
Instructions for EGD Prep
Robert W. Herring, Jr., M.D.
Patient Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Time: _________ 330 Wallace Road Suite 103Nashville, TN 37211(615) 832-5530 WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU WILL BE IN OUR FACILITY.
Please bring a list of all medications with correct/current dosages.
Any regular medication, especially heart, lung, seizure, or blood pressure medication SHOULD BE TAKEN

Remove all nail polish. Remove artificial nails, if possible.
You will not be able to drive/operate machinery until the next day because you will be legally intoxicated (drunk) after the procedure.
Peritoneal dialysis patients: Drain all dialysis fluid prior to arriving.
If you wear dentures, please do not glue them in.
If you have sleep apnea, please bring your CPAP machine.
Please do not bring any valuables with you, including jewelry, as we cannot be responsible for them.
Bring 1 or 2 people only (due to limited space) with you the day of the test. Your memory will be affected by the
medication we give you. Therefore, it is best to bring a relative or good friend to drive you home. Due to time
constraints, Dr. Herring will only tell the results of the test to the person who is in the waiting room when called.
Family/friends who choose to leave a phone number for patient pick-up will receive results from the nurse and they will
be written down.
If your test is scheduled before noon, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR TEST except for a small amount of water to take your regular medication. If your test is scheduled after noon, you may have a CLEAR LIQUID BREAKFAST BEFORE 7:00 a.m., but after 7:00 a.m. you should have nothing to eat or drink until after your test except for a small amount of water to take your regular medications. Examples of clear liquids are: water, tea or coffee with no cream, carbonated sodas, clear bouillon, apple juice, Gatorade, Jell-O, or Kool-Aid.
Do not take any antacids. For example: Carafate, Milk of Magnesia, or Tums. you are diabetic: Do not take any regular insulin. Take one-half (1/2) of other types of insulin. Do
not take any diabetes pills that lower blood sugar.

Please call and leave a message for the nurse at 615-832-5530 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., if the
following applies to you:
You have heart valve disease or an artificial heart valve or have had rheumatic fever with heart damage.
LL I F YOU ARE ON ANY BLOOD THINNERS : Effient (prasugrel), Plavix (clopidogrel),
Ticlid (ticlopidine), Pradaxa (dabigatran etexilate mesylate), Xarelto (rivaroxaban), Agrylin
(anagrelide), Miradon (anisindione), Coumarin (dicoumarol), Coumadin (warfarin), Pletal
(cilostazol), Trental (pentoxifylline), Arixtra (fondaparinux), Persantine (dipyridamole), Heparin,
Lovenox Injection (enoxaparin),
Jantoven (warfarin), Eliquis (apixaban) AND YOU WERE NOT

Plavix (clopidogrel) and Effient are stopped 10 days prior to the day of your test. On the same day you stop the Plavix or Effient start taking one (large size) 325 mg aspirin every day. ** Calls are generally returned in the evening unless it is an emergency situation. **


(quest pns - módulo r)

Módulo R. Saúde da Mulher (mulheres de 18 anos e mais de idade) Neste módulo, vamos fazer perguntas sobre a sua saúde, exames preventivos, história reprodutiva e planejamento familiar. R1. Quando foi a última vez que a sra fez um exame preventivo para câncer de colo do útero? 1. Menos de 1 ano atrás 2. De 1 ano a menos de 2 anos 3. De 2 anos a menos de 3 anos 4.

Patient medication_full list_072412

Brand Name (Generic Primary Use Ziagen® (Abacavir) ( Aripiprazole) Trisenox® (Arsenic Trioxide) To treat attention deficit problems CYP2D6 (Atomoxetine) Lipitor® ( Atorvastatin) To manage cholesterol. (Azathioprine) diseases of the immune system, post-organ transplant, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Victrelis® (Boceprevir) To treat hepatitis C i

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