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EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN, INC. Administrative Office: 50 Post Office Road, Enfield, CT 06082 Phone: 860-253-9935 ● Fax: 860-253-9995 ● Email: [email protected] ● Website: JFK AFTER SCHOOL-AGE CENTER POLICIES & PROCEDURES
Hours of Operation
Eligibility: Children must be in grades 6-8 at JFK Middle
School to be eligible for enrollment. You may enroll your LEGAL GUARDIAN
child in the JFK After School-Age Center at any time during the school year if space is available. Enrol ment is for the full The program expects that you will:
1. Keep your child’s records up to date. You must provide
JFK After School-Age Center operates Monday through
new information to the ERfC Administrative Office Thursday, 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM. The Center will open early on regarding emergency contact names, employers, phone numbers, arrival/departure changes, medical information, and change of financial status. Registration and Fees: You must complete and sign all
2. Pay your Center fee on time each month. enrollment forms for each individual child to be enrolled. 3. Pick up children on time as explained in Section VIII. Registered students who cannot be immediately enrolled due to space limitations will be placed on a waiting list. Students health policies as explained in Section VII. will not be allowed to attend the JFK After School Center until the application process has been completed, including 5. Contact the ERfC Administrative Office if your child will all forms and payments received. Incomplete forms will not 6. Take notice of any communications from the JFK After
Enrollment Forms Checklist:
School Center regarding your child’s behavior and cooperate with efforts to bring about improvement in the Enrollment form for each child to be enrolled Current Health Assessment Record for each child Authorization of Medication forms M-2 & M-3 (if SECTION II. JFK AFTER SCHOOL-AGE
Financial Assistance Form (if needed) Fees: Base fee will be $65 per week per child. A discount is
JFK After School expects that students will:
given for multiple child families. Our fee chart is shown on 1. Arrive at the Center directly after school. the financial assistance form and at our web site at 2. Be responsible for their words and actions. The fee for the first four weeks must be
3. Respect the school rules that guide them during the day included with your child’s enrollment form. You may choose to make monthly payments by check, cash or by credit card 4. Respect all team leaders, teachers, volunteers and other on our website. Questions can be answered by calling the ERfC Administrative Office at 860-253-9935. 5. Remain with their team and Center staff at all times. 6. Take care of materials and equipment properly and Financial assistance, based on a sliding fee schedule, may return them to their place when finished. be available to families who qualify. It is required that all families applying for financial aid complete the Proof of SECTION III. OPERATION POLICY
ERfC welcomes children of all ethnic and socioeconomic
Withdrawal from the JFK After School-Age Center
backgrounds and does not discriminate on the basis of sex,
race, color, creed, national origin or ethnic background.
To withdraw your child from JFK After School we ask that JFK After School Center Policy & Procedures
you provide a statement in writing at least seven (7) days Unscheduled Early Dismissal Days – JFK After School is
prior to their withdrawal. The current month’s fees are not not open when the Enfield School District dismisses students early due to weather or any other district Absences
decision. Please check the school district snow line for
We ask that you notify the ERfC Administrative Office in
early dismissal notification at 860-253-5170. advance if your child will be absent from JFK After School. If Scheduled Early Dismissal Days – The JFK After School
your child is ill, you are expected to notify the ERfC Center be open with extended hours on some early dismissal Administrative Office directly to report the absence. If your days. You will be notified of these dates. child does not arrive at the JFK After School Center as expected, we will contact you. If you cannot be reached, we SECTION VII. HEALTH AND SAFETY
will contact your child’s listed emergency contacts. If your child is suspended from school or does not attend Every child attending the JFK After School Center must have school, he/she is not eligible to attend JFK After School that a current Early Childhood Health Assessment Record
day. Children will also not be allowed to attend field trips or completed and on file as part of their permanent enrollment extended evening activities on that particular day. documents. If your child has a known medical condition
Meals and Snacks
(asthma, diabetes, allergies, food allergies, seizure disorder, Children will be provided a nutritional snack and drink each etc.) or special needs, you must disclose that information. We day. Please send in a note or call the ERfC Administrative follow the CT State Department of Public Health guide lines Office if you do not want your child to have the snack for regulations regarding the disclosure of special medical ERfC does not provide one-to-one paraprofessionals or aides SECTION IV. SUPERVISION PLAN
1. At no time shall a student be left unsupervised If your child arrives at the Center with, or develops any one of 2. Students may not return to their school lockers after the following conditions, you will be notified to pick up your arriving at the JFK After School-Age Center. child immediately: contagious disease, fever over 3. JFK After School operates at a ratio of a minimum of 1 100o F, vomiting or diarrhea. Your child will be moved to an area away from the other children and a staff person wil remain with the child at all times. 4. The group size shall not exceed 20 for students in In case of a medical emergency, a qualified staff member will attend to first aid as needed. Another staff member will notify 5. During outdoor or indoor games staff will position the child’s family. If contact is not made, the program’s themselves to monitor all children at once. At no time will a student be allowed to travel inside or outside by For extreme emergencies, 911 will be called. An ambulance will take the child and a staff member to the nearest hospital. 6. Children are carefully watched while at play or during an The child’s application and medical forms will be brought with activity within the building, or on field trips, including them. Another staff member will notify the family or alternate pick-up person to meet the child at the emergency room. Additional staff will be cal ed in if necessary to maintain 7. When a student uses the restroom, adequate staff will Outdoor play will not be allowed when temperature or wind chill falls below twenty (20) degrees Fahrenheit. Please send SECTION V. TRANSPORTATION
your child to school with appropriate clothing and footwear There is no bus transportation to student homes from the JFK As child care providers all JFK After School-Age Center staff are mandated by law to report actual or suspected child SECTION VI. SCHEDULED AND
abuse. Child abuse includes but is not limited to: neglect (i.e. UNSCHEDULED SCHOOL CLOSINGS
failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, appropriate
Scheduled No School Days
– JFK After School is closed
supervision) or the imminent risk of serious harm of any child. when schools are closed by the Enfield School District. This also includes the reporting of parents or care-givers who Unscheduled No School Days – JFK After School is closed
appear to be impaired by drugs or alcohol. when the Enfield School District cancels school. ERfC’s complete policy on Abuse and Neglect can be found JFK After School Center
Policy & Procedures
on our website at or upon request. • The child’s name, address and birth date SECTION VIII. CLOSING TIME PLAN
• The method of administration • The time to be administered The Black Wing doors will be locked, except during pick up 1. Students leave the Center according to the time the All medications will be locked in an office cabinet or in a parent or guardian selected on the Enrol ment Form, locked box in the refrigerator. Emergent, first line of defense medication will be stored in an unlocked but safe manner and inaccessible to children to allow for quick access in an 2. Parents wil be greeted at the door by staff members where they will sign out their child. There will be a $5 fee for every five minutes a parent is late past 5:40 pm. Non-prescription medication will be stored in the locked containers with signed permission by parents. The topical 3. If a student has not been picked up after 10 minutes past medications must be stored “inaccessible” in the original closing time, a staff member will attempt to contact the container and be labeled with the child’s name and directions child’s parents. If they cannot be reached staff will then try to contact emergency contacts from the submitted The JFK After School-Age Center wil keep accurate documentation of all medications administered. Included in 4. The police will be cal ed after 45 minutes if parents or other emergency contacts cannot be reached. • The date the medication was administered 5. Two staff of 18 years of age or older wil remain after closing time with students who have not been picked up. • The signature of the staff administering If an exception has to be made to this schedule (doctor appt, etc.), you must contact the ERfC Administrative Office Parents wil be notified when/if a child has been administered at 860-253-9935 explaining the exception. We would ask any medication. Staff is trained in the administration of that you call ahead at lease 1/2 hour before the early pick medication by our nurse consultant. This training is renewed up so we can have your child ready for you. every three years. Training for injectables is repeated once If you miss your child’s scheduled pick up time, notify the per year. At no time is an untrained staff member allowed to administrative office immediately. Chronic late pick ups may result in your child being dismissed from the Center. SECTION X. CHILD’S PERSONAL
Only those persons listed on the enrollment form will be PROPERTY
allowed to pick up your child. Any person that is unknown to the staff member releasing your child will be required to Your student’s personal property, such as coats, clothing, show a photo ID. If your child is to be picked up by a person school bags and any other personal property must be taken not listed, you must notify the ERfC Administrative Office at home from the JFK Center each day. The Center cannot be Your child should not bring money, toys, electronic equipment, food, or other items to the JFK After School SECTION IX. DISTRIBUTION OF
Center. Cell phones must be turned off and put away while MEDICATIONS
students are at the JFK After School-Age Center. The JFK After School-Age Center wil store and administer prescribed inhalers and epi-pens, non-prescription topical SECTION XI. VISITORS AND
medications and EMERGENCY oral medications OBSERVATIONS
(i.e.Benadryl) with parent’s consent. Authorization form ERfC Parents and community members who are screened by the M-2 and or M-3 must be completed and signed by an JFK After School-Age Center Site Administrator are welcome authorized prescriber (if applicable) and the parent, and be to observe the program. Please call the ERfC Administrative Office and the Site Administrator will arrange to meet you at a Medications MUST be in their original container, clearly labeled and placed in a sealed, Ziplock bag and include the following: For protection of all students enrolled in the JFK After School- JFK After School Center Policy & Procedures
Age Center, parents and visitors must register at the of activities for the remainder of the after school time. entrance to the Black Wing and wait to be greeted by the Parents of students demonstrating consistent disruptive JFK After School Center Site Administrator. behavior will be notified of the behavior within 24 hours and
a meeting will be held between Site Administrator, child and parent to discuss said behavior and notification of possible DISMISSAL
Your child is entitled to a pleasant and harmonious If disruptive behavior continues after first meeting then a environment at the JFK After School-Age Center. We cannot suspension of no more than 3 days of operation will be given serve children who display chronic disruptive behavior. and notice of possible further suspension from the program Chronic disruptive behavior is defined as verbal or physical will be given. If disruptive behavior continues then child will activity which may include but is not limited to such behavior be suspended from program for 30 days of operation. If that requires constant attention from the staff, inflicts disruptive behavior continues after the 30 day suspension physical or emotional harm to other children, abuses the period, an immediate and permanent expulsion will be given. staff, or ignores or disobeys the rules during after school Any immediate threats that place any staff or students at either physical or mental risk shall be immediately removed The goal of discipline is to help the child develop inner from their group, parents notified and suspension of up to controls so that he/she may move toward appropriate social three days wil be give There will be no refunds for any behavior. Students are encouraged to recognize how their behaviors not only affect themselves, but their team and staff members. ERfC uses a “Take 5” Method for resolving SECTION XIII. PLAN FOR
The JFK After School-Age Center provide an education, health, dental, social service and dietary (if applicable) consultant for our students and families. All consultants will be available to provide the minimum Staff shall not be abusive, neglectful, or use physical, services for our programs as required by the State of corporal, humiliating or frightening punishment under any Connecticut Regulations for Child Day Care /Group Day circumstances. No child shall be physical y restrained unless it is necessary to protect the safety and health of the child or
The complete Plan for Consultation is available on our
Disruptive behavior will be dealt with in the following XIV. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM PLAN
Take 5 Behavior Plan:
Children at the JFK After School-Age Center will follow a daily schedule that meets the individual needs of the diverse  When a student is witnessed engaging in negative population served by our program. The plan for development behavior one verbal warning will be given with clear will allow for cultural, language and developmental instruction to prevent repeated behavior. differences to be addressed, sufficient opportunity for indoor  If the inappropriate behavior continues, your child wil be and outdoor physical activities, and include opportunity for instructed to “Take 5”, at which time your child will be problem-solving experiences that help to formulate language removed from the activity and given time to meet with the Site Administrator. Your child will be given an The complete Educational Program Plan is available on our opportunity to relax, explain the behavior (verbally or written) and will rejoin the activity as soon as the Site Administrator determines that they are ready.  If the child continues to misbehave, they will be kept out


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INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXTENSION 1. Equip students with requisite knowledge and understanding of DISTANCE EDUCATION APPLICATION INFORMATION 2. Assist students to acquire the relevant skills and methods in teaching the various basic school subjects. The Study Centres 3. Equip students with the ability to design and administer Location (where tutorials are held

SOUTHERN UTE COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS, INC. JOB DESCRIPTION Intensive Residential Treatment/ Transitional Living Component Counselor (IRT/TLC) Generally not a supervisory position, but may provide clinical supervision to Counselor Trainees as directed by ADAD regulations when assigned by Supervisor. RESPOSIBILITY: This is a professional level counseling position of Tribal and non-triba

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