Mais la polymyxine n'est pas du tout absorbée dans le sang du système gastro-intestinal et n'a d'effet que dans l'intestin et est utile pour le traitement des infections intestinales metronidazole prix Internet en y faisant des achats permettant d’économiser jusqu'à soixante-dix pour cent, tout en étant sûr de la qualité des produits pharmaceutiques.

Microsoft word - new curriculum vitae_dec 2nd, 2013

Curriculum Vitae
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

• Accomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Administrator, Researcher, and Educator at the
• Seasoned in conceiving and building programs from the ground up through proven competencies in grant writing and administration, project and program management, and staff development and empowerment. • Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results.

Residency of Community Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2006.
Master of Public Health (MPH), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2004.
Medical Doctorate (MD), Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, 1996.

Awarded, second place of National Board Exam Award in Community Medicine, 2006. Recipient, Iranian National Board of Community Medicine, 2006.

• Associate professor in community medicine and medical education, Department of community medicine and Department of medical education, Faculty of medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Feb 2009 to Present. * ASSOCIATION AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS
• Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB)
• The Toronto Community-Based Research (CBR) Network
• Committee of assessment of educational situation in Iranian medical universities, Ministry of health and
• Committee of establishing measures for teaching scholarship in Iranian medical universities, Ministry of • Scientific committee of 2nd international congress of headache, Tehran, Iran • Scientific committee and board of article review, 15th national congress on medical education, Yazd, Iran • Scientific committee and board of article review, 14th national congress on medical education, Tehran, Iran • Scientific committee and board of article review, 13rd national congress on medical education, Sari, Iran • Scientific committee and board of article review, 12th national congress on medical education, Mashhad, Iran • Scientific committee and board of article review, 11th national congress on medical education, Tehran, Iran • National committee on implementation of professionalism in medical education, ministry of health and • National strategic committee on educational development, ministry of health and medical education, Iran • Steering committee of educational ranking of medical universities of Iran, ministry of health and medical • National Expert committee of educational ranking of medical universities of Iran, Ministry of Health and • Committee of Socially Accountable Medical Education, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran • Observatory committee, Election of Medical Council Managerial Board, , Iran • MPH committee, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran • Council of Research, Metabolic Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran • Scientific committee and referee of articles, national seminar on “cancer, from prevention to rehabilitation”, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran • Research Council, Faculty of Medicine, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran
• Educational Council, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran
• Research Council, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran
• Scientific committee of CME, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran
• Evaluation and Monitoring Committee of Strategic Planning, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran
• Iranian Community Medicine Association, Iran
• Board of directors, Nikan Health Researchers Institute, Iran
• Iranian Medical Council, Iran

• Mohammadi N (2005), Determination research Priorities in the Medical Faculty Departments. Tehran
University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. • Mohammadi N (1996), Investigation on early complications of Acute Myocardial Infarction in hospitalized patients of Ghaem Hospital in a five years period (1991-96), Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.

• OSCE Evaluations • Internal Evaluation • Educational Planning and Basic Teaching Methods • Design of MCQ Tests • Research in Education • How to improve teaching methods • Problem-based learning • Integration in undergraduate medical education • Information Technology utilization in medical education • Evidence-Based teaching method • Medical education skills for faculty development • Medical Education issues (teaching methods, evaluation methods …) • Epidemiology • Biostatistics • Health Economics • Public Health • Medical terminology (English language for medical purposes) • Scientific writing • Clinical epidemiology • Errors in clinical research • How to prepare a questionnaire • Clinical trial • How to write a research proposal • Evidence-Based Practice • Research methodology • Systematic review • Rapid search methods in internet and databases • Introductions to digital library • Introductions to statistical methods • Sample size • Advanced Research Methodology • Design of a Diagnostic Test Study • Clinical Evaluation • Internet Search • CV Writing * HIGHLIGHTS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
• Dean, Faculty of medicine, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran; 2012 to present. • Associate dean, Social determinants of health (SDH) research center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, • Member, board of examiners of family medicine residency and MPH programs, Ministry of health and medical education, Iran, 2012 to present. • Head of education development office, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, • Vice-chief of Education Development Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2009 to • Head of Education Development Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran 2007 to 2009 • Head of CME Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran, 2007 to 2009. • Vice-chancellor in Rehabilitation Affairs, Welfare Organization of Qazvin Province, Qazvin, Iran, • Head of Addiction Day Clinic, Welfare Organization of Qazvin Province, Qazvin, Iran, 1998 to • Clinician, Private Practice (office), 1998 to 2003. • Medical and Public Health Manager; Ministry of Health, Poliomyelitis Eradication Program, Zia Abad and rural area, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran, 1996 t 1998.

1. Khezri MB, Ghasemi J, Mohammadi N. Evaluation of the Analgesic Effect of Ketamine as an Additive
to Intrathecal Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section. Acta Anaesthesiologica
Taiwanica. Accepted to be published on October 2013.
2. Mohammadi N, Kian S, Davoudi F. Akbarian Nia SMA, Nojomi M. Psychometric evaluation of the
Persian Version of the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31. Iranian Journal of Neurology. 2013;
12(4): 144-8.
3. Yaqubi S, Ghasemi J, Karimzadeh T, Mohammadi N, Arfaee E, Mohammadi A. Comparison of Acute
Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II and Simplified Acute Physiology Score II in
Predicting Hospital Mortality of Intensive Care Unit.
Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.
Autumn 2013; 17(5): 39-46. (Text in Persian)
4. Hajmanoochehri F, Mohammadi N, Nasirian N, Hosseinkhani M. Patho-epidemiological features of
esophageal and gastric cancers in an endemic region: A 20-year retrospective study. Asian Pacific
Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013; 14(6): 3491-3497. [as corresponding author].
5. Shahbeigi S, Fereshtehnejad SM, Mohammadi N, Golmakani MM, Tadayyon S, Jalilzadeh G, Pakdaman H. Epidemiology of headaches in Tehran urban area: a population-based cross-sectional study in
district 8, year 2010. Neurological Sciences. 2013 Jul; 34(7):1157-66.
6. Sali S, Alavian SM, Foster GR, Keyvani H, Mehrnoosh L, Mohammadi N. Influencing Factors on the
Outcome and Prognosis of Patients With HBV Infection: Seven Years Follow-up. Hepatitis Monthly.
2013; 13(7): e8743.
7. Hosseinkhani M, Shirazi R, Rajaei F , Mahmoudi M, Mohammadi N, Abbasi M. Engineering of the
Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell Niches. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2013; 15(2): 83-92.
8. Barikani A, Sarichlow ME, Mohammadi N. The cause of divorce among men and women referred to
marriage and legal office in Qazvin, Iran. Global Journal of health science. August 2012; 4(5): 184-191.
9. Hashemi Pour S, Azizi F, Mehrtash B, Mohammadi N, Sarreshtehdari M, Sarokhani MR. Association of
serum cortisol with critical illness scoring and prognosis in intensive care unit. Journal of Qazvin
University of Medical Sciences. Summer 2012; 16(2): 10-15. (Text in Persian)
10. Ghalehbaghi B, Mohammadi N, Asghari AM, Ahmadvand AR, Moradi Y, Kamrava K, Motiei MA. Evaluation of Iranian pediatric specialists’ attitude and knowledge regarding approach to patients
with acute otitis media.
Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran. May 2012; 26(2): 58-65. [as
corresponding author].
11. Hajebi A, Ahmadzad-Asl M, Zaman M, Naserbakht M, Mohammadi N, Davoudi F, Saberi Zafarghandi M. Designing a Registration System for Suicide in Iran. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical
Summer 2011; 17(2): 106-109. (Text in Persian)
12. Eshghyar N, Mohammadi N, Rahrotaban S, Motahhary P, Vahedi Vaez SMA. Endoglin (CD105) Positive
Microvessel Density and Its Relationship with Lymph Node Metastasis in Squamous Cell
Carcinoma of the Tongue.
Archives of Iranian Medicine, July 2011; 14(4): 276-280.
13. Mohammadi N, Allami A, Malek Mohamadi R. Percutaneous exposure incidents in nurses: knowledge,
practice and exposure to hepatitis B. Hepatitis Monthly, 2011; 11(3): 186-190.
14. Bijani B, Sotoudehmanesh S, Mohammadi N. Epidemiological features of needle sticks injuries among
nursing staff. Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, 2011; 77: 61-68. (Text in Persian)
15. Allami A, Mohammadi N, Afaghi A, Lashgari A. BCG Scar Formation and Test Results in Two
Generations. Shiraz E-Medical Journal, January 2011; 12(1): 22-29.
16. Allami A, Mohammadi N, Yavari A, Asefzadeh M. Management of patients with suspected septic
arthritis admitted to Qazvin teaching hospitals (2003-2008). Journal of Qazvin University of Medical
sciences, winter 2011; 14(4): 42-49. (Text in Persian)
17. Haji-agha-mohammadi AA, Mohammadi kebar Y, Ziaei A, Mohammadi N, Javadi A. Comparison of fasting
glucose and oral glucose tolerance tests in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in liver cirrhosis. Journal of
Qazvin University of Medical sciences, winter 2011; 14(4): 13-16. (Text in Persian)
18. Sheikholeslami H, Kani C, Fallah-Abed P, Lalooha F, Mohammadi N. Transfusion audit of blood products
using the WHO basic information sheet in Qazvin, Islamic Republic of Iran. Eastern Mediterranean
Health Journal, 2010; 16(12): 1257-62.
19. Valami SMH, Jahromi SAH, Shirazi J, Mohammadi N. Comparison of the effects of spinal anesthesia
between pre-eclamptic patients and normal pregnant women during cesarean section. Pakistan
Journal of Medical Science, 2010; 26(4): 809-813.
20. Mohebbifar R, Keshavarz Mohammadi N, Mohammadi N, Mouseli L. Situation Analysis of Surgical
Services at District Hospitals in Iran on the Basis of WHO Program. Iranian Journal of Surgery,
autumn 2010; 18(3): 47-57. (Text in Persian)
21. Ziaee A, Mohammadi N, Sheikholeslami H, Yazdi Z, Motamed B. Effects of metformin on control of
blood sugar in young patients with type I diabetes. Scientific journal of Hamadan University of Medical
Sciences, summer 2010; 17(2):5-10. (Text in Persian)
22. Allami A, Mohammadi N. Students' attitude toward combining traditional and electronic education in
epidemiology course in internship. Journal of research in education of medical sciences, spring and
summer 2010; Vol. 12: 35 – 41. (Text in Persian)
23. Allami A, Mohammadi N, Shahrokhi R. Temperature recording sites in infants, children and adults.
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2010; 12(4):413-418. [as corresponding author]. 24. Haghdoost AA, Shoghi F, Momtazmanesh N, Changiz T, Mohammadi A, Khazaeli P, Dehghani MR, Hamzeh B, Alizadeh M, Mohammadi N, et al. Ranking of Universities of Medical Sciences based on
their educational activities: Setting Indicators
. Teb vae Taezkiyeh quarterly, spring 2010, 76: 65-72. (Text
in Persian)
25. Yakhforooshha A, Sarchamy R, Mohammadi N, Mohebifar R. Effect of workshop teaching of faculty
knowledge about student assessment with OSCE in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Journal
of Medical Education and Development, fall & winter 2010-2011; 4(1):32-36. (Text in Persian)
26. Yazdi Z, Allami A, Mohammadi N. The opinions of the faculty members of Qazvin University of
medical sciences about using private medical centers and clinics in training medical students.
Journal of Medical Education and Development, fall & winter 2009-2010; 3(1):38-44. (Text in Persian)
27. Sarchami R, Zeinalou A, Fallah Abed P, Mohammadi N, Javadi A. Educational needs of faculties about
the concepts of medical education from their viewpoints in Qazvin University of medical sciences-
. Journal of Medical Education and Development, fall & winter 2009-2010; 3(1):16-22. (Text in Persian)
28. Setaishi K, Heidari MB, Golpazir Sorkheh A, Mohammadi N, Najafi F. Comparison of analgesic effects of
Marcaine subcutaneous and subfascial administration on inguinal hernia surgery. Behbood scientific
quarterly journal, 14(1), spring 2010: 20-26. (Text in Persian)
29. Asefzadeh M, Hagmanochehri F, Mohammadi N, Tavakoli N. Prevalence of pathogens and antimicrobial
susceptibility patterns in urine cultures of patients referred to Avicenna Medical center in Qazvin.
Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 13(2), summer 2009: 30-34. (Text in Persian)
30. Mohammadi N, Karbakhsh M, Pajoumand A. Epidemiologic aspects of deliberate self-poisoning in
adolescents: a hospital-based study in Tehran. Tehran University Medical Journal; 65(4), July 2007: 59-
64. (Text in Persian). [as corresponding author].
31. Ghorbani M, Kosari F, Mardani F, Saeednejad R, Mohammadi N, Akhlaghi M. Prevalence and distribution
study of sella turcica tumors in 20 years and more old cadavers dissected in the Legal Medicine
Center of Tehran in 1383-1384
. Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine, Islamic Republic of Iran. 2006;
12(2): 87-89. (Text in Persian)
32. Hatmi Z, Mohammadi N, Sedaghat M. Determination research Priorities in the Medical Faculty
Departments. Journal of Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
2006; 63(11): 903-913. (Text in Persian)
33. Damari B, Torabian S, Gharehbaghian A, Magsudlu M, Mohammadi N, Naserbakht M, et al. The survey of
preventive views and beliefs of voluntary blood donation among people in three provinces of
Hormozgan, Sistan-Baluchestan and Khuzestan
. Scientific Journal of Iranian Blood Transfusion
Organization. 2006; 3(2): 133-143. (Text in Persian)
34. Shajari H. Mohammadi N, Karbalai Aghai M. Prevalence of congenital malformations observed in
neonates in Shariati Hospital (1381-1383). Iranian Journal of Pediatrics. Sep 2006; 16(3): 308-312. (Text in
35. Akhlaghi M, Erisian M, Panahianpour MH, Gharedaghi J, Mohammadi N, Ghorbani M. Frequency of
valvular heart diseases in adult cadavers referred to autopsy hall of L.M.O in 2003. Scientific Journal
of Forensic Medicine, Islamic Republic of Iran. 2005; 11(2):63-67. (Text in Persian)
1. Evaluation of prenatal hydronephrosis and its outcome at the end of neonatal period in Ghazvin province.
21st annual congress of Iranian society of pediatric surgeons. May 5-8; 2013, Tehran, Iran. 2. Evaluation of integration in pathophysiology level of medical education program in Qazvin Medical School.
14th national congress of medical education. April 29-May 2; 2013, Tehran, Iran. 3. Evaluation of laboratory teaching in Qazvin Medical School. 14th national congress of medical education.
4. Predictive validity of basic science comprehensive exam for scholastic achievements of students of Qazvin
Medical School. 14th national congress of medical education. April 29-May 2; 2013, Tehran, Iran. 5. Horizontal integration of dermatological pathology and semiology in pathophysiology level of Qazvin
University’s medical education program. 14th national congress of medical education. April 29-May 2; 2013, Tehran, Iran. 6. Validation of a Persian version of the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-31 (QOLIE-31). Third North
American Congress of Epidemiology. June 21-24; 2011, Montreal, Canada.
7. Epidemiological aspects of deliberate self-poisoning in adolescents: a hospital-based study in Tehran. Third
North American Congress of Epidemiology. June 21-24; 2011, Montreal, Canada.
8. Epidemiological aspects of occupational percutaneous injuries among nurses in Qazvin, Iran. Third North
American Congress of Epidemiology. June 21-24; 2011, Montreal, Canada.
9. Epidemiology and risk factors of needle stick injuries among nurses in Buali Sina Teaching Hospital.
Twenty-second annual congress of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine. May 12-15; 2011, Tehran, Iran. 10. Understanding the Nature and Impact of Faculty Development: A Systematic Review. First International
Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. May 10-13 2011, Toronto, Canada.
11. Iralvex herbal gel and lidocaine gel in recurrent aphthous stomatitis. International/American/Canadian
Association for Dental Research, 89th General Session and Exhibition, March 16-19, 2011, San Diego, USA.
12. Effect of workshop teaching of faculty’s knowledge about student assessment with OSCE in QUMS.
International conference in medical education. 4-7 December 2010, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
13. Needle stick injury in nurses: knowledge, practice and exposure to hepatitis B. Third international Tehran
hepatitis congress. 6-9 October 2010, Tehran, Iran. 14. Combination of training on searching the internet and diseases: Experiences from Qazvin University of
Medical Sciences. e-Learning symposium of AMEE conference, 4-5 September 2010, Glasgow, UK.
15. Evaluation of sleep disorders in narcotic drug abusers under methadone treatment. Fourth congress on
biology of addiction, 20 June 2010, Tehran, Iran. 16. An assessment tool for the evaluation of medical faculty. 14th Ottawa Conference: Assessment of
Competence in Medical and the Healthcare Professions. 15-19 May 2010, Miami, USA.
17. Some concepts in education development: qualitative study on experiences of faculties and experts of
educational development center. 11th national congress on medical education, 30 April-2 May 2010, Tehran, Iran. 18. The opinions of the faculty members of Qazvin University of medical sciences about using private medical
centers and clinics in training medical students. 11th national congress on medical education, 30 April-2 May 2010, Tehran, Iran. 19. An investigation on the profile of surgical cares in public hospitals of Iran according to WHO program. 34th
annual scientific congress of Iranian association of surgeons, 1-5 May 2010, Tehran, Iran. 20. Epidemiology of headache in population of Tehran: a population-based study in district eight of Tehran.
Second international congress of headache, 21-23 April 2010, Tehran. Iran 21. A composition from education of internet search and burden of disease: an experience of Qazvin University
of Medical Sciences, 3rd national congress of applications of electronic learning, 2010 Mashhad. Iran 22. Thyroid function abnormalities in patients with different severity of liver cirrhosis according to the Child-
Pugh classification system, 8th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine. May 2009,
Istanbul, Turkey.
23. Evaluation of nasal eosinophiliain he diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, 28th congress on the European academ of
allergy and clinical immunnnology, 6-10 June 2009, Warsaw, Poland.
24. Assessment of ambulatory teaching in educational centers of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2008-
9, 10th congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. (the best poster in the congress) 25. Assessment of characteristics of a role model professor based on opinions of faculties of Qazvin University
of Medical Sciences, 10th congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. 26. Assessment of opinions of faculties of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences about reaching to educational
objectives and their motivation for participating in faculty development programs, 10th congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. 27. Knowledge and practice of Evidence-based medicine in faculties of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences,
10th congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. 28. Assessment of satisfaction of faculties about CME programs in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, 10th
congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. 29. Assessment of effects of workshop teaching on knowledge of faculties of Qazvin University of Medical
Sciences in field of student evaluation based on OSCE, 10th congress of medical education, 2009, Shiraz, Iran. 30. Prevalence of pathogenes and antimicrobial susceptibility iin urine cultures of patients referred to Avecinna
Qazvin teaching center. 10th Iranian national congress of microbiology, April 2009, Ilam, Iran. 31. Body Temperature Measurement in Three Different Sites in Infants, Children, and Adults. 17th Iranian
Congress of Infectious Diseases, Dec 2008. Tehran, Iran. 32. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Children with High BMI in Clinic of Pediatric Endocrinology in
Qazvin, 2007-8. Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Metabolic Disorders and Obesity. Nov 20-21st 2008, Qazvin Iran. 33. Integration of Undergraduate Medical Education in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences: A
Comprehensive Research for Local Application. International Congress on Implementation of WFME Standards in Curricula of Undergraduate Medical Education. Nov 7-9th 2008, Kish Island, Iran. 34. Prevalence of Tuberculosis Infection in Two Age Groups in Zia-Abad, Qazvin. Nineteenth Congress of
35. Deliberate Self-poisoning in Adolescents in Tehran. Eighteenth International Congress of Pediatrics


• International Journal of Public Health, Switzerland (Springer) • PLOS One • Hepatitis Monthly, Iran • Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, , Iran • Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology, Iran • Journal of Medical Education, Iran • Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Iran
• Qazvin Medical Journal, Iran
• Journal of Education and Development, Iran


• Third North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada 2011 • First International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Creating Space for Arts and Humanities in the Education of Health Professionals, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Social Science Perspectives on Health Professions Education, An International Symposium, Toronto, • ICES/CEU Conjoint Evaluative Sciences Rounds, Sunny Brook Hospital, Toronto, Canada 2011
• Best Practice in Education Rounds (B.P.E.R.), Center for Faculty Development, Toronto, Canada 2011
• Quantitative Data Collection A, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Portfolios, Toronto, Canada 2011 • IPE, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Quantitative Analysis Part A: Basic Statistics for Education Research, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Developing Skills as a Mentor, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Writing for Publication: tips for successfully publishing in medical education and health professions education journals, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Qualitative Analysis Part A: Grounded Theory, Toronto, Canada 2011 • Workshop on “Family Crisis Intervention as a Drug Abuse Prevention Strategy”, UNODC, Tehran, Iran, • Second International Workshop on Evidence-Based Health Care, Tabriz, Iran, 2008 • First International Workshop on Evidence-Based Health Care, Tabriz, Iran, 2007 • Knowledge Translation and Exchange, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2007 * References are available upon request


Microsoft word - novorapid pi v25 mar 2012.doc

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Revista de ciencias médicas la habana

HOSPITAL GENERAL DOCENTE”LEOPOLDITO MARTÍNEZ”. SAN JOSÉ DE LAS LAJAS PESQUISA DE DISFUNCIÓN ERÉCTIL EN TRABAJADORES DE ETECSA Dr. Generoso Torres Fuentes1, Dra. Belkis Brito Herrera2 1. Especialista de I grado en Urología. Profesor Asistente. Master en Longevidad 2. Especialista de I grado en MGI y Pediatría. Profesor Instructor. Master en Atención Se realizó un estu

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