Mais les résultats doivent être attendus longtemps et il n'y a généralement pas de temps azithromycine prix L'autre cas, c'est que l'achat d'un ou d'un autre antibiotique dans une pharmacie classique nécessite des dépenses matérielles considérables et pas toutes les personnes ne peuvent acheter des produits pharmaceutiques aussi coûteux.
California right to life education fund
P.O. Box 4343, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4343
E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Established 1981 September 2011 WHO-Approved Drug Promises
Another concern is that use of misoprostol causes birth
Life, and Death
misoprostol is used for abortion, the risk of birth defects increases, most commonly causing clubfoot,
By authorizing the use of a single drug, the World
cranial nerve abnormalities, and absence of the fingers.
Health Organization has simultaneously raised hopes for saving thousands of mothers’ lives and raised fears
When used to reduce post-partum hemorrhaging, pro-
that the drug will also be used to kill perhaps millions
life physician Joe DeCook says misoprostol is a
of unborn children. Misoprostol is used to help stop
“wonder drug” since it does not have to be refrigerated
bleeding during delivery, the main cause of maternal
or injected in non-sterile, rural environments. “But it’s
deaths, but it can also be used to induce at-home
like morphine. It can be used for good or for evil.”
abortions, which are very dangerous, particularly in rural areas that lack primary or emergency medical
Other physicians are even more skeptical. Maternal
Life International (MLI) advised the WHO that approving the drug outside the hospital setting sets a
double standard. “Women in resource limited settings
use of the drug by unskilled personnel and that
are expected to give birth with unskilled or semi-
nd Gynuity Health Projects, the organization
skilled birth attendants,” MLI’s Dr. George Mulcaire-
which sought the drug’s approval, advocate the use of
Jones said, “This fact alone leads to higher maternal
misoprostol for abortion outside the hospital setting.
and infant mortality rates than those in developed countries” and gives women “the false assurance that
WHO says its “work over the past three decades has
contributed significantly to the emergence and wide acceptance of the current recommended regime” of
A quarter of all medical abortions fail and require
medical abortion, according to one of its
medical attention in a hospital setting, DeCook said,
WHO has trained midwives throughout the developing
and after seven weeks, risks to the life of the mother
world to perform abortions in order to eliminate the
increase dramatically. “They may be able to show a
need for physicians, the report says. In Vietnam alone,
decrease in the number of maternal mortalities because
the trials included 1,734 women, and its misoprostol-
they will decrease the number of deliveries by
induced abortions are conduced up to 63 days, WHO
abortion,” DeCook said, “but they will have no idea
how many women will die in their wake.”
Gynuity is working to mainstream the use of misoprostol for self-induced abortions. According to a
Do you know someone who might
he organization works at the community level to cast self-induced abortion in a
be considering abortion?
positive light, and to “oppose legislation introduced at
Make sure they get the facts first!
the state or federal level that furthers the concept of fetal personhood.”
A LIFE depends on it… 1-800-395-HELP (4357)
The WHO’s decision is similar to Federal Drug Administration approval in the U.S., ensuring that the drug is legitimized for use without a doctor and that it will be stocked in pharmacies all over the world.
Celebrity Stem Cell Surgery
The researchers note that the adult stem cell treatment improves skin and lung function in these patients for
Texas Governor Rick Perry Uses Own
up to 2 years (the length of the current study) and is
Adult Stem Cells for Back Surgery
preferable to the current standard of care. The new report is accompanied by a commentary by
In early July Texas Governor Rick Perry had surgery
Farge and Gluckman that says the Burt et al. study
to treat a recurring injury of spinal fusion and nerve
provides “the best data to date for transplantation in
decompression. The procedure involved the use of
scleroderma,” and “despite the small number of
patients and short follow-up of ASSIST, the findings of this trial are important for patients with systemic
Perry underwent an experimental injection of his own
sclerosis, the medical community, and policy makers.”
stem cells in a treatment that is not yet approved by the FDA because of its
Adult stem cells are improving health and
use of adult stem cells to treat patients
saving lives for thousands of people every year.” - David Prentice
Adult stem cells are helping patients now.
David Prentice of family Research Council stated:
“it is encouraging that Gov. Perry would make public
his treatment with his own stem cells. Adult stem cells are improving health and saving lives for thousands of people every year.”
Around the Office Adult Stem Cells Helping Patients Last Hurrah of Summer – With schools starting in
mid-August, our youthful volunteers, recently returned
With Scleroderma Skin Disease
from the annual “Survivors Boot Camp”
thered for the August mall table on a Friday afternoon in early August. It was a very
Dr. Richard Burt and colleagues at Northwestern
busy afternoon; lots of people stopped by the table and
University have just published a new study in The
talked and picked up literature, bumper stickers,
Lancet that provides more evidence for the success of
buttons, bookmarks and the ever-popular precious
adult stem cell transplant in treating system sclerosis
preborns and precious feet pins. We arrived with an
overly full suitcase of materials as well as a carry all bag, and left with a suitcase that had a good deal of
The autoimmune disease causes rigidity in the skin and
organs, including lungs, of its victims; it exerts its fatal influence by essentially turning them to stone. Napa County Fair -The following Thursday we
Ten patients were treated with their own adult stem
received a frantic call from our “Napa County
cells, and all improved at or before 12 months after
Outpost.” They were setting up an information table
treatment, compared with zero of the nine patients that
for Life at the Napa County fair and only had two
received cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapeutic agent
bumper stickers. Fortunately we had a nice supply, and
considered the “standard of care” for this disease.
were able to bring them almost 250 various bumper
None of the adult stem cell-treated patients had their
stickers to “spread the word” at the Napa County Fair
disease worsen, while 8 of the 9 chemo-treated patients
showed worsening, and eventually 7 of the chemo
patients switched to the adult stem cell treatment.
These two events totally depleted our supply of several items, including 2” buttons and bumper stickers.
Fortunately one of our suppliers was having a sale, and
Support CA Right to Life
we ordered $500 of supplies to replenish, as well as more awareness bracelets, and other much needed
Educational Fund through
supplies. Because of the sale, we were able to get over
workplace campaigns!
$1,100 worth of materials for our $500 expenditure. A special thank you to all our recent donors…. your
Along with September bringing the start of the school
ongoing support makes it possible for us to have a
year, we also turn our thoughts to the annual payroll
cupboard full of materials for emergencies like the
deduction charity giving campaigns. Please consider
designating California Right to Life Educational Fund as one of your charities for 2012. We rely solely on
Also a super-special thank you to our youth for their
private individuals donations for our ongoing support.
awesome efforts at the information tables for life.
Payroll donations make up over 25% of our income
Several of them will be going off to college out of the
and provide the much needed steady flow of funding
area and will be missed, however we know they will be
“Evangelizing for Life” wherever their paths may lead.
If you or a friend or family member are in the U.S.
40 Days for Life
Military, a federal civilian employee, or employed by the postal service, please consider contributing to
September 28 – November 6, 2011
California Right to Life Educational Fund through the Combined Federal Campaign.
As you are aware, 40 Days for Life is a POWERFUL way to save lives in your community. Over just the last
Our CFC number is 49743
four years, your prayers and participation have contributed to amazing results around the world:
Corporate employees may donate through the United Way campaign; if we are not specifically listed in
* 400,000 participants have joined in prayer and
your brochure, ask your on-site campaign coordinator
fasting, peaceful vigil, and grassroots outreach
for more information on how to write California Right
to Life Educational Fund in as a donor designated
* 1,332 individual campaigns have taken place in 387
cities across all 50 American states and 10 countries
Please share this information with coworkers, family,
* Reports document 4,313 lives spared from abortion -
and friends who share the vision to educate, counsel,
and those are just the ones we know about
and protect all innocent human life from fertilization to
* 53 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
Contact our office 925-944-5351 if you would like
materials for your company campaign or a speaker for
* 14 abortion facilities have completely shut down
your events. We are also available by e-mail at:
following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
The Fall 40 Days for Life campaign September 28-November 6 will be the biggest ever! Over 296 locations will take part in the next 40 Days for Life Campaign. There are 46 first-time campaigns – including locations in Puerto Rico, Argentina and Germany. Other Upcoming Events WHO IS CALIFORNIA RIGHT TO LIFE?
This is the newsletter of California Right to LifeEducation
generally 2:00 to 3:30 pm. For info on the National
Fund, a 501-c-3 organization established to educate the public
about pro-life issues. Donations to the EDUCATION FUND
are tax-deductible and can be sent to P.O. Box 4343, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-0343.
Dunn, is looking for additional site coordinators. Please call 530-674-5068 or email Royce at
California Right to Life Committee, Inc. is a501-c-4
organization providing information on legislative issues affecting the right to life, and pro-life political advocacy.
First Ever Historic INTERNATIONAL Pro-Life CRLC, Inc. is not permitted, under IRS regulations, to offer a tax deduction for donations. $24.99 annually is requested Youth Conference November 11-13, 2011, in Los
for a subscription to the CRLC legislative email updates list
Angeles. Speakers include Father Pavone, Pastor
and can be sent to 1920 Monument Blvd #309, Concord, CA
Walter Hoye, and Lila Rose! See their website for all the details.
Both are affiliates of American Life League, headed by Judie
Saturday - January 21, 2012 – 8th Annual Walk for
Brown, and share the same “no-exceptions, no excuses” beliefs and the same dedication to promoting the Culture of
Life. Mark your calendars now (if you haven’t already)
Life, respecting all innocent human life from the single-cell
for the largest gathering of Pro-Lifers on the West
For the latest and most up to date listing of activities and events happening in your area.
SIXTH REPORT OF THE ANIMAL WELFARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 2002 ANIMAL WELFARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1) This is the sixth report of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) established in July 1996. The terms of reference (Annex A) are those approved by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The Committee reports to the MOD Chief Scientific Adviser, however, as an advisory non-de
1.- El derecho en general. Concepto. Aspectos subjetivos y objetivos. 2.-Derecho positivo: Derecho público y privado. Diferencias. Ramas del derecho. Derecho natural. Moral y derecho. 3.- El Derecho Civil. Relación con las restantes ramas del derecho. 4.-Fuentes del derecho: la ley, la jurisprudencia (unificación de jurisprudencia), la doctrina, la costumbre. 5.- El Código Civil. Sus fuentes