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Microsoft word - country chlorpyrifos 450 micro low nz.doc

Unit 4, 27B Cain Road Reviewed Date: 13/02/08 Penrose, Auckland, NZ Ph: (09) 526 5232
mental confusion, blurred vision, breathing difficulties, PRODUCT:
EYE: The concentrate will cause moderate irritation
SKIN: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause
defatting of the skin which could lead to secondary dermatitis. The rate of absorption of chlorpyrifos through the skin is low, hence the product is only moderately toxic by this route. Chlorpyrifos is not INGESTION: The concentrate is considered toxic if
swallowed, when classified according to Worksafe USE: Termiticide for pre-construction control of
Subterranean termites, termiticide and Insecticide for the treatment of post-construction subterranean INHALATION: Inhalation of chlorpyrifos form the
termite infestations and for the control of domestic concentrate is unlikely to present a problem due to its low vapour pressure. However, the spray can present a toxic problem if inhaled in relatively large quantities. 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON
Avoid inhaling mists. Inhalation of spray can lead to INGREDIENTS:
cholinesterase inhibition, manifesting as dizziness, headaches, nausea, salivation, vomiting, twitching or SYSTEMIC (other target organ): Chlorpyrifos primarily
affects the nervous system through inhibition of
cholinesterase, an enzyme required for proper nerve functioning. The hydrocarbon liquid may cause Proportion (% weight per weight): VHIGH >60, HIGH 30-60, MED narcosis and central nervous system depression 3. HAZARDOUS IDENTIFICATIONS:
CANCER INFORMATION: The ingredients are not
HSR 000224
listed as carcinogenic in Worksafe’s document Hazard Classification:
“Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment” (May 1995). TERATOLOGY (Birth defects): No evidence of in
Classified as Hazardous according to criteria of REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: No evidence of in
includes possible adverse effects, which could occur if 4. FIRST AID:
this material is not handled in the recommended If poisoning occurs, immediately contact a doctor or Poisons Centre (0800 POISON), and follow the advice POISONING SYMPTOMS: These are typical
given. Show this Material Safety Data Sheet to a organophosphate pesticides – nausea, diarrhoea, dripping nose and mouth, excessive salivation, stomach cramps, excessive sweating, trembling, loss EYE: Rinse immediately with plenty of water for at
of muscle coordination, muscle twitches, weakness, least 15 minutes, holding eye open and taking care to MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET
Unit 4, 27B Cain Road Reviewed Date: 13/02/08 Penrose, Auckland, NZ Ph: (09) 526 5232 rinse under eyelids as well. If irritation persist seek FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: When fighting fires
involving significant quantities of this product, wear safety boots, non-flammable overalls, gloves, hat SKIN: Wash off skin immediately with soap and plenty
goggles and self-contained breathing apparatus. All of water. Remove all contaminated clothing and shoes. If poisoning occurs seek immediate medical attention and if more than 15 minutes from medical 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES:
attention, give one Atropine tablet (0.5mg) every 5 ACTION TO TAKE FOR SPILLS:
In case of spills it is important to take all steps INGESTION: Wash out mouth with water. Do not
induce vomiting. Keep patient at rest and seek INHALATION: Move affected person to fresh air and
2. Wear full-length clothing and PVC gloves. keep until recovered. If poisoning occurs seek 3. Reposition any leaking containers so as to immediate medical attention and if more than 15 minutes from emergency medical attention, give one 4. Dam and absorb spill with an absorbent material Atropine tablet (0.5mg) every 5 minutes until dryness 5. Shovel the absorbed spill into drums and top with Always seek medical attention when atropine has
6. Disposal of the absorbent material will depend on been given. (Even if symptoms have subsided)
• For quantities up to 50L of product bury in a NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Chlorpyrifos is a
cholinesterase inhibitor. Atropine by ingestion or • For quantities greater than 50L seek advice Atrovent / Ipratropium by airway puff are preferred antidotes. Oximes such as 2 PAM/protopam may be disposal. Contain in a secure location until therapeutic if used early, but only if used in conjunction with atropine. Do not give andrenergic 7. Decontaminate spill area with hydrate lime scattered over the spill prior to rinsing off with phenothiazines or reserpine alkaloids or oils. Treat pulmonary pneumonitis and bronchopneumonia secondary to pulmonary oedema. This product 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE:
contains a petroleum based solvent and so the benefits of inducing vomiting must be balances PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND
against the possible of chemical pneumonitis if STORAGE: Store in a cool dry place away from direct
inhaled. If lavage is performed, endotracheal or sunlight. Store away from food and food stuffs for animal or human consumption. Store in its original 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES:
FLASH POINT: 660C (Aromatic solvent)
FLAMMABLE LIMITS: 0.9 – 6.0 % for the solvent.
EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Carbon dioxide, dry
For Aromatic hydrocarbon, the supplier recommends an occupational exposure limit of 100 pmm (TWA) as FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Vapours from
this product are heavier than air and may accumulate ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Natural ventilation only
in sumps, pits and other low-lying spaces, forming except in confined spaces where a local exhaust fan potentially explosive mixtures. They may also flash should be provided while handling the concentrate. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET
Unit 4, 27B Cain Road Reviewed Date: 13/02/08 Penrose, Auckland, NZ Ph: (09) 526 5232
The Australian Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of WORKERS: Eye washing and shower facilities
chlorpyrifos for humans is 0.003 mg/kg/day, set for the public for daily, lifetime exposure. This is based on the NOEL of 0.03 mg/kg/day, the level determined to show EYE / FACE PROTECTION: Face and eye protection
no effect during long term exposure for the most should be worn. For help in selecting suitable sensitive indicators and the most sensitive species. equipment consult AS 1336 and AS/NZS 1337. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION:
SKIN PROTECTION: Wear chemical resistant PVC or
nitrile gloves. Wear cotton overalls and washable ENVIRONMENTAL DATA:
cotton hat. Wear boots. For help in selecting suitable Chlorpyrifos is moderately persistent in soils. The half- gloves consult AS 2161. For help in selecting suitable life of chlorpyrifos in soil is usually between 60 to 120 clothing consult AS 2919. For help in selecting boots days. Chlorpyrifos may be toxic to some plants, such as lettuce. Residuals remain on plant surfaces for approximately 10 to 14 days. Data indicate that this RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Avoid inhaling spray
insecticide and its soil metabolites can accumulate in mist. For help in selecting suitable equipment consult ECOTOXICOLOGY:
Toxicity to mammals: (for similar product composition) After handling this product always wash hands before smoking, eating, drinking or using the toilet. Wash Acute Percutaneous LD50 (rats): 409mg/kg contaminated clothing and other protective equipment 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES:
APPEARANCE: Pale amber liquid.
Acute percantanous LD50 (rabbits): >2000mg/kg pH: neutral
ODOUR: Solvent odour
SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Forms emulsions
STABILITY: This product is unlikely to spontaneously
INCOMPATIBILITY: Avoid materials like Strong
DO NOT spray any plants in flower while bees are Acids, strong bases, and strong oxidising agents. DO NOT contaminate dams, waterways or sewers with HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:
Carbon dioxide, and if combustion is incomplete, carbon monoxide and smoke. Oxides of sulfur. Oxides of phosphorus. Hydrogen chloride gas, chlorides and 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS:
DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of empty, used
(a) Triple rinsing with water. Add the rinsings to the tank mix or dispose of rinsate in a disposal pit 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION:
away from desirable plants and roots, and MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET
Unit 4, 27B Cain Road Reviewed Date: 13/02/08 Penrose, Auckland, NZ Ph: (09) 526 5232 watercourses. On-site disposal of undiluted POISON SCHEDULE: S6
(b) Breaking, crushing or puncturing the containers to (c) Disposing of in a local authority, bury landfill site RISK PHRASES:
that does not burn its refuse. If there is no local • R24/25 Toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed. authority landfill readily available in your area, • R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if bury the containers under at least 50cm of soil at a licensed/approved disposal site. DO NOT burn SAFETY PHRASES:
• S28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with • S36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION:
• S44 If you feel unwell, contact a doctor or Poisons SHIPPING NAME: ORGANOPHOSPHOROUS
information centre immediately (show the label DANGEROUS GOODS: 6.1
• S62 if swallowed, do not induce vomiting, seek medical advice immediately and show this HAZCHEM: 3WE
UN No: 3018
All information in this data sheet is provided in good faith and is believed to be correct. Each user should consider the information in Class 6 Poisonous Substances shall not be loaded in this safety data sheet within the context of their particular application the same vehicle or packed in the same freight as Accensi Pty Ltd cannot anticipate or control conditions under container with Classes 1 (Explosives), 3 (Flammable which this product may be used. Accensi Pty Ltd will not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use or reliance upon Liquids where the Flammable Liquid is nitromethane), the information in this safety data sheet. No expressed or implied 5.1 (Oxidising Agents where the Poisonous warranties are given other than those implied mandatory by Substances are Fire Risk Substances), 5.2 (Organic Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation. Peroxides where the Poisonous Substances are Fire Please read all labels carefully before use. Risk Substances), 8 (Corrosive Substances where the Poisonous Substances are cyanides and the Corrosive are acids), Foods stuff and food stuff Contact:
Emergency Services
empties. They may however be loaded in the same vehicle or packed in the same freight container with Classes, 2.1 (Flammable Gases), 2.2 (Non- Ph: 0800 POISON
Flammable, Non-Toxic Gases), 2.3 (Poisonous (0800 764 766)
Gases), 3 (Flammable liquids, except where the flammable liquid is nitromethane), 4.1 (Flammable Solids), 4.2 (Spontaneously Combustible Garrards NZ
Substances), 4.3 (Dangerous When Wet Substances), 5.1 (Oxidising Agents except where the Poisonous Substances are Fire Risk Substances), 5.2 (Organic Peroxides except where the Poisonous Substances Reviewed:
are Fire Risk Substances), 7 (Radioactive Substances), 8 (Corrosive Substances except where the Poisonous Substances are cyanides and the
Corrosives are acids), 9 (Miscellaneous Dangerous



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