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Dublin Graduate Physics Programme (DGPP)
DGPP Showcase EventVenue: Fitzgerald building, Trinity College Dublin
Programme: 10:30 coffee 11:00 Mauro Ferreira (TCD) - Welcome 11:05 Shane Bergin (TCD) - "Exfoliation of low dimensional nanomaterials" 11:50 David Byrne (UCD) – “Gamma-ray Instrumentation in Astrophysics: Correction of Dead Time Effects for Intense Transient Sources & Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for Future Gamma-Ray Space Missions”. 11:55 Kyle Ballantine (TCD) - “Fractional Quantization of Optical Angular Momentum” 12:00 Ralph Bird (UCD) - “The Feasibility of Measuring the Positron Fraction with VERITAS” 12:05 Sebastian Barwich (TCD) - “Investigation of Exfoliation Mechanics in Layered 2D Nano-Materials” 12:10 Craig Carville (UCD) – “Ferroelectric Lithium Niobate: charged templates for cell culture and metallic nanostructure fabrication” 12:15 Stephen Callaghan (TCD) - “The Electromigration of Transition Metal Oxides” 12:20 Daniel Foley (UCD) – “Dosimetric Analysis of Patient and Organ Motion” 12:25 Ronan Darcy (TCD) - “White light conical diffraction” 12:30 John Duffy (TCD) - “Graphene Spintronics” 12:35 Niall Kennedy (UCD) – “Soft X-Ray Reflectivity and Microscopy” 12:40 Astrid Wachauer (TCD) - “Nonlinear Optical Properties of Chemically Synthesised Plasmonic Nanoparticles” 12:45 Neal O Rian (TCD) - “Radiative Transfer and Interferometry: An insight into Red Giant Chromospheres” 12:50 Robert Murtagh (TCD) - “A new model of the bubble-bubble interaction” 12:55 - Lunch (Fitzgerald Library) 14:00 Barry McMahon (TCD) - “The Innovation Academy” 14:20 Mauro Paternostro (QUB) - “More bang for your buck: processing information quantum mechanically!" 15:05 - Leo Farrell (TCD) - “Deposition and characterisation of high-quality epitaxial oxide thin films” 15:10 Baiyun Liu (UCD) – “The influence of mechanical properties of the substrates on Glaucoma” 15:15 Eleanor Holmes (TCD) - “Transport in graphene with magnetic superlattices” 15:20 Sofia Jorgji (TCD) - “Using light to measure semiconductor growth” 15:25 Ronan Wallace (UCD) – “Electroweak bosons at LHCb” 15:30 James Lawlor (TCD) - “Friedel Oscillations in Graphene” 15:35 Harsha Vardhan (UCD) – “n-phenyl-porphyrin Nanorod and nanosphere structures” 15:40 Eric Mehes (TCD) - “Structural and electronic properties of oxides and oxide semiconductor interfaces” 15:45 Laura Shields (UCD) – “Optimisation in IMRT and Arc Modulated IMRT” 15:50 Sam Mehigan (TCD) - “Optimisation of SERS for Pterin Detection” 15:55 Martin Gruenewald (UCD) - "The Higgs Boson at the LHC" 16:40 Reception
Acupuncture protocol in the process of In Vitro Fertility (IVF) ----An integrated approach Qunhui Mao Holistic Acupuncture Clinic, Copenhagen, Denmark [email protected] Abstracts: An analysis of current acupuncture and IVF research points out their inconsistent outcomes. Previous trials about acupuncture and IVF do not reflect the reality of acupuncture practice and essence. They employed a
Yasmin Sautter - Jahrgang 1957 - Seit 1998 freiberufliche Unternehmensberaterin. Ausbildung und Studium Diplom-Psychologie: Schwerpunkt Beratung und Training, Universität Hamburg Berufliche Weiterqualifikation und Ausbildung- Systemische Beratung und Therapie, Institut für systemische Studien, Hamburg- Systemische Prozess- und Projektberatung, TEMAprojekte, Hamburg- Mediation (Konfl