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Hutchison china meditech ("chi-med") (aim: hcm)

China Biotech In Review: Chindex Buys Israeli Laser Company For $240 Million
Shanghai Fosun Pharma (SH: 600196; HK: 02196), Chindex (NSDQ: CHDX) and a private equity partner willspend up to $240 million to buy 95.6% of an Israeli medical device company, Alma Lasers (see story). Alma,which had revenues of about $100 million last year, makes lasers and other products, primarily for aestheticprocedures. Fosun said the investment represented a growing internationalization of its operations.
Ascletis, a China-US drug developer, in-licensed China rights to a next-generation HIV protease inhibitor fromJanssen R&D Ireland, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) (see story). Janssen believes the drug,known as TMC310911, is likely to prove more effective against drug-resistant strains of HIV than currentlyavailable PIs. The molecule is the third drug candidate in-licensed by Ascletis, which is also developing its ownsiRNA anti-cancer drug candidate.
Zhejiang Huahai Pharma (SHA: 600521) offered 63.3 million shares at a price of 12.25 RMB each, raising $126million in a secondary offering. It will use the capital to build a new $240 million manufacturing facility for Diovan(valsartin) and other solid preparations for export. Diovan is an angiotensin receptor blocker that dilates bloodvessels and is used to treat high blood pressure.
3SBio (NSDQ: SSRX) rescheduled the shareholders vote on a controversial take-private offer (see story). Themeeting is now scheduled to take place on May 24, 2013. The original meeting was cancelled after thetake-private bid was raised from $15.40 per ADS to $16.70. The increased bid surfaced amid allegations that3SBio's management discouraged still-higher offers.
In an exclusive interview with ChinaBio? Today, Richard Soll, PhD, Senior Vice President of Integrated Servicesat WuXi AppTec (NYSE: WX), said WuXi considers all its clients to be partners (see story). The businessrelationship can take different forms, depending on the situation. But he declared, "Every deal is a form ofpartnership, no matter how large or small it is." OrbusNeich, a Hong Kong-headquartered cardiovascular devicemaker, won a patent suit over stent technology in Germany against Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) (see story).
Boston Scientific vowed to appeal the ruling while OrbusNeich is carrying the patent fight into Ireland, theNetherlands and the European Union.
Li Ka-Shing, the richest man in Asia, gave $31 million to Oxford University in England to fund a new drugdiscovery and healthcare delivery institute. Mr. Li founded the Hutchison Whampoa conglomerate, which is thecorporate parent of Hutchison Chi-Med, one of China's leading innovative pharmas. Great Britain is matching hisgift with another $31 million of funding. When complete, the center will be the working home for 600 biologists,chemists, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers and clinical scientists.
In an emergency declaration, China's Ministry of Finance allocated $48.6 million in an effort to control the spreadof the H7N9 avian flu. The money will fund efforts to monitor cases of H7N9 infection, influenza-like illnesses,severe acute respiratory infection and unexplained pneumonia. Separately, the Ministry of Human Resources andSocial Security ordered medical insurance programs to cover more medicine and services for people infectedwith H7N9, reducing the financial burden on patients.
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Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36 (2006) 674–682Xenobiotic response in Drosophila melanogaster: Sex dependence ofGae¨lle Le Goffa,b,Ã, Fre´de´rique Hillioub, Blair D. Siegfriedc, Sam Boundya, Eric Wajnbergb,Luc Soferb, Pascaline Audantb, Richard H. ffrench-Constanta, Rene´ FeyereisenbaDepartment of Biology

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N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 3 Members of the Dermatological Drugs in Pregnancy Division of Dermatology By MOHAMMED AL-HADDAB, MD, DENIS SASSEVILLE, MD, FRCPC Three percent of all children born in the United States have a major structural malforma- tion that is detectable at birth1 and at least 10% of birth defects are thought to result from maternal drug exposure.2 The approach of the

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