown a link between poor oral health and other conditions such as heart and
lung disease. This highlights the importance of good dental care. Keeping to a good oral hygiene routine at
home and regular visits to your dentist will help to prevent gum disease and therefore avoid the risk of
complications. Please see the Tooth to Organ Chart.
Disclaimer: This document is provided for information and educational purposes only. No diagnosis or treatment plan is being described in this document. No guarantees or warranties are made in any of the information contained here.
How can my dentist help if I have asthma?
People who suffer from asthma should tell their dentist when they register. It is important to take your inhaler to
every dental appointment and tell your dentist if you feel unwell or out of breath. Patients with severe asthma
may find they are unsuitable for treatment under general anaesthetic or sedation, and therefore the safest
option would be a local anaesthetic.
What if I am taking warfarin?
It is important to tell your dentist before treatment if you are taking warfarin, particularly if you need to have a
tooth out. You may be asked to have routine blood tests before starting treatment to make sure your blood will
clot enough to stop the bleeding.
Your dentist may suggest stopping your warfarin for 2 to 3 days before your dental extraction. However, for
some patients there is no need to alter the medication and there should be no risk of complications following
the extraction.
Should I tell my dentist if I am taking anti depressant drugs?
Yes. It is important to tell your dentist if you are taking any of these medicines. The local anaesthetic may
interfere with tricylic anti-depressants and therefore the dentist may recommend an alternative brand of
A side effect of some anti-depressant drugs is dry mouth. The reduced saliva flow can increase the chance of tooth decay and gum disease. What will happen if I have haemophilia?
Haemophilia is a blood disorder. You must tell your dentist at your first check up if you are suffering from this
If the blood does not clot it may cause serious problems during dental treatment. If you need to have a tooth out, the dentist will need to refer you to the local hospital to be treated by a specialist and in the situation safest for you. After a tooth has been extracted, a clot needs to form in the socket to help it heal. Many patients take tablets for haemophilia and it is important to inform your dentist if you are on any medication. Will chemotherapy affect my dental treatment?
If you are going to have a course of chemotherapy, visit your dentist as soon as possible to make sure any
dental treatment you need is finished before you start.
External or internal radiation therapy can often cause damage to the salivary glands, leading to a permanently
dry mouth. Due to the lack of saliva, there is more risk of dental decay so it is important to have regular dental
Chemotherapy can cause gum ulcers or the gums to bleed. Regular appointments with the dental hygienist should help to keep this under control. The hygienist will also tell you if you are brushing correctly and will check that you are maintaining a good oral hygiene routine at home. Some cancer patients find the chemotherapy causes a sore throat, difficulty in swallowing and in some cases partial or complete loss of taste. Disclaimer: This document is provided for information and educational purposes only. No diagnosis or treatment plan is being described in this document. No guarantees or warranties are made in any of the information contained here.
Should I tell my dentist if I am allergic to anything?
Yes. You will be asked at your first dental check up if you have any allergies to certain medication, foods or
materials. If you have a penicillin allergy it is very important to tell your dentist in case you ever need a
prescription of antibiotics. In this case, there are several alternative antibiotics that will be safer for you.
Patients and dental staff can be allergic to the dentist’s gloves, which are usually made of latex. Dental
materials and drugs used in routine treatment can sometimes produce skin reactions. This can usually be
overcome by the dentist using a low-allergy brand of gloves or alternative materials.
It is important to tell your dentist if you have had a reaction at a previous appointment. This can then be
avoided at your next appointment and marked on your notes for future reference.
Will epilepsy interfere with my dental treatment?
It is important to tell your dentist if you have epilepsy, or have ever had any sort of fit in the past. This is to
make sure the dental team are fully prepared if you do fall ill during treatment and can have drugs on hand if
Epileptic patients may find they are more likely to have fits when they are anxious. Tell your dentist if you have
any concerns before or during your treatment. The dental team will make sure the surgery is safe for you and
there is no risk of harm to you.
Will diabetes affect my teeth and gums?
People who suffer from diabetes can have severe gum disease if their condition is uncontrolled. Therefore it is
important to follow a thorough oral care routine at home and to visit your dentist at least once a year. You may
also find that you heal more slowly after surgery and you should discuss this with your dentist before you have
any treatment.
How can my dentist help if I have diabetes?
Book your appointments at a time when the dentist is least likely you keep you waiting, such as first thing in the
morning. Try to avoid lunchtime in case you have to miss a meal.
Will I need to tell my dentist if I am pregnant?
It is important to tell your dentist as soon as you find out you are pregnant. If you need dental treatment, it may
have to wait until after the birth of your baby. In most situations x-rays should be avoided, particularly during
the first three months of pregnancy.
Some pregnant women find their gums bleed during pregnancy and need closer attention. You may be referred
to the dental hygienist, if the practice has one, for regular cleaning and advice on how to maintain a good oral
hygiene routine at home.
Disclaimer: This document is provided for information and educational purposes only. No diagnosis or treatment plan is being described in this document. No guarantees or warranties are made in any of the information contained here.

Source: http://www.huhealth.co.uk/uploads/files/Inhibitors_of_Dental_Treatments.pdf


Schweinedysenterie Die Schweinedysenterie gehört zu den weltweit wichtigsten Darminfektionen von Mastschweinen. Die wirtschaftlichen Schäden entstehen durch eine schlechtere Futterverwertung, längere Mastzeiten, und hohe Tierarztkosten, aber auch direkte Verluste. Die Schweinedysenterie ist eine Durchfallerkrankung bei Schweinen, die durch das Bakterium Brachyspira hyodysenteriae veru


MEDICAMENTS (DCI : Dénomination Commune Internatinale) Addictovigilance Retraits - date d'AMM surveillance - date de commercialisation ACTOS® (pioglitazone) 1 - 03/10/2000 - 27/05/2002 ALLI® (orlistat) 2 - 20/01/2009 - 01/05/2009 ARCOXIA® (étoricoxib) 3 - 26/08/2008 - 12/03/2010 ARIXTRA® (fondaparinux sodique) 4 - 21/03/2002 - 12/12/2002 BLEU P

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